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NATIONAL STANDARD OF THE PEOPLE’ S REPUBLIC OF CHINA He Ae A BR Fe A Bl BB aR bin HE Code for Design of Timber Structures A Sa Ha it BL GB 5000s — 2003 (HX Ww) Edited by: Ministry of Construction of People’s Republic of China Approved hy: Ministry of Construction of People’s Republic of China Executing Date: January 1.2004 China Architecture & Building Press FARR chine 2003 Beijing NOTICE The code is wntten in Chinese and English. The Chinese text shall be taken as the ruling one in the event of any inconsistency between the Chinese text and the English text Ministry of Construction, the People’s Republic of China ANNOUNCEMENT No. 189 11 is hereby to notify thatthe Code for Design of Timber Structures is approved as a national stan= dard as GBS000S—2003.. This code has been in force since January 1,2004. In this code, Clauses 3.12, 3.1.8, 3.101, 3.113, 3.3.1, 4.2.1, 4.2.9, 715, 7.264, 7.5.1, 7.5.10, 7.6.3, 8.1.2, 8.2.2, 10.2.1, 10.3.1, 10.4.1, 10.4.2, 10.4.3, 11.0.1 and 11.0.3 are mandatory clauses, which must be strely implemented. The former Code for Design of Timer Struc= tures of GBIS—88 is superseded at that tine. ‘The Research Insitute of Standand and Norms hus entrsied the China Architecture & Building Press to publish this code. Ministry of Construction, the People’s Republic of China October 26, 2003, Preface The China Southwest Architectural Design & Research Institute and the Sichuan Architectural Sei entific Research Institute in conjunction with appropriate organizations revised this code hesed upon GBIS—88 Code for Design of Timber Structures in accordance with the Construction of Ministry's De- creed [1999]No.37 of architectural regulations. Duting the revision, the code committee investigated and studied extensively, had monographic sussions, summarized and absorbed expenence and advanced technology of designs and applications in the national and international timber structure, consulted relevant international standanls and recog nized codes and standards used in other counties. This eode was finalized ater extensive consultation vith related orga tions and discussions and amendments ‘There are totally 11 chapters and 16 appendices in this revised version . Major revisions are as fol- lows: 1. To adjust the reliability index for timber structures based on the revised edition of Unified Standard for Reliability Design of Building Structures and Load Code for the Design of Building Struc- ures 2. To add design requirements on imported timbers, derivation of strength design value for im- ported dimension lumber and major ponts of ficld ~ grading and main characteristics of timbers 3. To revise and complement part of calculation on members of timber structures 4. To add truss plate joints in connection of timber structures; 5. To make some revisions and complements on the glued laminated timber structures, which constitutes this code as an independent chapter; 6. To add a section of light wood frame construction, with each chapter to be set up for common timber structures and light wood timber structures; 7. To establish a chapter for fire protection of timber structures in light of the characteristics of timber structures 8. To get such preservations from decey and insect attack made up this code as one chapter If partial rexisions are made in the future, notifications of the revised clauses will be published in the magazine Standarduntion of Engineering Construction ‘The mandatory clauses in this code are printed in bold, and must be strictly implemented ‘The Ministry of Construction is responsible for administration and explanation of mandatory clauses of this code, while the China Southwest Architectural Design & Research Institute is responsible for ex planation of specific technical contents of this code. In execution of the code, any organizations could send the comments or recommendations to the national committee on Code for Design of Timber Struc- tures at the China Southwest Architectural Design & Research Institute (8 West Xinghui Road, Cheng- du 610081; ¢~ mail: xaymj@ mail se. Chief editorial units: China Southwest Architectural Design & Research Insitute Sichuan Architectural Scientific Research Institute Participating units: Harbin Institute of Technology ‘Chongqing University ‘Sichuan Fire Protection Scientific Research Insititute of the Ministry of Public Security Sichuan University Sizhow Institute of Science and Technology Chief drafting staffs: Lin Ying Wang Yongwci Jiang Shoushi Chen Zhengsiang Gu Tianchun Huang Shaoyin Fan Chengmou Wang Weiyun Liang Tan Zhang Xinpei Yang Xuebing Xu Fang Ni Chun Yu Peiming Zhou Shurong Long Weiguo 1 General --~ 2° Definitions and Symbots 241 Definitions 2.2. Symbols 3) Materials 3.1 Timber 3.2. Stoel 3.3 Stmetural glues“ 4 Basie Design Stipulations ~ 4.1 Design principles 4.2 Design index and allowable values ~ 5S Calculation for Members of Timber Structures 5.1 Axial tension members & axial compression members =" 5.2 Bending members ~ 5.3 Bending combined with tension members & bending combined with 8 20 20 2 + 26 29 29 30 31 compression members vss 6 Calculation for Fastenings in Timber Structures 6.1 Step joints 6.2 Bolted connections & nailed joints 6.3 Truss plates o> 7 Sawn and Round Timber Structures ~ 7.1 General requirements 7.2 Wood-based roof covenngs & timber beams - 7.3. Trusses “+ 7.4 Skylights ~~ 7.5. Bracings 7.6 Anchorage» 8 Glued Laminated Timber Structures 8.1 General ~ 8.2 Design of members 8.3. Requirements of design construction + 9 Light Wood Frame Construction 9.1 General requirements 9.2. Design requirements 9.3. Construction requirements 9.4 Design of beams, columns and foundations + +33) 10 Fire Protection of Timber Structures ~ 10.1 General 10.2 Combustibility & fire-resistance ratings of building members +10 10.3 Stories, length & areas of buildings 10.4 Fire distance ~~ ” 10.5 Combustibility of materials 10.6 Garmge ; 10.7 Heating & venti 10.8 Stoves 10.9 Skylights ov+rs seer snes 10.10. Enclosed space ~ 11 Preservation of Timber Structures - Appendix A Limitations of Grades for Timber Used in Loadbearing Structures Appendix B Design Requirements of Timber From New Species Group Used in [opiibaling Sitacuase -ifrine Appendix C Testing Standards of Timber Strength +--+ Appendix D_ Requirements of Inspection & Maintenance of Timber Structures, Appendix E Testing Standards of Adhesive Power eeeeneeene sete Appendix F Technological Requirements of Gluing Appendix G Names of Timber & Main Charactoritios of Commonly Used ‘Timber in This Code Appendix H Field ldemtfication & Main Characteristics of Main Imported Timber ~~ Appendix J Conversions of Design Values of Strength for Visually Stress-graded Imported Dimention Lumber Appendix K Stability Factors of Axial Compression Member ‘Appendix L Calculation of Lateral Stbility of Bending Members ‘Appendix M_ Test Key Points & Determination of Design Values of Bearing Capacity of Truss Plates °° . Appendix N Relevant Requirements of Light Wood Frame Construction +++ Appendix P of Resistance to Lateral Forces for Floors & Roofs in Light Wood Frame Construction Appendix Q Design of Resistance to Lateral Forces for Shear Wall in Light Wood Frame Construction vv ssstesssseesesrerns Appendix R- Combustibility & Fire-resistance Ratings of Building Members of All Kinds Explanation of Wording in This Code -- setae 1 General 1.0.1 This ende is enacted, in the design of timber structures, to carry out the national policies on technology and economy, to ensure security and safety and health for people, to protect environment and to secure the public wealth. 1.0.2. The code is adopted for design of loadbearing timber structures. 1.0.3 The design principle of this code is on the basis of national stanolard: Unified Standard for Reliability Design of Building Construction (GBS0068) 1.0.4 Loudbearing timber structure should be used for @ building with normal temperature and mois- ture. Timber structures without fire-retardant treatment shall not be used in a building that is suscepti ble to fire. Timber stn ployed for a place where is subject to frequent moisture and with poor ventilation 1s without treatment of damp proof and decay preservation shall not em= 1.0.5 On one condition of ensunng construction quality, tree species. fast-growing trees, for exam- ple.may gradually be utilized to a larger extent 1.0.6 In addition to this code, the design of timber structures shall also be performed in conformity with relevant current national compulsory standards 2 Definitions and Symbols 2.1, Definitions 2.1.1 timber structure A structure which is made mainly of timber. 2.1.2 log ‘Trunk of a tree that has been cut down without barks, branches and tre-tips 2.1.3. sawn lumber Produced or semi-produced wood of any dimensions that has been sewn from logs 2.1.4 square timber Sawn lumber that has been sawn at sight angles, rectangle (including square) sections 2.1.5 plank Reotangular sawn lumber with its width three times greater then or equal to thickness. 2.1.6 dimention lumber Standardized lumber manufactured according to a set of specified dimensions (thickness th a ratio of width to thickness less than 3 and width) and the requirements of design for light wood frame construction 2.1.7 glued lumber ‘A general name for shaped and paneled timber thet is pressed by bonding wood together: 2.1.8 mwnsture content of wood A percentage generally indicating mass of water contained in mass of dryness. 2.1.9 parallel to grain Direction of grain of a timber member is same as length of a member 2.1.10 perpendicular to grain Direction of grain of « timber member is normal to length of a member. 2.111 at an angle to gran Direction of grain of a timber member is at an angle to length of « member. 2.1.12 glued lauminated timber (Glulam) ‘A wood product that is made by bonding laminating stocks whose thickness not exceeding 45mm 2.1.13 sewn and round timber structures Loadbearing members which are single-storey or multi-sloried timber structures consisting of sawn timber or round timber. 2.1.14 light wood frame construction ‘An assembly of wall, floor and roof of wood members that consists of dimension lumber and wood- based panel oF gypsum board for a single-storey or muli-storied building 2118 stud 2 Vertical bearing fame members aranged at a certain intervals within walling of light wood frame construction 2.1.16 visually stress-graded lumber ‘A method of grading on timber by eyes. 2.1.17 machine stress-roted lumber A non-destructive test for timber with « machine stress testing device, which determines the trades for timber based on bending strength and modulus of elasticity 2.1.18 truss plate ‘Steel plate that is punched « light gauge metal plate on one side with teeth protruding to be con- nected with joints of light trusses oF for elongation of tensile members 2.1.19 wood:-based structuraluse panels Loadbearing panels, including structural plywood and oriented strand board, which are adhesive manufactured by raw materials such as veneer lumber, wood flakes and wood chips. 2.1.20 shear wall of light wood frame construction Walling on which the wond-based structural-use pane! or gypsum board is used and whose studs made of dimention lumber. It bears the horizontal and vertical forees 2.2 Symbols 2.2.1 action and action effect N—design value of axial forces Ny—design value of tension which a safety bolt bears; M—design value of moments M,&M,——sdesign value of moment at axis x and axis y of a member's section: Mo—design value of maximum initial moment in mid-span acted by transverse load V—shearing design values © ma 8'd nj —design value of bending stress at axis x and axis y of a member's sections w——deflection calculated based on standard combination of load effects 10, 8u,—deflection calculated based on standard combination of load effect at axis = and ans 7 along member's section; 2.2.2 material property & structural design index E—nmodulus of el fo—esign value of compression resistance and compression strength parallel to grains ity parallel to grains Sao —design value of compression al an angle 1 grains Ja—design value of bending resistance strengths ‘f—design value of tension resistance strength parallel to grain; ‘Se—design value of shear resistance strength parallel to grain; [@]—dellection limit value of a member in flexure s [1N,}—design value of bearing capacity of each shear section connected by bolts or nails loaded 3 parallel to grain 2.2.3. geometric parameters A~—gross cross-sectional areas Ag—net area of cross-sections Ag—ealculating aren of cross-section of compressive member: A. —area of bearing planes b—width of cross sections 6,—width of shearing section: d—diameter of bolt or n o— inital eccentricity of members eight of cross sect ‘hg—net height of cross section at notch of member in flexure: ‘1— inertial moment of gross section; i—-radius of gyration; calculated length of compression member: S—area moment of sectional area to neutral aus over the shear sections by W—resistance moment of gross cross-section; W,—resistance moment of net cross-section; Way & Way—resistance moment of net section elong axis x and aus y: 2—an included angle between top chord and botiom chord or an included angle between the direction of foree and direction of grains A—slendemess ratio. 2.2.4 calculating coefficients and others 9—sabilty factor of axial compression members Gi —Hateral stability factor of member in Mexures a—reduction factor of composite action of axial force and initial moments j-—stability factor determined based upon slendemess ratio when axial strut perpendicular to yy direction: ‘iy —strength reduction factor obtained due to non-uniform distribution of shear stress along Tength of shear section; k,—caleulatng factor of design bearing capacity connected by bolts and nails 3 Materials 3.1. Timber 3.1.1 Timber for loadbearing structures includes log, sawn lumber (i.e. square timber, plank and dimension lumber) and glued kumber. Timber such as log, square Iumber and plank is classified in three grades for sawn and round timber structures three grades for glued lumber members: and seven grades for dimension lumber used in light wood frame construction 3.1.2 In design of sawn and round timber structures, timber grades shall be chosen properly on the basis of the main purpose of members as required in Table 3.1.2. ‘Table3.1.2_Gendes for sawn and round timber structures no Main Purposes “Timber Grades 1__|__ Tension member or combined bending and axial tension member 1 2 | Bending member oF combined bending and axial compresion member 1 3 | Compresion member or secondary beading member (e.g. suopeaded Jost] qt, 3.1.3 Log, square lumber and plank that are used in sawn and round timber structures ean be visu ally-groded. Standards of grading shall conform to Appendix A herein and shall not be substituted by ‘grading for commercial timber products. 3.1.4 Timber which is used for sawn and round timber structures shall be chosen from species sroups in Tables 4.2.1-1 and 4.2.1-2 outlined herein. Coniferous species shall be used for main losdbearing members: and herd broadleaf wood, which is of fine and straight grain, no knots, no other defects and decay resistance, shall be adopted for important jointing members. 3.1.5 When using new species to be loadbearing members, the design should be com pendix B herein specified. ‘The preservative treatment and inseets resistance shall be done for fast- with Ape growing woods. 3.1.6 In the event of imported timber used available in timber structures, the following rules shall be obeyed 1a, Select wood species with litle natural defects and defects resulting from dryness and good de- cay-resistance. b. Each piece of timber to which has heen attached a tabel or other identifying mark acceptable and grading clesifietion with descriptions, thet indicates compliance with the Chinese regulations of commodities inspection. A certificate showing no holes of live borers shall be also attached to timber imported from the tropical regions c. Imported timbers shall be labelled in Chinese, and stored in onder according to nations, grades and sizes. In no case shall the timbers be mixed together. During the period of storage, precautions shall be taken against fungi, decay and insects 44. The principle of “using after testing” shall be strictly insisted on, provided that woods are available at first time. Timber shall not be used without test. 3.1.7 Testing standards as described in Appendix C shall be applied to test on strength of losdbear- ing timber if necessary. 3.1.8 In design of glued structural members, grades shall be determined according to Table 3.1.8 based upon member applications and locations. Table 3.1.8 Grades for glued tmber structures No Main Purposes Grades | __ Arrangement Map 1 | Terson member or combined bending and axial tenon | i member 7 2 | Compresion member (erctang top chord and arch of | or tus) "Top chord and arch of trios, and glued Beams with S hight not more than Stn By ANS 3 | (a) 0.1h for each top and bottom edge, a member and | Uy. OR he board not es than two layers Ni’ 3 (1b) er parts h ‘Ghued beams with a height more than 500mm (2) 0.14 around the tensile edge of beam and the board | I, sot les ham no ayers Bn & 4 | (b)0.14-0.28 away from the tensile edge h “Oe {cl 0.1% round the compresdve edge andthe board not |g, ae less than wo lagers 7 (4) eter parts Pa {aceral web plate hea a ag | (2) Range pate ern h () Range plate to compression a (el web pate 1 3.1.9 Standards of selection the formed to Appendix A given herein. 3.1.10. For light wood frame construction, the applications of wood-based structural panels, timber Lejoits end structural composite lumber shall meet the rules showing below: ‘8, Wood-based structural-use panels, including structural plywoods and oriented strandboards, that are used for sheathing of roof, floor and wall shall satisfy the requirements stipulated in 6850206, Code for Consiruction Quality Acceptance of Timber Structures and other relevant standards. label or 6 provided, to be graded visually for glued timber shall be con- «an identifying mark acceptable shall be attached to imported wood-based structural-use panels, and de- scriptions about thickness and service conditions of panel products shall be affiliated . The strength and manufacturing of timber I-joists used for floor and roof shall fulfill the rele- vant requirements, If no such kind of standards in China, the intemational standards and other ones acceptable may be met. A label or a marking, and instructions acceptable shall be ettached to umport- cd timber Ljoits ‘e. The strength of structural csimposite umber inclading laminated veneer lumber and laminated strand lumber that are used for beams and columns shall meet the relevant requirements of standards. If tno such kind of standards in China, the intemational standards and other ones acceptable may be car~ ried out. A label or a marking, and instructions acceptable shall be attached to imported structural ‘composite lumber. 3.1.11 In design of light wood frame construction, lumber grades shall be chosen property on ‘the basis of the main purpose of members as required in table 3.1.11. ‘Table 3.1.11 Grades of dimension lumber for Uh wood frame construction No. ‘Main Purposes ‘Grades 1 Ie J] Member ohh strength and rst, and of 00d appearance 7 13 | Members of high strength and righty, and of ordinary appearance I. 4 | Members of high strength and rigidity, and of no requirement on appearance We 5 | swas ve 6 We Members except for the above-mentioned purposes 7 7 < 3.1.12 Visual grading which is adopted for dimension lumber used in light wood frame construction shall be complied with the standards as presented in Appendix A herein 3.1.13 When producing the structural members, the moisture content of wood shall meet the following requirements: a. For on-site producing log or square timber, the moisture content shall not exceed 25% . . The moisture content for plank and dimension lumber shall not be more than 20% . . The moisture content for connection plate of tensile member shall be less than 18% . 4. The moisture content for connection plates shall not exceed 15% . ‘e. The moisture content for glued laminated timber structures shall not be more than 15%, and a difference of not exceeding 5% of the moisture content between each lamination in ‘one member shall be made available, 3.1.14 Provided producing log or square timber with moisture content exceeding the re outlined in Clause 3.1.13 herein owing to restrictions, the following rules shall be fulfilled : ‘a. Calculation and construction shall be in compliance with the requirement relating to wet tim bers 7 . Round steel should be used for tension web membe of trusses and is easy to adjust \ ©. Shaped steel or round steel may be pro- 1 vided for bottom chord of trusses. Log or square timber in a manner of “cutting through center” <= should be determined once the timber bottom @ o chord is available (see Figure 3.1.14) d. The wet timber shall not be manufac- tured for plank structures and connection plates of Figure 3.1.14 square timber of “cutng through center” the tension members. ¢. Inspection and maintenance shall be performed after completion of a building or a structure, that may be followed as presented in Appendix D 3.2. Steel 3.2.1 Steel which is used for the loadbearing timber structures shall be Q235 steel as stipalated in GB700, Carbon Structural Sveel. For the structures bearing the vibrating load and at a calculating tem- perature of lower than ~ 30°C , carbon structural steel named Q235 steel having Class D should be de- cided to use. 3.2.2 ‘The material for bolts shall he comply with the national standards in GBS782, Hexagonal Bolis— Class A & Class B and GBS780, Hexagonal Bolis— Class C. The properties of nails shall meet the relevant requirements of the current national standards. 3.2.3 The welding rods to weld together the steel members shall satisfy the national standards GBSI17, Welding Rods of Carbon Steel and GBSL18, Welding Rods of Low-alley Steel. The type of the welding rods shall be adaptable to the strength of steel mainly used 3.2.4 Steel which is used in londbearing timber structures shall be the guarantee of tensile strength, elongation rate, yield point, and contents of sulfur and phosphor. Welded members shall be guaran- teed the content of carbon, While the tie rod of steel/timber trusses atthe bottom chord having a diam- eter d exceeding 20mm, the cold hending test shall be qualified 3.3 Structural glues 3.3.1 Structural glue for loadbearing members shall ensure its strength higher than the shear strength parallel to grain and the tension strength perpendicular to grain. Water-resisting Property and durability of adhesiveness shall fulfll its purpose and duration of service, and shall be suitable to environmental protection. 3.3.2 Waterproofing adhesive shall be used for the structures and important buildings that are sub- ject to dampness. In addition to the factory-made certificate, the adhesive capability of structural glues for bearing structures shall be tested based upon Appendix E herein given prior to uiilization. 3.3.3. The techniques of glued laminated members may be performed ss set up in Appendix F. 4 Basic Design Stipulations 4.1 Design principles 4.1.1 The code adopts limit states design on the basis of the theory of probability. 4.1.2 The reliability of Timber structures shall be liable enough within the design working life re- ‘quired. The design reperence period is of SO years required in this code . 4.1.3 The design working life of timber structures shall be referred to Table 4.1.3. Table 4.1.3. design working We “Type design working fe Example 1 3 yeas “Temporary sirctures 2 25 years Smuctral members easy to be replaced 3 50 yeas ‘Ordinary buildings an! common eoemuctions 4 100 years ad above Nonumertal buildings end extremely important contractions 4.1.4 In accordance with the serious consequences of destruction, the structures are classified on three safety classes. ‘The safety classes may be determined accordingly as set up in Table 4.1.4 de- pending on specific conditions in design. Table 4.1.4 Safety classes for structures Safty Classes Consequence of Desttion ‘Type of Structures las A very sero Important strctres las B serions ordinary sructares lass © ot serous secondary stucires| NOTE; The safety clase for dhe building having special requirement shall be othervive dovied bated upon the specie conditions 4.1.5 The safety class of every member should be the same with the safety class of « whole siruc- ture. Part of members may be adjusted based upon the types of structures to be never ower than Class c. 4.1.6 For strength limited status design, design equation is expressed according to the basic combi- nation of load effects as follows: WS eR (4.1.6) where: 79 = importance factor of structures: ‘= design value of load effects under limit bearing capacity, calculated based on the national standard GB50009, Code for the Design of Building Structures = design value of bearing capacity of members 4.1.7 Importance factor ¥o ean be adopted based on the requirements below: 4, Structural members identified with a safety Class A and a 100-yesr-and-above design working Iife shall not be less than 1.1. Structural members identified with a safety Class A and over 100-year design working life shall not be lower than 1.2. b. Structural members identified with « safety Class B and « 50-year design working life shall not be less than 1.0 «Structural members identified with a safety Class C and a 5-year design working life shall not be lower than 0.9. Structural members identified with a 25-year design working life shall not be less than 0.95. 4.1.8 For service ailty limit states deflection equation is expressed according tothe standard combi- nation of lod effects as expressed below: Sec 4.1.8) Where: S = design value of loed effects in normal limit operation C= limit value of deformation required according to members in normal operation 4.1.9 Steel members in timber structures shall be designed to comply with the national standard GBS0017, Code for Design of Stel Structures 4.2, Design index and allowable values 4.2.1 Design index shall be required for timbers in sawn and round timber structures in ac cordance with the rules as follows: ‘a. For timbers in sawn and round timber structures, the strength grades of species groups shall be used as presented in Tables 4.2.1-1 and 4.2.1-2. ‘Table 4.2.1-1 Strength grades for coniferous trees Strength Gro les ps Species Appliable ren A cypress, longleaf pine, slash pine, Western Larch B northeast larch, Scotch pine, European larch e hemlock, Keteleeria, yellow eypress, Douglas f-larch, Western hemlock, ets seater pas B P. Jezoenss, southwest spruce, Merks pine i (Chinese pine, Sinkiang torch, Yunnan pine, massan pine, lodgepole pine, Tamarack, Maritime pine Ten - red spruce, ljlang spruce, P. sylvestris, Korean Pine, Sitka spruce, Pinus Kornfensis, European spruce, Englemann sprace, Jack pine : northwest spruce, Siklang spruce, ponderosa pine, sprace-pine-fir, hem-fir, Ten eastern hemlock, Chinese flr B fir, fast-growing fr, fast-growing massoa pine, New Zealand radiata plne 10 b.On the normal conditions, the design values of strength of timber and modulus of elas- ticity shall be obtained from Table 4.2.1-3. On consideration of different service conditions, the design values of strength and modulus of elasticity shall multiply the adjustment factor re- quested in Table As for varied design service duration, the design values of strength and modulus of elasticity shall be multiplied by the adjustment factor requested in Table 4.2..1- 5. Table 4,2.1-2 Strength pres for broalet tees Strength Species Applicable Grades ech, Tanonk, Mengris, Kapar, Selangsu barn, Kerlng, greenhart, perpleeart, Jatoba, 70 | aba Toi7_| oak, atoms, Sapele, Androbs, Manniball THis | _chinguptn, birch, Velow merand, Marsava, Chinese ah, red Iuro “THIS | __dark red meant, ght red mere whit eran, Jacarbe ott | —T.pabrobyls, Tie cordta Table 4.2.1-3 Design value of strength and modulus of elasticity ( N/mm") coprenonprpentair feampresng Tene | Staring ‘oem foe Bening | rsa | race | resstence modus Stren | Group | eetstance | parallel | parallel | parallel part of a i te to grain | to grain | togrmin | entire {surface and] under tensile fo | fe | Se | catce | toed | tit washer sic a «| | a Tor ” 2a | as | 46 | 100m 2 = [os | 16 a a | 90 | 16 res 6 aa | osa | a2 | tomo » n | 90 | 4s a e | es | ts 11000 ten B vw | a | 3a ® w | so | ve 00 a w | ors | te ron 0 we | oar | a6 | om ® w [| 70 [aa mm | - |= |] [a] a] «3 | | nm me | - [7 | «| u | 2 | 38 | 57 | 16 | vom ms | - | | ¥ ne | 3a] a7 6a | 00 ms | — | 9 | 2 1 | 24 | 36 | 48 | owo mi | — |||] a3 | 2 | 32] «1 | 0 [Note: Whe caleutating tenon bot washer at the end (e.g. jit) of timber structures, the design vale of compressive “srength perpendiclar to grin shall be wsed as ued Inthe block of “part of surface and Woothed sutae™. ble 4.2.1-4 Adjustment factor of design values of strength and modulus of elasllty on different conditions ‘Adjustment factor decign value of strength | modulus of elasticy 0.9 0.85 Operating conditions ‘open Tong term production at high temperature of 40 ~ 50°C ‘on timber's surface 8 08 ‘checking based on dead Joad 08 | os for Umber sructare 09 [1.0 short term dering consrucdon and malnenance 12 to NOTES: ‘2, When only dead load or the internal force resulting from dead load exceeds 80% of the total Internal forces resulting from all loads, calculation shall be conducted solely based on dead load. “Tubular factors shall be multiplied one by one once several conditions occurred simultaneously. Table 4.2.1-8 Adjustment factors of design values of strength and modulus of elasticlty by varied deston working fe ‘Adjustment factor Design working life design values of strength modulus of elasticiey 5 years La 1 25 years 1.05 1.05 50 years 10 10) 100 years and above 09 0.9 4.2.2 Imported timbers which have not been included in Table 4.2.1-1 and Table 4.2. 1-2 herein are provided with the physical and structural indexes and main properties by exporting netions, and will be determined the grades to which timber belong by the code managing institution acconling to the re~ quested procedures 4.2.3. The design index shall be adjusted to follow the requirements in Table 4.2.1-3 on the eondi- ‘ions below: 4. If log applied have not been cut out the checking paris, the design values of compressive resis- tance strength and bending resistance strength parallel to grain and modulus of elasticity will be in- creased by 15% b. If the short side of the rectangular eros-section of a member is longer than 150mm, the design value of strength will be risen by 10% . . Ifthe wet timber is used, the design values of compressive strength perpendicutar to grain and ‘modulus of elasticity conceming all kinds of timber will be decreased by 10%. The design value of ‘exural resistance strength of deciduous pine should be the same 4.2.4 The design values of strength end modulus of elasticity relating to imported dimension lumber shall be decided by the code managing institution on the basis of the specific procedures required 4.2.5 The names of species used in this code and the main characteristies of commonly-used species 12 are in Appendix G. Field grading’ of main imported timber and the characteristics are set up in Ap- pendix H. Visually-graded dimension lumber and the design values are presented in Appendix J 4.2.6 The design value of compressive strength at an angle to grain should be determined based on the following formula: when @ < 10° fat Se (4.2.6-1) when 10°< @ < 90° (4.2.62) where: fea = the design value of compressive strength at an angle to grain (N/mm); a =n angle between the direction of force and the direction of grain (°).. “The design value of compressive strength at an angle to grain can be checked in Figure 4.2.6 ac- cording to values of fos feo and a For eanple:Pememin_f,= 12.0N/nm* iW pting fu 3.1NCe > stuising fun 8.89N/at i (aoe he dt ie inden) Jal7008) Figure 4.2.6 the design value of compresive strength at an angle to grain 4.2.7 ‘The deflection of the bending member shall meet the limitation as outlined in Table 4.2.7. 13 ‘Table 4.2.7 Limit value of the bending member Ne ‘Types of member, Deletion limit (10) 123.30 17200) ’ pains B33m 17230 2 | raters 17150) 3__| bending members in uspended ceiling 1730) 4 | Stoor beams and joists 1730) Note:The leter “2 ig defines as caleulaing span ofthe bending member 4.2.8 In onder to check stability of « compressive member of truss , the calculating length J, shall be adopted based upon the requirements given below: 4. the distance between two joints on centers within the planes be. out of the plane, the distance between the purins anchored at the truss top chord the di tance between two joints from center to center for the web member; the distance between two lateral bracings for compressive bottom chon! of an arch fastened by rods, a frame and a similar structure. 4.2.9 Slenderness ratio of a compressive member shall not exceed the limits stipulated in Table 4.2.9. Table 4.2.9. Stendernes ratio Units of compresive members No ‘Types of Members Stendermess Ratio Limits (4 ] “Mala structural members, Including he chord members of truss, the 1 | vertical and diagonal members at support, and the loadbesring 0 columns, ete. 2 | General members 150 3 | Bracings 00 4.2.10 Variation rate of diameter along length of member made of log may be obtained based! on ‘9mm per meter or on the local empirical value. While checking deflection and stability, the central cross-section of a member may be decided: the cross-seotion at the largest bending moment should be ‘obtained in case of checking bending re NOTE: Tho morking of diameter at the smaller cid of log sll Le scyeided as the dina 4.2.11 Steel members in a loadbearing timber structure shall be adopted in accordance with the na- tional standant GBS0017, Code for Design of Steel Structures. 4.2.12 As two pieces of round steel are used to be tensioned at one time, the design value of strength should be multiplied by an adjustment factor of 0.85. For the net tensile cross-section of the tension rod of screwed round steel, the design strength val- tue and the allowable design value shal satisfy the national standard GBSOOI7, Code for Design of Stee! Siructures. 4 5 Calculation for Members of Timber Structures 5.1 Axial tension members & axial compression members 5.1.1 The bearing capacity of the axial tension member shall be calculated using the following for- mula: Pen GAD where: /,= the design value of tension resistance strength parallel to grain (N/mm?) ; N= the design value of axial tension member (N); ‘Ap = net area of cross-section of the tension member (inm?). The projection area of the notches con Tength of the member renging 150mm shall be deducted. 5.1.2 The bearing capacity of the axial compression member shall be obtained based on the formula Delo a in exse of checking according to strength N ash (5.1.21) b. in case of checking according to stability neh (5.1.22) ‘where:fe = the design value of compressive resistance strength parallel (o rain (N/mm?) ; N= the design value of axial compression member (NN): 4 et area of cross-section of the compression member (iu?) ; | aloulating area of cross-section of the compression member, which is determined according to Clause 5.1.33 9% stability factor of axial compression member, which is deter- win wg On 518 | 5.1.3 With respect to stability, the calculating area of the cross-section \ ‘of the compression member shall be determined as follows: 1, no notches: Ape ‘where: A = gross emnss-sectional area of the compression member (mn bnotches not at the edge (Fig. 5.1.3a):4p=0.9As, © 6 & c-notches at the edge symmetrically (Fig. 5.1.36) 4, notches at the edge asymmetrically (Fig. 5.1.3¢ con eccentrically compression members member ae Figure 5.1.3. Notchor Galeulation ofthe compression 15 ‘e. When checking the stability, the bolt holes may not considered as notches 5.1.4 The stability factor of the axial compression member shall be calculated in the formula below on the basis of the various strength grades of the different 5 8. the grades of species of TCI7, TCIS and E20 when A 75 . (aa) when > 75 3000 ( a bathe grades of species of 1613, TCI, TBI7, THIS, B13 and TB11 when Ag 91 (5.1.43) when 2 > 91 (5.1.44) y factor of axial compression member; A= slendemess ratio of member, which is determined according to Clause 5.1.5. The stabi dance with the various strength grades of the different species and the slendemess ratio. 5.1.5 The slendemess ratio of a member shall be calculated using the following formula no matter whether the notches exist. 'y factor of an axial compression member can be looked up in Appendix K in accor la as (5.1.51) 7 iz ft ( calculating length of a compression member (mm): radius of gyration mm) : 1 inertia of gross cross-section (mm where A= gross cross-sectional area (mn?) ‘The calculating length of a compression member shall be multiplied by the following factors based fon the actual length: 1.0 for a hinged member at two ends 2.0 for a member with one end to be fixed and the other to be free 0.8 for a member with one end to be fixed and the ether to be hinged 5.2 Bending members ‘The bending resistence bearing capacity of the bending member shall be calculated as fol- Hes (5.2.1) design value of bending resistance strength (N/mm?) s M = design value of moment of a bending member (N+mm): W,, = resistance moment of net cross ~ section of a bending member (mm? ) When checking he later sailiy ofthe bending member, Appendix L ball be confomed with. 5.2.2 The shearing resistance bearing capacity ofthe bending member shall be refed to: Beh (5.2.2) where fy = design value of shearing reststant strength parallel to grain (N/mm?) ; V = shearing design value of a bending member (N) , which is determined as in Clause 5.2.3: 1 inertia of gross cross-section (mm); b= width of cross-section (mm) = area moment of sectional area to neviral ans over the shear section (rim?) 5.2.3 When loading is acted on the top of beams, the shear value V of the bending member may be calculated without consideration of effects resulting from all loads within the range of distance to the support being equal to the height of the beam’s cross-section. 5.2.3 Notice shall be taken on stress concentration caused by reduction of notches of the bending rember-Gradually changing cone notches shall be adopted rather than the right-angled notches. Conceming the simply supported beam, the depth of notch at the tensile edge shall not greater than 1/4 the height of the beam’ s eross-section for sawn lumber. For glued laminated timber.the depth ‘of notch at the tensile edge shall not greater than 1/10 the height of the beam’ s cross-section. Notches shall not be put at the support where the negative moment is possible to occur and the zone close to it, 5.2.5 While the notch exists on the rectangular tensile cross-seti tthe support,the actual bear ing capacity ofthe shear resistance shall be calculated as the formula below: amet) Td em l0d (Fig ap2.Sd apad aadd NOTES: = thickness of central ember or thickness of thicker member in siagle shear connection; ‘2 thickness of side mamber oF thickness of thinner member in single shear connection; = diameter of bot or mal. 2 av sel side sae se iH erae--EESE cee peg tee Figure 6.2.1-2 single shear conection In nailed jomnts, value a or ¢ for thickness of timber member in Table 6.2.1 shall attain the ac- tual effective length of penetration into the member. For the member into which the nails penetrate, the actual effective length of nail shall be equal to the length minus length of tip based on esleulation of 1,54. If the nal flly penetrates the furthest surface of the member, the calculating thickness shall al- ‘0 decrease by 1.5d. 6.2.2 Im case where the minimum thickness is based on the requirements conforming to Table 6.2.1, the design bearing capacity of each shear section in bolted connection or nailed jomnts bearing parallel to grain shall be determined as the following formula: Mak Vf (6.2.2) where: N, = design value of bearing capacity for each shear section in bolted connection or nailed joints bearing parallel to grain (N); fo= design value of compression strength parallel to grain (N/mm?) ; <4 = diameter of bolt or nail (mm); -k, = calculating factor of bearing capacity in bolted or nailed connection design, which is adopt ced based on Table 6.2.2 ‘Table 6.2.2 Calculating factors of bearing capacity in bolted or nailed connection design aa Bolg Connection Nailed Joint Tre e/a [25-3] 4 s [sel « é s [0 zie he ss | 61 | 67] 75 176] 84 | 9a | 02 nt 23 When the steel side plate is adopted, the calculating factor fy for bolt oF nail shall attaine the ‘maximum tabulated value. If the member is made of wet timber, the calculating factor k, shall be no ‘more than 6.7 6.2.3 The design value N, of bearing capacity of cach shear plane shall not be less than 0.3cda*/. besides calculating using Eqn 6.2.2 only on the condition that the thickness of timber member, in single connection, fails in complying with the requirements stated in Teble 6.2.1 with some restraint, The value yg is determined as shown in Table 6.2.4 6.2.4 If the direction of load transfer of bolt is at an angle @ with the grain of member, the design value of bearing capacity of each shear plane shall be multiplied by the reduction factor of bearing at an angle to grain. is determined as Table 6.2.4. As concems the nailed joint, the effect of bearing at an angle to grain should not be taken into consideration ‘Table 6.2.4 Reduction factors ys of bearing at an angle to grain Diameter of Bol em) Angle 2(°) n “ 6 6 20 2 <1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 W o>4d_ | intepetation value | 1S 4d ad 4a asad 25d NOWES: d = diameter of nails ness of flly penevation through member (yee Figures 6.2.1-1 and 6.2.12 in the cade) 25 6.3. Truss plates 6.3.1 Truss plates are used in the light wood frame construction to connect with the trusses made of dimension lumber and for elongation of tension members. Light timber trusses jointed with tess plates shall not be used in corrosive and wet service conditions. oF in the condition with condensation water Truss plates shall not be considered to be effective in transferring compression. 6.3.2 Truss plates shall be manufactured by galvanized sheet steel. Stee! shall be galvanized before truss plates are fabricated. The weight of the galvanized coating is no less than 275g/m?. Sheet steel ‘ean be Q235 carbon structural steel and Q345 low-alloy high-strength structural steel conforming to the Chinese standard GB700, Carbon Structural Steet and GB/TIS91, Low-alloy High-strength Structural Steel. Other types of steel can be used if a reliable basis is available. 6.3.3 The connection with truss plates shall be checked according to the requirements as follows: 18. Check bearing capacity of teeth, the shear bearing capacity of plate, the tensile bearing cepac- ity of the plate and composite shear-tensile capacity in accordance with the basic composition of Toad clfects of bearing limit states b. Check capacity of slip resistance of teeth depending on the standard composition of bearing, tes for normal opera 6.3.4 The design bearing capacity of teeth shall be taken from the following formula: Nes ngkyA — (6.3.4-1) lesign value of bearing capacity of teeth (N/mm), whic is determined as presented in Ap- pendix Ms A= net area of plate (mm), which means the area of a member cov- ered by 2 truss plate deducting the area within the distance from the end or edges of the member (Fig. 6.3.4), End distance @ “a” shall be measured parallel to Figure 6.3.4 End and edge sain and based on 12mm or the tances of se plat larger tooth with 1/2 length of teeth, Edge distance “e” shall be measured normal to grain and based on 6ram or the larger tooth with 1/4 length of teeth: moment factor at joints of truss suppost Influence factor &y of moment at joints of truss support can be calculated using the formula below: ky, = 0.85 -0.05(12tga = 2.0) (6.3.4-2) 0.65 ky <0.85 26 where: = an included angle between the top chord and bottom chord at truss support. 6.3.5 The tensile design bearing capacity af the plate shall be calculated as fllows: Tes tyby (6.3.5) Where: b, = width of plate perpendicular to direction of tension (sn): design value of tensile capacity of the plate (N/mm) determined according to Appendix M 6.3.6 The shear design bearing capacity of the plate shall be cbtained from the following: rb (6.3.6) Where: 6, = width of shear section of the plate parallel to direction of shear foree (mm): 1, = design value of shear design eapacity (N/mm) determined according to Appendix M 6.3.7 The composite shear-tensile design bearing capacity of plate shall be calculated using the for- rnula below: C= Cali + Cale (6.3.74) Vy +2 Py = ¥, z Cy = Vat gl Ta Ya) (6.3.72) 2 Cas Vat gp(Ta~ Va) 6.3.73) Whore: Cy = design bearing capacity of composite shear-tension of 7 plate along #4 (N)s lesign bearing capacity of compesite shear-tension of plate along £3(N) 1, = length covered by a truss plate along the horizontal di- rection of member (1m) Ly 1, = length covered by a truss plate along the vertical di- Ca= Figure 6.3.7 Componite rection of member (rm): Meme lesign capacity of shear resistance of plate along Jy O: lesign capacity of shear reastance of plate along 12(N)s, 7, = design capacity of tensile resistance of plate alongl,(N) Te =n included angle between axes of mombers (°) 6.3.8 The design bearing capacity of slip resistance of teeth shall be calculated using the following lesign capacity of tensile resistance of plate along [2(N); formula: WA (6.3.8) ty of slip resistance of teeth (N/mm?) determined according to Appendix Where: m= A= net area of plate surface (mn). 6.3.9 The construction of truss plate joints shall meet the following requirements a ‘8, Truss plates shall be placed on the opposing faces of « joint 1m pais 1b. Thickness of a member jointed with truss plates shall not be 2 times thinner than the depth of teeth embedded into the member ‘c. In cage where a tase plate is parallel and normal to @ chord member, the minimum connection suze of the truss plate and the member along the direction of the axis of @ web member shall be taken in conformity to Table 6.3.9. ble 6.3.9 Minimum connection sizes of truss plates ‘with chord members or with web members (mm) Sie donne anion of esaane tay dimension ler Gone mm) bel Rebels the Leds W065 0 48 = 4090 0 48 0 axis 0 45 50 a0 140 0 30 « ao 18s 30 © 6 woxns 6 70 75 40285 70 78 % 6.3.10 Truss plates shall he fabricated et plants to satisfy the requirements below: a, The teeth shall be normal to the surface of the member. 1b, Embedment depth of teeth shall be deeper than the depth of tested member in the resistance of, teeth test. ce. The member of the jamnts of the truss plates does not contain defects such as wane, knots or knot holes. d., The truss plates are not deformed on installation 28 7 Sawn and Round Timber Structures 7.1 General requirements 7.1.1 The design of timber structures shall satisfy the following requirements: 4. Timber can be used for structural members such a8 compression members or bending members For timber from some spectes group (e.g. larch and Yunnan pine) that is subject to buckle and crack during seasoning, it should be adopted to be the truss with stool bottom chord, and to be the timber bottom chord only made of log with a span of less than 15mm and the timber botiom chord made of sawn lumber with a span of less than 12mm. Precautions shall be taken effectively agaist splitting b. Positively make option in glued members or glued structures . Exterior drainage should be used for timber rof. I the interior drainage must be employed the timber woof guter shall not be chosen 4. Precautions such as ventilation and moisturo-ree must be taken ogeinst decaying of timber and noth. €¢. Dimensions of the erss-sechion of members shall be reduced to a reasonable extent so a6 to be consistent with the demand of praduetion of industrialization res, especially of stel-timber truss, shall be 1, Strength, rigidity and stability of timber str ensured during transportation and installation. Notice shall he put forward in working drawings if nec essary. 6. For the seismic design of timber structures in earthquake zones, the connections between mem bers and between a structure and its supports or bracinge shall be enhanced. Panicularly, the two por- tions or members, such as roof tnises vs columns, puslins vs trusses end timber columns vs the foun: dation, that are distinctly different from in rigidity must be safe and reliable to be connected together. 7.1.2 In places where possible disaster is occumng caused by typhoon and at the wind gap of a ‘mountainous district, the design of timber structures shall be effective in taking measures in order to 1nerease the ability of wind resistance. Reduce the size in height and epan of skylights as far as possi- Ue. Use shun eaves ar eaves plawes. Auch capping bricks on les, especially at eaves, or plaster for ‘eaves. Solid gables act as the gabled wall, Reliable fastening means shall be conducted in connection for purlins and trusses (or gabled wall), trasses and wall (or columns), and jambs end jamb wall 7.1.3. The design of timber structures at arcas with seiswic fortigication intensity of 8 and 9 could apply the means of vibration isolating'and energy consumption 7.1.4. In case where two kinds of connection or connection of various kinds are performed at the ‘same one joint or connection, the ealeulation shall be conducted based on only one joint to transfer in- temal force except on composite action of several joints 7.1.5 In the linear member structural system, the timber member shall have the net area of ‘cross-section no less than 50% of the gross area of member as it is notched symmetrically; 29 whereas for notching asymmetrically, the member shall have the net sectional area of more than 60% of the gross area. No holes or notches shall be on the tensile edge of bending member. 7.1.6 The diameters of tension rod of round steel and tension bolt shall be depend on caloul bt shall not be less than 12mm ‘The size of the square ste! bedplate of tension rod of round steel and tension belt can be taken as the formulae below: 1, area of bedplate (mn?) 7.1.61) Dthiekness of bedplate (ram) ( whore: N = design value of axial tension (N); Sus = design value of compression at an angle to grain (N/mn), which is decided according to the axial tension V and the angle of member parallel to grain under the bedplate as sta in Clause 4.2.6 of the codes J-= design value of bending resistance strength (N/mm?) ‘The steel bedplate of toggle bolt may be determined as the requirement of construction, with thickness no less than 0.3 times the diameter of bolt and side length no less than 3.5 times the diame= ter of bolt. The round bedplate shall be used with diameter more than 4 times the diameter of bolt. 7.1.7 Double nut must be employed for the round steel bottom chord of truss, the vertical tension rod in mid-span of a triangular truss, the steel tension rod affected by vibration load, and steel tension rod and tension bolt.with diameter equal to or more than 20mm. ‘The steel components of timber structures shall be anti-rusting treated. 7.1.8 On completion of buildings of structures, inspection and maintenance shall be performed as the requirements outlined in Appendix D. For the timber structures made of wet timber or newly-used species, inspection and maintenance must be enhanced prior to operation and vrithin one oF two years shir operation 7.2 Wood-based roof coverings & timber beams 7.2.1 The strength of main bending members of the roof wocd-based covering shall be checked ac cording to two kinds of compesition of load below, and the deflection checked based on the first kind of ‘composition of loud. - for dead load and live load (or dead loud and snow load) : by for dead load and one concentrated load of construction of 1.0KN In ease of vor he checked with the design value multiplied by the adjustment factor shown in Table 4.2.1-4 of the code of the socond load, the bearing capacity in constriction or maintenance shall 30 NOTE: The design width can be considered to be 300mm for densely paved ref sheathing. 7.2.2 Where the forging, hammer or other large-scale vibrating equipment is installed, the reat sheathing shall be designed on rot. 7.2.3. ‘The square purlin which is perpendicular to the horizontal line shall h width ratio of less than 2.5. When itis obliquely set, the seotionel height to width rato shall be less than 2 and calelated based on two-way Bending members. Should the reliable measures be taken to prevent ftom eliminating oF reducing moment and deflection along the direction of of, calculation can sectional height to be conducted according to conditions handled. As steel-wood purlin is used, measures shall be taken to ensure the lateral sal point of the bottom chord of tensile rod Purling at the soot ridge shall be jointed firm with onc another. 7.2.4 The seismic design of the wood-based roof sheathing in zones with the seismic fortifica- tion intensity of 8 and 9 shall conform to: ‘a. Use oblique purlins and arrange densely paved roof sheathing. Verge tiles shall be bound firm with roof batten. . Purlins must be jointed firm with roof truss. Double ridge purlins shall be tensioned with each other. Purlins at the joint of top chord shall be connected firm with the top chord of roof truss by bolts. ‘c. Purlins supported on a gabled wall shall have a length of no less than 120mm. ‘The purlin at the joint shall be bolted firm with the horizontal beam of the gabled wall 7.2.8 Tiber beams should be made of log, square lumber and glued lumber, and of other wood- based material if the design expenence is available ‘The timber beam at the support shall be installed the lateral bracing to avoid leteral inclination fand the reliable fastener to prevent from lateral displacement. ‘Where the square timber beam is adopted, the seetional height to width ratio shall not be more than 4 generally. The timber beam having a height to width ratio exceeding 4 shall take essential mea sures to ensure the lateral stability Beams made of glued lumber shall be used to fit to the relevant requirements concerning the glued lumber beams. at the turning 7.3 Trusses jons and to be a statically deter- rminate structural system, Where the truss is of a larger span or made of wet timber, the stecl-wood 7.3.1 Trusses may be chosen in accordance with the specific co truss shall be appliod. For the triangular truss of log with large span, the unequal panel truss should be token In use of timber purlins, the tmss spacing shall not be more than 4m. When adopting steel-wood purtins or glued lumber purtins, the spacing shall not be more than 6m 7.3.2 The height-to-span ratio at the center of truss shall not be less than the tabulated values in Table 7.3.2 31 fable 7.3.2 Minimum height-to-span ratio of trusses No ‘Type of Taw wa 1 Tiiangular timber bear us “Trangalarsel-wood beam. parallel chon! tus, curved toss, ely 2 a ema eee “6 } uss, rapewoid ts 3 ‘curved tase, pulyonal tras, tapenid rose wa NOTES: = height a the centr of tress 1 span of uss. 7.3.3 Fabrication of truss shall ereate a rise of 1/200 spon 7.3.4 In design of timber truss, construction shall satisty the following requis 8, The jomnt of tensile bottom chord shall be sure of transferring axial tension. The joints at the bottom chord should not be more than two. The joint shall have a straight cut and be butted , with con- nection by bolts and timber side plates Where the bolted side plates (e.g. timber side plate of steel side plate) are taken, the number of bolts at cach end of the joint shall depend on calculation but not less than 6, and not he aligned in sin- le line. With respect to timber side plates, the plates shall be manufactured with high-quality air- dried timber of thickness no less than 1/2 width of the bottom chord. If the truss is of large spat thickness of the timber side plate should not be less than 100mm. For steel side plate, the thickness shall be no leas then 6mm. b. The compressive junction of the truss top chord shall be installed in the proximity of the jon, the and not within the support panel or ridge panel. The jomnt shell be a straight cut and connected by 8 timber side plate. And on each side of the jomt there shall be anchored firm by atleast two bolts. The thickness of the timber side plate may be taken based on 1/2 the width of the top chord, and the Tength of plate should be 5 times the width of the top chord In situation that a truss plate is applied, the shear section of the bottom chord shall be avoided the pith (Fig. 7.3.4) and indicated in the working drawings. shear plane 7.3.5 The botiom chord of stel-wood trusses can be made of [— round steel or shape steel. When the truss as a kage span aid io | influenced by vibration, shepe steel should be applied. A device to adjust tightness shall be installed at the bottom chord of round stool Fipwe 7.3.4 Diagram inicwting As the joint spacing of the bottom chord is more than 250d the shear pane (4 as diameter of round stel), the suspended member shall be e- ssc ith ith quipped for the bottom chord tension rod of round steel. Where the tension rod with threads at the end has a diameter of more than 22mm, the member cer round steel. Threads shall be tend may be thicker, for instance, welded with piece of short thi machined by a lathe. 32 Round steel shall be adjusted to be straight for use in the condition of making it longer by butt ‘weld or double splicing bar weld except for ap weld. Welded joints shall be suitable for relevant quali ty requirements stipulated in the Chinese current standards, 7.3.6 When the suspended crane is installed at the truss, the suspended point shall be set at the joint of triss. Web members and chord members shall be bound together by bolts or other fasteners. Bolts shall be used to connect bracing members and chord members. The bottom chord of shape steel shall be used for steel-wood trusses 7.3.7 When ceiling is employed, the clear distance from the bottom chord of trss to the ceiling Jists shall not be less thar. 100mm. 7.3.8 The seismic design of the roof teuss in zones with the earthquake intensity of 8 and 9 shall fol~ low: 4. A steel-wood roof tauss shall apply the shape steel bottom chord. The chord member shall be connected firm with the web member by bolts. Double nut shall be conducted for all roand steel tie ods and the tension bolts. . The end of the roof truss must be anchored with wall and columns by anchor bolts of more then $20. 7.4 Skylights 7.4.1 Skylights include two forms: single-face skylight and double-face skylight. Where the double- face skylight is designed, the span of the skylight frame shall be less than 1/3 of the roof truss posit ne a vive nat | pot : SD | Lee El can gl oun “The post of the single-face skylight shall be put at the joint of the roof tras. Load on the double- face skylight shall be bome by the joint of the roof ridge together with the adjacent joint of the top 33 chord. In addition, the disgonal member shall be considered to connect the top chond of the roof truss 50 as to maznisin stability in the plane. Skylights may not be used in bay at both ends of a building. ‘The posts of skylights shall be connected firm with the top chord of truss. Timber side plate in full Tength should not be linked directly with the bottom chord of truss (Fig. 7.4.1). 7.4.2 In order to prevent the side posts of skylights from decaying due to moisture, the purlin of the roof teuss atthe side post shall be installed within the inner side of the side post (Fig. 7.4.2). In the ‘outer side of the side post, the window frame and window sash should be arranged with additional eff= coont device to keep off the rain. ‘The skylights exposed to weather shall also be provided additional rain screen, which is efficient, and be treated with flashing 7.4.3. skylights shall not be installed in zonos with the seismic fortification intensity of 8 and 9 7.5 Bracings 7.5.1 The effective measures shall be taken in ensuring the space stability of the structure in ‘the course of construction and operation so that the truss is prevented from the lateral inclina- tion to keep lateral stability of the compressive member and to bear and transfer the longitudi- nal horizontal forces. 7.5.2 The transverse bracing and vertical bracing of the top chord shall be selected for roof in ac~ cordance with the shape, span, roof structure and load. When the building is of large span and influ- enced by vibration caused by forging hammers or eranes, the vertical bracing, then, shall be installed besides the transverse bracing on the top chord ‘The sectional area of the supporting members ean be determined based on the requirements of construction NOTE: The vertical bracing is defined as the intersecting web (or herringbone web) which is pro- vided between the top and bottom chords of two roof trusses, On the botiom chord plane there is the horizontal tension rod bolt connected that form ¢ stable truss system with the purtin anchored above 7.5.3 Where the transverse bracing of the top chord is provided and the gable wall is used as the end wall in buildings, the transverse bracing of the top chord shall be designed in the second bay from the end (Fig. 7.5.3). When the barge board is applied for the end building, the transverse bracing 2-200 the tanvene bracing like op cho past Figure 7.5.3. Tranwerse bracing ofthe top chord 34 ofthe top chord shall be designed in the end bay. The tranevere bracing of the top chord shall be pro- Vided longitudinally at intervals of 20m 0 30m for coki-spread tiled roof or largespen building if the building ie long along longitudinal direstion IF the unnsverse bracing of the top chord adopts round steel, a device to adjust tightness shall be provided 7.5.4 On the basis ofthe size of span the venical bracing may be installed in one oF two rows along the direction of span and spaced at given intervals when the vertical bracing of the top chord is used ‘The fully-length longitudinal horizontal tic rod of the rof truss bottom chord is designed under the ver- tical bracing. Where the roof is installed the transverse bracing for the top chord, the vertical bracing, if added, can be arranged in the bay that is provided only with the top chord, but the fully long longitu- inal horizontal tie rod of the roof truss bottom chord is designed in other boys. 7.8.5 Vertical bracings shall be edopted in the locations below: 4. at the verticals of the support of the trapezoid ref truss; b. at the turing points af the sunk roof truss with the bottom chord lower than the supports cc at the crane tracks of the suspended cranes 4d, at the compression portion of membered arch and frame construction e. at the support of glued lumber giner. Except the third jtem provided as set out in Clause 7.5.4, other vertical bracings may be in- stalled in the first bay without gable wall or the second hay with gable wall for both ends of the build- ing, but in other bays with the horizontal tie rods of fully ength.. 7.8.6 If there is no rigid wall or timber shear wall inthe building with the bearing columns, the in- tercolumnar bridgings shall be arranged on both ends of the building or at intervals of 20 ~ 30m along the longitudinal direction of the building besides the horizontal te rods shall be provided full length on the column top Wind diagonal bracings shall be used between the timber eolumns and the trusses. The upper por- ‘ion of the diagonal bracing shall be linked at the joint with the top chord of truss. The diagonal brac- ing and the timber column shall form an angle exceeding 30° 7.5.7 The bracings may not be applied for a building exposed to weather ecconding to the following conditions: building with densely paved roof sheathing and gable wall, and of span no more than 9m; b. @ building with hipped roof and its half rof truss connected reliably with the main roof truss; ¢. a building with both ends connected with other buildings of higher rigidity. ‘The bracing shall be conducted longitudinally at intervals of 20 ~ 30m if the building is long in the longitudinal direction. 7.5.8 When the double-face skylight is adopted for the roof truss, the bracing tothe skylight shall be designed as prosented in Clauses 7.5.3 and 7.5.4. The intercolumnar bracings shall be used at the posts on both sides of the skylight frame as indicated in Clause 7.5.6 of the code. ‘The longitudinal horizontal tie rods of fully length shall be installed along the ridge joint and bridging joint within the 35 range of the skylight. 7.8.9 The bracings of a timber structures, in zones with earthquake intensity of 6 and 7, shall have the same design as the non-seismic design in accordance with the requirements iceted in this sec- thon, In zones with earthquake intensity of 8, the transverse bracing of the top chord shall be provided for the second bay of both ends of a building and at intervals of 20m in a building with cold spread tiles ‘and loosely paved roof no matter whether the vertical brecing exists. Where the building has a densely poved roof in zones with earthquake intensity of 9, the transverse bracing of the top chord shall be pro- vided in the second bay of both ends of e building ao matter whether the vertical bracing is, In places sonecing bat with same earthquake intensity, the transverse bracing of the top chord and the atc ea zZ vertical bracing of the bottom chord shall be Zz 180 1.0 1s) 1.08, 10 0.90 0.85 0.80 8.2.3 ‘The curved glulam members shall be considered reduction in bending resistance strength, ten- son resistance strength parallel to grain and compression resistance strength parallel to grain because of 38 Jeminetion warping. As concemed the curved glulam of R/¢ < 240, it shall be multiplied by a modi- cation factor taken from the following formula besides the rules in Clause 8.2.2 shall be conformed to. +n =0.76+0.001(£) (8.2.3) Where: = strength modification factor of eurved ghulam members R= radius of curvature of innermost lamination of curved glilam mestber (mm) ; ‘¢ lamination thickness of curved glulam member (mm) 8.3 Requirements of design construction 8.3.1 ‘The boards that for glulam members come from ordinary coniferous and broadieal softwoods shall not be more than 45mm in thickness after being planed. If hardwood pine or hardwood brozdleat trees are use to produce boards, the thickness shall be no more than 351m and the width shall be no more than 180mm. 8.3.2. Radius of curvature of the curved glulam member shall be more than 300¢( t-board thickness) with the board thickness of 30mm. As to the member of extremely bent, it shall be less than 25mm in thickness. 8.3.3 Deflection on roof shall not be occurred to be seen. The glulam member shall be manufactured to create a nse of 1/200 of span 8.3.4 Finger-jinting shall be used to elongate the board of the glulam member. For the loadbearing member, it shall be no more than 1/10 in side slope.and greater then 20mm in finger length, and within the range from 0.2mm to 0.5mm in width of finger end (Fig. 8.3.4) 1 : =o + J iam) ’ Figue 8.3.4. Singerjoining Figue 8.3.5. aplcing 8.3.5 Butt joint should be used for the bosrd of glulam member in transverse width splicing, and the horizontal distance between the butt joint line ofthe adjacent laminations up and down shall not be less than 40mm (Fig. 8.3.5) 8.3.6 On the same lamination, the joit distance of the finger-jointing shall not be less than 1.5m. The finger-jinting distance of two layers of the adjacent laminations up and down shall not be less than 10¢ (t-board thickness) 8.3.7 On the same sechon of glulam members, the number of the finger-jointing shall not be more than 1/4 of the number of board layers. Finger-jointing on each layer shall be avoided forming a ladder in the height of the member. 8.3.8 The glulam may not be provided with ribbed stiffener if the rules below are satisfied: 39 44, web thickness of glulam in I-shaped section no less then 80mm and half of the Mange widths b. ratio of height Ato width 6 of the member of rectangular and I-shaped section is generally less than 6 for beams, less than 5 generally for linear compression members or bending combined with com- pression members, and less than 4 generally for curved members. Once the members exceed the above mentioned ratio, it is necessary to provide the lateral bracings to mect the requirement of keeping the lateral stability. 8.3.9 Members of linearly varying section shall he designed with indication, which shows the section hhefght from the start point to the end point of slope. 8.3.10 The curved memhers shall be designed with indication of radius of curvature and curve equ tuon of the curved portion of member, 40 9 Light Wood Frame Construction 9.1 General requirements 9.1.1 Light ood frame construction is defined as a structural system, consisting of the timber framed wall, timber floor and timber roof, that is adaptable to a civil building of three stories or below. 9.1.2 Lumber which is used in light wood frame construction shall be su jn Chaptore 3 and 4 and in Appendix J. Sectional sizes of etructural dimension lumber is referred to Appendix N.1 of the eode. NOTE: Considering dimension limber in varios sins, the distance of member of 05um, 406m, 480mm ard 610m ble to rules as stipulated of size shall be te! as equivalents fr comespanding distances of 300mm, 400mm, 500mm and 600! in size shown in the claios of the code 9.1.3. Light wood frame construction to be applied shal fulfill the requirement for the local natural conditions and the service conditions of buildings. In addition, care shall be exercised reliably to pre= vont the timber members from wood decaying or decaying due to insects s0 as to ensure that the service life of structures can achieve the desi 9.1.4 Light wood frame construction shall be regular in the plan layout and even in fluctuation of spectanions. ‘weight and rigidity. AUL members shall be jointed firm with one another and essentially anchored or braced so that hearing capacsty, rigidity and good integrity are ensured 9.2 Design requirements 9.2.1 The members and the joints in light wood frame consinietion shall be designed based on the cealeulating method shown in Chapters 5 and 6 of the code in accordance with the species groups, lum- ber grades, loads, connection types and appropriate sizes 9.2.2 The seismic design of light wood frame constriction shall meet the relevant rules in the Chi- nese standart Code for Seismic Design of Buildings (GBS0011). The horizontal earthquake action may be calculated using the bese shear method. The natural period should be calculated based on the em- pirical equation T= 0.03.2"". Hf is a height from the top of foundation to the highest porm of building (m) 9.2.3 In the building of light wood frame construction, shear resulting from earthquake and wind load is carried by shear wall, floor and roof. When checking the earthquake resistance, earthquake bearing capacity takes the modification factor Ye = 0.80 and damp ratio of 0.05. 9.2.4 The design of resistance to lateral force for floor and roof should be made based on Appendix P of the code. 9.2.5 The horizonal force due to earthquake and wind load is caried by shear wall made of struc- tural wood-based panel and dimension lumber. Shear wall with nailed joints mey be designed to satisfy Appendix Q of the code. 4a 9.2.6 The design of resistance to lateral force in light wood frame construction may be conducted based on requirements of construction if any of the rules shown below is fulfilled: 4. A building shall have an ares on each floor nat exceed 600m" anda floor height no more than 3.6m. 1 In case of the seismic fortigicaion intensity of 6 and 7 (O.10g), the ratio of height to width 1m a building is less then 1.2, whereas the height/ width ratio of no more than 1.0 is for the place with earthquake intensity of 7 (0.15g) and 8 (0.2¢). The height of the building means the height fro the outdoor ground surface to the half of height of the pitched roof. ‘e. Standart value of live load on flor is less than 2.SkN/m?, and on the other hand, standard value live load on roof is less than 0.5kN/n?. ‘The value of snow load is taken according to the rele- want rules in the Chinese standard GBS0009 Load Code for the Design of Building Structures . 4. In respect of different seismic fonigication intensity and wind load, the mnimum length of shear wall complies with the rules shown in Table 9.2.6. ‘Table 9.2.6 Minimum length of shear wall destgned based on structural requirements Base wind resus Minimum lng of each ear wll Genre?) Sade Bar| Grd Oar ‘top of? | 2mey | Grund fo Garam [lO fy | aS | Tademts | Sa sci foi ace tae AF 7 fous oe [fea Wool eo wl ued Joypsun {ined foypsun faued | c=) P| anes bse a act bor as ae [OP |. i a atafclo sm pl: fae police ov pee face] ean) fas Gre ard ar foe eat boat beat 6 | — |[=Josfos]os| x6 | 3 [ose [oso | or | ors: | ose | — 7 [owe | = [osfos [os | re | 2 [ane [ose | o.4se [oseu* | oro | — 0.55 [0.35] 045] 06] 07] 53 | > [ont [oor | ost fosou | 070.) — a [og [ow]ossforfos| sa | 2 [ose [osx fom] — | — | — TOTES: 1 Talated leg Lit dered a the lng of bing parle tthe dition of sea al 3. Bath sides of walling lwp the eyes nr as face boar. When the node structura-se panel ewe the fae Baar, a est oe ie of walling ett Shear wall ce erated level between the ap af the ousatin an the gon for sll hae the mnie length se the Sint Ser 4. "+ expresses tat gpsum must st be prvi be the foe ban when easrete covering io Der @. The maim spacig betwee the chor wall mado of wd-bzed eructual-we pul eal be oo ure thn 1.6m the een ferigiaion itensy is of 6 and 7 (0.10) asd ao mre chan 7.6m te erhqke inte i 7 (0.15) and 8 (0.204). 5. All exror wall shall ply the wondbed etre gael athe face urd. Twi wond-bed pel all be usd asthe (ace tort forall nese walls if be bulding so 3 sores and the egw rato in plan excel 25:1. Tuoi wd: hed pal call e wie as the ace oad fora least rane eter wal if he uli is of 2 rc andthe eng wid et in lan eens 25:1 42 e. Shear wall is planned suitable to the following rules: Avance brnen the dnancebewern the souorene baitg all tnanwere beng agp dance lang of ps of wall 1 r H i 1 1 | inane beeen he hie Tenies of besing wall prtn7 657 ‘gag ring el diane etwen he Ingintnl Dearing wal t Te fe I | woof wee | 3 i j 3 it pes beeen the barn! | 2.4 (cei of besog wal panes? 6 Figure 9.2.6 Pl ot of shear wall 8) One part of wall with height/width ratio of no more than 2:15 bb) Horizontal distance on centers between parts of wall on one axis is ao more than 7.6m. ©) Ratio of transverse distance to longitudinal distance between adjacent wall is no more than 251. «d) Vertical dist than 2.42, xe from the end of wall to the venical wall part closest to the end of wall is less ©) Every part of wall of one wall is staggered less than 1.2m in distance. 1) The clear distance of span of members is lower than 12.0m. €) The horizontal distance on centers between the hearing members in light wood frame eonstrue- lon 1s lower than 600mm fn addition to Beams and colun 1h) The roof slope of a building is not less than 1:12 and meanvshile not more than 1:1. Eaves on longitudinal wall are cantilevered outward no more than 1.2m. Eaves on gable wall has a cantilevered length of lower than 0.4m. 1 specially provided. 9.3. Construction requirements 9.3.1 Dimension lumber of the grade V., and above shall be used for studs in loadbearing wall. Any {grades of dimension lumber can be utilized for studs in non-loadbearing wall. Continuous studs shall be within the floor height, and allowed of finger-jointing except connection plate Spacing of studs shall not be more than 600mm, Seotional sizes of studs in loadbearing wall shall 43 be calculated to determine. Studs in the comer and intersection of walls shall be strengthened, with no less than two studs in the comer of wall In case of notching width more than spacing of stud on the walling, double stud shall be used on Doth sides of the notch, Single stud shall be provided on both sides of the notch if the notching, width is loss than or equal to the clear spacing of studs and is located between the studs. 9.3.2 Bottom plates or ground plates shall be provided under wall. The size of projection of the bot- tom or ground plates at supports shall be no more than 1/3 of the wall width. The width shall be no less than the sectional height of stud. ‘Top plates shall be provided on top of wall, with width no less than the sectional height of stud ‘The top plates shall be at least two layers in loadbearing wall and single layor in non-loadbearing wall but the top plate of single layer shall be chosen if the distance on centers from the concentrated load on floors, roofs and ceilings to studs is not more than SOmm. ered top plate shall be staggered off one spacing of stud, The jomt location shall be on the stud. The upper and lower layers of the top plate that is adopted in the comer and intersection of wall shall be lap jointed. The joint ofthe single-layered The joint of the upper and lower layers in the mul shall be on the stud, on the top of which is connected by galvanized sheet steel together with top nails. 9.3.3 Whore the notch width is more than spacing of studs in loadbearing wall, the lintel shall be increased to use on the top of the notches. The lintel shall be determined by calculation in the design Dimension lumber, which is same as the stud in sectional height, shall be jointed with the adja- ccent stud near the notch in non-loadbearing wall. At least two pieces of dimension lumber with the sec- tional height equal to the width of the bottom plate shall be provided to enhance door openings if there is the requirement of fire resistance ratings for non-loadbearing wall with door openmgs. 9.3.4 When the wall board uses the wood-based strtural-use panel as the face board and the maxi- mum spacing of stud is of 400mm, the minimum thickness for the panel is 9mm. As regards the maxt~ mum spacing of stud of 600mm, the thickness of the panel is 11mm. In case of gypsum board used as the face board and the maximum spacing of stud is of 400mm, the mi ess forthe panel is 9mm. Conceming the maximum spacing of stud of 600mm. the thickness of the panel is 12mm. 9.3.5 Floor in light wood frame consiruction is made of the Moor joist of spacing no more than 600m, the Moor slab of wood-besed siructural-use panel, and the ceiling laid with wood-based struc- tural-use panels or gypsum board. ‘The sectional size of the jost is devided depending on calculation. Floor josts have two forms of rectangular sections and I-shaped section (wood-based material). 9.3.6 The bearing length of the floor joist at ‘The end of the joist shall be connected with the support, or continuous timber bottom bracing. he support shall be no less than 40mm, Joist bridging or X-bracing shall be provided for the bottom of the jorst close to the support ( Fig 9.3.6) 9.3.7 Consin of the notching on floor shall satisfy the following: 44 @ ay Figure 9.3.6 Diagram of bracings between joists 4) jb idings (5) Xetaing 4, The umber of notch-side joist normal to the principal joist in the proximity of the notch shall be two ifthe length is 1.2m; and when the length exceeds 3.2m, the size of the notch-side joist shall be determined based on calculation. b. The number of notcheside joist parallel to the p Jength is 800mm: and when the length of the notch-side joist exceeds 2.0m, the size of the notch-side jest shall be determined based on calculation ‘©. When the floor joists are neeied to bear, the not notching near the notch shall adopt the proper brackets of the metal joist or the correct method of nailed ipal joist near the notch shall be two if the e joist and the joist that is broken by tion 9.3.8 The floor joist supporting wall shall be in complisnce with the rules below: 1, The non-leadbeering wall parallel to the joist shall be on the joist and the bridging between the pists. The bridging can use dimension humber with sectional area of no more than 40mm x 90mm and thas spacing of no more than 1.2m. b. The loadbearing wall parallel tothe joist shall be supported on beams and wall but not on the iiss ¢. The interior wall normal to the joists shall have a distance to the joist support of no more than 900mm if wall is non-loadbearing wall. The wall shall have a distance to the joist support of no more than 600mm if wall is loedbearing wall. If beyond the akove-mentioned rules, the sizeof the joist shall be determined based on calculation. 9.3.9 The overhanging length of the overhanging floor joist shall not be more than 400mm when the sectional area is of 40mm x 185mm. ‘The overhanging length shall not be more than 600mm when the sectional area is equal to oF more than 40mm x 235mm. The overhanging joist not calculated shell not bear other loads ‘When the overhanging joist is perpendicular to the principal jst, the portion not overhung shall not be less than 6 times the length of the overhanging, and be connected with double frame beam by asils in accordance with direct construction requirement 9.3.10 The thickness end standard values of allowable Moor live load shall follow Table 9.3.10. Laying wood-besed structural-use panel shall be perpendicular to the jossts along the direction of Tength and be parallel to and staggered with the splicing joints and the joists along the direction of width, The joints of Moor shall be on the samme joist with no less than 3mm void between the panels 45 Table 9.3.10 thickness and standard values of allowable floor live load Min. thickness of wood-besed structural panel (mun) ners (O1<2.5N/nF 2.SKN/a < Qy <5.0KN/nt 0, 5 5 300, iB 18 o> 7 Z 9.3.11 Roof in light woo! frome construction can use light truss which is manufactured from structural dimension lumber and is spaced no more than 600mm apart. When root is of small span, it can consist dlircelly ofthe ridge plate (or ridge beam), rafter and ceiling joists. Sections of the truss, rafter and ceiling joists shall be decided based on calculation. Anchorage and bracing shal be reliable. ‘The rafters and the joists shall be continuous along the length, but also be connected on the veri~ cal supports by connection plates. The rafters and the joists are placed on the supports 40mm in length. The top ends ofthe raters on both sides of the ridge shall be linked with each other by connec- tion plates oF nals as requested in construction ‘The sectional height of the raters at the roof valley and the ridge shall be 50mm more than the rafters elsewhere 9.3.12 The rafters and the joists at the ridge may be supported by loadbearing wall or the ridge beam ro less then 90mm in length When the tie rd of the rafter has span exceeding 2.4mm, the longitudinal horizontal tie bar of fully length shall be added near the center of the tie rod. The sectional area of no less than 20mm x 90mm is for the tie bar (Fig. 9.3.12) When the sectional aren ofthe te rod ofthe rafier isnot less than 40mm x 90mm, the mod may be the central support of the mlter for the roof with the roof slope moce than 1 in 3. No supports may be forthe ridge ifthe roo has a slope of not less than 1:3 and effective eonnee- tion to prevent the rater against slipping under the rafter. At present, the rafters on both sides of the Fidge shall be linked with the ceiling joists by nails and designed acconting to the requirements of nailed connection. Figure 9.3.12 Diagram showing the practice of attachment of 5 horizontal tio bar of filly length to the rater ie rod longi 9.3.13 Members in the proximity of the notch shall be strengthened if the notching on the roof oF 46 is more than distance between the rafters or joists 9.3.14 The thickness of the pedestrian rcof shall be selected on the basis of the requirements of floors as stated in Table 9.3.14 of the cade. The thickness ofthe non-pedestian roof shall be in com plinnce withthe rules in Figure 9.3.14 of the code Table 9.3.14 ‘Thickness of roots Min. thickness of wood-based structral panel (mm) Specing of bearing rot (sem) C.gO0.3kN/ iF 52.040? | O.3LN/n# < Op< 1. SKN/m $\<201N/n? 400 9 a 500 8 u 00 2 2 NOTE In case of the standard value of deed load Gy > O.3KN/m! or S,ze2.0kN/a?, the members and the joi in light wood frame construction shall be designed based on calelation instead of on consrton. 9.3.15 Members in light wood frame construction shall be connected with ane another reliably. Fas- toners of any kind shali comply with the relevant current Chinese standards. Imported products shall satisfy the requirements acceptable to national comnnitee on Code for Design of Timber Structures. that fied products manufactured according to relevant stan- is the authority having jurisdiction over qu: dards, Samples shall be taken for examination and test if necessary, Members in light wood frame construction are connected generally by nails. Nailed connection de- signed as construction requirements, and floor, roof and wall nait connected with light wood frame con- struction shall be referred to Clauses N.2 and N.3 in Appendix N In the seismic design of light wood frame construction, the kes places in the connection shall he linked by bolts 9.3.16 Shear wall, floor’and roof shall follow the « snents below: 1. The framed members in shear wall, and the members of floor and ref shall not he less than 40mm in width and the maximum spacing of 600mm. '. The joint of the adjacent face board on shear wall shall be located on the framed member. ‘The face boats may be laid horizontally or vertically with void of no less than 3mm between ce. The size of the wood-based structural panel shall be no less than 1.2mx 2.4m, At the border ‘of shear wall or at notches, the narrow plates of no less than 300mm in width are allowed to be use, but two plates shall not be excceded. When the structural-use panel is of width fess than 300mm, the filler shall be added to fix 4. Nails under the wet service conditions shall be preservative coated ce. The distance from the nail to the edge of each face board shall not be less than 10mm. The spacing of nails at the central support shall not be mare than 300mm. Nails shall be driven firmly into the framed member and is flush with the panel surface f. When the face boards are on both sides of wall and the nail spacing at the edge of the face board on each side is less than 150mm, the joints on both sides of wall shall be staggered to avoid be- ruction req) 4 sng on the same framed member. When the width of the framed member is more than 65mm, the splic- ing jounts of the face board on both sides of wall may be put on the same member with staggered ar- rangement of 9.3.17 When the timber roof and floor act as the lateral bracing for conerete or masonry wall, floor and roof shall have enough bes and roof shell be anchored reliably with wall. Resistance of anchorage along wall shall be no less than 3.0kN/in, 9.3.18 Notching or slot ng capacity and rigidity to transfer the horizontal forces reliably. Floor 1g on the members in light wood frame construetion shall satisfy the follow- sng: a, Notching on the joists of the root, floor and ceiling shall be the size af no more than 1/4 the sectional height of the joist and the distance to the edge of the jist shall be no less than SOmm. b. Slotting is allowed on the jists of the roof, floor and ceiling, but it must be on the top of the jist. The distance to the edge of the support shall not be more than 1/2 of the sectional height of the jist, ond the height of slotting shall not be more than 1/3 of the sectional height of the joist. Alter notching or slotting in section is removed, the remaining height ofthe stud in loadbearing wall shall not be less than 2/3 of the sectional height, and in non-loadbearing wall, it shall no less than 40mm. 4. The remaining height of the top plate in walling shall not be less than SOmm after notching oF slotting. ce. Notching oF stotting is taken into account in the design, otherese they shall not be conducted fon the truss members randomly. 9.4 Design of beams, columns and foundations 9.4.1. The bottom of the column shall be connected closely with the foundation. Anchorage shall be reliable 9.4.2 The beam, which shall be connected closely with the support, shall be placed on the support with no less than 90mm in length 9.4.3 The beam which is the built-up sectional beam consisting of several pieces of dimension lum- ber connected by nails shell fulfill the requirements as follows: 44, One piece of dimension lumber in the built-up beam shall be but jointed on the support of the beam. bb, In case of the built-up sectional beam acted as the continuous beam, one piece of dimension umber in the beam shall be butt jointed within the range around the place of 1/4 the clear span of beam away from the support. The adjacent one piece of dimension lumber shall not be butt jointed at the same one place. On the same section, the number of dimension lumber shall not exceed hal of the total dimension lumber in the beam. Any one piece of dimension lumber shall not have two joints or more in one span. Bu . Where the built-up beam consists of dimension lumber of 40mm in width, several pieces of di- mension lumber shall be equally divided along the height of beam and connected by two rows of nails. connection shall not be done in the side span 48 ‘The nails shall be no less than 90mm in length, no more than 450mm in eenter-to-center distance and 100 ~ 150mm in end-tovend distance 4. Where the built-up beam consists of dimension lumber of 40mm in width and uses the belted connection the bolts shall have the diameter of no less than 12mm, the ce moro than 1.2m and the end-to-end distance of 600 9.4.4 The connection of beams to columns shall be determined from calculation. 9.4.5 The built-up column and the built-up beam which is not suitable to Clause 9.4.3 of the code shall be designed in accordance with the relevant design methods and rales 9.4.6 The difference of elevation between the intemal and external ground in a building shall not be no less than 300mm. The wood floor onthe fit floor without basement must be elevated with consider- ation on good ventilation and damp-proof precautions 9.4.7 In the place subject to insect attack, the lumber shall be inseet resistance treated and then used as the structural member. The difference of elovation between the bottom of the wood member and the extemal ground level shall be no less than 450mm, 9.4.8 The sill plate installed directly on the top ofthe foundation shall be preservative pressure treat~ ed. It is anchored to the foundation by enchor bolts of no less than 12mm in diameter and no more than 2.0m in spacing. Anchor bolts shall he embedded into the foundation with the depth of no less than 300mm. One anchor boli, with the end-to-end distance of 100 ~ 300mm, shall be adopted for both ends of each bottom plate 9.4.9 When the Moor joss of the first floor are placed directly on the concrete foundation, the preservative treatment shall be performed for the ends of the members. When the josts are placed in the provided grooves on concrete or masonry foundation, the ends of the members shall be preservative treated as well as have gap of no less than 20mm for both sides of the end. No fillers such as thermal insulation or dampingproof material shall be inthe void. 9.4.10 When in light wood frame construction the clear distance from the bottom of members to the ground under the elevated level is less than 150mm, the members shall use the preservauive treated timber or laying damp-proof course on the ground. 9.4.11 The sectional area of the ground plate eanying the floor load shall not be less than 40mm x 90mm, The void between the ground plate and the top of the foundation shall be filled with sealing ma~ tenals it the ground plate 18 directly placed on the top ofthe stnp foundation 49 10 Fire Protection of Timber Structures 10.1. General 10.1.1 ‘The design for fire safety shall be conducted based on the requirements of this chapter, As to in this chapter, Code for Fire Protection Design of Buildings (GBS0016) shall be 10.2 Combustibility & fire-resistance ratings of building members 10.2.1 Combustibility & fire-resistance ratings of building members in timber structures shall ‘meet or beyond the requirements described in Table 10.2.1. ‘Table 10.2.1 Combustiblty & Fire-resistance Ratings of Members in Timber Structares ‘Names of Members Fire-resistance Ratings (1h) Firewall ‘Non-combustble 3.00, [Londbearing wall, Tally separation wall, elevator and its shaft wall Dimiclt combustible 1.00 ‘Now-lodbearing wall, separation wall on both sdes of the escape aisle | Difficult combustible 1.00 Room partition wall Difficult combustible 0.50 Maithstoreyed loadbearing columns Dimiutt combustible 1.00 Single storey loudbearing columns Dimiuit combustible 1.00 Beams Difficult combustible 1.00 Floors Difficult eombastible 1.00 Roof loedbearing members Dieult combustible 1.00 Escape stairs Dieult combustible 0.50 Interior suspended ellings Diteult combustible 0.25, ‘NOTES, 1. Non-combustble materials shall be used for the roof coverings. . When a building is the timber structure with varlous heights, the roof losdbearing members of the lower height must adopt noo-combustibles with fire resistance rating of no less than 1.00h. 10.2.2 Combustibility & fire-resistance ratings of any kind of members may be determined a3 con: ined in Appendix R of the code. 10.3. Stories, length & areas of buildings 10.3.1 The building of timber structure shall not exceed three stories. The maximum allow- able length and the fire zoning areas of the building with various heights shall not be beyond the 50 rules as shown in Table 10.3.1. Table 10.3.1 Storey, length & areas of buildings of timber structure Storey allowable Tength | Max. allowable areas for each Noor (1m!) Single 100 1200) ‘Two stores o 900 "Three stories o ‘oo NOTE: For the building of Uaber structure sprinklered, the maximum allowable length and areas shall be lowed to double based on Table 10.3.1, If the part is installed, calculaton shall be done according to the pa tal areas. 10.4 Fire distance 10.4.1 The fire distance between the timber structures or between the timber structure and other fire-resistance rated building shall meet or beyond the rules in Table 10.4.1. ‘Table 10.4.1 Fire distance of the timber structures (ma) a Building of class A | Building of — | Building of umber | Building of re & cass B class C structure lass D Building of timber 8.00 9.00 10.0 11.00 structure NOTE: Fire distance shall be calculated based on the shortest aistance between the exterior wall of two nelgh- boring buildings. When there ls combustibe member projecting out of the wall, calculation shall be conducted {from the outer edge of the projection 10.4.2 The fire distance shall not be less than 4.00m provided that no openings of doors and windows is on the exterior facing walls between two timber structures or between the timber structure and other structural building. 10.4.3 The fire distance shall meet or beyond the requirements shown in Table 10.4.3, pro- ‘vided that all areas of openings of doors and windows on the exterior facing walls do not exceed 10% of the exterior wall areas between two timber structures or between the timber structure ‘and other fire-resistance rated building. ‘able 10.4.3 Fire dstance when openness ratio on exterior wall < 10% (m) ‘Building of class A. Building of Umber Bailing Building of lass D sat lass B & cass C structure Building o timber oe 5.00 6.00 7.00 structure 10.5 Combustibitity of materials 10.8.1 The technical specifications of combustibility relating to building materials that are adopted in st limber structures shall meet the rules stipulated in GB8625 Method of Test for Determination of Difficult Combustbilty in Building Materials 10.5.2. interior finishing materials ‘The fire protection capability of the materials that are used for the walls, ceilings, windows for lighting and floors in the internal space shall not be lower than non-combustible Class BI 10.5.3 pipes and wrapping materials or tinings 1, Fluids in the pipe can cause the temperature of the outer side of the pipe up to 120° or moze, in that eo and the adhesive under construction must be + the pipe and the wrapping materials oF lini snon-combustibles. b. ‘The fire protection eapal than non-combustible Class BI if the temporature of the outer side of the pipe is lower than 120%. 10.5.4 Filles: When the soun the building, the fire protection capability shall not be lower than non-combustible Class Bl lity of the pipe and the wrapping materials or linings shall not be lower Jbsorbing materials and thermal insulations are filled in the members or cavity of 10.6 Garages 10.6.1 ‘The automobile garage, which is built affiliating tothe residential timber structures and solely for the service for this residential units, may be regarded as one part of the residential unit and shall be scot the following: a. The openings of doors and windows may not be made direclly on the partition wall dividing the residential units. A single door can be provided if there is indeed a problem, but it shall fulfill the ro- quirements as follows: 4) The ror open directly onto the automobile garage shall be not designed as the bedroom, b) The fire-esistance rating of the partition wall shall not be lower than 1.0h. ©) The fire-resistance rating of the doors shall not be lower than 0.6h.. 4) The non-position automatic door closer shall be installed on the door. bo. The gross areas may not exceed 60m? 10.7 Heating & ventilation 10.7. The installations to make a fire to heat or to produce and work is forbidden in the timber structures, 10.7.2 The smoke flues, chimneys and beds heated by fire in use of heating or cocking shall be pro- duced with non-metallic non-combustibles and shall follow the rules belo 1. The thickness of their wall near the timber members is no less than 240mm. bb. The clear distance between them and timber members is no less than 120mm. Good ventilation shull be provided around them. 10.8 Stoves 10.8.1 The installation and design of the stoves shall comply with the following: 32. ‘8. The counters on which the stoves are placed shall be non-combustibles. b. Combustible decorations or devices shall not be provided 0.75m above the stove or around within the range of 0.45m. 10.8.2 In addition to the requirements of Clause 10.8.1 of the code, the gas stoves shall conform to the CII 12-99 Installation and Acceptance Regulation of Domestic Cas Burning Devices 10.9 Skylights 10.9.1 When a building has various heights, the skylight placed on the roof ofthe lower pact of the building shall be no less than 5.00m, the minimum distance to the doors, windows and openings on the extenor wall of higher part of the building where the lower partis adjoining, One of the following conditions being identical to, the restnctions, thus, shall not be imposed on distance: 4. The skylights have been installed with automatic sprinkler system oF fixed fceproof windows of Class B. 1b. The doors on extenor wall are the fireproof doors closed automatically on fire, The Greproof windows of Class B shall be fixed in the window openings and other openings. 10.10 Enclosed space 10,101 In places below where are the enclosed space in the timber structures, the fre precaution measures shall be taken to provide barns ‘8, Between the studs and under the rof beams if the flacr height in light wood frame construction is leas than or equal to 3m. AF the place spaced 3m apart along the wall height between the studs and ‘under the roof beams if the floor height is higher than 3m At the joints of the horizontal member (including rofs and floors) and the vertical members (eng. walls) ©. At the joints of the ist step upwards and downwards ofthe stairs with lors 33 11 Preservation of Timber Structures 11.0.1 The measures shall be taken against moisture and to vent the timber structures: ‘a. Damp-proof course shall be provided under the supports of the trusses and the girders. . ‘The column piers shall be installed under the columns that are forbidden to embed di- rectly into the soil. cc. The joints of supports of the trusses and the girders or other timber londbearing mem- bers shall not be enclosed within walls or thermal insulati the poor ventilated condition (Figures 11.0.1-1 and 11.0.1-2). in.the places below of layers, oF 4. The vents shall be installed in the concealed building components. €. The buildings, which are exposed to ‘weather, shall be designed to avoid the poss!- bility of accumulation of water in construc- tion, There shall be cavity between the mem- bers (except at the joints). f, When there is great difference of tem- perature between the tnternal and external sidered the use of thermal insulation and air barrier. 11.0.2 In addition that the methods of preser- pended cine o vation agamnst fungi and insects shall be described Figure 1.0.1-1 Diagram of ventilation construction of exterior drainage at the Joins of roof supports in design drawings, it is requested that the con- struction quality shall be checked and corrected if there is problems during the relief of the shift relating to preservation under const Eel « Figure 11.0.1-2 Diagram of vention consruction of interior Arvnage atthe joints of woof suppor 34 11.0.3 In the following situations the timber shall be treated with chemicals besides the mea sures are taken against moisture and to ventilate. the outdoor structures: . interior drainage at the joints of the trusses: c. the places where the timber members such as purlins, joists and columns are in close contact with masonry and concrete; 4d. the timber members which are adopted in wet conditions subject to termites to grow: fe, masson pine, Yunnan pine, slash pine and birch used in loadbearing structures, and timber from new species group that is subject to decay or inseet attack, 11.0.4. The selection of chemicals and treatment methods shall he based on the Chinese standanl GB 50206 Code for Construction Quality Acceptance of Timber Structures. NOTES:0, Insect damages means the damage caused by insects such as termites ae moths, and lengcors, 1b. The factor shows dat asphalt can prevent fmt mwisure but i wt elective in preservation of fang ao tha it nay ot be slely wed, 11.0.5 The preservative treated timber members shall be applied in accordance with the designated ingredients and directions for chemicals and treetment method by the designer. Chemicals or treatment rethods shall be needed to change because of restrictions prior to the consent of design organizations, On any conditions no chemicals disaccredited shall be utilized 11.0.6 The timber (glulam) members shall be machine-processed before the commencement of the treatment of chemicals. Preservative treated members shall avoid being re-cut or re-bored. Should the partial be modified owing to the problem of technology , the exposed surface must be coated enough with the chemicals of the same brand. 11.0.7 When the timber structures are preservative treated by the pressure process. the retention and penetration of chemicals in timber shall be compatible with the requirements in design documents Wherever nothing is required in design, they shall be identical to the minimum of requiremen Chinese standard GB 50206 Code for Construction Quality Acceptance of Timber Structures. in the 55 Appendix A Limitations of Grades for Timber Used in Loadbearing Structures A.1 Limitations of Grades for Timber Commonly Used in Loadbearing Structures ALL Sawn tumber ‘Table A.1.1 Limitations of grades for sawn lumber in loadbearing structures ‘Timber grades No Characteristics of defects uw M1 1 [ Decay Not permited | Not pormited | Not permited Kone 1 On any surface within the eango of eny 150mm aloag | (within the 2 | che axis, the sum dnenton of knots shal ot exceed | range of uit ee ve Lhe limited faction ofthe with va) ‘Slope of grain 3 | Average height of inclination on any timber of tom | SOmm 00m 120.00 long #0! exceed Away fom z z 4 | Pa see eat No lini 1 lini Checks (a) om the shear section ofthe joints Not permitted | Not permitted | Not permited 5 | (Lb) Near the shear section ofthe ois, the depth of checks (or the sum of the check on oppite side) “a wB No Fit shall not exceed the lite fraction of the wid, 6 | Decaying by insects Surface borer holes pemited, bat never borer holes Nores, bere use. 4, For dead knots inching lose knots and rae knots shall be measured on common knots, and checked on notch- 5 if necessary. Where dead kts tond t9 roltoness, the preservative atten shall be conducted on thse paris . The dimenton shall be measured perpendicular the longitudinal axis of ts member. The side view of spike knvts shall not be messured (Fig. A.1). Sound kot that are lee than Or in diameter shall net be measured, Figure A.1 Measurements of knots 56 A.L.2 Plank ‘Table A.1.2 Limlations of grades for plank in loadhearing structures Tanker eden a Carcesiton ofdfcts ‘ Tr 1 a | Decar Not pemived | No pnd | No pena Kote a On any sae wihia the range of any 150mm log | (within de 2 | the xicy the eum dimestion of knots shall not exceed range of joint nia ae the Tine in of he wt v5) Slope o in 2| Average fight of Stnaon many timber of tm] Om Om 1200 log ot eee = | win Tet permiied | Wo permite | Not permite Che: 5 | on and near the shear surface ofthe jonas epee ema eee © | Decaying by ess ‘Surface borer boles penned, but never borer holes those par before use ‘NOTE: For dead knots, including louse knols and rotten Koos shall be measured on common knots, anil checked on notches if nocesary. Where deal nts tend to rotennesn, the preservative ieatmen! shall be conducted on A.L3 Log ‘Table A.1.3. Limitations of grades for log in loadbearing structures : Tinker pads No Chancteritos of defects tr 7 7 1 [Desay Not penniod | Not period | Not porn Krots (a) On any sate within the range of any 150mm : long the asi, the sum dimenton of rts shall not vs ue oe 2. | exceed the limited action ofthe lengh of perimeter | 1/10, | of lg (thin te | / 7 | ©) The maximum dimention of each Knot shall not | range of jit vs e excrd the ited fraction of the porimetr of log 2 Spe of gain 2 | Haight of nainton on amalle tp af Gnbor of Ie | mm 120 150m long not exceed ‘vay from a 3 | mm jae No limit No in 3 | Decaying by insect Sore bore les pie, bt weve fF NOTES: eon those pats before use be ensured surfaces far us posibe, For dead knot, inching loose knots and roten knots shall be wmasured on common knot, and checked ‘on notches if necessary. Where dead boot tend to ottennois, the preservative treatment shall be condaet- 1b. The dimenton sll be measured perpendicular tothe loginainal exis of is meucber. ‘The side view a spike knots stall not be measured (Fig. A1). Sound knot that are less than 10am Aiaeter shall not «. For checks on log, tinber can be used through adjusting dzetion ofthe checks perpondiclar to the shear 7 A.2 Limitations of Grades for Structural Glued Laminated Timber Tuble A.2.1 Limitations of grades for Structural Glued Laminated Timber Timber pres No Charucteristios of defects Ly in ay 1 | Decay Not peamited | Not permited | Not permited Keats “a 2s a (4) On any sueface within the range of any 200mm | es tbe ais the sn dimen of aut sll nt exceed the limited fraction af the width 1b) Within the range of 100mm foreach fingerjint= in - ot Not permite! | Not permited | Not penned ing or both tips ‘Slope of gain 3. | Average height of inclination on any timber of tm | SOme 800 150mm Tong oot exceed 4 | Pin Not permited | Not permite | Not permite Checks: (e) The depth of the checks on the marrow surface va 723 1 Cor the sum ofthe checks on opposite side) shall not For the lateral 5 | exceed the limited fraction ofthe width) beams ofthe ((b) The depth ofthe checks onthe brved surface (or lreb plates: 1/3 the sum of the checks on opposite ide) shall nat ex- | No limit Notint | Ne tii for coed the limited faction of the thicknes raat 6 | Decaying by insects Surface borer holes permitted, but never borer holes Spiral pin 7 | Within the range of 100mm fr each fingering ot | Not pemnited | Not permitod | Not perited both ip. NOTES: a. Same at ater in Table A.t.1. 1, Avoid the checks on the shear aufuce of the manufactured glam eemnber in accordance with this r= quirements of selection . For the timber with vevere defects, itcan be eut the potion of defects ovt and then used based cn the de clasifed ater elongation, 58 7 =P V1 [dor eH Se a [ethos ound sy oo pres te) 2 open omg, 4 " nose a E/T Piel ey Fool oor aad oN 3p js67 FH OF Pied oN aiot rots onan] 6 ud ey 9 gon) sep Sonyy <4 25 pod : ‘ony ow 9p pS pd 99 HYP WOE ow Hy pm py A ez] CPR) SHO] ony wt 9g wo ate “Prd Ha PG, GD ny IH OM Rp eal 9 WATE a Fig pone aoe pap go | 183) 274 0 E74 pO 0 iovenal s we go ry. | 0 ap ore gab 36 py bo 0g zi RES pm EY poe wy | 0m) EH BE FS ov wt Sond pas] + wr ‘ sas) “ent i a seal 2 po aot—[ET8 OH ins) ¢ samt P wo1—(e Tab iy ry | a mag pe yar my (rang) 0} 09 0 pts see poms) 1 brome an te/7 Seay | Ho yy pe ra, | Hl o 1 7 eapp pemwscemy | oy ‘ononsisue; Samia PooM WAHT 20) 9pEIB Jo SIONEUTT ey aL, wonanssu) aumesy Poojy 14817 49) sepesD Jo SvONEMMY] E°¥ 59 PET UE we 6 Pa Tri} 0 G7 3 ne we I oN a aN mE > psa mR TA mT] _—_—_ (HR) EHH] L a an a oo FP Hol Aw wa Kw ay pram Sw ea] 9 ¥ v1 3d mut 25/9 © 7/y pO WH Hm P Op ee Lz ps pe umn ap want. or i ane (oa) § fy om C79 Pm Cry PO 1 P29 —F/9 POT PRON wy woop py t/t BEY me vi i Fa p ahs > vie a w sas € pie ol ‘ad on OT i Gre ma SPE NS PH eet Jane 501 94 2 HB rel? 7 hm eng soe Phong ee ‘aoe oe sees poe ea Bg rags pore Pac ene ey (sea A, stud “h “n eee spp p onsen SEL PPP o |x wm 3 % 36 3 s a 9 6 io oF @ i 2 ow is # m7 e is i ec is st ca aw s fr we © st st : © @. r ét Fn 7 st ot 3 #0 fi oo ap ae eH ae (om) ae (am aor pep | (8TPE | (omy ae pop Crile cer yy om) em ste 9 = (co) ey oy (om) s001 oy piecileadees mate ee, | (SUR ee 7 7 a a sop p 7 eomernong | 4 rv (pannus) gy =I, 60 PET Raa Rp aes RT ERD BAL PGT SEY |S SN PTH PURE ATT ume op ey “eve arf ses con a lacocony Duns Sen “si am sep ay Ios aya tL a UAL 29 oun poo uy djaop vu Sop peo 2a yao oop 1rd suf ya i amen po ut pds ed Ky 2 a [LS av Sad “GO| guy sso om scp pan Sy aw weep Heep yes yoy “aoa ens ky pomp 5p sods sans or ed a Sone SuyoOp sop (ons mp parton aot“ pals orgy So “one on FaNA AG ‘aoe oy paso 2§ 2 YE voneue se “sb ype wy Soman au Pe OF (ape 9 w omc a 2g Bare or Hoy Pane 9 mo Rs a Sop eh as we Uf RN spon ase aoe seme ye) “en etd op go} 7 Bm ETT UE) = EN RF = “AT PH aw am a Ey FPL “1 TCV aL [er yptey 971 md nay umaie oa §/1 aan See ET “A spepp p soszaremn | og (Pomunuoo) Ey O1qeL, 6 Appendix B Design Requirements of Timber From New Species Group Used in Loadbearing Structures B.1 Main Characteristics of Timber B.1.1 pognodairee: uneasy to season, good resistance to decay, subject to sect attack; B.1.2 syzygium cumini (L..) Skeels: slow in seasoning, good reatstance to decay’, B.1.3. beefwond: high degree of harness and heavy weight, easy to season, subject to insect a tuck, poor resistance to decays B.1.4 cucalyptus exserta F. Mucll., E.citriodora Hook.f., and Yunnan E,xlobulus Labill, : un- easy t0 season, easy to cup; gond resistance to decay for Yunnan Yunnan E. lo as Labill. , poor re- sistance to decay for Eucalyptus exsenta F. Muell. , E. citriodora Hook.f. B.1.5 sassafras: easier wo season, takes stains badly, better resisiance to decay’ B.1.6 elm: uneasy to season, easy to cup, high shrinkage, medium resistance to decay, subject to insect attack B.1.7-ilantho weight, softs + easy to season, poor resistance to decay, appears blue and changes color, light B.1.8 alder: easy to season, poor resistance to decay B.1.9 pop B.1.10 forty easy to season, poor resistance to decay, subject to insect attacks 1s Chinabells: light weight, soft, low shrinkage, low strength, exsy to season, poor resistance to decay. NOTE: Easy or uneuy to season specially for planks resistance ty decay specially for dhe heat portion of dnb eutdars oor resisunce wo decay fr ede toker. In the contion of the nonnal mowure, iti nt the most important to consider the resistance to decay for monbers not used in eoniat with the ground B.2 Scope of Utilization B. aall spust. ‘The scope of uilization is gradually extended! wit achieves 1 The timber shall be adopted on the timber columns, joists, rafters and stecl-wood trusses of 1 of rich experien B.2.2 The timber from the species group that has poor resistance to decay and subject to ansect at~ tack shall not be used as the structure in the open air provided that the preservative treatment involved is unreliable, B.3 Design Index B.3.1 The design value of strength and modulus of elasticity may be taken based on Table B.3.1 if the weight and the moisture content are identical to the requirements in Clauses 3.1.2 and 3.1.13 of the code. B.3.2_ The stability factor value shall be determined according to Clauses $.1,4 and 5.3.2 when the 62 members in axial compression and in hending combined with compression. ‘Table B.3.1. Design value of strength and modulus of elasticity Timber From New Species Group (N/mm!) ‘ending | Bearing | Shear | Bearing prlelw gril fw) resisance | & bearing | ritance [-———] I Grades resistance | parallel to Partial Under 7 of | Names of species parallel to | gain pa | tice | vatier |] NE seen ein mice | & toting | tensile hk hk secnce | bl Pagoda ia rls is B as | 42 | 6 |sc00 Tene te lemon ecsigethun, ceealpion, blue Ls mos | ype B 2 as | 3.6 | 4.8 |scod wean 12 ton | eovabereiaaioe | | | a3 | 2a | 9a | 4a fro) NOTEThe design vale of ae plcl to gain ad mln of cast of pptar elfen China ay bin the tbe vles ring 10 TB aiid By 0,9, The design vate een perpen gin an vals of lacy ay ona the uated values relaing to TBI mui by 0.6. Mdifetn can be ade om copra method. B.4 Construction Requirements In addition to follow the requirements of design and construction stated in relevant chapters and clauses of the code, the design of timber from new species used in loadbearing construction shall indi- liance with the following: her from new specres used on roof shall he constructed in a manner so that the exterior Arainage and on skylights are adopted. ‘The steel-ood russes shall be employed if it used for the trass~ B.4.2 The preservative treatment shall be performed as outlined in chapter 11 of the code. The tim= ber, for instance trema that is subject to insect attack and poor resistance to decay should be used for the place where is exposed to weather. If it is necessary to embed into wall, the portion in the wall shall be plastered two coats of preservatives besides the members have been treated with preservatives. B.4.3 In case of use of sawn lumber for the top chont of the trass, the cross-sectional width shall not be less than 120mm. The diameter of the smaller end shall not be less than 110mm if log is used as the top chord. The net cross-sectional area of the timber member shall not be less than 5000mn?. Log should be adopted directly if itis permitted. B.4.4 ‘The timber from nowly-used broadleaf trees shall not be manufactured to be light wood frame construction connected by nails and truss plates. 63 Appendix C Testing Standards of Timber Strength C.1 General of Approach C.1.1 Testing of stength grades on sampled lot of timber may be determined on the basis of the test- ing result of static curvature along hypotenuse. For timber in bearing structures, the minimum stength shall be tested as requested in Table C.1.1 Table C.t.1 Testing stndard of strength for timber Species pups Canon Beadlval wees Sheng grades | To] Tors | eis | row | Ten | twa | Tos | Tw | Tho inane eng value enteaing | a8 | ost | 88 ss | os | 73 | oe os (xe) | C.1.2 The imported timber with the names not listed in this code shall be tested on the following as pects pnor to application if no testing reference is available. 1. in respect to physical properties: density and shrinkeges b. im respect to mechanical properties: bending strength, compression strength parallel to grain, shear strength parallel to grain, and bending modulus of elasticity. C.2 Test Methods C.2.1 Testing shall be performed in accordance with the Chinese standard GB 1929 General Regula~ tions on Test Methods for Physical & Mechanical Properties of Timber , and converted to be the values at the time of a target morsture content of 12% . C.3° Sampling Methods & Evaluation Regulations €.3.1 In onder to implement the tess indiested in Clause C.1.1 of the code, three pieces shall be selected at random from the total aumber of the each lot a5 the samples. Three specimens that are cut from each sample but outside the pith is called a" group”. The strength grades are determined on the basis of the lowest value among the average values of exch group. ‘The strength grades determined on tests shall not higher than that of the same species in Clause 4.2.1+1 of the code. The timber whose name is unknown shall be applied the design index in Grading Croup B according to the grades tested. €.3.2 In onder to implement the tess indicated in Clause C.1.2 of the cade, the number of samples may depend on the astual conditions. Five pieces, in general, should be selected randomly, and six specimens of each piece are cut outside the pith for each test program. ‘The strength grades and application scope are determined in accordance with the testing results and the domestic timber that is si 64 Appendix D Requirements of Inspection & Maintenance of Timber Structures D.0.1 The projeot of timber structures shall be conducted a thorough examunation por to handing ‘over. Every critical portion, 1.¢. the joins of supports and tension jomts, shall be inspected one by ‘one. Every steel tie rod or bolt, which has been loosened, shall be fastened D.0.2. Within two years after handing over the project, the owner (or occupant of the property) shall, perform a yearly inspection before or afier the stows season, the rainy season or the wind season ac cording to the local climate conditions. Afier two years once handed over, inspection is conducted when the circumstances require Items of inspection: Joints of supports not dampened , decayed or insect attacked. [No leakage or poor drainage for the roof gutters and skylights Joints of bottom chords in postion. [No splits near the bolts on the side plates. Examine for obvious sagged or inclined rools. Tie rods not rusted. [Nut not loosened. No deformation to washers. ‘The owner shall keep the technical records on mspection and maintenance for the timber struc~ tures, especially for public buildings and factory buildings. D.0.3 Once the harmful conditions to the security and safety of timber structures are found rein force them without delay. NOTE: No obvious effect is shown if stocl wire bundling ¢ used to prevent fom spilt tending worse 6s Appendix E Testing Standards of Adhesive Power E.1 General of Approach E.1.1 Adhesive capacity of gluing may be determined in accordance with the testing results on the shear strength of glue line parallel to grain. ‘The shear strength of the gluing line for adhesives in load Dearing structures shall not be lower than the values in Table E11 ‘Table E.1.1 Minimum adhesive power for adhesives in loadbearing structures ‘Strngth value of shear resistance of glue bine parallel to grin (N/mm?) “Testing conditions of specimens nf : Softwoods, such as red pine ‘Oak or Chinese ash Deyeonin 59 18 We- condition 29 54 E.2 Requirements of Materials E.2.1. Timber which is used for glued timber shall be meet the requirements contained in Chapter 3 of the code, 2,2 The working activation of adhesives shall not be lower thon 2h when testing at @ temperature of 202°C. E.2.3 The moisture content is of no more than 15% when gluing timber E.3 Specimens E.3.1 The sample contains two pieces of timber of size 25mm x 60mm x 320mm (Fig. E.3.1a). Grain shall be parallel to the direction of length and the annual ring makes an angle of 40° to 90° with the glued surface. No pitchy timber shall be adopted ‘The sample shall be planed pnor to gluing, with the gluing suiface smooth and the side and angle complete, Adhesives shall be coated on the gluing surface within 2h after planning. Clear away wood mo so, #04 so 4 0 + j j oo) a as2s Figure E.3.1 Dimensions of sunples 66 chips and dins pnor to gluing. Lamination shall be done in 1Smin after gluing and loaded at 0.4 10 0.6 N/mm. The indoor temperature shall be kept from 20°C to 25°C in the course of gluing, The sample is placed 24h in the condition of : loading and then is cured 24h after removing loading, “f and finally processed to be specimens. s 0 3.2. procesing of specimens The specimen is cut into four blocks ( Fig. f\ .3.1b) and t0 be four shearing specimens on the F basis of the types and sizes as shown in Figure 7 £.3.2. By = ‘The planed specimen shall be measured by steel angle square. Both ends shall be perpendicular to the side surface, The end surface shall be even ‘and flat. The shear section area of the specimen shall have the allowable deviation at 0. Smm. Figure E.3.2 Shearing specimen of glue Tine parallel to gain E.4_ Test Installation & Equipment ‘The specrmens shall be placed within the specially used shearing installation (Fig. E.4) and tested on a timber test machine of small tonnage, generally 40KN. Accuracy of the load testing reading ‘of the test machine shall reach up to 1% or below of the estimated destructive load 2s Pigure E.4 Test Equipment of glue line shearing E.5_ Test Conditions E.5.1 The test in the dry conditions shall be conducted within 3 to 5 days after gluing, E.5.2 The test in the wot conditions shall be conducted immediately after the imprognation with wa- ter for 24h. E.6 Test Requirements E.6.1 In case of tesung, the size of the shearing section shall be fintly measured by a vemer caliper of accuracy up to O. Imm. The specimen placed in the elipper shall ensure that the glued sur- face is the same as the direction of loading. Loading is stable and speed of loading shall he controlled 67 to cause destruction on the specimen within 3 to Smin On destruction of the specimen, make # record of the maximum value of load. ‘The area of the shearing section along timber shear failure shall be measured with accuracy of up to 3%. E.7 Sorting out & Calculation of Testing Results, E.7.1 ‘The value of limit shear strength shall be calculated using the following formula with accuracy up to 0.1N/mn: a Su where: fry = value of limit shear strength (N/ mnt”) Q, = maximum value of load ()s A, = shear area (ram?) E.7.2. The testing records shall include the limit strength and its destructive characteristics, and cal- ion at percentage on rate of area slong destruction of timber to gross arca of glued surface. E.8 Sampling Methods & Evaluation Regulations ht specimens manufactured from two B.8.1 A batch of adhesives shall be checked using at leas samples. In each sample, two specimens are tested in the dry condition and the other two tested in wet condition. The specimens shall be deemed to be quelified if the testing results conform to the require iments in Table E.1.1 of the code. The specimens, which are twice the number of specimens in previ- fous testy shall be tested Judged not to be used in loadbearing structures if there is one specumen still fails in the test. in if there is one specimen is not qualified. This batch of adhesives shall be E.8.2 The specimen may still be deemed to be qualified even though strength of the specimen 1s lower than the values listed in Table E.1.1 of the code but the area of shear failure along timber de~ struction is not Tess than 75% of the shear section of the specimen E.8.3 The waterproof adhesive used often may be only forthe test in the dry conditions. 6 Appendix F Technological Requirements of Gluing F.0.1 The glued members shall be glued indoors. During the whole gluing and cunng, the indoor ‘temperature shatl not be lower than 16°C. F.0.2 In onier to guarantee the joints of finger-jointing, the fingers shall be milling machined spe- Cally. The cutting tols shall be accredited. The fingers manufactured by the mil kept intact and without any defects. F,0.3/ The jomnis of the boards shall be glued within 24h aficr being milled and planed. In gluing. loading, with loading on the fingers of 0.6 ~ 1.0N/mru?, shall be stably exerted on the gluing surface When loading the finger-jointing, clip the finger on both sides and then exert load on the end of the machine shall be board. On gluing the jomts, cunnng shall be maintained for 24h in the condition of loeding. Curing may he avoided but the temperature and the time of electrical heating shall be determined hased on tests if accelerates the solidification of adhesives. the high-frequency electrical heat F.0.4 The timber board shall be planed on the glued surface on completion of the procedure of glu- sng the finger-jointing. Planning shall be of quality conforming to the fllowin a. The face glued surface and the base glued surface shall be smooth and compact with no light penetration through any part. On individual part, the raised traces due to damage on the edge of the cutting knife shall not be 0.2mm higher than the surface of the board. . The rough surface near knots shall not be more than 100m jn length among the boards planed. . The deviation of thickness shall not exceed +0. mm for two boards that are butt jointed F.0.8 The boards shall be glued within 12h on being planed, or within 24h atthe latest. Dins shall be cleared away from the gluing surface prior to gluing F.0.6 On gluing and laminating the boards, load shall be exerted stably on full-size glued surface ‘The load on the Linear members shall be 0.3 ~ 0.5N/mm?, and 0.5 ~0.6N/mn for curved members F.0.7 In order to ensure that the strength in the glue-line is kept enough prior to the succeeding pro- ccoss step, the time of loading and cunng spent on gluing for member shall suit well to the requirements indicated in Table F.0.7, The time of loading and curing shall be determined based on tests when ‘adopting high-frequency electrical heating oF microwave heating. ‘Table F.0.7 Shortest time of loading and curing for glued members Tibor venperature CC) ‘Types of members 16=20 21-25 26-30 Duration of loading Ch) TNov-opraging members z 6 7 Springing members 18 8 6 Carved members 2 18 a2 Tine of curing on loting aed unloading (1) ALL types of members = sca on di is tt Co) F.0.8 The fabrication quality of glulam members shall fulfill the requirements as follows: 18. The length of the section of the glue-line that is not glued shell not be more than 7Smm for the member's portion of maximum shear and 150mm for other portions. No through jomnt on the places that are not glued shall be found to be full width. The clear distance between the adjacent two sections that are not glued shall not be less than 600mm. No glued part shall be found in the glue-line ofthe finger- sinting, b. The thickness of the glue-line shall be controlled to be within the range of 0.1 to 0.3mm. Since the thickness of the local part exceeds 0.3mm, the length shell be less than 300mm and mxi- rum thickness shall not be greater than Imm. «. By analogy of the hase layer, some steps on cach lamination widthwise shall not exceed 2mm. 44. The fabricated glulam members shall have the deviation of the actual not exceed £5mm, i.e, not exceeding 54% of the design size. from the design size 0 Appendix G Names of Timber & Main Characteristics of Commonly Used Timber in This Code G1 Names of Timber Used in the Code Species which is of the same genus and has the similar properties is classified and given the names respectively s0 as to be good for execution of the code, ‘out herein still have their original names G.1.1 The names of timber that has been sonted out: Chinese timber: Northeast larch including L. Gmelini (Rupr.) Rupr. and 1.. Olgensis Henry (Changbai larch) Hemlock including Tsuga chinensis (Franch.) Priz.. T, Dumosa (D, Don) Eichler and T. Forrestii Downie Southwest spruce including P. brachytyla ( Franch.) Prite., P. Complanata Mast., P neoveitehii Masi. P. purpurea less some species that are not sorted fast. grown in West Sichuan and Picea asperata Mast Red pine including Pinus koraiensis, Pinus armandi Franch. , P. kwangtungensis Chun et Tsing, ‘and P. armandi var, Mastersana (Hay.) Hay. and P. fenzeliana Northwest spruce including P. purpurea Mast. and spruce grown in Gansu and Qinghai Fir including fir grown 1n every region, Abies delavayi (Van Tiegh) Franch. A. Fabri (Mast.) Graib., A. faxonians Rekd. Et Wils-, A. Holophylla Maxim. A. Nephrolepis (Trautw.) Maxim. A. Georgei Orr. Oak including Quercus acutissima Carr., Q. Aliena BI., Q. Glandulifera BI., Q. Mongolioa Fisch. Q, Chenii Nakai, Q. Liaotungensis Koide. , Q. Variabilis BI. ete. Beech including C. glauca (Tihunb.) Oerst., C. gracilis (Rehd. et Wils. )Cheng et T. Hong, CCyclobatanopsis bambusacfolia (Hance) Chun, C. myrsinacfolia (BI.) Oerst., C. patellifomnis (Chun) Chun, C. glaucoides Schott, C. chungii (Mete.) Chun, C. delevayi (Franch.) Schott. ete Lithocarpus including Lithocarpus longipedicellatus A. Camus, L. cleistocarpus Reh. et Wils.. 1. glaber (Thunb) Nakai, L.. dealbatus Rehd.. ete Castanca henryi (Skan) Rebd. et Wils. including C. Hystris A.DC, C. Carlesii (Hems!.) Hay. C. Sclerophylla (Lindl.) Schott., C. fabri Hance, G. tibetana Hance, C. fargesii Franch. . fordii Hance, C.delavayi Franch, C. kawakamii Hay., C. eyrei (Champ. Ex Benth.) Tuteh. ete. Birch including B. Platyphylla Roth., B. Costata Travty., B. Alnoides Buch.-Ham. Ex D. Don, Betula albo-sinensis Burk, B. Dahurica Pall. , ete. Imported timber: Douglas fir—Larch including Douglas-Fir, Wester larch n Hem—Fir including California red fir, Grond fir, Noble fir, Pacific silver fir, Western hemlock and White fir. Hem—Fir (Nomhem) including Pacific white fir, Western hemlock Southem pine including Lablolly pine, Longleaf pine, Shorleat pine and Slash pine Spruce—Pine—Fir including Rochy fir, Balsam fir, Black spruce, Englemann spruce, Jack pine, Lodgepole pine, Red spruce and White spruce Russain larch including Larix sibirica and L. dahuricn G.1.2 The species commonly called “white pine” in Northeast Chine includes actually four kinds of P. jeaoensis, P. koraiensis Nakai, A. Holophylla Maxim. and A. nephrolepis. ‘The name of them, therefore, shall be listed out one by one other than given the general name in this code because there is great diflerence in properties. G.1.3 To simplify the description, “softwoods” and * ‘and tables so as to summarize specific species. ‘The softwood is defined as the five-needle pine such as z Mastersiana (Hay.) Hay. and P. fenzeliana, and 0 on, The hardwood is defined as the wor ardwoods” are used herein in parts of articles koruiensis, Pinus annandi Franch., P. kwangtungensis Chun et Tsing, and P. armandi var. ree- roedle pine such as P. massomana Lamb., P. yunnanensis Franch. P. densiflors Sieb. et Zuce, P. sylvestris, P. tabulaeformis Carr., ete. G.2_ Main Characteristics of Commonly Used Timber G.2.1 Larch: slow in seasoning, splits easily, big difference of high degree of hardness and shrink age between early wood and late wood. seasons with shaking, good resistance to decay: 6.2.2 hemlock: easier to season, lowest to medium shrinkage, medium resistance to decays G.2.3 spruce: seasons easily, uneasy 10 deform, G.2.4 P, massoniana Lamb., P, yunnonensis ranch., P. densilor Sieb. et Zuce, P. ih shrinkage, poor resistance to decays sylvestris, P. tabulaeformis Care. seasons with warping and shaking, poor resistance to decay, sub- Jeet to attack by termites, takes blue stains commonly on sspwood: G.2.5. Pinus koraiensis, Pinus amandi Franch., P. kwangtungensis Chun et Tsing, and P. arman- 4i var. Mastersiana (Hay.) Hay. and P. fenzeliana: seasons easly, uneasy to shake and deform, lowest shrinkage, medium resistance to decay, takes blue stains commonly on sapwood G.2.6 oak and lithocarpus: hard to season, splits easily, high shrinkage, high strength, great spe- cific gravity and high degree of hardness, good resistance to decays G.2.7 beech: seasons harily, split etsily, checks possibly, high shrinkage, good resistance to de~ G.2.8 Chinese ash: seasons hardly, warps and shakes easily, medium resistance to decay: G.2.9 birch: easter to season, never warps and shakes, poor resistance to decay. NOTE: The iterretation of seasoning easily or ot al rexstance to decay good or not shall be refered to the note Jin Appendix B of the coe 2 Appendix H_ Field Identification & Main Characteristics of Main Imported Timber H.1 Coniferous Trees H1.1 southem pine Scientific name: pinus spp Including Pinus elliotii, Pinus palustris, Pinus echinata, Pinus taeda and Pinus elliott. Main characteristics: almost white to pale yellow or pale orange sapwood; obvious heartwood, light reddish brown of light brows and more narrow late wood for Pinus echinata, rapid tran itchy; clear annual rings; broader early wood for Pinus ellitti, botwoen the early and late wood ; invii ble parenchyma or timber radiation, visible longitudinal and transverse rosin paths and smell of resins straight but uneven gran Main properties: hhigh strength for Pinus elliott and Pinus palustris, and lower strength for other twos medium resistance to decay but uneasily treated with preservatives; slow in seasoning, higher shrinkage, processes uneasily, holds naile well and good gluing characteristics HAL.2 western larch Scientific name: Iarix accidentalis hitish to light reddish brown sapwood with the width of early wood seldom- ly exceeding 25mm; rufous or light reddish brown heartwood: clear annual rings wid of early wood Moin characteristics: by 2/3 oF more of the width of the rings, narrow late wood width, rapid transition between the easly and late wood: invisible parenchyma, timber radiation so thin that streaks on the radial section is un- obvious: visible longitudinal and transverse rosin paths and no peculiar smell; oily surface, feels slip- pory when touched by hands: straight grain. Main properties: high strength; medium resistance to decay: higher shrinkage: shakes and splits easily H1.1,3 scotch pine (Cocia obtaxsozenan) Scientific name: pimus sylvestris Main characteristics: pale yellow sapwood: light reddish brown heartwood; no great distinction between newly-cut sapwood and heartwood: colour of heartwood deepens gradually as seasoning goes and much different ftom heartwood: clear annual rings; clear distinction between early wood and late ‘wood, rapid transition; invisible timber radiation; visible longitudinal and transverse rosin paths that distribute mainly in part of late wood of annual rings: straight grain Main properties: medium strength: poor resistance to decay and subject to damage by moths, and longicoms; seasons easily, good property of seasoning: good gluing chara HA1.4 Tincraennuin Scientific names Larix 2 Including Larix sibiriea and Larix dahurica Main characteristics: white and litle yellowish Brown sapwood reddish brown heartwood arrow width of sapwood: clear distinction between sapwood and heartwood; clest annual rings ight brown carly wood, and dask brown late wood: rapid transition between the early and late wood invisible parenchyma or timber radiation; visible longitudinal and transverse rosin paths. so fine and close and ot many Main properties: high strengths good resistance to decay but uneasily treated with preservatives; higher shrinkage: slow in seasoning, seasons easily with shaking: processes uneasily, splits easily hy railing. H.A.5 Douglas fir Scientific name:pseudetsuga menziesii Nother America Douglas fir consists of two kinds, i.e. the Northern (including coastal) and the Southern. The timber grown in the Norther is of high strength, and the timber in the Souther of lower strength Notice it if using it. Main characteristics: greyish white to light yellowish brown sapwood: saffmon yellow to orange red heartwood ;clear distinction between sapwood and heartwood: visible a ring of white rosin in sapwood on the section of log; clear but uneven annual rings; rapid transition between the early and late wood :invis= ible parenchyma or timber radiation straight grain: sweet smell of rosin; Main properties:higher strength of wide range of variation In the use, the average width shall be limited not to be extremely large in additon to take notice to distinguish the places of growing. Medium resistance to decay, seasons well, uneasy to cup and shake on seasoning: processes easily, holds nails well and good gluing characteristics, H.1.6 merkus pine Scientific name: pinus tonkinensi Main characteristics: yellowish brown to light reddish brown sapwood: purplish reddish brown heartwood sclear but uneven annual rings; clear distinction hetween sapwood and heartwood ,rapid tran- sition between visible slightly timber radiation end longitudinal and transverse rosin paths: glosses well, smells intense of rosin feels slippery; straight or oblique grain Main properties: medium strength; medium shrinkage ;hard to season and subject to split;sepwood tekes stains blue exsily; processes uneasily, poor gluing characteristics H.1.7 tamerack Scientific name: lerix laricine Main characteristics: whitish sapwood, narrow; yellowish brown heartwood (or light reddish brown for fast-growing tree); clear wide annual rings: width of carly wood by 3/4 or more of the width of the rings: rapid transition between the easly and late wood; invisible parenchyma, timber radiation sofine and close that streaks on the radial section is unobvious; visible longitudinal and transverse rosin paths and no smell of rosin; slightly ily surface, feols slightly slippery but no odors spiral gran Main properties: medium strength; medium resistance to decay: processes easily HA1,8 western bernlock 4 Scienti Main characteristics: greyish white to light yellowish brown sapwoods heartwood deepens: unclear distinction between sapwood and heartwood: clear undulant annual rings: width of early wood by 2/3 ‘or more of the width of the rings: rosy, light purple and faint red late wood, with black stnpes (also called heak stipes) and several white spots occasionally; white annual rings near bark of log, white name: tsuga heteophylla spots seen occasionally; several white annual rings near bark: gradual transition between the early and. late wood invisible parenchyma, timber radiation so fine and close that streaks on the radial section 1s uunobvious: timber; straight and even grain. ro rosin paths; smells tart of rosin for newly Main properties: medium strengths poor resistance to decay but uneasily treated with preserva- well and good gluing charac tives; higher shrinkage: slow in seasonings processes easily holds 1 tensties HA.9 pacific silver fr Seientit Main characterities: color deeper than other common fir; unclear distinction between sapwood ame: abies amabilis ‘and heartwood: clear annual rings; gradual transition between the early and late wood; invisible parenchyma, timber radiation so fine and close that streaks on the radial section is unobyiouss no rosin paths; straight and even grain Main properties: medium strength; poor resistance to decays higher shrinkage; seasons easily processes easily; holds nails well and good gluing characteristics H.1.10 European spruce, Ene oGeixnosensast Scientific name: preea abies Main characteristics: even white and sometimes pale yellow or faint reds glosses slightly; unclear distinction berween sapwood and heartwood: clear annual rings; late wood deepens in color than the carly; visible longitudinal and transverse rosin paths; straight grau Main properties: medium strength; poor resistance to decay but uneasily treated with preserva smell of rosin tives seasons easily; processes easily: holds nails well and good gluing character HAL. martime pine Scientific name: pinus pinastor Main characteristics: similar to Seotch pine, but pitchy tain proper H.1.12 Korean pine, Kexp xopeicxuat Scientific namo: pinus Koraionsis Main characteristics: reddish white sapwood ; reddish and light brown heartwood; clear distinction between sapwood and heartwood but no clear limits; clear annual rings: gradual transition between the early and Iate'wood; invisible timber radiation; visible longitudinal and transverse rosin paths that dis- tribute mainly in part of late wood of annual rings; straight and even grain. Main propertics: lower strength than Scotch pines poor resistance to decay; low shrinkages sea- ighuly similar wo Se pine: holds nails well sons easily good properties an seasoning: processes easily; smooth cutting surfac and good gluing charscteristes 15 H.1.13 New Zealand radiata pine tific name: pinus radiata D.Don Main characteristies: even light brown to chestnut heartwood; exeamy yellow sapwood; clear an- ral rings: smaller heartwood - Main properues: Iti the fast-growing tree. Strength varies as the location of annual rings changes tal rings shall be cor be machine-graded. medium density, kiln-dried. Newly-cut timber takes from the pith to sapwood. As the structural-used timber, the average width of limited within 15; stains blue easily but can be controlled with efficient precautions. easily treated with preservatives ‘easily processed, fastened, finger-joined and glued H.1.14 castem spruce Scientific name: pices spp Including Picea glauca, Picea rubens and Picea manana. Main characteristics: unclear distinction between sapwood and heartwood ; white to light yellowish brown; glosses well; clear annual sings; early wood being several times the width then the lates ble parenchyma, visible longitudinal and transverse rosin paths; straight and even grain Main properties: low strength, poor resistance to decay but uneasily treated with preservatives; lower shrinkage: seasons fast and with litle splitting: pracesses easily: holds nails well and good ghi- sng, charactersties H.1.15 eastern hemlock Scientific name: psuga canadensis Main characteristics: light brown and slightly faint red heartwood; lighter colored sapwood un- 1gsi_ width of early wood by 2/3 or more of the width of the rings; gradual to rapid transition between the early and late wood; invisible clear distin reween sapwood and heartwood; clear annual parenchyma, timber radiation so fine and close that streaks on the redial section is unobviouss no rosin paths; uneven and often spiral grain. Main properties: lower strength than Westem hemlock; poor resistance to decay; faisly hand to season; same processing as Western hemlock HA1.16 white fir Scientific name: abies concolor ‘Main charactenstics: white to yellowish brown; other cheracteristios same as Pacifie silver fir Main properties: lower sirength than Pacific silver firs poor resistance to decay; low shrinkage; processes easily H.1.17 sitka spruce Scientific name: picea sitchensis +: creamy white to pale yellow sapwood: light reddish yellow to light purplish brown heartwood ; unclear distinction between sapwood and heartwood; clear annual ringss width of early wood by 1/2 oF 2/3 or more of the width of the rings; gradual transition between the early and late woods losses slightly; straight and even grains dimpled grain usually on section of hypotenuse 16 Main characteris wisible parenchyma, timber radiation, visible longitudinal and transverse rosin paths: Main properties: low strengths poor resistance to decay lower shrinkage; seasons well; processes easily; holds nails well and good gluing characteristics. H.1.18 ponderosa pine Scientific name: pinus ponderosa Main charactrisios: almost white to pale yellow sapwood, broad early wood often including an- tual rings of 80 and above: yellowish to faint red or orange brown heartwood clear to unclear annual rings; rapid transition between the early and late wood; invisible parenchyma, timber radiation, visi= ble longitudinal and transverse rosin paths; glosses wells straight grain, even to uneven. uneasily treated with preser- Main properties: lower strengths poor resistance to decay but slight! vativess lower shrinkages seasons easily; processes easily; holds nails well and good gluing character- ssties. HA 9 grand fir Scientific name: abies grandis Main characterises: sinilar to White fr Main properties: lower strength than White firs other properties same as it. HA1.20 Keap Crnpenitt Scientific name: pinus sbiriea Main characteristics: same as Korean pine, Keap xopeficxi Main propenies: same as Korean pine. Keap ropeicans. H1.1.21 lodgepole pine Scientific name: pinus contorta yellowish brown Main characteristics: almost white to pale yellow sapwood, pale yellow to tight heartwood; sapwood close in color to heartwood, and unclear distinction between them; clear annual rapid transition between the early and late wood: invisible parenchyma; fine and close timber radiation, visible longitudinal and transverse rosin paths; smells easily of rosin for newly-eut timbers straight yet uneven gram. Main properties: low strength; poor resistance to decay but uneasily weated with preservauves: subject ta damage by moths and longicoms; higher shrinkage: seasons easly: good propenies; pro- cesses easily: holds nails well and good gluing characteristies H.2. Broardleat Trees H.2.1 mengris Scientific name: koonpass spp Main characteristics; white to light yellow sapwood, Light red to brick red newly-cut heartwood and then to nacarat long-placed heartwood; unclear annual rings; scattered and uniformly districted ducts; tylosis in ducts; sxial parenchyma in the shape of circum-duet strand, wing or continuous sec= tioned narrow band; visible timber radiation, abvious streaks on the radial section and waving traces on section of hypotenuse; no intercellular bypass; glostes well; yellowish brown stripes; interlacing and uundulant gran. n Main properties: high strength: resistance to decay; low shrinkage: good properties; processes uneasily: splits easily by naling H.2.2- kapur Sciemific name: dryobalanops spp Main characteristics: light yellowish brown or slightly pinky sapwood; pink to cardinal red newly ceut heartwood and then to reddish brown, dark brown or mauve brown long:placed heartwood; clear distinotion between sapwood and heartwood: ducts; tylosis in ducts; axial parenchyma in the shape of close-to duct or wings a few of timber radia mnclear annual rings; individual and uniformly disticted tion, obvious streaks on the radial section and waving traces on section of hypotenuse; axial interellu- Jar byposs, expressing as white spots, individual or intermittent long chordwise rowss glosses well: smells of sont of camphor tree for newly-cut timbers grain interlacing slightly to obviously Main properties: high strengths good resistance to decay but uneasily treated with preservatives; high shrinkage; very slow in seasoning; seasons with splittings processes uneasily; holds nails easily and good gluing characteristics, 1.2.3 selangau batw Scientific name: shorea spp or Hopeas spp Main charnctoristies: light brown to yellowish brown timbers to dark brown long-placed timbers lighter colored sapwood easly distinguishes sapwood from heartwood; unclear annual rings: sealtered and uniformly districted ducts; axial parenchyma in the shape of circum-duct strand, wing or poly- ‘ings visible timber radiation; axial intercellular bypass, expressing as spots or long chordwise rows on transverse section; interlacing gran. Main properties: high strengths good resistance to decay but uneasily treated with preservatives; high shrinkage: slow in seasonings spits easily: processes uneasily but surface easily smooth on being planed H.2.4 kerving Scientific name: dipterocarpus spp Main characteristics: greyish brown to greyish yellow or purplish grey sapwood; mauve newly-eut Theartwood and then to dark mauve brown oF light reddish brown long-placed heartwood: clear di stricted is in ducts; contains brown rosin; axial parenchyma in the shape of close-to duet, cen tion between sapwood end heartwood; unclear annual rings; scattered and nonuniformly ducts; no ty trifugal duct; parenchyma on perimeter existing in intercellular bypass in the shape of wing: visible timber radiation; axial intercellular bypass, expressing as white spots, individual or 2~ 3 shox chord ‘wise rows on transverse section, long chordwise row seldom; glosses well; rosin leaking out on the aight grain, slightly interlacing. Main properties: high strength but lower than Selangau batu; little resistanc transverse sector decay for hear- ‘wood, and poor resistance to decay for sapwood but easily treated with preservatives; high and uneven shrinkage: slow in seasonings splits easly; processes uneasily; holds nails well; good gluing charac teristics H.2.5 groonheart 8 Sciemtific name: ocotea rodiaei Main characteristics: Light yellow sapwood; light jumper colored heartwood and glosses; unclear distinction between sapwood and heartwood; unclear annual rings; scattered and unifornly districted duet shows individual or sometimes 2 ~ 3 radial rows; contains rosin; axial parenchyma in the shape of cizcum-duet strand, citcum-duct, oF star scatters visible timber radiation, fine and light, through a magnifier obvious streaks on the radial section and no waving traces on section of hypotenuse; no inter cellular bypass; straight or interlacing grain Main properties: high strengths good resistance to decay: hard to season: splits easily on the end surface but litle buckling 11.2.6 purplebeart i: name: pellogyne spp Main characteristics: white sapwood with purple stripes; purple heartwood clear distinetion be- tween sapwood and heartwood; slightly clear annual rings; uniformly disticted ducts shows individual for sometimes 2 ~3 radial rows; rosin seen occasionally; axial parenchyma in the shape of wing, poly- ‘obvious streaks on the processes uneasily; splits easily by nailing; good gluing characteristics wing, or intermittent band among them; visible timber radiation, light calor radial section and no waving traces on section of hypotenuse; no intercelilar bypass; glosses well: straight grain with the undulant or the interlacing. Main properties: high strengths good resistance to decay’ uneasy impregnation of heartwood fast 1n seasoning: processes uneasily; splits easily by nailing. H.2.7 _jatoba Sei Main characteristics: whi ie name: hymeneae courbaril e or light grey sapwood with light reddish brown; yellowish brown to reddish brown heartwood with stnpess clear distinction between sapwood and hesrtwood; clear annual rings: nonusiformly disticted ducts in individuals contains rons axial parenchyma in the shape of Wheel, wang oF poly-wings many timber radiation lines; obvious silver-colored streaks on the radial section and no waving traces on section of hypotenuse: intercellular bypass; glosses well: stright ot interlacing grain fast in seasoning; processes easily. 1.2.8 totabo Scientific name: diplotmopis purpurea Main characteristics: greyish white and yellowish sapwood; light brown to dask brown heartwood clear distinction between sapwood and heartwood; fairly clear annual rings; uniformly districted ducts in individual; axial parenchyma in the shape of circum-duct strand, poly-wing linked to be intermittent rnamow bands fi traces on see= tuon of hypotenuse; no intercellular bypass; glosses dimly; feels waxy as touched by hands; straight yet irvegular grain Main properties: high strength; good resistance to decay: processes uneasily 2.9 dahoma Sei timber radiation; obvious streaks on the radial section and no wan jc name: piptadeniastrum africanun 9 Main characteristics: greyish white sapwood ; light yellowish grey brown to yellowish brown heart- wood: clear distinetion between sapwood and heartwood; clear annual rings; ducts in individual or sometimes 2~ 4 radial rows; contains rosin; axial parenchyma in the shape of intermittent wheel, duct mber radiation; smells awfully for newly-cut timbers and, wing and poly-wing; fine but visible straighter or interlacing grain. Main properties: medium strength; good resistance to decay; slow in seasoning; much deforma- thon; processes easily; holds nails well and good gluing characteristics. H1.2.10 sapole Scientific name: entandrophragina eylindricum Main characteris + light yellow or groyish white sapwood cardinal red or dark purple hear- woods clear distinction between sepwood and heartwood: clear annual rings; duets in individual, short radial rows, radial rows and oblique radial rows; parenchyma in the shape of wheel, cireum-duct or broad band; fine but unobvious timber radiation; regular stripes or intemittent short stnpes on the ra~ dial section smells of sort of Toona sinensis interlacing gramn Main properties: medium strength; medium resistance to decays seasons easily; processes casilys hholds nails well and good gluing charactersties: H.2.11andinoba Scientific nar -arapa guanensis Main Characteristies: dark brown to black brown timber: deeper colored heartwood nection between sapwood and heartwood clear annual rings; ducts in i ividual or sometimes 2 ~ 3 ra- dial rows; contains deep-colored tylosis in ducts; axial parenchyma in the shape of circum-duet and wheel ;rather many timber radiatiooa lines; obvious streaks on the redial section and no waving traces on section of hypotenuse; no intercellular bypass; glasses well on radian section: straight grain, slightly in- terlacing. Main properties: Iyssplits easily by nailing: good gluing characteristics 1.2.12 manniballi dium strength ; medium resistence to decay;medium shrinkage; processes east- Main characteristics: light yellow sapwood ; dark yellow or yellowish brown heartwood slightly clear distributed ducts in res 2 to several radial rows; contains rosin;axial parenchyma in the shape of con- stinction between sapwood and heartwood; clear annual rings: net very uniform individual or somet centric band and cireum-duct ;sightly fine timber radiation obvious streaks on the radial section and no waving traces on section of hypotenuse; no intercellular bypass; glosses well; smells little sweet when processing; straight gray. Main properties: medium strength good resistance to decay:air-dried easily: processes easily 3 yellow meranti Scientific name: shorea spp M low to light yellowith brown newly-cut sapwood clear distinction between sapwood and heartwood: un characteristics light yellowish brown to light brown with litle yellow heartwood; bright yel- 80 wach axial parenchymas clear annual rings; scattered fine timber radiation; intercellular bypass, expressing as white-spotted long chordwise rows on transverse uniformly districted ducts; tylosis in duc section; interlacing grain Main properties: medium strength; medium resistance to decay’ seasons easily; processes easily holds » Scientific name: amisoptera spp Main characteristics: light yellow sapwood: light yellow or faint red heartwood; unclear distinc ‘von between newly-eut sapwood and heartwood; deeper colored long-placed heartwood ; unclear annual rings; duets in individual or somevmes pairs rows; tylosis in ducts; axial parenchyma in the shape of sum-duet strand and seater: light-colored and obvious timber radiation; obvious traight grain, slightly interlacing and circum duct, streaks on the radial section; intercellular bypass; glosses well sometimes slightly spiral Main properties: medium strength; better resistance to decay for heartwood but uneasily treated with preservatives; slow in seasoning processes uneasily; good gluing characteristics. H.2.18 red Tuoro Scientific name: ocotea rubra Main characteristics: yellowish grey to faint reddish grey sapwood; light reddish brown to reddish brown heartwood; unclear distinction between sapwood and heartwood; unclear annual rings; much u- niformly districted ducts in individual or sometimes 2 to 3 radial rows; tylosis in ducts; axial parenchy- rma in the shape of circum-duet, eircum-duet strand and wing: slightly fewer timber radiation; no in~ tercellular bypass; glosses slightly: straight gram, sometimes spiral between. Main properties: medium strength: good! resistance to decay but uneasily treated with preserva tives; seasons easily: processes easly: good gluing characteristics H.2.16 dark red meranti Scientific name: shorea spp Main characteristics: peach-colored sapwood; red to cardinal red, sometimes purplish heartwood; slightly clear distinction between sapwood and heartwood; unclear annual rings; scattered and uniform- ly disticuted ducts, obi intoreeliular bypase, expressing as white-spotted long chordwise rows on transverse cection; inter te rows; tylosis in ducts seen occasionally; narrow but obvious timber radia~ tion lacing grain. Main properties: medium strength: good resistance to decay, but uneasily treated with preserva- tives for heartwood; seasons easily; processes easily: holds nails well and good gluing characteristics. H.2.17 light red meranti Scientific name: shorea spp Main characteristics: light red to light reddish brown heartwood: lighter-colored sapwood; clear distinction between sapwood and heartwood; unclear annual rings; scattered and uniformly districted duets, oblique rows: tylosis in ducts; axial parenchyme in the shape of close-to duct, circum-duct strand and wing, and poly-wing seldom; timber radiation and intercellular bypass same as Yellow mer 81 anti; interlacing gran Main properties: lower strength than Dark red meranti; other properties same as Yellow meranty. H,2,18 white morant, Scientific name: shorea spp Main charucterstios: white newly-cut heartwood and light yellow brown placed longi lighter col- cored sapwood; clear distinet tuniformly districwied ducts, a few oblique rows; much axial parenchyma; narrow timber radiation , on- mn between sapwood and heartwood; unclear annual rings; scattered and ly waving traces obviously; intercellular bypass, expressing as white spots, concentric circles or long chordbise rows on transverse section interlacing grain Main properties: medium to high strengths poor resistance to decay but uneasily treated with preservatives; medium to slightly high shrinkage: seasons fast: processes easly to hard H.2.19 jacareuba Scientific. name: calophyllum brasiliensis Main characteristics: red to cardinal red heartwood with dull red stripes between; lighter colored ‘sapwood; clear distinotion between sapwood and heartwood; unclear annual rings; a few of ducts: axi= al parenchyma in shape of band: fine timber radiation, obvious streaks on the radial section and no waving traces on section of hypotenuse; no intercellular bypass; glosses well; interlacing grain Main properties: low strengihs good resistance to decey: high shrinkage: seasons slowly: buckles ard good gluing characteristics easily: processes easily with downs on surfaces or teanng; hold nai H.2.20 Tuna menxonmcruas Seientifie name: tilia cordata Main characteristics: white timber, with faint red; unclear distinction between sepwood and heartwood: slghly clear annual rings: fairy small ducts: timber radiation with obvious steaks on the radial section; straight grain Main properties: low strength; poor resistance to decay but easily treated with preservauves; sea- sons easily: good properties on seasonings processes easily with smooth surface on being planed H.2.21 T. Plalyphyllos ‘The properties are similar to JTana wenKonncrias NOTE: The ideniing points, which are herein introduce, shall be wie only when the owners of project constr: on check the species declare bythe supplier, Once the epecies provided is unknown, plese submit to the led ee search orparization of forestry for identification 82 Appendix J Conversions of Design Values of Strength for Visually Stress-graded Imported Dimention Lumber 45.0.1 The design values of strength and modulus of elasticity relating to parts of imported dimention lumber on conversion shall be referred to Table J.0.1-1 and be multiplied by the size modification fac tors shown in Table J.0.1-2. Table J.0.161 ‘Visually Stres-graded Imported Dimention Lumber Design Values of Strength and modulus of elasticity for Decign valu (enn?) ‘i nom Tension | Shear a Hos | seating ERY seine | reste |Conprein] Mi tome | Gade | MMA | serasce | ME | outlet to | parallel wo | perp. 1 - Ge | Smeaton i | mle i a e 7 “how | ous sis i. ei | esin in| win fae | (om) was, | I. 16 6 u vw | 73 | 1m | gs | om w | 72 | 19 | 73 | 12000 Bowe | 91 ws | 62 | ro | 73 | no felch | yy, ee ee ee) (Sout) | wT. | u ws | 70 | 19 | 73 | 10m aL 62 sw | 40 | 9 | 73 | 10m I. 15 » | es | 19 | 73 | 100 Mf os | on sf ose | ove | 73 | nom Dols | He a 15 5.4 19 13 11000 felach | VV, sa} se | o32 | 19 | 73 | 10% (Non) s 10 w | 62 | 19 | 73 { 1000 ss | w | as | v9 | 73 | 1000 15 w | 99 | 16 | 47 | nom u is | er | us | 47 | 1000 mw) on u | os6 | ts | a7 | 9000 sa | re | az | 16 | 47 | tom ~ u nv | ee | te | «7 | 200 39 {oss [ors | «7 | sco L “4 w | as | a6 | 47 | 1200 Te | ons u w | 62 | re | 47 | 100 1 w | 62 | 16 | 47 000 Hen Fe 62 | sa | as | xe | 7 | roo (Now.) Wet) 2 zo | 16 | 47 | 10000 1 10 ae | ue | 47 | 10000 83 ‘eble J.0.1-4( cont'd) Design values (N/mun#) Tension | Shear Nor | Bonting [ARE resitarce | resstnce |Comrsrion] elt ane secere | sestance | TBM | allo | pale to © ea i Cle | imei ye | Palle te ae ar ain og | “icy im) : nh al deall ane (um) sin, | 3 Ie 2» » nu] rs | 66 | 12000 melo | 8 nv | on2 | 19 | 66 | 120 Southern | Oe u w | os9 | 19 | 66 | 000 pine 62 | 88 | as | 19 | 66 | 1000 0 2 ww [67 | 19 [ 66 | 1000 we 67 | w | a8 | 19 | 66 | om 1 B ws | ons | ta | 49 | t0s00 tm} og | ot | 2 | as | one | 49 | om some |, oe | 2 | 4s | ra | a9 | om Poetic | W..Ve sa | 70 | 27 | aa | a9 | son We io n 5 34 1a 49 ‘9000 a so | 2 | 29 | 1 | 49 | om 1 97 43 | 12 | 39 | r00 ote | te | ye fe | on | ze | a2 | 39 | om ess | OL, ot [oon | 29 | 12 | 39 | oo Noth | WV a8 | 54) ue | 12 | 39 | em Pere eee Weegee [eer | emeee Ua aL eeoa eo Ee Me mas | oa | 1s | 12 | 39 | oo NOTE: When the munber of jis of dimension ler is grater than 3 and is comectd rib wih for, sels or other members, th bending esiance capacity ofthe jis shal be designed wo aly the de- se value ofthe eating resistance strength f by te composite ection facta af 115. Table J.0.1-2 Ske motifcation faces ening rsiaunce eae Sectioal ret exsion revere cmt | Seto with) reine ten - gain a oo pall wo pin <0 1s is 4s 13 10 1 15 1a la 1 14 10 ae 10 13 13 mn 13 10 185 12 12 1.05 12 10 M Ey za 12 10 rm 10 285 Lo 1 10 10 vo WoW <% 10 10 10 10 10 51.0.2. ‘The equivalency of the grading marks of dimension lumber in the Noh America to that of di- mension lumber in this code shall be refered to Table J.0.2. ‘Table J.0.2 Equivalency ofthe grading marks of dlmen son lumber in the North Amertea & inthis code Grades of dimension lamber i this code ‘Gade of dimension lumber in Non America i Select structural No.1 No.2 Nod Stud ‘Constrstion 1 0, Ny v, i WW, Standard 85 Appendix K Stability Factors of Axial Compression Member ‘Table K.0.1 @ values of Umber graded TCI7, TCIS & TB20 »>fe,? [2,3 ]7,4]s],«[7][s 9 © | 1.000 | 1.000 | 0.999 | 0.998 | 0.998 | 0.996 | 0.958 | 0.992 | 0.990 | 0.988 10 | 0.985 | 0.981 | 0.978 | 0.974 | 0.970 | 0.966 | 0.982 | 0.957 | 0.952 | 0.987 2 | 0.94 | 0.936 | 0.930 | 0.924 | 0.917 | 0.91 | 0.908 | 0.298 | 0.891 | 0.804 30 | 0.877 | 0.869 | 0.862 | 0.854 | 0.847 | 0.899 | 0.832 | 0.2 | | 0.s08 40 | 0.800 | 0.792 | 0.764 | 0.776 | 0.768 | 0.160 | 0.782 | 0.743 | 0.735 | 0.727 so | 0.19 | 0.71 | 0.703 | 0.695 | 0.687 | 0.679 | 0.67 } 0.653 | 0.655 | 0.518 | 0.60 | 0.632 | 0.815 | 0.617 | 0.610 | o.a2 | 0.395 | osss | 0.580 | 0.573 70 | 0.565 | 0.559 | 0.552 | 0.546 | 0.339 | 0.532 | 0.519 | 0.505 | 0.45 | 0.481 80 | 0.460 | 0.457 | 0.ss6 | 0.435 | 0.425 | o.ats | 0.405 | 0.396 | 0.387 | 0.379 90 | osm | 0.362 | 0.354 | 0.347 | 0.340 | 0.232 | 0.326 | 0.319 | 0.312 | 0.306 100} 0.300 } 0.294 } 0.298 | 0.283 | 0.277 | 0.272 | 0.267 | 0.262 | 0.257 | 0.282 10 | 0.298 | 0.243 | 0.239 | 0.235 | 0.231 | 0.227 | 0.223 | 0.219 | 0.215 | 0.212 120 | 0.208 | 0.205 | 0.202 | 0.198 | 0.195 | 0.192 | 0.189 | 0.186 | 0.183 | 0.180 130 | 0.178 | 0.175 | 0.172 | 0.170 | 0.167 | 0.165 | 0.162 | 0.160 | 0.188 | 0.188, wo | 0.183 | ost | o.u9 | o.147 | 0.145 | 0.143 | ote | 0.139 | 0.197 | 0.135 so | 0.133 | 0.132 | 0.130 | 0.128 | 0.126 | 0.125 | 0.123 | 0.122 | 0.120 | o.119 to | 0.17 | 0.16 | ons | 0.113 | 0.112 | 0.110 } 0.109 | o.108 | 0.106 | 0.105 170 | 0.108 | 0.102 | 0.101 | 0.100 | 0.0591 | 0.0980 | 0.0568 | 0.0958 | 0.0047 | 0.0936 180 | 0.0526 | 0.0016 } 0.0006 | 0.0896 | 0.0885 } 0.0876 | 0.0867 | o.oxss | 0.0819 | 0.0840 190 | 0.0831 | 0.0822 | 0.0816 | 0.0805 | 0.0797 | 0.0769 | 0.0781 | 0.0773 | 0.0755 | 0.0758 200 | 0.0750 @ values in the table is taken using the following for when Lc 75 when A> 75 86 ° ‘Table K.0.2 9 values of timber graded TCI3, TCH, TBI7, TBIS & TBI a 0 t 2 a 4 3 6 7 8 3 7,000 | 1,000 | 6.999 | 0.998 | 0.996 | 0.998 | 0.9 | 0.988 | 0.985 | 0.981 10 | 0.977 | 0.97 | 0.967 | 0.962 | 0.956 | 0.9% | 0.983 | 0.936 | 0.929 | 0,921 o.s14 | 0.905 | 0.897 | 0.889 | 0.880 | 0.87 | 0.862 | 0.853 | 0.803 | 0.836 30 | 0.824 | o.s15 | 0.805 | 0.795 | 0.785 | 0.795 | 0.765 | 0.755 | 0.745 | 0.735 4 | 0.25 | 0.715 | 0.705 | 0.696 | 0.686 | 0.675 | 0.666 | 0.657 | 0.687 | 0.638 so | 0.628 | 0.619 | 0.610 | o.sor | 0.592 | 0.583 | 0.57 | 0.565 | 0.557 | 0.548 oo | o.sa0 | ass | 0.526 | 0.516 | 0.308 | 0.500 | 0.492 | v.48 | 0.477 | 0.470 ro | 046s | 0.455 | 0.019 | 0.482 | 0.436 | 0.529 | 0.922 | 0.46 | 0.410 | oan 0 | 0.398 | 0.352 | 0.386 | 0.380 | 0.374 | 0.399 | 0.364 | 0.358 | 0.353 | 0.348 90 | 0.343 | 0.338 | 0.331 | 0.324 | 0.317 | 0.310 | 0.308 | 0.298 | 0.292 | 0.286 100 | 0.280 | 0.274 | 0.269 | 0.268 | 0.259 | 0.254 | 0.299 | 0.248 | 0.240 | 0.236 10 | 0.231 | 0.227 | 0.223 | 0.219 | 0.215 | 0.212 | 0.208 | 0.204 | 0.201 120 | 0.196 | 0.191 | 0.188 | 0.185 | 0.182 | 0.179 | 0.176 | 0.178 | 0.171 130 | 0.166 | 0.163 | 0.161 | 0.158 | 0.156 | 0.154 ] o.tst | 0.149 | 0.147 two | 0.13 | ota | 0.139 | 0.137 | 0.138 | 0.133 | 0.131 | 0.120 | 0.128 to | 0.128 | 0.123 | 0.121 | 0.120 | 0.118 | o.tis | otis | ott | 012 1 | 0.109 | 0.108 | 0.107 | 0.105 | 0.108 | 0.103 | 0.102 | 0.100 | 0.0992 | 0.0980 170 | 0.0969 | 0.0938 | 0.0936 | 0.0936 | 0.0525 | 0.0914 | 0.0504 | 0.0894 | 0.0884 | 0.0874 180 | 0.0864 | 0.0833 | 0.885 | 0.0836 | 0.0827 | 0.0818 | 0.0809 | 0.0801 | 0.0792 | 0.0784 190 | 0.0726 | 0.0768 | 0.0760 | 0.0782 | 0.0744 | 0.0736 | 0.0729 | 0.0721 | 0.0714 | 0.0707 200_| 0.0700 @ values in the table is taken when 2-<91 when A> 91 using the following formulae: 87 Appendix L Calculation of Lateral Stability of Bending Members L.0.1 ‘The lateral stability of the bending members is checked based on the formula as follows: au sla (0.1) lesign value of bending resistance strength( N/mm?) ; joment of members under the design value of load(N« mm) W = resistance moment of gross cmss-section of the bending member{ mm’) ; ater stabil 1.0.2 and 1.0.3. 1.0.2 Where th lateral bracings are provided at two aupprt of the bending member to prevent from the sectional width factor of member in flexure, determined respectively based on Clauses ination, and the ratio of the maxsmur heigl lateral displacement and lateral i does not exceed the values below the lateral stability gz. therefore, equals to 1 nM {without the middle lateral bracing: the members like purlins used 9s the lateral bracings along the length of bend bined with compression members; h/b =6.5,compressive edges directly fixed on the densely-paved plate or on the joists spaced rot greater than 600mm; hb =7.5, compressive edges directly fixed on the densely-paved plate or on the joists spaced not greater than 600mm, and the horizontal seperating plate installed between the bending members with spacing not exceeding 8 times the sectionsl height of the bending memberss 7b and base edges of the bending members fixed along the length L.0.3 Where the lateral bracings are provided and fastened firm al two supports of the bending mem- ber to prevent from lateral displacement and lateral inclination, but still not suitable to the conditions requested in Clause L.0.2 of the code, the lateral stability factor g, therefore, shall be calculated ac- cording to the formula as follows: 9 GAD [Eve fea att) where: @; = lateral stability factor of member in flexure: ctor of the bending member relating to timber dimentions 0.95 for factor of sawn lumber: lateral rigidity factor considering the bending member which is calculated using the follow ing formula: (atk dee (1.0.3-2) 88 eq = factor relating tothe strength grades ofthe timber used for members that is taken on the ba- sis of Table L.0.3 when checking the lateral stability of beamss height and width of the bending members 1.f = effective length of the bending member when checking the lateral stability that is determined based on Clause 1.0.4 of the code. hb = sect ‘Table L.0.3 Relevant factors of the strength grades of the timber ‘used for members when checking stability of columns and beams Stenath grades of imber | TOIT. TCIS. TH20 ‘TC13, TCH, TBIT, TRIS, TBI3 & THE or columns ba, 330 300 For bears ey 20 20 L.0.4 When checking the Isteral stability of the bending members, the calculating length Ja is the ef fective length multiplied by the calculating factor of length shown in Table L.0.4 Table L.0.4 Calculating factor of length cations of lad exting om beans ‘Types of earn canine of lading a vide ae Simply supped bam, al Bending went ot bth ends 10 Simply supported beams, unorly- dite load 0.95 0.90 08s Simply supped lum, concntraed ond in espn 0.80 07s 0.70 Cntiteveret bess, wnfomly-stbated load 12 CCamilevoed bess, « converted lad at vebangin end 17 Cantilever beams, exening moment at oretanging ed 20 ‘The lateral bracings at the supports of heams shall he provided to prevent from lateral displace- ‘ment and lateral inclination. In span of the beam, the actual length shall obtain the distance between the lateral supports ifthe lateral bracings such as purlins may used to stop displacement and lateral in- clination. The actual length shall obtain the distance between two supports or the length of the can- tilevered beam if there ig no lateral bracing 89. M_ Test Key Points & Determination of Design Values of Bearing Capacity of Truss Plates M.1 Requirements of Materials M.1.1 Truss plates tested shall be same as those that will be used actually in proyeets, The thick- ness deviation of the truss plate shall be limited within 5%. The truss plates shall be eleaned prior to the teat M.1.2. The dimension lumber tested shall be the same thickness as those that will be used actually in proyets. The actual width shall be well coordinated with the width of the truss plats in the test. In case of determining the ultimate bearing eapacity of the teeth, the morsture content of dimension lumber that is used shall be 14% # 0.2% ; whereas the relative specific weight be .82p £0.03. Here “p” is the average relative specific weight of dimension lumber in tho test. The annual rings of timber shall be tangent to the wide surface of dimension lumber. No defects such as knots shall be within the range of the tise plate M.2_ Test Requirements M.2.1 The speed of loading for the test shall be 1.Omm/min + 50% to ensure the specimens up to the ultimate bearing capacity within 5 to 20 min M.2.2 ‘The ultimate bearing capacity of the teeth is the limit load the teeth carry divided by the net area of the truss plate surface. 10 specimens shall be taken to test the ultimate bearing capacity of the teeth under the following vanous conditio 4, lod parallel to grain and the main axis of the tsa plate (Fig. M.2,28); b load parallel to grain but perpendiculer to the main axis of the truss plate (Fig. M.2.2b)s . load perpendicular to grain but parallel to the main axis of the truss plate (Fig. M.2.2e); 4. load perpendicular to grain and the main axis of the truss plate (Fig. M.2.2d) In manufacturing the specimens, the teoth within the end distance @ and the edge distance & of dimension lumber shall be removed In talling the truss plates, the teeth shall be fully embedded into the lumber so that no cavity is between the plate and lumber. The truss plate shall not be embedded into the lumber deeper than half the plate thickness 90 (On the condition of the teeth destructed the truss plate for testing shall be as long as possible. In the testing items 2 and 4, the truss plate forthe test shall be as wide as possible on the condition of the teeth destructed, faa 4 ihn ioe rs q 4 Fie M.2.24 ln ple in Figue 6.2.25. lad pl ein bt ard he nm fh lat penetla teoin acs of he sla eno dnoe eso 6290 apr ores 7 q j i i ere N2.25- led ppt ain Figs M.2.26 ad ren ein bet elma of eo at tnd he nx hr pla ans 920 es90 p29 1 M.2.3 The ultimate tension bearing capacity ofthe plate is the ultimate tension the plate carries di- vided by the sectional width of the plate normal to the direction of tension. Three specimens shall be taken to determine the ultimate tension bearing capacity under the following various conditions: ‘2, load parallel to the main axis of the truss plete (Fig, M.2.2a)s bo load perpendicular to the main axis of the truss plate (Fig. M.2.2b) ‘The truss plates for testing shall be lange enough to avoid the destruction of the teeth M.2.4 The ultimate shear bearing capacity of the plate is the ultimate shear the plate caries divided by the shear surface length of the plate parallel to the direction of shear. Three specimens shall be tak~ cn to determine the ultimate shear bearing capacity under the conditions in Figure M.2.4. 30°T, 60° composite shear-compression forces, and O° and 90° are pure shear force. f, 120°T and 150°T are composite frees of sheartension and 30°C, 60°C, 120°C and 150°C are pee roo r { by AN Pe AN, | Fa Ph PA tA IA FA FA FARA IA FA FA fo 30°Tend OT 120° Tend SOT 90° 30% and OE 120°C and 150 FigureM.2.4 Directions of min exis of the plate in shear tat M.2,5 Three pieces of steel plates produced for the truss plates shall be tested to determine the ulti= ‘mate tension bearing eapacity and relevant modification factors. The modification factor is the lowest ultimate tension bearing capacity that is requested by the steol grade divided by the average ultimate tension bearing capacity obtained from 3 specimens in the test M.3. Modification of Ultimate Bearing Capacity M.3.1 The testing value of modification forthe tension bearing capacity of the plate shall be the ul= tumate tension bearing capacity of the plate taken from the test multiplied by the modification factors as contained in Clause M.2.5. M.3.2 The testing value of modification forthe shear beating capecity ofthe plate shall he the uhi imate shear bearing capacity of the plate taken from the test multiplied by the modification factors as contained in Clause M.2.5. 92 M.4 Determination of Design Values of Bearing Capacity of the Truss Plates M.4.1 ‘The design value of bearing capacity of the plate is: 4, when load is parallel to the main axis of the plate (8 = 0°) cinta + Proowa (at.4.1-1) when load is perpendicular tothe main axis of the plate (@ = 90°) Ps (M.4.1-2) a+ Peta where: Py, Pz, P's, P's = average value of 3 lowest ones, which are taken from the ten values relat~ ing to @ and @ in the ultimate bearing capacity of the teeth test n accor dance with Clause M.2.2, dividing by the factor k. The values a and @ adopted to determine P,, P;, Py, P'2 are as follows: Pra? @=0° Pr:a=90 9=0" P = 0=90° P':a=90 9=90° cc. The factor k is calculated using the following formulae For fire-retardant trested dimension lumber with the moisture content less than or equal to 15% : k= 1.88 + 0.277 (M.4.1-3) For fresetaniant tested dimension Iumber with the moisture content greater than 15% and less than 20% + k = 2.64 + 0.387 OL4.1-4) For non-fie-retardaat treated dimension lumber with the moisture content less than or equal to 159%: k = 1.69 40.247 0141-5) For non-fire-retardant treated dimension Iumber withthe mossture conten greater than 13% and less than 209% : k = 2.110.307 (M.4.1-6) where: ¥ = ratio of the standard value of dead load to the standard value of live load, y= 1.0~$.05 if 7 <1.0 or 7 >5.0, then 7 =1.0 or 5.0 . When the main axis of the truss plate takes an angle of @ with the direction of load not equal 10 0° oF 90°, the design value of the bearing capacity of the teeth shall be determined wit in the range of n, and n’, by linear interpolation 93 M.4.2 the design value of tension bearing capacity ofthe plate tis the average value of 2 lowest ones, which are taken from the three values in the ultimate ten sion bearing capacity of the teeth test in accordance with Clause M.2.3, dividing by 1.75 M 3. the design value of shear bearing capacity of the plate It is the average value of 2 lowest ones, which are taken from the three values in the ultimate shear bearing capacity of the teeth test in accordance with Clause M.2.3, dividing by 1.75. The de- sign value of the shear bearing capacity of the teeth shall be determined on linear intespolation if the angle of the main axis of the plate and the direction of load is different from the requirement in Clause M24. M.4.4 the slip resistance bearing capacity of the teeth ‘a. when load is parallel to the main axis of the plate (0 = 0°) PaPa Prada + Paeate inane b. when load is perpendicular to the main axis ofthe plate (8 = 90°) a (1.4.42) Poasin'a + P gcota where: Pyiy Pas P's P'a = average value, which are taken from the ten values in the ultimate bearing capacity of the teeth test when 0.8mm relative slip occurred at the jomts in accordance with Clause M.2.2, dividing by the factor ,, The values @ and 9 adopted to determine Py, Po, P's Pa are as follows: Pa:a= 90 9=0° cc. For dimention lumber with moisture content less than or equal to 15%, k, = 1.40. For di- ‘mention lumber with mossture content greater than 15% and less than 20% , k= 1.75. 4. When the man axis of the truss plate takes an angle of 6 with the ditection of load not equal 100° or 90°, the slip resistance bearing capacity of the teeth shall be determined within the range of 1, ‘and 1’, by linear interpolation. 94 Appendix N Relevant Requirements of Light Wood Frame Construction N.1 Sectional Sizes of Dimension Lumber N.1.1 The sectional sizes of dimension lumber that is used in light wood frame construction is re- ferred to Table N.1.1 ‘Table N.1.1 Sectional sles of structural dimension lumber Sectional se 40x40 | 40x65 | 40x90 | ox tts | 40% 140 | 40 x 188 | 40 235 | 40x 285 W (2mm) « HC) Sectional size = | 65x65 | 65x90 | 65% 115 | 65 x 140 | 65x 185 | 65% 235 | 65x 285 (em) Hen) Sectional size = | = | 90x90 | 90.115 | 90% 140 | 90x 185 | 903235 | 90% 285 Wom) x Hea) NOTES: ‘4. The sectianal snes inthe Table are the sizes of fatored dey tinker with the mature content nat more than 20% bi. The imported dimension lumber may be ullzed as relevant dimension lumber if ts sectional snes have a df= {erence of not exceeding 2mm with the ibular sass, but shall be ealeueted based on the actual sectional sites of imported dimension lumber . In the same one consccion, dimension lumber of «variety of dimensions must not be mined to use 1.1.2 The sectional sizes of dimension lumber from the machine stress-rated fast-growing tes is re~ ferred to Table N12. ‘Table N.1.2 Sectional sles of structural dimension lumber fram fast-growing trees Sectional sine asx7s | asx90 | 5x10 | asxi90 | 45x20 | 45% 290 Wom) x Hom) NOTE: Same ax nates No.1 ard No.3 in Table N1.1 N.2 Requirements of Nailed Connection in Light Wood Frame Construction Designed by Construction, N.2.1 The requirements of nailed connection in the light wood frame construction designed on the basis of construction are referred to Table N.2.1. 95, ‘Table N.2.1 Requirements of nalled connection in the light ‘wood frame construction designed based on construction Min leah of | Mia. ember or mas Xo Names of monbers connected sss sain) scing 1_| For joists and wall wp plates or base plate diagonal ling © 2 Frain beans oF notchade pits and wallop plats or base 2 Sera oe Cy 150m plates agonal naling 3 | Timber bse brcng of or ots or at etal bse resign a é ad Br sits 4 | X-braings beren jist 0 2 for each end | Doable notc-sde Bears or double enforced joists rund notch %0 300mm ‘Annered bracket tinker a both sides ber beans and timber 6 80 fp foreach piece of. piece of i 7_| duns and connecting platen of ota » 2 fr each end | Pi ct ant cat tse jos (wim come 0 5 tion along the periter of teh) 100 3 | Bath vec of mts isso ncn (erie nile cone #0 5 retin long the penetr of atch) 100 3 to. | St ad wall top plates cr base ple daa o via o 4 sailing o 2 Double stud at bo ids of mstching, or sade join or cu " 0 7300 eof wal 12. | Dowie wp plates 0 Oram ‘Wall bas plates or ave plats and joists or bulkhead (fr ext 8 Ma eee eee atte 0 400000 or wal) 14 | tera patton wall and frmes or Dore © 0 ‘A both ends of hozontal members tp of notching fn rane i ends val top of noching a : bearing val 16 | Lint and aude 0 2 for each end 17_[ Ceiling ja and wal tp pts cngnal mailing ot cach ride 0 2 Roof raft, tras oF rot oie and wall op ptr i root jo all cop paver diagonal fa i ailing 19| Rater plate end exiting uit 100 2 20 | Rar and ceiling jie (if spun for rok Hie platen) 10 3 96 Table N.2.1 (eortinved) Min. length of || Min. numberof max rail m) spacing No Names of members connected lers at both sides connected by connecting plate though coo a [® by connecting plate though coot ae : ridge, connecting plates and each mater 72_| Rate wd not edge plat diagoal or vere ang © 4 | ach end of ie rads ofa ed aes 0 3 24 Lateral cigs of ie os of rales and ie ede o 2 25_| Rot edge rir an rat ie or ra alley raters 0 2 26. | Bring rd of rer and rafies 0 3 2_| Bracing rc of rar and beaing wall-dognal ang 0 2 N.3. Requirements of Nailed Connection Between Wall Plates, Floors (Roofs) and the Supporting Members N.3.1 The requirements of nailed connection used to connect wall plates, floors (or roofs ) are re fered to Table N.3.1. ‘Table N.3.1 Requirements of nailed connection used to connect wall plates, floors (oF roots) Min. length of fastenings (en) mn wire | Soremed wire Max. speci Names of connecting plates | Cammen wie | Screwed ued ruil or | nail or twisted] Roof rail | Ucshape nail | of nails twisted nail | ail 6 tof thickneas less rpm wal pus of hskore ee), mated | Hot prmited | 45 | Net perined an (Sev 10m Wood-based sMewctura-use plats of thickness less | 50 45 | Netyeminea| 40 | Sens ne ees of plates than 10mm Wood beaed aucune plates of] a lata 300m thickness 10~ 20mm bss mi-span apport along Wood-based plates stovetumbuse ples of thickness | 60 50 | Not permined | Not permited roster ther 20mm 7 Appendix P Design of Resistance to Lateral Forces for Floors & Roofs in Light Wood Frame Construction P.0.1 Resistance to lateral forces for floors and roofs in light wood frame construction shall be caleu- lated according to the requirements below: ‘8, Length/ width ratio for each unit of floors and roofs shall not be greater than 4:1 1. It is assumed that the lateral loadi ‘The shear resistance capacity is calculated using following formulae: Veer B (P.0.1-1) Sa = Sakiks (P.0.1-2) where: fra = design value of shear strength of floors and roofs made of wood-based siructural-use plate (GkN/m),, referring to Table P.O.1 and Figure P.O.1s ‘ky = modification factor of the moisture content of the wood-based structural-use plate. hy is ¢- qual 10 1.0 when the morsture content of the wood-beced structural-use plate is less than 16% and Ay is equal to 0.75. when the moisture content of the wood-based structural-use plate is greater than 16% but not more than 20% . kz = modification factor of species groups that used for frame members. Aa = 1.0 for Douglas fir—Larch and Southem pine; kz = 0.9 for Nem—Firs ky = 0.8 for Spruce—Pine— Fie; ky = 0.7 for other species groups in Noth America. B= effective width of floors and roofs parallel to the direction of load (m). of boundary members ‘8) The boundary members perpendicular to the direction of load are adopted to res ‘mur moment in the plan of floors and roofs b) The axial force of the boundery members on floors and roofs may be taken from the formula as follows: distributes uniformly along the width of floors and roofs the maxi~ (P.0.1-3) Where: W,= design value of axial compression oF axial tension ofthe boundary members (kN) + My = desi y= distance on centers of the boundary members parallel to the direction of load (1) ‘Mz = design value of moment in the notching length on floors and roofs (kN+m) 1 = sizeof the notch parallel to the direction of load, which shall not be less than 0.6m ©) The design value of My oF My that the uniformly distributed load transfers on simply supported floors and roofs may be calculated respectively according to the formulae below: 98 value of moment in the plan of fully length of Moors and roofs (kN+m) ; wi m= (P.0.1-4) Wat a, = 2 (P.0.1-5) Where; = design value of lateral uniformly distributed load on floors and roofs (kN/m); = length of floors and rofs that are normal to the direction of lateral toad (1m) 5 length of the notch normal tothe direetion of lateral load (m) seni i 0 as ad m7 aca suittis ait SIT forge oad Witide ‘ope? pe 3 langtotinl fame lonpindaal ee Imarvene trdging tenevere ging longtdial bron Figure P.0.1- Lateral oud action on ors and roofs 4. The boundary members on floors and roofs shall be continuous within the length of floors and roots The connection shall be firm and reliable to ensure that the axial force it bears may be resisted if it breaks in the middle. The floor plates and the roof plates shall not be acted as the connection plates for members. Table P.0.1 Design values of shear strength of oors and roofs made of woud-based structura-use panel Jg(kN/m) Fille Toile “Wen cotinine plat les 1s0men Mass Spacing of ef me | pat lad (pen 3&4). ing on mee Pam | pectin | mia | Nin wii] Spacing ming ce ite (mn ate aes st rane | ike | of fae - Comoe io fo [| & | | Onconiion fetes tr} awe | ments See sin [eee | Com) | Steg ign rian | at ry, 0 (Gen) | om) on thereon teat. 2) corti | mene ce of wo | wo | io J rs | rae (oe «# [30 | so | 60 | 8 | 20 2a 2 @ [2 |e [os [7 | 30 | 2a ae | om * + « [29 | «s | «7 [7s [ 30 22 ° s [or | so [as | os [33 23 w [sa | 57 [ae | o7 [30 29 ° [sa | oe | a7 | ws | a3 32 si fo fq, | @ ops [60 [90 [a [at xo ssi [se [2 | ns [as ze Less [se [95 [7 [a3 ba ese 2 or [et 9 35 Table P.0.1. (comined) Filer No Ber ‘Wren cninues sre sae ges | 10mm Me, Spacing of | tin | me rl ad (p34), ig on cfc PAS | penton | vein | Min with Spacing of lingo mace ae pe) fete ies inn fan | then | of fe Conan 10 [| 0 | & | 90 | Ovemiin Pid cee Rabcbel [Rveaaed | ona ter fh Tate | ame | tm) | Senin on mei atm (rm) | tad pp. | (mm) | ceuy | Com om ter enna eet, 2) tie | oan we | cope. wo | io | wo | as | sue | 340 (one « | s2 [6s | os [a | as Ba 2 co 38 «| 7 | 76 | we | no | so ae s [eo | es | wo | wa [sa 3 a7 | Ne na [Na “ ns | 19 prs pemitad permite | _peritat joo | MY ase | a | S| MY dna pei seit ermitnd | pit “alr vale fo the Abr and wo mde of wba scrape inthe dy sevice coon eda ant dation of ie. 1, When pacing fel fu than SOmm, the with fre meer atthe joins ef eutc place must tbe Tow than 6Snem. To pte of member of On in with maybe combined togher to amafr shear. Nal hl be iv ugg Wha spacing of al wih arto 3.2m I han Se, the with of Sinner te join euice pints ms ot be les thn Siam. Two ices of meer of am in wilh may be combon! tether to ttalor sear. Nila al be diene 4.0m mile ee 3.7mm in meter alte minum ronal hckres of the suice pies HB, wo m8 of ail ae seed ©, Whe alate the Soar and rls hae the dilrent danse wth ha nie i the ble (and dp it ‘le, caleltion fr the sear raitance capacity maybe cordate hand on te fllorng mthed: ui the tala cpaiy by eonvenion fcr di/dy)*- the deter of onan weed do sar els the sable, 100 Appendix Q Design of Resistance to Lateral Forces for Shear Wall in Light Wood Frame Construction Q.0.1 Shear wall in light wood frame construction shall be designed according to the requirements as follows: a. The height-to-width ratio of wall space of shear wall shall not be more than 3.5:1. ‘The height ‘of shear wall is the vertical distance from the base face of the base plate of shear wall to the top face of, the top plate in one floor tds are provided as the bridging in the single resistance capacity may be taken from formula below: Vs fl (Q.0.1-1) fa = feaky > ka bs (Q.0.1-2) where: fur design value of shear resistance strength of shear wall using the wood-based structural-use plate as the surface plate (kN/m), referring to Table Q.0.1-1 and Figure Q.0.1: 11 length of wall space of shear wall parallel to the direetion of load (m)s ‘ky = modification factor of the moisture content of wood-based structural-use plate, which is ob- stipulated in Appendix Ps b. Im case the ce-paved surface plate for shear wall, its design value of sh tained based on the requirement modification factor of species groups for frame members, which is obtained based on the requirements as stipulated in Appendix Ps ks = modification factor of stength, whi zontal paved plate, and referred to Table Q.0.1-2 For the shear wall that is double-face paved, no matter whether the wood-hased structural-use plate from the same species is adopted or not, the design value of the shear resistance capacity is the is only used for shear wall without bridging and hori- ‘erally paved Iontotally paved horzoally paved ito badging ‘with bide with bade = i harizmally paved ‘without bridging Figure Q.0.1 101 sum of the shear resistance eapacity on both sides of wall. Tole Q.0.1-1 Design values of shear strength of shear wall of wood-based structuraluse panel f.g(kN/m) Min. nominal | Min. penetration | Diamaer of | _ Surface rae diecly paved on fame members thickness of surface | into frume members| Common wire Spacing of nailing on surface plate edges (mm) plates (am) | by mis (am) | asta (mm) [459 [a0] 78 0 7 Fn te 32 | 48 | 62 to ° Fa 28 3s | sa | 70 9. 9 3s 31 39 | s7 | 73 95 n 3s a1 43 | 62 | 80 10.5 2 35 a4 47 | 68 | 7 a 2 rn a7 ss | a2 | w2 | 9 1s = a7 so | 91 | ng | 156 NOTES. Tabular values forthe surface plates made of wood-based sructrtl-ute plate inthe dy service: conde tion and stendaed dortion of time Poe the surface plate of Simm and ITaun thick dicclly paved on frame members, the tabular values tay be solcted thickness of Umum and 12am when the studs are apaced not more than 40cm, When the wall surface plats are used on the gypsum wall 12mm and 15mm in thicknest, the shear strength i eae a the plates diecly paved on feume members cn oaly one condi thet the mini= sum penetration of nails ito fame members is required 4, Whar spacing of rails lose than SOnmm, the width of frame enembers atthe joints of surface plates must nt be less than 6mm. Two pieces of member of 40mm in width may be comsined togther to transfer shear. Nails shall be driven staggered 6. When specing of mils with «diameter cf 3.7mm less than 7Smm, the wid of fame members et the Joints of surface places mast ot be less than mm. (Two pieces of member of Omen in width may be combined together to uansfer shear.) Nails sall he deiven staggered When nails fastened the floors and rots have the diferent diameter with that required in the table (and adopt drift ils), calculation for the shear resistance capacity may be conducted based on the following medio: muliply the tabula capacity by conversion factor (dy/ds)". dy is the diameter of non-standard nails nd d for standard nail in the ible Table Q.0.1-2 adjustment factor ky of strength of the shear wall horizontally paved without bridging ‘Spacing of railing on Spacing of naling on Spacing of suds (mm) de supports (sum) mide suppors (mm) 300) 400 $00 00 150 150 TO 08 06 Os 150 300 0.8 0.6 os | 04 NOTE: The shear eesistance f strength of the shear wall fr which Uhe studs are provided with no bridging may be taken fom the shear resistance of stengh of the shear wall with bridging multiplied by the adjusument fuctr of shear. The spacing cf oailing on side support is 150mm for the surface plate of the shear wall With bridging. The spacing of naling on middle suppor is 300mm. 102 cc. caleulation of boundary members of shear wall ‘The axial force that the boundary members on both sides of shear wall is obtained from the formula as follows: 4 Bo Where: N, = design value of tension or compression of the boundary members of shear wall (KN) ‘M= moment occurred by lateral Toad in the plan of shear wall (kN+m)s Bo = distance on centers of the boundary members at both sides of shear wall (m). 4. The boundary members of shear wall shall be continuous in length. The conncetion shall be fire and reliable to ensure that the axial force may be resisted if it breaks in the middle. The surface plates of shear wall shall not be acted as the connection plats for members fe. The walling and the foundation shall be treated with ovestuming resistence anchorage once N (Q.0.1-3) dead load can not resist the overturning of shear wall. £. When there are notches or slots on the shear wall, the frame members and the connections around the notches or slots shall be enhanced so as to ensure that shear around the notches or slots is transferred. The design value of shear resistance capacity of notched or slotted shear wall is equal to the sum of the design values of shear resistance capacity of wall space at both sides of notches or slots, but exclusive of that of wall above and helow the notches or slots. Each section of wall at both sides of notches or slots shall be sure of ability to resist overturning, 103 Appendix R Combustibility & Fire-resistance Rat Building Members of All Kinds Table R.0.1 Combustibilty & Fire-resstance Ratings ‘of Building Members of AU! Kinds Nasmes of members Description of composite members (em) ro resistance Fasiogs (HD Combusity 1 atuds spaced 400 ~ 6005 section 2 wall constructions eommon gypsum beard + cavity insulation layer + common] 0.0 | Difeuht combustibles span board = 15 +904 15 L)freproot aypaum board + cavity inulton layer + Geeprot] 0.75 | Difcuk combustibles ypu board = 12+ 90+ 12 Dfrepoulgypauin boned + heat nonconductor + frepmet gyp-| 0.75 | Dilffeult combustibles sum boaal = 12+90+ 12 Wall | aiceproot sypsem board + cavity insulation layer + Groprof] 1.00 | Difcut eombustibloe opaim board = 154 90+ 15 DfsepooF gypsum board + hest noncanducter + Freprot ayp-| 1.00 | Diffcult combustibles sum boat = 15 490-6 15 commen gypsien board + canity insulation layer + common] 1.00 | Diet eombue expaum board = 25.4.90-+25 @comaion gypsum boacd + heat nonconducter + common ayp-| 1.00 | Diffcult combustibles um Board = 25 490+ 25, Floors an ceilings adopt dimension lumber jolts or Ishaped joint spaced 400 ~ 600 on centres. 1Smen thick flor is strscturl ywood or oriented snd board (OSB) Flot [1 12mm thick fireproof gypsum board under the base of the joists, with heat nonconducting material filling in the covey] 0.75 | Diffie combustibles of the joists Cellnet | wo lagers of 12s thick Grepoof gypsum board under the bose of the joists, witout heat nonconducting materiale fil-| 1.00 | Difficult combustibles ing is the cnvity of the joists 1 only supporting sous 18) sel aor lumber with setical sin ot los than 140% 190 | 0.75 Combustibles 1b) ald lumber wih sectional size not ae dha 1303 190 0.15 Comiastbles Coleson | sypporing coe and Bore )sdid sown lumber wih secon sine wt lass dan 190% 190 | 0.75 Combustibes pled Lumber with ectionl size not lean than 180 x 190 0.15 Combustibles Table R.0.1 (continued) eee Descipion of composite embers (one) Soe | cts 1 bora beans only upping ms 4) std save Cunker with seta sie rt Tess han 90x 140 | 0.75 | Combusbles 3) sed loner wi eta ie nt le than 80» 160 0.75 | conbuaies 2 essa ee sptig esas — a) solid sawn lumber with sectional size mot leas than 140 x 240, 0.75 Combustibles: ») oid awn lunber with seston inc wt lew than 190190 | 0.75 | Contain -c) glued himber with sectional size not less than 130 x 230, 0.75 Combustibles ©) ged hnber with eon sie es ha 180190 0.75 | Conbuatibs 105 Explanation of Wording in This Code 1 In onder to treat different situations oF conditions accondingly during the implementation of this code, words denoting the different degrees of striciness are denoted as follows: a. Words denoting a very strict or mandatory requirements: “aust is used for affinmations “aust not” is used for negation >. Words denoting a stict requirement under normal conditions: “shall” is used for affirmation; “shall not” is used for negation cc. Worts denoting a permission of slight choice or an indication of the most suitable choice when conditions allows “should” or “may” is used for affirmat “chould not” is used for negation 2 “be in compliance with” is used to indicate thet it is necessary to implement items in this eode ac~ sate that it is unnecessary to conding to other relevant standards and codes. “refer to” is used t implement items in this code according to other relevant standards and codes. He A RRS aCe AR os Be ib BL YE Code for design of timber structures GB $0005 — 2003, EMIT: EA RST HMB: PEARS MELB AM: 200461 AI B 2003 dk HE A ESSE a aD a 8 189 & PRMKF RRR CART BE) HA Seka CREAT ALI) WESURME, 43% GBSO00S—2003, 1 2004 4F 1 A 1 BKM. KP, 31.2 TB, td, 3.0.03, 3.3.1, 4.2.1, 4.2.9, 7.1.5, 7.2.4, TSA, 75.10. 7.6.3, 8.12, 8.2.2, 10.2.1, 10.3.1, 10.4.1, 10.4.2, 10.4.3, 11.0.1, 11.0.3 A WIRE, OST RT. A OKIE) CRIs—se AFB tke ALE obs RE EE Se I Fo TM MET PHARAAE BIO 2003 4F 10 FI 26 Fi 108 a a ARATE ABLE [1999] 37 SCAVRER, oP ARATE TSE. UIT ARAASHRESMARP A CAMA) CB) S—ss HAT IIT I Re CTE, MRSA AMMAR, MIT SREMME, BA, WKTAA SPARSE. AUS AR, 27 TSE RRM AI BME, SFL Se PHA ZERATA AALS, SURAT SM, MTA, AKITA 11 16 TOR. ERAT ARE: 1 TT A) CRS OT RE RIT PRED A CEA A) RH BY RRL AT TBE HE 2. SBN T Sh PEE ACA AT eR aE RGWHR RARER ME: 3. REAR ETE OD HE Ts BS TT AD FE 4, peg Heo TAR 5. RRA ARG TE TRIS TT AA FE, TER — IR, 6. 7 SAMS ADACHI HERE A RU A ka; AR AEE, AR AI — 8. AIP (BTR. BER) WA — ARCH RT REEL GGT, ARAM TMS MALNSBWRE CLE ERM) REL ARID RE OLAS BiG 8 Sh WB BIER, TAT AE DE fh ES A BE AE, PE UL OEE BE A RAAT, EARTARETE?, AGRCRO TARR, VRE RE, He SR Aaa US 3 J] AB TS HB 8 SH TTT Be A CRSA EE SAE) SALA (PAG. 610081, E-mail: xnymj @mail. se. cninfo. net)» Ae AGG EH ie, RTE TTB 1 a AS SE BE BS ot MH bes RARE BRAY BRB! Puyo DIN AS BE AMTERRAA: HB EAE Ment whet wee RM HR Ee RW Kee BER 7 WH oe RA Ae RO 11 SE ET 109 1 gl 2 RES BaD RIE eer eeeereeene 2.2 3 REAP vssseseecceene Bal RA cre 3.2 Ht 3.2 SHR 4 SARTHRE 41 aH 42 ibm iF S REBUT orn ese S51 OT UO ENE ~ 52 eh . 5.3 TRO 6 RHEE 61 mee 6.2 MIE RR FORTE 6.3 Unmet 7 aAS 11 Abe 7.2 ROAR WAR THER 1.4 RB ee 75 ki 7.6 ih 8 mana 8.1 men 8.2 MAREE 8.3 iM ER 9 BAB 9.1 me 9.2 ER 9.3 EER - 9.4 R, maRRLD RIT 10 SERB 10 10.1 10.2 10.3 0.8 os 10.6 10.7 0.8 ws 10.10 LL AR ETHIBE YY Hae A Ht B ta Bat D Hts E HERE BRC BR HRI Pita K BRL HL M Bi IN AER P BER Q BER RTE AP) AR RAHA ee ~ a BRANT ER AUER - RANE, KeMme Ba AIRE ravet a =e RRA mie RB ene 136 FRA Sa BAH BF AE sen z AAA AMA KBE f 166 AMR RR RE ane sr IR : ROE fe 2 8 BE RALEER : IRUER MIRA H GPRM PE HE H 175, ERE AM RBH E BE HE BSR Pty A RST OU RAT PALE RARE BM re ZS MIRE - HRABBARRRA RANE BRAGA KER - MAGA, Baw git Ae RT Be ASHE HAR eH AE A A au 1.0.1 HEABMORTPROATRRORRS HAR, PERS MAR, RIK BiB MEP ASE A 28 TRH 8 1.0.2 AMBEAF REALE PARMA MRT. 1.0.3 AACE OTH HU A DR AME CH AE HT a AT AK — RAE) CB 50068 fl Ste 1.0.4 ROAM Bill A SE OO. Ak AL A OR HORAN SRE A OR AUREL; ARS DAM, BIA AR RO A HA HR FP SE LR BEAK Mo 1.0.5 EMR CRAM, AST AM (Bena e A) AYALA 1.0.6 ALAMATRIT, FRAT EAAL ALIS, MAL TES a BLT A HE PRE LE 12 2RES AS 2 RO 2.4.1 ASEH timber structure LAA ts 3 el FE 9 28 24.2 BAR log AUIFBR A Bae . BE REALL NAY IT 2.1.3 M89 sawn lumber SAR TT Th as a A 21.4 HA square timber HD ARIE ANE 3 09 ARIE CRITE) OAL 2.1.5 MRE plank SR PIE = (AR = BULL RTE EH 2.1.6 AVHEBE dimension lumber BROAN RE, AAO RT MO ET MLC 2.7 BABE glued lumber A AB a BSB AL BH A A ET PH 2.1.8 HAAR moisture content of wood ERAT BA AT AA SP AY AE i SE 2.1.9 MES parallel to grain AHUNE ABS 1815 HEE BEDS BB 2.1410 BUS perpendicular to grain IR HA Ay 15 HK BE A 2uLedT HEC at an ognle to grain AR Ha A He HP KBE TE RA 2.1.12 JERE AAD glued laminated timber (Clulam) PABEBE ASA F-4Simmn 9 AA REE AE A HA 2.1413 HHBAZEHY sawn and round timber structures RESER AGAR AIEEE SBAAN 2.114 $ERUAEEMS light wood frame constuction FR RAMA RHR TBH AISI, BA I RAE ee sas say. 2S AEE stad SRA EAH RI UB — SE EAH 2116 ABLABUSH visually stress-graded lumber FB Ar ah A A RN SP, 13 2.1.17 AMBLER} machine stress-rated lumber SRF LBL Hs Be a A EASA Ee ER AE AAA MH RTR. 2.118 HAR truss plate ART Ab LTA FA A, FTA HE HE 2.1.19 AALEEHYBEAL —wood-based structural-use panels LON (ie. AW, RUA) HERS eA. IRR BHEAAK K. 2.1.20 SBAKSA AYIA HE shear wall of light wood frame construction TU FA SAAD A a AB FNAL oF ow the 22 s 2.2.1 PEAR ANTE N— Sh ABH HE: NR BOE PRED RTA M— SmI M. My FAR Ay EHH MB 11 GB PE FADS A TL V—W ita ay FF 98 OL Ay SHI FH He 15 SR BS EH tg hy FF BI A RESET RIT AL AT EE 2.2.2 SPRHERRMLEA HUNTER EA ME BR SAA MOIS FE BaF HE BB BE BETHEL SoA A SBE HA So AASB EH LAST LTR LH fH SKE SABER (w] 22 9 FF A EE AL, CN, ) SR BT eS — YT RAR TTT 2.2.3 SLB A Pith SAB A, Fa RR Ag SE EMF ROT I HA ARR; oH FO A us 6 — WE: a— Sie at HTH eg Hs HC Ff 8 AT BE ES HE Oe ART Fit 9 a HE iH TY lo SES FAH SR I 5 SB A 9 WHF ay AR EL WHE A AR TE + Wray HO RELIES iy Ae TT TIE ao ES FR RE As, BEFITS A PAR Hs BS A— Fa HA He 2.2.4 RMR 9 EE BE RR 9 ES Re RE os 95 HE AL J FD a I A TR 9, Ais EP PE PEAT yy De RAH A, EA A hg 75 SEA TA OY 1 BAT AS ET RH RE ETE LH EH TH RK 115

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