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Name: Class:

Write your answer to ONE of the questions.

1 You have recently watched a documentary about the role of technology in education. The documentary claims that students
today rely too much on technology and this has had a number of negative consequences. You made the following brief
notes while watching the documentary:

• students missing important research skills,

• students too dependent on the Internet for information,

• students’ reading and writing skills becoming poorer and poorer.

Write an essay discussing two of the issues mentioned above. You should explain why you think these criticisms are
unjustified and give reasons to support your views.
Write your discursive essay in 220-260 words in an appropriate style.

2 You have had a class discussion on the different options open to young people after leaving high school. During the
discussion, it became evident that a large number of students are not fully aware of the range of choices they can make.
You and a group of friends would like to organise a school event called ‘Choose Your Future Day’ to help everybody make
more informed choices concerning their professional life. The options mentioned in the discussion included:
• doing an apprenticeship,
• attending a vocational college,
• volunteering,
• going to university.
Choose two of the options above and write a proposal to the head teacher in which you will:
• explain the purpose of the event,
• outline a proposal for the day,
• make suggestions about possible guest speakers.
Write your proposal in 220-260 words in an appropriate style.


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