Unit 10 Achievement Test

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Unit 10 Achievement Test

name __________

General Test

Part 1
Listen to the conversation. Then circle the correct answers.

1. What is Lori worried will happen when she starts working in Japan?

a. She’ll fight a losing battle with her boss due to language barriers.

b. Her coworkers will pull her leg because she doesn’t understand the job.

c. She’ll feel like a fish out of water in the office because she doesn’t know about office practices in Japan.

2. What does Nelson think Lori should do?

a. bring about change in the Japanese workplace

b. come up with a plan to prepare her for Japanese office culture

c. put up with the problems she will face in her job in Japan

3. Why does Josh have a lot of free time?

a. He was laid off from his job.

b. He came down with an illness and is unable to work.

c. He was fired because he didn’t carry out the company’s plan.

4. Why did Josh’s company let him go?

a. They ran out of ideas for marketable products.

b. They decided to outsource jobs because of economic difficulties.

c. They went without profits because of low sales figures.

5. What type of company does Lori most likely work for now?

a. a charitable organization

b. an investment company

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c. a not-for-profit agency

Part 2
Listen to the conversation. Then circle all the correct answers.

6. Which of the following are Jen and Harvey talking about?

a. imported products

b. sales figures

c. company practices

d. the amount of money companies make

7. What does Jen mean when she says “standards”?

a. typical problems with products

b. the level of quality products must meet

c. when a product is considered acceptable

d. when a product expires

8. In addition to economic standards, which other types of standards do fair-trade products have to meet?

a. environmental

b. social

c. taste

d. global

9. Which things doesn’t Harvey like about globalization?

a. The quality of the food isn’t always as good when it comes from different countries.

b. It’s hard to know how workers are treated in companies around the world.

c. Money goes to people in other countries instead of to people in his own country.

d. His money could possibly go to companies with bad business practices.

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10. Why does Jen think more people don’t buy fair-trade products?

a. some goods aren’t available as fair-trade products

b. the products are cheaply made

c. people don’t understand the labels on the products

d. the products can be expensive

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Part 3
Circle the answer that correctly completes each sentence.

11. The government wants to isolate and ( wipe out / come down with / lay off ) the disease before
it spreads to other countries and becomes a global epidemic.

12. Latoya is ( pulling my leg / sitting on the fence / losing the battle ) about whether or not she
wants to accept the job offer, but she has to decide by Friday.

13. The board decided to improve the city’s ( investments / globalization / infrastructure ) by repairing
damaged roads and highways.

14. Sociologists are concerned that the ( homogenization / infrastructure / prosperity ) of our
culture will negatively impact younger generations, who will not be aware of the diverse cultural
traditions of their parents and grandparents.

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Part 4
Read the sentences and decide if the phrasal verbs are separable or inseparable. If
the phrasal verb is separable, rewrite the sentence another way. If the phrasal verb is
inseparable, write an X on the line.


You should check out the return policy before you buy a computer.

You should check the return policy out before you buy a new computer.

Larry puts up with my temper, but Janice isn’t very patient with me.

15. I ran into my former boss at an international marketing conference in Toronto.


16. The computer tech figured out the problem minutes before our presentation started.


17. Haley gave up the position last week because she needs to stay home with her elderly mother.


18. Because I speak both English and German, you can count on me if you need help reading the menu.


19. Mark came down with a cold before the trip, so he was miserable on our flight to Rio.
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20. Please make sure you turn off the computers if you are the last person to leave the lab.


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Part 5
Circle the answer that correctly completes each sentence.

21. If we want to change the world, we need to ( bring about change / bring change about / bring about
it / bring it about ) ourselves.

22. I’d like to ( talk over the problem / talk the problem over / talk over it / talk it over ) with you when
we meet for lunch next Tuesday.

23. The fair-trade company that my wife works for doesn’t ( cater to investors / cater investors to / cater
to them / cater them to ).

24. I suggest you ( do over the assignment / do the assignment over / do over it / do it over ) before
handing it in because you’ve made so many mistakes.

25. The company is responsible for ( picking up the trash / picking the trash up / picking up it / picking
it up ), but they don’t always follow the rules.

26. Highly successful people often ( go after their dreams / go their dreams after / go after them / go
them after ).

27. Did you ( find out the answer / find the answer out / find out it / find it out ) on your own or did you
ask your manager?

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Part 6
Read the article. Then circle the correct answers.


A Newcomer To The Big Apple Shares All
Find out what’s on my mind today…


☐When I moved to New York City, I really started to understand that English is a global
language. People from all over the world speak English in New York, and the classes in my
country hadn’t prepared me for that! I had studied English for ten years in my country, and my
English was pretty good. My teachers were from England, Canada, the United States, and New
Zealand, so I was exposed to a variety of accents. However, my teachers were all native English
speakers. What I didn’t realize is that when I moved to New York I’d be constantly interacting
with non-native English speakers.

☐About three million of the city’s eight and a half million residents were born in countries
outside of the United States, and according to the Census Bureau, about 50% of New Yorkers
don’t speak English at home. And can you believe that there over 200 languages spoken in NYC?
That means when many people are speaking English in public, they often have foreign accents.
On a daily basis, I come across people from China, Mexico, Columbia, Spain, India, and Vietnam
who are speaking English, and that’s just scratching the surface! My neighborhood near work
and the neighborhood where I live are both extremely diverse, so I communicate with non-native
English speakers when I order lunch, pick up groceries, run errands, and things like that. I also
have to communicate with non-native English speakers for work—in the office, on the phone,
and during web conferences—since I work for a company that caters to people who invest in
foreign imports, and our staff is from all over the world. Of course, the Spanish accents are easy
for me to understand because Spanish is my native language, but some of the other accents are
difficult for me, especially accents from Asian countries.

☐I’ve gotten over the shock of how different English can sound in New York, and I’ve also done
some things to help me understand different accents better. I listen to things I find on the
Internet with people speaking English with a variety of accents. I also found a wonderful news
program on TV with Chinese newscasters giving information on world events in English. I’m
starting to understand their Chinese accents when they speak, and I get current information
about what’s going on in the world at the same time. In addition, I found a group of people who
get together for coffee and English conversation once a week. We talk about interesting topics,
like globalization and the homogenization of culture. Just about everyone is from a different
country, so I get to hear different perspectives on interesting topics, and I get used to hearing and
understanding various accents as well.

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☐We live in such a diverse world, and that’s very apparent in New York and other big cities. Yet,
here in New York, we’re all able to communicate with each other! My advice to anyone who plans
to live in an international city is to count on hearing a variety of accents in English! Also, prepare
yourself for the shock that others may have a hard time understanding your accent, no matter
how good you think your English is. Be sure to check out tomorrow’s post about my encounters
with people misunderstanding me.

28. What is Santiago’s main problem?

a. He has trouble understanding different accents in English.

b. He only understands American accents in English.

c. People don’t understand his accent when he speaks English.

29. How much of New York City’s population speak a language other than English at home?

a. about 25%

b. about 3 million

c. about half

30. Where is Santiago exposed to a variety of English accents?

a. only near his work

b. only near where he lives

c. near his home and office

31. What does Santiago mean when he says he “runs errands” in the second paragraph?

a. he runs from his neighborhood to work

b. he makes quick trips to do things in his neighborhood

c. he does chores around the house

32. What helps Santiago understand different accents?

a. watching the news in Chinese

b. communicating with people on the Internet

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c. meeting up with people from different countries

33. What does Santiago mean when he says “that’s very apparent” in the last paragraph?

a. It’s clear to see that the world is diverse when you live in New York City.

b. It’s impossible to understand the complexity of the world from your experiences in just one city.

c. It’s easy to learn diverse accents when living with people from various countries.

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Writing Test

Part 1
Write a three- to four-paragraph rebuttal essay about one of the topics below.

• Globalization is good for trade.

• Globalization is bad for trade.

• The homogenization of culture positively impacts young people.

• The homogenization of culture negatively impacts young people.

• Culture shock is a healthy experience.

• Culture shock is an unhealthy experience.














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Part 2
Describe the impact of foreign imports to your country. What are the pros? What are
the cons? Do you purchase foreign imports? Why or why not? Write an eight- to ten-
sentence paragraph for your response.

















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Speaking Test

Part 1
Talk about a global issue that is important to you. Use the questions below to help
you plan your response. Speak on this topic for two to three minutes.

• What is the global issue?

• Why is it important to you?

• How does this issue negatively impact your country? The world?

• What could be done to improve the situation?

• What is currently being done to improve the situation?

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Part 2
Read the ad and questions, and record your response.

Imagine that you are hosting a foreign student in your country. The student has just
arrived and is worried about experiencing culture shock. Make up a conversation in
which the student expresses concern about the things listed in the ad and you give
suggestions to help him or her avoid culture shock. Your conversation should be
two to three minutes.

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