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Unit 7:

1. Flaws=Fallas
2. Good bargains= Buenas ofertas/oportunidades
3. Fist = Puño
4. Bump=To put a fist with another to greet.
5. Disease= Enfermedad terminal/o dañito.
6. Deadly disease: Enfermedad letal.
7. Bulletproof=a prueba de balas.
8. Waterproof= A prueba de agua.
9. Greet= Saludar.
10. Shake/Shook/Shaken= Saludar/Sacudir/mover
11. Climb= Escalar/Climbing( Claiming)
12. The top= La cima
13. Drowsy= Con sueño.
14. Worst of all= Peor de todo
15. First of all= EN primer lugar
16. Best of all= Lo major de todo
17. Above all ( this)= Por encima de todo..
18. To top it all= Para completar: I was sick the whole day..and to top it all, my mother too.
Body Actions:
19. Chew:masticar
20. Breathe=Respirar
21. Inhale= Inhalar
22. Exhale= Exhalar
23. Sigh= Suspirar
24. Cry/weep= LLorar
25. Sweat= Sudar
26. Spit= escupir
27. Sting= Picar el cuerpo
28. Itch= Picar como si fuera alergia
29. Throw up/Puke= Vomitar
30. Swallow= Tragar
31. Do number 1= Orinar ( Pee/Urinate)
32. Do number 2= Cagar ( To make po po/Shit/Defecate)
33. Eat=Comer
34. Drink= beber
35. Think= Pensar
36. Wink= Giñar el ojo
37. Blink= Pestañar
38. Frawn= Fruncir el ceño
39. Sleep= Domir
Health Problems
40. To have a headache/earache/toothache/backache/stomachmache/a
41. To have constipation
42. To have diarea
43. To have allergies
44. To feel nauseous
45. To feel Dizzy

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