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In a beautiful and cloudy morning there was an old Fisherman sitting on the grass trying to
fishing something in a lake, as always; he had white hair, a tired face and a really ugly teeth
but he was cute as an old man. He was common known as an old person who didn't want
to pass time with the people because when someone wanted to talk to him he just
couldn't answer or keep the conversation going, that's why he liked so much the lake, a
thing that can't say anything about him, a precious and full of fish's lake, that's what he
liked, or well, what the people made him liked.

One night, sitting there, looking at the sky, a sky full of stars, the old man remembered his
life, he started to think about the moment that he learned how to ride a bicycle or when he
won the father-son race, or maybe when he got married, just happy things, even so the
memory showed up when he didn't want to, the memory that made him a crazy and a
lonely fisherman. He knew that his life wasn’t too sweet, or that he wasn’t too kind, he
knew he hadn’t made terrible things, but there were some things that he felt guilty about
it, things that a person can’t forget.

The fisherman went back to his house, he sat on the bed and started to think about
nothing, he was just there watching the moonlight until he fell asleep, he hated the dreams
because he only knew two ways to have a dream, a nightmare or a memory. In his dream,
the memory that he hated so much started to showing in his mind; there was the old man,
it was a cloudy day with birds everywhere, next to the man was a kid about 5 years old,
they looked alike, both of them looked happy and close to each other. The man looked
young and cute, his hair was brown, his arms were strong and his toot were white, the kid
was a little copy of his dad, he had blue eyes, brown hair, and a big smile on his face; they
were going for an ice cream, but the man changed his mind because it seemed like there
was going to be a storm, a thing that the kid was afraid of, they started to walk through
the streets holding hands, the water started to fall from the sky, the kid was walking faster
every second while his dad was trying to follow him; minutes later, they passed a coffee
shop but instead of staying there until the storm ended, the man continue his trip to the
house, suddenly they were about to cross a street, the kid put his first foot into de rough
floor, his father held his hand while he was starting to walk to cross the street, the weird
thing is that you never know when the dead is going to call you, well, the dead was calling
the kid on that moment, a thunder sound, the kid who was scare of the thunders screamed
and froze on the middle of the street, his dad tried to calm him down but a car showed up
from nowhere and hitted them, the kid had the worst luck ever, his body couldn't survive
the impact, that broke the man's heart and everyone's too, but he felt guilty about it.

The old man woke up crying and panting in the middle of the night, he went to the
bathroom and washed his face, but on the mirror the only thing that he saw was his son
face, he wasn't ready to start a new day but he preferred that than get back to sleep, a day
full of pain but at least he knew that his son was with him.

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