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7/15/2020 Learning Tree Publishing



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Thinking Critically and Philosophy - Quiz 6

Epistemological Skepticism

This quiz is worth 5 points. You will have 3 attempts. The highest score will count.

Does a sense-data theorist believe that we experience the external world directly?
a) Yes

b) No

What is so important about Descartes’ “Dream Hypothesis?

a) It is not important.

b) It establishes that Rationalism is false and Empiricism is true.

c) It strikes a balance between different theories.

d) Descartes realizes that there is no test to prove with absolute certainty that at any given moment one is not dreaming. He
argues, in effect, that wake experience is qualitatively identical to dream experience. This means that the senses are not
apodictically certain and, thus, are not candidates for the foundations of human knowledge.

e) Descartes realizes that the lucid dreams are the key to defeating skepticism.

What is the purpose of invoking the “Evil Genius” Hypothesis?

a) To test sense knowledge for apodictic certainty.

b) To test emotional knowledge for apodictic certainty.

c) To test one’s commitment to finding knowledge.

d) To test math and logic as the apodictically certain foundation for knowledge.

e) There is nothing special about the “Evil Genius” hypothesis; it is basically the same as the Dream Hypothesis.

In the film, The Thirteenth Floor, who killed Hannon Fuller?

a) Douglas Hall

b) Jane Fuller

c) Ashton

d) David

e) Ferguson

Is the mental representation given to us by our sense data “private?

a) Yes, it is a private mental entity

b No, it is public for all to see

c) Unknown

Within Modern philosophy, what does a radical external world skeptic argue?
a) That are beliefs might be false.

b) That are beliefs might be unjustified

c) That we might or might not know anything, only God knows the truth.

d) That our grounds for holding even our most basic beliefs is faulty and proves no real reason for holding such beliefs as

e) None of the above

In the film, The Thirteenth Floor, is the 1999 world a simulation?

a) Yes

b) No

c) Unknown 1/2
7/15/2020 Learning Tree Publishing

In the film, The Thirteenth Floor, how does Whitney die?

a) He is murdered by David.

b) He is murdered by Hall.

c) He is murdered by Ashton.

d) He is shot by McBain

e) He steps in front of a truck.

What is Descartes’ “revolutionary vision?

a) He wants to ground knowledge in sense experience.

b) He wants to form a new school dedicated to Plato.

c) He wants to do away with philosophy.

d) He is trying to separate the “pure intellect” from sense-experience.

e) All of the above

In the film, The Thirteenth Floor, who created the 1930’s simulation world?

a) Hall and Fuller

b) Hall and Ferguson

c) Ferguson and David

d) David and Ashton

e) Ashton and Fuller

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