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G37 MY CRY © 1995 Dumbarton Oaks “rates for Hararé University Washington, D.C tary of Coote CaoingioPabenion Dat ‘Sowing the dragon's test : Byzantine warfarin te tenth entry vehi ees My ner pe, Netona aed San an esi or t mes /E RINB4I61 BeoooI0IF 1933 CONTENTS Foreword Est of Arovadoas and Bibliography ist of Secondary Works et of Hatratons and Maps PART I TEXTS AND TRANSLATIONS “The Praca mito ofthe Emperor Nikephores 1 Phokas (963-969, Introduction ist of Sine Line Noter ‘The Tats of Nikephoros Ourab0s, Capers 86 hough 65 Inerodvtion| List of Sine Text and Taoaton PART I: HISTORICAL COMMENTARY 1. Nikephors Phokas andthe Proecepa mitra ‘The Authorship and Context ofthe Pracepta mitra “raion and Originality in the Prep miliria “Taciss and Bat inthe Prep ira Miliary Lizrature aa ie Profession of Arms 2. The Byzantine Expeditionary Army ‘Change ia Milly Insitutions and Policy during the Tenth Century wl u n a a ry 16s “The Arm of Nikephors Phokas Part Te Infant Part2 The Cael “Tainng 4. The Ofipriag of Hagar “The Byzantine Hamndanid Wars nd Hamdan Armies amid Armies Ye Prwcpta mitre 4 Sowing the Dagon’ eth The Hyzamine yin Bate ‘Presiton before Bate atte Par I Infantry Deployment and Tet Part2 Cavalry Deployment and Taste 5. The Army on Campin “Marching and Encampment Par: The Army onthe March Part 2 The Byantne Camp Afterword Appentix hos of Terme Indice ‘Gree tne (General Index ti 22 22 a ns 26 a» 20 a1 a 0 nm ur 38 m —— FOREWORD “Te contemprarie oles thant tr generations, the miltary achievements ‘of Nkephors If Phokas (963-96), ohm I Tzmisies (669-970, and Basi T (976-1025) marke thei rigs the beroie ae of the Byzantine empte— Tépopie byzantine” as Gusave Schlumberger dubbed it ver a cetury a. Esch of the the solder emperor let a storied legacy of tary tum Nikeporos Phkas, the white death ofthe Saraceas” whose armies ater ‘heconquest of Cite ad Cypes, the Cian towns, and Antioch, ds beak ing th power ofthe Hamdan emirate of Aleppo, the Mest arhenemy of Byzantiom nthe eat Jo Timi, who withstood the callenge ofthe Ke van pice Stately fr coal of the Balkans, nd cated Byzantine ams int Plestine, nd Ba, "the perf th lpn” who extend Byzantine omination over the Armenian princplites and ortern Sri, and who, in ‘he course ofa hit year strug suceeded in sabupting the Bula state, ‘he mire al for speemacy i the Balan and northern Gres [Cte subject ofthis ook the theory and condet of Byzantine warfre rng the age ofthe sldiermperors] The scope of the sbject has ben = fed by thet sures on whieh thi say isbabed the tel treatise now a the Paces mitra e963), atte to NikepotosPhokas, abd the revised, expanded version of the tease writen By Nikephors Ouranos at Shapes 56-65 of bis Teka a 100), The itary istvcl valu of these ‘wats les ins composion by experienced soldiers who wrt for thee pees and thir presented rthandsecount of cure mir) organization, gulpment, and actin Ye despite ther considerable military historical ine ‘st nether the Prosspt nr the Iter version of the Weave has acted & ‘eal deal of scholaty aeatin, fortwo reasons. One has been the imac Ay ofthe tet a8 the Pravsp has iherto een aa only nam eiton published in 1908 bythe Russian Byzantinst JA. Kalakoal, while to date ‘ont ew arte of the voluminos Talia of NikephorosOuras ave bues published Te oe as been thefreference of scholars to concentrate on the instuional and administrative hry ofthe Byzantine army ether than on ‘operations o tain othr word on what he amy was 8s OPFOR to hati dy purpose in this books therfore two firs to pbb anew twill Foreword ition of he Pcp mitra wih tesition 8 not. accompa by Seton so tao chap 5-45 ofthe Tak st Shepors Our tos Pt ren cot pase to Sen ay oe Cenc nd xin th cal at ey pre or Byaoe frm i ue do camp th tec oe ofenprny han Sook om peri war eo) and capa ni (Dee ml tet ah othe torr tS hen evento ht pied ‘Sn poise whhocsater conn ho eins then inte itary este (eh Tens pete to ofr ny hls he owing ind and isin tons fr the ep and spr Xpress etn Serato thereat Ge Mont an sen sla nthe Du toy Ons Suis sen My peste Sof aks oy evs Pefee ‘roles Otoomiden ho nepd teop ome int peo Sscuomany pence and courte, od mh wie ne ug rcpt sera be Bye Nuys Seman Astr, Shoah te Knons f Plenre © Drala and 1-1. Dice, {tr wih rior Fewahip (30-8 an Same: soap 198) Durban ak ted me Go mom of th rcch sn rita. ve ho rofl ety om dacs vss sags mt oes {ols nog win weld the exes ver ha toes ‘Deans Atanas, cbs Dan Ake Many Tbe, Pats Bo oni Joke Net, Fant Tomb, Mats Wate Vpn ro, eh Gowns ang K-CA. YM ns ocd oP Ags Luo ine met mbt th wor othe Demon Oaks Ses ‘ere othe eden rth comet supe oC ay Suh gman, Raia Sera, ané Mao Rk forthe cre ey dott te smo Mila ep mth he pat, ra Wo for ‘elastin sto vin Sh rhe ap “Tarooto api 936 vii) | | LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY Liste ere are the primary sources comnnly ital thers re given with fall ibopapy where they cour inthe tt bys Anon, —_Byzanina anormu (ath ear fd eG. Dens Tie Byzantine Miltary Tetves CFHB 25 (Washig.on, DC, 1985), 1-135 (ander the ie “Anoaymous Byzantine Treat on sate Deabuid Anonym deobione oleronde (ca. 90) eH. van den Ber (leiden, 194, DRM Deremilar(ca 90) cand GT. Dennis, Ths Byzantine Matar Treatises CFHB 25 (Wang, D.C. 985, 281-35 (on- er he ule “Campaign Organization and Tits), DY De weitavion (ex. 975} 04 and te. Dagon and H. Minesc, Le ‘ra agile (Develtatione) de Temper NiphorePhocs (963-09) (ars 198), 29-1950, and GT. Den Tre Bean te Mary Treaties CFHB2S (Washington, DC 1985), 137-298 (ner the ite "skirmishing". All references aze to agi’ ext {7k of Leo VI (ea 90) the only fl eition is found in PC 107, Onasander Seateitor Onssander, Stes legs! Aeneas Tats As ‘lpidits, Onasondor with a Engi ranlation by members of the Tinos Grek Cab (New York, 1923), 34-526 Parchlae ES. 1-A. de Fovcnlt,Sirtegomata I Parebolae Pai, 1347, Pat Pract mari (a. 969): 8 08 ans infra, pp. 12-38. SM Sroteitn f Maurice (ca. 60). GT Deaais, Das Sretegion des Maris (ith x Geran tatltion by. Gamileckep, CFE 17 (Viena 98). ST Sylgetactcora c.980 eA. Din Sylogeracticoran, qua ok ‘eta Leon Tactca decbaw Pais, 1938) ci isto Abend Boggy TWO Toki of Nikephoros Ouranos (x, 10 chapters 56-65 e. and ‘wane ita, pp. 88-168, Primary Sources Grek ‘Atal Michal Ataiates: Michi Avalloae Misra ed 1. Bekker (Gone, 185). ‘Byeanos Nikephors Bryeanios: Nephort Bren Hltorlan bt ‘uaa of, B Gautier, CFHB 9 (Bross 1979, DeedninContanine orphyrogeit de admiand peri eG. Morac RH Jenkins, HB 1 (Washington, DC. 1967). Decer De cerimonis aula zanna, 1 Ree, 208 (Boa, 1929-30, Genesion Joseph Geneson: lsh Gees rep ir gutta el. . Leste Werner, Thur, CFHDB 14 (Bertin New Yor, 1978), Haida, imperial Eepediions LF Hldos, Thee Trae on Imperial Ee pedons, CFHB 28 (Viana, 1981 Ker "Staton of Kekaumenot: Senet i RaskaryKekownens od 6.0. Lari (Moscow, 1972), Leo dite, Leo the Denson: Leos acon! Cale tora i dese, el. CB Hase (Bonn, 1028, Prokopos, Wars Prop! Catarinsiopere om. Haury eto Sleeotyps career addenda et corigenda a. With (Leip, 196), Deb bo 1-1 vo De ble het VV Paalos, Groncpraphia Michael Palos: Chrontgaphia ci. A. Rabe, 2 vos Pais 1967). Sly, Joka Shae: oom SepltzaeSyopes Historian ed Thurs, (CFHB 5 (Beri-New Yor, 1973) ‘Theophanes ThophaisChrncpaphia wl Ie. C. de Boor (Leipie. 18), ‘Taeoph cont. Thophanr conus eI. Bekker (Bonn, 1838. Zon.” obs Zooars' owes ZonaraeEptmaehtraran eM. Pine 0M. Baten Wobet (Bon, 184-97, ‘Arabi Source in Tranltion ‘ye draber ALA. Vasily, Byzance ees Arabe, Freel eon prepared ‘by H. Grégoire and M. Canad, 3 ols (ran, 1935-5). canard, “Sout araber"”M. Cant, "Les soutoes arses de Fisoire ‘byzantine aux confins des Xet XI sles” REB 19 (1961), 284314 ol sto Abrevitions nd Boggy Ie Haug, Cofrration dela Ter thn Hana, Cina de are (ta swat bard) te HL Kramers and G. Wi, 2 08 (aris 1988, Yahya, PO “Histoire de Yabyibu- Said 'Antoee, contnteur de Sade ‘bBo. ad i L Kratchoviky and A.A. Vase, PO 18 (0928), 75-833; PO23 (982), 39-520, Prins [BAR lnteretonal Sei ets ArcteologelReports (ltemational Sei) | BMGS Byzantine and Modern Grok Siar By:E Byzance Forschrgen BZ Byraninice Zest GRAF Comprenrandar der ances dl FAcadiie desert bole eter DOP Dumborton Oats Papers EeEcDiite Taempis Eempeins igarnviy Ete BHR. agloh Hutoral Review GOTR "Grok Orthod Thole Reve ‘GRBS —Greck, Ramanand Byzantine Saher JESHO Soural of th Economic ond Soil Hitory ofthe Orient YOR Lani der trihhen Byes RS Sowa of Roman Sues PEQ Palestine Exploration Quarterly PO Paolo enntalis : PP Pastand Present EB Rewedeséeudes Byzantines SBS Rito dea ont elt TM Travaux etminoies Cente de recerche dite et ciation bye YY Vian Yemen ZIAN Zaps Inpeatarto Akad Nauk ZRVI Zora Raden Vantltog tina Reference Works tnd Collections ‘CFHB —Corpesfnsum historia byzantine (CSHB Corpus seiptorum istoriaebyzantnae is) isto Abreviions nd Bboy DHPLE—H, Hong, Dic Hocksrachlhe Profane Litera der Byatt, 2 els (Venn, 1979) Bt EP Erecopodiof lam: Eneyopadof lam 2a etton JGR and Zepon, ue praceramanan 8 vols. (Athens, 1981p Asien. 90 [Samad terse Sid, Dyn el I, : LIST OF SECONDARY WORKS 17) TuBTabul get Byzontind (Works fequerty cite re std Set by be abbreviation wsedin the ex) Abst, “Recherches sur ainitaton de empire bzantin aux IX "xt sien Ets rsa aanstrates soe ‘de Bye Londen, 191) ar VI, ‘Bese, 8.1, Fatimid Mibtary Orpaniation” Der Ilan 85 (1978), 37-56. Bishop, M,C, and Coulton, 1 CRoman itor Equipment (London, 193) ‘ Bhar, “Cavalry Equipment” A.D. Bons, “Cary Equipment and Tats ‘nthe Eupales Froatiy” DOP 26197), 271-51 Bomorth,C. "The Cy of Taro andthe Arab Byzantine Fronts arly nd Mid Asad Times” Ors 3 (1992), 26-86. itary Organ er te Bayi of Peri nd frag” Oren 18-19 (0365-0), 183-67 “inane Miltary Organisation” Der Iam 36 (1961) 37-7 Recruitment, Muster and Review a Medieval Islamic Armies” in VE. ‘arty and M. E, Yap ar Tanolgyand Solty nthe dle 1 Eas (London Now Yor, 197), 5975. (Canard, M,Byeancet es paps maimans dy Proce Orient (London, 1979) “eansdandes: Histo dla dare des Hardades de Jaa ede Syie ‘Alga 195, Contain, Ph, La gue Moyon-Ag (Pais 190) for the English rans: io, Mone, Warr the de Ages (Oxford, 988 (Coulton, LC, “Roman, Putian, abd Sasaid Tats! Developenens” in The Defoe Roman and Byzantine East BAR aeration . Series 297 (Oxford, 1986), 39-7, Daron, “Cece fee es poupis dangers dans les teas tars ' ‘jzatias” TA 10 (1987), 207-3. “Minors sthigues": “Minories ehnigss ct elgenes dans FOrient Tanta la a aX tay XP ier Fmmigraon sy ean TM 6(6996), 177216 “nyzance et le modal lamiqu st Xie” CRAF (Pari, 1983), 219-43, si) >t bat) List of Secsodary Works Dagon, eit: Dag, H. Mi, Le ta ure (De tine) de Foner Rapes 8-5 (ta to, iu A Din “Le gies bmn” 1M 2 96, 2 La Tig a Tac Neigh noes 19. Dok FD Chong pc Ferg Kar oes a trem le Rca 822 (93 2159. aig, "The Dolo of Rn Maid Coal! JRS57 (95, en Fag, VLE, "The Alp Question A Brann Fain Coe te in oroe Syne Lic Tet Gary ADS BGS Te lino, ely ls Me WF yas nd de ch otf “Liha i) Forth “yan IH Forth Te Brann Ath Chne (ue 10s oY Su svn” PhD dnaton (ON. swig of hcp 17). Gh A, asd Mane, tin de mrs de Sod “bleh Noone Mal 0 Han, ny Servs Mian Ld an he St of Secs ure Pons ad npn DOP 7 (099). ‘rection Ptr A marae, ton and il Sry of he Onion ond Taga 3000 Con, Aerator nd Consptin he yaniv hi 0- in Sl of be On es ns et, i. ita caso" “yamine Mit Ts foe Sih heath et GS (979 Io aon and Kenedy, heb Bin Pane) Hao a 1 Ken att "Ton Aryan wtf he Hh aad Nath Cette ary Oxon snd Sey teva Sain, tte a, Sra Doce Srasengon Rapin "im (von, 1 Han Helene ios Hb andes, nad ‘ar fol, 718 Css, 50 ta, an Ree MR, a a, 8, Daa, bw Lista Steen Weeks ee ee pep error rarer freee eens iearetieaeiat omnes fee eevee ee eee eee Eee ee Pat apap amt pth | fae ee race eee nes eee nee eee oneeeeee Cor cee penn fer cctee amen Sentra es Tega ay ee es Fe fos arene eeeeeeereet nee eee eae fee ae eenemeaseecer Beco eens eeecaseates ae ee Ree eee mena Seminmeer sree Rarer cen ne bv) isto Secon Wonks organisation “Lorganisasion de tonite ott de Byzance aux ‘XeXIesteles t ToindeEscor in Decament ds J es insttions de Byrance (VIR-XW 8) (London, 1996, a XXIV, "Middle-Byzantine Provincial Recruits: “Middle Byzantine Povni Rect Salary and Equipment” in GONIMOS: Neoplaane and Byzantine Studs Presented to Lendrt @ Wester ot 75 (ult, 1988), 121-36, "The Concept of “Holy Wal’ and Two Teth-Cetury Byzantine Tre" ' Peace and War n Byzantine: Esays in Honor of George T Dennis SJ. 8 Mil and W Nesbit Washington, DC, 1995), 2-6, Pury, WB and Yapp, M.Ed), War Tetley and Soe i the Middle ast London-Now York, 979, Rites H, La Pare des Cavaliers und die Literatur obs di siterichen Kate” Der fla 18 (1929, 6-34 oven, Vi, Inpeatr Vasil Bulgarootsa (St. Peterbur, 183; ep: London, 1960) Seanoo,., 4 Misti Mana! of Wr Csiro, 1961) on Sie, Py “Tanes and Trade in the Abad hah, 750-962/133-3 {28511025 (1580), 71-98, Shi, Crasaing Warfare: R.C: Sal, Casing Warfare 1097-193 (Cat se, 956. Verbruggen, Art of Way: 1. Vesbnogse, The Art of Warfare in Westom ‘Europe ring the Mae As fom the Eighth Cony 1300) (New York-Amatera, 197). Walks, RE, "The Crusade of Joh Tami: inthe Light of New Azabic Evidence" Byzanton 4 (1979), 301-21 "A Byzantine Vitory ove the Fane at Altace 071," Byzontion 2 (972, 31-40, ‘Wita, J, "The thnk in Byzantine Military Tetes” PRD. deraton (Cniversity of Minnesota, 197), boi) LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS AND MAPS 1st stoic Mia, Mosc MS. 45298 120 2 Moers pe 2 116 5: OnonnasBrcon 3 22 {Sree fneymen inn Gr ed Manowar, me : ‘zane wayne (rm Gra and Masons, isan Er tiguity [Lon Dua Harps gait (rom ows, Th Wa ae Ay ton iy 16) + Poh usnan (om Cra and Mangoes iran te 9) s:itepres has ng te seeder of Ta (om rab and rowenta 3 : 9. pyran and bs incom Crs and Manos, i mon 109) : 10. Byzantines nd Arba combat (from Grabar and Manowssacas, Llu oro) i 11 The sun oration rin Pr rac 240 a 25 ce vaca 12 Tela rato djs or pen in IE Theta formato at lor aro rin 14 Thcompct inet oman {= Mesum Hye pound 16 Depo oie {fant net cy ifn Te Ttmunry dub deh 13 Deployment of the oy ee 50-Th u omaton fe karpok a 31 Jn Abana uate ata oan amb om Gaara Munouscas retin, 210) 22.The mune ft pare bai 23. The cage of bate (rom Grabar and Manoussacas, Ulan i. 3) 24. Theodore of Minin ang fallen enemy ‘Manoussea, llamo, pct) 25. Anema ling the Russian champion Ikmor (rom Grater and Manus 8, Lilartion Bg 216) 26, Byzantine horsemen pursing fing enemy (rom Graber and Manouss Lihat pt) 27 Byzantine soldiers searing gold coins to dsvact thei pursues (om SGrbar and Manousacas,Lilltvion, pl.) 28. Te ine of march 2. Te line of march extended to protest stragglers 50. Byzantine sldis attaching Bulgrs hie bya wooden palsnde (om ‘Grbac and Manousacas, 'thation, O25) 31. The standard eam proundas 52 The “shield cover” (Rom Gmbar and Manovsacas, iho, ph. xo) 38. The “shield cover”(Gom Gribar sn Manovsneas, iho, 8g. 238) Shield tom Grabar and [Map I The eastern Fomisof the Byzantine pire (Cit and northern Sy) 950 ‘Map 2 The nrinwetesn fons Bulgaria and northern Gree, ca 75 it) PARTI TEXTS AND TRANSLATIONS ‘The Praecepta militaria of the Emperor Nikephoros II Phokas (963-969) CExpamyen “Exdests Kai Loveadig Nuxnéépov Aeanér00) INTRODUCTION DATE: cx 965 MANUSCRIPT: Gonudorsnem!broet! maze (State Histovisal Museun) (Moscow) 436298785 (oureenth centay) fO 1S-136 PREVIOUS EDITION: 1 A. Kulatowsky, Staite smpertors Nikiors” Zapiski imperotorsbot okadems nauk (Istork fbogeioe eden) 8, 9 (0808), 121 (Greek ex 23-58 Commentary ad nde) ‘Te Prossepta mitra ie preserved in singe codex, nw ia Moscow he ‘State Htoral Meteor 3429825, Since renomtions a the meu have made he codex nace to scholars, the preset edilon i based ona miro= fim provided by the Bibothéque National in Paris. As this also the sole ‘dex to ve preserved the tnt of Kekaumenoy it as ben catefly sti ty Russian scolar, mest recely by BL. Font and G.G. Law, whose dings il be summa bere “The codex contin 57 foie and has ben shown to bea composite of two ain part cach in erent hand ols 6-35, 31-877, wih thre small, ow Ra 0 er rer tenn 92 (97) 1 6.0 an a1 pikes added afermrds (fl, + 56; 692-493)? Apparent an insrctiosl tltary nel sich asthe Prosepla appealed tothe collector’ interes, sce {he othe ets arb athe et mass pat (Acsopin, sayings of fous ‘Shloopheryttutatins of bern, Kekaumencs) seve a tate or diac “uteri? The second main part also contains work inthis vein. Fonié com ‘Shed that the two parts were copied separately by wo contemporary sibs Sn ourecntentary Tebiznd abd Inte jose together Thi common or tin io Tebiznd sees cera fortwo fesons. Tents found in the two main furs of the codex Tales of SyipaxLieafAeop) ace el to have been coed ‘om the same modes wed for these extn the Monocensr gc 525, know to hee bevo copied in Trebizond io 136, while invocations inploig divine protection forthe raling assy of Trebizond the Grand Komen (on fo. 350.25, and of«Teapenutine princess ep Xavi]. on fl. 101, roby & daghter of ohn IV Kemoenos [429-56 comet the codex with Tebizond ‘bel es fl othe Tork in 16 “Atan unknown dat th codex was broveht othe monastery ton von 08 ‘As where it pase though the bands ofthe ibraian Abestlom (sive 160735), who read and sanottd thi and eter codices’ The codex wes Sold shorty stersards fo the Rassinn monk and traveler Ase SuERABON, “no had ben sent fo Athos bythe Mascovite Pare Nikon in 1654 to bay Trska and mamscit for the newly Townded Patch Library which was to become the Syodal Libary ster 172, andthe State Hitrial Museum tier 1917. The codes st ese the catalogue suber 140, but was rem Toon mame itt a emennngver tenes vce minmatteatea eeu, ne Sac eh Ti, 18, and Lite, Soe 1 Rar, 12. Te ncritiom ofa 101 read pene cess Se er meee eects imac etc EEGs eects Cae ee wore get nanment sie ruby be cant he Aan Se, el yer ie aroasindocne nd pte of hoe ge Fait “ Proce mira ‘been the nineteenth-centry ctlogues of CF Mast 00.289) the Ark ‘mandrte Sav (90. 298), and the Arkimandrte Vladimir (no 435)? ‘Decriptions of the coder supply the lowing detail" hes main pat measures 207283 x 15/165 me second 235 167; the folosae pape of stern org signatures by a ltr hand (zat or sseeth century) ze ‘ound in the lover right (out ecasonally the le) comme ofthe fis feof ch quteraion ile nd ial capa Were done nr (saab), which a ome cases dl adds the code i led with decorations, done iar in the design of interwoven srpets or dragons, lines and Js; they ae wed to ll inthe spacer teonemn succes td chaps or between the end ofa line and the margin “The Prascpt cup los 11-136 ofthe Ht part ofthe cadet, and ‘the feaues listed above appear a these oes. The signatures by a ate had fr fund on eos 16,128, snd 1525 posible that the same and Fesponsible forte word dvaoséoca writen te lowe et core of 13 AN {ntnown band has alu add comes athe aria and tt ofthe open ing faios 115-116, which are peaps the work ofthe monk Absalom, whose Twi possi ofthe codex was noted above The ain iad chapter ies were done ia ed, a5 was one capital inthe text (Be on 1), But the tes of chapters (ol 120 Fig. 1 and TV (F127) have faded and ae now barely legible Decorations adorn the bepnning end ed ofthe ta apd ofeach hp te: these inctde dragon (118), interwoven fines (125), a patern of inked coals (127), dots and bales (133), iterwoven ines (139), and envied ‘rags (136, "The Tespenunine copys prepared the manusrps with eit care. The borers marking the geeros margins along the top, bottom, and sides ae ‘ery vn, and exch foo consistently conti vente ins. The inte same and thoughout sans, cas legible minscal, though some foie (117 o 129) dpa hy ramped se with moe frequent eure {to abbrvations and eters writen shove he ne. Te sre wrote neither Saal sigma (@ nr ita subscripts Many eters are render in feet shapes and ‘Seine men i eS, Aon Coe ae Vintner Mn Soo Parra int a ‘mnie Ve, Onan MA ang aaron ago pac Baresi Bend aiey nace re eee {a ekamep og ene IER emer poe eh Rea iecge igri Nyee meg wap eae hepetedm e seen Bab resetmwrae oats Tiebceowse None Salers Rolparae “ere trae con ae: ar aie Gust Balk wat pt ocenpad meoweenbrwe ol HPs epee eseesCoe we Ae 7 and FDoleunasiedeeireyesen yr cond ito eg AE game 1, Ria a pemtenerarh airy Tor Oe " eaeprece rer GiNo 3 f acdapoy Sper aBsc Baal Zey marron cormienay ik eh aw askriiy og PVE mosey chron Shap mapSCDilner merece oN Dir samtheascam nde ripen iooDoix retoRcs ome Suan nD cent OH, tanaporiow-nGi ix{-nwogeEse freee? weed alas mre RCP ieee Guage prhanc iy: Choe note exouragior: SS RE 1 State Historial Museum, Moscow, MS 486098, flo 120” 161 Proce mitra sls. and the Innes. 0, and othe combinations ean et, domi tte the page: Examples may be fd nthe reproducuon of aio 120. “The Eton of 1A. Kulahovshy “Te Pacepe mitre ben edited once efor, bythe Rusia scolar “LA. Kulakova (155-1919, ho poled the Grek text with a omen tary and inden 1908, Tnbisisrodection othe text, Kalakovly bil deseribed the mamtscrpt andthe principe of his tion. Conoted with tert ful of eer and ot Faptons, he temic to ke «blancs betwen inrodselag the cores eer fr thcoereneof the text and eating the Procepi san example ‘meter Grek wich should aot be made to conform tothe rls of els file He fel mended the fext scoring to his ove judgment and, Bea the limited mets at his dipostl—theexsence ofthe Tata of Nios ‘uae was unknown ia hi tine, and he Sloe cer vas tube Tished—rceeded ln ajng the text st many points ln his commentary, “Kilskovsy sorimaied te text an dase i pac among the conenpo- rary Byoatine mtr teats completing his with an annotated index. ‘Whiten in Rusia Kuomeys commentary oo the Prep is aot oe ‘ted, ut his atenton to tenia temiooogy coupled with his knowledge of the mliary erste then all ake hie ork ill el oa. “The State ofthe Text a the Principles ofthe Eton “The manuscript ofthe Pracepa contains many eroneows and corrupted readings The main eteore ofthe eror and eoeruptons eect he txt tnd the sep taken o deal with thm, are as fol Orthop errors sbound. Tess ele the sal bomoponic cote sions between 1 an4 acim) or between other homophones eh as ‘and w ot and eof Band consonant; inom insane, Band @ hae ben ‘onfse (pa fr Bupa om 126). A hand of enor appear to have Feil frm vial confusions betwcen certsia eters, among wc he llon- Ingiay benoted:ofor oad vio vers: bxaarpyas or xesivap 205 (115%, omic for nor (19 Eep fr Eva) m for cat (12): fora ain wafepu for wiprdv (119) even in ou copys sip the a with il eating upwards closely resembles ound ore, 8 Eeses for Exseog (115), The copit often wrote o and precoding smal oops 02 the oper et ar ofthe, maliog ox and ox dil to dings it would ‘ppen that is nde showed the some ates, 8 supasted by teens ‘eadngs Pop) (116) or mee ad ens or omen (1179, Al Wide a Pt Tess a rains spread ate istkes in rethinge and accents, and the false division of com pound words taiowésoeny (117), weep (118; 120), énieépes (G20), Altsuch crore are corrected automata. Anotberorthopraphical regulary isthe cecrrence of ingle comsonaat spetings (pecially in words of Lita origin), for example, eayeawet uhdpios corse ofa, xt, The singe consonant pling whi se lites nother treaties are et lone, whe oter are doubled automatically (edd aapens). Lie emphasize tha in auch cases aso ber orgldooer ques age bas not ben standard, or has he movable v bon supplied where ths onsetion i expected, The xthogrphy in then cnes ith he manus. “Te eran eadings jovaow/ wav abd posh have alo been corated automata (sevachoy / plsautoy and pevovig. The never Singular forms mistakenly rendered by the scribe ws ois and os ave bt stindardned as roy and Bt, "a is ay, Foukié sted thatthe tat number of enhogrphcal eros inaiued tht the copys could not have Been a prfesionsl. But was in all ‘prbebiy 2 mosk with rdimentary tasig ebook preparation. Consent ith his agnosis isthe copy’ constant mishandling of abbreviations The Tuber and diversity of those eors including ming sara, abevnted a tices terminations nd prepostion) sgust thatthe model came to him ina hey abbrovined (pertaps even a tchyraphic) vein that hee, ith vient iil, We out Fal “A umber ef probes and coupons impair the meaning ofthe et in several places, Lacing and easier re evident in the mamasrp ise, while ‘ther eros can be ett onthe bass of context. Fortunately the pare hse of the Prasepa ound in chapters 86-62 ofthe Talk of Niephoros ‘Ouran provides able bass for comparaon and els tient. umber ‘tomisions nd coupons th tet ofthe Pas "The manuscript shows tres lacunae and one ease The rang a two the lacunae (on fol 122 123) ad the erasure (on fl, 134 ate este Stor, but lac indeed on fio 15° represents asbstantial lost he fexte teint commentary oo chapter IV"). Also ound at oe os "M6, an serio (130), and a epeition (Ol. 129), “Corupions inthe text ae tat into mays Whee corrupted word sh el rie Proce altar or pasage canbe restored on the basi ofthe context or the covrespondiag ‘sg inthe Tl, it as been corrected and roe in he appara Tis Principle apps tothe lowing words o pangs suring in art oF sow {ng ome esenbiance to Ours pareprane: 1, PAC LD: dons émvoins exp oid Evo bpm TNO $62 eroto. bag eve, 2 PALL: fps —pepovonsons 3. PA Loupe —vyeena Nes 4: PML be ete oy rug nev ag eB een irs pevouens ck TO 862" pug 8 elves weds pevewnGwos SPAT Ls ey tv oe Biyey—ev ei aver Siac TNO 56% cy ya sv mou {6 PML": ok lv) laspoent el iv ok Epa dpyove.. se TNO ST vu enzyenea fot 7 PAL: ébafore ob eBagovet&& TNO 57. 0 eamhayB PAIN: sompt—soronpey 9. BAIT xonpordpv—mporowporsipay 10. PATI ponte nx 20 Oe00 Peta Ive sox thy sponiy ein, TNO 61 4 400 BY BotOea va sovfoy Sy TL PAC ipsa —épp tuednay f TNO 62. ervey Io les than ton defective passages ca be dete i he manus of| the Pace trough comprson with Nikehores Orane’paraphra. The folowing incense are ndsted(.--)in he te, and the ear wil beled ‘othe dacusion ofeach ei he nese commentary 1 PATEK 56s 2 PML TNO 560 3PM LH TN sé 4 PMI —TNO 61." SPM Ivs—TNo 61m 6 PMIV-TNO 61. 5PM TNO 61: 8. PMI" —TNO 61m 9, Pu" TNO 61> 10. PMN? TN a Par Tet a Tato Coretons made by Kolakovaky which canbe conimed wit reference to the Tatar or wich ae jostog by the contest (ae, PML, where he mended uincyon to ono) ave Been kept andar sgnaled (Kin he “Spparatus Hirwongs hat have Been rejected ae na eorded, A other eat Teis worth remarking thatthe text has not suffered fom sxbalinterin tio, Nothing inthe mais opps ta Some tage a eopyis ed to reve or update the rene by altaring or going the nsmes ofthe peoples Inentionsd CApnévis, Pi. ApoB) or te technical terminology vse in 1 specie rere Gievashion, tbat, Ce). To this imporant rear the fourceticentury copy ofthe Prassepta preserves the histor! value ofthe teathceatary orga "Fre hs been no attempt ia the ansation to we Engh gules or ‘the many technical ee nth eatin These have bon tnslierated and thie ‘eration and meaning are dacssed ia the notes to he tet readers may Wish to cone the Gossary (en p. 368-70), which standby defies the eh tial ters uted inthe Proerptsand the Takk of Nikephoros Ours. 19) LIST OF SIGNS K=I.A Kulshoraky TNO = Takia of Nkepbors Ouranos (= send sligua vera dese videaur (( )= compendia stts Gn appara) an Expacmyurh “Execs Kai Divraéis Nuendépov Aeonstov 1. tpi atin Ir pa i eae on se Pton k ri cone ect ips sere SAREE TET corte 2h oe orn sno on ersten nar 5 Smuts ea omc ape pe a eset poe avy a renner bo Sees aontinipny cemorian Sel ere epi remeron ee SRR funn ps noe out meme vo RORNG Sanna to ake een» et ttc nat coarser cree sant aotrerat ear am Snsape tk ae 6 SS Gpcoe an fr eg tor se eat ens pn yn: 3S vs Wistar so waits et mp or re Sosect btn at mmo prc enn com ‘ea ss, ele rat opis rented tt a ee See hewte as tee en sab a» Selene Seman grr ‘See feo pla yo poo eo ‘Soo tet a ops te aes oh ‘ec eon en Scat evra ab “ean ten ne Kan 4 ee Kr it ener oon sy gue gat ot (nina seco san ogee cr weap an Tova omc ‘uw nr me 0 Presentation and Composition on Warfare of the Emperor Nikephoros 1. On the tfatry 11s both test and necessary to pick ou fot solids fom Byzan Les ind Armenians, bey infatyesen rein ttre a no more ha Fenty years of age then tein them property to eth sto be ‘ware and Bt ll occasions, o maneuver with thle spear to defend themselves epaby and 0 ht against infty withthe ane al ts Appoint offers for them, deere, pestekntsch, od kaon tachs tat de heatontarch ands inthe midleof on unde men and, comespoodingy one pentekontarc i atone nd ofthe ie the ‘other atthe opposite 2 Ther koncouorni shouldbe scoring to iship and fendship in carp, ate formation the match ain every st ion. The mute ofthe infatrynen boul comet 11200, apr fom ‘height itary 3 Shoe tues reaching tothe es a tobe eu, ade of cotton or care silk, Thi sleeves have tobe shot sn bond wi is wp to the shoulder join 9 they can pot thir arm trough ‘sly apd comfortably Yo fight. Tec sleeves should be fastened wth Toop an buttons back on the Shuler f pose thet lo have Short footwear folded upto theres or unfolded upto the thighs or ele ‘sandal that mowzala oF those eal erboui in colli pee ‘They mast have tick caps of elo be fasten ener The heads with 03) 4 ns ewotia coz wel én and goon paseo 25 Guz wv cot onal Gloria el roop eat orpopdP ‘a,b; 6 ub eg 6 yee xeon, eb eephy Beames, reas mires Beal 8 apevSophe at Cans oven ee foot Bt exoveéps typ Ehooo0 tn om av let. Biv e Suvern don, lv nab ove BE rosy aay 30 elon ated sayfa xa ioapt Gd ubcoves ono ef xt fd eixoo née | wheng. eal wpe oe Eceiew eat ‘a eoveria geSiuow & bxeivat ot abfen eee, ot herder wept ole ealaolg vot, ides eeaopes xl Serato, ofmiesSpedovn Syed io WMD, AY 35. rbzov ayes copier, 8 keep Eso et ov Es ia Bo wat pos weapes wal ootip nepd OORT po, xl ona Goren ol oe el ogvEofLa suas Focwew gt Gives ev. va Seine nd enoo05 ral nevmeornpyous wal exeroetpyouy § hb oun 40 sayguir eipmévon nin tow expaonos tr, ow ReyO!EN apt ig mahatcg empderpes, Eze wal" Beary 905 ‘va rapa epic, delve Suod Bd tv tesedpon whewpor apo Sora ve Seon aceyoproives boy Gory Savor xapev xa Beto nopiowwaapion:Sexartve 45 area bere so eaepyeot nel gyno aig ola 1 x ei Eorv eaiDapidy wo xtc gp me Berar oi emaenoven tedio0aw Eaves dx lo. 2090 Ateca tv ows Locuri xl charade ubiiownt rica ‘ot roiquobe |e (6) Eows & xabodapxin mere 50 ow txtépovie Bt ldo nese, teDavat dad ra es wp elvax&y ROAR Bowaiei. 6. eg BE we elpmoe ‘pias bv ehlv Geovncnat, eke ig eke repr toe, SoeGoew xa Eeacty yopoy Tawar (ld) t BME eps ig apace tv Gna v0 xeploo oy ear . 55 tele tevejoref seocopaare xa pduove, each Bo svg #9 ply fen Be moe ein wok Sang MES ot eoevéooltony kat thy Evy ag totes 129 2008, Ive fra iooepegar of xopaAdpo ctnever rope xo Dele xa lob. Baot ei Hy obreate, mowoot of dea ne Rotana eo. Shap ng eck ot ca aha fpstatea Sees maivcos Mang Kista Koel aes ae [eps taipncad,Struaplss sate obec step ar evans na 12419 brands of lth, and cartily swords ged at te wast axes orion ‘haces, that one man fights wih one weapon, the ext with anoter, ‘secon to the aki of each one They sould all have sigs in thet ett The shields mst be po les han se apthonal and poste, Shoald be even age, Thr pours mst be tik od sta, om ten fv to thy apthomal in enh. The pints sald bef forthe task sr shoud thr fastenings roicen ares ald igh infty byte iets, als have wo be selected, 4800, who should have two gles th, on with forty arom, te ober wit ay as wel as Wo Bows exch, four bomtrings and smal haadbld shies, swords girded atthe wai, fed ancy and they must likewise carry slings inthe els They, 0, thold be under detach, pertckonacs, and belatonarchs 8. The or foation of the lnfantiymen onder dicsson isto be a doubesibbed {quite thos elo" founded formation” by the ances, which hat tee wis 08 etch sides tat altogether ther are swe unt 0 he {Bur sies. They mut beset apar, othe extent posible to allow space fer twelve to ites cavalrymen in each intervals tha he combatants ‘an move in and ont Ines th cataly fre quit larg andthe enemy ‘oes no rng long sina umber of infantry, els intervals shoulé te left open, ented, trough which the combatants can move back 2nd forth Ion the ote Hand, the cavaly Pg is aot laren the ey oer ring infatey long, eight terns soul be ft open 0 a5 1 Be ina very sore poston, 6 Inside the aforemetins interval if there tre maine whether Rhos on other forsener, Ny oF tity of| ‘em, depening onthe seg of their ut mst be stationed in each Intercalateback of th infty unit etal he opening of the interval. Archers on fot and lier, in uber coresponding to the strength f the quay ofthe os, mst be bi them so thar whenever thy cavalry whee about under put fom the enemy and enters the Formation, the liners wll press forward into th opening and tan the ts) Loo. 60 owat ka oun wal daoepes 105 Expo ig 0m oor proivew wal tan wiotdn ator efevepolioty “OV pnts dey eee 7. 0 8 Seken Sgedovee fore upoauo Sat otEyew b ueranoy Bo beg rl 2 odpa ‘or Bin, xa noo any tomotin rabies yds pie eet 65 Bio sg mopar vp Ee iploxoey 0p so no Saute Maeva; Seats py nawivrng 1 RO GET ‘ng [br wo Sena eat Be ob ub B® Gero, Eye im Bete Baoretoevou,daohvpévn x Bmpr aig xapadeny ad epoxy Rojo a AiO 70 maps nb ran Native ‘AhdEovpov ds woo BE xl ‘Da Eaoton Egor Be roy el Bab ee sg Ha. ‘ams mpanigevs Syparo. vo 8 ror wu nape) ‘amanstova gat ka hore Gos No sm Ir Snip rohbioug wank nt ah Aqupmel Henao. 15 Rol BE wblanrsdtefaomy od he EEoetaw ann Eye pas onaas wiv eepanotons, yoy 8 worn fw" se 2 dnapevw mapa yo, ea vane Sedan, pion, exovoe ex esa bmn: 0 ea i wip ‘ov Bio ck wear ein Toenotan o6nag YG ele x 2 Gnapee bx wv exe nape xapdeow Haw spe [SE mtg mbps ra extpous dvips tatoos tps Gv ‘snr nv xo, 9 wv ono ee dorm oe Snpokioms, ot 8 tear Eyooow peeve nee Bora 1 tos C-) vd 0 too om Oey feo Bi, ms oho is iporoyton, doxsianis wot éapagous iowa th, 2op ee alg Bb ERpzeabn ex cv shen repel we et wi vgn x nae frovedreg wal ok ame eatpore a en aay pop wal TOE iad ‘ty persica vel rpocavanaoven 9. wis Be an dr v0 nicl ws be septs as Ral aevBoodiers 9a Det 25 Or gaptayeiosbove ph nvr te Toso re lode or pope Gay, GI ea det OP sa i onaati 0 Yv dot MEN AOU ‘ike; ave ibe ioem St ewan opeetwe (2 tmeenéqer émepct | ie Ki co. moa: Km SO ine Enesco 8 Sagar tes. D mposene me ‘Seer cob en Eas a gtomr Kt od |v Fern tse |onmaar onan 0p Kon 06) nemy ava: withthe archers nd soges ranked in wth them coopera ing i hs task. 7. The ay infntrymen must be deployed two dee is 4 oublefaced formation, nd kp two iafateyenen rot and 9 in te back Beteen them ae thee Hpk archers, 9 tht the deh oft Formation irseven men, Wedo iad the ancient Macedonians aking thie Palas sacs men deep, occasionally weve or en, But cau thei ‘évesares were bore by elephants with vd beasts st Joe among ther formations s we find the Ethiopians di against Alexander Ue ‘Great, they alo employed other methods inher was in aint these tnd for thee reaone made use of sich fron. x own day, how ‘et sch formations are no longer employed and thi tye of plans Impraccl.Whea compared with the wars ofthe ancient eer the of spring of Hagar have great redced the depth fh formations. The taviarebs are fo have unde thir comand four hundeed heavy infty sod thee hundred Bowmen, son to make up one tart, which, a plane above, i double faced, keeping two ifaneymen i the font ‘Se two is the Sack Three bomen mat be stioned betwee tet in ‘ower to makeup ove division ou ofthe weve divisions. The aires sould have another tre hundred me fo make fll complement of fone thousand, of whom two hundred are javelin ad slings and one ‘undeed have thick monaia. wea leat of two oF to ad a Hall | ‘pithama, so that when the fighting bei he asachies ca form up ‘thou hindreoce or estubance aj thee men make their way out ‘rough the tervals to engage the ene: On the oe ind, en vor ‘out with ign and he wounded tur hough these sae terval ad Sad rele under the protection ofthe ite. 9. These jvelnrs andthe tetra arcers and singer st defend the entunes to the eters, bt ‘yo means shoud they be positioned alongs he infantry the fon ies: stead the oot ask ofthe ovine mut be lonsie te ‘infantryman in the back lines with theres of hei unt Behind them, The Imenvlatd stake tee place in the rt ine ofthe infty 0 ha uy uo ‘peared. 96 yeslons vom ct ee 19st26 ines poi eve Bos pn been {asi wispereuldmos wl anovnand Ete oxosp ose pear in sy 8 eso Ex tenga rte 8 OE fog pevodroue,apmuene Toaetowy tv ok dha Gxoiooaw neg tiv Tooiray sapandiewr el fOvANOSEY ‘hoi bryevas eat eopaceeutonn etcyperong coho pons, ore wat oito0s kal ods tous nbn eb eos tON {By dogoheta pein, dB x tse #0 roel. tv Oi ‘ovPhaniiow ro Be ety epaious i rapodiens—een Ee fmtio ez peveeous owouévusfympootev Hg napan {egw cy | wee neyorapvong Ot ain AA 1x ov ovpeevotoulvony 10. kal ee deed wal x0p08s ‘udeive oes, Eve Spor cv Gnd 08 obpton cB Bos) av zope eben rock ont & gow Bey ‘iva vse ramon dpi algo vives ene tpyos wee 00 haed abr Bene Bess rape ete trstovbaivrg od 708 eben Da0d,elodhty Sey wv event hn, Gn al 8 Epos mevmcéenp yo. 0 00 pveepob ppg, 8 dpm ypu lee ea ws ixérws dey tv esa roa, xakp.doovo oe epson tg ub i jeden rnp yea. wal Ce ‘uihh—8 oon alopecia pla woven (rad mp wv eetonpgetr sv Evaro, tech nev Sx aepel Sarg, fravet ewes youve yi xo pan Spy eal Groogejoun atmo 8 8 pevowe 20y even nd meen ie, 8 dd eax Spy Fepomin on Heyer ambi. eB eal nev EO chp eipiowores,yevestonay én ween i owe ipa Gohay eat raya wootror, Boor Boros zpes xP pv. Eel 6 evo Ws nodes prvedons peony Wak ‘repobs Hi ovdye 1208 dxorina va Bepzeren S ‘adeno yop 88 exenpor pep wok BSLAan ne ‘atop voto eatneptonor eo, 8 BE (2) ety napa expmenpon sv bee taba el te on pana oF Spo Pepe Faia io Kk (ateSepa atepsaea. (tt avee Sbte cn. atbaea leetens Kiseulee att esincent @ MOS" Migark ywtare Lea Eos deh mmtniie mit meso C 1 ossuia8 the depth ie eg men, AU the melt’ and atlners ovat to ave Shields more modest ia sie than the bean infttymen, Bt the et of the equipment abou be te sme asters Thefanion of hse mena Toon th ty event that the etemy gee word of thee formations sda tra chose to react with equa force and or beayeaalynen, to orp both temscive and thi ores ae by mes of armor, mh the spar ofthe infentrymen wl be rmshed to paces by these men, and by wing thee horsmen the ene wil shatter the infincry unite merlot mast beat heresy in font ofthe infty dision by no ‘heat oad rs hem, btincead cloey ane a with hem, 10. A this point the Frmation st be teped indepth, Send one ofthe rear "oes of ifntyformard trough the intra fn good err the signal, which thy have bon taught lating etree, are Bivens AC {Ge fist command oe pnteonearch with is men comes ia behind the fron lines of ifniy trough tse tral onthe rit, his men following ‘nn god order ke faton, te ober petekosarh he one on the lid, alo same ip bend te ont ites of inaney through the Jnterl onthe sls in good ord. They wil make the foemation ee sep a0 tht with the mena wil become four deep it should Innppen, and we Bp does ttt the te deep spent ofthe nn tien aie anased by th enemy kigpato, then Ue mena firm st, and thir ground bravely to receive the charge of the ka: ‘pak’ and tar the nny 1. Their mena st ot be ade fom ‘wood ut at ectons, bu om pig f oa, come or the socalled ‘eka Ieaplings none poe cannot be found, the et them be made from wood ut nt sections but they must be made of hard wood and [ist so thik that ands can wield them. The ment hess must be brie and snart 12. The jaelins should o ou hough the two intervals on Both sides fo jom bale withthe enemy Ketapinato’ and ‘diver teatJThefoursided infty formation mast be pled indepth 19] nse tas-ts6 | iyo yen x sr pin es st met mt rox troop hn with ei 30 nw Tet foro sn hey Spin sop ee trv ithe ccny fron ot oe thn hat nm op Bios tenon oe peso eres) ‘ork ote ane ad whee hy ae fed anc rove rowan eosin ber yeniger ror food or spit cacy Aa and ben hem theta {Sr tar eines topes a tv 8h Be ate matin of ney fete own, tb mnt rn spires pies Stetakn tn sr ma ane oh ht ot neon wh te 135 pend el al neo pemn Es. nn 1s bc joe nd eh lone inten nt hey se ok “pom orev sot weezer ag kg es Hh broken up. Ts ben ail flow eho he a as ‘ut ely 808 Serr og oer ‘ft ifn, erin th emer” arom of ch nt on, Shoat nips bane amos ea om fen tno pr te te aed wey ith Smteny indy Sone toon ig owes ac apt tom thr omnes uo teclcho cunt tio lbons caer Ba re in ar utp. a thomost nortan nnd oper ech uf ten te Bonthtpr mtn ct oho year ‘ay nt contaer te: es or ents Eig orn mes om he mca nti gg] gn ee ‘Sh townce sd ang onh t oldt dtid to py Sus cee ee Sopdet pen Stow ote uclew wal oa han ey om he aon he Sn wk egrsnoan poste Edom, peta Siw shoud ho ech warm tn cg sound ous usual Sve o8 ovine wet ea ‘wc ator heh fh conbnane Suet hl | thevtar ey cor Gre an ooy 6 oo tele tng oes th Sgr 8 Te onary ‘ap ta on Gouin engin enone a owe | tas ao have sal chrono te ltr sve be With soe soprbien Sy svlayetonten Sve. toe se KS gress an mn, it ny aig et ely Rogiomon mew von wi pepo oe tumin ua sens une ae oer and over en | as kee aw apm sv open ter repre break tem op yang both te cevongona sod tbe ae gls weds acd neal eer goo owe ee free eh thy be aay a sh doe epee | fore vv tog oto pt hua al Ton rapt rm in proper ord thor ofthe taza by tenses and those of ‘Sino arpa 8x ah th te thr Tey wt ry be ob en Tinned ec erogorspor vn ope) beta dita ofthe or og an be mnie Bree he 15s tov uevery ea mpehionny ete Mo ee ca Bin wefan and he cy Te aye shoal oss put apart eda sot ce ve Sonne ie eon fin, ihr ae ing hea sox wegapunntvs, ok pv wv emir (Big, Ct 8c (en) pes opr avn. ek oxy was owe ‘Boi ‘wig Aefoig I oed tenadpar bpp Axe eo eo. Eats dd ob ipa tv Rei ane ey nwa fay nak EaoBey tv ne ol Tope Tao oe OFS olejrigxoedapony, dk 88 gop aein bev a xal 13 EA iS ino Moc etree ein tenes S8be oe, 190 Stoner I or Kw ' (20) ey nena tooy 28 0do¥. div Bt Bog, ag Exar et bey fon, mds 2 dveuneslona, Bépyeobo (=) AV Seb wat ruven eo oop et owpioe, 17 5 hay wh emtepeobos saa dpra wa gp Boy hav, ey ubv hse Yh Seas ay eiropesinas, poles imtépeotn wel oii est cpndso0 zen byt BE fet dane al fa Be RRO wing 9 oo 20S ‘caw our av mold ev sh edeg fh Neh stvecb. Meg ev dese 1.4 Swe, mapa arts nes naox08 Egon bron abo Hntovor Eva wp Haoedey cd orowdpia eat 1 wovepa ral te peias ain. yey Be xa ovveoneny tinny wv tethovea fv wpg EOIHON eae oy wot oh zecyever evn wal i yet, doo Sob gwar 8 2,65 ppg wal Ba nto Exaco}O- ty coi reaping net egemoay eX; Bears by mp Ze syiovv 0 xapeurein adv wal Ex4epeodo xl pcos wav. pope 8 Exoovs wat iv oxovspoy, Bao: {Beew Be eal 2 woveépoy| eat Run ues ot 8 CaDtpe {ok atni Gohovdetenon nto. 2. oo 8 phy eT ‘bores wi nna 9 Seo | rvfowoPo as nape Ev ob wohsiow ep, faa eg esos ek aw inovs wig sapere moadunos Bobeipn = cxpcrewt otnagody 39h sv ecto apa ny ea xepap fa nape: wads A moda os mypayer. 3. xa ck bv ol yep erépzova eon sv inet nope. 2, pooroorivat wafidapions sap 8 apres 08 pated revarootvs 4 poxoatou Chatpo, soy Herouevove map ‘ig rahaag mporouposrops, poten a ipo et — seh pbs ye elven aay tarogpenwos wat fap it xoF (eogeel elonhcig—rgte sharin ig mevering te Lares niece, 6hleomm, ina aap col, 17 apis "Sauce Kerra 1617S nn oh cin iy ‘he bagans sin inthe mil Patna mus be eft open acolo the postion of ach aga an hema that ove log the ath without iedance to perform ther duis and eary messages. 17. The ost mist not bing slong 2 multe of tagese sims or noncomba ‘ao but when in ene terry, sould ae along enough supe 0 lest, a the shoul be se in moderation and erty nat in xcs oF Towury The majority ofthe soocombatant nd most ofthe gen ani nals ool be ft behinds out own teary On the Hess ffatey 1. tf posible, they should travel every on fo, each pi of men with one lo eary thee shi, spears, and provisions. Each group ff four must have one man whee responsi i nine of tae 10 rch over ter animal bageng, and provisions, Those on fot unable {o esp up with the eval Brae ofthe length ofthe arch oan sould havean errs mule each o crt hie an bring slong the prove fons Esch man must wer his om shell and cary his spear and re ‘ining eqipment. Their attendant mut low oe fot. 2[The con mando of th ay tus ake cat to deploy cow by a sour of water fon the day ofa et he bring ui he amy by somehow deploying ts forces in unexplored, wate eeionsJThs, then, is he way 10 ae range the combined deployment fifty ad envy, eae aout toed in the preceding acount. UF the enemy is advabeing in the ies tion of or forces, the commander of the amy max send out ead ve hundred, ofthe hundred, ight horsemen, called profoursoroe by te tiene wearing their idonia—ot heavily armored apd weighed lows but ight an apie astead—o sek contac ith tbe enemy and se Ia ‘ebaexuetr do, ea epg tsa, dv dns evs 3001 exer, panmrfoam amb ok ws spoeoxpataapas oir epartaoow 190 en Sth 9 (evctane vay wale eh x ny eva bmn ‘ow evautel wa opo ua aay Kel BY RopERGLEEY 1 cpoeion oi Gpincs xl abv sien efeapiar| 121 point Evan, wel UB, PAUP, Te oem ev eatin Poon xe 8.x a aE seis espns i emir airs ro owe, Sees 3 Gore 20 expat, pte 2 ph xnboveon, SeveEpav al ‘pt (xara) eafaldapion Gzosom, covzatat SE cok ein Seber toy speeder einer 0 dn Ee, eoaipe operon, Kas Karon Saoe nel aay tees eo ape foetal Buwoyras ko paar (our woke Eatvore, Sc Bet oh ifpeh enezoan ointe, eer tear rods Los ob Anawooun wig nee sioanigen wot ie olgnding eee fe 2 yopon vse waapeeaxapates pis eat Spuétecey Xo ‘ty goat eb nal ody be, ok A mapa tbe teprdoioon el) obems Seer eBiAbys eel of, & ‘per 002000, per x ootpaw zope 15 wae pando eyo. agree tg s€oeopes ropes; po (soesanis plans Ung sv wei eixan eroopane. el re Oeo0 Enwesoet Li avio, seetos dvowporeveag | wala ig ap Seal map peo Sou Eon lpr ‘Bows ey pr. ole Rafloupiod ce neice, 83% ot spaméves wot uw, eee he 6S napa aor asp wai ain, ng 68 Ess 0 Graponahetros, yeu pee eeaved eg campo ravig wo Bor 2an} wi rps 56 wake esi xl by hse tab anoles ‘Srabev apace ecg pi #4 open Rape ‘beige |e Bok eratuocovesdypol tos porous KT ‘420905 de 09 nardowar wig reoeig Roper. da twtr ear bboxcesupesndrn et droctetan dp {prod port es SaPeousRafadopic plc xapaeets 2a esl nek anid, py pln Mian Kane pa mass nts sn. hth cam rare ia cdook oper couabsnce hy caret hon and Sse pit et Pours cit it ramet in oe Fm ‘Sm en poe ou wt be abd Ow th iene and he omic men ining iors Whe the een tee alcess th enny athe slars swphul erae beeen ios ae op afer ouren an they tent Sov o hans ay rth the contd of be ey shad chs etd a4 ‘hac ut hap tom ot anger vB hin lowe flog i we rer bn thse ans tht or bs wth inbound teow nthe secon oneal ployment He sion pps those ie prt an i pi te ne Ee coumy srs wt theme sould thm cme on un frpruch te ny lomatns Ath poi the cy eae ls SEL) ate ty ox tthe ers ews the wy on Breer trocar tienen Other tere ae nls uo head ot fom ha inter Then ou oth conmandr of he Erm sald ovo en thm wh fou cv sit ong CB proper ornate te of Gh ry tn ae Tp for onion ae a ou hem compe aed ‘When ith Gs anesthe ena i re om tot pons and dns a cp fr th ni he ‘her ene fre ferry ray, ten et 0 purse ratte shy a ith oat rcton [Sat how npr fh nom Teint oe remsng Mow mo hn ed pe er oman a" ho th ansno coon & Ieee cing ser oerpraurntes {Sco aprons he ty Voran bu ty puke oor 8 ‘sane hm th cnands of any te te 9 131 fxaxstowosns naw shy Wy 305 ups. dota eal bx ‘ov expo népon bon trem weg eapadtes Ka fours wis Expats. cbrncat snore 0s dd en Fihon heat dn xl pen capes nape, oh Baral oxi sitoton ei apoasootsiewin. wey Be ‘ohne stonapas mapas, wie oweroption « Sra wo erect Bx of. Hv Oxo eT ceaDD ‘at Heels boydnog even 7 ol ety pansowe ok Ee to, feo aeavores ozs ol spoeoupadeopes eat owe mapas pest eoutts exp 0 el og FaR sol napokow. nol nept eaolary pong ey Evaro mopar yy eli fh eonos, 2 Kai pe ‘ott fea edt ohovteitoney ‘deer ‘edt Spores ow poeonpotope; wa Saba rapet ae apelin Sav molar we eyo ‘oarfawor fe tvs jn uae te oxon poorer dev Ercan, 0 iy pve el ok maga Goze” ‘Se ey Sepa of BE Gvtpaot indy xa a opERRE OS Beayiousxpaetwoay. iB al én tops tin, ina ay sapatovr ty wasn rset mae oes OS wv eo rapoke eet ape {eer wayrakovdn, patie nak dpeeaperaepevoves eC ovow ot aponoupadeapes evs wal sop ey whe. 1 ot, beeing ras encase pas 2 | ne sersg rok oma peek tv odenan. boob Kel oh rhatelom sSooupes mapas wixdeeas eeiotose 3905 oder Expo det nica pends Emax ouketeony wal eine Prater. eo Sy toa OL ‘evo, vie dx Ospoons tv eawegpéne ele elt 6b hive bard, o0 xenamroty xl spanio, wee See orto efoig eat robéeny eel aevtofohoris 10 cy nian tr bec adn Eherohovely wa aperpive wp ‘uuoylov oy xobatRopiw. 1 & dooteas penepeett el ‘rimming twine min to Serica spe he ho Wt mn 0 (261 nset91 ley wits aids ont esd, procesting one fer the ote Likewise another tre units should heed ot fom the othe: sie, abd 5 they dew near teeny Bae them come alt clos by them but ut fof bono If there are sll more aay unt eey shoud be detached to take up posions near the oes ales sent ahead. You, the com> ‘ander, most ep wih yu the four units designated above as hos t= tending the commande ofthe army and bend out ast of alin proper formation) If the enemy does tara ad cu, the prokowsaares ad the remsining eis must pursue i lose ode ut tey ar routed and bro es uponce st forall Until the enemy isin general et our nite mus ot ben ranks but shuld flow yp in proper formation in the manner ‘lscusod abot, both the prourstorer and the unis ideated under fonder thane ofthe ocr or exaleyeen i to secre prisoners owes noe Sie equipment or garments a sols. The oars and the avnirmen mast Kop thins om tebe and thi attendants and ‘i ldry must secrete prone ti neexny to procai punie ressre fo the ect hat anyone ranseresing tis order wl Be subject to pusisment. Ifthe enemy formations remain io ace wath a0 thought earning as our units approse,theprolowstore should move head and ti up ate Then th oer sk units must low dec {ood dein jon trl wth the enemy Siar the four uate noted Shove sosld move ake in pope formation in support ofthe oes in Foti the fatry wits shoul lo flow being and stand by. proper formaton})Andi the eum, emboldened by thei Kargphakto! ot by the shee sof tse army, still do otek o tu say itis hen recent forever on fot accompanied by archers and singe 10 few up though th ines Betmeen the Reay infantry an haste 1 thesid ofthe cavalry Ihe enemy emai as solute and unmowble as en usvaia6 no2ati2s syezarionotSeoptrooow i expo, tapers al ol ue efor our men must thenizepersvere in Being with no thous of 90 wopmpetaon SyemLipein censpenn REZ #00 fight uot the hand of God invent and the encay recs 9. Ii {e00yep ewceion x controle of Unevortin |. KS sould happen tat the enemy hts our carly units hand and pels 95 owe al eOvin mapa i Furnes eopapis "hem God forbid—they ust ete ise our heavy inate Uns for ‘pawarfoon wal daoorpeyows—5 jh Bin 0 Beds Yee protection. The heavy infatey mast then hasten ord in good order (iu—8ei xorarse ety Eade cv moped toe ‘with the rest f the mnaviota aginst the eae withthe cavalry en the Sriady sev wa feb ea ld oben; opie, Inside fr thie suppor. 10. I he enemy procende i cose order with | og nego Oday por i Bday pean ea te ther focesin proper formation, bringing long as host of cavalry and | wo ovr, fvbodev fore sais xobaapius mobs oyeeLay infant, and the forces mov ia apis oe sd four units the AmB (eed 1.x dv of Expl etd coowocng xa | opaceyin 125 ‘at wil ence our forse Cormation in swarm, they wally do i ‘sinbcnag wos émtepipeoe mos eebebaepead Raed el ‘confident nthe ores. Thee 9 pod for the eval 10 head of in ‘ei ep napa adv pg wp roe puri of thea because ofthe spent of thee hors, or wher pursued oped BE\Goers, 0 8 Apoem Een E05 es they are not overtaken ad, ied bythe spend fer horse, they aukly tes Eon, eptcun.davoet hy iyeetpay peat fexpmewov counterattack abd sike aguas! our men. I does no good at al 0 ‘bony, Oappvs mis Ents nan 79h xp FomaBlasy ‘hain fer hem, I. I nesesary forthe commander of th ams 12 ead sob eapdpions pectin 8a (HN) x ey 5 have the wiangulrformation of Katara’ athe ready and the other : ‘ouvir, bm wonakinuevot oo gbsovea wal ea ewes two units which accompany it and on whichever font the enemy sae i ‘tore claro xt oi oguivoPonotne ing have them move out trough thos interval ery ealy in proper uo et, xa waenotn wos fgerépong el od 394 eivalav Formation. Even ite enemy formation made up of fan, that 10 ears os M.S wv app ws xperode8 say fest infty the Rotphato’ should not be apreensive but pov Bye Hy inane mage gv kona x bye Should proceod to the ack very calyfoven ithe ene formations p05 rapa te io obs nee, ele olov nétanoy mm up of infantry. as mentioned) and sm the inguleFrmaton of erm Es nana Beto xv zope xe auplralit ight athe spot wae the commande fe enemy sry 5 is. etv aay eorcms pare cou eames, al we ate standing. And the the spears of th enemy infant nthe fot ines wil oa ev expan ropokig How Sse, oD koe be smashed by th arate, wheter aro wl Be netete 8 pdr etd, ed pec mad yalnmene eho (a sv the mnt ote eer. Ten, wth the hep of Go, they il se reste don fv edpov ropa eto) Ke Sy {ur to fight 12. When they do tus to Bight, is oc the atari ‘pitenov manda ay eoeegpérey (.----) | OpeGam dv a ‘sho shoal undertake the prs ba heir fwo accompanying is a tap econ apg 100 ped tv Eon. xl cee lngbeiad them. Likewise, the remaining wits sould move out tough ta tv Empey eGov abv fevion owned {i sv xamgpanrn oS gyiet alan dvevept Cova ‘Seong wot (8 we ovo evo wal ee epi {Ge0ispaniooren. I. enone B ainor ode Of DOLDW OL 12s nanigpornn Bnet, of yor alton oom Bo mapas ‘ Smev as dstowfotor does ral et hovel apa nn ae 10d: kno 07 ye 18 9 om Seine! ttammecXioacnieens vst wiek wat ogene i [Kota oposite 1) bgt es) 2) mame xg 8 deeripn say popian 28 Boee ds 2 Beaonopeiont ‘og Apoblang 19 yh Sew xan eacebaovean soley ea panpoons ates cembune tog Apa 88 dt ‘Pessoa Bye wis fooapa napanateo Seti ele ‘ui sn So napster cower wal Goto ‘ey og 8 wonapeetns Tororo ey Ren £0po- séGeen ab pyr sob par dxohovbet 13. eS xo x8" Extpa sepstay saxtve Rel OWBOBEL yer tv fherEpen flv oe wa oy eipConeen ip epi 09 Bn zope Ig owed, wi mipsicrog eBipyeobs ei epestin KS ‘ero xl een Warten gupta eirog 0"I ERBEDION- ‘ovine | eget ws Oo eapaidaprcs mpecieesxods 1 ‘pond el eae et xa. He eb Rafodapes ‘a iuerpor eg rosa ten wa ob popes outers ‘erpurieipon taperdizoe dete 8 Gpyan 00 epee Bass {notes as yandoyon tv Eve Spb ay oipatar Enka Fox yu Ceowvropian, xB wale whos ey evo. tr wopendican mpovteivn tt pdxives wets Grip, “stot x00: 2s mapaen ay pou bv py” pas Seas wat a Bevepa ol oipoan, c9eHova or poor. Sereno eo rasiene uot eke. ator 88 wiTD eet, dv eal Ogura repood Emggporen, Ow Koveona. pov oxounpe, fe eens nip eli zap ‘eigen opiuaee dave, Give eno upgsvovs OK Ox ‘nov erideode 15.2885 nag BO mikes peat oom reer, xo #020 redvGouss én eal ol Expo emusnes te tie, any moto iy Bo wo Sep 8 ‘rpawt, eeeivet ty ev, Joh newnov roporen Root ‘lonopas vee nak névee 88 ain eat Sew nach ee BE is beonipabey masa thon ev Bio napster, ese al oye dd | owonds elves wahdy wel etooN. ‘oi el nev avons eéoapas rapa empty waieoagas Urey eat Exunpsey wan t 860, nhowen pists wg tooapon yon rE. wa BE as Ep ‘tev npandieot wal spl Ete Soe, ev Beas exer [ape pe mK gn, cei: ent: oad Bea Coed fins yas ne poco ae ae by ‘eines om both Banks to scatter the Arabia Fest they come up be ‘hn the pursers and strike agit them. Do ot go chasing after the “Arabia comsounde of the ey togeter with sour wits Should ove ot bend te two units escorting the atephvaio an follow them Ini the katara ake tr place with he any ants ana ll the commander ofthe army. 13 In cae the enemy formation mows thickly and joins bale with ou ay infantry wth the eu ht there ‘Snot enough room forthe body of kapha! wo go out hgh the lateral ey mst bead ut tugh the ners on he Maks rope formation with, a noted, the wo cavalry ui aig, oanahlste and estoy the enemy, IF our eaaty force's que penfl and eanot ft ‘iin te fourssed mation, the ener ofthe amy ust dee the ‘iar to tke out on of thera fines of heat nt. on hetaan- tah eae ad add tht meat the gh ofthe rot ies 0 that al he ier nthe font asks wl be 138 me, Likewise the second Tne the os th back mst be lngtened in this ay ad 9 00 the thre hundred pt erohers Ie bx o allsthey bring lenge equips nent och spec mena and sie with whi to create thea prance of een tne infty eis—one seul ot be slo point butting that are gute advartageous, 15. Ete terrain on which the til tobe joined is quite at and the gery st up thi oman longa bod rot, 0, the cnsmandet of the em, wish to lengthen your fermaton, ak the ont four ove unis ares. Do the sae in the back All two unto just one, oa both Raks—in a word, just as sou den ight or aporopiate, 300 pt far nts i ret, four in the eek, and to on both Manks, oe tral wl bef open itech ofthe four corer thre bate the ue n fon and bee beeen the oes in he back, and inthe sits on otk Seaks—ia between ther, tobe rey ev ayia, soon Ev on an, xp Bow, fod dnowieativa sk Gugieepe api Bee, wal bY ig deus yopt1s dene sapadkeg (ot) woberiapveod lowe 14s ob eB doops Poin rious mapas 00 Ey fv née nape sy Epootey oy ea Sy fe eal 6 wun pe a ty xa osm RADY ever, em ti toot aM" ZopKa Ke ames, fnocehecOfooen Sakon i BE eek sabes Pot doh, no eabjeoritséoonpayopta tucpoter. 16, et & & woe xa aR3 com ome, et © Sven novi, Bn rapes, freee ely Heonv apbe sb cooreeadiva epion Es ‘ya wf otpo, fv 5 i eae paey sv mayon Sia eeavopas saps eal dds cs wt ro ana, 15 em et nat tv yor fH empaw Bryno. 17. eae ‘ol Eps nen roptenseftog ong nt xa we Perino rot eapempoy eat Eowty gers 8 xe apy. | ob ev eacry daben Ev 9 penne pope Bo, Spoor aon gery mapa wate xpi eave 180 Ojo opi dnd 8 yelper yap nape rao=y sexyorerontag ol Boul sopaeers oupeevokimvet dae ‘mga deere xepiga Ezouom wpb; rower Ty ig eer eyo hyn dey oipai nape sare uenépae aay yan emo rept, Eos vas Biovxabodbapinod na Re Lodo, Ev nb ig ekg, sy seooipa yopian tt eset ok navn Ty owt Beno of xobapuea wohentna Bal yore (527 rshSov wt 2 dhayon Afb. ye BE wok dows efo kl yore, kl oGrus Loot Eypotey ty kop 190 Bape Ey ig ww zapion Bors mand (8) dann lpn ve, ob hr et xl vot opener fi tg mpotong panic éxapmofls repos eDnte,vepe 8h tai rep nv eabOUapucy bican, Geno Geng Sy xiv soca. lett age M6 deco Steno: eptemdn 7 ereeen KcturSoe ot. Insp wetness ewan] ‘tive revemipto col tpsin Rony ek Se Kw {RP ar aur hcl HOSS et iD eat elm St 0 sens smote pesise—there wl be one interval each, 20 tha ll together twee Intel wil be created all round und tele units of cavalry can be stationed the weve interval I you wish b make the unis even more esate with the fot and back formation having ve units and one ‘both anki thir seems bes to ou, keep tena ia ie our corners a ele intra il be created Justo Before If you pee o ose ‘em of ou intervals wil be erated inthe fot. 16 oa the eee and the tera is quite mato ib nessa to do just th oppose, ‘hat svc ou wo uns onto cresieone interval, doing the same Jn the Bock, and fur slong both Banks. Pll and simp the com sander ofthe ay mus bealet othe ly ofthe faba 7. There sone note kind of infty formation which also fourcorord and four ‘ided and protects the enaly aside Ia ths formation two intervals Shonld be alowed inthe rot o os this a, thee shou be a Testing unin the center ith to tera aie fo Be allowed 08 both ier fA rom thee aforementioned intervals he ening is mut be dplyed inthe sbape of square and joined Yo one other trout any pap between them inorder to make the eae formation ar, the onl exception bea tat neva soul be let open inthe bck wits inthe corners on bot ses, with the ene eataly force a rayon the ine Inthe thoroughfare bytven the four itera, ing ‘hem ety in formation, are the evan of both the ragmere and ‘ema we ip the corners athe bgp Wan ad the coWd oF noR- ombusets Go some jee on fot and some et infty ao sta ‘on them in rot ofthe cavalry i he throughs of he intervals in ‘he manir dese shove IR, And 9 the diosion of inanty and combi! formation, ented i ull by the preset text, has eacod its fu. Non, Go wiling, se hall ke wp the dicusion of eval ats Lay mms 1, ep ev capi 1. elven bx stro ty earppince apse, bv 0 ro toe ag Seek: dip neveaxon fer weootpen 6 Spd eg Bios ee So Baer, Sy 8 xpos Spies te ana dpan cleo, 8 Seizepos 5 Gulp eb. 8 ets dv tpn, pon 29,0 xe tog 1g" 8 dag hp 4 EBD NEST 4B 86700, ‘dpi’ Evers dip vp. 6 Sexes dvb ve", ee amo cp ose; 6p G8 Ogelvn ono gg saryos Spbubntvipav revtaxooion eondpow. 2k BE 1 aowizow kant eimapa oe Som ees eran RapGTN, perdi exp, ety pie ay pg Bb, sy ewpaydvoos feenetooapes. yep Boas N.Y pe bp eB sr pase Bey pas sh dune Bp 23° =v Bh Gib an. sv Even 15 pag us ty denen pag ey Ende npg Sv Soden dup vs Guob wa AUB ts eauartos Spay speacootor seoadpuy eat Coeove. 3 et Se wn bot 8 orbs our, ofeDet 19 oniye ropes, you =D Eearo, geoph dpgoveam Gerpamyee 00 ano dp ‘21 os moa sufoat took. | xd Bb Seip dias kak mer ni Edo ee Be epee pa’ to Ex oD 100 lpoug eat Bnd sob Spies mpbg# émapraiven fy ely epiyano. rs Seams ramtpng vos SD iv ea Exov0n ponevovsGpzowng 4, lve Hy ex 25 ayy mapas nd tv wemnspeeren webanpton, Se" 36 ot sy owhty ebwois rouse Easton dpa nese dope "hip. 8 wavow ep sv ayer ee 9 pavi. fed x dyno sop 2 poretua, Eyre wok ink a 2 xpendquoe sv whale Qs. xal Xd Koveoown 30 Benfeow nog chen (onda, Soo Eger wept or ted alate sav Baten gaps ender pent Ov ovki coi Borow voi av woogie é&éppecbo ms ‘log i 8 yan andr dere i og ey 2a Knell gio serge K pep aM pa Mipechipagend Steyr ce ent" Rig cog ampeater Ke tepete SEBS he Salmi set ge ror |e et ony be 1H. On he Kataphakot “Take note that the tlangaar formation of karaphakio if tere ‘soy lage boy of men i otal must be SO4 men, is depth twee ‘hs hich me that thei row ofthe ne is twenty en, the eo, twenty-four men the third, went men, he outs, i)2N0 me, the it, tia men, the a, oty men, he sent, forfour men the eek fro-ight men, the ninth evo men, te eth, ys rie, the cleenth ity men, the vel, sit our en, otha ogee the umber of men in he whole oration 58,2. seh a namber of raea i noe cv this formation ost Become ere modes, otha theft row as ten me, the second, fourees men he hid been bea, the fourth, twenty men, the Hf, twenysi men, the sth, hint men the een hiy-fue me, th gh, hire me, he tat, forty-two men, the tenth reste me, thee fy me, the fily-our mea, andthe entire total of the Formation 384 men. 3. i the contingent sarge or sal, st neces to make the ft ne, ht, theo, conform tote murber ofthe quay ofthe how urtasthe commander ofthe hort es or prefers: Pram the second row on down tthe ick ac row must ect ah addtional two mes 00 {height side and tw onthe tt make yp the ingle frmation. ‘The katopivoktot ate to be ender one comiander wih asorted ofcecs “Tis typeof formation should const of karphvatol and they sold tase the flowing equipment. Each warrior mst wear «union. The “Eon sould hae sees down ote sows, Down fom the bons ‘hey should wear arm-guards whieh bots tne and thesis banging {rom the Aonahave zo and are made of parse sik or cotton as tho as can be stehee together. Over thir Abana they should eat “poi of cours sk oct, The bands should goon though the bs pendobn. Fyew 58 ais eat xan nbn al vo Sep htes Gove nahin pone ny nb wv ne ‘pub ne mayan Gen ee wove wis baiyois ey (esvecton. gopely 6b. coly eal goxemnfin 5 Eye Bear, ei eneppode tons xorapni, ele dx KevoGRan eo ein recov |e tv yoda ene do 8 {amy yh gsoeobo, ep mas deBadpos ed al by EG, obo nk gay air Gx) iy Yorn nek i xe Sowenehy te xok doing oft Ee obaig ware des Bowlin Popoin eErproayena xpi Sex ong 10 UetOm. {xb a Bub el wa clvateoxbv mpd eos, ‘peo a mason. eer Be eats ea mount x5 {nowponiy an Behr 6 bl Be oven wig eaeogpnm i nel srs Sas meinen oubdoooren. Kal HEY 296 payor inv eto eCepot kalo wa ok sap hs {ono mle, de dd nb agree Upon ke 2a ope for eat ey tae tevenootoy teoagpen 6 and; Ts ‘opandeg eengpn, Eye eae enaey eveora ‘obheng £1 fom sremoian (zoodouy wel ey} ELE tre Sfofnowe tobing 7. ev 8 Ravo¢peceoy Eom ‘he win. enpopac Saooipa borne ce4ia—x0l ena ann deo yong eg 9 eae ns pipe ‘miner ayn xa pe xinpopebiie Ew xp apn. mees Be ey eso wel ong wal TV pain wot wo aptona epee ec lp aon pe fia oui et gt ns tn ee gt ts {jem eb ny pins Spb yoo" ern rape ms ea 8 Senos cal png xa 6 exapngExérone Hv| Gyotey xaréorow. dx & 10 eso Bptov od aon ncégpera isin obs enor eles snp popBema xa x ve xapoiovsPacrmven np tv vpn Eomone obra. BE ksea yea 20 BEE st ck rai pve Swatty 8, ews Ret ot ion ate ‘rigor gS ws Cnas ein gapetsacey ok RE woe arabs oceans wn ay ei, ue Eats ompanor eprom es Se nmeninret ce THO" (36) Souler sit Thr sleeves shoul be hung behind on thir shoulder They mast have tos helmets bevy reinforced so a to cove hei fees sth sab two oF thc ayers thick 5 ha only the eyes appear They Should alto Wear lgutrds S. They aust have sturdy hoses eotered in tro eter of ise of fk and bol lathe fastened together down {othe els tht wong ofthe hor dy spear exces eye td noss—ikewise thet es below the nes and ther undersides should ‘emain uncovered and uneoncsled~or they can have Abana made of thon ides ver the chest the horse wich shouldbe pit at tee and underneath fo permit the unhindered movement of ther legs. The men Should alo haves o ture avy ars. 6 There mus be acs vith he arp nthe mile where thy canbe protected by thom tt fom the th tom on back tothe rear. Ite total numberof ‘upline oration i $0, they mus include 150 archer Cs 384, the mus ince ight archers. 7. Te arpa boul ave he folowing nespon: ion maces with alr heds--the heads aust hae sharp comers and be tree commere, fourcorered,o s-corered—or tlseheriton maces or sabes Allo them most ave sors. They shold told thelr ron nace ad bers inthe ands and have ater rom aces ether o thei els or ses The is i that the font ofthe forma os, the second, thd and ourth Kes must hae these complet, ‘but om the fit line on back te ktoplakio on the Hanks sould st plik this one man armed with a ane and oe armed with a mae oF te one of hemen carrying saber, ands they shoul be al he way 10 the backline & The arches shoud wea Kite abet ony 1 posible heir horses shoul be covered with arm. The arches should ‘near kebadia om the els o over par of the ores gad potet By ts db Ges wa dw, 9. ae a 70 nowt oy, Tomato Cooter tv raagparc ck orrpérat clot xbnpopaien tt ol obese ok deer ‘wl icDiwm nev ok ob ona, sore hh ered Eqeeacan pops iy soondy. 10. elon & aan wor Koes pdr oh xovnaepra kan hw wal ave vet map 75 guises eat deere et omapens eal pla dean deo em py, eS neyo ea den ald 0 SIMO srémo covminseovmas tak erbirearous ek oO ipoivas pe ait. ato vagal DA xl Bown ‘no 0 eBbpzovm; yO Guo xa éxineeueeana’ Koi cS 0 cunpetsua cid. 1 be Bg aeCac enparepoy bot oz eo ig dvantewo 6 dap née ete, dae, (Gon) xetapdeteywaaidaplen, (pe Bf 80 soverotros soi og eapOAMLE,sapacifeag sv pur Ev GE EOF IV aig np eopadhapndy owen 1, Tov rafodbapesn Sensteor oi dorm éxéeeae Avi. eh Bt et elven dt tpg never, wa Ey [8 Esco Sando xasbovryémiy xo haw ean ends se dean al Snopes al rani Suosace Kel 5 osiayenoe ot Toros eno ral ev apace ome uBio abe toni gpcur Spor dv. exes 88 es cay cot rowepia voi ora xi pain. 2 Bp SE spocuapodeoes bes adap mevaecowe & aindr BE {ph evo tse Ertan pos pe” ele pe” fopaeras 1 Eat aims wpe eet xood eee hepteu eok ora eat opi. 8 oot nave | Cae rovapsn.éxteo Bele Exons ain xargs Ev avpa. ol no granny eon, lee epee le sonora fdoy By 6 Pooreds moore {geen v5 Sayoons via mo opamboie sEemel Spee 1s spdgnevaeootoug eat edrdg puaooton, eaitv ot inte K tans, kn Kak 8 sien Koved 2 mre i tpecn etna eter 2 te! tc Ne wt 2 38 en a ES ps) ‘tele fom the waist down, 9. some of them ar ight horsemen thy most be ped ise the Kotapraiot The men aed Wi oes frases an the soho andthe ight horsemen mast also have swords. ‘sould have eld exept forthe archers 1. The hooxberl ofthe Tovphvatio mst be aranged scoring to eendship and kinship a tle array, i enmpeent, and on the march. Each ie should have a ‘commander, he biggrin wo apiece, wo quarter, ie, ag march > tether wth ten, Not onl thee offers but the whole unt, sould be de the command of one bend ocr apd the mea soald quarter and tar opetier wih i. I. Now hatte ll acount of he elton fof the fouraked infantry formation andthe combined depleymet is feached amend a well that of the kaapiraol, et now eh BE~ fp of God, st forth an oraniaed presentation on the disposition of 1, Ordinance on Cavalry Deployment 1.The offtots of he cavalry unit shou have bad. Their Bande tucto befty men In each bandon te mg soul be arranged according to kinship and nds in camp a of the march, abd mus sare te ‘se quarters and diy ousin in etry way posible In ate formation they ot be et pin ssh ay ha wo anda makeup oo ie. They sould have ther Kons lane, svords and Inaces 2. Fie ured oreren sald best aie as profowsors. One unde ten o 120, (tthe must be profit aches also wearing KiBons ad blmet, oF he lovin wl anonds and maces. All thereat shouldbe lnc Each of them shoul ve ane horse. They mst havea commande, ‘ier fers or a apterctes ox whomever the emperor poi. tecase the army i nt lag, aot enough for ve hundred, thy Should be tvs unre, of whom sity ert be archers Thx prow 19) ‘ves domony san. ota Bo spacapapesty {et wr moparapor ewepiifwev Bd ee OH wokdpOv pa 8S apps en nein nevi, fea. fe Ea lg (0) Tov ode apa, eo Epes, 20 pv", wie BE Rvmig Spon, eas Biron, eave Fy Biv ew ep eet lawtniot,Ex pe Eat py Paap ai mapas obs ei py Eevee educbv el wOhdow,Batpeivar eto ele kes Senad, wal =pa20" 25 by Saxphon pets xepaaees neyoprouees ta een” me “exesonov, ea vol dporep kal peony Kal hb 63 nape sols eye eg Syrpoder Seid Sepov Ws map wow nar 1" Aa irons imepcepaons eoveptrn exalt Sears ol whens 68 cae bron ik 0 eyinevn co 50. 9p) repeondan sy sv everaten apex Be Pedi wemeendone ean danas wat 8) Sporrg® ap ‘ng eg & dprnepo aos bepov eet Suto vps 9 obs w troop obs sy Ea incpetpeers i BE eat ‘pels panies opty Ba, fw eb al eprops, exétaoar 35 Guo dotpasrevoeootoug & ot ol x” kovoptot ea old owt rosin: mae 8 ei dem wok Oxi. ESE evo ye ol wv regi be, eewerep, eee én or (ge onlay Exon che end nv, Sooimie Rak AJ ‘al onda, raponeywony Bb ob Bava x not 40 Gv drapeitocny (3) sana wt mpi yo pag renenoes 9 Bev 8 ave Epa Bio ka, oto, vrata, pie Say ead she rapa, eo ves 6 xls wv eog xl Se aby be t= Ei Bsa séooape, pow pends A, eat dt in 80 4S lst eovrapdmr dlp pss Spod Ba woe Blam fo Snap ote rapaby hav &vpSy revacooew Gxoven 129 tec apr née, sioreoveapee oi Bio wdon | peoow Kt % tor spocipmiioy 0 tapers rope peep én pfnes tv etapa nape goto apr 50 iv ood tv Revenootorseaolper dvipor. bans xa engin nice ovens oon income. 1 Eat sinc | Seinppint ier henénn 3 emp Kamer SST Somer tego ca = Same meme Soo 10) sorrel tein tate ay th cay wi sce ‘helpings oe le se ee hate he om ‘md nw tea hc ond in ow phe ht {O/T mean inet ets be bear owe ens Senet ihe ae te hese sb eyo ded with iMfotund tte ur token rhe se pur 8 Th ts bec fet mut edd olor te ae gn song Stn vec bgpge nn hy Sel fe sp pit seen tts Fest eo the partes ang ons ne ot, 00 he EM let nd i eo The ui on he te mst heat he ‘hu ald uty en on he it ning ne hod men, tetrad are The mot of tem sho Ep le. tate cher whe oe souk the emy fro a ftonvitereur Lion none sad to ine on a find mun on ning fed othe rey nr Thx thee ior tbetwo ahr eons nh iran sl hve re indict men cach Tie hundred othe eas eto antes Ieahr A of eos ve cry ot ike wee tevin btmre meen ei ore tha a8 owt nd sors He the po ond ner Tetomatr pe fot of osu obphunde cee, 1b {Erling te ae soc wo fd al agers tha ot Steen roe aving ih hid he then poe og) Bind he ror fer at ost ns ab ind tft noo bred cers ott ot of a en on oe Sn mito chanced men oe dpb een ee err a een ri of nd soto epson wen he frend to uni oth {iteomplanetef<0¢ men The este the unio mt thewse bine i sivas Noa napenttesexeeoaar $e dp ve 4 ‘ber Be xv speeprsétan spur mapas supose ana px wocapes eapatsiesEyovont Kak eat ry inate ob ‘uk sy buspooternaparaéeor dv dvips Beane, txosiong rovtapdng Fal Sakootous satus unger ‘Sov tov moteybeii sapardfean ei Be Syoatdy bo & pend; fo xopaidapvod ele el Deny, gars 5 108 flo; ty nee én, tv Blo eaptOnwal uae soveupéoy. og ropa et (A) 19 a8 ‘mr exe, Eowsaay Bo ate oaapes ropes ‘eoceyepen x uy dyoson we zai ebpiana ote eUatins wal dveBioes pean 8 wt ‘ev mopar poate eal epee tev, dpa evs eval ev Losulves mapas ers Bp asking, 5 Sty BE ev clicvon Teccdpar wapaciieor aperaybinoony Eepa pc penis ore vy p00, ‘eel ny vor dora, Ex wo xepow.-)rapadetc ea? inn yapon a goat tn oop ae xd a ofstov, ban apocwaySSne EBeABEW Hak ote pte eos eal dens Ba ty t.aser pep ‘pyran, bd p(t) ale wes mapas eurotcore, bce a spodniadeiom sfonapes nape mahuaran. & (ev 8 tv elpnpbvwr sn mapa Bt Conotiat wo0}B0, ‘i Sree ob rshdoo Leaoi peg epg rape BE ‘al eid Lol 0 expe bu nos oe xan mapa (C.) 1 dfetiows one oroo8a is exdors eapeniiews apatewyséva wa ons eyo eat dpxnv yer aoGhov— hemtepéoduony 8 120; oxy sv Busou cup en Emo peo ay *®:popiineioy Sodan sg Stas xepiengav epeyxah {down sb eo xl sah Epgeobm al oma bs 36 8 pv y 8 ExcotorBvow Extn Tov hoxton, EOV Eh emodpeoto. eye Be eat 8 eAdyowda ea apnea a0 exorgeen. 8 of BE nxpeepaomat ex ot Gyo.t dear, ok Dyer ooo | tv ewan inepeepan, Earaa=y £3 se mee © snr Km ok 64 i: esa in ibaaoe to tapue tact eas poms temo ‘Sp aaa od Ti pon one cod wee econ. Sonne Te ommend Sind one 12) vstavas opt of five men 4. Another four units shouldbe positional bend the thre is jas dazed, which ao ave the sane composiion offre hundred aa ae the wits in on, hee Rand Incere sn two bude archos keeping to the pate ofthe unis just sorbed. No mater if thecvary fore i very amallor even are te order of vena depth not be mining to archer and the apes The eng ofthe ie tay be iced ob according fo the quantity ofthe Host. Tse four {ltrs be set put fom one another with spacious intervals between to thatthe ear units can easly make tee way forward thoogh them | ihout inference andthe fread unit an g ack, ether te units resin the ones moving though beng indeed hee Another tre {es the same s those in fon, shoul! be positioned tend the four sits mentioned. Ii possible Bate other. units deel facing the Intervals tween the four pit ead of them atthe dance of a bow so, sot, whenever they are deed frwar tat Bat they ca Bo throug the intervals in proper order without tren, with he rel That ter hee tres unit are idered nor ae the four units ected howe dtd, 6 I is scestary to pon te gan train bead ‘he the units jst cused, an x frter tres units shoul be placed behind the Baggage tin. Even ithe ary ie pr the pstera of hoe Ferzatons. 2. The spar ores of exh it mst be ranged nore fan havea commander with a peanant—they must ot bring long feat acy reserve hore bee they might pet inthe way a0 chat a ‘area hors happens o eine, ider an Bead of toa the pet at dspnated fr his own oi’ par horses exchange the hose and Fide bac to take his place inthe line. Each Bandon must have is ow Pest bt should not bring any sure. The pemnans mest have symbol fering sr rcopizble markings B. The ouaner and thei counter par the sovaledfankguards opposite the enemy otk, ust be 18] Ava dean pas eines ioriuevs. 9.88 iron adore Kis a (ol) Eepn Boa ob a, rE 0 abi i pons fet Ge wu dpuempob wh Eomon eve ean exepioiévan meee mode # el Ov GaHeNse abe 2 50 mov érowdelotar fo repla. oenéwoay 5 aay 1 TaN ‘iy 80 rapocseny ieateotoey ue He Ov bp dear ‘i sprpinov eaparens. 2 FE Howdy obomHa Te "pEIOD rapes spon =p 2 Easpooter yas 10 of 88 mp. eres oowowpostopes tv ep eneppoplwn 5 aod, 95 spoatavtfon ex Evel kal mens pomaeoot a et ye rl dats Sy Opty soot eee Eee ‘os pet nape el cotioeos Yea Hoo exe et tig spoceupoopas nae nav ms hy Heeeépos sapanifeg nal war Bel bv dppb an Batam Ov tao ig 8 napaates wat Ba tv spocomeven yep, rey {stevie sv eorapaxten Bptfeo ato el ero. ‘ibn mpoeipnsevn xo ellen So yop. pe iepehecivon eek Roweruxamévon exw 0 wv *pOxOvpIO- ‘par des éxioaota: ) Show so a fa Be es exop.iven wal | oven eg Bo ropa, Ete aeitey 13 rca espero a eowaypca Repareny pa ina nav erpsea 08 2008 sv ra zpronx0lsxpemovev ey Exootg att eye, © “Kipte Theos Nowe. 6 Oeds i, Deyo uss, a” ua oie sy Spy moeianas xan 0 po ese Mepna ‘bree voc 2eySueor Bun ape te yb No av gov nag enn éengomeg Stoony Be Bohan eal, Iva, ele fave Fee povonnd bx xoemaseade a pew eran tv edgy ein, “Képe Tyo Xp NS Oebs fn, eno is,” nat “poo mop af 80s notin Ontp i owen Kal av EIR Fe eso eta wer Oa, pre wel Even ‘i yt lg apg uch hy cou, Sper ning Oxi xl év iyo vetcao0g peta XOTONE 10 ge eovdeoo wat Riven en a” 12 Ae 8 =p mr ellie tot Tra ibe ca” tres core enka va. He oat poi oo waetvaz0 one hundred en tron in proper formation. The ranula formation nd ther esoting units tat, obs ight and let Banks, st not [ejeined to one athe bot mt tan apart so tht in th space bees ‘hem wo intervals are ested. They must taketh ples allows the ‘omg ofthe wo uit rs evel with he erie of the triangular formation, whi the est of the corp ia the wings formation shoud ju forward dow tos fost line 10. As the etemy i advancing. the Aforementone prokownatore have t intercept them wit arb and fens to dirt ther allthe ores thay ae making thi advance i 2 doeecly maser If homever tir tac ede inorder with unit in formation, te jrokowsaaes should hea back again toward ou fr tations AF ths oin their eader must spt there up iat tw units and ond tbe though the wo intervals we have mentioned on ihr side ff the kaapiato’ ad form temp bein, diet Ting thet he tervals The commander ofthe rokowsztrer as to vets worked ost fom betoreind 0 fat the whole uni ows how hey re 0 Spl p and ake thee postion athe wo itevals om site fee feangular formation of harphaktol 11. As the enemy devs nat, the att contingent ofthe host, evry ast on f them, mt sy the vine be paper proper to Christians “Lord Jets Christ, our God, have mer) fon us, Arena inthis Way Bet thee thei advance aginst the nem, camly procediog information a the prescribed pce withoat taking the slightest commotion or ound. Have te signal given to hem iter by tampot oF another iastvumeat for them so repent the ame Praja the tna en, "Lord Jesu Chi, our God, have mes 08 {er and, “Come to the ald of us Chrisang making ws worthy tore ep tau gi to th death for or fith and ovr brethren by frying end Screngtbening ou Souls, our hears and out whole body the mighty Laré ‘of bates, incomparable in power, through tbe intercesin ofthe othe ‘God Who bore Tes, 0 ofa hens, AmenY2. It is necesery, wwaatavast roo tv mat ndpet rey Tora 6 ev €x8p0 dom, i i Eel ace oa otha speynou sy wa pdr saponins, énacoowowin eae €§bxaripoy ab i 80 mapas wai |e mepeepacnty(.) xl oy wie ‘ov mae Evy wol 0 | oho kel sy ove eat Se tise wr dpzv si xpocoupoaipan Expy Bn 0 ‘pte, nr rar Even elev 3 KowopaxeN, Gb Db aod ebob severe Gp eg) edt pos wea Apr ne nevenove (ls) 2b dpcnepv ps xaerpeAE ‘ig eaetpaco eal cof oy eps fx Raion ernie, robe ih epuondtos tak an erty Kal O- ‘yn sy Oy ae. 86 eal og yp Extn be "Bayi rw naeopdve (ak Sov at PoHBEY- ‘gpa ofS nando el (at) exatpo0 aU fo apres thy Bw pulmo, owexipmve ea cose poag adrty 3 cw égtiv bv aie orator wal ‘enipan ove aps ebay qd. ica Spkova Exp ld 905 pEearov yen” ey eafpeY TD erdheagwépneoben, Biwi uesEpon ag wok aoa Ba iv ele eatpanee 105 fxr. obras etn Piva spins ene ob éemoy = epyonov rapes eat spoous Eh sapies r0 éry00 ev 6x8pen nv Sepp Cowir Fgnbe, Soo ek Sivas, nepeendovwry Oly le Ups, a txdpwn 8 St naparean yh xpomfouaiy ni he iv Romo eta, ey ndoy plete Ke Ly Teov iv oipay corp && bape sv pep po ow wat cob owepyie wat Bi jee Hig Ravana simi empleo Gol iemPooven wal vore Seo (Co) Meal ev eats ree Exp pom eB ois Exorpeey sn naetpiy 80 Rapetes wea ‘edd Grew eestor sop ewig pets nope he opto v of vere, e ‘vio eho wal Onohowetv gy wor expan KOSTA, [at pls Klos ot 2 aps pan | neo mena (out tease ia enaocnpr errant) ‘Bseconm, aia Ki pening fpr mtd 1 oan eta, ot lsapnnaank gurtanineal” [0 pon Step ew em {Sreapictyocod 2 sang mowed SS mee Hcl, 1451 Wwaatrvast efor ll sof heck a seein what place the ney commander hap ‘ems to bead athe triangular formation of keapato decay a Nim withthe two ert on ether side th ouankers the thee tits bed the te bgaige ain and the ret all following aloe. At this pint the commander ofthe pokausoes mast patch iy of bi ‘nen trough the wo intra on ether se of the hater out 19 the ight Bank of the Kapa aa ity Ot thet 0 ride Dose the kaxaphratit and keep the eoety ama from te Sak 0 tht they to not divertor dru the Rapa so beak up their hare IF text many enemy atack the Bas of the Kapaa ana gine them Support Toe outanker shold perform the same manewer and ence theeneny The ataphattoand the wo us on ter side of them mus Tema information snd so should theres ofthe wots wang tem 13. Shoal the enemy rmination whe on wis make thei tack ‘Spas then fr oon asthe ener arrows begin tobe launched agaist the front of fi rangulr formation of Kaaphratot, our aches mus sik back tthe ney with ther arows Then the oto be anlar formation mut move im proper Fxmaton ae toting pace and smash into the postion of the enemy commaner mle the oatankers on the ‘ute coe the ene ae fara posible and the be to mts PrO- ‘rod on both aks with pret precip and enna with the Fear Tanks ofthe kataphroto without ating to fa ahead or breaking rank in any nay. it he dof God abd though he intercession of His ‘maculae Mother he ener wll be otercome ad give way fo ight Tit inthe end rout ofthe ery envy, the two units om ete i ‘oft Katara most hen tke wp te pursuit From the four wis Dstoned behind them, the te unite are to Moke up's good onder ‘Brough the intervals where hey stand, and ll in tbe pus ofthe wm nassavis7 016 cordate yuh doe pumas ebg 2 Desuevov Bi cok Sxohoeteoa, Lv Smo: aos iol 1 Epot, Sl wat ws nlgns maps.) Eros iors din, 3 ove Heurwobm o mxonpottapes wal 8 “ncprepoctl wala spoheytetont So xapanin eh aH ue BxDpan, Bl wv dor wo put i today ne? sist ceoodpen raporen Bin mapas bohton, hy BE pos boxe dxapaoaicion, aapareliy eqouny x00 ‘spy ia, mb i Bones wpb een tv deouew eueotiohow ot moessort ye mabe Giron 9 esha Ses, df Bp i 0 on he ‘oot opohio.t, eave éepyecwmey. | 18.1 3 Kl ot Expo exgénores ot eel Gotogcerapanconce teal ina ‘ong wal drausgorem wig epee asap xl Xap ages, Bel wat ss Eos els parse slots, b= ey wv eecedpo Rapeean, Sa 257 zp Exot a ris éxpoty rl te. ef Cesdpe 3 sep eponwdovaba sr kyon, (9 Geo fares Tv ahoy ‘report asin) 16.1 Sm obey poor nape ceo po, et iv dmb 00 expo wa sv ey ‘sopardtcor wal exp So broSoa xs fy ty vow. di. rain; Brel hy sod tOLzOU RON, ‘tm rote ea sy apo ry root. 7. ms PN npotran sav txBpin, re Be oi nak BC Exod ee 5 ‘iv cin eixo ofa bio napa mpd wel AS ote eoaévoe et 8 al Apes rotate Etepor- ‘x ()égBpe xo spe eine Furpew FAO, Bl eperreian motos pg tv ha ep 08 eb (0705 olan, dada Ba ar Bela sv roo dnoooel tino el ope. 8 wal (al x a ee Yer eps vers zap eg rapetoun Bel wh, ‘52 row gulaetotoas mapas CY ei ota ‘Apoics oe elw ewoovirg oiNow, noun lyf "5p ning ta gan sie cm 9 ape ip oe sine cn ssn cs eae gol ran Erg one ‘Sa tee pene el 1 Trebor ofl Scape tepacs Tits p [tous col btn 1 eg tpn (4) nassavit enemy, while the kapha mms ary on very cay and fallow in Formation a their ace, the ener area age number te other 9 unis mus foowing ove anther I the prokwsorres the outa frvand the aforementioned tw unt re wot enough forthe pure of the ena, the commander ofthe army mast detach wo ofthe four uns ith im ad hep the ober wo where they are, witha te nits under erst wie th enemy is being pursued th cavaleymen stat Inselied in eapring prisoners o° go off in earch of hore o plande, bu that ther atendans apd the soacombetats ae to atend 0 these tas —certuny notte shail 1, tthe enemy have Brought lone Aaapirake! themes wih excl the same armament and they engage ur Aaaphvaktol and avy ts is ncessry 1 send the oer thee nits porione tein the four us Frvard though the itera 0 uta the enemy And then, when the enemy is ostfankad on oth fides my the aastance of the Low ec he sou 16 IF the enemy ols frm whe these men make ther atack the eommande ofthe amy tus detach two move nit rom the eaining uns eupport of those In bate lo put simply, be mst direst bi units according tothe way ser th ate ein ooph7. As the enemy ies a 1 ight, hes ‘he commander hime! aed te two unis wth hin musts join na fer suport tothe me inthe ihing the emery rings along eres ‘many drat and ey strp to sound ou Us ts Meesay £0 ‘take toner lat the hot tht they are not to go chsing arte tll bat shoud fend them of with rows rom th ares odie ter say If the ener formations ae comply surounded by our units, en he units guarding the tagenge tn arto coe up in suppor. Al ‘he cay units mst then do sos long ther are bo Arabia haras (9 0 waseavana faidopios enya sopanifes madmen om ree fv 18 eat eh pov Gow day 00 fuepo0 100 ag ooeipmpévn rapodies dropdietn pact, tag ae shove ve ph Zw hog ‘iy rood toot iv ey exevésde. 1. eat epee i be ev carson ea ospoqey wel Seoul Be ac cv soos OH ha ev Exp wok mde hy ‘aoe sv Ban nr By inprepionees 6 ev Bo tara rps sp sb eno" Ee we by wobapion ain ‘i me ph engeGyew hv Sor xeyow na Hg ons, al wet Exferynor el evetpay eqoMeaBet 0 ‘omarion vik expose wre Bi tas Suocia; culos (gent) av zoey Ene, Gea dad wat Bg wel LEON Dobe m0 Oeod spans of Sypl wal tatrnotSo el Sedaniphooaw 08 edpo0 aod Shower Bapenxo1 0s, ln golden nvpeiag ai SuerMERHE. Ob ag Sy sepeeesouaa a yep va. Jp eter [ina wat ey irae, bo; 0 0 Geo ig ek Bias ws soespgastos m8 thetpow aod xapas eat opr Bt ‘i eined pew ips eat Logs Beep eo eb. a [oad thavOpoios ve eborkayvir iv mpc 1 merge Ceosieov Emacumideng wat Eg to wei 120 hot abr Ppaevotons Ere eh ot By Bowe ot e8pot wpe sv ep day, 00 BA wean “norco ov Me mec ob Seow eT seu mpd Bea bos, evens ph Hv Be power ‘para it eat ev Ev poy sa eof ebay ‘Seen mapa, bx ig Eom rapes dnp exacts ol sworfovcbar io tetas apex el punto. et owed eros wash (i) i rp piv ees sepediean pial nap tn oxo gurLaBo =o {e910 val napa vv soy Kel gevtovo. Toran BE (en oor nv pope Geren, ad ee Le 2 ya rd Toma |g Gowen pond she ‘Fs mopanseus mie ead impos eae (a) wpe Ypommee Kpesinne 19 er Kad 86 dcp: Se Raapey ad tip Kouta pea pit cod. ‘fats uch Rete‘ erg abe 50) ing the bageae tn, 8 Even ifthe otal mumber af our ari peste, the ants sass must be Rep asthe ar hr pth must be 0 more than een and heir length so Bede out according tthe punbee tthe cory owt Be mpertive ft to fd out he mame of the ‘vemy host and above all what kindof quent hey ave, by means of| ‘pes deers, and prisoners} the enemy oc far trams ou ow both in sly an infant, oid genera engaganea or ose combats tnd strive ore the enor wih stratageas ad ambushes The time 0 ‘ook general engagements with the enemy i when, withthe blp of God, ‘heeneny has fled ee te, othr ines at ar eippled and fea, ‘leo the ther handout host is cbiowsyeonient and thi thoughts bof valor have heen aakened. Avoid not ony at enemy foes of superior Stam bt also neo gual song, ut the might and power of God {estore and fry the oppresed hearts and souls of our host and het ‘etl with Hi mighty Mand and power. Ad when this love and compas ‘on (of Gd) stir bythe intercession ofthe allclebrated Mother of ‘God, when Ste sce er people’ voy for the hr ins, fom at ‘moment on they ned ot ch or recall i er, be the ene wie the umber of our Host 20 he infantry alle short of weve thowsg, ox ‘ot meen vag out one of thereat rows of hey infty and on ow ‘of arches fom the tele unity two Mundred men fom each unit, 0nd pu together to mae uit Arrange ad set them wp acorns to the Bika of he infantry unite cnc above. The nerves ast be garded bythe jeveines fcers, and singers. They mus not be positioned slong sige the one infintrymen, but stead the ont ranks ofthe jaeies ‘ot be poisoned bese he nfantryne tthe ack ies withthe re ‘heir unt Behind them in the maaner described above. 11) vaevat V. ep anes 1, ek wa nep ico» fooyda Baap poor ‘oe rive paca to 8 dpyoves nap 8 ape ket Spee wo award Ev won HepeO exTy CNN oes Evo hentai el 6 pty Kaye 00 Siov oepereton; poov cob tooedeon deve OE ‘operst eal sey lo oot pres e005 nap ob Buayboo, ok nv ms 8 urasein amas ep, 0 Be pg 2 Bune, ep pon ot 8 xs 1 Leone ‘in eat Eroorg anon espe oy ey pce er “eee wo pps Eure ele canoe fo. deaowradmane Be we inv Be ne woreovfepva. 2 6 6 Bing GeO fered & NEN {pdoy Bl emer sweonpétopog wo eemoxonas net ‘og tno eo exretoug Ezovag bap whyaoy wb abeapes. ‘mp ib et envi 1b auovioy 200 apa 10 ore 0,8 bus wal ty Horne expert | xa pra gi oul ney oye Ono ETE. el Se Te ‘hv sob dpm stew geteton, am eat aot ey Bias ‘eooan | Gawd wow 8 wel of ANapgo wor me 6 ype oh dora ae et diggers Mo OO ine» 19 goonsrov, ewer peg maapya, w vray poe ek 2 Surin eis 8 peasy eel, 8 eco ‘ekg oor repay aos nv 00 ooo, xak xo, rf mapaesEppubotnons ions, ty ey wpm £495 acap oman, tong lglg (Ga) a pa pesca eipeDanw a tropa oe ot aiot Gedo vol sb kovipu ein ev eh Remo ' exovsini egw wove Gerowifewoun. dey B09 vier (Ger) ok yok woBGra ot & op én, ey okigéomv 6 xaBoXopds emer aloe cave wey Se byte speek Yobwi Keine Secignng K:tvhssingant Dee 09 Sethe IO 62" To rman Kt i nd 11a as iC Fra "ago Koc tps Katee al wpeah spp oe |e ergo se: et (oi eal ap ct |g tea ig ak. ipa acd Beene heh 8 gS ste ecw eee (ay V.0n the Encampment 1. Lime to discus rey the eneapnent. lth rote and fers sould be ssigne bythe lender and commande of th aa 10 {he spots whee each of them sbood set op quatre in ebemy terior ‘Te lender ofthe entire army should make his quater in the entra | the encampment, the sratego lagna, ad rminng ofr a he as irctd them, some tts enter flan som othe weer, eet the ‘nontber, and some tthe southern. Fach of them must kiow whet he has ben asiged to Setup his quarters to avoid mixing up the ode of ther amined paces out of contin. Thi Bande nd onfonbernr ms {et up camp acorn o pln, 2 Inthe area whee the camp shot be itis noeny fit to send out minaratore to search or eve, suitable sites wih suficent wate nearby. The banter of the ary commande shoul be planed i, then th anne th other treo/and oes epg othe plan they have prepared for he camp. When they ee ‘commander tnt up, ten they should pl this ove. 3. The ei tucks of the fot solders must be instr to deny their quarters. They themselves most make thei quarts around te encampment, he tannic four nays toe to the easter ie, tev the mest, thre tothe southern, the tothe northern, shat they eneompas the whole encampment. They sms ep th place inthe camp ea as they ate S211 ply in bate formations tht, inte eset ofa sen repo) ff the enemy thoy wil be found ready a8 though in bate Fomaton. Keeping the spears ted in te roan, the sae inaneymen shold lean thei hide apuinst the spear. Behind these afte are the light arches. IF the cul Toei uit lage and hee 01 enough infantry to surround them in he cap, the rear Kes of the itary (3) Sek! Soe te vanes ‘ok wes xe mpd: i) bes xvod 208 np ape Show goooon, neveweav ot oipaye kes hy cendy. ok BE neva dniendtooey ig he Bong ‘rae, xh dvonép | evs ntoe} open Spon, ob io ae a dd a koe eat ote B89 ‘2S ooadeny den Eabfeenay pla) xt, bom ws PS rpuspzoes Ee aia Ss. ana wiv GaeDaver yveotat ‘roves ft xav sedan yep 100 e000 (..) ak Bo ab dvi pg Bow xl 8 &xb Spenser Boao broaden ot Syetaoow eat Suga eaelapon eve (ol) 8 rNapyo pobieayDeeoN eo Mabie tio, xob 6 Dads deere, ok droweapys na elas ‘or api eahdovns sv had £08 ph diy ak doe foo is BS bt Be) Suaereivanar wep 00 foe ‘trou vob mp Biot wel Box Hs eo. 5 cn mln, yoo wor Unie wa denn oye ayolv asdv wel 200 oxoveapsqans dxineenésons, de ae did pein vig ose a, a ee os oct pxntvar. dx sg lel Bey wapaneav ty gpa yempn 8 Neyever Fh eves oySrpuE a 5 eed ombhreveadn gue wo ha nak Sgatoy. 6 Gv 1 algo tol 0 Eyapi Cxorene, et xo pov soviet ye pase wo Si oon, ey a) fi heyipeoy zvoc. BE et 466, ode Rae nv EX pio naemrenm oe zpoviou otheet goood <9 dy 00 Bel wg moe 9 Eve | oS Epyon7- moperpeane Be ate udp yet Hy 09 OW ‘Séow i ed x #00 eooodtan eRepreotet te eFrato, @d el ep ai Billa mak 5208 Bg fos ak Sous yetas bv wig dnsjerongdmoepeodo. phsovesta BE ragga Snoeopareas ee sob fooséeon Sak Berk tot dogs noid 0 ph nap wy opr OE 9 dit eal ot erpae at of Spares BB Hg wees ‘tniua expe bien nepuer Fopeey 0 ee —O EE Rhee Srseo i) X Stnmasenyormdaoncol 609K: nd tion te tae are ops ec nt ope me ot hag KBr nen Sven sould theses be positioned in wo ows tgs wth he rom nes, ati here ate eno infntnmen ogo around the ease escapees, ‘he rare shoal ty inthe pce The vaya shed eam in the ets ofthe ntrty a expaial above om nny deployment 0% ‘only them Bu lo some ofthe archer and lingers, Eight itera tute ef pen in hear’ nstmpment 0 tat hes cites ave to intervals These sist be the shape of «eos o the for sides of the encarpent two roads fom ent fo west and two fom noch 0 south, aod thee ronds must have width of pusage fr ve horsemen reat Tho chic ust ave instotons and plans wel before band fo earue ta the ekatontarcs an prevent tbe os fom camping irc inthe terrae and heoce Hocking of the roads as they top amp. Have tem run the roads righ trough the amp rom es 10 ‘rest and rom north o south. 5 The Dagageunimals belonging to the Toot solr that ig the hey infanteymen and archers, should not be ‘gartered near them othe si-cove, at instead sf asa borat {hay fom the ditch otha nthe eve! of an ene lack a night eb ‘he animals being iby arrows, there wll uot occur a "stampede siti tala a ollogullspesch,resuking inthe rout sad annilation of the ost. 6 I there reaton o be wary ofthe ene tis meer 10 dig trench (wat we ell chande) outs the infantry around the whole ‘acampinent, bition the other hand here sno concern about the enemy Sd the amy doesnt ited ores fo long inthe same place, there feo ned ir ot the hor with hist 7- Testa the cia ha ier suse they must no allow anyone a alto Fave the encamprent, but that water, ood, ode, and ote supplies should be bought into the camp ding the ay. Those foraging for spies outie the camp ‘tet be very etry guarded y picts ovo being endangered bythe hey, Throughout te nigh the sratgo andthe ofr the ate (55) ey vv nei, Expat wa 6 epg Smo, nev 08 aod indy ayeplouever toute a Asan oor ad oa isan. ‘Vi. Tp xarooxéeay 1.54.2 wa pn ng yt xardonona easton el 18 doonow, Bt et ubv By vod A fm ban, napereor ‘pedo 18 uh BedMev be 208 fooason GvOsanv. Kal hs pips algawoons, zp iv dpynfv 08 ewer Bache. aw esos on aida eat eabesBow al Ee 8 w- 0 =pénov eipebioov ot eatGoront ee GY ELOY ‘es se elspa Ges we eg morouhpwia wal wes epooot eipoxipevl, amwooDjoove: xapd Tob 2ood eat 10 pepo pag oben out ne, deo, BH Budalioa 90 Glpo.odvar ov hodv Ey wle GexIg nr xpamivas xa hg xia Oh eEpreafat ca wa ‘ono yous, of Kawixoror gupabfeovre. 2 det BE ay lpm 199 3000 pabuedooden eg expres eat poo 15 eal wb lang omens tb kv oda v Ga oxpae a rasp. ev) Ro i, EOOLoyLg. Ev we wig EomepOE Sosa Stan mousor ok epg tob pans eed ‘Bspoow ve eds entevel eat Bvoxpen w xv ose oi Rant 38 "Rpt, cheno” wep: ton bear pe mooorTE 20 eal gov Geode pest Soxpion ph enor c05 2 Spa Tse Soyleiobs ei hy Seaman Sowetay. di ee. Gy eipeh navn cok tpn, ve waNANd; Come fice mee bv eae sn eae wa evn bv sau eigen apg doo eal SoS ey edgy atob peed 25 eifow Oca. ch 8 wal nets vgn, w aed rotten. Bog BE iptOn dv Hp ie eis te dxtevois Yeon depot 1 eg 20 oven ma wal o¥ népepyo Reva MESES, ‘rath (eat rm | sv ei einod Ev ofp 00 Geni, 6 foxeog jer piod eat Kowpas wat Otsu fod EURO 50 Gime Cexiemor ele tofedowpor fobiow xevraootabe. el 1 edi tvvm Kepertnnind. bajo: sara, dewey tie woe dean dheoe eggs aoe Beanie Sebeaty ey, (56) ls veevLs0 para must conduct a ptol around the camp owe theft, ome ia from the ober bind, wih hi par separated from one ance by shout a bowshot ‘VE Concerning Spies 1. there i tepor tht sis hae entered he eneapmét, thre rust bean onder, the report reels tight, obdaing anyone at st eve the cap, At daybreak the commander of the army muse ‘he onder tall th stato the ofits, and the hos, that everyone must > ito bis om qr snd remain thre. Jn Us way the spies wll be ‘covered, ater having quarters nor belonging to bandon o konoub tna Ten, uid a eta thy wb ike oat bythe bot ad seized. trek a epor: osu while i sil daytine, ews as out the word ‘athe ost ust ase nthe quarters and tha the ats ae to be ‘ecuted 9 that no one may lave When thee sep are ake, the mies ‘il be caught 2 The commande ofthe host mst pie pio instrtons tothe rset, oles, and theres ofthe amy in the eamp where the tole fore is quartered tat daring the tine ofthe Dooly, bth a ‘Vespers and Mating, the pits aecompanying the amy wil ect the [tiny upon the completion of the hms andthe whole Res mst ell tou, "Lor,bave mers” wp to one hurd tes wih von and eat tomard God, even wih tear, wth to oe ving fo attend to anyother tun at de hour of prayer Bt lt someone be ound doing something ele ‘nd, jst he ws found, whether bes eaalyman ofan inant, ithe happens to bea cavalymar, hemstdimouot and stand facing as ton thespot where he was dacvered aud ofr prayer ith far '0 God hee foot soldier lt him so the sume Whotoeter detected atte time of he Litany atening to some other mate withont thickig of ting al ele aie to tad and oe his rye in the er ofthe Loe, uch a man, on being demoted from his fie, 10 be assigned to a0 inferior rank accompanied by bexings,shora bai ané public display. on viseviat se abv nel sposcupi 3. 1 Bb yep nero, ek Boos fy bmg al ive geen yvdoba ibe wal ‘i ous yevnms Speen 06 ops pug INS fm nvr nsw expomyois ak dpe wet ie aos, 95 Bnav hav cl sepavéot xl Becndgaoba 00 von oi ‘al woredon m0 00 ohéyow eels Hafoes, poterior tbotrae nal pg Eontp Etre Sma r l 5, ‘Gogions owes al yrconag eo Epos Ex wn YOReN tiny Bxaoms éxfAzoba doasnus ok ev alg Le 4 inten Exaorny spy ty Oedy owes RoIEKe Hero ‘olag nat 05 uh ng ret corpo | vn eas! fr esopdory anveie eat yexnodg Pode. eal soo obs ‘ald oogivey 9p Kd wokduon pas Sew wds ep nerensOotasbredon, al ty SUP; desloge 45 eeeotelon i etaiveng ty Eeiay rl gprs porepion ‘Bntv oman nom ake ob eS2apa, cl dnp, sag abn wal rere Oppodven os ws nee 28 ine K: 38 ok 9 wc Kn sl, A nen Keg ‘onpos coaoes 158) visas ‘Tse ate the ues concecnng prayers 2. When the enemy is deewing rea the plan outlining bow and wea the bate is otk pce should be distbared, Once he plan made the commande ofthe amy should assemble al the sategl ocr, and al the host under ter command tnd counel and enjoin ther to pany temsche nd fast oe hee days before the bat aninsining x dry fast and eating one a day toward evening. Each and eveyone of them sho expel rom hi soul 2 st, fridges o riences toward one noth Salar, let cach one make & Brome of rpenasce 1 God fr his oe sins, not to be caught in the lest by returing to thos ways, bt ove repentant ie pleasing to God. Woes thers ave bees property completed the priests mst ‘tom Blndles sere the day before the bate)ané pon completion ft Lior the army mst partake ofthe Holy abd uadefled Mysteries. ‘Kodo fhe, coubdertly and courageously wth conviction and faith (God hey are ogo forth gains the foe 19) LINE NOTES TO THE PRAECEPTA MILITARIA Chapter 1 1-3 dee Patan ce App Boma eG (Qualtiss io eeu: ef Z71V1, 87361 8:10 dng py deerivapyn. tsps Phcement of ine ofeers ce S881, 1 xowouBeprut ‘The tr wovzoépo it drt rom the Latin contubeion and ppens in the Spategion of Maurice (index, Hee it designate it of soldiers marching and quartering together while the army io campig: other texts indicate hat lanewernon might aso mean a le of sole: LT 1V2, 3 ‘ST3512, 4511, DRA 12>, whet the equivalent Greek erm expat ‘ed oer out often men under the cand of = deka, 14.20 Sgeionow 4 écarvan ib xapmabmicin peo Phokas Tat of protctive garments or infantymen i based on the Sploge 38.4 15 xotsie Padded tans made of fel, cotton, or couse silk, worn by inf seymen; Kola, Wan 55-57 andi, pp. 208-3 15 BoyBice cl saves Scope forms: fifa, IL? dd xononton eo panto. Koskoalin can esa 3 bood or acon, but hae refers tocol Kol, Wr, 86-7, aba notes 19-30). Barkin oto (aso baba baba «oni not mentions amity trans until the midtenthcenty when it 'ppents fo have become widely value, 251 ue for humble lfastyanns tunis sages: ef: $7 384; De obid 49°, and J. Teal, "Byzantine Urbanism inthe Miltary Handbooks in The Meio City eH. A. Miskin, D. Her yaad AL. Udowieh (Nev Hiven-Landon, 197, 201-5: Kolin, Was ‘56-57, and noe ISD. On the we of cotton in ocr garb see. Kode tou Tene nt ations eons spent ber pref, CFHB 33 (Viens, 191), section 9.1; Habdon, Imperial Expeditions Text C>, and p20, 16 win ‘Bom Latin monic: ef ita, TIL? The wats, or sews hg from the shoulders to cover the upper arms ae to be distinguished fom na= ‘eka amg covering the lower arm ad han ni, IL) see Kiss Wren 35-6, 65. 19-20 xapmtniocioy {Ch rounooyicn: S384; TNO 56%. These refer to fastenings con ‘ising oops und batons (or books): Kolas, ie, 36 and note 145; forex “ples of Byantn batons ee GR, Dion, Coruh,XIL The Minor Ob Jes (Penceton, 152}, 296-508 wih elereces to photographs inthe pate) 20-23 ieobiyana.-povtsina. ite The sles boots mere ot ely made of ae (6 Gabpace tua, Halon, Imeral Expedions Text C™, abd p28); ios pear Ho an boots combined with protective legings a8 noted by Kol Wafer. 72-7 The word youn. meaning pasts sho, bs bee iat fidos Anmenias, Arabie,orAlanian. The most contncng et fristyol- tay nas made by W. Like, "Armieno-Gracen” Bjzaninich Neurchishe Sadvbcher 3192), 9-91, wo sm it a Pesan word transmitted to Greek ‘rough Anenian See ao Ph, Koukoules, Bog nat ois, 6 vl. in 7 (Athen 948-57,1, 4-12 and D Plemis, The Dour (London, 1968), 119, note for Farber elerences The word eps also appear in the ‘De iinirondo 32 athe form ofp), agin to ref to "nil hoes” ‘nite thowe who wor them were deisel called eploutava, See ao Kot ues, 1,814 B qdaine ‘On the various meanings ofthis cm (Golier’feleap iter, and naval stand, ee Kos, afl 85-87, nd note 8-9, 4 eebodclen ‘On xévowov ox woo From the Latin cena fe, ee Hation, Ineria! Expeditions Text Cand p. 189; Kola, Wat 545, 59, 2 gamnion Op this em, efersng to sips of doth wrapped about the head in the manoer of turban, se Hada, Imperial Espen Test C2, 08 7 ola, Hagen, 85-67 ta) 25 enatafaorit ‘Truly uadentood as tmo-dgeé swords cased om a was be as ‘posed to shoulders se Talon, bnperal Editon Text C2" tnd p27; Kol, Wafon 13738, 192 155,18. Cinta, TL, onthe pra D951 asBxovcpea 0g “The figures cited forthe lengths of the infentymens seats 28-30 “pihanaf are endowed elable since they are repeated by Oaranos (TO Soom), Sehltach, Menolage 19-23, equates the length of the spthame Copan as 234m which sets in th improbable lengths f $80 7m when oli by Phokas figures Wemst therefore take Scbach's equivalents ‘imum Ggues ony (for wick Im unable to posta plausite miimm) tnd asume tat Phokas wae hiking ox seller pthame 2 sovonia From the Latin cups or “arb but bere meaning the rivets which vere inser through holes in the socket ofthe speurbead to hold ito the hates Kol, af, 19, 198-99, and noes I-84 or ston showing Roma speaheads with socks and vet holes, see M,C. Bishop and J.C Coulson. Ramon Mizar Equipment (London, 193), igs 22 35, 68 84,115. BB ebayer... at . ‘Cassitaton of lfantymen in ancient tates: Asklepodotos 12, can 1179; repeated in Byzantine miliary watings: LT VL24, S730.1-4, 35 opixown ‘opeove isan intermediate fom bewsen the casicl ceaoapd- ov and morn copie, and ir ateedebevbern contemporary texte. Halden InpeilExpedons Text ©, apd p75; D. Fie, “Tris aspects AeTintenos dan ue re tri? 8 (1981), 148, ores 76-84, 39-51 AS soxaten matic. by A dopa “Thispusag based on hort ext known asthe Sans armotoru quadrats, ich Phokas copied nos verbatim iat the Poets se MeGe, "Stats rata gua” 41 sepdatespog {El Astlepiotos XL; Acan XXXVILS-. 4 zepior ‘rt ere ae wn the Prascep the Syl, andthe Taki forth aso interval betwen the fan uns in te square fomation: stpioe (PI); ena (ST): BgeponBanspcus (TNO) (61 Pat Teta Tt S162 eich Welpnusva japan yeoman es Placement of einer fo gad he openings othe interval: ST ans 2 Rae (On he orisins ofthe term Pg ferrag othe mite Scandinavian, Stevie and ioe habitants of Rho” se Obolensky comments, De ad. ‘ni, 20-23, 74 yom “The Byzantines refered othe Arab a “te offing of Hag” re ding them a he deeeadunte of Abra eoacabine Hapa or of her son Tiowel (eae Fanalia ct Geo, 166) note that Ouraos insted wes the tm Soranai (TNO 86) Seals ine, IL" 5-84 08 BxonySyovow evan maya dyer 8 hung (BGO uw onto x (Ch TNO $6? o 58 dor oe Ear pevetua sap yore i wos Gn Ev fs ep te wal Gd 05, 8 88 Sin i a yous ae pe uloos on dog ele xl 0 “The ext of be Proespta ges the inprobebl gure of 4-88 cm ae the length ofthe mean hea seat Comparison with he Tin tes hat orgy the meanre of both Saft ad blade were ena that, ty a sou ed mea me the proximity of en an in he Takka, coresponding od. dni the Pores copit passed over the length ‘tthe shat ad reo the length othe Bade a fhe length of the weapon ist $7.88 ck mamstee ‘More commonly o yee SAL. VIL BG DRM 31 “The military cod onduned that soldies leaving the Hie during bale were lable tothe death peal, bot the mound were satomatealy excalpated ck. SMS = LTVILLD-2S 119-126 2 8 woul. Sone Svar sie epee (©. S736. On vee (pings, tus), De obi 9°, wth ur ther references Oak an corel ter (a wel a as) fered the hard Wood ‘refeed bythe sncents or thie seats(.Theophastos, toa Plataran IIL123, V1.2, V6); bt the derntion and meaning of epcetoy ema sovterious In a personal communication, Jn Haldon has propose that te ‘rd comes fom Turki aay (pronounced ach = timber), ta i ‘iobederation considering the presunce of Turki mercenaries (Chaz) (6) Proceptamiioria inthe Byzantine army and the etry of Trkc words into contemporary Grek (er, zacpdioy, bt its clear rom the passage that ako ters oa specie pe of treo which the entity emis known, IBIAS cée 6 bxonépa é cx wwtoBonny ores |.) xa ana spree eis eenpr Sain ts {CE TNO $6... abe ypeabheano es Bo kes o wowed ox pent ucwpiond. nal ob abv fees onei8Eroaey cg dpioepov ‘pag row w® dnp rs mopar i, ok long mp = eet ae st our dpa es oh dnp Ss oa xGumsuaw a apoep RO {er Bio yep o za peste pes ev pmeapton ei a smvmorg be Expr eck mpakionew eban, "The sear ofthe passage inthe Paci is obscre and the prams ' awkward the words eat ei! Yvorer re masculine pal flowing the feminine pra ¢Sare, and thir connection with the phrase Begining oelBovres ib uncer The words we yuarres math te ei {he Tks the eonciing pave oer. rma coreponds to Fhe = mpogBSonw ig sana «ano It would uppea tha the ‘ola woud al aml yvora nee once par of longer paste deci thw the meno and javeliners wre fora and proved ina sent smovenet (sau) to pence the fans the enemy Formation. 138 wis fats onyens Totter words, te arrows colcted by imperial requision: ef: Decer noun 146-148 8 rat xl ep sy i emo Biya etal enn to obtain an stb wer daring bate: DY 150-185 68 wr dorm... a rapahiowaw aii The cermangan eatond here seem tobe portable srw Inch rs similtrgcronsbons wich were mounted on tds dschared atows ‘The term feces covtet may refer to a winds, of the tubes oF hanoals though which the arrows wee disharped. On te Byzantine cosbow fn otber mise shooting devin, ee Kalas, Walon, 239-5; D. Nishimura, ‘Crowsbows, Arow-guides andthe slearion” ByzonionS& (1988), 22-36 and apron, Lert, 139, not 10. Phokas alo ele to ban pup o stin- bes (chersphon), which propels the ersome Crack Se at swivel abe (crpersn though wich the prepared” liquid fre Gop, oxev00%y ip) es launched (¢. ST 588, where hap i equated with pv wp, oF “gui fre"). According to Leo VI, the chetoxphon was a sal band eld (6s) Pat Ten Tasos siphon imental during his reign (LT XIX. xv Seb setpds Pabdouévow pov». dep eiponigana Aye, nap th i aos do ovtowenomnéna) The lustied manus of Hero of Byzantium (rican 1 15, seventh century) depicts solder ova ramp wing soc a devi, {iongh ts very lat ose ow in att worked. The most sexsbe dis ‘sion of Grek fre is ompostion ad propulon by 1 FHalgon and Mt Byme,°A Possible Slutn to the Problem of Grek Fie” B270 (197, 91-98 S188 (8 ay Beyer) ‘These words must be restored bee snc the ourma we unit ofthe them not ofthe tga, ARE else obo we ev pe i aso capocte. CF TNO 57 whee sila omission sound 159-160 tenon spre wet ee ‘diane of about 5107.5 16) window ‘The usal term forthe baggage train i the itary eas Cb ‘og (SM); soihbv (DY, TNO}. On the forms an pose etymology tf ht word (rom Latin talon), see A. Dia, "Touldos et souldon dans Iesteaites mites! Mlonget Hen Greate H Bras, 1950), 161-8. 163-168 Zain 88 wo ois... pig dvenbioms Bonen.) # ‘bw cot uty ya een wa Grogenew vol ws oxpices CE-TNO St gpetouee wowsebpa el Tat. -=95 Saves nog wot wy Andy wal ws deoepos, “The words eh pa env mea tat yy eanbot have ee the gina resdig in the Prac: the singular ty hav must instead be Our how paraphrase ofa plural och a vob npondnas rts nets 166-171 sb 8 dy... fh nespa Yeon ‘Simla diecons on rsa the number of poscombatans and brepie animal while os terry: DRM 15-17; se alo the diectons oncunig the spp tobe taken aos the onter in Hakan, imperial pedions Tet C2, ad pp. 251-58. 166 expo ‘On baggage animals, see Haldon, Inperial Expedions, 184-87 (exms), and 251-52 ith ferences to works dain with loads und fer ‘euitements Base on sources from th it hough event entre), (66) chapter Ss resiuéra From the Latin pedo: De admin. 9. and Hao il Espen, Text CO ap. 31, 10-1 ionpy0t (nth oie attendants a he sve units (18 Soups) so Daron, Le rat, 196-89 NA1d conv & ph... Sateen ® owe Inportnce of water on camper: DRM 13, 20.8%; he pas sage Kiting the tools used for diging down to sources of water n Haldon, InperilExpedion, Text C= 2 apina ‘Cina, 11, TV! The wor is of uncertain origin my stem fom ‘vas (ove) oom the Pesan grin Cesk-par cf Bia, "Ca try Equipment 277-78, and not 2; Kola, Wan, #8, and noe 3), The ‘onion was one ofthe swo tain types of ody armor worm by Byzantine ‘valve. Haldon(ingerial Exped, 27879) ers his Sefton "a ne tml cies (ually offroad tom, boaze, or bold leather plates or ‘petl)-. sleeves waistength, and enclosing the trunk etre, oof plain leather tthe back and of imertinke pistes a he font” The ote was the [ork (inf, IN), wast lng al shit with Sees covering the upper srs dom fo the elbows On these to types of armor, se Kos, Wen 19.20 anspor; Aeyntions..mporoipaopas ‘The tem apg woe wed by cael tactician (ef Asbeiodots, Lapin reference to ight Romemen; the Syiloge (3.1) dies ancient Bap 8 light cavalry armed wit lanes or bows The erm tpoxoupogep was Taken iret rm the Lin proasor ad esignated a ght cavalry or si plsber S7 35.150 287,293, 4-10, Note tht sous apd skirmishers wee alles by diferent tent in other multary manuak: xoipoopes (SM 113) poops... spur moo Gora (TTXIL8); xvas, owoseet and xv ‘isopes Kel. 134", 22-26 spe dures... Shion (Cr DRA 21" onthe te of advance pats to set ambushes both gsi formation and sow pani among the ene. tr 57 excperon Poles i dstnguising betwen a eneny fore sanding in 2 body “all ached oper” but witout prope deployment, opposed to anencry fore advancing ia formation, pave evondotes xl ropeway eas (be Yom I, 61-62 tiga oonepsiov “The Syllge 4.1) give the dStance of bows 156 grea or 170-80 dat bated eaeulited by Scibach (Mevolpe 42) a5 28.84 m:, tee slso W McLeod, "The Range ofthe Ancient Bow” Phoni 19 (1965, 1-1 ‘Not that thi ditance represents the fight range and not the etal args range. The cavalry bow ad ess ery approximately 30-135 m (Bvt, “Ca tlry Equipment” 23), wich may be cose 1 the datance Phokas had la ting bere. 98-101 ae ote opiom. =p offen ay ‘These nstoctins eet the manever by whch one ofthe rea fines infest ad he mena came forvard ofc the front aes agit nonumy cavalry tack, ouiod earlier (supe "9, 106 Apa CE ina, WO, Although the Byzantine used the terms Araber oF Arabtec the Abs petal, Phkas hee uses Arabian te spec feme of "Bedouin" or sir use of Araber or Arabia ef. Leo diss 18 ‘Atal 11175, nthe role ofthe Bedouin n Hamdan and Fatimid armies ‘low, pp. 28-42. TAS (eat vw mech ow dr mapa slp) ‘The sab repeated a phase he hag just copied (I, recognized tis eror, and tema to the phrase nto the tek ith the formula os elon. 118-120 easy hero" napa nv eenagpec ( (CE THO 57 at Spon ona PUENOU Ropar PG sv eye dv trae eto wv rou. A Snilar passe in the Procopta (V2: év not népe evar focem 6 xv Epon don, ea ms Exava SpOGons ox spuyeno0 aor araypeaynaparSfeog sugges tat the missing Words HY Inve been spe og paraphrased a pg sv wv by Ouranoe ) 690800 oy Precept mira 159-147 6 8 eaBor2apady puna wd ssa ‘he sume methods for eeating greater space within the infty square ae presrited inthe Sloe #720, STATS E86 ag gaixsrovp Gyindeical grewes made of iron, wood, oF lester, ef Koi ape, 10-1, 38 sip “The term vepow hee appear o mean pices of Bole leather fs tuned toate at carapace (re the vriows meanings ofthe word gen by “aldo, lmperialExpstons 203) the ter veo usd in he Tata of Leo VI in tlereoce to armor of (doube) fet wor by soldiers in pace of Iorikia or Hib ey the eho he Precept LT Va: vp 8d ‘eviotel yveve: XIK.3: eine veut np db Buy xe. [ouch ive, Noe thatthe croiler Theopanes (3182) ees to the farpace morn by the emperor Herklée' hore ax kept void — ereaior of quilted ft simile fo that recommended by Phaka fo i a raphratiot. 4650 Bei SB oweivn cesta, 52 (xanga xl score) ‘ithe total ofthe smaller oration of kataphraka‘ outed above 18 IL? the comesponding page in the Talika (h") rescibes ttl 1 90 archer in this formation of 388 (0) Precept mira 5657 sopaipra [Athough sometines synonymous with the twoalged ortiow ori sor (ee above, Lf Koi, Malo 37-38, 150, and note 110) the Takk ‘ot Leo Vian the Sloe deine poramerionspeieally 382 oneedged sd (LIV, S139. the Proveps ths parameron may his bea curve, sng ‘edged sod ahi oa sber CL Haldon, Miltary Tecnology” 31), 6-68 aha See abo on IIL” and oarter THE tapes 8 mpoxovpémpes... hy sob rok diy Potion ed open order ofthe protauroore: 7-462. 10 opie From the Latin laa (6 Haldon, Imperial Expedions Test Cand 183} wabtength mail bit worm eprately or in combination with 4M Fenon, Onl enor, se Kali, Wao, 38-4 1 owe Ef infra, TVO®, On seserve horses and pack animals, se Halon, InperilExpedions 184-39 . 18 ewomov.. orm ‘Te stegoe asthe pvernor oft theme and commander ofa the- rmsticomingent on eampign (Ono, Les 34) te conte here sue tests However that te satgs ain t led the poteunetore shoud be Metiid a one of the “esr sate” stationed inte frontier (or “A= Sian" themes kes 345-40) The rotates waa tagmati ofc seconded {othe commander of tap domestiordaugarios) of. Listes. 33. 1618 _ cor 58 ot woxowpodsopeg hb aie sr xaposen ee Osh ea Bu) sy 200 30.00 apt ‘Ch-TNO 61 obs So mpoxonpatrapg yh éxétoon ovate igo nepal Sie a ehiouot ep xl acl Sy Spy 0 “The Proepta may once have read 3 rapdooer wal aoe He +o modo dp, CE. PAL and TNO 862: Ouranosparaphrass Ba 18 enya Eye wih Se eigoy sokeuon, 19 eohrov ‘This tem ba two mening bd pool two derasions, Dagron sup sts that i derived fom the Latin ca (Or), whi ceria the = m J crete by its ft meaning ofa dently formed boy of nfntry advancing with Seaes and hide clove together Cf SM XIE B14 gothne reply (© 17 ViL65, Oter bae popes tat gixov sts om the Gemarie Vek This matches the sense ofthe term in the eth cea reais where it Aesignts a company of men arly ext) fllowingin suppor of catered raing ot Foraging ports, Thi obviously its meaning inthe Pose: a ‘rgnized reserve kept with the commander othe potatoe te et ‘iyo the ret of te unt er out to fecontoter or ambush the enemy. CE DY DDC, XIV and index: DRM22“, 23°; TNO'63% Theoph, cot 4604 ten 9 do Xai Se HL Mihsc, "Les tents tins des Tac ‘State’ de Maurier et eur sho en nega” Ree der der ud ex earptemes6 (196), $96, 8 Dagro, Le rat 224 apd nate 18. 2631. xa pion. dp née Disposition af he oat ite epéuay mapa ef ST 464-13, 26-33 wa yb Stu xan. og 1 66 ieprenaonts Posion and role ofthe outfanker and Mankguards(cotiagets of Iancors ied with mounted archer) ST 3516, 4610-1 1-28 wg napt iv adn Inoptronsnepeepares ‘Th erm seprepacnf,desigaing the horsemen signet attack ‘he enemy’ a, pes Back tothe Satpiton of Maurice IL 36.38 oxounlpue. ee dnd sve our phomal = 93.6 cm Be sphamet Me 51-60 bmotey 8 xv mpoctpmuévay... ooen ee BEobO Dispoion ofthe suppor line Gonos nopalig et. ST 4614-18. 60-65 Bomoay 8 oi tana. Ms Beproueves CL STHGI6-8 (65-69 dite 8 nr sipmiévn saa raparenn mapetydfnaony spat «pele nagar Sjonan we poi we kp Sve, eye ‘rips extn eo}. ) mpeg xa eWay x aCe Euootey ‘ey tecodpornopesdiza Ox dd caren ‘CE THO 5. wal gp Setobey tO elpmieov eaotpar nope seri sgedouen yerdotn ddan we apace due ag umpoce. {bot Boy, bn wat ae weep, fer€obo x 1 pu TO won saparyh dota Eupotey eemagpanwy Ropar 8 aSinty fom soir, cows nal obs ag at eee alt tocar tele xopayOl 10 my Pract mitra ‘oreo eenévavn ay eigen pen ty emia raps. oe Be efecto aia 6 con ohshod “The Tait scomccads tat x cond formation of kapha be ‘ostioned inthe mile he third eof tre exalry wits; nn these thre units must ake a postion diet facing the tre intervals between the ‘our units ahead of them (se the cag of eal deployment in Chapter 1V) The sme instructions appear to have been ven inthe Prep Eend- ng epost Epon matches Eyes xl Expos (te. camaro] with va {ex al dot xatéqparo inthe Tkuika (pos = BOD) and cones he ‘sleacingimpresio hat Phokasisimuing istration tht “ther nis (= ous soprster), instead ofthe ths unde dscason, mst be placed behind the nea he our nits bend (Is Wly that a copys changed pon, to éedpas 0 apie with sepa afer the ss of the text i betes). Tis third ie ofthe aay its scaled the eda inthe Silage (46.17, 19); tit ‘manuals econmends that its posible a second angle of kaaphatiot ‘hol e pce in the mid ofthe tid ine 72-74 Gen 8 vw cipmévon peg Epos rapier, Phcerent of he hagege tin and thee unite of erguards cf. ST 4620, 1676 ok Saat mA ore oan ub os mote mapas feo ‘spay sapere pudeze drapdort ROB xl #0 14NGy OO EE ‘Sms wo ha b ges nae ts spoofs es hs zaps "The pasage in the Pacepto breaks off abrupy alter xopaéteow, the Takk follows the preserved opening pave quite cosy and doubt repeats the words wih whic the pase conelude inthe Pacey 7784 Pauoitov... ypiouar ind owe ‘The teem dyoutoy sake from the Lain flare, “spall ame” (On Byzamine banners and fas, see 6. Dennis, "Byzantine Bate Fags” BysP 8 (190), S139, 8 Dulane, “Aux sours dee gonanons” Banton #3 0973, 51-60, with ration of banners fom int-entery pears and aloo, Ingerial Expeditions 270-74. Zona here may mee eter ofthe lpbabe istingshing each peonan;c- TNO 61:18 8 pdyouka ote tlthoeg both terms shold probably be understood inthe wider seme O97. tok” or "marten" ro] a 1x so Trains Sok Aeyven énoodra Pokus ures the term smoot offer tothe exalrymen aie to “end of” the enemy outfankers(c deaonBte 1; but the standard term was aroptheney ek SMIL4; LPIV25;S7 3616, 4610-1; TOL.” 90-98 sxydcuna. xpd; Eurpooter npg Front ranks of the fang evalry wits equal with th back ine of the hataphraliot ef ST. 125-125 énoxslowovo wax 8 eandpo ey So space wa xiv ‘ezprepacte(.-) eat tv UO" tv Sieev xeon wa 2 witBow we ‘Rosi CL 70 61. ive dxohovtn ot 860 napa... ot ofoas {Ger xa Exe as pai ve dolowBis wat ot Geepeepacal xo o lapopiones vl ok mpoxovpotape ol ok peg xk, ot Seer Exever, oo rodov wot #8 own va Grohe 152-188 8 eat mos xv yp E29 dx wai cn aeaypiy (at doivet aii ote CTO 61." ef wok mato xv Exp éntdn éx meyon iv soratpeean, wee duc sda og rporovpotopas Eee és ‘G0 ela ay eragpd Boies ei off ‘The omission ofa ie inthe Protea is confmed by comparison it he psig inthe Ti 8-152 wai 08 wep ol Bd peo Hg Revepévnw os eps opt Heber el vena Sdoouowr (el 8 ewe ema iv Extpc spot he el eal Gorey soy wazmepday Bi mapa Seg eorstorew. {CLTNO 612% cl cwepyoirig fv 9 Gen Bd gsmroRRE ov aint ni panva Soi ol fxlpd dp reins pero nape ‘eis nanny Yop nore er Gp el #evoUa wd ‘nv: in ay eager ela oye ai eofeova: evEp a ‘he rpookmubévors of kenaparte ndpetav sat pd KarOWAGoW¥ ejaldg wat ed aaiana nv #28pov wo nv tarapiy inde pen 2 ‘rbwopeie ni sav apap ain, efor al Wyo apa ‘ay evidywal BoffooraGeeiev xo Ex tito” Teiog mapaiowry bra | rapeseed Suet ol espn 1 oaIOV Jin apace sy vai, 8 yo 0 mapa Evy eo et {ev eon eoragpéet Scion pie, my ra of spocoupodrpes EEE econ av mpc zapiguta Heed Kol #3" Gepeeporsy a ray ouacénooay es te Bie nates ov oper ee pe 88 ype cing eporh Ebon we Ape wal EY EO xe aE pda 85 mp mp ian Ev ante arabe sis E9005 "An empty space of six aes length on 151° balls an extesie los to the tet of the Pave. The wate origally contained & passage corerpondng to the pasa inthe Toi au suggested by the ose een Nance between the intoductory and couliding passages in bh texts The Takia prays two stations (which Ihave het separated bythe bar tha ante inked tore parage i the Precept Theat situation, the inact ‘ofthe katophvakio, reals an eater pase nthe Takka 5 ea ew ty noveipa a liane Eympeoe yeaa ‘ecby sopra haan fovea tory Soya ‘eed ee a rt frraptonn ein yeweabe youot SVE pot {a sy Oxspdeea woe ipetéper erogpexto. This passage paraphrase the Procspta lL el ene wb eovp iy Bungee anv a cwithoedioeet id sv xoreyptn,o 8 oxy ei ever amy ‘dh nv Grovtonv psu The internal parallel betwee the two pases inthe Tsk SH pes that chapter TV ofthe Patepta k= wie contained a wexiondssribing the imp of he ktapratio echoing the ‘her passage chapter I Ashe Zak. coespond tthe Pree ‘ra TL", flows tht the Tika 61> coresponds toa pasa only Partly peered in the Pree "The second situation. te opening stages ofthe prs of he dened amy sus to have buen based ona passe now lot tom the Patepa The Tatita instractsthe pokowsorores and outankers to wnderake the parit ‘ntl the ene ze i ul ph, whic pia the ro ceva dvsions accom aryng the Zaplrakiol may also be commited to this ask, The Preps tvidently contained similar insrectons; note the following passage which fomes shorty afer the signaled breakin th text: PM TV" oi ee ‘ote ol sponoupadrope rato teepeeparcl xa i poteeion eooapes pein eg eat iv Epc... Mention here ofthe pokowstoes ‘nd outers inter hatte Procopiarued the nsracons preserve the Paik, 15-159 bb eating eg any x por ‘Themumbers inthis paeape hae ecome conse and equi coree- sion nthe places (2) A ine 13 T have emendod io fo weg snee Phokat aust be refering tothe thee uns stationed behind the intervals betwee the fourreserveunitin the vecond ine, ouinedearberat IV" Comparison with 0s) ‘he parallel at NO 61 conten this menéatin. (2) At ine 157 bane {eed Bo onthe basis of he pra passage t TNO 61.2" whee no mmber ingen (@) At line 59 Ihave ceded s€ooope to om the assumption that oka i teferning othe to ais wih he Kapha! mentioned lends (wpoteyieon, Comparson with he TNO 61> supports he emendation, 17-158 B82 2000 slow of Expos, Bet nats dps nopang C taahovtocon an 80 (CE TNO.61.™2" iB fg 2000 ea oh Epo dpe eal {dng napa saponins ay iB ote wal emacole Heh ‘aa, 165 oyokdgon ‘Ste speaking, the scholars were the soldier in the ep f the Sila bu the tr refered general tthe sedis inal four tapatc wits 1 Phos does ere; De cer 656": Spy v8 wren 0 oes 8 rn Chapter 1 map sao9 {The noun Griqwy and the corresponding vero dadgeecet dsve fiom the Lats aplicatum, Brey ean me eperat acing camp. tre bu he erm lo lr tote le standing cape wed a mobation Dnt for expedition preparing for empsigns beyond he ease oni see Haldoo,Inerof Expedition, Tet A, and 138 5S wofocsiton ‘Sooctny, om te Latin frat cou pean bth te expeion- sy amy or the expedionsy amp. The tens Bnetov and goon Wee ‘ed snonymouly bt Leo VI did mae the lowing disinton: LT XL eter, 1m goood (roping yp foooteoy b GdakTo oP Show oa ‘oisien),---Seeao Halon, Dmperal Espedions 175. 13 svooeprpes, From the Latin mens, mensurator The term i sd bo ofthe su veyors who eat sbead Yo choose stab letion forthe camp and mark butts boundaries (ts bee on tee oe see belom pe 33-32, 348) and of he cis in charge ofthe perl tnt when the emperor was vein (Hal oo, ingerial Expedios. 10,1 Prep tara 1 ete From the Latin ons, tna Halon, Inport pods, Tet comer al 36-41 bv 8c wi qoocso éahiewp éabjraoay ope) dena Boe cig ‘pets whdpnovs dyer yopka Bo. etre ob deeDowr fevtobn rayposbe {a ev eoopa pep 9 eooedwo(,) 01 Bo md eo Bw ss Bo mb peo sas ueoipo. CL TNO 62° ei 88 2 dxdoucov dfe.00n xowhpedveose ioyora dese yp Beene of apy, éemon oe hi9- ot eb ov dy Buepioya So. ira rgupiouars opt revtof bt owepot Ba tv seoapow pep cob fooodeo. ezémouv BE revive wep aoa ore uci any eee {is oxovepoy, ca xray sp etlowr 88 yeo8e Ma ‘2 i ty ate Bqupiuey ei 0 por 10 9osottn el St Bo tad Ts evorofgeg Bosna dr pee pbs eon "The gap inthe Prowcepa may be auBuLble 10a au de me ‘mde Note the proximity inthe Takka of x trea uepn 3 90: ‘Semon eis paar 18 gnome, suggeting thse proximity ia he race caused copys ee to wander fom the isto the second eoeasoo ‘nd ths poe the tacos onthe sap of he camp ene S942 fo io... xopadhapon eve crsraa, 8 oxowtiene CL'TNO 628% This term, not sted by Du Cange or Sophocles, refers tothe shield palisae around the encampment, See 7p 380-5 wits ‘The terms sip. eSoom pa ova, weed to refer to the tench sound the encampment, ca als mean he encampment ta 53.55 pov. sb mp heyurov 3a EA Sopot who did ot kno this pasags, drive vi) from the Anbie rot KNDQ and gave the meanings "ditch “trench” and oration” (= Gk poe, fly supported by the apposition of epoca sb here. Cth forms nv paves Keb, 178." 8 aie From th Lai iii wed ere o sean “picket” or “watcen ‘The eam alo eft ow unt the impail Va, Haldon, Imperial Exped ins 138 om Pa Tent a Trl 6s etpxerov From the late Latin ci (or fom Grek wep, "ute ac ordag to Dapion, Le rate, 215 soe the pelos of Lain try tr ology and te aosntaton ofthe word make te Lain derivation more ike) ff nepetov abd wepevenio: DRM 3" 43 On this term andthe sem ‘of patos and pasword employed within the imperial compound, Halon, Imperial Espen. Tet C*®, an. 240; se ao the instctions on tune and couterpatls eee ol napenpweta) inthe Decide 54 (chapter VI 3 ELBE es gyn. ot xasioxom:papbfoorat ‘The standard intiod for detecting spi Gis or each side so tht alopeter there are weve unison fur sides ach unt muse bave sven lines one hundred ea long Tt Gepth 5 noted, mit be even ten Two rows of hey infestomen must be fon inte face ofthe formation. Behind them stand thee rs of hers with two rows of ifatrymen in tra behind the archers. Thee "its mst be et far enough apr from one another 1 perm pace in ‘ach interval frente to flee evalua so tat he combatants an ‘move in nd out tough them and igh If or cavalry fore smal and the ene infty ight interval shouldbe let so dha they are ina ‘ey sete pon. 6 Ine thse intervals jos deverbed, there a Jislines either Roo‘ or ohe fries, tha nist be posoned inside ‘ach interval foe) oF thy men. Have them stand inthe empty, ‘pan spe ofthe interno ep ie font nthe face ofthe formation, bt instead a potion eel with te bac ine the infanizy formation ‘They must ep ths ye ety the opening ofthe interval. Behind wy eb eal oferta ofeoBchiows xpd Hv Roars 00 Rau 70 oxovrapdeosSethovs tao ig pet sg rapa io leg tv op Go, mal Eco ars ect ya peep ew nage hg xapaere ae ere. eiploney rp og radars Moxedvas em exoiow gos we qaros fon Sexo, Soe Be eek Bdgens ot ‘én, ut evened ah bolo ain, bb lor hen, Rooraepévons ind let, deans 8 xo Opie 5 apes cal egionope bx natn lot NOt: mobs ‘v Aickavioy sow Maebéva xotowy be wre Kol Dag em ogee oe ean, nal i am lye ad dp exe ‘oxy top pe BE oe ésepyobaw ol orate tap enya, Exh eal ok Eupamyok mold sire wpe ris abr Bn ego eg wo toMHOUG ak HARA B. 1 & fudpox pAlapor Spray Exéwoay int ev Evo ‘aay Ged dvipdy teipoconton oxovtptrwy wal puxestey ‘wasn: Egdcaoay Bo ait rAopye xe é® Saw cpr ‘plocooor epg dverfpanw i Ze, va ot ub Bando. do. prcaporl ral opevEofoticra eat wos of BE Exoey fe ye neva ape Egprna phe dH pr Gy lee eat dr Bo 0 Bb fig ae Toe Ew Gd 5 ‘pions ox le welded Bi, pmpéton mabe, at sy eapesmat Toni Spo, ata 8 ExfaGwor Ex Somuéin Bayupcoudnan xo én Mpiy wg lene at Goo 68 and rng) Aaudvovnr A rower da 08 ‘eon benny sm Seopa ‘poiéeworet id ay sopra vol dvonacaval 90 5 aeal Bards propio xo tpn eat offset Seto co fonates ea 8 Busyapiouara vy eapacayin wal gues ‘téyBoota oi. horas Bt wa 00 Heo ‘rerum. eal Suey ay ev eed apa ‘thou aparerh ee, ofov ok hut furapora alo 8 a el of openboposorat pivor Seo teeny a pele temcéronn Fupooten sev ny apoio oy Te ropawris ea. dpuice Snows oie puaprois el foie pevoukdeou; Exew oxoulpia yueporina «Ov co. stm apo pt te col a ud (2) 664-5699 them shouldbe archers foot and singorsin embers conor 10 he att of the hos. 7. The infantry shouldbe aeayed two deep in the face ofthe formation and vo deep the eas, and ia ts male are thee row of archer so thatthe depth of he formation seven men. For We fd that th absent Maosonine ud to make th pala siten men ‘exp sometimes tele o ten, bat hey i forthe eto eit hey ad ‘enemies Doroe by cepts Wid beasts wer so St loose agains thee formations, just as we Bnd the Ethiopians did against Alraner the ‘Great n those days the employed othe devices in heir wars the pth ofthe formation was sateen men, Nowadays thse formations ae hot ‘ec, and eve the Sarnane ae greatly reduced in depth when om- pod withthe age numberof en th ancients ad in he Wars 8. Out ‘hls shoul Rave ender thir command no lest tan four handrod Infanuy abd thee hundred light apcbers These cilachs should have sober thre hundred mento make afl complement of one thousand Two hundred most be javelin, singers nd xcets, and one budied mast hae thick mea with length of oe and a al ort orga Wh thr oie ast havea length fone se alo Wo ptm, {eth when bate bein the units wil ely frm up while thew ne svllmove out hough the aforementioned iter andenane the enemy “Those eching wounds or worn out fatigue can ome back in again throuph thw interval nd li under the potstion ofthe infantry unt 9. Thee to hundred javeliners ache ad singers should take {up thi poston inside the intervals between the uit and guard thi fstranes They must ot stand slope the oat ns ofthe lan. The rest of ther un tht the emnngjveters, arcbers and ng ‘rutin turn ata behind he soles the font ke Only the one bundted mena shold standin ith te font ranks inte face of ‘har formation. All the jvetines and monet! shoul have sil im ns 56100-56:136 4 ) pet gun onn Soran of BE ‘ovat weve eg rotznSgeaove vepel. HOBOS ti éyipe ep tn uot fd oposmtyeat mcfao cee {ane raPoRapous mode ein ev Goeretg el ato ate inp any Gd tv pura, wok don oki oniiparot rover tov oeoueapde xa xapahowst 5 evo fudn, ton, ta Gow ef Ertiow of pends Be ‘evn lg fo pos Wome Sm dpunoay ot kewspaxta iy {Exspin, raga fa Expo ot etl eves Gnd omadva Sueeptonsor nel oseOoW ERpootEY g Ra “er owonenpran. may va worptvaot 8 abet, aidan dn est esd ray xoveap tn 10 ie ‘oye ayes xo ig 5 Bons won rea xa Le a ‘is Ev, oly lg Spb We GDh eg tv Gov x o Et Unpes tn yovonemt Sexedooapes eal RoevGou WV R6p0- svi ok Seve Wu ovr sol eater yeas Sue wv kaeppicy wal xr hxaar nahn alerE00 tro I buena andy gh ew Gd an PE, {20 an vento Spt xp jd eye Ei ‘edlor fmol deb iow ES iqepob Bob eiponore ‘simu fina, evdoboony wa woroima yevoua el dd Su ‘she, wy Eonar dnd orap (kl nay ‘ov boar Bove lpg ofp: Spies Se ven ws ne eho pons rot ioyopse 12.8 prtapiowl Section (ow epyenx dnb vey ty BagepLouoeoN wy mapa i ode wean pre iv eaeapeon€8pn ea eP- tory aivose 14 e 8 ene co eich napa Exp, ‘ooo io go veh Hew ty Se ‘prot elo pes daewoo rep pour dxpov ropa ncn 0 Beaune wp Ry Tn Gels rnabe nena eg eGapay Opi BONN, Tre zpocfan x er 0 pepo oh pews eh fopionay eg ch tua gape sy Expy ol pe iow aii 88 napacey we oxovapinn vv ze terptenpc ons, Soeove eo peed xa oh REI ‘en ony eg nv w soar cmap, Seo 4H ‘vee ot evtnendcecdn ris axons xp ih pe Weg we tc PL 3 See reo) seal tha those. wth the ret of thei eguipment. The meso ‘ust pefoes otis way IF he enemys leaned of our infantry unis ‘nd they prepare atphaktot ao to poet thems nd th hoses vith smo, these Kotaproto il bate he seat ofthe infirm tnd breakup ob unity 2, that event the mena must be the ‘ead in the back and on whichever sie they ss the enemy Ktaprako tttackng thee marae ast iameitely cove ou through te afore ‘mentioned intervals and tke thie laces in oot ofthe infty forma ion. They must cert not Be at any eet dtance fom them howe, bot mart need be cloalyatahed votes infaateynen. 10 Is thea ncesary 10 combine two es of nny and make tem ito one fe, meaning that on le mot move ver ito the nats ha the seven 8 ‘nil Besonte fourteen and thiseen the fomation, The mena mt Rand thi ground and bravely mest the charge ofthe avait and ‘he est ofthe enemy and tr them aby I. Thee novia mast not be ‘nade fom wood et into sion but fom saplings of oak. core, the ‘tealed artzliia, or from anther ard wood. I uesin one pes can- ‘ot be ound et them meni be made om es ct into secon, bat ‘hey have to be of hard wood and hick hands can We. The mena lao’ bve to be courapons and song 12. The einer mit move out ‘rough all he interval Betwuen the lacy division an jin bale th he enemy katphratol and divert them. 13. Tf the enemy infty fore coment the attack then the ment rus be ied in 6 tunis alongwith the javeiners, Have bal of them meve ou othe let tring that tothe Mak af ou formation, abd Half otto the at. ‘Whe ese columns os the fank curve ikea ter C, te mena and otners should make an stack from bt sides aginst he ak of he nen formation an beak them up I the eneay infty formation is S equas the mento ane eens man ss that se of the ome ton where tut underway and it alongside the infantry wo tat hey 19s) i ' 23 te eae aig any omc, MG nhs pf ants: Ivar aires, 1. dpasten 8 me vv exon ‘epixeaivao i shv opt mapetyic ote xa Pop ‘Sémaovkdoua Passov a ate ex m5 exo ‘3 mapoayi idog Bowen, mp w eve Sued = uylag 206g exer opSofeover xe oxonag eB xa seeped 20168 lat one, bi bot epitope = qe sole spancoiong bbe ed neveovra cay 2oPs vie xovotpen Se 88.6 7aps Bunenion rm ‘i oyfng rl sno ari dd tenor a oven ir fxnoete sevmeorasbe eat Grove (ove) ele ea OK tina le cn okt eee Bowrta duste 8 Soro Xl ds opevtophindn ead av nar mprootan ery fn pag exnorg ropa dpa swat Bea 905946. fy syle ig bets xa ih ovitazodn eng ob te igmopororg eyo tated ijeDovey Bap eis wots ‘pei uotares wel ante ps rapa hy 6 {ye sw drome, Gon 8 iv Boepdnooay ap pes hina is oneSoporg 1S. oppfe By eA Exe wa ze ponder wep, Sasa spf, eal mpery ne 2aynpod eat ype |Tv dy Egway o Eypc apa Tony kal ofan fen. Een pacer fy Bonet sgn Gd tov yeipoeryévon xo 09 hago wc nape ete 51. lei xwnataaape rayon 1. (at eopardapreat operat éteDovow Footer Smotev wv nein yet ees neguproueas, Hv yoy ev i iB, (i BE eye zope needy py ol sy Bava enn. wy oeaéemeny oi kepacyol 6 aapion err tv Reon, Dd bow ea en oy Gx ‘goin wv sen xa wee vv naBadapon Opn eo ‘ip oipytin pun nag dps tat Lowe x yr ‘bey enjettonay oat rkemoatRofaidgp.oy, 8 ape ene se (961 tre not broken up. 14 Behind the infateymen marching athe ear the formation should follow the males or donkeys caring the “opel rows ofeach division, fteeo thousand, so tata in all cee ae 180.00 to 20000 arom I ther are our hundred thos sow, 50 uch the Deter 5 that the three Dune arcers wil have ity aeons tert on thi own quiver The clirch unt ft vie the avs, ot them in groups of ity, bind copeer each bundle of ity and pat them aay i ther containers, eer Bes or casks Is best to deta tight to ten en rm the singers o exten aches ach if ary rows tothe archers so they ne not putt the rouble of having to eve "hae postin a al The same mun ust alo etch water ia waters tnd vee the ist ofthe combatants by cartyng wound bowls of wate. ommander shoulé have on band sll sermangana, the elk, ‘vel abe wi guid re, abd ad pump 50 tha the enemy a 3 fore equa in mame and comparable fo our ovo, ou forse the stronger because ofthe cheramangona nd i fread dest hei. 57.01 the Cavay Divisions 1. The caval divisions must ine wp separ) bebo the foo 0 herein good ode, those ofthe fama by themselves apr rm those ofthe semua wit thls our aad band. The cavaliy vison mst ot, hovever, lineup else bythe fot solder, but thee should bean teapy space of up thee 1 Our surg Hetcen the evar athe ‘ea ines ofthe fot soldiers. The caval solders sould ne up aside the surrounds infty, with ther pare hore Behind them and te i 1920 dagen puna. eve eee Cd, 353 ea nid ann eal oor adv. betiov 8 row (ves xot oman, cabs overt Ev draco wn eet Bet p85 Bae dvobtory Ka ov hady xl ay oxy ‘nig 2.8 Se oxic Sgn Eyes moka ado lH (hod, 2 ps 08 gesaou Rod wel Xv emp: ev ve eerahgnty g Hy Huelpay yy BE Epon peng fv ge ye nen yy yea ads EOE ‘alin net dehqoragxl pati 3 xa ol ne oxoIPEDY on dno eptember sei yore oe Bop iv rpc wb faces onovnons al 2 IOS adv sony Be o ot ono xakownsooanes Se Spare Eva ogeovenegxatpbvmandaoy pulse Uma te prea hve ela, 6018 0 Bay ‘to 5a os nats el Bl sv nt Gxohov KB apis ea gene Ecuom; & yp by Bopsamon wi faders snd nak faonitew wal wy LOH 7pEla, ‘jeder Beg Examag nv roviopdnon dope row ome. ‘donov el age 3 xovnpiow nat hued uae abo i Seopyck cnn wc dachoveeoony net. 4 Sonic foxorev val 100s dpzmov oH wpa va iow arg ors mpd egy cpa eu song xp 1 me “is dn eg vidpg ono el ole") omer tens obey sen eovfoat Av dtsoy tape «OY 2G al ey xopahoton x08; Gvoripo ino. 5. xk bv dxipneren ok q@pch coe cy fpentpo mapa, | Zpacnoorey, a 6 Bpyov 16 erated, Rafaitopious kev. oviong ft pavooios, v7 eanagpares eal ape di a ‘pot al dota, o6 Eheyor ot mada rpoxovpsipas of ‘eg gopeteonay sb aa ay eat pn, a hoa pg avon ig sbevon e eveyenm 6, rvradcaay ‘ot abetspocouporpes wot Eyruni, a geno fo pat dexs wet dowdeahaquoiouct 1b; epoROWpEE Op aad old rey Tv if La eo el footy ans. "0 uve Seu unt ertoa of1OKOO ‘zope a, Sob pols ss i, ai el ao, ong re 6. Sry 5 ok mode spoxoupadeape oN ee TR a eter Soe (8) ue postion ofeach tag or hema Soa oth te host and spats can fe tbvoush without hindance, 2. The ary must ot have macy Mae Ilmals ora tong of peopl, ba should lave the beer part ofthe noncombatants and bagaage animals behind in our vm tertory. Ie Should have suficien supplies in evemy ecto, but a moderation and ino wisi ences or loxiry 3. The infamy men are to travel everywhere tft hey ean, ach par of men th one mul 1 carry thesis tnd oocesites Every four of these infntrymen mist lo ave oben thon esponsibility sin tne of bale to keep wach ve the hore, bods andthe rest ofthe cesses. Those able to Keep vp withthe Exvary 00 fot as ofen happens because of dance or fatigue, must have ctch oe of he, an extra mle oie on ado carey thence tis Each one of he infnrynen mast wea his ow shia cary is ‘pear and the rest of his eqlpment. Their tendants mast flow along foot, 4 The commande ofthe army musts tot hate prepare is Formations cow by a source of water oa he day of ttle tbe ring ‘inn his free by beds deploying in places without water. Its neces o prepare the combines deployment fifty and eval tte hae dese above. IF the enemy is advaelg toward or ai, ou the commancer ofthe army, ysend ahead ve hundred or thre bpd cataleyinen-—pot bea Rtapraio, but tan elie the ‘nes the ancients called potousstores. They mist be wearing tee Ri bonis ony and should move otto itrcepl the enemy These rear tors shoul Set ambushes i they get the hance, tht ithe eae is svaning without onder or econisace they wil jae tir prow ‘ators 0 that thei etre wil spread othe main force. At the same time, ou wl be abl to ind out heir plans and the se of hee 2) hom te prisoners ou polawantoe il capture 6, When ou priura rc) 1% i xopaaAépot, spoamarefoue wig soso el So ga wee ei ma yeva. pov, By Bee NOLO 0D, Dos ny roel orator rs enépvs, tok Ener koto arnigo ape dels, pg woven ico, meron eel apie wal deve exh icy nap ‘aviv vaehapier eo deat feta ag Super tat iaouarons sag expos, Gxoder Bk kak Beeb te mparayoy ei et vn secede mapesayr dv Ee rig wc épodiy sel oadiopte sopedieus he ‘oaepdorepow 7- ei Bo pat awezoum tbs rpoaroomnS ‘ mporowedtopas hs Rafidapins,Ggeg etree Eas ob sinadooun rs neo rapareyag oi wre aoe qyovie x tv yop. ty extn rapa xp apes speseya peg eat our ek Expy ea a ‘ol pers owrsteog wal 6¢ 0b aBeLBomy al Lain eis ogatiapical mapas, ein eat xa. fv epnano8 aint. etvodmoder ae To SENG at 8, & Sm bec xv eondpay wapepesiv aparSy Rel GCF beth goes Emote cn. wb pedo of expo ‘ate tg efovopas napa éxopacaie% ba ob Une {Gy een by waeiow. co Set Beka eek ‘ea cat nO, napa Seon wot opt Rea Be BEN ‘sr St, oe bape oben, Ex, ve hay of pareve test Bo mapa Sndoweov eg xoetioiy ein hy fda, Bio dye peak ows éxapane ero ob el abr lgootoatv Hak deetav S09 00 atabucovng od ag prs, pees a toy, xk hake Sg, Grolovetv robe pert owrieot napa sos ms hopin bg mapas v8. Bot nae above 38501 wig poRpecop dn od neon sg nig els raped, Dd weptev abi oma. uri. éndowtoy ta elgmuén peg rababaps rape eo gb wp. rhode 5 sh a. Snbowsov Be el &cs0b ato jon, da peg el deahoweieaoey Sues oi arctica tiv npr soparayet ey tn 0c wig eo creer shgaio ee ad oS $96 sige Bc 3p ol le (300) {ore he xslrmen, ak inti contac with the neni atl with ‘her, andthe alarm goes up incase the remainder of the enemy ost cides to purse our men, abd the ene fs upor ther an say Wh ‘her, to Keep them ou of danger you must dispatch ast scond and ‘hid unto cary to render asstace to those under part ad th ‘er the enems. You flow ehiné the wnt in good onder with your own four units, of which we latead Io speak at gear length below om the ployment of eval 7. Ith enemy mutans conact with our cvaley prokowsotres se aead in advance, let them come on ual they ap Drosch the infenry frmstins, The have tee cavaydvisiony sud ely move out toh the tervals betwee the infty divine and tack the enemy in good cede If thre ae sll more exalt dion, ave em ls move out rom the sie place wre thee tr lef fom You, te commande must next move ou bead than wit the our eat ay visions and fellow behind them in formation, I teeny fun 0 Fight, keep the four divisions where hey ae ual you se hr cmp ‘eolpse. Arte moment when you oe tht they have sn completely tyoken and lem fom psoners and deere tht they have no other, fore of ether envary of infty, bt there ar aly how eng that Ihe inet dispatch wo divisions a part of them, Keep the other to in place with you or the security ease ofall the host pusing the enemy. The inane fre, nd the entre s,m fllom long de played in good order so as nt to throw tir uni eto cnfton. 8 If the een’ pursing our prokouratore does aot approach the aint) Formacons, bat remains in body at estance om thom, se the afore: ‘mentioned te cavalry units out 1 one sige. They mit prossd one er snother Send out another the from teeter ede ad have en Tolow oae another in he same way, When theft ots daw nea the enemy they must come os Halt ose by them out of bows, an ike (io) ov xa potas eto eveépn nano x ps wa a te ‘Bapiov av Sevnipan rb 88 mpoipmdvs looapas xapaees qe ob pest avd wat Bee Gowepor per ey 8. ah Sv ‘pando! Expt, geauotnarabanew ety o BOK 5 ops na tose napaveyal pest ordoeos E050 wee ‘pono rot ropa. nal sez xaboive alton i ape spun Hv aad ain 0? ‘lone, net feu deatoMeseona xagorreXRewoes BE ‘at cttpocoupodmpes elo eit eapayel er pels 00 wv dpe wal ey oder Endy 39 etrooy. 3 tiv doors eat ot maior exstacinacar th ey ayo, oS pot ave elo xprndrax wpe e000, eoslons pues Sve Oa! ereuoy massa, eh mela napa rv cua pero ONE, 9 oii OL 36, Saw mpnfe)onw a yeni napa pe ‘napoli tov Exar, cron ol oratta Roperaye Hy Exipsr duetoninot,Spetioun wre sporovpatones XP seve spat wy heya te pin xt en eva ye xen EBay wok eee bx tw B60 Hep ok BS wo. nope He ours me ue yah. ols {Seok a da ooops topes, lola sexo. a EL ‘ore pas fon pts Boban sy Epo sapacean. ‘8 aeotoube et a reste roparyal wal qe. el ‘ea Ine lve eu ek wooo Exot ee 8 Bap, es sv aap atady ele dd sif0ug Rav kapepoD\at 0k ob span, coe Exfaow bd tv Supa ev oop ey at uraploty rods wl oa; xl ope xa fsorevon acai spb, outa a ear. owvono- Dovbeéaoney 8 wert bes ro aso tec mapa cot Ho. miqmagéronay pds ts kebodLopRy Adv operon BE ft bt fovavs of tgp wal ob spérova, beethovry “gota eat ot ep kapepe dram never ox 0 ped Foneias wi Gad race ok Expt Md 8 wth ea ‘Baoyertave a nepal EB Rp LIS. Rafaidapuis el mpeg aes, eter vce at meant tfaidnpuce jv zapocrat xaroeye dootey tv nepae ‘aves neon wet tent. ea fm Sito ue tes Set ng wien. ean [102 isthe soon unite sold be css hy the Stones andthe hr nae the second You Kop the four units ote above mth you an ad ut les fallin goog onder 9 the enemy ues and rans, te prokowsaiores sd th est ofthe divisions mast purse tem rigrosty til hey ain fl ght and dare Unt the isa seeral rout our units mst ot ‘rsk ranks, uta stated, they must ollw along formation. The pro eratoes and the forementoned nis mst be under odes ha 008 ofthe offers or esarmen should relat the sights. The ofies nd covalent pee on withthe ble snd ther stendant andthe Infuayanen are to sce the prone I best that you prolain an tcl of wis id the acon, to he elles hat anpone tasers this our wil be sj to paishmest 10. If though, when eur units pproach the enemy formations, these eney formations remain in lace, the prokousotres shou then move frward aad bein Sirashing To open te tle Our sx ni st then nave to the atc n poo order ‘int the eneny from the two Ranks om ite se and oi bate with the enemy: He fbn, the other four unis the ones wth YOu, ms ‘move up in good onder suppor ofthe unis head. The iafaauy ws tte flow up and approach sn good order themselves I, because of thee condene ether In thei Kaapirato or the seer so thi Ho, fe emmy persevere p to thi poi ad doesnot tr t High, hes ‘ring infty jveliners with archer abd singe out from the tral ‘eenen the heavy infty and vend ter ord to Bp logs te cvinmen, All ofthe afaty uits mst low together in good order Sn dup close by our cavty wnt ven then, the enemy stands frm and docs aot tars vay, thea our men mus kee persevere in tig ut ith the help of God, the eny is broken. 11. 1 comes to ps that the eneny formations Sacer our eval nis and repulse them thn tary ute mst then es inside the fant Temata and find ete, Ourinfntry solr, with he mena, mist thes more Wp (03) ‘eh tv €y890r o sel onovrapot ye Hy HevowNean ‘ves Bowey ris rabapiony eg feu a, wah ‘haoney Se PBs 708 cod oweprce i xs th x ‘Shoo Exp. 1 82 wa Boar type eh ovens fe wal Sopra eden Byortee hiP0G opedaeOd oo’ ei reieot oi xapodtin, woot ub mapas 30 ‘dp EBbocy dd poate eg laos ty fuer na sero 8 Apel Ezowsy Ho, RepRUeoF Shy AT {pe texpariripo mapeayiy, Ooppobre fk te ear ey. nS edprn b brain xp eval a linea. efaibapus Sin yore saphena tov Aparna bionic ob kemhaBivovet, 0 Sea CeoopEHoaw ot fuéepon, connoorétoum Topyb nak Exon HY an wa PorBosuevor deb ypqoeas x snaptanabeoy woe {Gum sn enigoe wet Sk ohm of pe 2 etvoow ore sv éxapin, os ep, jets Eze Ertnow She pkyov mopotapy i xox peer a ute epotper eel ad al as Bo ele by, A80U00 sp he eos nopeaye. ExBagg fet | xn Suepepieen tw weLev sy lp témesvenoy xopetayy sy warp xa a a 80 apace, yo 7 ev, aS Exiga es woe 1g yeas rot ooeny ala xo etic map ‘yExiponoxoveasra. oor Epos that the one row of ea infantry standing abend in the rot ne athe eve units reeves an ado hir-four men, The the ‘wolinesn ther twelve units ha th seaond eof heyy infatrymen| ‘sd the other ine sang inthe ear behind the archer, recive a a tonal tiy-shre men. At 2 zs, the length ofthe ln wl be een [ester that our cavaliy wi tine this que formation If we he, ‘St vggestd oof eval sch the archers ut the same way. AS (07) see Bap 8.20 apo, pes nee wo a ole pe vor iat roextn, di ekg hy Spry to erperyaeod nat EPL eed spony, ioriueet gyros ty op grunge ores ta att dmb Spon an Bake fay, Expat al sb Ev Spo ay oot wal Hp ig hens vB pl or ra Safer ops ako Bt bot eat Kav soto, Gv pa wel Boorstacty dare epond of evaia xe woven eh oxo 58. Wa rt xB averate wa Few 1. (ik oh enfyrnek B aapene alu ah router, of ReGen eat xepodopen, a cha cok ‘toby Seviooue pays aoe et eo 020 ones Sis gy pede endovn boc eo rover oh pt ap ‘rr etn Et pour lov ra Eanponsev'8 soy etn daa ney dd e008 npg ney wot od eproepo 3 fy novia el ob Eon ei hy xopoteyy ou xa aps sat any, niyo ueeaov tooepes ape ere oy Be wel moter dots etacapr reve Rape eg BE {Bio ma Even Eley Ot dv Bo sapateds fal oy, xa ad, ds oop 8 Eom ea. nal pv Ra, ol Gee egw 80 shana dv io peat | deoieOVet Suiza ei wb wig sep raving pg x pa Bei ai {axpootevsoparayic ea lati rg Ember. Eg BE Bo sovorstiy sic clr eg 2 Br thgqow, your ele hv weary tea ugar Ey, 905 yop Bodexa 8 Weg ORL soperatog dataheowipas,qpéiow wi Kapa viv weosdpen syne 1&2 hae Se ds va Evepye 18 Peete 0 ‘repre naxporér wt raporaa a Exo Eunpotey eg ‘Dnésuro aq, zlqoor poder née naperayig el ‘hey nv, xl view wal eee wie, law VB bv ein ety fein dpa vtec dn, iv epndgawnn, el om yore Supa Bina, Or bes pai oie, Seoueouen tooeoa beep agua. 2. L820 tog Col toh own HOA ape aN tio} ‘there are thre ines of archer the way we described them above inthe belaning of he enn, standing fom one eb ofthe unis tothe othe ‘comprising 1.20 man hems, take ou ne line of archers and nit tothe length ofthe two lines of aches the ene ais eis 2 Yery 0d thing indeed i they are caring extra equipment sich as mena ‘peas, and sie ‘8. Other Necessary and UsflHeas 1. Thee ae desis of other infty and combined formations. that ‘is infty with aly, whch we sll not hesitate to record ice they ft quit elf Ihe teria om which hebrew take plac ise) {at an te eoemy deploys in broad line, n sch ay that hel oat line isa reat mas rom the it side to he ef, you wish o make a0 exesion io you formation and lagen it pt fou FB itn fot Lewis, ot furor five anit in the back On thet flanks on ether ‘Sie alow for two unto juat ne Ina word, doa yo se BF you pat four unit rat apd four in the back, nd wo unison eter side on te two aks, oe inter wil elt a each of the or comers, hes tesnean the unite front and tree Sttwen the ons inthe Back. 18 Ieeen the eo unison one nk ote mide of tam, to be preci, srl be enteral aking va alt. yom wich 0 make the ora tions more seer, le of the intra in he fou comers nd eve the ‘emsning sight functioning If ou want to make your formations ees troaer so hat they ave areas up ia at, put ve usin ot snd ein the bask, and oe on ier side onthe Hanks. Only ules it ‘Sc best allow an intra inthe four comers et hem be arrange nd ap thre are ele itera read If you would ate ose them (our aera wl belt open in rot. On the oer hand the tuo s927.926 1 drertov. any Bo mapa Expat egw wD pic yeaa ee tv uy an Buzopv BS Be 1 ev Onlao raypv Gelaow as So rapowya Os geo nl eed lg sy pony or Bubzapow Eg B28 850 ‘hiya Ber wolfeelew orf & wantin sapere fis pds Sy Bes 25 sto, obs eNO 9. 1. (Bon wet do eae mpeg fn. We Sndpn xa oth septs eat reper, Lowey Be fea ‘vice satdapuc, Og Be Ben xo elev sano ing hg oy, pana Eevbepa x xy Bo HepOY ‘he mundo nap Ewe ol eee b pear ae, ‘sd dopa So, E82 a uote 80 Brazpe, civ Galas, path 6 ina Oden Bape. iva rape ‘ein of otal apnea, xl iva bot ovpeobha ds ‘rel yh drowivace Sgopa. be By ote Bo Bupa, ‘Slo Sn, spe tg iv dor gop ape tw og yp ok Rat rapareelooyeata ds wa yom other Sgapor aia naiov fx (i) pom eat ‘inh eels Ba Sapa 28 Dre lg weno ei bow Hg xapawrhe tb yordoba che Hy gE we ppenor may ele sy gnaw xhrpdy ele 5 16 Yong fide wal eet. ive daopetvm séooope Bape stk ve viendo wah si Sov 8 eaelapey cl el V Ertan rv weooépar Bopper val osfeoow of mono aiadpue coe ee cw veyuéwy eat av Seno. ey ‘grog aren cohbov ect hos bcp ob vere. ig hv ebhgov. dy 6 wa propor roi ea yo al ‘sony aids is fympoode ay aed aaptov egw xan ‘re nr Baga wag von leo. 2 hs wk meals ‘aaa net dayne oy meus eal xefo}dopI B #vdpy sound Rabo apa rapa, oops et Bea tino, 7a avd 08a ine 1110) Pee ead saar-s9.26 site Ams wo units up in out tat betwee them one interval and {howe amattanotber two ust athe back 4 ta they to have ont Intern betwee them, Postion four unison thet Banks on sier side To putt spy, deploy your men acordng to the yo he land 8. 1. Theres one mor design ofan infantry formation, Ito must be ourcornred and foursided abd protect the caval isi Inthe font youmust leepa freestanding unit inthe mille On the wo Bas of his Tema, om ether sient ont, mst have to neva, and exept fortes fo intervas the space of the ote otras mst be fil in ‘ea solid mass. The remaiing is mus ie upia the shape square land they most be oined to one another and not nv ny interval. Apt fiom these to istval, the space of the ote irs must efile in ‘ie a sold mas. Te reninng divisions shoud form up ike saight lines joined o one another without nya al bu they mat 0 ose ‘of thee two uoresentoned intervals ithe foot f the formation, a we ‘aids that he ete formation spi square exept oly inthe 1 ‘corner inthe back ne ow eter side Four intervals mst retin open, land within ter the entire caraty fre mos ine pin ode, whic isto ‘Sy tat the cv sors lie p ia the openigs ofthe four intervals, ‘raged inthe apna and shomat Inthe cores are the bangs ain tthe throng with no ole i bate. Get sone liners on fot and soa Tah infantry ané poston them in ont of thezvary nthe opens of the ltr inthe manner we deserted above. 2. We ave now gen a full acount of infantry and combined formation, that infantry with ‘mal tine no, ith the lp of Go, to take wp extaly wits ony eas-c03s a 1. (Apuster nosoxew bn f site ey eexafpcy spas nb Bos Exes xabatAapons Sena 8 yee ov eg yo 6 spas Epi 3 By ei uéeano, Seti pew ehatapion 8005 oop 6 Lan ae, HOW HPO hoy woientar dy Bet cee rods eee yn ad ‘08 Seveépon 8 God wal wo Ey od Babee lst tos und Sexes moody eabaapions soaapas eg Lpbripog en dptorpby dno, elel pb yes had aie, etter Exe eabahapfog nevevostong reocepes 2 13P ag ang aban Sera. & 8 mpos dgbec wd Ge ‘oid eign ropa, Exe radeon on. eseepos toon stoapas, 0 sem bey +04 pudcoven ind meno usnowra wel mw Bers eye Kofaidopiex; teoupdeoven. 6 tSSouss ceorapacore wo pas 800; weoeapdcove Ss 3 Even Reeeovr Bo 0 eearos seer 6 exkenars Eon wt OHO 3 Be ung Eiove tooapas pl beat op Shs ws kab Iapous ss penonos maps meveaxonto oaupoy 2 ek wouter tabv ob ets, 500" separa Sy see -nparani, i Ex 3 spo Gn Rafoaplov; Bc, 6 See epg Sexoronapas, 6 pos exaovab, Empan eeoo 80, ésmog econ 8 bea, uérors, 0 ghnagpuérora 6o- opog, 8og srdetren See b Ev rnoapacvea Bin, 5 ‘exer ceooopéxovta 5 EvBsaong seo 8 Babbeeros evafeota toon, pw elvan dyn Show, mabodant ‘v5 pervon ropa puKoatou Safar weaoapes 3.84 ton sepaoderpos 6 expr; | Sryirepo; fe ro iv oxdua he mopar, Howe 2b neuen eins mpg hog eb Bod oon pen dx 6 00 Bevepon Guy xa ‘Deda els deawrs Gus zene spoon” easel eo fina, 50 eg Sib hp Troe, nal 8 lg der ep spb yereaten ein zaps span. A 8 ek ‘acifparotEoraoov xb eee, xl xem sh Hee i gb apps Bip ego on Be okr3 FOP ‘x07 én rargpaxwy eoapiay elven ges eee 8 ci) @. 1. Take note thatthe ingulae oration of kaapato‘bas depts of wes cavalrymen. Is fac, orn other words, thet ie the fe, Soul contain a many estalyrgn ab the man pepriag i deems bes, ‘aly, by jung from the oa mer of eaten He har on hand ‘ther many or few From the sco cow om down tothe wey each row receives an ational for cvalryen, to each athe ight ade lef sie I you havea ery large host, you mst have 08 cavalrymen. ‘epi steve cataljmen. The fst ine ofthe va, theo ia the ac of the formation, hi twenty eavaiyen, the ssond weno the thi, twentycigh the Kurth chyna te lh hry. suse te ‘Seth has forty elem th seventh, forty, the eighth, ory hein, yevo, th tenth, bye te eleventh, sity ad he we, intr, sv far, otha ken together al the eavaryen inthe rian {us formation wil be S04 2 If you donot have so large a host, make thi fomation salle, so thatthe fst rw bas tn examen the se ‘od out the igen the four, wen to the A, wen Sik th sath, iy, the seventh, hifour the hth tight, he ‘ith, fortwo, he enh, fori, he elven, the teh = four so tht, ake together lhe caaleen nthe langular oration wl be 3843. Whether the army is greater oF Fes, you must make the Hot ofhe formation, meanings ace, according to the otal umber of your host and, 35 ote, om the seen rw on down each row ces 4a adona our ealrymen, wo onthe ah, a He sid, and vo on the Ie to create u angular Formation. 4 TeseKeaprato! ust be under on conunaader and thi comma shold have oftcers dispersed ‘mong them, The ene triangular formation mast consi of kapleak- {ot The Aatphaltd mst have the llowing equipment. Eich one mst tay “ areean et ol eatpancosefesow sou le Beans dip bx ‘iow 58 pana Eyexnay wb waa ov HEY et Area cel gopet soo ol Grd: zepyelia pero ‘i wpendoqa tv Wavy E6805 cocoa x Po won, xa enue downy naga xpenaian, boy #86. ow cova eins. enw SE xv wsavion Soe. opis emsupicia ue sy roux wat Bayo wo Bataew es Ylpas een dd ey poy, v8 pie ve ‘ofvensBeimoter els rods pou eyémoav 8 eat roots ‘nds tc pigeon wpa ae Gd ‘Sau nek cewek aaydaw Ged. nek povove sob ea bpotsaveaegsseobar fopesaocy 88 kek xo See ‘5 Be xol np byrne eat wlimpd Eowony Seok a ‘riper eanigport, ele dad KEWOGx el YEP ROO ak nat wereppanévor np tn yonaoy api 2 exes ‘enti Stow wou wo emapon, cal Bey Bo paved. ‘ih 05 SgDoio air eat ts is, ib SE By yuk {bg xno bee slat ones ay nap daxtaa07. flee xenon na apa aia dd Pose Bspone la, Bow 8 oisino eli mpl oxHos wo texapion ion pv 0 pow Kk Eo wl mS heonieat wig Si aims. egetoey Bol eoesiparat ak novnipin spb; dayton, 6. duet 6 ives lg loos tv wayyy x ges igure ot sate ‘oom ap nro kv pyro ey weagpoeTo el ot espa xl ot po wal ol epee vse | (29 709 neurevopsion ee 2a 00 Bobeuton. eo piv evexoatons tooepa; f apacorh Rafiapions wr eae {pdeton, Eom ig azote Exar nevfeorea Bla el 8 Bret mapaur wpracontvsbyofnove see Eatonay ei brag dofovenrofnm. 7. nov 8 wonatpseeanEavonay oq evan, pia SotérpaEzov eg cesta yori, keep claro pine wep ena, IO ‘roovapiie§ xepqepsa. Gat Be eermouv oxo ne So oa ob ee eg oda eee eg tong ara. iy spn Sas Hyon oni etapa Mel Bet pag slog al 6 edeapeeg Exéeooat hyena eer oem ts ave # Koon The ktm must ave sees down tothe toms a thernen mist wear arm guards Thesis hanging rom he lana st hve sa of coarser eoton, and thee habging pices mis De thik as can bested togter Ove the dai they mast wea pr ba of cour silk or eoton, sn pt thr arms ov though the openings unde the shoulders. Theseees must behing from bind os hash ders They mst have extremely tong ion hemes to cover he aces ith doubly or ply Uk sabe and only thei eyes mst show trough They must also wea Ip guars §. They mus have perl Bold hoses. “These hore should alo be covered in amos, either of pieces fF ad boiled eather ged or steed ogetier down tothe knes 38 eoer the whole ody ofthe hore, with noting tit ye and note showing through, whe om the Kote down te hore fg ar uncovered ele the home alo should bave Abana made frm bromides. Thi pe of ‘lbs shou go over the hore’ chest and be split tthe lps of the hors and down blow so as otto impale its fet. The rapvaiot, ‘ould lo have side blck aroma 6 Tate ate tobe acer ia the mide ofthe arava apa these aechers mst be sided by them. ‘The men inthe ont ine ofthe Ratapvatot. and thse im the second, ‘hr a fourth ies must not be eehers, but those fom he Bs ie ‘down tthe ath I the formation oAataprato compre OS eva ‘pen hee shouldbe 0 archers among them. the fomtion con Prise 8, tee shoal eighty arcerr mong the. 7. The weapons of the Kaapiralio/sboud be te flowing maces, made completly oo, ith sharp corners the heads so that they me thee, our o i= ‘orered, oor ro maces saers Evenone nt ave eros tnd ‘il mst have ron maces citer onthe ele or their sale. Te ist Ting that the fc ofthe formation, the second, thi, and four ast Inve he sane complement, but tbe knplvakio onthe fanks soul ine tsp

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