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Improvement of Understanding and Skills on Ecofarming Application in Cow Farmers

at Tlekung Village, Junrejo, Batu City

3.B Group
Sefihara P., Santika L., Annisa R., Eka D., Siti Z., Rudrodul A., Vika F., Kharisma U and Zakia H.
Biology Departement, Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science, Brawijaya University, Malang

The understanding of cow farmers about

BACKGROUND 2. how to plant a grass without using a 40,9 % 50 % 86,36 %
Eco farming is an agricultural and livestock application that uses the pesticides or synthetic materials
principle of environmental friendly (organic matter) without the use of chemicals The understanding of cow farmers,
in its application and to produce high quantity and quality of nutritious food
3. willingnes to apply natural mineral 0% 50% 100%
throughout the year and has many advantages, according to Sarkar and
Mrinmoy, (2015). resources from eggshell extract
The ecofarming criteria on farm are the livestock are given with the organic food The understanding of cow farmers and
or food without pesticides, adequate nutrition and minerals, natural medicine in skills improvement in the making and
4 0% 50 % 77,27 %
the form of spices and fruits, as well as supplemental supplements of natural composing of mineral resources from
supplements (Oruganti, 2015). eggshell extract
The surveys at Tlekung Village showed that 64% of the farmers still use The understanding of cow farmers about
synthetic food and only 36% farmers that use organic food. All farmers use 5 27,27% 50% 77,27%
traditional medicine as a cure
100% synthetic minerals, farmers that use traditional medicine as their cure are The understanding of cow farmers to the
only 23% .Therefore, the use of natural food supplements only 27%. The small 6 utilization of traditional medicine as a 27,27% 50% 72,73%
number of cow farmers who still use the organic material makes it necessary to
medicine when cows are sick
provide a socialization about the ecofarming apllication in cow farmers that
consist organic food and supplements, natural mineral, and traditional medicine The understanding of cow farmers to the
7 27,27% 50% 77,27%
so farmers will understand and can improve their skill. use of alternative food supplements
The understanding of cow farmers to the
OBJECTIVES 8 positive and negative impact of dietary 40,9% 50% 83,82%
The aim for this action plan is to improve cow farmer’s understanding supplements
and skills in Tlekung Village about ecofarming application consist of organic *Total = 4 farmers, **Total = 22 farmers
food, organic supplements, natural mineral, and traditional medicine.
OUTPUT No April-May (A week)
. 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
The output of this action plan are improvement of understanding on 1. Preliminary study
cow farmers at Tlekung Village related to organic food to support Eco- 2. Identification problem
Farming Program, improvement of understanding and skills of cow 3. Make a questionnaire
breeders related to alternative natural mineral resources from egg shell
4. Questionnaire Distribution
waste as a substitute for synthetic minerals for dairy cow, improvement of
understanding of cow farmers at Tlekung village related to alternative 5. Poster and leaflet arrangement
natural medicine for cow, and improvement of understanding on cow 6. Arrange the Action Plan
farmers at Tlekung Village related alternative food supplements derived 7. Action Plan
from organic materials other than plants substitute synthetic materials. 8. Monitoring
9. Make a report
OUTCOME 10. Submit the report
The outcome of this action plan are raising awareness of farmers on
the importance of supporting the Eco-farming program, improving farmers skills SUSTAINABILITY
in making and composing alternative sources of organic mineral from eggshell After performing this action plan, cow farmers had been given leaflets,
waste, improving welfare such as increasing quality of livestock and dairy presentation slides and had committed to provide organic food without
products from farmers of Harapan Jaya Farmer Group Tlekung Village, Batu pesticides, using natural medicines, striving for natural food supplements, and
City. also being given calcium mineral products from eggshell extract.


Subgroup Name Job describtion
3.1 Santika Lusia Utami Leaflet and questionnaire maker
Sefihara Paramitha Proposal poster and questionnaire
Sakti maker
3.2 Annisa Rizki Devianti Method design, schedule and
Eka Diyah Putri Intermediator to the farmers,
Lestari poster, presentation slide, and
leaflet maker
Siti Zainiyah Poster and leaflet maker
3.3 Rudrotul Agustina Leaflet and questionnaire maker
RESOURCE REQUIRED Vika Fatma Nur Maya Poster maker
The resource that needed in this action plan is cow farmers of Harapan 3.4 Kharisma Ulfa Poster maker and intermediator
Jaya Farmer Group, presentation slides, leaflets, one of farmer’s house, also Insafiatul to the farmers
tools and materials to practice about how to make natural mineral resource from Zakia Hasna Fajar Leaflet and questionnaire maker
eggshell extract. REFERENCE
PERFORMANCE INDICATOR Sarkar A & Mrinmoy M. 2015. Opportunities and Challenges in Sustainability of
Achievement Vertical Eco-Farming. Journal of Advanced Agricultural Technologies .Vol.
No Criteria Before* Target 2, No. 2.
Oruganti. 2011. Routne Bleeding Teqnique og Rodents. International Jurnal of
The understanding of cow farmers about Pharamaceutical Sciences and Research, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 516-524.
1. 36,36 % 50% 86,36 %
organic food

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