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Question No.1

a. Match the items of column A with the items of column B

Column A Column B
i. Differentiated mesophyll a. Dicot root,
ii. Vascular bundles are arranged in rings. b. Endarch xylem.
iii. Xylems arranged in ‘Y’ shape. c. Dicot stem.
iv. Formed by fusion of protoxylems. d. Monocot stem.
v. Sclerenchymatous hypodermis. e. Maize stem
vi. Parenchymatous cells between vascular bundles. f. Exarch xylem
vii. Characteristics of root. g. Adaxial xylem.
viii. Characteristics of stem. h. Medullary rays.
ix. Pith crushed by meta xylem(s). i. Pericycle
x. Amphistomatic leaf. j. Lysigenous cavity.
k. Dicot leaf.
l. Monocot leaf.

b. Differentiate between isobilateral and dorsiventral leaf on the basis of given points.
Differentiating points Dorsiventral leaf Isobilateral leaf
Shape of guard cells.
Thickness of cuticle on adaxial surface
Distribution of stomata.
Mesophyll tissue.
Sunlight received by either surface.

c. In the table given below write ‘Yes’ if it matches with the stem of plant or write ‘No’ if it does not
Features Dicot Stem Monocot Stem
✓ Hairs found on epidermis are unicellular
✓ Vascular bundles are scarred in the cortex.
✓ Vascular bundles are conjoint, collateral and open
✓ Xylem is exarch.
✓ Cortex is differentiated hypodermis, general cortex and endodermis.

d. Write one significant function for each of the followings

i. Medullary rays.
ii. Casparian strip.
iii. Bulliform cells.
iv. Guard cells.
v. Cuticle.

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