Back of The Bus - FULL Big Band - LaBarbera PDF

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wn BACK OF THE BUS ASt_ebaLTO SAX Part 3 of "A Picco of the Road suite” composed § arranged AZZ WALTZ += 76 ano os by John LaBarbera whtrer. a Sg ag $ [SS P= FS 3) cara) Bilenai. sore) z ( cue) DD & a F > a op & eRe) # BuO" gt? AS & > Fa a? eae) Tu 2 ger PAY smear mf i COPYRIGHT © 3974 BY OcAVER ENTERPRISES + Ths. apgauge-s tf © 1979 BF DEAER ewT@RPR| EES, USED BY PERMISSION. ARVERWATTONaL coPvRvEMT sEtuReS = vaDe Tn Uss,4. “TALL RIGHTS RESEAVED SOLE SELLING AGENT FoR THIS ARPANGENEWT” KENODR MUSHC, INE>, DELEVAR, we¥s 44Ou AST EPALTO Sax 2. Back oF THE SUS (omni. Say eve) OPEN REEAT rn) BG & gt 5 art OM CUE (62455) D_& > Fd pus pte Bas D&G »D , 5} soui- wv ae ao eke iD STImMES 134] PLay 3° 4", 57 Times (as). Sax AD Lis Da?) F Rut wig BFTER DRUM SoL0-counr oFF 12.34 “ 4 ° 4 2 3 ott BACK OF THE BUS 2° EP ALro sax Part 3 of "A Piece of the Road Suite” rz sed & ds TAZZ WALTZ 4. 21 mun ve ta John LaBarbera _——— 5 be ee + = ctr = t t Set f 27 a “sy > = TT eee Qh EP ALTO SAX e Gack oF THE Bus 7 46 lo i, gfe Sori a f 2818 BACK OF THE BUS “4st BE TENOR Sax Prt 2 of "A Piece of she Rowd Suite” aaa! composed & arranged JAZZ WALTZ 4-= 76 ano up by John LaBarbera Loe te copvaiht 2974 BY DEAVER ENTERPRISES ‘rus. agnanouneuT t 1979 BY SEAVER ENTEREM SES. USED BY PEBKISSION. iseRanTtonat.coPvRI GT SecuteD — MADE. IW UcS et E__pebs) 1 : copveress © spr by Deabes EaTRoai aes “rs speanceneey 1079 ey GeLteR ete Weep TOU Sova Gar seeuReo eo ove SETRETAGENE von S415 aRRANGENeWT? REMDOR AUIS, 1BEC, OELEVARS Rete suou2 €? BaRiToNE SAX Back oF THE gus gt et? BT Dua” Et? AY et > & D p? (oren Rereat) DGD DG DTG gt GP Bwi"Du? tT ET c ct ON CUE (Sens BAcKuAs) G D & FIET OD ft eat DRUM SO.0 AFTER DRUM Solo - COUNT OFF },2.3,4 elit st BACK OF THE BUS Part 3 of “A Piece of the Road suite” “Ter TRUMPET JAZZ WALTZ 4 = Te ano up conpased & arranged by John LaBarbera ———— FP UeNs.) unison a cers.) 4 a TIME on ene + F 2») Reveat) COPYRLGKT_D 1874 BY DEAVER ENTERPRISES Ths ageanceweay £1979 87 GEAVER ENTERPRISES. LATEpAAT Lona 2B) GT” SECURED SOLE SELUINE AGENT 15 THIS ARRANGEMENTS RENOGR USI USED BY PERMISSION. IE Ta Uoszh, = ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ING ELEVA, Ane 140X2 48° BP reumper 2 BACK oF THE BUS qq] on cve A S Times, Play 3TH TIME ony * a eo be lower) DRUM Soto AFTER DRUM Solo ~ CounT oFF }, 2,3,4 fal 1 2 (SAKES) 4 ters) 44 5 re Part 3 of "A Piece of the Road Suite" Be TRUMPET composed & arranged TAZZ WALTZ ds = "7b ano up by John La’arbera £ ee yy seno, UNIS, BREED VED ke fle Tine TIME ONLY puny A BHO Time ONY 5 a sa7t BY beaver exqeneey ses eR ENTERPRISES. USES ay Pea i361 Bes Sunita SEOERAD ALL S1GKTS ZESERVED 2° gb tRuMpEr 2 Back oF THe aus 5 Times s™ on - 34] PLAY art ane mes . F “DRUM SOLO AFTER DRUM Solo -CouNT OFF 1,2,3,4 A t 2 tse: (xo Lead) 3 BACK OF THE BUS » Be TRUN PET Part 3 of "A Pieoe of the Road Suite’ composed € arranged JAZZ WALTZ. d= "6 ano up by John LaBarbera wilavro sax > a . ST TIME ony Puy ME oer B mo Wty — = ————— f = ; 7 eo) * . As A 2 COPYRLGKT © 2974 BY DEALER ENTERPRISES ius apeaugrseelo1o7s fy SEAveh EATEREF SES USED PERWISSLO. saTeRaAy Lose ¢QPyB lan SECURED ~ WADE. IM UrSch, = ALC RIGHTS RESERVED ct SELLIAG AGEN FoR THIS) APRANGEEAT.KENOD Ge, DELEVAN, HeY 38082 BRP gb -rRomper 2 Back oF THe Bus (OPEN RePERT) 5 TIMES [B4] Play 4 ano 5™ Times be Z- A F DROM SOLO AFTER DRUM SeLo-CouNT OFF 1,2,3,d FPoNas BNO bowen a ' 2 ts)3 F BACK OF THE BUS 4 > Part 3 of "A Piece of the Road Suite" 7m BP TRUMpeT composed § arranged JAZZ WawrZ d= 16 mao vp by John LaBarbera ye bi) 457 Time ony Play yom A BNO TE, Orely i £ . mE fe +o COPYRIGHT 297% 6% DeayER TERRI SER : _fougapeaccncal Haro ar HEL preee 3, USE wy vege, Fitneor ones ease gergeca olde te Usa, Saale een soe SELLING AGENT E28 THIS ABPANGENeWT” KENDGP HOSIC, hn, DELEVAM, Rute 14042 £0! BY TRUMpET Back of Te Bus : 3 BF es ems z —————— | 5 Times PLAY 4 ann 5TH Times: a z A F DRUM Soo AFTER DRUM Soto- cor oFriiag,d — [14 a 1 2 ss)3 Z Tar aiy Satara I BACK OF THE BUS composed € arranged st va Pleo tte" TROMBONE Part 3 of "A Piece of the Road Suite by John LaBarbera JAZZ Waturz de Te po op £ $ — me b copypionT © 197% Sy ocaveR eNrEseaises ‘urs ageanoencaT 1919 EY DEAVER ENTERPRISES, "USED BY PERUISSION, INTERNATIONAL COPYR GWT SECURED ~ WADE. Us Sod, "ALL HINTS. RESERIED ‘aoc SELLING AGENT FOR THIS ARRANGEMENTY RENOOE BUSTS, INGe, DELEVANG HNYS sug Back oF THe BUS SES ae pao 5 Time PLAY 2h, BP 47% ano Mes — bx RY APTER DRUM Soto — COUNT OFF 1, 2.3, DRUM gout L 3 wus) 3 4q 2915 b BACK OF THE BUS S_TROMBONE. ert 3 of "A Piece of the Road Suite" JAZZ WALTZ J: = % ano up 5 2 F et f SP EE 31) 45" time onvy 2 44 conposed § arranged by John LaBarbera a a ba. * _—— a8 COPYRIGHT © 1071. Y DEAVER ENTERPRISES ‘THis aswangEmenT © 1979 BY OEAVER ENTEHERISES, USED BY PeRLSsiON. NTERAAT OWAL GOPUEIGHT SECURED — WIDE. IH ULS.A. “ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ‘SOLE SELLING AGEAT FOR THIS AREANGEMENT? KENDOR MUSLE, INC~y DELEVAR, Rev 0042 280 TROMBONE & (OPEN REPEAT) fal ON CUE 4 Back of THE BUS MES, ym, 38°, ANG S™ Times -—e rth AFTER DRUM Solo ~ CounT OFF I, 2.3.4 n . ‘ ws) 3 4 pote fap ft 5 f — 2515 S BACK OF THE BUS 28° TROMBONE, a Pd : ST RTE Part 3 of "A Ploce of the Road Suite” composed & arranged TAZZ WALTZ 4 276 ano up ee _ “by John LaBarbera Ped AT : ~ 2 > ———"" = ¥ ooo dP f u = 2e—m~ sie convRiGiT © 197% By DEAVER EXTERPRISES Tals agpanarvenTD {979 8 OEAVZE ENTERPRISES. USED OY PERM is3i04, UNTERAAT Ohde OPVR Get SECURED <"MADE TR Unss, “alt HIGHS RESEAVED SOLE SELLING AGERT FOR THIG ARRANGENCHT? KEADGR MUSIG, IMCs, DELEVAN, Re¥. S408? BRO TROMGONE: a BAcK oF THE Bus tone neem ON CUE . x £ 5 TIMES Fy am Play ee, Ee , SM Times DRUM s sod AFTER DRum Solo ~ Count OFF 2.3.4 4 2 (xs) 3 BACK OF THE BUS 474 TROMBONE of " -b__ TROMBONE (Bass) Part 3 of "A Piece of the Road Suite" composed & arranged TAZZ WALTZ $d: 276 an up by John LaBarbera yo SF 5 COPYRIGHT © so74 BY DeaveR exTeRPRISES “tHls sBRAKGL AT © 4979 9 QeAVER ENTERORISES. USED BY PERMISSION. INTERGHTTONAL GOPYELONT SeeuRED < MADE INU: Suh, ALL RLGHTS AESERVED sour SERETAGSY fox vio abeancEmeNT? KEWDOR HUSIC, INGe, DELEVAR, Aue 2u042 47 TRomBoNE (Gass) 2 BACK oF THE BUS (oreN REPEAT) 5 TIMES : Play 2m, 3°74 eS Times DRUM Soto” AFTER DRUM BoLO- cooNT OFF },2.3-4 a 4 2 sus) 3 47] « > > > “ > ys BACK OF THE BUS Part 3 of "A Piece of the Road Suite” Piano “opment Euroa Fier Waarz d.= 7% ond up > ab a > _F BP £ ap erese: fi gh ot? gO) pnt Git Ct gh £ zi me) GR) Eg Bb wb fF obe a lod fp bE? B Gig aT Dal” Fst tors 5) ony a fal § pba) a & (sax soca) CTs. Ose. QT Ce alt. onsen eotses. BL pug pub a Fo gb gE Bb Ea mf 2508, “OYE 2974 87 benves EaeRrgL aes as TA a} Sentee cATeRpe SE, O8E5 oy eemtision, snfeavarionat carvan secure < WADE. IN Uzs,h, = ALL mere aESERveD soue BETETNS ACHAT FOR"THIS ABSANGENNT? KENDGR HOSE, HEC, DELEYAN, Re¥e An042 one Ab ctl) PIANO : 2, Back oF “tHe Bos BP AT Oni” Fy? Ga? CF [aq ve fl pe gh? \b A ce? ght ob? ab crt gt be 7 ahr Br Ait Din™Fin'Gr? Chas BA? Hl sav Seto (oven REPERT) E E Be ” Bh Bh? igh cred Fr Be BH A? On Cue (Geass) lp abe z Ate ae ahs 8 AT AT mT CT CN Ba Ae Ge isu. gp A aa BI Ab7 BP ’ FED Cred PIANO 3 Back of THE BOS Dit BT Bb? pov pisces. p79e5. pee IBE|S Tomes gy DRow seve After Drum Sole- Count off 1-2-3-4 a a. (Saxe 5) F. F 2 a8) CHW) my = = 85 BACK OF THE BUS BASS. Part 3 of "A Piece of the Road Suite” conposed & arranged by John LaBarbera azz Ware xt and up - . a aN F \ er) gb Bb ab Foe Bh? Walk~ simile Ber? ae cto? & 7 Dat entoien PCD EBD Bb a, > > > Neat Pyg7@u) gb ° Fo pe go ae cron) sE FE wnstsinne FR Fg Fst Be BP An” Dm? Fi Ge_C7 Beg pte, Wri. ot he ah nhc ie? 7 i Ast DmTFua?Gi? Clus BP? Sex Sole (OPEN) FB Be b a ere cme 5 To) s375 BY oeaveR ENTERPRISES ys panacea © 199 ay BEATER gaTHRER Se, "Us oy pcm soy, ptebadriGuks eeYEIGHT SECURED ~ MADE TR. U.Sch, = ALL RLGHTS RESERVED ‘ove SEINE 2oRTEaTS ansaNceMeNT™ KENDDR RUBIS, “Ne, ORLEVARS Reve saon2 Bass 2 BACK OF THE BUS aad Bh ar? _ Dw” Fin? Ge? ” BEE On Cur (8288s) HE _pbe oT Abises. Ablsos. pp? gh bE BE Ff 7 7 7 Ah pF BR, Bb Saxes- Soli FT ph? 7 Br Abr Fu FZ Bh ont) gt often att ag Dm? ge? pe? piss persue. p75. pre: STines 134 Bung Deum Aéler Dram Selo-Count off 1-2 °3,4 Wy i z xs.) 3 a a ie. FTeD But) eyrGe9) zB E BACK OF THE BUS ROMS Part 3 of "A Piece of the Road Suite” conposed & arranged Unix Warr, d= and up > by John LaBarbera j fa F a z fol F amp crest. # Cont, dare walle » ow 43] tax sero) Sy fi Cast Hime ony) * WF Ol] evens) ‘ . (simicey (open ReveaT) as Se BB COPYRIGHT @ 974 BY DEAVER exreRPRLs THis. ABRARGEHEAT © 4979 OY DEAVER ENTERPRISES, "USED BY PCOMISSION, UHTERART ONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED — MADE I'U7S.8, ~ ALL RIQNTS RESERVED ove SELLING AGEST FOR THIS AREANGEMENTS KEADDR MUSIC, INC. DELEVAR, NoYe 14032 ROHS . Back oF THE BUS ie te On Cur (Beas) 4 ci F Soxes- Soli (4th +244 Hives) (BH) stmes 24 3 sn Saye OPEN Soo WY mo Cont. Sono ~SSSC~™”C” ggg END STITT} (saxes: T Count oT 7 = 29% BACK OF THE BUS ee GUITAR composed § arranged — Pert 3 of “A Piece of the Road Suite” ty John LaBarbera Onzz Waire d= and up wales, a “his. > > a x HF yb F a > Sh £. > . B? gh? 4 7Cbi3) Dm7 Ga? CP FBP peren gre” CGS) ae gh eh ah ah a? BOD phe Gh ast wl ic CD) he Ba} ae sox9) yes, rae gots tue. CF teen psi & FO) Eiygt I Bb Ab FO BRE Bef cis) F FBP E wf et Be Bh As” Dmit Fs? Gs”_C® oF a “lite Beg Br wb fc? pb? p Bh? ye cre) fr gh pt Br Ast Du? Fel Ge? Clas” F Sax Solo (oeen eeeear) Bp ee Eas ce oe Bh cP 215 oR S 1 ar oeyee exTeer aes USED By PERMISSION, INTESaATIORAC Soret SECURED © MIDE TN Uc Sch, = At RLGHTS SESENICD ute SELLING AGENT FoR TRIG AREANGENENT® KENOOR RUSIC, INE>, DELEYAN, MAY HOR GuiTaR a. BACK OF THE Bos pop Fe Be BH as? Dui Fur? Ge”? BEE On Co (sass) Sue ar gh Aten ah obo Bp pbtes qpr Bie B Blas BAY AT On?! F Saxes- Soli a ae 3 a? f Ff? ait oo) ete Be Ava Dm? BT pr? prs pre gree ahaan Ta if STHES Bung 3 Dram After Dram Salo- Count off £-2.3-4 Selo 2 ees) Sf B Fran covpeerem's Soot ATE Wat Jos bd bat eur cust ot et oF ree Sia [a 5 times ee OF HE Os = sen anime DRUM Soto ACTER DRUM Sole -counr oF Lage LE Le

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