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Botany Practice Test Paper
Plant Physiology
(Transport in Plants)

1. Which of the following is not a characteristics of diffusion

1. passive process 2. slow process
3. depends on living system 4. obvious in gases and liquids

2. Diffusion rates are affected by

1. concentration gradient 2. pressure gradient
3. membrane permeability 4. all of these

3. Consider the following statements :

(i) Diffusion is also depends on solubility in lipids
(ii) Hydrophilic substances move through the membrane through facilitated diffusion
(iii) Membrane transporter proteins set up a concentration gradient
(iv) Transporter proteins are highly selective
1. (i) & (ii) only 2. (i), (ii) & (iv) 3. (ii) & (iv) only 4. (iii) & (iv) only
4. Porins are not found in the
1. outer membrane of plastids
2. outer membrane of mitochondria
3. membrane of gram negative bacteria
4. membrane of gram positive bacteria

5. (i) Antiports and symports are means of active transport

(ii) Active transport and facilitated diffusion exhibit transport saturation
(iii) Diffusion of solids rather than in solids is more likely
Correct statement are
1. (i) & (ii) only 2. (i) & (iii) 3. only (ii) 4. only (iii)

6. Select the incorrect statement

1. Membrane proteins involve in both active as well as passive transport
2. Most of herbaceous plants have about 85 to 90 percent of water
3. A mustard plant absorb water equal to its own weight in about 5 hours
4. Transport saturation occurs only in active transport not in facilitated diffusion

7. Which of the following is/are not selectively permeable membrane

1. cell membrane 2. tonoplast
3. organeller membrane 4. cutinized and suberised cell wall
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Page No. - 2
8. Select the odd one out w.r.t. osmosis
1. passive process
2. direction and rate depends on both the pressure gradient and concentration gradient
3. at equilibrium two chambers have the same water potential
4. cell membrane and tonoplasts have no role in osmosis

9. How many of given statements are correct :

(i). Vacuolar sap contribute to the solute potential of the cell
(ii). Cell membrane and tonoplast together are important determinants of movements of
(iii). Osmosis occurs spontaneously in response to a driving force
(iv). Solute potential is always positive
1. (i) & (ii) only 2. (ii) & (iii) & (iv) only
3. (i), (ii) & (iii) only 4. All are correct

10. Consider the following statements and select incorrect option w.r.t. osmotic pressure
1. Osmotic pressure of pure water is O
2. Osmotic pressure is the function of solute concentration
3. Osmotic pressure  solute concentration
4. Osmotic pressure is negative pressure

11. Solute potential is also called as

1. Pressure potential 2. Water potential
3. Osmotic potential 4. None of these

12. Which of the following is incorrect representation

1. W = DPD 2. DPD = OP – TP
3. OP = - S 4. w  solute concentration

13. Consider the following points regarding imbibition.

(i) Reversible process
(ii) Surface phenomenon
(iii) Water potential of imbibant should be higher than imbibate
(iv) Exothermic process
(v) Responsible for seed germination
(vi) Volume of imbibant remain unchanged
Select the correct set of combination
1. (i) (ii) & (v) only 2. (ii) (iv) & (v) only
3. (i), (ii), (iv) & (v) only 4. All correct

14. Select the correct option with respect to decreasing order of imbibition pressure
1. Pectin > Protein ? Algin > Starch > Cellulose
2. Algin > Pectin > Protein > Starch > Cellulose
3. Protein > Pectin > Algin > Starch > Cellulose
4. Algin > Protein > Pectin > Cellulose > Starch
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Page No. - 3
15. Shrinking of cell membrane of a plant cell away from its cell wall is known as
1. Osmosis 2. Plasmolysis 3. Imbibition 4. Guttation

16. If a cell increased in size (swells) when placed in a solution then the solution is
1. Hypertonic 2. Hypotonic 3. Isotonic 4. None of these

17. Select the incorrect combination from the given statements

(i) Plasmolysis occurs in hypotonic solutions
(ii) During plasmolysis water moves out firstly from vacuole and then the cytoplasm
(iii) Hypertonic solution occupies the space between the cell wall and shrunken protoplast
of the plasmolysed cell
(iv) p of a flaccid cell will be zero
(v) For a turgid cell TP = WP
1. (i) (iii) & (iv) only 2. (i) & (ii) only
3. (i), (ii), & (v) only 4. (i) only

18. Inflow of water equals its outflow occurs when a cell is placed in
1. Hypotonic solution 2. Isotonic solution
3. Hypertonic solution 4. None of these

19. In a fully turgid cell which of the following will be zero

1. OP 2. TP 3. DPD 4. WP

20. Swelling of dry woods occurs in rainy season by a process which is also responsible for
1. Seed germination and splitting of rock
2. Shrinking of protoplasts
3. Increase in volume of imbibant
4. Both (1) & (3)

21. In a cell DPD value is 60 atm. while OP is 38 atm. Then calculate the TP in the cell
1. 12 atm 2. 32 atm 3. 22 atm 4. -22 atm

22. If osmotic potential of a cell is -15 bars and its pressure potential is 7 bars, then its water
potential would be
1. -8 2. 8 3. 22 4. -22

23. The difference in DP of a pure solvent and a solution when both are subjected to same
atmospheric pressure is called
1. DPD 2. SP 3. OP 4. Both (1) & (2)

24. Decrease in the diffusion pressure of pure solvent or solution due to addition of solute is
1. TP 2. OP 3. DPD 4. YS

JRS TUTORIALS, Durgakund, Varanasi – 221 005 (U.P.) Ph. No. (0542) 2311922, 2311777
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Page No. - 4
25. If any solute get dissolved in the pure solvent then its
1. Diffusion pressure decreases 2. Water potential decreases
3. Water potential remains unchanged 4. Both (1) & (2) correct

26. If the OP of a cell is 40 atm and its TP is 17 units. What will be its water potential
1. -47 units 2. -57 units 3. 57 units 4. -23 units

27. The solute potential and water potential of pure water will be
1. 50 & 10 2. 100 & 200 3. Zero & zero 4. Zero & 10

28. Three cells X, Y & Z are given below

s = - 40 s = - 60 s = - 50
TP = 20 TP = 30 TP = 40

What will be the direction of water flow

1. XY←Z 2. X ← Y Z 3. X ←Y ← Z 4. X  Y Z

29. If the OP of any osmotic system is 40 atm and its TP is 9 units. Water potential of the
system will be
1. -31 unit 2. 31 unit 3. 49 unit 4. 4 unit

30. The three cells X,Y and Z are joined to each other

OP= 40 OP= 30 OP= 22
TP = 30 TP = 10 TP = 18

The direction of water movement in these cells will be

1. XYZ 2. X ← Y←Z 3. X Y ← Z 4. X ← Y Z

31. When water entry occurs into a cell then what changes occurs to its OP, TP and DPD
1. OP & TP rise & DPD also rise 2. OP & TP rise & DPD lowers
3. OP & DPD rise & TP lowers 4. TP & DPD lowers & OP rise

**32. There are three cells a root hair, Cortical layer of root and mesophyll cell. Arrange them in
descending order of DPD
1. Root hair > Mesophyll > Cortical cell
2. Mesophyll > Cortical cell > Root hair
3. Cortical cell > Mesophyll > Root hair
4. Mesophyll > Root hair > Cortical cell

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Page No. - 5
33. If any solute has been added in a solution then what changes will occur
1. DPD of the solution decreases
2. DPD increases while w decreases
3. DPD decreases while w increases
4. DPD and w remain constant

34. The three cells A,B & C are joined to each other & their solute potential & turgor pressure
values are given in the figure

s = - 60 s = - 50
TP = 35 TP = 40
s = - 30
TP = 15

The direction of flow of water in this system will be

1. 2.
3. 4.

35. What would be P of cell sop in cell-X and cell-Y respectively.

Cell-X Cell-Y

W = - 800 kPa W= - 500 kPa

S = - 1100 kPa S = - 900 kPa

1. 900, 600 kPa 2. 300, 400 kPa

3. -300, -400 kPa 4. -1900, 1400 kPa

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Page No. - 6
36. A hypothetical arrangement of four plant cells (1, 2, 3 and 4) is given blow

1 2
DP = 5 atm DP = 7 atm

3 DP = 3 atm DP = 6 atm 4

Find out the direction of water movement

1. 2 4  1  3 2. 2345
3. 3456 4. 1  2  3 4

37. Find correct pathway of movement of water in given cells

X S = - 20 bar
P = 15 bar

Y S = - 15 bar S = - 11 bar Z
P = 10 bar P = 5 bar

1. 2.

3. 4.

38. If TP of a cell is 8 atm and OP is 12 atm. Then what would be DPD and Osmotic potential
of the cell respectively
1. 4 & -12 2. 8 & -6 3. 20 & 4 4. 4 & 12

39. If the external solution is more dilute than the cytoplasm then it is
1. Isotomic 2. Hypotonic 3. Hypertonic 4. Ideal solution

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Page No. - 7
40. Consider the following statements and select the correct combination
(i) Kinetic energy of water molecules refer its water potential
(ii) Increased dilution of external solution also increases its water potential
(iii) Water movement occurs from high DPD to low DPD
(iv) Cell swells in hypertonic solution and swrinks in hypotonic solution
1. (i), (ii) & (iii) only 2. (i) & (ii) only
3. (i), (iii) & (iv) only 4. (i), (ii), (iii), & (iv)

41. What would be effect on W, P, DPD and DP respectively upon increase in solute
1. Increases, Decreases, Decreases & Increases
2. Decreases, Decreases, Increases & Decreases
3. Decreases, Increases, Increases & Decreases
4. Decreases, Decreases, Decreases & Increases

42. TP becomes zero during

1. Limited plasmolysis 2. Incipient plasmolysis
3. Evident plasmolysis 4. Deplasmolysis

43. Imbibition is
1. Active process 2. Passive process
3. Reversible process 4. More than one options correct

44. The basic requirements for imbibition to occur is/are-

1. ATP energy
2. Water potential gradient
3. Affinity between adsorbent and liquid imbibed
4. Both (2) & (3) correct

45. The p of a flaccid cell will be

1. Positive 2. Negative 3. Zero 4. Infinity

46. Match the followings

(i) Transpiration (A) Auxanometer

(ii) Root pressure (B) Potometer
(iii) Osmosis (C) Porometer
(iv) Growth (D) Manometer
(v) Stomatal aperture size (E) Osmometer

1. (i)-B, (ii)-D, (iii)-E, (iv) –C, (v)-A

2. (i)-D, (ii)-A, (iii)-E, (iv) –C, (v)-B
3. (i)-B, (ii)-D, (iii)-E, (iv) –A, (v)-C
4. (i)-A, (ii)-D, (iii)-B, (iv) –C, (v)-E
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Page No. - 8
47. Plants have to make adjustment and compromise between photosynthesis and transpiration
1. Both photosynthesis and transpiration occurs at different times
2. CO2 uptake and H2O loss occurs at the same time through the same passage
3. CO2 uptake and H2O loss occurs at the different times through the same passage
4. Diffusion coefficient of water and CO2 is same

48. Two cells A and B are kept in close association. Cell A has OP 15 atm, TP 10 atm and
DPD 5atm. Cell B has OP 20 atm, TP 12 atm and DPD 8 atm. The result will be
1. No movement of water
2. Equilibrium state
3. Movement of water from cell B to A
4. Movement of water from cell A to B

49. Select the incorrect statement

1. Diffusion is slow process hence not sufficient for long distance transport
2. Water minerals and food are moved by mass flow
3. Mass flow occurs due to pressure difference between source and sink
4. In mass flow different substances move independently.

50. Apoplastic absorption of water and minerals becomes symplastic in

A due to presence of
B A and B represent respectively
1. Cortical cells, Casparian strips 2. Endodermal cells, Casparian strips
3. Endodermal cells, Cutinised layer 4. Epidermal cells, Casparian strips

51. Transport proteins of endodermal cells are control points, where a plant adjust
1. Only quantity of solutes that reach the xylem
2. Only quality of solutes that reach the Xylem
3. Both quality and quantity of solutes
4. Neither quality nor quantity of solutes

52. Most of the minerals are absorbed actively by the roots because
1. Minerals present in soil in ionic form
2. Conc. Of minerals in the soil is lower than in the root
3. Due to change minerals can not move across cell membranes
4. All of these

53. Consider the following statements regarding uptake of mineral ions

(i) Most of minerals enter the root by using ATP energy
(ii) Uptake of ions partly responsible for the water potential gradient in root
(iii) Some mineral ions also absorbed passively
(iv) Root endodermis has the ability to actively transport ions in both directions because of
1. (i), (ii) & (iv) only 2. (iii), & (iv) only
3. (i), (ii) & (iii) only 4. (i), (ii), (iii) & (iv)
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Page No. - 9
54. Transpiration is necessary for the plants because it
1. Has cooling effect
2. Supplies water for photosynthesis
3. Creates transpiration pull for absorption
4. All of these

55. Transpiration driven ascent of Xylem sap mainly depends on which properties of water
1. Cohesion 2. Adhesion 3. Surface tension 4. All of these

56. How many of the followings are the requirements for ascent of sap
(i) Tensile strength (ii) Capillarity
(iii) Conducting tube (iv) Transpiration pull
(v) Root pressure only (vi) High humidity
1. (i), (ii), (iii) & (vi) only 2. (i), (ii), (iii), (v) only
3. (i), (ii), (iii) & (iv) only 4. All of these

57. How many of the followings belong to apoplastic pathway of water absorption
(i) Cell wall (ii) Cytoplasmic streaming
(iii) Plasmodesmata (iv) Inter cellular spaces
(v) Offer no resistance (vi) Slow process
1. (i), (iv) & (v) only 2. (i) (ii), (iv) & (v) only
3. (ii), (iii) & (vi) only 4. All of these

58. Apoplastic pathway is more common than the symplastic pathway for water flow in roots
because in apoplast
1. Cortical cells are loosely arranged hence offer maximum resistance in water flow
2. No membrane barriers crossed
3. Several membrane barriers crossed
4. Water move in vapour form

59. Pinus seeds can not germinate and establish without the presence of
1. Bacteria 2. BGA 3. Mycorrhiza 4. Lichens

60. Root pressure is A pressure which is developed B

A and B represents respectively
1. Negative, passively 2. Positive, actively
3. Positive, passively 4. Negatively, actively

61. Effect of root pressure can be observed during

1. Early morning 2. Night
3. High humid conditions in atmosphere 4. All of these

JRS TUTORIALS, Durgakund, Varanasi – 221 005 (U.P.) Ph. No. (0542) 2311922, 2311777
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Page No. - 10
62. Guttation occurs mostly in grasses and herbaceous plants because
1. These plants are tall sized
2. These plants are not tall sized
3. Guttation causes only a modest push up water to small heights
4. Both 2 and 3 are correct

63. Consider the following statements

(i) Root pressure plays a minor role in water movement up tall trees
(ii) Continuous chains of water molecules in the Xylem break under the enormous
tensions created by transpiration
(iii) Water lost in guttation in pure form
(iv) Transpiration pull force is responsible for guttation
Correct combinations is
1. (iii) & (iv) only 2. (i) & (iii) only
3. (ii) & (iii) only 4. (i) & (ii) only

64. Guttation occurs through the special openings of veins called

1. Stomata 2. Lenticels 3. Hydathodes 4. Epithem cells

65. The greatest contribution of root pressure is

1. Pulling of water to great heights
2. Re-establish continuous chains of water in the Xylem
3. Evoporative loss of water
4. To increase atmospheric humidity

66. Cohesion-tension transpiration pull model of water transport was given by

1. J. C. Bose 2. Dixon & Jolly3. Julius Von Sach 4. Priestley

67. Which of the following is/are antitranspirants

1. Phenylmercuric acetate 2. ABA
3. Blue light 4. 1 & 2 both

68. Exudation of water in the form of droplets from special openings of veins called
1. Transpiration 2. Bleeding 3. Guttation 4. Leaching

69. Consider the following statements and select the correct combination
(i) Through transpiration pull the upward flow of water through xylem occurs upto 15
metres per hour upto height 130 metres
(ii) Less than one percent water reaching the leaves is used in photosynthesis
(iii) Transpiration is necessary evil
(iv) C4 plants evolved to conserve water
1. (i), (iii) & (iv) only 2. (i) & (ii) only
3. (ii), (iii) & (iv) only 4. (i), (ii), (iii) & (iv)

JRS TUTORIALS, Durgakund, Varanasi – 221 005 (U.P.) Ph. No. (0542) 2311922, 2311777
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Page No. - 11
70. Maximum transpiration takes place through
1. Stomata 2. Bark 3. Lenticels 4. Cuticle

71. Which of the followings are the chief sinks for mineral elements
1. Young leaves 2. Apical and lateral meristems
3. Senescing ports 4. All except 3

72. (i) Source and sink relationship is fixed

(ii) Structural components like Nitrogen are not remobilized
(iii) Xylem transports only inorganic nutrients
Correct statements are-
1. (i) & (iii) only 2. (i) only
3. (i) & (ii) only 4. None of these

73. Which of the following is not a mobile element in plants

1. Nitrogen 2. Phosphorus 3. Potassium 4. Calcium

74. An analysis of the Xylem exudates shows that

1. Most of nitrogen travel as organic form
2. Some of P and S are carried as organic compound
3. Small amount of contents of xylem and phloem get exchanged
4. All of these

75. Girdling experiment can not be performed in the monocots because

1. Vascular bundles are absent 2. Vascular bundles are scattered
3. Vascular bundles are closed 4. Vascular bundles are open

76. Consider the photosynthetic efficiency in plants and select the incorrect ans.
1. C4 plants are twice as efficient as C3 plants in terms of CO2 fixation
2. C3 plants loses only half as much water as a C 4 plants
3. C4 and CAM photosynthetic mechanism conserve water
4. All except 2 correct

77. During demonstration of transpiration blue colored paper turns ………. in contact with
water. Blank space represents
1. Yellow 2. Pink 3. Black 4. Orange

78. Which of the followings are plant factors affecting transpiration

1. Canopy structure 2. Percent of open stomata
3. Light 4. Both 1 & 2

79. Xylem translocates

(i) Sucrose (ii) Hormones (iii) Water
(iv) Non-reducing sugars (v) Mineral salts (vi) Organic nitrogen

JRS TUTORIALS, Durgakund, Varanasi – 221 005 (U.P.) Ph. No. (0542) 2311922, 2311777
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Page No. - 12
Correct combination is
1. (ii), (iii), (iv) & (v) 2. (ii), (iii), (v) & (vi)
3. (i), (ii), (iv) & (vi) 4. (i), (iii), (v) & (vi)

80. Active K+ - H+ exchange theory of Levitt explains

1. Phloem translocation 2. Transpiration pull
3. Stomatal movement 4. Minerals absorption

81. The root pressure is maximum when

1. Absorption is low and transpiration high
2. Absorption is high and transpiration low
3. Humidity is very high and light absent
4. All except A correct

82. Hydathodes are surrounded by

1. Guard cells 2. Lenticels 3. Epithem cells 4. Complementary cells

83. Which of the following factor increases transpiration

1. Very high wind velocity 2. High atmospheric pressure
3. High atmospheric humidity 4. Presence of blue light

84. Which of the following would do maximum harms to a tree

1. The loss of all of its leaves 2. The loss of half of its leaves
3. The loss of its bank 4. The loss of half of its branches

85. Water channels are

1. Involved in active transport 2. Involved in facilitated diffusion
3. Made up of eight different types of aquaporins
4. More than one option true

86. Root pressure is not responsible for

1. Guttation 2. Bleeding 3. Transpiration 4. Exudation of sap

87. According to Potassium – H+ exchange theory of Levitt

1. Starch is incompletely oxidized in PEP during day time
2. The PH of guard cells increases
3. Malic acid dissociate into Melate ion and H+ in the guard cells
4. All the statements are correct

88. Which of the following process does not occur during stomatal opening
1. Pumping of protons from guard cells
2. Passive uptake of K+ from subsidiary cells
3. Formation and dissociation of malic acid in guard cells
4. Increases in the OP of guard cells
JRS TUTORIALS, Durgakund, Varanasi – 221 005 (U.P.) Ph. No. (0542) 2311922, 2311777
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Page No. - 13
89. Consider the following statements regarding stomata
(i) Guard cells are the only chloroplast containing cells in Epidermal tissue system
(ii) Cellulosic microfibrils are oriented longitudinally rather than radially
(iii) Guard cells functions are turgor pressure operated value
Select the correct combination
1. (i) & (iii) only 2. (i), (iii) & (iv) only
3. (iii) & (iv) only 4. (i), (ii), (iii) & (iv)

90. Which of the following is not an antitranspirant

1. High CO2 conc. 2. ABA 3. PMA 4. None of these

91. Consider the following statements and select the correct combination
(i) The transport proteins of endodermal cells are control points
(ii) Senescing leaves export much of their mineral content to younger leaves
(iii) Phloem translocation occurs from sink to source
(iv) Phloem sap is alkaline
1. (i) & (iv) only 2. (ii), (iii) & (iv) only
3. (i), (ii) & (iv) only 4. (iii) & (iv) only

92. Pressure flow hypothesis was given by

1. Peter Mitchell 2. Ernst Munch
3. Hans Kreb 4. Avnish de Villiers
93. Consider the following statements regarding food translocation in plants and select correct
(i) Source and sink may be reversed depending on the season/Need
(ii) Direction of movement in the phloem can be upwards or downwards
(iii) Translocation is pressure driven passive process
(iv) Loading and unloading of phloem are active process
1. (i) & (iv) only 2. (i) & (ii) only
3. (i), (ii) & (iv) only 4. (i), (ii), (iii) & (iv)

94. Which of the following is not correct regarding girdling experiment

1. It indicates the tissue responsible for food translocation
2. On the tree trunk a ring of bark upto depth of xylem get removed
3. The bark above the ring on the stem swells
4. Sugar translocation stopped but water movement upward was not affected

95. Which of the following statement is incorrect regarding phloem translocation

1. Phloem translocation occurs bi-directionally
2. Phloem translocation occurs according to pressure flow hypothesis
3. Active loading at source produces a hypotonic condition in the phloem
4. Phloem translocates non-reducing sugars like sucrose, raffinose Stachyose and

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Page No. - 14
96. Bell Jar experiment is used to demonstrate
1. Guttation 2. Transpiration 3. Bleeding 4. Respiration

97. (i) In dry atmosphere, when relative humidity is low, transpiration decrease
(ii) Slow breeze (wind) promotes transpiration
(iii) In a girdled plant root dies first shoot later
(iv) A high salt concentration in soil water increases transpiration
1. (iii) & (iv) correct 2. (i) & (ii) correct
3. (ii) & (iii) correct 4. (ii) & (iv) correct

98. Which of the following representation is incorrect

1. S = -  2. DPD = - OP + TP
3. W = S + P 4. W = -DPD

99. The rupture and fractionation do not usually occur in the water column in vessels /
tracheids during the ascent of sap because of
1. Lignified thick walls
2. Transpiration pull
3. Root pressure
4. Cohesion, adhesion and high tensile strength

100. Stoma opens when

1. OP of guard cell vacuole decreases 2. Guard cells lose turgor
3. Guard cells become turgid 4. CO2 concentration increases

101. Potometer works on the principle of

1. Root pressure
2. Osmotic pressure
3. Amount of water absorbed equals the amount transpired
4. Cytoplasmic streaming

JRS TUTORIALS, Durgakund, Varanasi – 221 005 (U.P.) Ph. No. (0542) 2311922, 2311777
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Page No. - 15

Botany Practice Test Paper
Plant Physiology
(Transport in Plants)

Q. No. Ans. Q. No. Ans. Q. No. Ans. Q. No. Ans. Q. No. Ans.

1 3 21 3 41 2 61 4 81 4

2 4 22 1 42 1 62 4 82 3

3 2 23 4 43 4 63 2 83 4

4 4 24 3 44 4 64 3 84 3

5 3 25 4 45 3 65 2 85 4

6 4 26 4 46 3 66 2 86 3

7 4 27 3 47 2 67 4 87 4

8 4 28 1 48 4 68 3 88 2

9 3 29 1 49 4 69 4 89 1

10 4 30 3 50 2 70 1 90 4

11 3 31 1 51 3 71 4 91 3

12 4 32 2 52 4 72 4 92 2

13 3 33 2 53 3 73 4 93 4

14 2 34 3 54 4 74 4 94 2

15 2 35 2 55 4 75 2 95 3

16 2 36 1 56 3 76 2 96 2

17 2 37 3 57 1 77 2 97 3

18 2 38 1 58 2 78 4 98 2

19 3 39 2 59 3 79 2 99 4

20 4 40 2 60 2 80 3 100 3

101 3

JRS TUTORIALS, Durgakund, Varanasi – 221 005 (U.P.) Ph. No. (0542) 2311922, 2311777
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Botany Practice Test Paper
Respiration in Plants

1. Respiration is ………….. and …………. process.

1. Anabolic endergonic 2. Anabolic, exergonic
3. Amphibolic, exergonic 4. Amphibolic, endergonic

2. Which of the following is most preferred respiratory substrate-

1. Carbohydrates 2. Fats 3. Proteins 4. Lipids
3. Fats are energy rich but still not a preferred respiratory substrate for the cell because-
1. Fats are oxygen rich and hydrogen deficient
2. Fats are oxygen deficient and hydrogen rich
3. Fats are instant source of energy
4. Fats have R.Q. value more than one
4. Respiration differs from combustion in-
1. Being single step, enzyme controlled process
2. Being multistep, enzyme controlled process
3. Being multistep, non-enzymatic process
4. Being single step, non-enzymatic process
5. During respiration.
1. Breaking of C-C bonds of compounds occurs
2. Energy releases in a single step slowly
3. The released energy is used to synthesise ATP to drive major functions of body
4. All the statements correct except

6. Select the incorrect statement

1. The carbon skeleton produced during respiration is used as precursors for
biosynthesis of other molecules in the cell
2. In plants there is very little transport of gases from one plant part to another
3. Only some organisms retain the enzymatic machinery to partially oxidize glucose
without the help of oxygen.
4. During respiration oxygen is utilized and CO2, H2O and energy released

7. Select the incorrect match

1. EMP pathway - site-cytoplasm
2. TCA cycle - site-matrix
3. Link reaction - site-cytoplasm
4. ETS - site-inner membrane

JRS TUTORIALS, Durgakund, Varanasi – 221 005 (U.P.) Ph. No. (0542) 2311922, 2311777
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Page No. - 2

8. Select the incorrect statement regarding glycolysis

1. Term glycolysis has originated from the latin word glycose and lysis
2. It is the only process of respiration in anaerobes.
3. Anaerobic process, but occurs in both aerobes and anaerobes
4. Glucose undergoes partial oxidation.

9. Select the correct match.

(i) HMP pathway (a) Kreb’s cycle
(ii) EMP pathway (b) Safety value of glycolyse
(iii) Link reaction (c) Glycolysis
(iv) Citric acid cycle (d) Gateway reaction

1. (i) - c, (ii) – d, (iii) – a, (iv) – b 2. (i) - b, (ii) – c, (iii) – d, (iv) – a

3. (i) - d, (ii) – c, (iii) – a, (iv) – b 4. (i) - b, (ii) – c, (iii) – a, (iv) – d

10. Which one of the following statement is incorrect.

1. Pyruvic acid is the key product of glycolysis
2. Plants have no specialized organs for gas exchange
3. The distance that gases diffuse in large bulky plats is very great
4. Glycolysis is the most primitive pathway metabolically.

11. Which of the following is not required for the first step of glycolysis.
1. ATP 2. NADH+H+ 3. Hexokinase enzyme 4. Glucose

12. Which of the following enzyme is known as “Pacemaker of glycolysis”

1. Pyruvate kinase 2. Phosphofructokinase
3. Glycerate kinase 4. Hexokinase

13. Malonate is the competitive inhibitor of enzyme.

1. Malate dehydrogenase 2. Succinate dehydrogenase
3. Enolase 4. -ketoglutarate dehydrogenese

14. How many net direct ATP gain will occur if the PEP kinase enzyme become non-
1. 2ATP 2. 0 ATP 3. 4 ATP 4. 1 ATP

15. (i) The intermediates of glycolytic pathway are also used for anabolic purpose.
(ii) Fermentation occurs only in prokaryotes
(iii) ATP is called energy currency of the cell.
1. (i), (ii) & (iii) correct 2. (i), & (iii) correct
3. (ii), & (iii) correct 4. only (iii) correct

JRS TUTORIALS, Durgakund, Varanasi – 221 005 (U.P.) Ph. No. (0542) 2311922, 2311777
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Page No. - 3

16. Mr. Dhananjay is a famous wrestler. During vigorous exercise he suffered a muscles
cramp. It occurred due to
1. Excessive consuming of alcohol
2. Excessive consumption of chicken
3. Corona infection during lockdown period
4. Lactic acid fermentation in muscles

17. Select the incorrect statement w.r.t. TCA cycle.

1. Occurs only in aerobic organisms
2. Occurs in cytoplasm in prokaryotes and matrix of mitochondria in eukaryotes
3. 4 oxidations, 2 decarboxylation and 2 SLP occurs in one cycle
4. Also called citric acid/Kreb’s cycle

18. The third oxidation step of Kreb’s cycle is catalysed by enzyme.

1. Malate dehydrogenase 2. Succinate dehydrogenese
3. Pyruvate dehydrogenase 4. -ketoglutarate dehydrogenese

19. Select the correct statement regarding link reaction.

1. Occurs inside matrix of mitochondria
2. Oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvic acid occurs
3. Catalysed by pyruvate dehydrogenase complex
4. All of these

20. -ketoglutarate is utilized for ………A…… synthesis by enzyme ……B…….. in a

process called ……C…….. .
A, B and C represents respectively.
1. Carbohydrates, succinate dehydrogenase, transamination
2. Lipids, Glutamate dehydrogenase, reductive amination
3. Amino acids, Glutamate dehydrogenase, reductive amination
4. Terpenes, succinate thiokinase, decarboxylation

21. Select the incorrect statement about fermentation.

1. Incomplete oxidation of glucose occurs
2. Yeasts poison themselves to death when alcohol concentration reach about 30%.
3. In both fermentation process less than seven percent of energy in glucose is
4. In both fermentation reducing agent NADH+H+ reoxidised to NAD+

22. Which of the following is not the component of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex.
1. NAD 2. Co-A 3. TPP 4. FAD

23. Net gain of energy currency from one molecule of glucose in fermentation is
1. 6 2. 2 3. 4 4. 8

JRS TUTORIALS, Durgakund, Varanasi – 221 005 (U.P.) Ph. No. (0542) 2311922, 2311777
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Page No. - 4

24. In TCA cycle SLP occurs when-

1. Succinic acid is converted in Fumaric acid
2. Succinyl-Co-A is converted in succinic acid
3. -ketoglutarate is converted in succinyl Co-A
4. Malic acid is converted in oxaloacetic acid.

25. The mobile electron carriers of respiratory ETS are

1. UQ and cyt c 2. UQ ad plastoyanin
3. Plastoquinone and cyt c 4. UQ and cyt c oxidase

26. Select the odd one out w.r.t. the location of enzymes of TCA cycle.
1. Fumarase 2. Succinate dehydrogenese
3. -ketoglutarate dehydrogenase 4. Citrate synthase

27. Which of the following is complex III of mitochondrial ETS.

1. NADH dehydrogenase 2. Cytochrome bc1 complex
3. Succinate dehydrogenase 4. Cytochrome C oxidase

28. How many CO2 molecules will be released if 5 molecules of glucose enter in aerobic
1. 6 CO2 2. 12 CO2 3. 30 CO2 4. 18 CO2

29. After which enzyme activity glycolytic pathway enters in energy currency production phase
1. Phosphofructo kinase 2. Hexokinase
3. Glyceraldehyde dehydrogenase 4. Aldolase

30. The six, five and four carbon skeletons of TCA cycle are respectively.
1. Citric acid, succinyl CoA, malic acid
2. Oxaloacetic acid, citric acid, -ketoglutaric acid
3. Citric acid, oxalosuccinic acid, succinic acid
4. Isocitrate, -ketoglutaric acid, succinic acid.

31. Select the correct combination from given set of statements.

(i). All the enzymes of TCA cycle located inside matrix of mitochondria.
(ii). Succinate dehydrogenase enzyme links TCA cycle to ETS
(iii). The first product of Kreb’s cycle is a dicarboxylic acid
(iv). In Protoplasmic respiration oxidation of fats occurs.
1. (i) & (ii) only 2. (ii) only 3. (ii) & (iv) only 4. (i) only

32. (i) Alcoholic fermentation results in the release of CO 2 along with ethanol
(ii) The first step of alcoholic fermentation requires dehydrogenation
(iii) Fermentation is hazardous process
1. (i) & (ii) correct 2. (ii) & (iii) correct
3. (i) & (iii) correct 4. only (i) correct
JRS TUTORIALS, Durgakund, Varanasi – 221 005 (U.P.) Ph. No. (0542) 2311922, 2311777
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Page No. - 5

33. Continuous operation of TCA cycle require regeneration of

1. Oxaloacetic acid 2. NAD+ 3. FAD+ 4. All of these

34. How many NADH+H+, FADH2 and CO2 molecules will be produced respectively from
breakdown of four glucose molecules.
1. 8, 2, 3 2. 10, 2, 4 3. 40, 8, 24 4. 36, 6, 16

35. Which of the following enzyme complex is not involved in respiratory ETS.
1. Succinate dehydrogenase 2. Cytochrome C oxidase
3. NADH dehydrogenase 4. Cytochrome B6 f complex

36. How many protons are pumped by complex II and complex IV of respiratory ETS
1. 4, 2 2. 2, 2 3. 0, 2 4. 0, 4

37. Ubiquinone does not accepts electrons from

1. Complex II 2. Complex III
3. Complex IV 4. Both complex III & IV

38. The number of H+ pumped from complex I, II, III and IV respectively
1. 4, 0, 4, 2 2. 4, 0, 2, 4 3. 2, 2, 4, 4 4. 2, 0, 4, 2

39. The number of ATP synthesized from one molecule of NADH+H + & FADH2 respectively
through ETS
1. 2, 3 2. 3, 2 3. 4, 3 4. 3, 4

40. How many H+ are required for one ATP synthesis

1. 2 2. 4 3. 5 4. 6

41. Select the incorrect statement regarding cytochrome C protein.

1. Mobile carrier for transfer of electrons between complex III and IV
2. Large protein attached to the inner surface of inner membrane
3. Small protein located on outer surface of inner mitochondrial membrane
4. More than one statement incorrect

42. Select the odd one out w.r.t. cytochrome C oxidase

1. Complex III of ETS 2. Two copper centres
3. Cytochrome a and a3 4. Terminal e- acceptor complex

43. Select the incorrect statement from the statements given below-
1. The number of ATP molecules synthesized depends on the nature of the electron
2. The mechanism of ATP synthesis is similar in photophosphorylation and
oxidative phosphorylation both
3. NADH is oxidized to NAD+ rapidly in fermentation
4. Pure fats and proteins and never used as respiratory substrates
JRS TUTORIALS, Durgakund, Varanasi – 221 005 (U.P.) Ph. No. (0542) 2311922, 2311777
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Page No. - 6

44. Select the correct match-

Substrates R.Q. value

(i) Fats (a) 1.3
(ii) Proteins (b) 0.7
(iii) Citric acid (c) 0.9
(iv) Oxalic acid (d) 4

1. (i)-b, (ii)-c, (iii)-a, (iv)-d 2. (i)-c, (ii)-a, (iii)-b, (iv)-d

3. (i)-b, (ii)-c, (iii)-d, (iv)-a 4. (i)-c, (ii)-a, (iii)-d, (iv)-b

45. Which of the following statement is incorrect regarding respiratory ETS-

1. NADH+H+ is the first electron donor whereas oxygen is the ultimate acceptor
2. Electron transport occurs from high elecronegativity to low electronegativity
3. Cyanide blocks complex IV of ETS
4. The main objective of ETS is to reoxidise reduced co-enzyme.

46. Which of the following is the correct sequence of increasing order of R.Q. value of
1. Fats > malic acid > proteins > oxalic acid
2. Fats > proteins > malic acid > oxalic acid
3. Proteins > fats > oxalic acid > malic acid
4. Proteins > malic acid > fats > oxalic acid

47. Mechanism of ATP synthesis can be explained by ………….. given by………….

1. Chemiosmotic hypothesis, Paul Berg
2. Mass flow hypothesis, Ernst Munch
3. Chemiosmotic hypothesis, Peter Mitchell
4. Root pressure theory, Dixon and Jolly

48. The number of ATP molecules synthesized upon complete oxidation of one glucose
molecule in Heart and liver cells will be respectively
1. 38, 36 2. 36, 38 3. 38, 38 4. 36, 36

49. (i) Energy released during electron transport is utilized in ATP synthesis
(ii) The NADH synthesized in glycolysis is transferred into the cytoplasm and undergoes
oxidative phosphorylation
(iii) Glucose is the favoures substrate for respiration
1. (i) & (ii) correct 2. (i), (ii) & (iii) correct
3. (i) & (iii) correct 4. (ii) & (iii) correct

50. In aerobic bacteria complete oxidation of one glucose molecule yields

1. 2 ATP 2. 36 ATP 3. 38 ATP 4. 24 ATP

JRS TUTORIALS, Durgakund, Varanasi – 221 005 (U.P.) Ph. No. (0542) 2311922, 2311777
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Page No. - 7

51. In aerobic bacteria link reaction, TCA cycle and ETS occurs in respectively
1. Matrix, matrix, cytoplasm
2. Cytoplasm, cytoplasm, cytoplasm
3. Cytoplasm, cytoplasm. plasmamembrane
4. These process absent in prokaryotes

52. Shuttle system present on ……A……. to transfer ………B……… . A and B represents

respectively ATP
1. Outer mitochondrial membrane FADH2
2. Inner mitochondrial membrane FADH2
3. Inner mitochondrial membrane, Glycolytic NADH 2
4. Outer mitochondrial membrane NADH2

53. The number of CO2 and H2O molecules released upon oxidation of tripalmitin
1. 98 CO2, 102 H2O 2. 102 CO2, 98 H2O
3. 145 CO2, 98 H2O 4. 98 CO2, 145 H2O

54. Consider the following statements regarding respiratory quotient (R.Q)

Volume of O 2 consumed
(i) R.Q. is ratio of
Volume of CO 2 evolved
(ii) R.Q. depends upon the type of respiratory substrate used during respiration
(iii) Pyruvic acid is common in all the substrate entering in respiratory pathway
(iv) None of the intermediates of glycolytic pathway are utilized to synthesise any other
1. (i), (ii), & (iv) correct 2. (ii), & (iv) correct
3. (iii), & (iv) correct 4. (ii), (iii) & (iv) correct

55. Consider the following statements regarding F0-F1 complex and select correct statements
1. It is complex V (ATP synthase)
2. F1 is peripheral protein protruding towards the matrix
3. F0 is integral protein that forms the channel through which H+ cross the inner
4. All the statement are correct.

56. (i) 2, 4 Dinitrophenol is an uncoupler which makes inner mitochondrial membrane leaky
for the H+ ions.
(ii) It destroys proton gradient thus inhibit ATP synthesis.
1. (i) & (ii) both correct 2. only (i) correct
3. only (ii) correct 4. both incorrect

57. The ratio of energy currency production in aerobic and anaerobic respiration will be
1. 19 : 1 2. 1 : 19 3. 20 : 1 4. 16 : 1

JRS TUTORIALS, Durgakund, Varanasi – 221 005 (U.P.) Ph. No. (0542) 2311922, 2311777
Mob. : 9794757100, 7317347706 e-mail : Web site :
Page No. - 8

58. The TCA cycle intermediate which is used as raw material for chlorophyll synthesis is
synthesized after the activity of which enzyme.
1. Succinate dehydrogenase 2. Succinate thiokinase
3. -ketoglutarate dehydrogenase 4. Fumarase

59. (i) In oxidative phosphorylation light energy is utilized for the generation of proton
gradient to synthesise ATP
(ii) During ETS oxygen accepts electrons to form H2O.
(iii) Only two H+ ions pumped through complex II.
1. (ii) & (iii) correct 2. (i) & (ii) correct
3. only (ii) correct 4. All statement incorrect

60. The efficiency of aerobic respiration is

1. 45% 2. 35% 3. 3% 4. 7%

61. In TCA cycle SLP occurs when-

1. Succinyl Co-A synthesized from -ketoglutarate
2. Succinic acid synthesized from succinyl Co-A
3. Furmaric acid synthesized from succinic acid
4. -ketoglutarate synthesized from oxalosuccinic acid

62. How many ATP molecules will be produced directly (Through SLP) if three molecules of
phosphoenol pyruvate enter in respiration (aerobic respiration)
1. 6 ATP 2. 4 ATP 3. 8 ATP 4. None of these

63. The first step of glycolysis is catalysed by enzyme ……..A…… in ……..B…….

dependent manner. A and B represents-
1. Hexokinase, GTP 2. Phosphofructokinase, ATP
3. Puruvate kimese ATP 4. Hexokinase, ATP

64. During glycolysis, by the activity of which enzyme hexose sugar splits into two molecules
of triose sugar-
1. Aldolase 2. Pyruvate kinase
3. Phosphofructokinase 4. Enolose
65. How many decarboxylation steps will occur if one molecule of pyruvic acid enter in
aerobic respiration.
1. 6 2. 9 3. 3 4. 12

66. If four glucose molecules undergo complete oxidation then how many CO 2 molecules will
be released.
1. 12 2. 9 3. 24 4. 18

67. How many oxygen atoms required for complete oxidation of two pyruvate-
1. 10 2. 20 3. 5 4. 12
JRS TUTORIALS, Durgakund, Varanasi – 221 005 (U.P.) Ph. No. (0542) 2311922, 2311777
Mob. : 9794757100, 7317347706 e-mail : Web site :
Page No. - 9

68. How many oxygen molecules will be required for aerobic respiration of two acetyl Co-A
1. 6 2. 4 3. 8 4. 10

69. First oxidative decarboxylation in aerobic respiration is catalysed by enzyme ………..

during the conversion of-
1. -ketoglutarate dehydrogenase, oxalosuccinic acid to succinyl CoA
2. Pyruvate dehydrogenase, pyruvic acid to acetyl CoA
3. Pyruvate decarboxylase, pyruvic acid to acetaldehyde
4. Decarboxylase, oxalosuccinic acid to -ketoglutaric acid

70. NADH is oxidized to NAD+ in

1. Glycolysis 2. Fermentation
3. ETS 4. More than one correct

71. NADH+ oxidized to NAD+ slowly in-

1. Aerobic respiration 2. Fermentation
3. Glycolysis 4. More than one correct

72. The respiratory intermediates succinyl CoA and -ketoglutaric acid used for anabolism of-
1. Amino acid and chlorophyll respectively
2. Chlorophyll and amino acids respectively
3. Chlorophyll and carotenoids respectively
4. Carotenoids and amino acids respectively

73. (i) Respiration is seen in all living cells both during day and night.
(ii) CO2, H2O and energy are the products of aerobic respiration
(iii) Both glucose and fructose can enter in the glycolytic pathway
(iv) Pyruvic acid is common to proteins and carbohydrate oxidation
1. only (i) & (ii) correct 2. only (ii), (iii) & (iv) correct
3. only (i), (ii) & (iv) correct 4. All statement correct

74. Mineral activators required for enzyme isocitrate dehydrogenase, aconitase, pyruvate
decarboxylase are respectively-
1. Mg++, Mn2+, Fe2+ 2. Mn2+, Fe2+, Mg++
3. Mg++, Fe2+, Mg++ 4. Fe2+, Mg++, Mn2+

75. One turm of TCA cycle yields-

1. 3 NADH2, 2FADH2, 1 ATP, 2CO2
2. 2NADH2, 1 FADH2, 1ATP, 3CO2
3. 2FADH2, 2NADH2, 2ATP, 2CO2
4. 1FADH2, 3NADH2, 1ATP, 2CO2

JRS TUTORIALS, Durgakund, Varanasi – 221 005 (U.P.) Ph. No. (0542) 2311922, 2311777
Mob. : 9794757100, 7317347706 e-mail : Web site :
Page No. - 10

76. Which of the following is not an electron carrier of respiratory ETS-

1. FMN 2. Fe-S 3. Ubiquinone 4. Phaeophytin

77. Acetyl Co-A is produced from pyruvic acid as a result of-

1. Oxidative decarboxylation 2. Reduction
3. Oxidative phosphorylation 4. Dehydration

78. Which of the following requirement is common in respiration & photosynthesis

1. Chlorophyll 2. Sunlight 3. Cytochromes 4. Carbohydrates

79. In which of the following organism link reaction and TCA cycle operates in cytoplasm.
1. Yeast 2. Chlorella 3. Slime moulds 4. E. Coli

80. The energy releasing process in which the substrate is oxidized without an external
electron acceptor-
1. Fermentation 2. EMP pathway
3. Aerobic respiration 4. ETS

81. By the complete oxidation of two molecule of PGAL how many ATP molecules can be
synthesized via malate aspartate shuttle system-
1. 38 2. 36 3. 40 4. 20

82. In which of the following step of respiration NADH+H + is not produced-

1. Iso-citrate  oxalo succinate 2. Succinate  Fumarate
3. -ketoglutarate  succinyl Co-A 4. Malic acid  OAA

83. Which of the following is not a mobile electron carrier of mitochondrial ETS
1. CO-Q 2. Cyt C 3. Ubiquinone 4. PC

JRS TUTORIALS, Durgakund, Varanasi – 221 005 (U.P.) Ph. No. (0542) 2311922, 2311777
Mob. : 9794757100, 7317347706 e-mail : Web site :
Page No. - 11

Botany Practice Test Paper
Respiration in Plants

Q. No. Ans. Q. No. Ans. Q. No. Ans. Q. No. Ans.

1 3 21 2 41 2 61 2

2 1 22 4 42 1 62 1

3 2 23 2 43 3 63 4

4 2 24 2 44 1 64 1

5 4 25 1 45 2 65 3

6 3 26 2 46 2 66 3

7 3 27 2 47 3 67 1

8 1 28 3 48 3 68 2

9 2 29 3 49 3 69 2

10 3 30 4 50 3 70 4

11 2 31 2 51 3 71 2

12 2 32 3 52 3 72 2

13 2 33 4 53 2 73 4

14 2 34 3 54 2 74 2

15 2 35 4 55 4 75 4

16 4 36 3 56 1 76 4

17 3 37 4 57 1 77 1

18 2 38 1 58 3 78 3

19 4 39 2 59 3 79 4

20 3 40 1 60 1 80 1

81 3

82 2

83 4

JRS TUTORIALS, Durgakund, Varanasi – 221 005 (U.P.) Ph. No. (0542) 2311922, 2311777
Mob. : 9794757100, 7317347706 e-mail : Web site :

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