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Session 1 16th July 2020

 Taj Hotel was started as a hotel for His countymen at a time large hotels refused entry
to non-European. The vision of the founder was trickled down to the bottom to its
employees. This is called tata way of thinking.
 Leadership is not about power
 Global competition is forcing changes in all aspects of society. Business, govt,
education, healthcare. Customers are demanding more.
 Leadership is the art of getting someone to do something you want done because he
wants to do it.- Dwight
 Corporate outlook and leadership competency framework: Customer orientation,
Strategic orientation, achievement orientation, people management, team skills,
adaptability, communication, creativity, self-management
 Clear vision, adaptability engagement are the 3 pillars of leadership
 Psychological reward you get at work makes you want to come back to work

Session 2 17th July 2020

 Why leadership theories? U need to know why u succeed or fail
 Great man theory says leaders are born
 Trait theory says leaders are either born or made: Abilities, personal traits, motivators
 Behavioural theories focusses on behaviours of leaders, concerned with tasks or
 Contingency theories says there is no single way of leading
 Transactional leadership
 Transformational leadership
 Situational leadership- Hersey – Blanchard

Session 3 21th July 2020

 Vision framework

 value system are of 2 types : terminal and instrumental

Session 8 24th July 2020

 Motivation: Activation, persistence, intensity
 VIE: importance I give to pgdm, effort, achieve goal
 Ask yourself why you joined the course. This is the component of motivation you
should focus first. – Activation
 What triggered you – persistence
 “Somewhere along the line we forget who we are. Then we start blaming others.”
 Attribution Theory: explain success and failure. Are you taking responsibility?
 Self-efficacy is the belief that you are capable of carrying out a specific task. It goes
down if you choose the wrong task. If you want it to be high, see your response to
 Self-determination theory: competence, connection, autonomy. Autonomy to do what
I want. I have the competence to effectively deal with he environment.
 Self-regulation theory: a system of personal management that help us control what we
think, say and do. What are you going to do when you are faced with a crisis? Four
components. Set standards of desirable behaviour. Keep your motivation up by setting
a standard. Every time you start to fall back, monitor your thoughts and situation.
Have willpower. It takes a lot of willpower to stay back.
 McCllelland’s iceberg:

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