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Thinking Critically and Philosophy - Quiz 7

Personal Identity and Identity Over Time

This quiz is worth 5 points. You will have 3 attempts. The highest score will count.

How would Descartes’ Substance Dualism analyze the issue of personal Identity in respect to Dr. Samantha
a) Descartes would say that Dr. Carter’s identity consists in her being psychologically continuous over time

b) Descartes would say that Dr. Carter’s identity consists in her being a bundle of perceptions

c) Descartes would say that Dr. Carter’s identity consists in her being the same material thing over time

d) Descartes would say that Dr. Carter’s identity consists in the way her memories are connected over time

e) Both (a) and (d) are correct

f) None of the above are correct

In respect to personal identity, what is the main idea of Substance Dualism?

a) Personal Identity is a fiction

b) Personal Identity consists in the relations between memories

c) Personal Identity is to be identified with immaterial substance (as opposed to material substance)

d) Personal Identity is about bundles of perceptions

e) None of the above

f) Both (a) and (d) are correct

What is the “Prince and the Cobbler” example supposed to show?

a) It shows that Hume’s theory is false

b) It shows that Descartes’s theory is false

c) It shows that Hobbes’s theory gives us an unacceptable outcome, and thus is highly problematic.

d) It shows that identity tracks consciousness, not body.

e) Both (c) and (d) are correct

f) None of the above is correct

How is Hobbes’s theory “better” than Descartes’s Dualism?

a) Hobbes’s theory avoids the causal interaction puzzle

b) Hobbes’s theory does not posit any strange metaphysical items, such as “immaterial substance”

c) Hobbes’s theory says that we are bundles of perceptions and this is very plausible

d) Both (a) and (b) are correct

e) Both (a) and (c) are correct

f) None of the above are correct

If we consider the “Dying Self” case of Teletransportation, how does it impact Locke’s theory?
a) It has no impact on Locke’s theory because it is designed to show flaws with Hume’s theory

b) It has no impact on Locke’s theory because it is designed to show flaws with Hobbes’s theory

c) It shows that when Descartes theory is pushed to its theoretical limits, the theory becomes problematic and potentially discredited

d) It shows that when Locke’s theory is pushed to its theoretical limits, the theory becomes problematic and potentially discredited

e) Both (a) and (c) are correct

f) None of the above are correct

If Descartes were to analyze the “Prince and the Cobbler” case, what would he say?
a) He would say that the Prince is actually the Cobbler after the mind swap

b) He would say that the Cobbler is actually the Prince after the mind swap

c) He would say that the prince is a fiction, as is the cobbler, since ‘personal identity’ is a fiction

d) He would demand DNA samples from both parties in order to form an opinion 1/2
7/15/2020 Learning Tree Publishing
e) Both (a) and (b) are correct

f) None of the above is correct

How would Locke’s Psychological Contiguity Theory analyze the issue of personal Identity in respect to the Dr.
Samantha Carter?

a) Locke would say that Dr. Carter’s identity consists in her being psychologically continuous over time

b) Locke would say that Dr. Carter’s identity consists in her being a bundle of perceptions

c) Locke would say that Dr. Carter’s identity consists in her being the same “genetic stuff” over time

d) Both (a) and (b) are correct

e) None of the above is correct

If Locke were to analyze the “Prince and the Cobbler” case, what would he say?
a) He would say that the Prince is actually the Cobbler after the mind swap

b) He would say that the Cobbler is actually the Prince after the mind swap

c) He would say that the prince is a fiction, as is the cobbler, since ‘personal identity’ is a fiction

d) He would demand DNA samples from both parties in order to form an opinion

e) Both (a) and (b) are correct

f) None of the above is correct

What is the general response to Hume’s “No Self” Theory?

a) It is embraced as our last best hope for a theory of personal identity

b) It is rejected as anti-common sense and contrary to what we know of knowledge and science

c) It is accepted with some hesitation by most philosophers

d) It is ignored by everyone and has not been talked about for hundreds of years

e) All of the above are true

f) None of the above are true

Reid says that Locke’s theory violates the Law of Transitivity. But, according to the text, what is wrong with
Reid’s analysis?

a) Reid’s objection only works if one assumes that the link of “connection” between memories and time periods in is 100%
perfectly crystal and that one has a flawless, perfect memory throughout one’s entire life. Such “connectedness” is far too strong

b) Reid’s objection is spot-on accurate and is the reason why Locke’s theory fails

c) Reid’s objection does not take into account DNA, which is the true nature of the “stuff” that forms one’s identity

d) Both (a) and (c) are correct

e) Both (b) and (c) are correct

f) None of the above is correct

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