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TANITA BODY COMPOSITION ANALYZER BF-350 INSTRUCTION MANUAL Please read this instruction manual carefully and keep it handy for future reference. 1. Contents 1. Contents- 2. Specifications - 3. Important Notes for Users . - Caution Symbols «+++ Wi AWarning ...--.-- i AWarning caution. Bi Maintenance -- {Wi General instructions for Accurate Measurement 4. Pars List and Scale Components - MiPats ist «- Scale Components «+++ Wi Display and Keypad ves eeeeeeeeneee WB Fex ofUnites ee eeeeeee see 5. Set Up - Sara [BPowe Supply». soncssseatreustsesetssesteaeeemeeaees Leveling the Weighing Platorm «+ ++++-ceseeeereeeeseeeneeeeeB 6. Operating Instructions «+++ +++ sseseeeeesesenssesenseneesed) 80x Composton Analysis Mode - Peres. -0 Weight Only Mode = +++ seeseet BMI Moo “12 7. Troubleshooting - ar 48. Optional Software. - 14 2. Specifications Model BF-350 ‘Measurement System TelrapolarBivelectical Impedance Analysis ‘Measurement Frequency sou aan cent __Measurement Current 5O0KA | Electrode Material Pressure Contact Stainless Stel Fool Pads Measurement Style Between Both Feet Measurement Range 150-9000 ‘Measurement System Stain Gauge Load Call Weight Measurement Maximum Capacity 2004g I 406 isto ‘Minimum Graduation on 2b 2b ‘Gender Naleferale Body Type Standardineic Input items, ‘Age 7-99 years dt yearineremenis ba ton acon OS noone Wout | asicaneis | oabimenens | _ozbinsenes Gender 7 MaleFemale - Body Type Standard/Aeic few Foca eee ate 7-89 years lyr increments feta nas osha Body Fat % 10-750% /0.1% increments Display 2 Rows, 5 Digits LCD ‘Output Data Interface S-2826 (D-sub 9 pins Male Connector) Power Source AG Adapter (nuded ) Centr Minus Rated Power CV 200mA Power Consumption o7w ‘Temperature Range of usage 0-35 0782-96 F ‘Weight of Equipment TeKG/6 ED 3. Important Notes for Users Wi Caution Symbols Thank you for purchasing this precsion-made Tanita product. For optimum pertormance and sally, please failaize yoursel with the Caution Symbols below. These symbols are designed to alert the user to potential hazards when using this equipment. Ignoring these Caution Symbols ma result in serious injury, or damage to the produc, Please read carefully before proceeding wih the Instruction Manual This symbol indicates the possibility of deat or serious injury ifthe product is mishandled or instructions are ignored. This symbol indicates the possibility of elactric shock. Please pay spacial atontion to sections bearing tis mark This symbol inaicaes the possibilty of physical injury or equipment damage i instruction are ignore, This symbol indicates general precaution that shouldbe taken when using this product ZA\wannine * Individuals with pacemakers or other internal medical devices case Tant's boy composition arazrs snd a weak elec cute ough he body, india who have sacarakes or te inal mec devies shouldnt wse this produc. The week elect signa could caus such ine ces to matrtn, + cross contamination This product mist use in ae et Pete be suet Can the weighing plato with appropiate dsinecat ater each ue, Neve! pou any quid crety onthe lato, at may la int the product and case 10 ‘malfunction, Use a soft cloth and appropriate disinfectant or a neutral detergent to wipe off the platform. Do not wipe wit stong ceca. ZAWARNING + Inseting and removing the power cord Toreduce ther of etic shock or damage tothe produc never lug ino unplug he + AC acapter with net hands To avoid isk of fire, ake sure the wal cutis untoning propery. Avid using multiple out extension cos. Axcaution « Toreduce the chance of accurate measurement place the weighing platform on fr, level sue. + Toreduce erik of nur or equipment maictn, aways se one plato lly. + Toredice thers it damage the produ use nthe Tanta AC adler provide + Do not seth product ear equipment su 2 celuerphones an theepeti mierowae devs. Such equim could case he proto martin and ate te acura feu. Z\ Maintenance © When transferred to any location where there is a difference of more than 20°C (68°F), wait at least 2 hours before use. A General Instructions for Accurate Measurement This produc is designed for use by people of normal an athletic bull. However, certain individuals may not receive aocuraereuls as they fll ‘outside the population for which Tanita’s equations were developed, ‘* Because this product uses a weakecrc cuent o measure impedance, best results wil be achieved when measurements are taken in bae fet ‘+ Poor coniact between the feet and electrodes may produce an error message. Hees should be placad directly ontop ofthe posterior electrodes, hil the front part ofthe foot needs to be in contac wit the anterior electrodes. Also make sure the soles ofthe feat re free of exces dt as his may act a barter and prevent the mild current rom flowing propery. * Accurate measurement may sil be posible even i thee ae calluses onthe soles ofthe fet or the ser is wearing thin nylons. Place Occ (0.017e2) of saline solution or water inthe center o each electrode. This will act asa conductor, and may allow the curetto pas eel through 2 thin bare. «© Keep the elocrodes clean by wiping with disinfectant, ‘© Fluctuations in hydration status (i. the water content of body tissues) can atect the results of body composition analysis, ‘© The users iner thighs should nat bein contact. they are, a dy towel should be held between the user's legs, * Interpretation of results. The cata provided by this produc, 2s wel as any supplementary information such as det or exercise proprams based on tis dala, should be interpreted by alcensed professional For moc information on how to obtain accurate measurements, pease refer tothe Technical Notes booklet Parts List Dropper eT <3 @ !rstuction Manual @ Technical Notes I Scale Components - Top View Keypad Display Level Gauge \ Ensures product is on a | Adjustable Feet(4) level surface Posterior electrode (2) SET. Confirms data selection Press simultaneously with the [ON/OFF] key to switch to Weight Only mode. (See 9.12.) Press to turn on and off UP Arrow Use to select mode or ncrease ZEROMESET Ke rnumaicl values. Use to zro or reset weig values. DOWN Arrow Use to select mode or decrease numerical values. yb ke Changes measurement units Wi Rear of Unit \ DC Jack \\RS-292¢ Port AC Adapter Plug 1 Inet the AC adapter plg nt the DC jackin the rar othe unit 2 Plg the AC adapter nto an AC out ZAWARNING —torsxenersct erie shock, never insert or remove the plug with wet hands. A CAUTION Use only the Tanita AC adapter provided. Use of other AC adapters may cause smoke or fie. NOTE The AC aapernlated wh his product has bull-n comer nd can Randle OV 220 jtons, Hi Leveling the Weighing Platform iTused on an uneven surface, fet may be ajused To ensure a evel and sabe platform, poo-------- Red Circle ‘The BF-350 can be used in two ways: ‘As 2 "stand alone” unit where datas entered on the platform keypad and spayed on the Display. on Lined to @ PC using Tanita’ Sotware, This enables PC-based daa enty and capture. (Se P. 14) OPERATING THE BF-350 AS A “STAND ALONE” UNIT ‘Aer setng up the uni (page 8), use the keypad located on the scale platorm to eter data, i Body Composition Analysis (Body Fat Mode) nore: tis untis cory pe-stto alas start up n Body at Mode, 1. Press the [ON/OFF] key to turn the unit on, * The ent display wil flash for a few seconds, and then the * @* gender e | fa symbol as, SESS 2. Conde Tye pt i Ler | Sdecttheaproqrite Gender and Baty Type ian by usin te (ARROW KEYS), mest Press the SET key to confirm selection. or pee es 1 Senda Make ws) is 4 Sander Feral | © BR tee Ate 4 BD: Feral Atle AXcaution *The following individuals should use Athlete Mode: (@locviduats over the age of 16 who exercise atleast 10 hours @ week, consistently fra period of atleast 6 mont. (@ncviduats who have a resting heart rate of approximately 60 beats per ‘minute or less. (@ his mode includes people who have been very it for yeas but curently exercise less than 10 hours per week, * For more information regarding Alte Mode, please see the Technical Notes. i 3. Age Input Press and hold (&4°w )to scroll up or dow to the dasired age Press SET to confirm the selection, |- Height Input ~ Press the ki. key this time to change measurement seings Press and hold (44° ) 0 sro up or downto the desired height Press SET to conti the selection Axcaution fa mistke is made during data entry, simply turn the unit of, and tum toSep 1 10 5.When the > cursor next fo “STEP ON" flashes, step onto the ‘weighing platform. ‘Stand with both et lt onthe surtace ofthe electrodes, Make sure your feet are positioned across the anterior electrodes and posterior ‘lecrodes Face forward, standstill and do ot bend your knees. Once stabilized, body weight will appear on the top portion of the Display. . Measuring Body Fat AEAEAGA That ppex onthe batom potion of te Display indicate % body fat is being measured. These marks will disappear one by one as a successful measurement is taken. This should only last approximately 10 seconds. LAxcaution 1D not sep off the weight platform before all KAKABAKA marks disappear andthe unit emits a shart beep. Doing so will cause an interruption, and all KABAKAKA marks will re-appear (Measurement may be continued if test subject steps back on immedi) Axcaution ‘Stand as still as possible on the weighing platform. I the measurement values remain unstable beyond a certain length of time, ertor message “E-16" will be displayed, and the uit will automaticaly turn off I this occurs, tur the unit back on, and retum to Step 2 Axcoution TW EARAKAEA mars tito disappear completely, make sue the ‘eet are properly placed on each electrode, and tha the subject is either barefoot othe proper amount of saline conductor is used, a9 while % body fat appears on the lower half, These results will remain on the 8.Continuing Measurement ‘The scale automaticaly rests itself ater approximately 30 seconds Press any key (ther than ONYOFF) to rsa the scale before 0 seconds. Totest anew subject, retun to Step 2 Body Fat Ranges for Standard Adults Age Underfat Healthy Overtat Obese OS sti AED overs oto I Underfat Healthy 1. Based on NIHIWHO BMI Guideines, 2.8 reported by Gallagher eta, at NY Obesity Research Conta. “To determine the percentage ct body fat hat’ appropiate for your Body consut your physician, W MB WEIGHT ONLY MODE Its possible to deactivate the % body fat function ofthe BF-360, and use the unit only asa weight scale e @) » MBM! MODE ms TIA xe LU Lbs 41.Press {ON/OFF] and [SET] simultaneously to activate “Weight Oniy” Mode Theentecspay wil ash fora few seconds and then dspay “0.0: A cursor wll appar on he cspay net to "Weight Mode” When a cursor begins to fash net to “Sep On the subject may step on the weight plato, A minus sign may apea en he [ONVOFF] and SET ey ar released ins rapper, press (ZEROIRESETI to cspay "0.0" apn * Pres nek. key ais time ta change measurement stings. 2. Taking Weight Measurement. Weight wil be displayed in the upper potion ofthe display. Aer weight stabilizes the subject can caetully step ofthe weighing pltorm, 3. Continuing Measurement. Wait unt the cisplay returns to "0.0" and the "Step On cursor begins to Nash, Careful stop on tothe weighing platform, AXcaution ‘Scale wil automatically rum to "Body Fat Mode” when uit is tuned ot ‘This mode automaticaly calculates Body Mass Index (BMI) and measutes weight. Foran explanation of BMI please refer othe Technical Notes. 1. Press [ON/OFF] and [SET] simultaneously. The entre display will flash tor a few seconds, and then display "10"D cursor will appear on the Display net to “Weight Mode,” and the Stop On" cursor wl ish. * Aminus sign may appear when te [ON/OFF] and [SET] Keys are released tis appens, pres [ZEROJRESET] to display °0.0 again * ress the kg. ey a this time to change measurement stings. ae if 5 Dress the SET key once more, ‘A doaut height sting wil appear in eter Fn, or cm, ress the kg. key at this time to change measurement stings. 3. Helght Input. “Press and hold arow key to scroll to the desire height. “Press SET to confim setting, ‘The cisplay will hen show °0.0". One cursor wil ash on the Display next to BMI and another wil lash next fo Step On” 4. Measuring BML * When the D> cursor next to “Step On” flashes, caetlly step onto the weighing platform, * Weigh will appear on the upper portion of the Display, BMI appears on the lower portion, * Results wil disappear when te subject steps ofthe scale 5. Continuing BMI Measurement Press the SET key tice Return to Step 3, “Height input” * Toretum to “Weight Oni Mode: Press the SET key once, * To retun to "Body Fat” Made: Turn the unt off and back on using the ONOFF key. 13 Solution J@) Check that te AC adapo is properly connecod tothe unt. ‘Make sure the AC adapter i plugged into a wal outlet. ‘shake sure you ae using a Tanita AC adapter. ‘+"E-T is cplayed when impedance is abnormal compared wih eight and weight ‘Make sue measuremens were taken In bare fet and thatthe fet were in contact with the electrodes. th ‘lf the subject is wearing thin nylons or has thick calluses, place O.5cc (0.01702) of saline solution or] wae in the centro each ected Thick nylnsor sock wil produce anE-O1 eating andso should be removed * Check te pesoal dat for accuay. SE-I/279I16" are shown. These appear when an inal maondon has occured. Cal your nearest Tanta oie o dele )"E-16" is shown. ‘*Do not step off the platform until all the (disappear and the unit emits a short beep. “on is shown, ‘The maximum weight capacity has been exceeded. "EAT is shown, Di nat ep onto the lao while elering persoral dal. Sandon the paler only fe The Testing azrow appeas next to "Step On. 8.Optional Software — Tanita Corporation has software available that grelly enhances the fundionality and capability ofthis uni. In addition to operating the BF-350, ‘rom a remote computer keyboard, Tantas software acts as a client database, report generator, anda turn-key weight management solution. Please ‘contact your nearest Tanita dealer for more information. It your facility wishes to incorporate the BF-350 into an existing interactive software program, please contact your nearest Tanita branch office for RS-232 communioation protocol and transmission specication. CE. rs ceies toes eae rts icmp wh id Rago eD29€ ecg ir nese tocemrar meets etait Reese Sec te et si ere aE area toes ets ee uk moear ae seieretre eg ee pe Sate de ace Radeeeinae ms an aaeee Te iiomberemenaeien mace Reais tacsieestooe See ete ena eae cern at Len tmnt tore Soanastenmucm chennai Modifications ‘The FEC requires the user tobe notified that any changes or modifications ma ‘may void the users authorty to operate the equipment. TANITA Corporation TANITA H2tdoneannoce ibis on to this dovio that are not expressly approved by Tanita Corporation Toiyosioan Tel (0)3966-2128 8607048 Fn (9)967.9766 ‘TANITA Corporation of America,inc. TANITA Health Equipment H.K.LTD. TANITA Europe Gmbl TANITA UK LTD. TANITA France S.A, 2625 South Ceatrok Die Unt 301-303 Wing On lz, Drstene Stasse 25 The Barn, Pools lose, —_VilaLabroust Arson Reg, lina 60005 USA. §2 Mod Hoag, tsmshatsu eas oes Sndesingen, Yisusioy Wes Orayon’ —EBBolard Bourdn, ‘outro. (6 maaan Kowton, Hang Kong etm Matieses UB? 7 ‘ean ely Sur Sone, ser aanazer tolesz Seta rh ‘aiat-e1a06 Unt Kingdom Foner Fax: 647 540.926), Fax 1952 26000607 FecOroaeeneer —— Telvvaetoapsasrz —Tel"G1 5249000 tb aaa com Fax sAbsee5-es11 Fan 0155240865,

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