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i / tae ACT ONE Newt Cay oa wast: Darkness We hear the sounds of @ man and « woman making Frac one-mem pment na wal-ptnement is We Th erg ging flararabpardapen fet wal eos onthe tact nd paren behind When the —pLaymibelmledparlg altnp pat Erect aoe ew ec atcs ory ce poe tues oo ae oe ond ca gle ad ang a Skin but not comeoional good looks. She ha sense of humor and fay tough exterior She is abo ightened and canbe very han ore, eee sone Gale ian the in rion Johny’ bes ere is penonaly He works ic He sin good physi hi int, he crt hs Bo pf a est 0 mates. No ht, ae he nds fovea nd te Bah God, I wish sill smoked. Lif ed tobe so much more yf) goth (Hels ain, le der) Ob, Gol th Welt mast be someching! es dumb, gros, epi (He wl with her) i. eu thi terrible I dot know whats goon into me. ll be (Ue caches hs beth, Fc ns a bide amp) Rely, has nothing todo with you, ‘Ae you okay now? “Yes No! (He ts ns ager ain. And ow ane tis i, rae ioc sd) What are yo ging 2 1 dont know! (Nine hey ae ht aging rush 1 he that eto of conto peopl ha oe thing nic el and Landon the lor ih sgt had) eee earns Whats dhe mae? nawear No! (Now i i Fc nghng wl. a wonder Jun ot of vee ong big mee) Jonny Should I get you something? FRANKIE Yes! My mother! pa ; Yow dont think any kind of ting i fanny? onneny Abeer, 2 Coke, anything? RANKIE A bagto put over my head! Jonrery You lly want your mothe? Not ofthe op of my head I don. rmawnie Ate you crazy? the top of my head I dow ‘ WY Huh {always hav. dont know why I finda lor of things Jonny You hae the most... che most wonderfl beasts. ae! v ching ymasenin Thank you (She tio ne Inger Ths ie Johny doo Taba ll. emul ty ae tk They Bt toh Bach in lee ith moving) WY Yow know the dogs the Queen of England has? “That's nice esi, Very. want oy “chaste.” m No. oneey tell you why Laughing All fa sudden —just ike Feet cemenbered this tme backs hgh school when { was making weer th thie reallybeatifial gi and was fecing incredibly nave sn sophaticwed aed wondering nybody would believe my good rescore wortying she was going let me go al she way—t (Pink twould have been her fst cme woomwhen all of sudden et Cais needy loud far. Lik hat. Only Toude. twas afl (He itl sea) And dere was no pretending was me, You couldet ca thing ike “Boy, did you ea that thunder?” o “Jess, PREY ‘Sune yout" The best could come up with wan "May T we your Tahroom" which only made wore. And there i dhe bathroom ven her modher taking» bath f en oclock a night. She has one a Seeing be arp Ua something el col ike, "Hel, Me FRpes” She screamed and ra oat ofthe hous. 1 ipped ove the (Sage can and tore my pats cenbing over the backyand fence, Pipa ran twenty blocks, most of them with dogs chasing me: thou ny Tie ws over We never mentioned what happened and weeee ted er agin and Hoot my veginity with someone ese. Bot iy tha fer bnged Back ato my consciousness just then ‘maannin Could we change the subject? WY Sure you do, They're about thi big, tan and ook lke ead Everytime Tace one ge byserical. Show mea Cong your. 1 gv ising Corgi woul ely ly you out! See? You do havea sense of humor about it (Thy bth gh Did you came? [No one’ that ood a king hough 1. Good. im glad “There! Hear thie It makes me think of. grace You mean, the thing if good to bei the sate of? “The movement kind, You knw. (She mover her am i ands hr ser the ric) Flowing. So why wore you Ighing? 1 mantis an JUN PVTHE LAIR DE LUNE THRKENCEMCNALLY 15 smannts I dot know. Because you were, ues: You sounded x0 app Lede di T know! WU just made hat op. Ih¥ Sod And didn ike dhe women who did Jouwn Tuas happy. Fm til happy: Where are you going? ih Did what Smoked? Then you would have hated me. Mala rmasnis Nowhere nan Furnace Jone Youre going somewhere. Jn Marl? I shoughe your mame was ances. rmawnas The dose, thes ist Don't panic. Lust made cha up, to. 1 dat know Hteame fom From what Freudian depth sprang. Malt Echt sony Why? RANKIE A robe You put too much stock in this name busines, Jobs. a ering bathrobe Johnny ks aly ious her ms) sonny You dont need a— rmawnse Tn col sonny vant o bask i your makednes, i jets, pie awit Sure you do, (Fane ums onthe over wom iit) ih Are those mine? I with you'd ty ot of my— jonny Ow! a sorry! (Sh ums ff th overeat. The fit mode and ws esl cp) Jonwny Warn soncbody when youte going wo do that {hate bright Fiabe be pil ight afer making love. Talk about a mood chan Besidcn fink you see the ther person beter in the lg ofthe ‘Merplow: (awe) Di you heat what 1 just si Jonny last checking. (Wile Fon gs a whe ot of he hs, my et her pune on te ed take eid pr of mga) tmawnts. Remember when everybody wed to light up the second it Tne dey were dough making lve? "Tm coming, Fm coming, ‘ame, You gota match?” nanan fi sorry. pipes hae fhe a Did you hear me? WY heard you WL wish you'd act ike you heard me, WY May Leu your sunglass? m Yes mm Yo. “Thank you. God, youre beauifl. Are you comting back to Ih 1 don know. Jolin sound likes wile 03 profesion. And Jack only works Kennedy ora Nicholson, read somewhere there ar millions of young people, 2 neaton oho don't have a eve who Joka Kennel was. Do lve? To me be was only yesterday. love Jack Nicholon. Did Drcsts ono? She ies. sonnavy 1 dia spoke rmannig Neve? sounsy Bret mawnin You've gota smoker’ penonaliy. : Six times 16. RANKIEAND JONNY INTHE CLA DE LUNE wy You know what thote movie tas get when they're on hn ke that? Tir ow trailers with thei name onthe door. Big ilers. Not like the kind you seem Montauk, those ugly litle ru jobs. Aten eink they uly. No, ches are the big Tin ike you ce siting upon Blocks nailer park et people Ii fl ime, people who arene going anywhere in em thee so Th talking tales with Bedrooms and bateubs. Talking major le homes sx bucks, the good ol days, sonny The firs time I popped for it sc bucks, the good od rer thom? Sever bucks to ge my goat, don't et me stared! The Tee VCR, you know. renal when Twas geting over my hers nd could ge out of beds hot. manus You've gota VER? onxve Oh sure. Steco, TV, VCR. Tim working ona dish rmawnie And youve gota hernis? inte 1 hate wales sonny maxim Wow. That big Didi hur? Wn So do Thats no the point ie V'drather die than lve in a railer. The very words “mobile ike me with ich ero IHN Iebiewe Ih the Boo. Jounny Comme sommes You ot ay sa? rmawnte Everybody has scr sounny Where? Ijust lok, Is Who the hell wars livingroom that moves for Christ. ch! Soy. rmaxaie No. WHY Anyway, they each have their own tle. Lean, Jack ned i rght neat wher ie ny hey men, Jonwr Okay, okay, You know; they filmed ight near wh hon ion one side ofthe sect in bis blok-long eer and len Turner ion the other in hes emanate Priss!s Hon? sousoey Ob sre fm sorry bt done get her message masse i Brooklyn? chsh nny rok Heights lene, do ws confi with 2a oul you ike iced 0 Your meio Chinatown IY Will you let me finish? mm Doyou? NY Yes bu tha nt the pone citer They ako give these to people you never even heatd of, ike this Minky, Headly, ey, what hi-face characte. me thatthe point? mavute: Filth and Teh? Jounavy Anyway! You know the house that gy lived in, the one ey sol Haley or omething, He got nominated foran Os omedhing but I don think he won. Or maybe he did maxis, The one who payed she Dont jounny That's the one, Hendley Henley, Hine, season You live i that house? yxy Ym no saying e's nota good actor but his own tile? in orong business a We both are NY Do you think al to0 muck? I don think you always give the other person a chance to— “Thats wha ny best frend ay.“ talk because I got alot Tl hi bu be doesn scem to understand that Talking jonnny No, but Ian se thee rot from my bathroom window pa to you comes eal ex. aprecit that, As wont pretend I wast ig my mouth and throwing away the key (He the [ooking forward to dis evening gaa the key. (He waches Fak sh is) annie Well been very nse Did you get Eater off shy shes hs ad) Neither T. And watch us twiddle our thumbs, La Eater you could've shot Ione in there. Forget ps. 've already deeded, 'm gon callin Lie’ too shor, you know? You wane some juice? I's homemade Mn acne cl Tat et oe wing oh beet ifr you aon but I dont do that anymore. Not chat [eink oer je should. es jas that cate personaly handle anymore i dia ike wha twas ding to me mean, dhe bottom in Ji god you. Forme, meine ood forme Hey, cme om Jorneey What do you mea, “been esis. "The neh 8 Young: Jon se ne a if you cre to go walking deat.” admit ove the te yom oie, So shoot me, give me the electric chai ‘Sere dhe fay sings. Can Ihave a beer? Joven You sy that 10 mach. (Hegre te rf a Fane uses or lab aryl and) awit I his okay? I hate gloom: INNY Can Lay one more hing? Jorn Light ike this fie 1 the ar Blinding kind Tit “ean, Now wbete ae you goin? iavxse I wish you would maven Justin here. (Sh gos 10 hom dvr, pes ns ih aa arn dor open tht mae gh lst the wom.) Keep kin Tran best yo INN I could watch you do chat for maybe the est of my ie Inne Get el WXNY_ I chink a woman brushing and icing her hae sone af he cy great sights fli. pu up thee withthe Grand Canyon moter nursing bee child. Tiamphant facts of nature. Tat all Tin locking my eyes shut and throwing away the ey (He des hi yonnney You man about the Tigh? There ae some delicateiens Tee ont go imo, they 1 bright. Tere one over on Madion eee ng 8th Se that 0 bright from the oveead Hoorece ns ae Mall lev 1 complsineds Ido even ike to shop > sa yon complained, “What are you trying to do? Get an ipa aoe an bere? They js looked at me like I was an int. OF oun a an even spoke English. Most Koreans don't. 1's getting #0 the pine where you ean count oa one hand the numberof people {he Rees cye ge hata oan ands wating Peele) Look 1 know I alk wo sch, jut that ceri earn ey gat Things like ninety. fot tales for people Tne a nico ef he ho, Shes changin «igh Sh ba hth er edad wl hr a ding allowing) Hi here Yani What am supposed to do? xv Ssh pretend you cant ear. Next thing she'l wants your Be Olle ok cee Seed oak Vd ek you ws vy but. Tone know abou you br I'm kind of drained, you wT mean hat wa pretty intense back cher. Harrowing No, not osrng, chat doc sound righ. Ti too pooped to pop al tight? men You a men ye 7 ty nd WY. She wearing meting This prs cll See ture. I love it. I Jove itt Pe eet masse Hell Jomosy waste specially water—you go leaky fct around Sameday im your plmiber-aed the fc this is opposed te 2 lah eaking nation only nobody speaks English anymore, Orbe English-speaking tation i chur up now and won't say another word. 1 is You know, you very nts pron. One mime youre Ling vsti ony Ju et you cu al nd the next youre caper Mien 2 splat rs beokal av aaelrptecmtagedl 2) ae AND JOHNNY INTHE GLA DE LUNE c nto very cry. Look ns had what happened happened. Fe eA Everybody knows Row old they a Tar sy cur cards ihe, maybe will happen again. ello? —— rieaedamptin onsny Theat you ravens Lows you'd pen yur cps, stm ey oly aes vo ns is ae Pane. He ec finde) oni ‘Thas great answer. Can I borrow 2 my ti ain Who fom? ony Aazagge! Its wore han the dierent Such iding Ih¥ Some ol lay onthe Canon show? I don remembee, Halt beauty! hy Lge up here dont member whete they ene from. em it. People ough © get cred forall the things they give eich ws, You'e balou. mane Cin serious (ny top soning and ok a asin) i sacly what I mean. One minute youre kidding ad vKin 1 ec ike Tim supposed to say “thankyou.” mre rane use hte ec en aero ttn okt) ostend wane oak you to quitsnesking up on me lke i We'e talking about one thing people who tech, and wham! you hy there with some kind of itimate, personal remark. ike Being In fabulous. Who wouldn? Tike some warning Set, cat al snot portance prion you hve belore you NY You're tling me that wasnt spontanco dn “Thit was diferent. aking about he lege amework of What people are dong in your fe. What theyre doing in your fh eny or atleast it wd to be bck before we had to ware checking ther ou dont know about yu but get 0 sick and red of | this way, tha wee gonna die from one another, that very 30 [jose ant co act ke Saturday night ely ia Sauda night, the Heed to be ounney ti js drinking al thin Mmawaie You nt the aie pein 6 talk anydy eer ml sonny 1crtainly hope not. How ol are you? awxis None of your buses, How ol. 2 sm Ym very glad we ad his Satrday night jonny What do you hin? ae kL never woul have sid that if knew you beter. Rana IN How well do you want 0 know me? a_i et you know Monday becween onder." got BLT ‘working! "Tel me about you childhood “Take the moo out of Were you elle tained?” sonny Ove! swaxnrs Maybe ate-thiries jonmony can live with that ‘mays Come oa, how ol are you? eee TOHNNY [don't know. Ate you sure you don't want somthing before you go? 2 RANKIFAND OHNE INTHE CLAIR ELUNE ‘ounce meNaLY 25 wt wane co look t your pus sonny Come bere. re mannan I've go some meat loan the fide yeni No, Why? own Come her, (Paki move fe tps ents omy hi ny Ws beni iting th ef he be) WRI eis not. Your jus saying that mawnin Whar? Be Yael pete yomlor rem ey Jonny Clore. (Punk moves dr omy ho pul eal he way Tae that word, Jonny! ows im ar bk i fa mile) maNKHs I can tat some bread. Butera cap. A cold mes eat {andvch Al the wiy back to Brooklyn uy —al righ, thing! and 'm asking you t open your robe so BR afr ock. Ficen scons Yoo con tine me, Then yoo he to cold meatloaf sandwiches and ts bg hae f ilk Jot Ss the easop on one owner Heights RANKIE Heighs! Tht ime of aight Arent you hungry? Smeg 7 exh ler exseace ining tows NY. Bh. Serious games. Do you have to name everything? If fait "You have a beauifl parakeet” you'd have let me se and Ine eaing those sndiches seas sonny im saving nawnis No! sonny Why no? We us i Jonny So? W Thad parakeet Uhated it wa ire) Okay? when i died (She Wy Ob Yes! 1 (Coningto Bad herwohe opena Joany st the e f he sls) Tinting this Told my cousin tdi want bir 1 Biter aloe parakeet, Whats te love (Sie an! dps “They dot do anytingencept not sing when you wane them Swen you dou and make those awful seratching noses on that Inlpperon the Roor oftheir cl. 1 mean cage! IFT ever have Poti bes dog. A Golden La. Something tat shows 2 ile when you walk rough the door. Something you ca old time Igoe my hands on tha goddamn parakeet was the day it ead an halo pick up eo throw tin the garbage can Hey, This has gota beeen scons (Fane oe her ote. Jy and ses, ssc guint rake stands sey) woul ike sandwich? masa ean Jonny What do you mean, you cant? ‘RANE {don't wan 0 (json meal sos mung Fai Bo Fay ap th pls vad) ‘You dont ave to ake tke shat ory. Just not ih now. You Know, yout righ Ido say "Tim sory” afr around you, Theres ‘oethng about you thar kes me el ike Vm etng you down al These ie you hve al ae expectations feat can Tn srey—there [go agsini—but what you se hee what you st someone who likes fo ea afer making love and ight now fe i Cakd meat lou adc on white east with butter and etup witha Tange gla of very cold ani and wish you would sop looking at me like tae Bue no cave sais ‘Catsps hat makes a cold mea loa sandwich good, sonny Open your robe No Why? 1m allergic. Cap ad peaches. 24. RANEAND JOH INTHE CLAIR DE LUNE TeARINCEMCNALY 25 rwannse Ugh! Win taro ha program, sonny Well noc inthe ame ih! (He tl massing hr fingers) ine You were not mANKHE Can [have my hand back? yey Sore twa. Jonny Do you want it back? kik What was your fivsite movie! awn Well you want sandwich, don't you? my Longe yo S Jonny [vant you to notice how we're connecting. My hand is kn You probaly don' even have one. Joly hasten wp off owing into your My eyes at eying tose inside yours, Dh nd co rr whoe Frankie working. He fn plate very fsRaNxte Thats not connecting. That’ holding and arng. fe where he sands making the sonic) ‘Connecting is when the other person ist even around and you could sy You know what I was thinking while Iwas looking at you dhe fom ow thinking of them 7 Mh jounny Thats ising This connecting ‘waste Yeoh wall icant how a sandwich gets made (She as her Td fo ony td os Kthen af the armen whore se take Ii te making er eat oe snd nd Bens fo ppt ch Jany jot ach er fms plc onthe bl) My fer used toy 2 good med foafand gravy with mated potatos was food fi forthe gods fin {should have gucned this wat coming. Iwas thinking “There got tobe more to if han this” but ike his be goddamned f1 know what iis Kin You don't give up, do you? YI want 9 drown in this woman. want co die ere. So why Talking sous parskects and eat loo? The inequity of human hip! tal hough tha word “nequiry I did even Ut sin my vocabulary And whats tha other one? Disparity thats it The dparty Berees usa that moment. Lean, there felebrating you esting on your loveliness, and you were talking cing, pardon my French, paraket! jowwny Youre king! That's exacly what my old man wed 0s RANKIE Of oure, considering ou family budget we dia have fmany ocer pions Ges what, pop? still don’. (She laugh amy Tse er) You wane uen on the television? sonny Why mawxit We don't have to watch You know, just sound. 1 do all g_Maybe its cao was ill tease {he time. Conspany. I beat 2 paakes. gY Boca of me? sousey [4 rather watch you mawxit. Do you ever watch the Channel 5 Movie Chib on Satur ‘ie? Tha’ ight, you goe a VCR. They bave dis thing called the Movie Clb. Talk about dumb gimmicks. You pot your ame Sind address om spsteatds Ifthe dwt, you goon the ar and el Maybe 1 don ik being looked a down ehere shat way how should know! ke being looked t, period ‘erybody what Your favorite movies and they show i along with What happened? ftnermion brea where they tell you certain Hise-known it the movie [js at soon woul have known sich s "Sos eur myst (Wivaendysricken wit fal eancer when she made thi sparkling “Comedy.” Kind of puts pall on things, you know? Ler me see ‘eal right 2 RANE AND JORIS INTHE CLAIR ELUNE oma Let me se. (He mus he Mo fom he fe) mawxin Look, I don think dhisis going to work out twas very pce while ae ut ike aid owe Youllive (He ess her hand) ‘mawgis. fim BET down sort of person aI think youre Teaoc someone a ite more pheasant unde las, Where are you sing? jonny Vil get a bandage ‘anni Thats okay sonny No problem. TnANKHE Really. What ate you ding? Johny har gone in te Teeees We hear hin ong hough he medicine cbt kings bondage rhe nines fo pea hough he ope doo) Jovennsy{dont emember you saying you were aBLT down sot of peton. pmaxnte [hough implid it when { wa talking abou the mest Te tye ou of the aio ith x of Band Ads ad te ian) ony iG Because sid you a a Beautfilpusy, a? Give ie 7a ngs (anc hls org we Johny sings a ese mawnis {sbecase you mid tof things. Ow! jousny Aman compliments 3 woman. A right, maybe he wet Je che cet tally afleconste eno one of tern Uy WE Ties te one in aute wee both familiar with, the one chat begins with eT dant even ny Jou hada Beal "Tas saying something Joving and you tok oes swawete Tesi yu I wasnt very spontaneous! owner Boy if you had sa to me, "Johnny, you have the mos rome dik on you would beso happy. (He shes with he Band “As) Thee you go rmawaan Thank you. FAY. You want to see scared finger! (He hols wp shade to ) han (icing tthe sight) Pen ny They do are hie 1 dont want to ook NY (Loving thom) Ws hard to connec them. Lean, Fn not wo should have scary hand. hn Youre so ood with knives. ve watched you NY She admits The haughty wate has cast a asl gaze on ight of the Gel "Cam that new guy chop and dice” Dena tlle me. “Look at In Now, sre I breeze can die an onion Blinded. tears were then, On my way up the culinary Ider t knew you hoking at me. 6X Hoy okay. I was mua. wa ooking a you. desde, there recht many short-order cooks who have 2 ry anda copy of Shakespente in thei locker Wy You'd be surprised. We'e an inguring breed. We hve out ui show: Cokes Hao Kia {The one before you, Pito, Tm not kidding, bes his mame to, Lent to Goal you know what he wold Have dane with se Cooked em WY So you noticed what I was reading 00? Call me the Bionic ye. don is ik ¥ You know what ike abou You? The way you tke the talk fo ha ld guy who comes everyday about 330 gm Mr. Leon Jonnavy With the cane and copy ofthe Post and always has 2 ower yeh lapel You reilly are nice with im el smawnie Het relly ice with me sowroee You ecally talk ohm. Lao ike the way you Hu op chat ‘Ri you went on your anim: Icloks lke «big napkin. swawate [fs suppoved tbe a andkerchiet {yownny ike the way yout always ing manxis What are you? Spying on me from the kitchen? sonny No spying. Watching tmawnis Timing to be very seconscius frm now on, journey Watching and liking wha = fmawaix You in night choo or something? journey This ny kind of night school ‘mason { meant the Shakespeare and the big words Jory Tim doing that on my own, mans Why? Jonnny You dont want be going out witha semi-ierte ‘Recunows, proto-moronicashole do you? mANKIE. Listen, ifs eny 2 we words don't know. sonny Whit Ashole? God ike you ‘mawnis You sll want a andi before yu go? jonny Tall want a ondvich ‘manxit Then youre going. Yue not staying ve Jonny Wel eros tat bridge when we gett “Ther no bridge to cr Jounsy Whatare you seared of? pawns Tm not seared, (She hese making andi Jn thoes br ney) Tim no seated Fn NY Yeu you ate (Well ot ike ina horror movi, Ido think youre going to Ike and ab ne, thats what you mean, Could we change FY What do you mean? yO one cn Yui go san de adel ee in 1) OF ours im weed Uk There's a whole other sie f you I never sae a work WY You thought aid was ook? There’ whole other side of you I never sw when we were W ether Ie was probably your Fit experience with pasonste, ve lve Wh -My fire experience with an animal x more ike it DD you ever see a animal do to anoer animals toes what | we? Wh Will you keep you voice down? You got chi place bagged? Fim sure the while building beard you. 00000! Oven! Wiha do expect. he way you key wing your fingers wide my ease aaa [Nobody ever pu thi fingers in your er bore? Maybe fors second but nthe way you di like you were Hor someching though to myc "Maybe she ets of on Tings in guy cats” Bat did I say anything? Did ell you You shold have id something why? Tileidadieee capped: 50) pRANIEAND JOHNNY INTHE CLAIR DE LENE saARINCE MeNALEY 31 Jonny Are you cay? Tove ery anything once, especially in Wy Thats whete youre wrong vpat department, You go any new seas? Keep em coming, Keep em it You had the whole thing. There no more where it came Coming ill you when to op. i np: fmawxtn_ [can just ear you now a work “Hey, guy that Frankie WY {know tat eling es erste. THe wonderful hing i it puts er fingers in your ex! Hilave to a. ovary Thats probaly jst our the ls ehing inthe etre word Turn the light fT want show you something (Jann TUN ever do about wong alk about it to anyone, epecilly those ie ight) Down one oor, over two bildngs, the window with imal work, You relly dott know me Mot pau eutans. You we? Un ha one her a the window) mawxin tt woukirt be dhe fine time one ofthe guy ad ye yak- Jk abou Wy Where There! ney. Wine WY The old couple inthe bathrobes? What about on? ‘nasa Yeu bt about dumb thing i've been watching them eversince I moved in, Almost snow have never seen thr speak to one nother, not once. there reading che paper and sel cook an entire meal without jing p They et cin total lence. Hell ep her wash up hr they all wont say 2 word After awhile heights > H pues they've gone tobe Jonny har eo mating eu the JounavyAllyakkng is dumb. “slept with Frankie” "Oh yah, wal ‘rie th Naney Reagan” ig fing pardon-my-French dal the ‘ffonne. alee with Masher Teena” So it goes, This wal f disparity treecn uy Frankie, we gota break it down, So dhe only space lt between ui jst us RANKHE. Here's your sindwich Jonny Herc my gus. Jesu! ‘Those tol The Raging Bull cll him, She Mary th sei sorey, Tm not good at small ak. i he maxtis Tn sorry. Pm nor god “They moved in aout eighteen months ago. Hey! thee thing jonny This jit small tlk This enormous tk Whatever you call, Tm ot good ati ovo Sane you oa jot rete wnat wo be a aves Maybe hari 1got the ik 7 1 Something gong on in this oom, someting importa banigepere ee 7 Noisy could ve geting hi ie chat. We ought odo smaxart [old you what Taw her in the A&P She was wearing a nari uniform, onus You dort want to fel. Two people coming together: Din that was a sar career choice. She had on sungbsses, ‘Grae cary burs padon-sy-French gain fcking wonder Tobie the bruins. went opt er. gued i was now oF Mp bear ofl ight ow, Pat your hander. Lswear to Gods you Tak ive inthe builing behind you. ve seen how be his an fe the hp Go on ouch Anything lis ompy mal gs er Prank ening he wo ee fi, wh se so get) How id yo get Tacky cog ut of there at igh? Jonny (Liking and eating) My mother. She ran off wath somebody ate you? Nuts? You think actors go around acting for he'd met aan A.A. mecting, My iter tok us o Baltimore. He had tha ake we do requess sic, She couldn cope wih us, We ended up in foster homes, Cou Bt 1 dc know. have ite sk? I bounced all over the place. Washington, D.C as bee. Yoo an duneech Gus Sean sen ace. es seqporbiliey. e's peivilogs. 24 PRANRIEAND JOHNNY INTHE CLAIR ELUNE TEARENCEMCNALLY 7 Jownny And bet youre goo ati Hoy come on, dnt. One ofthe things ike about you, ‘mawnte And it looks ke Pi ie with my secre. Anyay, what RR Bee De stat at orm, Se Wel Fick you how tk Yea any fcking way faking Wi Ws my faking aparenent inthe fcking Fe place and who fe you to come in ete and wart eeling me Valle nic. (She har “) sowwy [tacked her down when Iwas eighteen They wer stil together living in Philadephia and both drinking again. They sy Philadelphia wil do dha a you [FRANKIE So you sa her again? You se, I never dd ‘Ov ofthe be, jos ke that, you've decided we'e going to Jonny But how this pobelied,buktng gin-brahed stranger cou P Thane been the oct of anyone desire but epeclly my mother’! She ‘wa il yo beat, ven through he booze, bu he was one hundred you want o understate ike that sae Whatever happened to second date? [RANRIE Mine wos killed in a car wreck abou thee, no, four years go She was with er ttkey He got, oo. didn heat abou if slmore month We were beyond that two hour ago, Maybe you were Jonnery What people ein one another tol mystery. Hike your aparment. Tha nie robe. You're a very pretty Shakespeare sid best "There are more things in heaven and on | joa the guy ell you tha, Ie hat what you wane than ae dent on your philorophy, Horatio” Something ike tha Tim prety clove, Did you ever read Hale? z “ut hs occurred ome. Dam, Lam not. Nery and ee ove I plead guy to. Tn alo something ese people tet JowNivy Hike him. Ive only read of coupe of his thing. They ft hese days courageous. I want you and 'm coming ot cy Los of old words, Arai, you know? Then ll of sudden ptt together and comes up with something clea and simple and A rea nice and you fel you've leaned something, This Horatio wat Hamlets bes end, He thot he had ial figured ot, so Hamlet ly couple hundred mes. 1 got my work cutout for me tim straight, Do you have bs fend? rwawnin Noe eal Font wane dis Has occurred o you that maybe I done want you? “usr because you tke me out to dinner! Jonnavy Thats okay, be you bs fiend masts You think lot of yourself dont you? sonny Look, Fin going all ve the place with you. L might 8 ‘Come right outwith Tove you. nt ove with you. [personaly | ‘think we should get marti and I definitly wane st have kid ove ‘oe four. There! That was so dfcuk. You dont have to sy anythi - jst wanted o get out on the table. Talk about a load of! a a a Jed up making ove—! 38. PRANKIEAND JOHRY INTHE CLAIR DE LUNE ranancemesauty 39 Jonrevy Grealove. The dinner andthe movie were lousy, We were JH. They don like. How woul ou ike iif Helen came wp yma fin said “Tm in love with you I wan o have your baby"? rRANKIE Ok Ny Whos Helen? crerything? Jonny [told you Hove you! That makes me unlovable? 00d lve So why do you have to go spl in Ar work yy That Helen? FRANKIE Iemakes you a crep! We You'd ran like hl aoe WY Shes clove to seventy rmawnts No, [take tat back Youre ot cep: You sincere. ‘Thats whats so awl, Well Fm sincere, too. sincerely do not want II though ove was bind “tel her La in ove wih continue thi, WY the exact oppose. Besides, Jonny Pretend that wee the only two people in he entire word, that's what Tin ding and all ls ino place Wh You doit know me Is that what thi sal about? OF course I don't know you. Pe know me eer, We go off a rest sare Why do you want FRANKIE And Iwas ooking forward to seeing you again, somnovy Tn sight here maxi "God,” I was thinking, “make him want see me again ‘without him knowing that’s what wan” oes ichave tobe tonight? Ye! Who sy sonny [altey did know: God had nothing to do witht RANKIE_ Ld "ice you apnin” nt the stuf yout aking about Kite fr Chie’ sake! We may not make i tomorrow. I might get knifed if you eo cues sy home. You might choke ons chicken Bowe. Unknown Dees wane ri could Kil us bh in ove eep. When ic comes to lve masse Uae id hn i shor. So do fack with cand dont pardon my sonny I dont believe hat IuANKHR Tint old have i ‘This wore han Lingo Me Gta “Lok, Frankie, Light ee oncone onthe BMT tonight, petals hk ws intone wt er. This he oly await Tan have ay: Nowae you happy? hae tori cometogeber, convinced of Pepe ae es eats connect. Notte, a hee! They dont he ar ue forrest end wp not aly pndon-ny-Frenh-or smanain You dont decide to Bilin ve with people ou ofthe te srewing hat person on he BAT bu ary he. be sonny No, youre not oy, ar you barking up the wrong tee anaes ever thought I could be in ove with 3 woman who sid cong tee: 40. PRANKIEAND JOHNNY INTHE CLAIR DE LUNE swawnis Youve driven me tit I never used cat expesion in my peor Jonny You sure you don' want to fel this amp? wasnt Why won' you go? Jonny The only difetence between us right now i 1 know how ‘hiss going to end happiyand yu don I seed a bes frien, to {Could Trouble you for anoeher gs of milk? maya Okay, milk, buchen I ell want you to go. Promise? sonny You drive hard Banga. Milk fr exile fom the Magic Kingston sonnny Promise. ‘mas Say lke you meant sone | promise. IRANKIE Its good thing you'e not an actor. sonny Allright, don promis. asi Now Five you. (She ge 1th fies ad po Sik) Jonnevy Ie just words, Is all words. Words, words, words. He ‘Si hag oo, eink Tei somewhere Shakespeare sai jos about rcrything Tl el you one ding be dda sy: love yo, Frankie; (Fe rig ils of ile). maxkin Drink your milk Jowney Ibe thas something lie he never said: “Drink your ‘he Mey Wises of Wind, Act, cee i don't hink 0. The of Avon tn oe nothing on us ‘PRANKIE Did anybody ever tll ou you talk too mack? Jonny Yea, Ii yu about half an hour ago. Ther no vie Teng me, way im nota mute talk when have something to 3. Di sy she was mute? You know, not everybody thinks ie i picnic. Some of ens Some of es have errs. But people ike you ae so Bary is wha you want, how you fel, you dn’ even notice the et of ei exactly jumping up and down for joy: vente done anything bt notice you. fh Shot op! Who’ jumping up and down? i shu up! Jos drink your milk and go, 1 dont want eo sce ap conte What do you wan? {want robe alone want o watch levis, I want to eat Ligant to sleep. L want coop worrying 'm rapped in my get weit facking mania Wo al ave problems, you know. ight now, min begin and end with you. You ad you'd go, ied All Usve co do open dat window ad sare screaming In this ity? Lows of tuck have neighbors peso, ends No one's gonna want to zt involved in They js el he police Don think ic has crossed my mind /l come, give or take an hour or ewo. They'll make Tv ight ack, Thats very handy fre escape. If noe tomorrow or the day afr that. Sooner or ae. youre heal wich me. Why don't we jus geet over with? Sunday. We can hep in (A some pint bf this, tdi has changed Seah Second Symphony. Neher heard the semuncemen eal he une did't 42 ASE ANO JOHNNY INTHE CLAIR. DE LUNE TERRENCEMCNALLY 43 smawnte Tom rapped in my own apartment with fucking mane cgi racist ny aa Jonny You dot mean that. ring to improve my ie and nm Fold gather ha was, woul ike to know the mame ofthat ‘Tanning ow of ime, Tm sil going around in cies with you. There ur piece and the arto performing wo I can buy the record and ota be that one thing Tsay hat aks you len. That makes os It tomy lay Tove, whove name i Frankie and hat bea Soar ella eae ceo sit not? (Short pau) Bach, Johann Sebastian, ight? ee fhm. The Gober Variations, Glenn Gould. Corba manna Wha I(T Fn) You gona remember thi (Pune mack hin esnmey_ it loks like Ws bout oay, You got pape (He the ck Joy tae th phon fom is ca and ist See er gree He ks ter. She mahi ai. Thine he ces hr eis til gins ish, ld a ot, ten rings Bis pe rmaNnis What do you think you're ding? Th int the phone, he tes a what ay ly Jowneey want get che name ofthat pice of music you liked or is eye ee evn er) Do you take requ, Marlon? Then 9g fexcepion! There aman anda woman, Not young nt ol ‘ ents, either one. They meet where hey wok: eur mann {dont care anymore, rte Rs. Sh waite Hea cook. They met but they {ouweey Well 1 do. When you come across something best et "got wo medium burgers working” and Pik vp, side feta go for doen grow on tees, beaut things. ohmy has npr much the exten oft But ae noied him, be 45 ‘End ao sto cl ton ah nepaper) WC: (Ash da he id's orice her. Right oft Tey bh knew tonight was foftmaion) Tome you 3 QUART. Pen So why did ak him se weeks ori oak hei von Ce fosce a movie thet nekter of he could el you the name manne Hes nts. Out and out co! I Why di they et ce rear sundae fore the aed i JONNY Une pone) Give me the mame for WK, Thank come wp ince they were inthe eghborod? And {ts Funke} Stout the se, we'll hat mi nd Tl never seating ava mar an ow hey Seth en {fon my own, You kt someting Hk tht ip trough our ger igs that made them think T doa low his person. dont dou dere ack and all (hang pan ined ml) 1 Ao andrea ll they hac was ha chey wee soqether tote these recordings that ve yu the narber pow One es hum ict ad they were prec and hil cher ws to know tome (To Fn) Whee ae you go? Athy teh ah a ion eso fot cal oury Only thi ne he nopped eanein Out and you beter ot be hee when 1 gt ik ibe was the music you were plying They bots heard sows You want pick up sme Haagen-Dazs Vania Swi they both ening o fort hey i So would you ay Pee ane ae for ake aon on te eve fsoethng hat Ought 4 etre. {gues I wane you to play the most eautifal msc swawxin {aid gt out! (Sh sta shoing hing) Youle 3 mania tin dedicat eto ue. (He hangs wp) Dont go. Youre a creep! You're a. Obt {ov (lithe phone) May speak to your dsc ocke? Well any iiiecioa the phen Ts Fuse) Toy cont baron til tio of ooking. Everything 1 wanc isin this room. (He Jockey. The have someane called Midnight with Marin. (no Ye pons He guilt paint, Pronk ats wb) Fela, Marlon? My name Johny. My fend and L ere making tin inthe felon, which [sometimes thinks the mos beaut schicken do easlanhiien ven deus quai saal nea Why are you doing his? owner Let me doit (He hl har out fer int The he kes NYU be frey-ihe the emt of next month Iran hang pF stand ek in he cote of the rom ting fr hi come bck 9 her) Make youself at home. That wat Tie yoke, No that var ae bad joke (He ims f the lp) WV Tobeableto top bullhirting abou things lke my age Ih Wha do you want or your beh? reuse yale ids al be thirey-nine on the event sounny Nothing Y_ Wee both what-do-you-ms-call-is! wade “a egies Figures! Gimme a hand with dhe bed. ate it when the peik tha, (ne tart arigheing pth bed ony ns of JOMNNY les ewe of. TM nthe rm fre bling het ant he hes and Manet) mawxse [want ose you this time, Johny has aed vabutoing fe who ugh tobe biding rom the ight. Me andy Hee) verted nipples. hte the way they lok ‘sonwsy {don like to make love with the lights on. Dont be ily. aes ra Yea? You be a woman and have someone invert your F al se how you like apes Hove your nipples imanare That's good reson, (ohm having ie ify deg het) Welt ate ‘em, What do you know? (They stand on apostsdes fhe be hess) Len, wish Las teamed, JOHNNY les Because of Archie FRANKIE Okay Il ie, Who Archie? Sounds ike you had your chance and Blew it. Hooke “The dog. Skip it kip i 1b forty-one on the event ig dea. So wha do you wa “The same thing you do and» new puro ts, Jounny _A’huge Great Dane atone of my foster fales. mean Imasive, Whenever jack of he'd just stare at me. Ati. Tal ferioscutation anxiety! Sof got inthe hai of doing t with the lights of asein Someines Tam sop ma gil Jonny Tonal a romani. think everything looks beter inh ee Hey, e means so to me you alk nice. (she ose he " The shake, Fra ero ed and es don Jesus (He FRANKIE That's not romance, that’ hiding something. Romance igi the window end ahve) fecing somebody for what they seally ae and ill wanting them eda ome asyfrom ther. fs not good for you. sonny {got plenty of hem. (He sos desing hr) Un oy Gone here. Quick. (He tds inde Meo coves ‘maw You look younger Fn hirey seven somsey So do you Fin foes iia ail 46 FRANKIE AND JOHN INTHE CLAIR DE LUNE sonny There's fll moon! You can just ee it betwee the ‘eallngs. Wil ou Took at hat! Now thats what I all eal smaNKre{otered jut for you. Macys. Twenty-five backs Bout ACTTWO sons Look aie Jonny Iewont be there ater. (Franke joins kim ate wind) You wont be dere later (Fai the window) i. er oe The ayant in the wr coe fom he ein et. Tight eon ce roa Joy th ed nde the ves They sawn (Lovering her gise) All quct on the Western Front. For a Th nly sand coming om the ma: playing {Come on. (She motes Bd} Come on. I want you to make love Hide ofthe Vilyie "Thy sd of to Wie (shy tom window) that Charles Bronson? sony tums do wo} Is that Jonny wat make love cou. ronson? ‘manne Woof! Woot (Nothing) Ie was a joke, Tin sory IDs that eter one. abway gt people in thowe kind of Fontned James Coburn? inthe’ i ame, abio ANNOUNCER This young man wat very ernie Jowneey Sikh! Listen! (He mows ily 0 he ei alo ond the sme) [RADIO ANNOUNCER So akhough it agsins my policy to play Whoever hei, hate him. ls not Cline Easewood? ees chere'sanencepion to every rue doa know if his host besutifl music ever written, Frankie ad Johnny—and how ‘hor ealy were your names but I know when my leg being ‘but whoever jou are wherever yo are, whatever youre ding Tin noe making big des bout this fesomething ike what you bad ind. (Dbusy’s “Cle de Fad Jon ees of te bse lamp and ses Fb, Then he ula ges fo window and aches he shade ses the 0 cou haven topped. Wee taking litle break. Will you look at pmo th a ima syle atthe violence in the wold roy ‘pling nt fae ond Bo ies pl te ake, ll he mong til int th a, He moves oy fom the window ad Wyokay ifwe don't, Ite shad of he oF hea stan sien. We er the Delay Aor ested Prion ony tating make lve. Fer 4 ths Abe ee, Tolan) now Jos, he drove 2 faking nail rough his head No, {know what Cline Easwood loks like, Look, you to make sch ig del about e “Then how come we sopped? Exo of ACT ONE. ri ven di hat aoe go from playing our song to hose ies? thought he ke us. Tha ind of music bad noemnal hous. But when Yue tying to make lve ro 48 PRANIEAND JOH INTHE CLAIR DE LUNE innancencsany 9 someone. Tlk bout not knowing how tsegue rom one mood ey Alm saying that fe get ino rel fo ow and Tare ‘SESEIUi gt to el tar stato snd compn- e n p. yous Wenern td chopping enon scl pepe gingo cri) Cosma! (Pontes he bebe mp) ro get ack nto the mood oe wn we weeding and : . conta to you irenton perp, Iw ejoyingenormow FRANKIE Are you all right? [pokes for was a litte breather for Christ's sake! 2 Jonny [wish you woulda ave. Yeah, Since Tm up, you wan Me cera te. semnething? WY Yow asked fora Western. Western mean chopping and diving rRANniE Johnny. ing and. -you know what goes into a Western! Come on, Jonna Youve the one whos making a big dea about it ' fing ho ike you asked fora pram batter and jelly ona ue ‘ox opie, Look, Fin dancing. Now yes or not What do you want? You wane ood food. swANatE A Western on white down anda gl of milk 1 uppose I cold ell i ha. Jonny Very fanny, What do you wan? A beer (We on hi i Al igh, righ! (etre ging gins out of the Ti ofthe pe eestor a ears fo fod and din) damming sot wrk counter) jst wish somebody would ell swanate Tanta Wester and gs of milk. eae ete ss oe Jonny Were inthe middle ofsomething. This sa ite ren ages ett mest, Inajor fod break. Bese, you js ae. 1 was’ going to ell you this but since youte not sparing m not going to goon paring youre: thi the fst time rmawate In all hungry. eos. sonny Tim opening youa beer. . swawate I want Western and 2 ss of mil. ee Jonny I ncver know when youre kidding me or not. 1 think ‘Soe the things {ike about you but Tm nots. Bewween what and what? lakes two to tage. mawkis Th not kidding you. fin starving and what L would ike e ‘Pome of your Westerns and» gla of mil. Everyone 298 9% fect Western Yow mean is my fale yu conked out? 1 due ay a8 anybody uk, An dies cok ot ist sown They do? ‘awais So come on, Jonny, Johnny ..ravish me with your ‘Oh, the old And-On-The-Seventh-Day Syndrome! ‘ooking. ‘Theres no need to be rca. sonny You mea, since I couldat avish you with ny body? ‘Then dost blame me your dancing dg did’ dance when rmawnts No, chit’ not what I mean. “hac sounds terrible. Don't Blame me for you imp dick Jonny Look, hits temporary hiatus: would keto keep pai wo expect me to make you a sandwich er tha? ciavwoh = sist O° gerard gy Man what? eae ee in Her bosom wat so closet my fice She smelled 50 nice fe ws stil sleeping at ook the deepest breath ofr I could, ne moment, Eehink {knew what wa ike tobe loved: Really Divas ost, vo protected! Thats brea than being prey I pee The neat thing 1 knew st was morning ad stil det he Asdcey Hepburn, Now when Ile in bed with the blinds up ‘mawkis {id isult your manhood. [merely described a pase Tie pny through: Everything har pies. To tll about dhe new {ost imal te oid one, You have lovely manhood. Ws jut nee ‘ight now so you ean make me ose of your terrific Westerns oun Thi she frst time this hs ever happend so me. Ise noonlight spilling in, Tm no thinking I wan tobe someone God rmawnit Ibeliewe you You caled your grandmother Nana? Thats wha omy hate st hate ica lt mawit Just be glad you have someone a sympathetic me 3h les nor eat ar ‘evi WY scribe! 1 dont know anybody che who called hit Donit ake fi Ber Nona. I abveys though k was very snow of mead omeey Dont ake fon, anything eke wanted wo beIike everyone ee. manain Ym not (Shee hi nd coms hin) 1 okay. You. ke everyone ee? fre lacky women do's hve problem ke hi cn cain Ihre di, “Why dow cll nz Nana" Toe to fmawaix We've got enough of our own in that department Inother-—this was before Philadephia "Everyone che sis We justo,” she tld me. My mother was noc one for great | Sort Sphinx in chat department. Anyway, for ne am very fmawais You know what {think t was? The moonlight, You id’ wake wp Audrey Hepburn. She' to thin. People sul reg Tew bathing your body we lays been very 8 fn thei bones, “Beware yon Canis, He hath len ane tat whar moonlghe dos to people. hy Jounny 1s male menopause. Ive been dreading this sonnets supposed to make them romani. Who' Cosi? swawkif Or turn you ing a werewolf. Thats what [was sed I don know. Bu obviouly he wa thin and Shakespeare Fis nother was aways coming sao my bedroom to make should be wary of kinny people {8 Sin were down, She war omaced slesing inthe moonigh ‘Soul orm you int the wolfan thought i lee in the mo why? Ta wake up beautify princes 0 | kept fling lee with ‘Well you know how they ae. Grim. Kind of waiting and binds open and he hep coming aed closing dem, She alway Sr atecce IR vos er "Wsait me, pris, Must have been your Guardian Remember them? Like Connie? ‘Who? ‘Connie Cael, She works weekends. Red hae, wear 2 sonny What do you ean “remember”? awit One night I decided to stay awake and catch her the tome like forever. When yout at that age, you dont hae a to ay awake abot, So your ling geography, x0 what? Finally Baty! Wouldnt you beware he? Oey ee ee ks cals tas tad see wasnt [ve stully seen her sel ips Tat, el very jowwy There you go He' filled with le ips ike hat. "Neithe Savi botrower nora lender be I dnt now whit feaNatE Thats ut common sense. You dont hve tobe 3 gen figure that one out Sy tanya. Proecive, baths crazy! Jonny OF oure nt. But he pat itin poetry so that people woul Trnow up ete what they alteady Knew in here and so they won Weve, remember it To be or nt tobe: 1m looking for sebody to tke car of me thi time. fmawxin Everyone knows that, Do want oki mysell? Bi es: sony Wal Why do we keep going from one subject I don ke vo mannan Well what? We're ike FM station when your ou diving in a ct ping and we goua tune ourselves back in sonny Do you want to kill ourell? mantis Of course not, Well nt sight mow. Everybody want themes some ofthe time ih Who sy Jonny They shoulda ey, Tes beng nie. ‘maworie Wel they do! That doer mean they te gonna do it wwe ge of i? fh May I something without you biking my head off ‘Aw, cmon! sownovy The lis just gets longer and longer sa, mass What li? Yow ae the woman Ive been looking for all my aul i sowwny The uli, dings we gor in common. byanything you want. Speak, queen of my heart, speak! iannre What do you want 0 kil yourself about sometimes? That's jue wha Twas taking about Jonny Right now? My inp dick. Pe king kidding Wha? Cucen of my hese? Jingo stare warning you before fy something funny. ras esc kr smawais You don have to warn me Ju sey something fanny Pine, So wha is Jonny [want kill myself someines when I chink im the feton nthe word andthe pat of me tha fel that way 6 [fate his body sha nly bump ao ther bods without eet ‘You could speak in small potatoes ifyou wanted to Connecting svt the only er perion nthe world rapped inside Be ca them, We gra connect. We jst have. Or we die. “This going 2 sound awfully smal potatoes now: ‘Yo dont ive wp. Youve like aa terse with a bone. mast Were connecting. Hm sory 4 RANKIEAND JOHNNY HV TIE CLA DE LUNE ‘ince MeNALYY 55 sonny {id eae dha. ingens Bach was Jewish The Goldberg Vaiations [RANKIE Allright, Yim mot snr. Tm 2 very simple penton. 1 get WY ret somewhere ot of great composes were Trung and T want 0 eat eas Jonny Tin alo avery simple person WY In New York, that a good sumption smaysie Sure you ae 81 juse ried I don know your a mame, Jonny [see something I want, I doa take no used to but not I at roe. symore YH Mine's right onthe bl all ver this place mawate What i that supposed to mean? BB We don't ned tt nares, Weve Frankie and Jotany. (Clesing or dor} Boy, you us shot my icebox theory alto hel. You tm Tesh longhoretan from what youve goin there Jonny My li was happening to me. Now fin making it hapem ‘me m with ou ad this andwich, You wanted went or ian two, (tur and open the mgt) You can tll lot abou so From what they hep in their eebox. That and thei medicine chet B BE 1am. Had you sole fora while ther, dda F ohn wouldve made atric detective fy mate te Western) smANXIE Just say out of my medicine chest. And I did't appeci Now watch how Ido thi. Ae this, you're on your own! you ging throwgh my purse either. pnt wrk withthe fo and the wa He wens ly, rei It an i vir in he chen. Friel plop ot Jounny Someone is lenly not prepared fr the eruption nko het Bie wens) ‘et ahe-thiks-humrars if of an extraordinary tan chef Fellow worker, Why dou you try ou end on the radio again? now im going co regret saying this but hough wat toil go a ond tm ton) Personally think ie wa al his ile Peto kev who refered to one of those dings an ieebow. St comes eo music Yim a mellow sore of guy. Tat se thing he ‘eas for people playing with themselves, not one another, “If mas the food of ve, ply on." You-Know-Who. An don't ay thing ike phonograph of rcord player, Je SN eyes a ving cre vical wis howe Now who palling whose leg? (Atte ti) Toul love a cigarette. Koger Onarpay dead bet ‘Do you know what the population of New York City 2 ‘maw That does mean 'm going to smoke one. (She ms igh eilion? folie: We hear th Ca rock Sonat Vie and Pon) Hows Nine milion, sx hunded eghy-four thousand, four en Exact woof them refer thon thing a ccbones mawnin (prety Daler you-know hat ing thee Bais out are now enaged fh Western sandwich somewhere in Hells Kichen JOHN Comme dommes sovwsy _Let pe dis way he noe Hach The fs hing ind a" ‘moring in going to buy yu the Goldberg Variations. He Clinnon acu FRANKIE 1 Sunday, Everything be coved il gonna cll that coincidence? Boy bet the Swan of aac hae had something to say about that. man Metals 15 PRANHIEAND JHE IN THECLAIR ELUNE ‘THRKINCEMCNALLY 57 ‘RANKIE Live there's reason for everything an ike tok Cimon ‘what it. One and one ae ee, Sa, just alt ounny That's mathematics Were talking people isthe alt [mRANAIE One and one should be two with them, 0. Too many 5 peopl throw you s curve nowaday and you end up witha three ‘Cooking’ no big del sonnny Do {her the vice af biter experience? Ieisifyou cane You jus never had anyone to cook fo. The way fe about rmawete I wasnt bor yesterday, ifthe’ what yute talking bout eget neta ihe (She has tc Jon intent daring His a es oni propa Wee) Tas smething ve never seen anyone do "ike fod, just never sa the jy in cooking i: My mother foking Hee primary utensil wat a can opener Leven think she rmawxis Chop the perp tha fine erving us on pits She wed to et right othe ps2 pans is thing to clean. Who's to know We an ot company This the sight hind of bread Mh Ge, rn right now! Journey What? owns ‘Cause they looking fr shortcuts mana Youre incredible with that knife ounny Thank you {eee ai You mms ond Ween dn you, Did you almays wart tobe 3 coak? [RANKIE And dont ay fallin the wriss, sonny Is ‘RANKiR hat that exprewion lS sucha “fk you.” What EL 4 rally mean is“1 know how todo i¢ and you doe Haha hal” aa Jonxny What brought that on? We'e aking nie and Bingo ies aes dor goes. ‘When Hook at some ofthe choices I made with my iit low inevitable | would end up slinging bah fmasxie Wha shout your armor? me mawxie Everybody has armor. They'd be dead if they die Jonny Bloody but unbowed FRANKIE Besides, I wait lk abou you, Same with me and waiting. {wat supposed co graduate ‘nd work rated cousin who had dental abOaCry ‘Th place down bythe ol wai sation? Yeah, ha the one is son was in ey clas. Amol, sight? ‘You knew my cousin Amal? Jounary Where your eyenne? ‘awxin {don hive any. I don even know what iti: What yeaa patie Jonny Woukn' you like ro know? (He does ued ination of Pasa “We tad inough to ay hello, Finish your tory. RANKIN Anyway, they made ridges, lites, retainer, tik orn You doa have todo that there A dentist would ke sprain imypreion of dhe patients mo r tn make plaer of pars mols for dhe techicians to work from, eae ay Wein Soit youre sonny No wonder the acting bug bit KYU bet Tow what yout chinking’“He' to good eo he tse fmANKIE [never hid whit itakes. hope Ihave what aks tobe ‘lmneting but {know sno an acess. You know wha im think kin sehat what you want me to thik? aout hy. Facet Frankie, men ike me do not grow on tees Hell sonny What ike me dont. (He hl hi wet hand ut her) To ips hte on the coer ad indy shad for) So you have sexy wrt? Henow: maxie You won aogh? so1wny OF eoune not in 1 don think youre gonna break into movies on ‘em. Ih¥ What do you think sexy abou hem? | on know. The shape, The hairs. That win there, Whats smawnie [cant Ist00, Piel you Iter fen now Journ Okay. tell you one thing. You didn miss mach not : ttaduting high choo. had almow cwo yeas of cllege. We bl ded up working for a coupe of razed Grech, (He ates i, “Cheeseburger, cheechunger” ight WM could ive without that awnin That ws very good, WY Fic thing Monday morning comes of (Hei ising her sounsry Thankyou ne hn ut ep era waste A eacher IM Are you keping some big scret fom me? sounny “Hunk Tes more ike im kespng vera thousand lide nes rmawxie What In thinking of becoming IM apres rng sewer Jonny Why would Laugh a dat? No, tin no marie, FRANKIE I dont know It js eems fanny. Someone who cant a” teaching ie Ki. ave to go back to schoo] and lea Men ayy ik sha’ before Tea teach them but. 1 doe know, it sounds ice. (She Di cewsy: "oyped wang Jn wrk th he ge) Ae you going te eae bes Wal were yout ores beter if you jt et hem ot oe Ho many vines? RaNKIE In che restaurant, Te sen you beaten. Thats when noticed you a sexy ri onvy _Thatsin the retarat: i in a ry. These ae my a fo you, (He stars cing np wi th cet i lle! on te Once, esha a? ‘Mon have othe secrets than being married You could be 8 60) 9A AND JORDY INTHE CLA DE LUNE TIRRINCEMENALLY. 61 JovNNY Tam. Lspene ew years in the shimmer, Forgery hie dda have to NY And you dd dicover despair. was there long cme ou ever heard of raawnie That okay sonny The sate of New Jersey dda seem to think so FRANKIE. I+ kin off my nove, Wn The egg are baring Ny Puck the gs! Thi more important! oun Anything ch ni angry! (Fone has game 0 he stone ake thee ff ee tener, fee hon ind nd per i) sere cial rae PY Whar’s the matter with you? PRANKiE Wel you coud v8 Let go of me! JOHNNY Doe thi ook lke «gay fice? a ea BD Lock atm! (They see rif, Pani srs ohany whe masts You cold ive a drag problem or drinking problem. pl pag dey abet sonny Allright Lai ee What happened? Qu! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Oh my Goat ‘Ovo! Oooo! eos! Oo000! C200! On0v0e! mawais Which one? Jouney Booee. mass There, you see? sonny 16s under conta now, ‘awn You could wl ba rel sie underneath hat somseey But Fn no. Hm sory dt mean to ‘annie Thats your opinion. Jos Frankie, Jens Chis onsey You just want a guarantee wee going to live happily wi dat ae. Biitin! raavnin_ Jean God know, want something 1 at po {he panes ol hamburg sd French ety the et 08 Woe teigeeee dit oot te ee 4 wiles Gd me wuntng emg no wet ary ts hal ; think ny being tor sn expeence that going to be equaled ee or burnt Don't moe. Peni pth enti my of Imam oly yy ting en gtawhle ished Set Tia hee gr fot) to el ike tha? Excuse me, who do I thank for hs? kink te UAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM Eee You sid to—! Ushony moet) Shou I keep ion JonNNY Everything you sid anybody could ay. [ould give it gi, only hse he ies igo Repo rig) to you in spades You dia invent negativity. ic couple, One of would be dead by the ed of the Se Fer ern eee (2 Ran AND omy THE CLAIR DE LUNE TERRENCENCNALY 63 fast week: One date practically di it, Al asked you todo was eur Hadar say tha the egg but ol everything bi tobe» big eal with yo! F would Reyes td ap made the words wort me, acs sows (Beteen gar opin) Bute Dal your fs wie do eis for yo? wawain Wha? Only wie 10d you th. Jousry Put some buter on it (ay, 101 wis fing rmawnir Duster bad on burs No, checking. Were you married? Jonny [don't cre No, newer ‘masons [imay have some... oh what-do-you-call-t-when-yo eens aver-sunburn comes in squib bod ee Jounny Noxzemal ec mawnte That He got move serous with who ehought wat my best fiend panne _ ‘Yin know what the main thing ft ws? Dumb. ; pee cca ee = mune ame Teven introduced them. Ilene them money. Money from a ikon, I gave her my old television. A perfectly good Zenith. rmawatn Catsp, Nonzema and... What was the oter one? mAWKiR Docs that Fe ood? wouldnt be surprised. sows You have no ies. ‘or he’ ling her she looks ike shi, tho tld her she RANKER Mote? er sro where's his cor Keys or st the ack up, he know bow exhaoting unemployment could sory Yer, more, Don't op. th we ge nvolved with people turns out hate ws? rmawnte Youe gonna smell ike a... whatever a person co shargaine sel ke a wehate ourselves. know. [ead dhe same book JONNY Ident care ‘aso Tol she truth it docs lok al eat bad aay ong hs ie been? ‘waste Seven yar. (oy fot og stew oft) What? Y es fanny how you can talk to people beter sometimes when too? ly nade) Any is? Mot looking a them. Youre ight there. (He puns sah ahead) py Jonny Two. es noone ever sa his ws the mos eastifl music ever Jonny Notas much 3 lke She remarried. The liv in Mal na beatiful howe oredooking the 2 ot ind | ont know what the radio was doing om eat station in rnawnte I bet'th ot beautifl ne be lice, Thats noe my kind of msc: Bue Teoul ell you were Jomyny 16 bea oeld never have provided them with Mand I guess wanted you to think had higher eae than ‘nythung ike tht. The fist ime Isa, {coulda get ou of the : {ar T ls ashamed, So forgotten. The Lids ame tanning out of , {he house, They loked s happy to see me but I coulda’ fet Mapp fo di. tuck, All of sudden they looked like womebody ess Kids, 1 coll ‘ven rol dow the window. "What's the matter, daddy” stated frying. couldnt op. Sheila and her husband had to come out of Sheba grime come You Know what wate ol iri dost need oe You ji waka iy sod that creweut suble insurance salesman over and deve off with th uk for the mos eau music ever writen and that's what three of them. I dont know where we wouldve gone. We'd prob yo Nori was the slesperon. You'd get “Michell” or salle diving Pee ieas dash nies te Inyo “Lacy nthe Sy with Dinonds” Something x sea cites ies I sort of lost interest in pop music when they stapped ‘ike what he payed for ws though, but he dda any ts never sid 3s sat, jou “he rcond {bought was the Simon and Garfunkel mawxin (tell you sete: you a {Genital Park, I wast these, You could tll they'd been sonny [id was passionate, {don let goof od things ea ‘gb new thing band FRANKIE Too hard eins ihe il in, Or ry wee ote went to Brace Springscen lst year ard was the Jonny There's no such thing as to hard when you want so mawnrs Yer: thee Johnny. The other person. (Thee ea Fre has spped wrking on Jobo’ bck, Dead shut sas ai yours arms aro me, (anki pts he rohan: Joh los sigh aad The ms hat hanged the Shasta Panic's hand begin ste Johny cht and stomach) Sing Quant) ounny What ae you doing tack there? rmawnse Nothing. You want moe batter orice or something? Be bee a withing happens ‘hake ished) with electrons, We sor-creuit ourselves Stoke my iss a ak wl he skip ae) Give me your mouth, (Fi bonds vera Kes him. i og one) That tongues Wy You wane me to go down on you again? “Those ips (e pls er dow tows im fr anther ou es) {wane ie 11 do ie wil you st up above a eis oder ea? die like this, Drown, WY You know I won fRANKIB What do you want fom me? Wm Then go down on youselt Jonny Everything. Your heat. Your soul You tis. Your mouth Your fucking gos want ial I want o be inside yoo. Don hal ack Anything to get you to i picking at me, Go on, get ou of somebody ele to go down on You. WY Whachappened? You were gonna dot rmaNaie Tn not boing back seat ad i Sl a JY done wan sombody ce to go down on me Js! just ad a vision of what's going to be ke a work for his Un not iting my ob La here ise reaveie_ Tn igh bere ery want more, ned more * ‘What are you talking about? LEV known wha paying with your wa got a 1 on’ think wee lacking for the sme hing sonnsy Quitscrewing wih me, Frankie Wie are. Only Iv found it and youve given up. masts You gota pretty vied notion of whos screwing with Yes Long bere the sn ever rose on your wey face Tail { ke you. 1 ol you that. Fn prfcly ready to make love yo. Why do you have to are Big dcumion about ts not Hk Whar seares you more? Marriage o id? ying “no” Fin no scare, And tld you: Lea hve any JOMNNY “T wane you to do something To you we can adope mawnie Wha? on tove you Jonny I want you to go down on me ‘Te wat the question Yow hear what yo wane to her. mawaie No. sonny won down on you ‘Do you know anybody whe doc? [oral the une ‘Rankin Tha was deren, ‘Youre ony tling me you dot love me s you don't have xo Jousey How? you cond uw becate you've given up on the possibility. im eawas That was chen, et you drag me down with you. You're coming up 2 my to pl yu bythe ha mawnte Tin not good ai Tin not ging anywhere with» man who fr al is bullshit in ide and Shakespeare Jonny Hey this a cont, Were talking abou making JOHNNY Plese. tbls ‘uiieae ”’¥ bial vial eee 68 mas AND JONNY HV THE CLAIK DE LUNE maven Jost wants me to go down on him Jovy Pretend it was 4 metaphor ‘aware Fuck you it was a metaphor! twat a Bow job, Whar metaphor? Jonvivy Something ha stand for something ee. mawnis [wo rght the iste. A Blow job. ony A seasul metaphor fr mutual acceptance. fmawxie Fuck you, Besides, what’ mutual about a bow job? Jonny made that up. nm sory, wasn'ta metaphor fe was al omething I wanted us 6 do. masnie And {dia sony Lett go, will you? One lousy ite pescado anda swith is ead! nawnte Stop using words I dott know. Whats a peccaillo? LJonNNY A Blow job! Notice I havent ded you dae do t— mANRIE I noticed Jonny And let me noice something for you: you woul haw tied f you had Thanks for making me Fel about chi bg. (He el nd tars gthring and ping ois cle). ory, mistook Yo indeed pint Kindred 0 of Kind, sharing a grea aint ‘RANKIn know what kindved means! sonmacy Shall we go for any ‘awit That te i ally rotten thing youve si al ht ‘Somebody who would make fan of omcbody eke intelligence ‘wore, thir edcaton or lick of eha i tomebody I woul be oto know. | though you were weird, Johny 1 dh you dn think you ere eral Jounny 1a srry. fmAwKis fsa cry jst wating to happen agin and I dou be there when t doe Plone (hee a ony iota stale Fran) jos with people want o be. can get away with for long ot Laays hang ysl the end Hey, cinon, don’ cry, Pease, don ey isnot crucky. ls fcting I done mater, Tha nobody hese: owning. Vm erying to swim back to hore bat here hs hs usertow and Tn no geting anywhere. My ams and legs les minute bat hey sree ekg me any closer to where be Where’ tae With you. You dont know me. Yes do Iescares people how mech we relly know one swe pretend we don. You know me. You've known me ‘Oly ow Tn here. Take me. Use me, Try me. Thee’ fall Frankie and Johnny, Theresa milion other Feankcs ou there ana blion other he worlds filled with Franks and Johnnys and Jacks a ‘ur only one dis Jonny, one cis Frankie. We're too dierent io say po-tab-coe All righ ay po-eb-tcs I dont Jy. Fane to mary yo A osie say po-ah-tes. Who the hell says po-tah-tos? fe you lieing to me? Fim rying very had net! fs your rouble, You dont want ese anything you ay Koow, Well ell you smmeehing, Chere harming his come. Wakeup belore another thousand Fe throw me away like a gon wrapper becase you hing about me you ay not ike have what nything and evrything you want Maybe not up is hod) or bere (He saps hs ip whe he as 270. RANE AND JONESY INTHE CLAIR DE LUNE TEARENCEMCNALIY 71 ‘is wa)... but here. And that would please me enormous AIL ys, the mambo, the Twist. The Monkey, the Frug. All the ft ‘ack is that you use your capacity wo be everyone and everything for Thverybody’s mouth was down to bee. Afterwards we went out Tes within you. we could do that foreach oer we'd ive our kde Dike ro watch che sun come up He od me he wa going tobe on the univer. They'd be Shakespearean the most beautfl muse BBarnsnd oe day. {onde era. Joon pt writen ada ait maybe ora champion athlete o president al led il hr a ins 1 move hers dance.) into one. Terie kids! How cold they not be? We havea chance ‘make everything urn out al right again. Tarn our back on every ‘hat went wrong, We can begin right now anda over again but onl ‘we begin right ow, this mite, this room and ws know this thi Wh You goes nickname? Franke Hy There mast be something abou you and sunries and men hoy No. You got tobe eily popular or realy unpopular to have [RANKIE I ato show you something, Jolnny (Sh pushes he 4 ia rhe Sktahovich whch they pay mo att toute JONNY Ie gone now: ike me saying hitb youre a tebe dancer mmannie Kell never go Show me sonny 16 gone Tmade igo ike dae ‘awe What re you? My guaran angel? There? JOHNNY. Tescems to me the right people are our guardian angel That's beter. 1 wanted things, 0, you know Yo going to make wonder eacher. (Hest jonny know. Whats eat spose tobe? [RANKIE, fly kis. Hes che reason I cant have Something om Brion, JOHNNY He’ gone. Choose me, Hurry up. 1 geting light ou “Tha ian fom Brgaion. That seven eemotly fom into 3 pumpin, Bhan ven remotely something fom enything. (They penser (aking fame unin). guinea Ye eins han) That's something fom Brigadoon. You cane aerate) fia place tise. Jounavy You ceo beautifil standing hee Who wy? rawnin The only time I sw the sin come up with a guy wat ow bigs your place? senior prom, bn ha joined er at the window: As hy stand the Fiven slr, We'llbe 4 nice sg Emly. be wondefl ul bea fh ii) His mae ws Johny Di Co a ‘everyone called him Skunk. (She shes Jonny's han an lps er a ee nee b> Bat te iene of peat? fer ee ty Ting ot the window a he daw) He was a head ‘Un-un, Thesis in a harry 0 shine om than mc and wasn ctf oo bot nobody le had asked il . Teas him ree. as dreading But gues what? That boy Pardon my French, bur thas bullshit dance! "You ica eid. We lad ta ob Oi I Gon doop oll day today. a Yarra eene wee enn masta What are you planing too? FY They playing ov ong again. oun Watch you Di hey sy what twas thi te? wANKIE You're jst wein! enough odo it oo. Well forget 1 ‘ep with peole watching me oll you You jst wa ato a record shop anak or he ieee, te eat Witch send up with something from The Sawn of Me, # You wan to Bush (She mation with er thm oh batho ‘mANKIE vain the howl fr my gl Madde and had ide Jon pases her gon) Don worry Is never been Toommat who jot stoed at meal he He. made them move I bhing bres ues the window and ks ot) Did ou Tryota pie room forthe pric of se Is this the oro a nt (he aes othe mac) This can ee why people cll took frwad io Binng oat bow me? nthe be, ies ond coin tBo berth A Be op fae er) Mmm! Johnny comes ca of the hom. Hes Josey Unh-hunk! ih) caer Fin no going eo ask whone robe thats sown Tin happy! ey Sih (She ely neni he asic) rnawgie Where are you aking me? We should get something with Huoride NY The soon in sinh masts That od place agin? Jonny The other side hiss. stony ha sound Fun a. seca Bg Bed: Thro ic bing uly odd with sigh) Johnny! (sn ts nest her the bed. They ae bot eee = eh nd iene the mai. They com ch hc th aware Ifyou don't urn ito a parmpki, what do you tn ila Pii-tartar buildup, 10, onnevy You tll i? (He ier her ery gmt) . maw Jota mints (She ge wp and moves ul tthe ny. Jinn ts ofl the om igs: He tart ls the lind bt orn hgh. Sanh pow ao hin. Te Shs end Inve ui the rao ta pte vlume a the men fr!) RADIO ANNOUNCER... hit jut about winds up my sinc in Contol room. Thi as been foe Ti Do wit Maro, Pi ‘hinking about Frankie an Job. God, ow with yout “xia: Maybe Fin crazy but Pil ike to believe in love, Wh Til do you think I work these hous? Aaya, you two whoever wherever you at, bere an encore, (Debs: “Cli Teese non sien. He tart yh i hap. ‘rakes ot ofthe iro, She hin he eth)

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