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When I _____ home, everyone _______ for me.

My family and friends ______ a surprise party for

my birthday!

Seleccione una:

a. got / was waiting / had planned

b. was getting / had waited/ planned

c. got / waited / had planned

As soon as the doctor _____ me the X.ray, I ____ I _____ my leg.

Seleccione una:

a. showed / knew / had broken

b. showed / know / had broken

c. shows/ knew / broke

I _____ my friend Amy in 2009. She _____ in a café at the time and I _____ there quite quite often.

Seleccione una:

a. met / worked / use to go

b. met / was working / go

c. met / was working / used to go

She ______ alone in Paris when she ______ that her friend Lucy ________to that city, too.

Seleccione una:

a. lives / found out / moved

b.lived / finds out / had moved

c. was living/ found out / had moved

When ______ she _______ her arm?

She ______ it while she __________.

Seleccione una:

a. did/ break / broke / was snowboarding

b.did/ broke / break / was snowboarding

c. does/ break / was breaking / snowboard

We ________ good friends in high school ,but now we _______.

Seleccione una:

a. used to be / aren't

b. used to being / are

c. use to be / aren't

Jeremy _________ a lot of money when hw was younger, but now he _______.

Seleccione una:

a. didn't use to have / does

b. didn't used to have / do

c. didn't use to have / doesn't

Where ______ you ______ on vacations when you were a kid?

Seleccione una:

a. did / used to go

b. did / use to go

c. didn't / used to go

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