Bsbldr801 Lead Personal and Strategic Transformation

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Assessment Task 2 – Unit Project (UP)

Reflect on and improve own development, personal leadership style and self-management skills

1. Complete your own analysis statement by answering following questions:

• Discuss your career objectives? What are your development needs? What competency standards do
I use to assess my professional strengths and weaknesses? From whom should I seek feedback to
improve my personal performance? (100-150 words)

1. Career objective: Secure a responsible career opportunity to fully utilize my training and skills,
while making a significant contribution to the success of my future company.
 Development needs: Need to improve my
 Communication Skills (Listening, Speaking And Writing)
 Interpersonal Abilities
 Ability To Make Decisions And Solve Problems
 Ability To Plan, Organise and Prioritise Work
 Leadership/Management Skills
 Analytical and Research Skills
 Competency standards to use:
 360-degree assessments are one of the most popular and widely accepted methods for
measuring competencies
 Put Them In Real Situations
 Feedback: Should ask continuous feedback from mentor, boss, colleagues, junior staff, and
clients as well.

• Do you maintain a high level of performance in different work conditions? Where are my strengths
and weaknesses in maintaining consistent performance? Do you encourage a positive working
environment with my team? How do you demonstrate flexibility when I deal with others in the
workplace? (100-150 words)
• The more regular, positive and constructive the interaction with colleagues, the more
engaged I am with work. Employer should appreciate the work that supports them grow. The
more infrequent the contact, the more disengaged I become. I believe physical environment
of a workplace greatly affects the positivity within the firm. Great energy can be created by
an, attractive, comfortable physical environment and that energy ultimately enhances
productivity and success. A clean work environment without much clutter allows employees
to focus on their goals. Focusing on the core values and having key attributes that don't shift
can keep you grounded during periods of change can demonstrate flexibility in the workplace.

• How you serve as positive role model? Do you use emotional intelligence to promote and
maximise team outcomes? What are my strengths in using emotional intelligence? What
could you improve on in this area? (100-150 words)

There are some strategies that I can use to become a positive role model to others; I should maintain
a composure under pressure, be diplomatic, straight forward, sensitive and respectful, set clear values
and combine honesty with tact and grace.
I use Emotional intelligence to recognize as a valuable skill that helps me improve my communication,
management, problem-solving, and relationships within the workplace.
Emotional intelligence is a vital consideration in the workplace for many reasons, but there are two
that really stick out: It is linked to higher job satisfaction for those with high EI/EQ as well as
employees who work with or are managed by those with high EI/EQ. It is strongly associated with job

• Who inspires me? What is it about them you would like to learn? What leadership qualities
do you have and what skills need further refinement? How do you know if you are a
effective leader? (100-150 words)

Of all the people who have inspired me, I have to say that my parents ranks at the top of the list. They
believe in themselves and they believe in me. When they speak of their ambitions, it is with great
passion, optimism and enthusiasm. I myself believe that I am a great leader because I posse a clear
vision, courageous, have integrity, honesty, humility and clear focus. One of the greatest qualities I
have is that helping people reach their goals, are not afraid to hire people that might be better than
them and take pride in the accomplishments of those they help along the way.

• How do you use technology to organise and prioritise tasks and manage work? (50-100
• First, identify the areas where you're regularly wasting time. Then, select mobile apps or
services that directly meet those needs. My go-to's are Evernote and Headspace. There is a
technological solution for nearly every problem you'll face, but if you engage in every app and service,
you'll actually decrease your productivity.

• What is my preferred learning style? What development opportunities do I select to suit my

preference? Which development needs do I give priority to and why? How could I expand
the way I learn? (100-150 words)

• Kinesthetic learning: I would like to use kinesthetic learning style because kinesthetic learning,
or tactile learning is a learning style in which learning takes place by the learners carrying out physical
activities, rather than listening to a lecture or watching demonstration. Learning from other people is
one of the most effective ways to stay educated. Also, in today's technology-driven world, having a
mentor keeps you sharp with your people skills. Go to coffee with someone once a month and have a
topic planned for both of you. You may be surprised at how much you can learn from one person in
an hour.

• What is networking? Have you developed a network that enhances my personal knowledge,
skills and work relationships? Why or why not? How can you further develop my network?
How you will be evaluating personal effectiveness in building an effective organisational and
workplace culture? (100-150 words)

• Networking is about recognizing and taking advantage of valuable relationships to get things
done and to achieve a goal. It also involves working closely with other workers to be aware of
potential and future needs or problems and devising strategies to address them.
Formal networks involve structured meetings or processes.
Think of some of the formal networks you will encounter in your work.
An example of a formal network is your work team. For example: If you work in the sterilization unit,
your work team would be responsible for ensuring that the surgical instruments that come out of an
operating theatre are logged, washed, disinfected, sterilized, packaged, logged again and stored.
Informal networks
These networks may be internal or external networks.
They are the relationships you develop and build up over time with and colleagues. These networks
carry lots of information in the form of facts, gossip and rumor about issues affecting your work—
such as government policy initiatives, local developments or changes in services.

• How do you or could you maintain a work life balance? How do you ensure stress is
managed and my health is attended to? (50-100 words)

• Work-life balance is important because it allows you to take a break from the pressures of
your office, enjoy life outside of your cubicle and separate work from home. If you find yourself
bringing your work problems into your home life, it's time to develop a work-life balance.
Here are a few ideas to help you strike a good work-life balance:
 Set goals around what you value highly
 Manage your time effectively—review job activities, priorities and success factors
 Create a boundary between balancing work and personal time-leave work at work where
 Build resilience and have a positive attitude
 Avoid stress, mental exhaustion and burnout—fatigue affects your ability to work

2. The PDP (personal development plan), also called an IDP (individual development plan) or a
PEP (personal enterprise plan), usually includes a statement of one's aspirations, strengths or
competencies, education and training, and stages or steps to indicate how the plan is to be realized.
The following table gives more info about ‘PDP’.

Priority Skills Current Target Developmen Criteria for Time scale/

capability capability t opportunity judging Time frame
Priority No- Presentation Competent Good Make a Achieve at By the end
1 skills enough for presenter. presentation least a ‘B’ of this
the grade. month
but nervous.
Priority No- Written Technical Good Showing Increasing By the next
2 skills descriptions descriptive some of my my ‘KPI’ quarterly
are ok but writing and work to a score in the employee
lack flair in satisfactory colleague or company to assessment
critical in critical team leader 3 points.
thinking thinking before
Priority No- Commercial Interested in Practical Participating Complete Next
3 Awareness commercial knowledge in an the program financial
issues but, Employee with good year
do not have skill grades and
practical development theoretical
awareness program knowledge
Priority No- Team Poor Reliable and Become a Help During this
4 working performanc positive student in organize a Christmas
Skills e while team Union social break.
working in a member; society event; note
team competent member; the skills
because I team player read about learned
hate when teamwork
my ideas
aren’t used
Priority No- Leadership Lacking in A confident Volunteer Group’s In 3 months
5 skills confidence; leader who work in a satisfaction
not good at can community with me;
delegating delegate library; project
and weekends success; my
monitoring level of

3. Emotional Intelligence Reflection Provide 2 examples successful interactions with others in the
workplace and why these were successful through the lens of emotional intelligence. Provide an
example of an unsuccessful interaction with a work colleague and identify and analyse the strategies
for improvement based on understanding of emotional intelligence. Analyse and evaluate personal
effectiveness in developing the competence required to achieve operational accountabilities and

3. Emotional intelligence (EI): It is the ability of individuals to identify their own emotions and
those of others, determine between different feelings and label them appropriately, use emotional
information to guide thinking and behaviour, and achieve and/or adjust emotions to adapt to
environments or achieve one's goal(s).
• Almost all employees will get disappointment, have bad moods, argue, and just have bad
days. How one deal with this says a lot about their EI.
For example, one day one of the colleagues couldn’t finish the work he got assigned so, the manager
got frustrated and criticized him and that made him disturbed him. I recognized that and said hi to
snap out of it because if he didn’t let it go the pending work and new work gets effected and will get
criticized by manager tomorrow. Finally, being aware of, and responding to, other people’s emotional
states shows an understanding that all humans experience strong emotions and says that a person’s
feelings matter.

• I have been in a meeting where it seems like everyone is talking over each other, trying to get
the loudest or last word? This is not only a sign of egos taking over and a lack of respect for others;
these are also tell-tale signs of a lack of emotional intelligence. When someone are allowed to speak,
and others listen, without constant interruptions, it’s a good sign of EQ at play. It shows a mutual
respect between parties and is more likely to lead to a constructive conclusion in meetings.
• I participated in many work meetings and in one of those; I had to witness a situation where
there were clear signs of lack of emotional intelligence. Mainly two participants of the meeting had
been in a meeting when it seems that everyone are talking about themselves, trying to have the last
word, and discussing every point that was discussed in the meeting. None was able to listen to the
other without interrupting. There was very little mutual respect and the meeting really did not meet
the expected objective.
A good practice to solve this situation is allowed to speak and listen to others without constant
interruptions. Showing mutual respect between the parties is proof that it leads to a constructive
conclusion at the meetings.

4. Reflection statement: Complete the reflection statement by answering the following questions:
What are the main things you have learnt from this course? How have you applied the new
knowledge or skills at work? What benefits or results have you seen?

4. I have learned to reflect on personal effectiveness, how to act in an inspiring and motivational
way, how to apply strategies to create a climate that allows us to deliver and receive constructive
feedback. In addition to the strategies and best practices used by transformational leaders to cultivate
and foster a process of strategic leadership during the process of change that I have to lead in the
future. I have also learned how to convey trust and loyalty to my employer. I always listen to my
colleagues, promote pleasant and safe work atmosphere. My expectations from the team would be
following the project submission dates and following WHS rules.

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