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Assignment for Research Methods for Business

NAME: Bhavya Bharti

ROLL No.: GM19049


Q-1 You have collected a data of 200 employees of HCL to determine level of employee
satisfaction. What steps will you take to prepare raw data for final data analysis?

---- Step that I will take to prepare raw data for final data analysis are as follow:

1. Checking of Questionnaire: checking of questionnaire involves eliminating

unacceptable questionnaires. The question that are incomplete, missing answer, the
questionnaire that is made is according to the topic on which you want the result or
respondent not qualified this all things should be checked.
2. Editing the response: The response which we have collect we need to check it once
and remove incomplete, inconsistent and ambiguous answers.
3. Coding: Coding is giving numeric codes to answers on excel that do not already have
them so that statistical we can be applied.
4. Transcribing: Transcribing data involves transferring data that we have coded into
spss software or any other software so as to make it accessible for further processing.
5. Statistical adjustments: Statistical adjustments applies to data that requires
weighting and scale transformations by using any software we apply different type of
6. Interpretation of Result: This is the last step in which we do interpretation of the
result after applying the test. here we have do determine the level of satisfaction of
employee of HCL, so after the result we can see weather employee are satisfied or
unsatisfied at HCL.
Q-2 An university professor wanted to analyze in depth the reasons for absenteeism of
employees in organizations. Fortunately, a company named Voltas within 20 miles of the
campus employed her as a consultant to study reasons for absenteeism of its employees.
Discuss with reasons whether this research fall into the category of applied or basic research.

------ It is a BASIC RESEARCH

Reason: It is Basic research because university professor wants to generate a body of

knowledge by trying to comprehend how certain problems that cause an absenteeism
can be solved. university professor may be interested in investigating the factors that
contribute to absenteeism for this basic research is conducted.

Q. 3: Case of Patanzali

1. You are required to read the results and interpret the results so that Patanzali can take

Model Summary

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the


1 .425 .681 .262 26.44501

From the model summary we interpret that the R value represents the simple correlation and
is .425 (the "R" Column), which indicates a low degree of correlation. The R2 value (the
"R Square" column) indicates how much of the total variation in the dependent

variable,  sales , can be explained by the independent variable,  advertisemet In this case, .
681 can be explained, which is Good because higher the R-squared the better the models
fit data.

Model Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.

Regression 6931.520 1 6931.520 9.912 .003b
Residual 31470.236 45 699.339
Total 38401.757 46

This table indicates that the regression model predicts the dependent variable significantly
well. Here, p < 0.003, which is less than 0.05, and indicates that, overall, the regression
model statistically significantly predicts the outcome variable (i.e., it is a good fit for the


Model Unstandardized CoefficientsStandardized t Sig.


B Std. Error Beta

(Constant) 35.970 21.578 1.667 .102

Advertisement Expenses .127 .040 .425 3.148 .003

a. Dependent Variable: Sales in million)

The Coefficients table provides us with the necessary information to predict sales from

advertisement, as well as determine whether advertisement contributes statistically
significantly to the model.
Q-5 A scientist wants to know if children from divorced parents score differently in their high
school board examination than children from non divorced parents. Question: Which
statistical test will be appropriate to test the hypothesis in this case? Provide justification for
your selection.



The t-test is used to compare the values of the means from two samples and test whether
it is likely that the samples are from populations having different mean values. The above
mentioned case is also same. The two samples are

1. children from divorced parents

2. children from non divorced parents.

And we are tryong to find out that weather children from divorced parents score differently in
their high school board examination than children from non divorced parents.

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