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Instructor: Adil Aslam Email: Mathematics Class 9th Chapter No: 4 Algebraic Expression and Algebraic Formulas Algebraic Expression: An expression which connects variables and constants by algebraic operations 6f addition, subtraction, multiplication and division is called an algebraic expression. A few algebraic expressions are given below: i 14 ii, x+2y ii, ax -y 45 5x? = dx Polynomial: A polynomial is an algebraic expression consisting of one’or more terms in each of wt exponent of the variable is zero or a positive integer. For Example: B -x L oe +3y BX +1 The following algebraic expressions are not polynomials: ix? i, Py Degree of the Polynomial: Degree of the polynomial is the degree of the highest degree of a part{term) in a polynomial For Example: i xt (Polynomial having degree 1) ii, +x (Polynomial having degree 2) +axy- {Polynomial having degree 2) Instructor: Adil Aslam Email: iv. x?y?+2°+y?—5 (Polynomial having degree 4 because term xy? = sum of the exponents is equal to 4) v. 2xSy? {Polynomial having degree 5) vi. 2.34 0.2x (Polynomial having degree 1) vil. Note Degree of a term in a polynomial is the sum of the exponents on the variable in a single term, For Example: i. The degree of 2x%y* is 4as3+4=7. ji. The degree of x*y +.x' is 4. Rational Expression: x The quotient “ of two polynomials p(x) and q(x), where q(x) + 0 is called rational expression. For Example: 3xt1 SrtA + 0. sx +4 xe In the rational expression = 1p(3)is called the numerator and q(x) is called the denominator (x) of the rational expression. Note x Every polynomial p(x) is a rational expression, because we can write p(x) as Bo But every rational expression not be a polynomial. Rational Expression in its Lowest Form: « The rational expression 7 is said to be in its lowest forms if p(x) and q(x) are polynomials with integral coefficients and have no common factor. For Example: + both rational expressions are in its lowest form. Instructor: Adil Aslam Email: To Check Whether a Rational Expression is in Lowest Form: To check the rational expression 2, find the H.C. of p(x) and q(x). If H.C, Fis 1 then the sa rational expressions in its lowest form. Reduce the Rational Expression to its Lowest For A rational expression can be reduced to its lowest forms by first factorizing both the polynomials in the numerator and denominator and then canceling the common fattors between them 3x2 4 18x +27 SE wag 10 their lowest form. Example: Reduce Solution: 3x? +18x +27 5x? 45 [x? +6x +9] sie? - 3[x2 +6x+9) © 5I@?= G7] _ 31)? +2@(3)43)4] Remember! mod (a+b =a? + 20b +b 3G ab? =(a+b)(a-b) © 5(x#3)(x= 3), 3G $3) (att 3)Ge- 3) 3(e4 3 5@-3) Sum and Difference of Rational Expression: For finding the sum and difference of algebraic expression containing rational expression, we take the LC. M of the denominator and simplifying them. Example: Simplify ~ a ample: Simply — — 5 + Se Solution: Instructor: Adil Aslam Email: 1 1 2 1 2 yay ety x-y? “e-y x4y @HME-Y Taking LCM _@+y)-@-y) +2x ~ @ ty) _xtyoxtyt2x ~ &+NE-y) _ ax tay © @#y)eE=y) __ 2aty) © @+y)a-y) _ 2 @-y) Taking ‘2’ as a Common Cancelling “(+ YP Product of the Rational Expressions: Product of rational expressions is explained through examples Pewee ne wore eg ample: Find the product 3 as Sa Solution: xt2 4x2-9y? + 2)(4x?-9y?) 2x—3y' (xy +2y \(2x -3y)(xy + 2y) . & #2)[(2x)? >@y)"] Gx S3y)@ry +2y) —(&F2)@x+3y)2x-3y) \ @x-3y)@y +2y) r+ 2)(2x + 3y) "ye +2) —b? =(a+b)(a-b) Cancelling “(2x - 3y)" Cancelling “(x +2)" _ (2x +3y) _ y Division of Rational Expression: In order to divide one rational expression with another we first invert for changing division to and simplifying the resulting product to its lowest term, Instructor: Adil Astam Email; oo 7xy say Example: Simplify 3g * og Solution: xy | tay zy x?4x¢4 2-4 xP —4xt4 _ Tay GP @)? “WRAP ray _ Tay (x +2)(x-2) ~ (@-2)? 14y ay (x+2)@-2) “G2 aay x (x2) “G-p* 2 _x(x+2) © 2(@¢-2) Exercise 4.1 Identify whether the following algebraic expressions are polynomials (Yes or No). 1 1 i 3x84 = i No, (Because Negative Exponent ia m1) i, 3x3 - 4x? - WETS No, (Because due to vx) iii, x? - 3x 42 Yes 3x iv +8 No, (Because Negative Exponent) 2ee1 ‘State whether each of the following expressions is a rational expressions or not. 3 BVx+5, x8 = 2x74 V3 2eaxtx? xP +649 x29 2v3 +3 No, (Because given expressions are not Polynomials) Yes Yes No, (Because given expressions are not Polynomials) Instructor: Adil Aslam Email: 3. Reduce the following rational expressions to the lowest form. 120x2y325 30x3 yz? Solution: 120x?y3z5 12 30x5yz2 30 +» Adding Like Terms Batt) 8a (+1) 2Ax?=-1)° 2 XQ _ fate +1) © G1) _ Aa(x +4) © (x)? (4)? wots 1) s Jniit ReSeTD -: Cancelling ‘x + 1! \ a y=) (xty)?-4xy Gy? Solution: (ety day _ x? ty? + 2xy -4xy (@w-yP xP ty? 2xy Instructor: Adil Aslam Email: xe tyra ary _ “x2 +y2 —2ry (8=y)(a? - 2xy +9?) (e-y)a? + xy +9?) Solution: (= yx? = xy ty?) (e~y)x? +2y ty?) — = yl? = 2xy +97) 7 (3-8) = (x? - 2xy + y?) =)? 2@)0) +)? =(-y)? (x +2)(x? - 1) “ Grn») +a? B= (@>b)(a? + ab +b?) Solution: (e+2)@7-1)_ +2)? 54] (x + 1)(x? -4) — (@& Pay)? - (2)"] +e + DEE D (e+ 1)@F 2x nat wi. 2-8 Solution: xen 4et4 (x)?-2(x)(2)4(2)? 2xt—8 ~ — 2(x?-4) 27 = 2@-2) © 2[@)? = 27] 20e+ 2) 2) _(-2) ~ 2(x +2) ., __ G4x5— 64x Mh gx? = Bax +2) Instructor: Adil Aslam Email: Solution: 6405-64" 64x(x* - 1) (Bx? + 8)(2x +2) B(x? + 1)2%x+1) _ 64x?) 7] _ 64x? +0? - 1) ~ y6(x2 + 1)(e+1) 16(x? +1)(x + 1) _ 64x 47-2) _4x@?-Y) “16° (2 +1)(e+1) (x +1) _ Axi(x)P- G7] _ 4a + 1) 1) “ti (x41) = 4x(x-1) 9x2 - (x? - 4 4+ 3x3" Solution: a2-4))_ Gxnt= (4-4) 443x—- 4 43KE x _ (Bx +2? -4)Bx 274) Bx 42x? -4)Gx-x7+ 4) (x=x?44) ~ (3x-2x2 +4) =3x ta? -4 wy-2z 4, Evaluate: for, xz Lo x=3y 2012 mez _ (3)9(-1)-2(-2)_ -27 +4 XZ @a 6 i, x=SLy=-9.2=4 Solution: xy-22 _(21)%(-9)-2(4) _-1(-9)-8 XZ (Da) 7-4 wty3_5z4 Evaluate: "for x = 4,y = 2,2 Instructor: Adil Aslam Email: Solution: _xt2e-5 _-133 5 =—— = —=+16= 8 8 8 Perform the indicated operations and simplify. 15 4 Qy—3y By 2x Solution: 15 45 4 2x—3y By—2x 2x—-3y —(2x-3y) _ 15 4 1s+4 919 ~ 2x =3y rr (2x-3y) ~ 2x-3y “2xs3y 1+2x 1-20 " [oan 12x Solution: 1t+2x (a Hex)?-@ - 2x)? 1-2x) 142% “@-2x)(1 + 2x) (tax tax*o Sax fax?) 1t4x 4x? -14 40-427 (4)? - @x}? - 14x? ___ 8x Ay Be 2? — 2 245 36 846 Solution: xP-25 x45 x?=36 x46 2-25) - (at 5)(x-6) x? -36 _ 1? (5)? ]- @ + 5)(x- 6) ~ x? - 36 Note 36 _ @)?-@? _@+o\x-5) 7 x+6 ~ @-6) Instructor: Adil Aslam _(@+5)(x-5)- (e+ 5)@-6) x? = 36 = FSM = 5) -(@- 6) x? = 36 (x+5)(@-5-x+6) ~ x? — 36 _ +5) x? = 36 +5) “32-36 ye x-y x+y xt-y? Solution: 2 + xy-aytyi- ay TAR 2 + yi ~ xy = aG-wg “Gaye _ Cory) -y) \@?- OF x= y) (-y)rty) ” x-2 x+2 “ 4 6x+9 2x18 Solution: Email: +s Taking (x + 5) as a Common Instructor: Adil Aslam Email: x-2 x+2 xPeoxe9 2x? —18 _ x-2 x+2 ~(@)? +2@)(3)+ GP 2[x?- 9] __#-2 x42 ~ (+3)? 2[0)?- @)7] _ x72 x42 “tay? 2x43) 3) _ 2Gr=3)(x = 2)- (x +3)(x +2) 2(c-3)(x +3)? [x(ae = 2) — 362 — 2)] fe(x +2) + 3004.2)] 2G ~ 3)(a +3)? __ 2(? — 2x — 3x + 6) — (x? + 204 Bud 6) ~ 2(x-3)(x +3)? _ 2? - 5x46) - (x? +5x+6) ~ 2(x — 3)(x +3)? ax - 10x +12 - x71 5x -6 20x =3)r43)% _ xt 15x +6 ~ 2(r = 3) +3)? Note x1 (8°)? = (1)? = (2 +)? - 1) Solution: =O? + DIG? - 07] = (7 +1) + )e-1) Net a(x? +1) = (1) (x? +1)-2(x? = 1) -4 ~ tod [x(x? +1) +.1(x? +4)] - [x(x? +1) - (2? +1)]- )-4 xtat S4actoe2et)~ (384-21) — ax? 42-4 ato Instructor: Adil Aslam Email: S +x txt +1 — 4+x24+1-2x7 42-4 __o “xtaa 6. Perform the indicated operations and simplify. tag) 8H? b Ge eT Sxt+2 Sx+2 ot Fo OEE sx+2 (&+7-7) 2 x47 or = 7)(5x +2) 4x12 18- 2x? x9 7 46x49 Solution: 4x-12 18 -2x? x2=9 x2 e649 _ 4-3) 209 “x2 =9 ~ (x)F + 2(x)(3) + (3)? 4-3) 1G)? - @)?) @P-B? ) @ +3? _ M@S3)) 2B +9G-x) “(eFaya—3) (x +343) Nu 40r=3) +33) =G+3)@-3) *2G4NB—-H __2 ~@B=x) Note (#+3)=@+x) ext xty? + yt Instructor: Adil Aslam Email: x6-y6 pay +xtyt sy! ey a -@ eet abe y extexyteyt _ @? -y?)Q? +3? y? ty?) Ge =P) _ G2 ~ yt + x?y? +?) 1 (@? -y?) (a? +x?y? + y?) extexrytty! e-1 x+5 “ Qytett 1-x Solution: ot Bb xP 42x41 °1-x ___ @P- a? @)? +20) + @)?* _ ADEA ks (ett? "dex _&+DG-1) Vets “(+ D@+) '-@-—D aks x¥1 way hay eax “y@=9) ¥e+y) "y= 2y Solution: oxy txy xen yey)" y@e+y)” xy-2y x(@@-y) x(vty) x@-1) “y@=y) ye+y)” ye=2) RGHY) MEY EM?) ye-y) y@ety) x(e-1) Instructor: Adil Aslam Email: Algebraic Formulae 1. (a+b)? + (ab)? = 2(a? + b*) Example: If a+ b = 7 and a — b = 3 then find the value of a” + b?. Solution: Given: a+b=7 and a-b=3 To find the value of a? + b?, we use the above formula (a+b)? + (a—b)* = 2(a? +b?) Now by putting the values of a +b = 7 and @—b = 3, we get (D2 + GY = 2a? +0?) 4949 = 2(a? +b?) 58 = 2(a? +b?) 29 =a? +b? a+b? =29 2. (a+b)? -(a—b)? = 4ab Example: Ifa + b = 7 and ab ="3ithen find the value of ab. Solution: Given: atb=7 and a-b=3 To find the\value of a” + b*, we use the above formula (a4)? - (ab)? = 4ab Now by putting the values of a +b = 7 and a ~b = 3, we get (7)? -@)? =4ab 49-9 =4ab 40 = 4ab 10=ab or ab=10 Instructor: Adil Aslam Email: 3. (a+b+c)* =a* +b? +c? + 2ab+ 2be + 2ca =a +b? 4c? 4+2(ab+be+ ca) Example: If a? + b? +c? = 43 and ab + be + ca = 3, then find the value of a +b +c. Solution: Given: a@+?+c%=43 and ab+be+ca=3 To find the value of a + b + c, we use the above formula (a+b+c)? =a? +b? +c? + 2(ab + be + ca) Now by putting the values of a?+? + c? = 43 and ab + be+ ca= 3, we get (at+b+c)* =43 4 2(3) (a+b+c)? =43+6 (a+b+ cf =49 Taking square root on both sides Vatb+o?=v9 atb+cs7 Example: Ifa + b +c = 7 andab +be +a = 9, then find the value of a” + b? +c”. Solution: Given: atb+e=7, and ab+be+ca=9 To find thealue of a + b? + c?, we use the formula (@t.b+c)? =a? +b? +c? + 2(ab + be +ca) Now by putting the values ofa +b +c =7 andab + bc +ca = 9, weget (7)? = a? +b? +c? + 2(9) M9 =a? +h? +c? +18 a? +b? +¢7 = 49-18 a+b? +c? =31 Instructor: Adil Aslam Email: 4. Cubic Formulas: i. (a+b)? =a? + 3ab(a+b) +b? ii, (ab)? = a - 3ab(a-b) -b* Example: If 2x — 3y = 10 and xy = 2, then find the value of 8x — 27y°. Solution: Given: 2x -3y = 10... a (1) To find the value of 8x? — 27y", we use the formula (ab)? = a3 — 3ab(a- b) - b> Taking cube on both slides of eq. (1) (2x — 3y)? = (10)* (2x)? - 3(2x)(3y) (2x - 3y) - (By)? 31000 8x? — 18xy(2x — 3y) — 27y¥= 4000 Now put the valli@ofixy ="2 and 2x — 3y = 10 given question 8x3 - 18(2)(10) = 27y8 = 1000 8x3 — 360 =27y? = 1000 ax — 27? = 1000 + 360 8x3 27y8 = 1360 = 1 Example: f+ = 8, then find the value of 28 + Solution: - (1) Taking cube on both sides of the above equation (+3) <0" Instructor: Adil Aslam Email: #4 90) (e+ +E H43(r4 P+ 5 =512 1 Now put the value of += = 8 8 +30) +55 512 ve+himes etkesn-u 5. More Cubic Formulas a? +b? =(a+b)(a? — ab + b*) ii, a? —B = (a—b)(a? + ab +b?) Example: Factorize 64° + 3433 Solution: 4x3 + 348y? = (4x + (7y)? = (An + Typl(4a)? — (4x) (79) + (79)? = (dx + 7y)(16x? - 28xy + 49y?) Example: Find the product of (x + y)(x — y)(x* + xy + y)(x*- xy +y%). Solution: (+N e- ye? tay ty)? = ry ty") Rearrange the terms = (ey)? +ay ty)(e+ yO? - xy +y?) = -y)GR ty") =@F-07F Instructor: Adil Aslam Email: Exercise 4.2 1. Solve: i. a+b = 10 and a—b = 6, then find the value of (a? + b?). Solution: Given: a+b=10 and a-b=6 To find the value of a + b?, we use the above formula (a+b)? + (a—b)? = 2(a? +b?) Now by putting the values of a + b = 10 and a — b= 6, we get, (10)? + (6)? = 2(a? +b?) 100 + 36 = 2(a* + b*) 136 = 2(a? + b*) aba 2 a? +b? = 68 ii fa+b =5.anda—b = 17, then find the value of ab. Solution: Given: a+b=5 > and a-b=vi7 To find the value of a? + b®, we use the above formula (a+b)? -(a—b)? = 4ab Now by putting the values of a +b = 5 anda — b = V17, we get (5)? -(VI7)" = 4ab 25-17 = 4ab 8 = 4ab 8 ab =~ 4 ab=2 Instructor: Adil Aslam Email: 2. a’ +b? +c? = 45 anda+b +c = 1, then find the value of ab + be + ca. Solution: Given: @+b?+c?=45 and atbtc=-1 To find the value of ab + be + ca, we use the formula (a+b +c)? =a? +b? +c? + 2(ab + be + ca) Now by putting the values of a? +b* +c? = 45 anda+b +¢=—1, weget (-1)? = 45 + 2(ab + be +ca) 1 45 42(ab + be + ca) 1-45 = 2(ab + be + ca) 44 = 2(ab + be + ca) 4 2 ab +be + ca= ab +be+ca=-22 3. Ifm+n+p=10 and mn + np + mp =27, then find the value of m? + n? + p*, Solution: Given: mtntp=10 and mn+np+mp=27 To find the value of m? + n? + p?, we use the formula (in 4in + p)4= m? +n? + p? + 2(mn + np + mp) Now by pitting the values of m+n +p = 10 and mn+np + mp = 27, we get (10)? = m? + n? + p? + 2(27) 100 = m? +n? +p? +54 m+n? +p? = 100-54 m? +n? +p? =46 4. fx? + y? 42% = 78 and xy + yz + zx = 59, then find the value of x+y +z. Solution: 5. 6 Instructor: Adil Aslam Email: xé+y?4+27=78 and xyt+yz+z2x=59 To find the value of x + y +2, we use the formula (xtytz)? =x? +y? +27 + Ary + yz + zx) Now by putting the values of x? + y? +z® = 78 and xy + yz + zx = 59, we get (x+y +2)? =78 +2(59) (x+y +2)? =78 +118 (x+y +2)? = 196 Taking square root on both sides (ETT =v xtytzedi4 Hxty+z= 12 and x? +y? +2? = 64, then find the value of xy + yz + 2x. Solution: Given: ety tz? =64 and thy ez = 12 To find the value of xy. + yz + zx, we use the formula (xty +2)? =%? py? +234 Uay + yz + 2x) Now by putting the values of x? 4 y? +z? = 64 and x+y +z = 12, we get (12)? 264 #2 (xy + yz + zx) 14d = 64+ 20ry + yz + 2x) LAA — 64 = 2ocy + yz + 2x) 80.= (xy + yz + 2x) 80 xt yada xytyztax = 40 Ifx+y = 7and xy = 12 then find the values of x3 + y%. Solution: Instructor: Adil Aslam Email: To find the value of x* + y%, we use the formula (a+b)? =a* + 3ab(a +b) +b* Taking cube on both slides of eq. (1) (xty¥ =(7)8 QF + 3G) OY + y) + OY = 343 xb + Bxy(ety) ty? = 343 Now by putting the values of x + y = 7 and xy = 12 giveniin.question’ x? 43(12)(7) + y? = 343 xO +252 +y? = 343 x3 +y3 = 343 - 252 2ty=91 7. Wf3x+4y = 11 and xy = 12, then find the value of 27x? + 64y". Solution: Given: Bx t4y= 1100 ) To find the value of 27%. + 64y°, we use the formula (a+b)? =a? + 3ab(a+t b) +b? Taking cube'on both slides of eq, (1) (Ger 4y)? = C1)" (Ba)? + 3(8x)(4x)(Bx + 4y) + (4y)? = 1331 27x + Boxy(3x + 4y) + 64y? = 1331 Now putting the values of 3x + 4y = 11 and xy = 12 given in question 27x38 + 36(12)(11) + 64y? = 1331 27x3 + 4752 + 64y? = 1331 27x3 + Gly? = 1331 — 4752 Instructor: Adil Aslam Email: 27x3 + by? = -3421 8. ifx—y =4and xy = 21 then find the values of x? — Solution: Given: Pe Praccacocsearececen'(A) To find the value of x? — y3, we use the formula (a—b)? = a3 — 3ab(a — b) — b? Taking cube on both slides of eg. (1) @-yP = 4% (2 - 3G) O)@- YOY = 64 x8 —3xy(x-y) -y? = 64 Now putting the values of x = y'= 4 and xy’= 21, given in question x3 -3(21)(4)-y = 4 x0 -252-y* = 64 xb —y? =64 +252 ey 3316 9. if 5x—6y=13 and xy = 6, then find the value of 125x3 — 216y*, Solution: Given: B= OY = 1B vecrsnnnnnnnnenn (1) To find the value of 125x3 — 216y3, we use the formula (a—b)? = a3 — 3ab(a— b) —b* Taking cube on both slides of ea, (1) (Gx - 6)? = (137 Instructor: Adil Astam Email; (Sx)? — 3(5x)(6y) (5x - 6y) — (6y)* = 2197 125x3 — 90xy(Sx - 6y) — 216y3 = 2197 Now Putting the Values of Sx — 6y = 13 and xy = 6, given in question 125x3 — 90(6)(13) ~ 216y? = 2197 125x3 — 7020 - 216y? = 2197 125x3 — 216y? = 2197 +7020 125x3 — 216y3 = 9217 1 1 10. fx +~= 3, then find the value of x? + a xs Solution: tL 3 (1) xtye sen (1) ‘Taking cube on both sides of the above equation ly _@ (x+3) =@ 1 (+30) (2) (x Hes (et Le yq27 1 Now put the value of x += 3, given in question 2 43@)45=27 e494 ga27 Instructor: Adil Aslam Email: , then find the value of x? 1 Now put the value of — = 7, givin question -3-42343 3 e-n-423g wa astat Ho Sato 12. H324-= 5, thet find the value of 272% += i x44 = 5, then find the value the Solution; wtees a toe () Taking cube on both sides of the above equation (a+ 4y = (5)

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