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General Ability Test

A) What part of speech is the underlined word :

Q. 1 He finished his work .Ym..quickly

a) Adjective b) Adverb c) Pronoun d) Preposition.

Q .2 He ran f a<ol bul missed the train

a) Adjective b) Pronoun c) Conjunction d) Preposition

Q.3 An elephant is stronger than a horse.

a) Adverb b) Adjective c) Pronoun d) Preposition

Q .4 Hari and his friend have completed their work.

a) Adverb b) Adjective
c) Pronoun d) Preposition

Select the word or phrase that is similar in meaning to the capital word:
a) Disappear b) Leave c) Withdraw d) Decamp

a) Intact b) Accessible c) Supportive d) Handful

C) Select the word or phrase that is opposite in meaning to the capital word

a) Powerful b) Balanced c) Favorable d) Appropriate.

a) Uphold b) Support c) Confirm d) Emphasize

D) Fill in the blanks :

Q. 9 The match ___ have been over by now if it had not rained.
a) will b) should c) would d) shall.

TIA EXAM - 2008

Q. t O Neither the teacher nor his students ___ present there
a) was b) were c) is d) are

Q.11 How many members of Rajya Sabha are nominated by the President.
a) Five /15)
c) one fifth of totaJ member d) Ten

Q.12 The Head quarter of United Natfon is at

a) Geneva b) Paris c) New York d) Washington D.C

Q.13 Which authority decides about the states share in central taxes.
a) Planning commission b) Finance commission
c) Election commission d) Tax commission.

Q.14 Kalh kaJi o.riginated in the state of
a) Andra Pradesh b) Kera la
c) Tamil Nadu d) Kamataka.

Q.15 GA
The first woman president of Indian National congress was
a) Sarojini Naidu b) Anne Besant
c) Sucheta Kriplani d) Rajkumari Amrit Kaur
Q.16 Moti masjid in the Red fort was constructed by
a) Sher Shah b) Shahajan c) Aurangzeb d) Bahadurshah zafar

Q.17 The recipient of the " Booker Prize 2008"


a) Vikram Seth b) Chetan Bhagat c) Aravind Adiga d) Amitav Ghosh


Q.18 The first ever Indian Shuttler to win two Grand Pix single TiUe.
a) Aparna Popa b) Jwala Gutta c) Saina Nehwal d) N.sikki Reddy.

Q.19 If the average ( or arithmalic mean) of 6 numbers is 4.5, what is the sum of the number.
!. ,,,.. - .St..s 'H'?
a) 4.5 b) 24 c) 27 d) 30 1, :> - ,

Q.20 If the length of a rectangle is increased by 20% and width of the same rectangle is decreased
by 20% , then area of Lhe rectangle
a) decrease by 20% b) increase by 20%
c) is unchanged d) decrease by 4%

ITA EXAM - 2008 2


Q.21 Resistance of a wire is R ohms .The wire is stretched to double its length, then the resistance
in ohms is ,if cross-section of wire reduces to 50%.
a) R/2 b) R/4 c) 2R d) 4R

Q.22 An electric current of SA is same as

a) SJ/C b) SV/C c) 5 C/sec d) 5 W/sec.

Q.23 A circuit contains two unequal resistance in parallel.

a) current is same in both

b) Larger current nows in larger resistance
c} Potentials difference across each is same.
d) Smaller resistance has smaller conductance.

Q.24 GA
Two conductor of capacity 32 microfarad are connected in parallel with a third Condenser or
64 microfarad in series, the resultant capacity will be
a) 64 microfarad b) 96 microfarad c) 48 microfarad d) 32 microfarad
The forces of atrraction and repulsion between two charges "q l" and "q2" al a distance "d"
meters aparl is proportional to the product of charges ·'qt"' and "q2" and inversely propor­

tional to distance square between two charges .

Above statement is attributed to

a) lenz's Law b) Faradays Law c) Maxwell Law d) Coulombs Law.


Q.26 Kirchoff Law is concerned with

a) IR drops b) Battery emf c) Junction voltage d ) both (a) & (b)

Q.27 For an alternating voltage Form factor is

a) rms value/ average value b) average value/ rms value
c) rms value/ peak valve d) peak valve/ nns value

Q.28 On ampere hour basis Lhe efficiency of a lead acid battery is in the range.
a) 90 to 95 % b) 80 to 85 % c) 70 to 75 % d) 60 to 65 %

Q.29 Kirchoff Law is applicable to

a) AC circuits only b) DC circuits only
c) AC circuits as well as DC circuils d) Passive networks only

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Q.30 Unit of Electric Flux Density is
a) Coulombs b) Farad /m
c) Coulombs/square meter d) weber / square meter.

Q.31 while comparing magnetic and electric circuits the flux of magnetic circuit is compared with
which parameter of electrical circuits
a) current b) current density c) conductivity d) e.m.f

Q.32 A prope11y of material which opposes the creation of magnetic flux in it is known as
a) Magnctomotive force b) Permeance
c) Reluctivity d) Reluctance

Q.33 Whenever a conductor cuts magnetic flux an e.m.f is induced in that conductor. Above
statement is due to

a) Joules Law b) Coulombs
c) Weber & Ewings theory d) Faradays Law.


a) 200 b) 50 GA
The equation of an ac current is I= 14 l .4sin628t, then the R.M.S value of current is
c) 100 d) 400

The active material on the positive and negative plates of a fuJly charged lead acid battery are
a) Pure lead and Lead oxide b) Lead peroxide and Lead sulphate
c) Lead peroxide and Pure Lead. d) Lead sulphate and Lead oxide.

Q.36 For the same load , if the power factor of load is reduced it wUI
a) Less current b) Draw more curren

c) same current but less power d) less current but more power. ,

Q.37 The peak value of the current sine wave reaches in 1/400 seconds . so its frequency will be
a) 50Hz b) I SOHz c) 25 Hz d) 100 Hz

Q.38 The equation (x-2)2 +(y-4)2=20 represents:

a) a circle having radius 16 (b) a circle passing Lhrough origin and having radius 20
(c) a circle having radius 2 (d) a circle having radius 4.

Q.39 If "F'' is vector function of scalar "t". and has constant magnitude than;
(a) F (Df/dt)=I (b) F (Df/dt)=O (c) DF/dt=O (d) (D2F/ D2t)=0

Q.40 The angle between the Langents co the curve; Y=2x2i+2xj-x:Jk at point x=( 1,-1)
(a)8=90 (b)8= 60 (c)6= cos·1(17/9) (d)6 =cos·1(9/17)

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Q.4 I A square matrix A is called a singular matrix when;
(a) IA!* 0 (b) IAI = I (c) IA!= 0 (d) IAI = -1

Q.42 The Laplace transform of Sin(at) is

(a) a/s2+a2 (b) s/s2+a2 (c) a/s2-a2 (d) 1/s2 +a2

Q.43 If F(x) is an even function of x then,graph of F(x) is symmetricaJ about;

(a) x axis (b) x=-1 (c) y axis (d) y=l

Q.44 Boron and indium are two commonJy used tJ:ivalent impurities used for doping of semicon­
ductor anoLher is;
(a) arsenic (b) phosphorus (c) aluminum (d) none of this.

Q.45 A solar cell is

(a) Thermal detector based on photoelectric effect.
(b) A quantum detector based on pbotoconductive effect
(c) A quantum detector based on photovoltaic effect

Q.46 An LED using GaAs emits radiations in;

(a) visjble region (b) uv region
(d) A quantum detector based on charge coupled effect

(c) infrared region (d) Mw frequency region.

Q.47 The mks unit of magnetic field is
(a) gauss (b) weber (c) tesla (d) newton

Q.48 The SONAR is depends on the principle of

(a) reflection of ulLrasonic waves (b) refraction of supersonic wave

(c) refraction of ultrasonic wave (d) reflection of sound wave


Q.49 Optical fiber communication depend on

(a) refraction of optical wave
(b) reflection of optical wave
(c) total intemaJ reflection of optical wave
(d) total internal refraction of optical wave

Q.50 Power supply used for telephone dial tone is

(a) -48 v de (b) 48 v ac (c) 220 v ac (d) 12 V de

Q.51 Siemens is unit of measurement for

(a) electric field intensity (b) conductivity
(c) current density (d) field potential

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Q. 52 Hygen's principles used to well defined
(a) Propagation of sound wave (b) propagation of optical wave
(c) Propagation of EM wave (d) all the above.

Q 53 The resistivity of emiconductor lies on.

(a) 1Q-l_JQ7Q-m (b) J0·8Q-m (c) 10·'2-10200-m (d)=IQ-JQ- m

Q .54 Band gap energy of silicon at absolute temperature is

(a) l.21ev (b)0.785e\ (c)3. 60ev (d) l .l lev

Q 55 Drift velocity of electrons depends on

(a) current density (b) mobility (c)electric field (d) conductivity.

Q.56 The width of depletion region in semiconductor is
(a) 0os�µm (b) 5µm (c) 0.5µm (d) 50µm

(a)moderate doping & forward bias
(c) heavy doping & forward bias
For Avalanche breakdown in diodes; we required
(b) moderate doping & reverse bias
(d) heavy doping & reverse bias.
Q.58 Highest power gain will be achieve by
(a) CE (b) CB (c) CC (d) CE-CB

Q .59 Zener diode has sharp breakdown at

(a) reverse voltage (b) forward voltage

(c) at deplcuon layer (d) at forbidden energy level


Q.60 Phase inversion is provided by

(a) CB transistor (b) CE transistor (c) CC transistor (d) CB-CC transistor

Q.61 The 'Q' point will change if

(a) P & temperature changed (b) depends on temperature only
(c) depends on p only (d) none of this

Q.62 Voltage feedback biasing has used for

(a) improve current gain (b) improve stability
(c}improve temperature sensitivity (d) improve o/p resistance.

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Q.63 FET has (I) higher noise (2) higher o/p resislance (3) better thermal stability
(4) low offset voltage.
(a) 1, 2 are true (b) 4 & 3 are true (c) only 3 is m1e (d) I, 3 & 4 are true.

Q.64 In a R-C coupled Ampr capacitors are used for

(a) low noise (b) block A-C signal
(c) provide low o/p resistance (d) couple only A-C signal

Q.65 Darlington pair is used for

(a) high o/p resistance
(b) C-C configuraLion with high I/P resistance
(c) CE configuration with high current gain
(d) high thennal stabitity

Q.66 By use of positive feedback in Amplifier
(a) bandwidth reduced (b) reduction in noise

(c) increase stability gain

(a) >I (b) < I

(d) increase in linearity.

For stability of amplifier gain bandwidth product should always be�

(c) :?: 1 (d) � 1
Q.68 For current series feedback the feedback signal is;
(a) vollage (b) current

(c) current in series with resistance (d) voltage with -180 phase sh.ifl

Q.69 For voltage series feedback

(a) high i/p resistance & hjgh o/p resistance

(b) high o/p resistance & low i/p resistance

(c) High i/p resistance & low o/p resistance
(d) Low i/p resistance & low o/p resistance

Q.70 A differential amplifier is invariably used in input stage of all op-amps,this is done to provide
(a) high CMRR (b) bandwidth (c) slew rate (d) open loop gain

Q.71 Four diode bridge rectifier has dominant advantage of;

(a) higher current earring capacity (b) lower peak inverse trequirement
(b) high ef iciency (d) low ripple faclor.

Q.72 A class 'A' transformer coupled amplifier has efficiency of,

(a) 25% (b) 60% (c) 75% (d) 50%

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Q.73 A change in the value of eminer resistance Re of differential ampr
(a) Affects the difference mode grun (b) affects common mode gain
(c) affects both a & b (d) doesn't affect anything.

Q 74 The early effect in BJT is caused by

(a) low turn on (b) fast rum off
{c) large current base reverse bias (d) large eminer base forward bia<;.

Q.75 MOSFET switch inns "ON' state may be considered as

(a) resisLOr (b) inductor (c) capacitors (d) battery

Q . 76 As compared lo MOS memories. Bipolar memories have

(a) slower access time but cheaper in cost.

(b) slower access time but costly.
(c) faster access time and are cheaper.
(d) faster access time and cost1ier.

Q.77 A properly biased JFET act as

(a) Current controlled current source. (b) Current controlled voltage source.
(c) Voltage controlled vollage source. (d) Voltage controlled current source.
Q 78 Which one of the following can be achieved by using the reset terminals in a tuner chip?
(a) keyed oscillation (b) delayed monostable action

(c) square wave generation (d) pulse generation

Q.79 Bistable multivibrator has


(a) capacitor in feedback ckts (b) inductors in feedback


(c) resistor in feedback (d ) all are present.

Q.80 A dynamic RAM consists of

(a) 6 transistors only (b) 2 capacitors only
(c) 2 transistors & 2 capacitors (d) I transistor & l resistor.

Q.8 l The FET family which can't be used with self bias is

Q.82 Photoconductive cells are most popularly used for visible light region is
(a) Ge (b) Ga (c) GaS (d) CdS.

Q.83 An SCR 's rating is I can sustain a surge current of IO A for
(a) 10 ms (b) !sec (c) 100 ms (d) none of these
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Q.84 A bidirecLional thyristor connected without gate is also known as
(a) S.CR (b) SCS (c) SUS (d) DIAC

Q.85 The unit of q/kT is

(a)V (b) v- 1 (c) J

Q.86 FOR Microwave applicauon we are using diode

(a) UJT (b) IMPATT (c) TRIAC (d) DIAC

Q.87 For wave shaping clcts use

(a)clipper (b) cJamper (c)clipper & clamper (d) none of these.

Q.88 The locus of pinch of voltage in FET is

(a)linearly increased slope (b) linearly decreasing slope

(c) exponential slope (d)parabolic.

Q.89 Which of the following is self-complementary code?

(a) 8421 (b) excess-3
(c) gray code (d) pure binary code.

A number is expressed in binary two's complement as I 0011,it's decimal equivalent value js

(a)19 (b)I3 (c)-19 (d)-13
Q.91 Which of the f ol lowing is seven bit code?

Select rhe answer using codes given below

(a) 1 &4 (b) 1&2 (c) 1&3 (d) 3 & 4only

Q.92 Subtrac� (3A5)16(hmdccinw> From (592)16<Hcxdeclmnl)

(a)AED (b) EAD (c) LDE (d) lED

Q.93 Which is the universal gate

(a)NAND (b) NOR (c)EXOR (d)AND

Q.94 How many different values can be represented in a Byte.

(a) 8 (b) 16 (c) 32 (d) 256

Q.95 The output of logic gate is 1 when all it's input are at logic O,then the gate is either,
(a) NAND or ah EX-OR (b) NOR or an EX-NOR
(c) OR or an EX-NOR ( d) AND or an EX-OR

Q.96 The following expression (xyz+yz+xz)can be reduced in to

(a) xy (b) y (c) x (d) (x+y)z

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Q.97 The operation which is commulalivc but not associative is;
(a) AND (b) OR (c) EX-OR (d) NAND

Q.98 Minimum number of NANO gate required to implement the function (a+ab) is equal to
(a) I (b) 2 (c) 7 (d) 4

Q.99 A carry look ahead adder is frequently used for addiuon because:
(a) is faster (b) is slower (c) i complement (d) 9's complement.

Q.100 A logic expression in "SOP'' is suitable for implementation using

(a) AND gates (b) or gates (c) ex-or gates (d) nand gates.

Q. IO I On a mini noppy dtsk track '00' is
(a) inner most (b) outer most
(c) one marked by index hole (d) middle track.

Q I 02 GA
A full-adder may be constnicted by using
(a) two input AND gate & ''two three inputs OR gates"
(b) two half adder and & two "two inputs AND gates"
(c) two half adder and & two '·two inputs OR gates"
(d) two input Al\'D gate & "two three inputs X-OR gates"

Q 103 In Flip Flop clod,mg


(a) hold time is greater than set up time

(b) set-up time is greater than hold time

(c) hold time is before edge triggering

(d) set-up time is after edge triggering

Q.104 Flip Flop are constructed by

n) bistable multivibrator (b) monostable multivibrator
(c) Astable muluvibrator (d) all of chis.

Q I 05 Which is the fastest logic family?

(a) ITL (b) DTL (c) ECL (d) CMOS.

Q 106 Minimum number of Flip Flop's arc required to construct a BCD counter is.
(a) 2 (b) 5 (c) 4 (d) 16

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Q.107 The most economic manner to realize highest speed decade counter is
(a) Synchronous binary counter (b) ripple binary counter
(c) ring counter (d) Johnson count� .

Q.108 Slatic RAM is pref'erred over dynamic RAM when requiremenl is of

(a) slow speed (b) large storage
(c) lower acess time (d) lower power supply.

Q.109 How many steps are there in the o/p ef 10 bit DIA converter?
(a) 1023 (b) 1024 (c) 10 (d) 100.

Q.110 The resolution of 8 bit optical encoder is

(a) 0.7· (b) 1.4• (.c) 2.8· (d) 3.6


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Q.1 I I The system with open loop Lransfer function G(s)=1/s(s+ 1)is
(a)type 2 and order I (b)type I and order I
(c) type O and order 1 (d)type J & order 2

Q.112 The industrial controller having the best steady state accuracy is
(a} a derivative controller (b)an integral controller
(c)a rate feedback controller (d)proportional controller

Q.113 In the case of second order system described by the differential equation J(d20/dt2) + f(d8/dt)

+ k0 = Si.where 8 & 8i are input and output shaft angles. the natural frequency is given by,
{a) J (k/j) (c)J (kj) (d) J (k-j)
(a)reduced bandwidth
(c) 7ero input
Negative feedback comrol system is characterized by
(b)increased accuracy
(d)increased distortion
Q.115 A second order system has the damping ratio� and undamped oscillation natural frequency
wn.the senling time at 2% tolerance band of the system is

(a) 2/(� w,,.) (b)3/(� <,.>0.) (c) 4/(� wn.) (d)5/(� wn.)

Q. I 16 Which of the following errors are likely to occur in bridge method of measurement?

( I ) Residual error (2)frequency error (3)leakage and eddy current loss

(a) I & 2 only (b)2 only (c) I & 3 only (d)I, 2 &3 only

Q.117 A sinusoidal waveform when observed on an oscilloscope has peak to peak amplitude of 6
cm.if the venicaJ sensitivity selling is 5V/cm,Lhe rms value of voltage will be.
(a)I0.6V (b)l l.lV (c)2.6V (d)15V

Q.118 It is required to measure temperature in the range of 1300 degree to 1500 degree. The mosl
suitable thermocouple to be used as transducers would be.
(a) chromal-constant (b)iron-constant
(c) chromal-alumel (d)platinum-rhodium.

Q.119 The instruments used almost exclusively Lo measure radio frequency current is
(a)moving coil meter (b)rectifier meter
(c)iron-vane meler (d)thermocouple.
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Q. 120 WhenAC voltage is connected to a PMMC instrument then
(a) meter will indicate zero (b) meter will get damaged
(c) pointer will not move at all (d) pointer will start vibrating.

Q.121 A dual beam CRO has

(a) two horizontal amplifiers (b) two trigger ckts
(c) two vertical amplifiers (d) all the above.

Q.122 ln a ballistic galvanometer, the damping follows

(a) hyperbolic decay (b) logarithmic decay
(c) exponential decay (d) exponential rise

Q.123 The dielectric loss of capacitor can be measured by

(a) Hayes bridge (b) Anderson bridge (c) Schering bridge (d) Maxwell bridge.

Q.124 Wein Bridge is used for measurement of
capacitor (b) resistor (c) frequency (d) inductance


The power of 6 phase ckts can be measured with minimum of
(a)one wattmeter(b) five wattmeter (c) six wattmeter (d) three wattmeter.
Q.126 A Iinear displacement transducers of digital type generally uses
(a) straight binary code (b) BCD (c) gray code (d) hexadecimal code.

Q.127 The data bus width of a 1024*8 bit microprocessor is

(a) 16 (b) 32 (c) 8 (d) 20

Q.128 Four memory chips of size 16*4 have their address buses connected together by the system

will be of size.
(a) 64*64 (b) I 6* 16 (c) 32*8 (d) 256*1

Q. I 29 A single instruction to clear the lower four bits of the accumulator in 8085 assembly
language is

Q.130 Which of the foJJowing statement is true?

(a) ROM is a R/w memory
(b) Program Counter (PC) point to the last instruction that was executed
(c) stack works on principles of LIFO
(d) all instructions affects the flag.

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Q.131 A PLA can be used as a
(a) microprocessors (b) as dynamic memory
(c) Lo realize sequential ckts (d) to realize a combinational logic.

Q.132 In a microprocessors the resistor which loads the addres of the next instmctions Lo be fetched is.
(a) accumularor (b) programme counter
(c) stack pointer (d) instruction register

Q.133 A maximum l/0 space which can be addressed by 8088 CPU is

(a) 1024 (b) 2048 (c) 65536 (d) 2000

Q.134 The machine cycle of an instruction is always

(a) memory read cycle (b) fetch cycle

(c) an i/o read cycle (d) memory write cycle.

Q.135 DMA facilitate data Lo move into and out of system

(a) on first come first serve
(c) without sub routine
GA (b) with equal time delay
(d) without programme inLervention.

To have the multiprocessing capabilities of 8086 the PIN connected Lo ground is

(a) DEN (b) ALE (c) lNTR (d) MTN/MX.

Q.137 The personal computer's BIOS is stored in a set of


(a) RAM chip (b) registers (c) ROM chips (d) none.

Q.138 OS/2 is a

(a) multi-user operating system (b) single user OS


(c) multitasking OS (d) none.

Q.139 ln an assembler which one of the following is required for variables names in symbol table
(a) address (b) values (c) registers (d) storage.

Q.140 An l/0 process control the flow of information between

(a) cache memory & I/0 devices (b) main memory & I/0 devices
(c) two I/0 devices (d) cache & main memories

Q.141 The complexity of fioyd's shortcut path algorithm is

(a) O(N) (b) O(N2) (c) O(N3 ) (d) O(N4).

Q.142 The maximum degree of any code in simple graph with "n" vertices is
(a) (n-1) (b) n (c) n/2 (d) (n-2)
TD\EXAM -2008 14
Q.143 Which of the following 0/S use with write through caches
(a) UNIX (b)DOS (c) ULTRIX (d) XENIX.

Q.144 System programme which is used in creating and modifying a file is known as
(a) editor (b) monitor programme (c) job control (d) none. • • •

Q.145 The following process is used to lrace and eliminate mistakes in programme of faults in
(a) housekeeping (b) editing (c) troubJe shooting (d) debug.

Q.146 In C language f-=9 is equaJent to

(a) f=-9 (b) f=f-9 (C) f=9-J (d) -f=9

Q.147 If a RAM has 34 bits in lts MAR (Memory Address Register) and 16 bits in its MDR (Memory
Data Register) then its capacity wil] be
(a) 32GB (b) I 6 GB (c) 32 MB (d) 16 MB

Q. l 48 GA
A 6 Mhz channel is used by digital system utilizing four level signals, the maximum possible
transmission rate is
(a) 6M baud/s (b) 12M baud/s (c) 4M baud/s (d) 8M baud/s
Q.149 The number of 4 bit ALU slices required to implement a 32 bit ALU is

(a) 8 (b) 18 (c) 16 (d) 4

Q.150 The expression i=8+(9/4) will be calculated as where 'i' is a integer


(a) 10.25 (b) 10 (c) 8 (d) 9


Q.151 The interface chip used for data trans,nission between 8086 & a 16 bil ADC is
(a) 8259 (b) 8255 (c) 8253 (d) 825 l

Q.152 An advanlage of memory interlacing is that

(a) a large memory is allocated (b) effective speed increased
(c) cosr: of memory is reduced (d) a non volatile memory is obtained.

Q.153 Tw0 variables name "color" and "colour'' will be treated as one variable by
(a) common statement (b) equivalenit statement
(c) declaration statement (d) substitution statement

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Q.1 S4 The inlrinsic impedence of copper at high frequencies is

<a> resistive (b) purely inductive
(c) complex with inductive component (d) complex with capacitive componenl.

Q.155 The depth of penetration of wave in a lossy dielectric increases with increasing
(a) conductivily (b) permitivity (c) wavelength (d) permeability.

Q.156 The characteristic equauons G(s) =S 2/ (S2+2u>s+u>2) Represents, where w represents natural
(a) high pass filter (b) low pass filter
(c) band pass filter (d) notch filter.

Q.157 The equivalent of "h,i" parameter in terms of Z parameter is

(a) Zd6.Z, (d) ZJZ22

Q. I 58 What is the condition of ··symmetry?"

Q.I 59
(a) g, 2= -g21 (b) h 12= -h21
GA (c) A=D

If a two port network is a "reciprocal network" then

(a) AD+BC=O (b) AD-BC=I (c) A'=D'
Q.160 An attenuator is a
(a) two pon inductive network with complex propagation constant

(b) two port resistive network with real propagation constant

(c) two pon capacitive network

(d) two port resistive network with complex propagation constant


Q.161 The attenuator which can be operate in both directions is

(a) II-network (b) ladder network (c) bridge network (d) L- type.

Q.162 Phase velocity varies as

(a) proportional to frequency (b) proportional to wavelength
(c) always constant (d) none of these

Q.163 The reflection coefficient "k" is given by

(a) [Zr+Zo]/(Zr-Zo] (b) [Zr-Zo]/[Zr+Zo]
(c) Zr/Zo (d) Zo/Zr

Q. I 64 'VSWR' should always be

(a) =I (b) 0 (c)> 1 (d) infinity.

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Q.165 Quarter wave transformer is best suitable for
ca) high frequency network (b)lossy & dielectric network
(c) low frequency application (d)lossless & high frequency network

Q.166) The magnetic field which initially induces armature current in a self exited generator is
caused by
a) permanent magnet b) an external DC source
c) rotation of armature d) residual magnetism.

Q.167) Out of the following losses in a DC generator which one has a the Least proportion
a) copper loss b) hyscersis Joss c) eddy's current loss d) windage loss.

Q.168) The voltage induced in the three phase winding of a three phase alternator are
a) 120 b) 60 c) 90 d) 30

Q.169) ln the balanced three phase voltage system generated by a scarY-connected alternator VYB
lags ER by
a) 30 b) 90
GAc) 120

Q.170) The power taken by the three phase load is given by expression
a) 3 VL IL sin� b) 3 VLIL cos� c) J3VL Il.. cos¢
d) 60

d) /3 VLIL sin¢
Q.171) A step down transformer with I 0: I turns ratio is connected to 220V, 50Hz , AC supply then
how much is secondary voltage.

a) 220V b) 22V c) 2.2V d) 10V


Q.172) A circuit breaker is

a) power factor correcting device b) a wave f0tm correcting device

c) a device to Neutralize the effect of transient. d ) a current interrupting device

Q.173) Out of the following circuit breaker, which one has the lowest voltage range
a) Air break circuit breaker b) Tank type oil circuit breaker
c) Air blast circuit breaker d) SF6 circuit breaker.

Q.174) In a half wave SCR power control circuit if the firing angle is 30 degree, then for one
complete cycle of operalion the load gets power for
a) 60 degree b) 150 degree c) 330 degree d) 30 degree.

Q.175) Unless otherwise ,AC voltmeter indicates

a) maximum value b) average value
c) effective value Or rms value d) crest value.
TIA EXAM - 2008 17
Q 176) Find the decibel increase in the oulpul power Jevel of an amplifier , when its output power
increases from 4W Lo 8W
a) JOdb b) 6db c) 3db d) l db

Q.177) In the I 00 % amplitude modulated signal the power in upper side band is_.
Assume carrier power IOOW & modulation system SSBSC
a) SOW b) IOOW c) 25W d) 75W.

Q.178) One of the following is not an advantage of FM over AM.

a) FM 1s more immune to noi e b) it require lesser modulating power
c) transmitted power is more useful d) it require lesser bandwidth.

Q.179) A 5 KHz audio signal is used to frequency modulate a 100MHz carrier causing a frequenc)

deviation of 20 KHz. Determine modulation index.
a) 0.25 b) 4 c) 5 d) 20

a) decreasing the deviation

c) keeping deviation constant
Q.180) In FM .the noise can be further decreased by
b) increasing deviation
d) none of these.
Q. I 81) Assuming other parameter unchanged, if the modulating frequency is halved in a modulat­
ing system , the modulation index is doubled .The modulating system is

a) AM b)FM c) PM d) angle modulation.

Q.182) Quantizing noise occurs m


a)TDM b)FDM c) PCM d)PWM


Q.183) PCM require bandwidth than analog system

a) less b) neglig•ble c) same d) large

Q.184) ASCII can represent a maximum of characlel"$

a) 64 b) 128 c) 256 d) 512

Q 185) The QAM technique combines the features of

a) ASK & FSK b) ASK & PSK c) FSK & PSK d) none of these.

Q.186) For sending telephone conversation across using PCM , we need a bandwidth of
____kbp with 8 bit-sample.
a) 54 b) 64 c) 56 d) 48

Q.187) Nyquist theorem says that the sampling rate required to transmit a signal having bandwidth
4000Hz is at least samples per seconds.
a) 4000 b)6000 c) 8000 d) 2000

Q.188) Bit rate can be _______ the baud rate.

a) smaller than b) greater than or equal to
c) smaller or greater than d) none of these.

Q. J 89) is used when large amount of data is to be sent from one place to the other .
a) Parallel lransmission b) Asynchronous transmission
c) Synchronous transmission d) fsochronous transmission.

Q.190) In a half duplex communication

a) only one party can transmit data

b) both parties can transmit data, but not at same time.
c) both parties can transmit data at same time
d) No one party can transmit data.

a) CRC b)LRC c) VRC

Q.191) The mosc powerful en-or detection mechanism is.____
d) none of these.
Q.192) The error detection mechanism which cannot trap burst error.
a) CRC b) LRC c) VRC d) none of these.

Q 193) USART can be used for

a) Asynchronous transmission only

b) Synchronous transmission only

c) Both Asynchronous & Synchronous transmission

d) none of these.

Q.194) In )f one node fails ,the whole network cannot function.

a) Tree topology b) Ring topology c) Mesh topology d) Star topology.

Q.195) A ____ can connect two different network for enabling communication between
a) connector b) wire c) jointer d) Router

Q.196) ISDN data channel "D" contains,_____

a) user /data information b) control information
c) management function d) Misc function.

V f - 2008 19
Q.197) SmaJ ler the antenna beamwidth angle
a) smaller the directivity b) Higher the directivity
c) Higher the power gain d) none of these.

Q.198) Electrical length of an antenna is

a) greater than us php,icaJ length b) smaller than its physical length
c) equal lo its physical length d) Nose of these.

Q 199) Which of the following antenna gives circular polanzation

a) Yagi -uda b) parabolic c) dipole d) helicaJ.

Q 200) The fluctuation m the received signal strength at the receiver or a random variation m the the
received signal 1s knov.'tl as

a) Fluctuation b) ab orption c) fading d) cycling


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