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BAUTISTA, Ghislaine Faye M.

ELE-EIT (10:00-11:30)
Economics, Investments, and Taxation Ms. Eloisa Dela Cruz
ELASTICITY PART 1: Reviewer No matter how much the price
changes, people would still avail it
Elasticity is defined as:
because it is a necessity.
1. Elasticity is a general concept
It means that it is general concept in
2. used to quantify
This means that elasticity involves
numerical values, so we expect
measurements, formulas, and
computations. 2. Perfectly Elastic
3. the response in one variable Perfectly Elastic Graph looks like the
letter E
A variable is an element, a feature, Perfectly Elastic products have
or a factor that is liable to vary or thousands of competitors like
change. It may be independent or unbranded market products e.g.
dependent. mean, fish, vegetable, fruits.
This refers to the dependent variable When the price of these products
or X. changes, consumers can easily find
4. when another variable changes alternatives.

This line also refers to another

This line is the independent variable
or Y.
Other variables used in elasticity are
Income, Wealth, Price of the other
Good (Quantifiable variables ); and
Taste and Preferences, and
Expectations (non-quantifiable 3. Inelastic
variables). Inelastic curve is almost or slightly
vertical or going down.
Types of Elasticity Inelastic products only have few
1. Perfectly Inelastic competitors like telecommunications
Perfectly Inelastic Curve looks like companies.
the letter I It is characterized by no matter how
Perfectly Inelastic products are high the increase in the price of the
products with no competitors like good, the quantity demanded of
electricity. products almost stays the same.
BAUTISTA, Ghislaine Faye M. ELE-EIT (10:00-11:30)
Economics, Investments, and Taxation Ms. Eloisa Dela Cruz

4. Elastic
Elastic curve is almost or slightly
horizontal or lying down.
Elastic products have many
competitors like soft drinks, soaps,
and detergents.
It cannot increase its price as much
as it wants because the slightest
increase can cause a damaging
decrease in the Quantity Demanded

5. Unitary
Unitary elasticity is a type of
elasticity whose change in the price
is equal to the change in quantity.
Unitary elastic products change in
price when demand changes e.g. old
phone, and other gadgets.
BAUTISTA, Ghislaine Faye M. ELE-EIT (10:00-11:30)
Economics, Investments, and Taxation Ms. Eloisa Dela Cruz
CONSUMER BEHAVIOR THEORY: and still have excess money to buy
Reviewer other needs.
o There are two kinds of goods
 The two components of
according to income:
microeconomics are households
 Normal goods-
/individuals which are the basic
Goods for which
demanding units, and firms which
demand goes up when
are basic supplying units.
income is higher and
 Since economics is also considered
for which demand
as a behavioral course because it
goes down when
studies the behavior of buying units
income is lower. An
and the selling of units.
example of this
 Consumer Behavior Theory is the Sbarro Pizza.
behavior of the buying units.  Inferior goods-
 Basic means the smallest, or the Goods for which
most fundamental unit e.g. the basic demand tends to fall
unit of society is family, the basic when income rises.
unit of government is the barangay. An example of this is
 The Determinants of Household Greenwich Pizza.
Demands are  The third determinant is wealth, also
1) Price of the good known as net worth. It is the total
2) Income value of what a household owns
3) Wealth minus what it owes. It should be
4) Price of the other good noted that properties on loan or
5) Tastes and preferences under mortgage are not part of your
6) Expectations wealth.
 Demand refers to the abstract  The fourth out of six determinants is
concept which vaguely means “the the Price of other Goods because the
inclination to buy, the desire to buy.” consumer will change his buying if
 The first one of the six factors that the price of the other good will
affect demands is Price of the Good. increase or decrease.
It is considered a determinant o 2 kinds of Goods and
because households will not buy a Services according to the
product or avail a service if they Price of the other Good:
cannot afford the product or services.  Substitutes- Goods
 Income is defined as the sum of the that can serve as
household’s wages, salaries, profits, replacements for one
interest payments, rents, and other another; when the
forms of earnings in a given period price of one increases,
of time. It is also second out of six demand for the other
determinants because households / decreases.
individuals can buy only if they have
enough income to buy the product
BAUTISTA, Ghislaine Faye M. ELE-EIT (10:00-11:30)
Economics, Investments, and Taxation Ms. Eloisa Dela Cruz
 There are two kinds this is coffee and
of substitutes namely, creamer.
perfect and imperfect.  It should be noted that Demand and
 Perfect Quantity Demanded are two different
Substitutes - concepts. Demand is the desire to
Identical buy, it is a feeling, it is something
products. abstract, and felt. Meanwhile,
Products Quantity Demanded is is concrete, it
which is a numerical value, the number of
customers units bought. Therefore, the state of
perceive have wanting to buy ice cream is the
no difference demand, while buying 200 tubs of
at all or just ice cream is the quantity demanded.
the slightest  To elaborate further the relationship
difference. of price and quantity, and how they
Example is vary when a set of product is a
Coke and complement or substitute refer to the
Pepsi. following:
 Imperfect o If the products are a
Substitutes - complement, when one of the
are products in product’s price increases, the
which the quantity of both products
customers see decreases.
a difference  Ex. If the price of egg
between increases, the quantity
products of egg decreases, and
and /or the quantity of its
different complement, ham,
producers that also decreases.
fulfill the o If the products are a
same needs substitute, when one of the
and /or product’s price increases, the
different quantity of product decreases,
needs. while its substitute increases.
Example is tea  Ex. If the price of
and coffee Nutella increases, the
 Complements- Goods quantity of Nutella
that “go together”; a jars decreases, and the
decrease in the price quantity of its
of one results in an substitute, Goya
increase in demand Hazelnut Spread,
for the other and vice increases.
versa. An example of
BAUTISTA, Ghislaine Faye M. ELE-EIT (10:00-11:30)
Economics, Investments, and Taxation Ms. Eloisa Dela Cruz
 The fifth determinant of demand is  Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility
Tastes And Preferences. It is defined refers to the he more of any one good
as the subjective (individual) tastes, consumed in a given period, the less
as measured by utility, of various satisfaction (utility) generated by
bundles of goods. It does not matter consuming each additional
if the price of something is (marginal) unit of the same good.
affordable, if you like the more For example, you consume four
expensive one, you will buy that. candies in a row. The first candy is
 The last determinant is expectations. satisfactory, the second is still good,
It refers to the economic outlook of but the third makes your teeth hurt
households. Expectations will have a already, and at the fourth candy you
significant bearing on current decide to stop eating candy because
economic activity. If people expect it does not give you satisfaction
an improvement in the economic anymore.
outlook, they will be more willing to  Util is the measure of satisfaction.
buy goods. But, with negative  Total Utility is the total amount of
expectations, they will cut back on satisfaction obtained from the
spending. Examples of this are sale, consumption of a good or service. It
discounts and vacancy. is the sum of all the utils that have
 Amongst the six factors that affect been enjoyed.
demands, price of the product,  Total Utility can be used in
income, wealth, and price of the coordination with Opportunity Cost.
other good are considered as In Opportunity Cost we have two
BUDGET CONSTRAINTS. This choices and we choose that one
term refers are the limits imposed on choice that will give us the
household choices by the maximum satisfaction that means the
abovementioned numerical factors. one that will give us less to lose.
 Amongst the six factors that affect  Income Effect is defined as the
demands, tastes and preferences, and change in demand for a good or
expectations, are considered as the service caused by a change in a
BASIS OF UTILITY. It is defined as consumer's purchasing power
Basis of usefulness of the product to resulting from a change in real
the consumer therefore they desire to income.
possess or own the product.  Real Income is how much money an
 Utility is the satisfaction a product individual or entity makes after
yields. Utility can never be accounting for inflation.
measured, it differs from person to 
 Marginal Utility refers to the
additional satisfaction gained by the
consumption or use of one more unit
of a good or service.

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