Never Split The DifferenceNegotiating As If Your Life Depended On ItBy Chris Voss and Tahl Raz

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 What’s in it for me? Become a master negotiator.

 Negotiation occurs in every aspect of life – and there’s more to it than rationality and
 Successful negotiation is about building trust and getting information.
 Closely listening to and even repeating what your counterpart says can build trust.
 The tone of your voice can do wonders for negotiation.
 Understand and state the emotions of your counterpart to position yourself effectively
in a negotiation.
 Don’t accept the other party’s demands, don’t compromise, and don’t rush.
 Final summary

What’s in it for me? Become a master

Have you ever tried and failed to convince your partner to go to a new restaurant, a car
salesman to give you a better deal, or a potential client to sign on to your business pitch?
Most of us fail to convince others on a fairly regular basis. No matter how hard we try, our
pleas fall on deaf ears.

That’s because we aren’t negotiating right.

And that’s exactly where these blinks come in. You’ll find out the secrets of successful
negotiation from none other than Chriss Voss, once the FBI’s number one international
kidnapping negotiator.

You will also learn:

 which emotional characteristic is your strongest weapon;

 what kind of voice to use when negotiating; and
 how labeling can save lives.

Negotiation occurs in every aspect of life –

and there’s more to it than rationality and
People tend to think of negotiation as something reserved for lawyers and corporate board
rooms, but the truth is, humans negotiate in every part of life. In other words, while
negotiating is what the police do when dealing with hostage situations, it’s also something
that happens at work, at home, with your partner and with your kids.

In a simple sense, negotiation is just trying to get things to go your way; it’s having an
interaction or communication with a specific outcome in mind. Whenever two or more people
want something from one another, negotiation is taking place. Say you want a raise and your
boss wants your salary to stay where it is. Or maybe you want your kids to go to bed by eight,
but they want to stay up till ten.

OK, so negotiation is more common than most people think. But what makes for a successful

It’s more than just mathematical logic and a keen intellect. That’s because humans aren’t
always rational; they often fail to act on the basis of logic or reason. To make matters more
complicated, humans aren’t always predictable either. People often act based on their animal
nature, which is irrational, spontaneous and a bit wild.

That’s precisely what the psychologist Daniel Kahneman and the economist Amos Tversky
found after years of study. Their findings challenged conventional thinking on negotiation.
Here’s how.

In the 1970s, when negotiation first became defined as a field, it was based on the assumption
that each individual acted rationally and to her own advantage. However, Tversky and
Kahneman’s research discovered that humans are prone to what’s called cognitive bias,
which makes them unconsciously irrational.

They even identified 150 different types of biases, including the so-called framing effect; this
concept states that, when faced with the same options, people will make different choices
depending on how the alternatives are framed.

Simply put, to be a successful negotiator, your approach has to take into account the
complex nature of humankind. In the blinks that follow, you’ll learn how to do just that.

Successful negotiation is about building trust

and getting information.
Good negotiators approach the bargaining table attempting to gain as much information as
possible, both about the situation and their counterpart. Naturally, during this process, new
stuff comes to light, so success means being prepared for a bend in the road.

For instance, you won’t really know what a hostage-taking terrorist wants or how he’ll
behave; he might be armed even though you were told that he wasn’t; he could even feed you
incorrect information to lead you astray.

A real-life example of such a situation dates back to 1993 when the author was involved in
negotiations after a robbery resulted in the taking of three hostages in a Manhattan bank –
two bank tellers and a security guard. The robber who communicated with the FBI said that
there were four robbers, but he was in fact alone; while his partners had just robbed the ATM,
he went for the whole bank, taking hostages in the process. Looking back on the situation, the
author realizes that the robber only spread this misinformation to confuse the author and his
colleagues, buying himself time to plot his escape.

So, information is key, and to get it you need to establish an amicable rapport with your
counterpart. That’s why one goal of negotiation is to get the other party to talk a lot. As she
does, you’ll be able to figure out what she needs and wants.

That being said, nobody is going to provide you with information if they don’t trust you, and
that’s why rapport is essential. If you manage to establish it, you’ll build trust in the process,
making it much more likely that the other person will divulge useful information.

But how can you establish rapport? Explore the next blink to find out.

Closely listening to and even repeating what

your counterpart says can build trust.
So, you know that trust is key, but how do you establish it?

The best route is to engage in active listening, which means showing empathy and
demonstrating that you understand what the other person is going through. Several techniques
can help.

The first is called mirroring, which essentially means repeating what your counterpart says
but with an inquisitive tone. Just consider the Manhattan bank robbery negotiation from the
previous blink. The robber in that situation, Chris Watts, made continual demands for a
vehicle. He mentioned that his own car was gone as his driver had fled.
Hearing this, the author mirrored it by saying, “Your driver was chased away?” In response,
Watts went on to say that the driver had fled when the police arrived on the scene. The author
held onto this information, along with other tidbits he teased out through mirroring, many of
which assisted the FBI and NYPD in apprehending the driver.

But why does mirroring work?

Largely because it makes the other person feel that you’re similar to him. After all, your
counterpart is only human and will naturally be drawn to similarities. That’s because, just like
other animals, people like to be in groups with similar traits. Doing so gives us a sense of
belonging and forges trust. This is powerful in a negotiation: when your counterpart starts to
trust you, he will become more likely to talk and find a solution.

To test the effects of this approach more scientifically, the psychologist, Richard Wiseman
conducted an experiment in which waiters would take orders from customers. One group of
waiters was asked to use mirroring while the other was asked to utilize positive reinforcement
through phrases like “no problem” and “great.” In the end, the waiters who mirrored the
orders made by customers received much higher tips, earning 70 per cent more than the other

The tone of your voice can do wonders for

Have you ever been upset with another person not because of what she said, but because of
how she said it?

Well, it makes sense since intonation and the human voice are powerful tools that you can
use in successful negotiating. For instance, if the other party is likely to become upset or
nervous, you should employ a deep but soft voice, or what the author has called your Late-
Night FM DJ voice. By being slow and reassuring, this tone is sure to have a profound effect
on the other person.

After all, it’ll comfort him, making him more likely to share the information you’re looking
for. At a certain point during the bank robbery negotiation, the author had to take over
communication with the robber from his colleague, Joe. To prevent Watts from growing
upset or nervous due to the shift, the author told him in a deep, calm voice that Joe was out
and he was in. It was put forward in such a downward-inflecting manner, radiating calmness
and reason, that Watts didn’t even flinch.
That being said, most situations call for a different tone, namely your positive/playful voice.
This voice communicates that you’re easygoing and empathetic; it puts things in a positive
light with an encouraging attitude.

If you smile while speaking, this voice will often come out naturally. Even if your
counterpart can’t see your smile, it’ll come through in the tone of your voice.

While on vacation in Istanbul, a colleague of the author’s was amazed by his girlfriend’s
ability to cut great deals with backstreet spice merchants. He soon realized that she always
pushed for better prices, but did so in a playful, positive way. While the merchants were
themselves skilled bargainers, her approach drew them in, convincing them to give her a
better deal. Try this yourself, when you’re at a store or market!

Understand and state the emotions of your

counterpart to position yourself effectively in
a negotiation.
In psychotherapy, progress is made by tapping into and understanding a patient’s emotions.
The same goes for negotiation.

Rather than ignoring emotions, you have to combine them with empathy to your tactical
advantage. However, being empathetic doesn’t necessarily mean agreeing with the other
person. It just means attempting to see his perspective. This is where tactical empathy comes
into play; it refers to using your understanding of your counterpart’s perspective to better
position yourself in the negotiation.

One technique to do so is called labeling. It simply refers to telling your counterpart that you
understand and acknowledge both his position and feelings.

This simple approach works by calming the other person down and making him behave more
rationally. Just take a 2007 study by psychologist Matthew Lieberman at the University of
California. Lieberman showed participants pictures of people expressing a strong emotion,
thereby activating their amygdalas, the brain area responsible for fear. However, when the
same participants were asked to state what emotions they saw, their brains experienced
activity in the areas related to rational thinking.

Or consider an example from 1998 when four prison fugitives, believed to be in possession of
automatic weapons, hid out in a Harlem apartment. The author figured out what they were
feeling and then labeled those feelings; he told them that he knew they didn’t want to leave
the apartment, that they were worried that if they opened the door, they would be shot and
that they must be scared of going back to prison.

After six hours of dead silence, the fugitives surrendered and later told the author that he had
calmed them down. In other words, his labeling had worked. He simply understood and
acknowledged their emotions, reaching a favorable outcome in the process.

Don’t accept the other party’s demands, don’t

compromise, and don’t rush.
Have you ever been in such a hurry to settle a dispute that you ended up unhappy with the
final result? Nobody wants that, and it’s crucial to remember that accepting a bad deal or
even compromising is always a mistake. This is called splitting the difference, and you’ve got
to avoid it at all costs.

After all, every human, your counterpart included, has thoughts and needs that she won’t
share or maybe isn’t even aware of. When your counterpart asks for something, you can
never be sure if she actually wants it, so giving her what she asks for won’t necessarily solve
the issue.

Say someone is holding a politician hostage and saying that he’ll cut off her head unless he
receives one million dollars. While the hostage-taker says that money is what he’s after, he
might want to make a political point. If that’s true, and you give him the ransom, there’s no
telling if he’ll release the hostage.

For the same reason, it’s essential to take your time, even when your counterpart sets
deadlines. Remember, your job is to learn about the other party and, if you’re pressed for
time, chances are your judgment will be clouded. It’s important that you avoid this. It can
help to remember that most deadlines are flexible and relatively random.

Just take an example in which the wife of a Haitian police officer was kidnapped. The
kidnappers demanded $150,000 and, following weeks of negotiation, the author saw a
pattern; as Friday approached, the kidnappers would push extra hard for the ransom before
laying low for the weekend. He realized that they wanted to party and, to do so, they needed

Understanding this, the author could ascertain that the deadlines weren’t so serious and that
he could negotiate a much lower price since you don’t need $150,000 to have a good time in
As in all other negotiations, patience, time and information were critical for a successful

Final summary
The key message in this book:

By employing a few simple techniques and understanding where the other party is
coming from, you can negotiate your way through just about any situation, whether it’s
with your boss, your partner at home, or your local used-car dealer. The key is to stay
calm and establish trust with the other person.

Actionable advice:

Be prepared for the extreme.

In one respect, negotiation is just like war:  it’s crucial to know your enemy. That’s why you
should always let your counterpart make the first offer. That being said, you should also be
prepared for this initial offer to be extreme. In fact, it’s entirely normal for first offers to be
far afield of your expectations. Just keep in mind that this only represents the limit for your
counterpart and you can almost certainly get a much better deal.  

Suggestedfurtherreading: You Can Negotiate Anything by Herb Cohen

You Can Negotiate Anything (1980) shows that negotiations occur in every walk of life and
that it is vital to have the skills and understanding to deal with those situations. The book
outlines the key factors affecting negotiation success, as well as ways of negotiating for win-
win solutions.

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