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10 Suggestions for Preparing Minutes

1. Build a template for the meeting’s minutes with the header and attendance list (names of all
official members of the organization).
2. Use the agenda (Example 1) to form an outline for the minutes (Example 2).
3. Talk to the chair to determine why an item has been put on the agenda: for discussion, for
an update, for a decision, or for a motion. This will help you to know what to record.
4. Fill in the outline as much as possible before the meeting (Example 3). Remember you can
make changes — if needed — during or after the meeting.
5. Highlight or mark areas that must be filled in.
6. Set up the AutoCorrect feature on your computer for frequently used terms.
7. Request presenters to send you copies of their presentation or PowerPoint before the
meeting. Use the information in the outline. If they are unable to do this, ask them to give
you a copy of their notes after the meeting.
8. Adjust the attendance list when the meeting starts: Present, absent, or in attendance
(people who are not official members of the group).
9. Try to ensure if there is an assigned action that a time frame is given for its completion or
report to the organization.
10. Add missing information to your outline.

After the meeting …

1. Check the minutes for spelling, grammar, and accuracy.
2. Start the agenda for the next meeting, including the reports from members who were
assigned action items.
3. Have the chair review the minutes.
4. Distribute the minutes to the meeting members (Example 4). |
© Ontario Training Network

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Example 1

Annual General Meeting of Rose Leaf Condo Board

Monday, June 6, 2016

Start Time 7:00 p.m. Location: Board Room, Credit Valley Golf Club

Calling of the meeting Board Secretary

Confirmation of Quorum Board Secretary

Approval of Minutes of AGM 2015 Chair 10 minutes

Report of Board Colin Thomas 15 minutes

Auditor’s Report/Financial Statement Colin Thomas 10 minutes

Appointment of Auditor Colin Thomas

Vote on Monthly Condominium Fee Al Grigor 15 minutes

Report of Schedule K Colin Thomas 20 minutes

Vote on Name for Development Al Grigor 15 minutes

Election for Position of Board Director (3-year term) Colin Thomas 5 minutes

Other Business 15 minutes

Meeting Adjournment 8:45 p.m.

This is a good agenda. It indicates who will lead the discussion and the time frame for each item. Not all
organizations use this format, but it is extremely helpful for both the chair and the minute taker. |
© Ontario Training Network

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Example 2

Minute Taker’s Initial Outline2

Annual General Meeting of Rose Leaf Condo Board

Monday, June 6, 2016

Start Time 7:xx4 p.m. Location: Board Room, Credit Valley Golf Club

Directors Colin Thomas (#25), Don Watson (#21), Al Grigor (#26)
Owners of #s xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4, 6, 18, 22, 28, 1, 3, 7, 9, 17, 19, 27, 35, 39, 41,
Owners (not living on the street) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx14, 30, 11, 33, 43, 45

Owners of #s xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 5, 15, 23, 29, 31, 37
Owners (not living on the street) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2xxxxx9

Proxies received from #s (xxxxxxxxx

Calling of the Meeting 5

Confirmation of Quorum

Approval of Minutes of AGM 2015

Report of Board

Auditor’s Report/Financial Statement

Appointment of Auditor

Based on the agenda
The template information that does not change: header/location/attendance list
Information that must be added/checked.
Cut and paste from agenda. |
© Ontario Training Network

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Vote on Monthly Condominium Fee

Report on Schedule K

Vote on Name for Development

Election for Position of Board Director (3-year term)

Other Business

Adjournment of Meeting
There being no further business, the chair adjourned the meeting at xxxx p.m. |
© Ontario Training Network

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Example 3

Minute Taker’s Completed Outline (Before the Meeting)6

Annual General Meeting of Rose Leaf Condo Board

Monday, June 6, 2016

Start Time 7:xx7 p.m. Location: Board Room, Credit Valley Golf Club

Directors Colin Thomas (#25) Don Watson (#21), Al Grigor (#26)
Owners of #s xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx4, 6, 18, 22, 28, 1, 3, 7, 9, 17, 19, 27, 35, 39, 41,
Owners (not living on the street) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx14, 30, 11, 33, 43, 45

Owners of #s xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 5, 15, 23, 29, 31, 37
Owners (not living on the street) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2xxxxx9

Proxies received from #s 2 (Takar), 10 (Becevello),8 xxxxxxxxxx24 (Ferguson)

For the purpose of conducting this meeting according to the bylaws, Don Watson
agreed to act as chair and Colin Thomas agreed to act as board secretary. There were
no objections.?????

Calling of the Meeting9

The secretary confirmed that all homeowners were sent notices of the meeting either by
mail or hand delivered 20 days before this meeting as required by the by-law.

Confirmation of Quorum
The secretary reported that quorum was present.10 Quorum for the association is
homeowners from 10 units in the development.

Approval of Minutes of AGM 2015

The minutes of the 2015 AGM were approved ………. with the following corrections:

Based on the agenda, additional information from chair, and own understanding
Information that must be added/checked.
Proxies received before the meeting. Any new proxies will be added.
Standard legal requirements.
If quorum was not present, the meeting would not have been held. Therefore, you can insert this
information before the meeting. |
© Ontario Training Network

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In the attendance list, owner for home at 36 was not in attendance. In addition,
reference to house #58 should have been #28.

Mover XXXXXXX Seconder XXXXXXXX. Motion XXXXXXXX 11carried.

Report of Board12
Don Watson using a PowerPoint presentation reported on what the board had
accomplished over the past year.

The snow clearing and grounds maintenance (mowing boulevard area, traffic circle, and
snow collection area) by George Van Ryn is working well.

The parking authority continues to monitor visitor parking and the system is working
well. Most homeowners understand the system and few tickets are issued.

A notice board was installed in the traffic circle for condominium-related messages.

The accounting software – QuickBooks – is working well. All owners are up to date on
the payment of their condo fees.

The board has issued four status certificates for the sale of properties on the street.

As required by the Condominium Act, the board has had the financial statement for
2015-2016 audited, kept owners’ and tenants’ information up to date, organized the
AGM, and distributed financial statements and proxies.

The board has also posted documents on our website for transparency.

Auditor’s Report/Financial Statement13

The auditor’s report submitted by GBA LLP (formerly known as Buttle and Tavano)
testifies that the financial statements submitted to them for the period of March 1, 2015
to February 28, 2016 are accurate. The auditor’s report was distributed by mail or hand
delivered before the meeting and is on the website.

It was reported that the condominium association is in good financial shape and the
reserve fund is fully funded.

Appointment of Auditor
It was moved that GBA LLP continue to be retained as the auditors for next year.

Set up the AutoCorrect for this type of information. Type in Carried or Defeated – or whatever is the
style for your organization.
The PowerPoint show was reviewed by the minute taker before the meeting. If this was not possible,
the minute taker would have asked to see it afterward and then made the notes.
This information is standard and would have been copied from the previous year’s AGM minutes. |
© Ontario Training Network

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Mover XXXXXXX Seconder XXXXXXXX. Motion XXXXXXXXcarried Carried.

Vote on Monthly Condominium Fee

Al Grigor presented xxxxxxxxxxx

It was moved that xxxxxxxxx

Mover XXXXXXX Seconder XXXXXXXX. Motion XXXXXXXX Carried.

Report on Schedule K
Don Watson reviewed the board’s Schedule K initiative whose purpose is to consolidate
all the rules and regulations concerning the development into one document. This would
make it easier for new residents to understand what is expected of them. Concern was
raised that new buyers are not receiving the same information as the first time buyers.

To have these rules incorporated into a Condominium Declaration requires the approval
of 30 owners.


Vote on Name for Development

Al Grigor reviewed last year’s suggestion of naming the development and placing
stones at the entrance of the street.

Election for Position of Board Director (3-year term)

Don Watson has completed his two-year term as director but has agreed to run for an
additional three-year term. xxxxxxxxxxx Hexxxx was nominated by acclamation.

Other Business
Street Party ????

Adjournment of Meeting
There being no further business, the chair adjourned the meeting at xxxx p.m. |
© Ontario Training Network

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Example 4

Final Minutes

Annual General Meeting of Rose Leaf Condo Board

Monday, June 6, 2016

Start Time 7:05 p.m. Location: Board Room, Credit Valley Golf Club

Directors Colin Thomas (#25) Don Watson (#21), Al Grigor (#26)
Owners of #s 4, 6, 18, 22, 28, 1, 3, 7, 9, 17, 19, 27, 35, 39, 41
Owners (not living on the street) 14, 30, 11, 33, 43, 45

Owners of #s 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 5, 15, 23, 29, 31, 37
Owners (not living on the street) 29

Proxies received from #s 2 (Takar), 10 (Becevello), 24 (Ferguson)

For the purpose of conducting this meeting according to the bylaws, Don Watson
agreed to act as chair and Colin Thomas agreed to act as board secretary. There were
no objections.

Calling of the Meeting

The secretary confirmed that all homeowners were sent notices of the meeting either by
mail or hand delivered 20 days before this meeting as required by the by-law.

Confirmation of Quorum
The secretary reported that quorum was present. Quorum for the association is
homeowners from 10 units in the development.

Approval of Minutes of AGM 2015

The minutes of the 2015 AGM were approved with the following corrections:
In the attendance list, owner for home at 36 was not in attendance. In addition,
reference to house #58 should have been #28.

Mover Debbie Grigor Seconder Joe Pignataro. Motion carried.

Report of Board
Don Watson reported on what the board had accomplished over the past year. |
© Ontario Training Network

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The snow clearing and grounds maintenance (mowing boulevard area, traffic circle, and
snow collection area) by George Van Ryn is working well.

The parking authority continues to monitor visitor parking and the system is working
well. Most homeowners understand the system and few tickets are issued.

A notice board was installed in the traffic circle for condominium-related messages.

The accounting software – QuickBooks – is working well. All owners are up to date on
the payment of their condo fees.

The board has issued four status certificates for the sale of properties on the street.

As required by the Condominium Act, the board has had the financial statement for
2015-2016 audited, kept owners’ and tenants’ information up to date, organized the
AGM, and distributed financial statements and proxies.

The board has also posted documents on our website for transparency.

Auditor’s Report/Financial Statement

The auditor’s report submitted by GBA LLP (formerly known as Buttle and Tavano)
testifies that the financial statements submitted to them for the period of March 1, 2015
to February 28, 2016 are accurate. The auditor’s report was distributed by mail or hand
delivered before the meeting and is on the website.

It was reported that the condominium association is in good financial shape and the
reserve fund is fully funded.

Appointment of Auditor
It is moved that GBA LLP continue to be retained as the auditors for next year.
Mover Lynn Shaw Seconder Tony Kotsopulos Motion Carried.

Vote on Monthly Condominium Fee

Al Grigor presented the two options with regard to the 2016-2017 condo fee:
1. Maintain the monthly fee at current rate of approximately $95. There is no
increase anticipated for at least five years.
2. Reduce the monthly fee by $10 per month with a possible increase in the future

Colin Thomas explained that a portion of the condo fee is put into the reserve fund. The
reserve fund study carried out in 2015 by an independent engineering company, as
mandated by the Condominium Act, recommended the amount of money to be put into
the reserve fund be 12% per annum for the next 9 years. After that, the study suggested
the amount be raised to 20%. This fund is primarily for possible future sewer and road
repairs. |
© Ontario Training Network

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Discussion arose. It was pointed out that the savings would be $120, and some
residents may not be on street in a few years’ time. On the other hand, continuing to
pay the same condo fee would decrease the possibility of owners having to top up the
fund in the future. This could be a selling feature.

It was moved that the fees be left at the $95 per month fee.
Mover Lynn Shaw Seconder Vincent Michaels Motion Carried.

Report on Schedule K
Don Watson14 reported on the Schedule K initiative that was developed by the board to
consolidate all the rules and regulations concerning the development into one
document. This would make it easier for new residents to understand what is expected
of them. Concern was raised that new buyers are not receiving the same information as
the first time buyers.

To have these rules incorporated into a Condominium Declaration requires the approval
of 30 owners.

It was pointed out that the wording in the document was confusing, and some people
were not clear as to what they were voting on. There was some concern that the bylaws
were too restrictive. It was noted that all the rules were taken word for word from
documents already signed by the initial purchasers.

Most residents were in favour of the document but felt the wording of the proposed
document was too restrictive. It was decided to appoint a committee of residents who
would re-work the document. The following people agreed to work on this:
— Tony Pignataro
— Vic Masters
— Colleen Rogers
— Susan Macdonald
The committee will look for a fifth member. The committee will work on the rewording of
the rules and consider additional changes. They will submit their report to the board by
early September.15

Vote on Name for Development

Al Grigor reviewed last year’s suggestion of naming the development and placing
stones at the entrance of the street.

After discussion, it was decided not to erect name stones at the entrance of Rose Leaf
Lane nor to name the area. The idea was brought up last year as a selling feature for

Minute taker caught the change from the agenda.
Excellent – a time frame. You will now add the committee’s report to the September agenda. |
© Ontario Training Network

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the street. However, as house prices continue to rise, this feature is deemed
unnecessary at this time.

Election for Position of Board Director (3-year term)

Don Watson has completed his two-year term as director but has agreed to run for an
additional three-year term. He was nominated by acclamation.

Other Business
Street Party
It was decided to continue with the annual street party. It will be held on Sunday, July 3.
Residents volunteering to organize the party were Mary Maan, Lynn Shaw, and Debbie Grigor.

Speeding Cars
It was pointed out that cars are travelling too fast on the street despite the fact that a
speed limit sign has been posted. It was suggested that a speed bump be added. It was
felt that this would just penalize others. It was decided that the condo board should take
some action, for example a “shame” notice for the board. Residents were asked to
report speeding cars to the board by email.

Garbage/Recycling Bins
An owner with mobility issues requested that residents be instructed to place their
garbage/recycling bins in a straight line on the sidewalk on garbage pick-up day rather
than grouping them and blocking the sidewalk. Grouping the bins also makes it difficult
to access the sidewalk at the top of the street.

Action: The request will be communicated to residents by email and by a notice on the
board at the mailboxes.

Adjournment of Meeting
There being no further business, the chair adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m.

__________________________ Minute Taker’s Signature

16 17
Chair Meeting Secretary

Normally signed at next meeting after the committee has approved/revised the minutes.
Normally signed when the minutes are sent to the members. |
© Ontario Training Network

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