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Unit 3 Achievement Test

name _________________

General Test

Part 1
Listen to the conversation. Then circle the answer that correctly completes each

1. Chuck and Andrea are ( planning a camping trip / on a camping trip / shopping for camping supplies ).

2. Chuck ( expresses frustration / doesn’t encourage Andrea / empathizes with Andrea ).

3. When Andrea thinks of snakes, ( she gets sweaty palms / she gets palpitations / her hands shake ).

4. When Andrea thinks about going on another hike, she gets ( sweaty palms / cold feet / butterflies in her
stomach ).

5. Andrea wants to be ( brave / fearful / truthful ) for her sister.

6. Andrea’s sister is ( unwilling / encouraging / fearless ).

7. In the end, Chuck thinks Andrea should ( face her fears / go home / be honest with her sister ).

8. Andrea will probably ( talk to her sister about her fears / go on the next hike / go home early ).

Level 2—Unit 3 Achievement Test 1

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Part 2
Complete the chart with the correct forms of the words.

Adjective Adverb Noun

confident 9. 10.

11. courageously 12.

13. 14. heroism

15. willingly 16.

Part 3
Match the sentence fragments in both columns to complete the sentences. Write the

17. No matter where I go,            a. no matter how many mistakes you make.

18. I love you with all my heart,           b. no matter how much I enjoy sky diving.

19. No matter how bad it gets,           c. I won’t get on that roller coaster.

20. I’m willing to try sky diving,           d. I take my flashlight.

21. I get cold feet before I jump,           e. no matter when you want to go.

22. No matter what you say,           f. it’s not the end of the world.

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Part 4
Complete the sentences with so, such, or such a.

23. We had                 bad weather the baseball game was postponed.

24. My brother was                  heroic that the fire chief gave him an award.

25. Danilo had                   bad experience on a roller coaster that he’ll never ride one again.

26. I have                   many fears about public speaking I don’t know how I’ll ever make this presentation.

27. Carla had                   little time to think about her actions that she wasn’t afraid to jump out of the plane.

28. Mia is                   confident teacher she never gets nervous before class.

Level 2—Unit 3 Achievement Test 3

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Part 5
Read the article. Then complete the summary using the words from the box. Not all the
words will be used.

Two Famous Hamiltons

Laird Hamilton and Bethany Hamilton are not related to each other, but they have a lot in common.
They are both famous surfers, have overcome challenges, and are heroic in different ways.

Laird Hamilton was born in 1964 in San Francisco, California, but he grew up and still lives in Hawaii.
He started surfing at a very young age. Dropping out of high school, it wasn’t certain what the future
would hold for Laird. He started modeling and continued to surf. He was such a fantastic surfer that he
became famous for the sport without ever entering a competition. In fact, he is one of the best-known
surfers in the world, and he still doesn’t compete. He’s famous for catching huge waves and inventing
new stunts, or tricks, on waves. He is a hero to many people because of his courage and fearlessness
in the ocean.

In the early 1990s, he helped to create tow-in surfing. It’s a way of getting further out in the ocean with
a surfboard. A boat or jet ski tows the surfer with his or her board and drops him or her near a big
wave. This allows people to ride bigger and better waves—ones they could not get to by paddling with
their hands on their boards. In 2000, Laird was towed out to a wave off the coast of Teahupoo, Tahiti.
The wave was named the Millennium Wave and thought to be the most dangerous in the world. The
surfing world freaked out when Laird actually caught and rode the Millennium.

Laird brought his passion for surfing to Hollywood. He has done many stunts for actors in movies, such
as Waterworld. Working as a producer, he has made a few movies, like the documentary Riding
Giants, a film about himself and other surfers. In addition to working with movies, Laird gives advice to
many famous athletes about health and fitness. He has also written books and magazine articles
about his fitness, health, and nutrition philosophies.

Unlike Laird Hamilton, Bethany Hamilton competed as a surfer, and she began winning competitions
when she was only eight years old. She was born in Hawaii in 1990 and continues to surf and live
there. She was well on her way to success when she lost her arm in a shark attack in 2003. Being only
13, many people expected her to quit surfing. But quitting wasn’t an option for Bethany, and she
planned to fulfill her goals. She was so determined to continue surfing that she was back on a
surfboard a month after the attack. No matter what others said, she knew she could pursue her
dreams. And she was right. A year after the attack, she won her first national medal. In 2007, she
became a professional surfer and has won many competitions since. Amazingly, she doesn’t compete
with people with handicaps even though she surfs with only one arm.
Level 2—Unit 3 Achievement Test 4
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In 2004, Bethany wrote an autobiography called Soul Surfer, and it was turned into a movie in 2011.
There was also a 2007 documentary about her accident and recovery. Bethany wrote a fitness book in
2014, and she has been on many TV shows, including The Amazing Race. She has inspired surfers,
athletes, and everyday people with her story of courage and confidence. Bethany also does public
speaking events during which she inspires people around the world.

Both Hamiltons are heroes because of their accomplishments in surfing. But they’re also heroic
because they help others. Not only do they inspire others through their books and speaking
engagements, but they give to charities as well. Laird donates money, time, and support to various
organizations, and Bethany started her own foundation that helps survivors of shark attacks.

accomplishments competitions courageous courageously danger

dangerously fitness surfers waves willing

Bethany Hamilton and Laird Hamilton are both 29.                  who are 30.                 .


is known for riding 31.                  waves and inventing stunts. Bethany is famous for overcoming

a shark attack and winning 32.                 . In addition, both Hamiltons are such inspiring people

that movies have been made about them. They have both written books on 33.                 , speak

to others about their lives, and give to charities.

Level 2—Unit 3 Achievement Test 5

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Writing Test

Part 1
Listen to the story. Then retell the story in writing. Remember the order of events and
specific details. Write two to three paragraphs.



















Level 2—Unit 3 Achievement Test 6

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Part 2
What is a hardship or problem that you have overcome? What factors helped you
overcome it? What did you achieve by overcoming it? Write a six- to eight-sentence
paragraph for your response.













Level 2—Unit 3 Achievement Test 7

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Speaking Test

Part 1
Talk about a time that you were heroic. Use the questions to help you plan your
response. Speak on this topic for about two to three minutes.

• What did you do? How were you brave?

• Did your bravery help anyone? Who?

• What helped you to have courage in the situation?

• What happened after?

Part 2
Imagine a friend is telling you about being afraid of something. Choose a fear below.
Make up a conversation. Your friend expresses frustration about his or her fear. You
empathize with your friend, encourage him or her, and give advice. Your conversation
should be about two to three minutes.

• A fear of an animal (snake, bear, spider, etc.)

• A fear of roller coasters, elevators, or bridges

• A fear of driving or swimming

• A fear of bad weather (storms, tornados, etc.)

Level 2—Unit 3 Achievement Test 8

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