Learning Tree Publishing: Thinking Critically and Philosophy - Quiz 10

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7/8/2020 Learning Tree Publishing



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Thinking Critically and Philosophy - Quiz 10


This quiz is worth 5 points. You will have 3 attempts. The highest score will count.

According to the “Trolley Car” case, as described in the textbook, the Principle of Utility would have one:
a) Push an old lady off a cliff.

b) Push a corpulent man into a busy street.

c) Push a skinny man off a ledge.

d) Push a corpulent man off a ledge.

e) None of the above.

In the film Ace InThe Hole does the engineer Sam Smollett enthusiastically go along with the farce and
a) Yes

b) No

In Ace InThe Hole, what assignment is Tatum supposed to cover when he discovers Leo Minosa?
a) A New Mexico Indian Ceremony

b) A Rattlesnake Hunt

c) A Fox Hunt

d) The Governor’s Funeral

e) None of the above

According to the class text, the most glaring problem with Hedonistic Act Utilitarianism is that:
a) It is too abstract and difficult to understand.

b) It can be used to justify violating people’s basic and fundamental rights.

c) It involves rules that do not make sense.

d) It is religious in character.

e) It has no flaws.

If someone is an “Act” Utilitarian, do they have to draw a chart in order to “calculate” utility?
a) Yes

b) No

Who advocates “Higher Order Pleasures?”

a) Mr. Boot

b) Mill

c) Bentham

d) Tatum

e) Leo Minosa

Does Lorraine Minosa care about her husband Leo Minosa? Does she care at all if he lives?
a) Yes, she loves Leo

b) No, she is a heartless person who does not care about Leo.

Does Jacob Boot approve of Tatum’s behavior?

a) Yes

b) No

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The Principle of Utility can be used to Justify and endorse:

a) Slavery

b) Killing an innocent person

c) Being A peeping Tom

d) Framing An Innocent Man

e) All of the Above

According to the class text, the most fundamental problem with Rule Utilitarianism is that:
a) It does not work because it invokes evil.

b) It involves a religious framework.

c) It would have us always act unkindly to strangers.

d) Following general rules does not really work because the Principle of Utility can override the general rules at any time, thus
collapsing Rule Utilitarianism into Act Utilitarianism.

e) Both (a) and (d) are correct.

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