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Brand identity is a unique set of brand associations that the brand

strategist aspires to create or maintain. These associations
represent what the brand stands for and imply a promise to
customers from the organization members. Brand identity should
establish a relationship between the brand and the customer by
generating a value proposition involving functional, emotional or
self-expressive benefits.

Building a brand identity is a multi-disciplinary strategic effort, and every element needs to

support the overall message and business goals. Company’s brand identity is what sets them
apart from the endless sea of competitors and shows their customers who they are and what they
can expect from working with them. And if the firm want the brand to be perceived in a positive
light, it’s crucial that they nail their brand identity and create designs that accurately portray who
they are to their customers. Brand identity consists of a core identity and an extended identity.

The core identity represents the timeless essence of a brand .It is central to both the meaning and
success of the brand. It indicates the reasons why the brand has been brought into existence. It
contains the associations that are most likely to remain constant as the brand travels to new
markets and products. The elements of the core identity remain more resistant to change than the
elements of the extended identity. Thus the core identity is timeless while the brand position or
the communication strategies might change.

The extended brand identity fulfils a completeness and texture role to funnel the uncertain core
identity into a consistent direction of the brand. Where core elements are timeless, the extended
identity contains elements that do not belong to the timeless foundation of the brand identity. A
larger extended identity means a stronger brand, one that is more memorable, interesting and
connected to your life.

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Tibet snow is one of the leading brands of Kohinoor
chemical Company Limited product portfolio.
Kohinoor Chemical Company Limited launched Tibet
Snow in 1956 as skin care cream. It is one of the top
leading brands in the skin care segment of Pakistan.
Tibet is an ideal skin care cream for all seasons it is a
mild skin care cream made according to the BP
(British Pharma Copoiea) great ingredients added with
water moisturizers and sufficient skin nutrients full
stop it has a strong brand loyalty and brand equity. Various creative events and campaigns are
being carried out all over the country to increase the consumer preference and market share of
Tibet snow. As a part of its positioning strategy, the brand uses film stars for key Marketing
Communication. The brand has promised the consumers to be more attractive by using Tibet is
no. Its unique quality has taken an everlasting place in the minds of consumers.

Kohinoor Chemical Company Pvt. Limited (KCCL) was established in 1956. The management
of KCCL subsequently completed a difficult BMRE program with the technical collaboration of
a reputed industrial company of Europe. This enabled the enterprise to become a repositioned
cosmetics and toiletries manufacturing company of Bangladesh. To strengthen the marketing
activities of KCCL, the management has rearranged its distribution system to deliver quality
products throughout the country as well as regional and overseas markets.

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Kohinoor Chemical Company has its roots stemming from Bangladesh. It is a popular company
for its beauty products, the brand known as Tibet. It carries millions of loyal customers all
around the country. The company introduced the soaps, beauty products and other toiletries with
high quality when nobody stepped in to the world of personal care and also provide value added
services to our customers. Our core identity is quality and freshness. Tibet has been serving the
nation as one of the most reliable products from 55 years all around the Bangladesh and
Pakistan. We focus on purely traditional approach.


The Core Identity of Tibet Snow is that the cream
provides instant fairness which is depicted in their
slogan “You are not close to fairness….you are
already there.” which is resonated with the target
segment and represented what the firm was and could
provide. It also provides customers with best solution
for maintaining the health of their skin. Moreover, the company promises their consumers to
provide great experience in providing infinite beauty and care. The brand has promised
consumers to be more attractive by using Tibet Snow. Its unique quality has taken an everlasting
place in minds of consumers.


A brand personality does not often become a part of the core identity.
However, it can be exactly the right vehicle to add needed texture and
completeness by being part of the extended identity. In order to
develop a strong extended identity Tibet snow uses film stars for key
marketing communication. Hence all film stars in endorsed in Tibet
Snow. Moreover series of BPL programs were held to communicate
with the new generation so as to enable Tibet to develop new
customers and sustain and grow with larger market share. The

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company has also targeted the working women of Pakistan who are busy balancing work and
family life by casting a PIA air hostess in their advertisement.

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