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Mill Creek Elementary School

“A Research School”
Instructional Planning Tool

Teacher: Librarian Content Area: Digital Citizenship Grade: Kindergarten Week of: 8/24-8/28
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Full lesson plan #1 Full Lesson #2
Standards used Standards covered: Standards covered:
L.K.1a- Print many upper- A.R.2 Determine central
and lowercase letters ideas or themes of a text
L.K.6- 6 Use words and and analyze their
phrases acquired through development;
conversations, reading summarize the key
and being read to, and supporting details and
responding to texts. ideas.
RF.K.1a- Follow words A.R.3 Analyze how and
from left to right, top to why individuals, events,
bottom, and page by and ideas develop and
page interact over the course
RI.K.1- Demonstrate of a text.
understanding of the RL.K.10 Actively engage
organization and basic in group reading
features of print. activities with purpose
SL.K.1a- follow agreed- and understanding.
upon rules for discussions RL.K.6 With prompting
(e.g., listening to others and support, name the
and taking turns speaking author and illustrator of
about the topics and a story and define the
texts under discussion) role of each in telling the
W.K.3- Use a combination story
of drawing, dictating, and RI.K.1 With prompting
writing to narrate a single and support, ask and
event or several loosely answer questions about
linked events, tell about key details in a text
the events in the order in RL.K.7 With prompting
which they occurred, and and support, describe
provide a reaction to the relationship between
what happened illustrations and the
AASL: story in which they
I.B.3- Generating appear (e.g., what
products that illustrate moment in a story an
learning illustration depicts).
I.C.1- Interacting with AASL-
content presented by I.A.2 Recalling prior and
others background knowledge
ISTE- as context for new
1d.- Understand the meaning.
fundamental concepts of I.B.3 Generating
technology operations, products that illustrate
demonstrate the ability learning.
to choose, use and I.D.3 Enacting new
troubleshoot current understanding through
technologies, and are real-world connections.
able to transfer their I.D.4 Using reflection to
knowledge to explore guide informed
emerging technologies. decisions.
2b.- Engage in positive, II.B.3 Representing
safe, legal, and ethical diverse perspectives
behavior when using during learning activities
technology, including ISTE-
social interactions online 7c - Contribute
or when using networked constructively to project
devices. teams, assuming various
roles and responsibilities
to work effectively
toward a common goal.

Students will know /  Discover that  Explain how rules  Explain how  Retell or  Explain how
be able to do the internet can that their parents IMSAFE rules that summarize rules that the
be used to visit create help them the district creates #Goldilocks( teachers create
places and learn stay safe and keep help them to stay A help us to stay
new things. order in their safe and keep order Cautionary safe and keep
 Compare how home. at their school and Tale) order in our
staying safe  Compare school home online.  Have the class.
online is similar internet rules with  Review vocabulary students tell  Review
to staying safe rules at home. words internet, the teacher IMSAFE rules
in the real  Review online and website. about the for internet.
world. vocabulary word  Talk about the story. Where
 Explain rules internet and Flocabulary video did it take
for traveling introduce words and the IMSAFE place?
safely on the online and guidelines and  Who were
internet. website. Review compare. the
internet safety. characters?
 What was the
story about?
 What did
learn in the
Essential Question  How can people’s  What does internet  How do you stay  What was the  How does the
* Posted in classroom actions affect mean? safe on the internet story about? making and
others?  What does online review?  What did enforcing rules
 How can you travel mean?  How can you help Goldilocks of internet safety
safely on the  What does website others to stay safe learn in the protect you?
internet? mean? online? book?  How can
people’s actions
on the internet
affect others?
Instructional 1. Discuss with the 1. Review from the 1. Review from the 1. Review 1 .Review
Techniques, class what the previous day and previous day. vocabulary the vocab
Strategies, internet is and its complete (Reuse the graphic words. words
Procedures, and purpose. worksheet. organizer and add 2. Have online,
Checks for 2. Review the school 2. Go over to it) students website and
Understanding internet rules and worksheets as a 2. Use the IMSAFE write the internet with
discuss why rules class. poster for words on the students.
have its place in our 3. Have students guidelines for paper. 2. Have the
school, home and describe what rule online safety. 3. Talk about students to
community. they drew in their 3. Talk about what is their brainstorm
3. Have the students picture. responsibility and meaning. places in
look at the 4. Have students how we can show their
photographs of write the it at school and communities
students following vocabulary words home. where rules
rules at school. on paper. (Home: washing are
4. Discuss how they dishes, taking out the important.
are following the 5. trash, cleaning our own (community
rules and how they room) pools, school
are helping to (School: following playground,
contribute to a safe directions, listening to parks,
classroom and the teacher, being nice community
school to our friends) libraries, fair
environment. or hospitals)
5. Watch and discuss 3. Talk about
the video My personal
Online information
Neighborhood and what it is.
.com/watch? 4. Talk about
v=vNpkUyEOa_8 never giving
out personal
to a stranger
in person or
Sample Questioning  What is a rule?  Why do we have  What does being  Why is internet
 Why are rules rules? responsible mean? safety
important?  Do you like rules?  Do the video and important?
 Why is raising your  Review internet poster have the  What is personal
hand a good rule to safety rules. same rules for information?

follow? internet safety?  Should you give
 What is the  Do they have out personal
internet? different rules? information on
 What are our school  What are some of the internet?
internet rules? the rules they talk  Should you give
 Why must we be about? out personal
safe on the internet?  How can we be information to a
responsible at stranger?
home? School?

Differentiation: Have students to think Discuss with students Have the students to .
Small group, about the safety rules 1 important rule their create a list of
tutoring, etc. on the internet. Discuss family has at home information they
*Focus of something that could and why that 1 rule is should never give out
differentiation: happen if the student so important to the online or to strangers.
did not follow the rules function of their Have students talk
at school. Also have family. about safety at home,
them to think about the Sample: Keep your school and their
effects that could room clean. community
happen at home also
because of breaking the
Sample: Asking your
parents permission to
use technology.

Graphic Organizer (s)

Assessment (s)  Have the students to  Have students to  Read and discuss  Finish Turn and Talk
draw a picture of turn and talk to #Goldilocks (A #Goldilocks with your
someone following their partner about Hashtag worksheet neighbors about
an internet rule and 1 rule they feel is Cautionary Tale) with a what kinds of
illustrate a picture important to https://www.vodafo partner. personal
to go along with it. follow at school or information
home. tal- should never be
parenting/goldilocks shared.
Summarization and Create a list of rules Show Flocabulary Begin #Goldilocks
Closure with the class. Sort the video: worksheet.
rule according to home, https://www.flocabulary
class and internet. .com/unit/internet-

Mill Creek Elementary School

“A Research School”
Instructional Planning Tool

Teacher: Librarian Content Area: Digital Citizenship Grade: Kindergarten Week of: 8/31-9/4
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Standards used Mini lesson #1 Mini lesson #2
A.R.1 Read closely to RF.K.1 Demonstrate
determine what the text understanding of the
says explicitly and to organization and basic
make logical inferences features of print.
from it; cite specific RF.K.1b Recognize that
textual evidence when spoken words are
writing or speaking to represented in written
support conclusions language by specific
drawn from the text. sequences of letters.
A.R.2 Determine central RF.K.1c Understand that
ideas or themes of a text words are separated by
and analyze their spaces in print
development; summarize RF.K.2a Recognize and
the key supporting details produce rhyming words.
and ideas. A.W.2 Write
A.R.7 Integrate and informative/explanatory
evaluate content texts to examine and
presented in diverse convey complex ideas
media and formats, and information clearly
including visually and and accurately through
quantitatively, as well as the effective selection
in words. A.W.10 Write routinely
A.SL.1 Prepare for and over extended time
participate effectively in a frames (time for
range of conversations research, reflection, and
and collaborations with revision) and shorter
diverse partners, building time frames (a single
on others’ ideas and sitting or a day or two)
expressing their own for a range of tasks,
clearly and persuasively. purposes, and
A.SL.2 Integrate and audiences.
evaluate information AASL
presented in diverse V.A.3 Engaging in
media and formats, inquiry-based processes
including visually, for personal growth.
quantitatively, and orally V.C.3 Collaboratively
A.SL.4 Present identifying innovative
information, findings, and solutions to a challenge
supporting evidence such or problem
that listeners can follow VI.A.1 Responsibly
the line of reasoning and applying information,
that the organization, technology, and media
development, and style to learning.
are appropriate to task, ISTE
purpose, and audience. 5 a. Formulate problem
SL.K.1b Continue a definitions suited for
conversation through technology-assisted
multiple exchanges. methods such as data
SL.K.2 Confirm analysis, abstract
understanding of a text models, and algorithmic
read aloud or information thinking in exploring and
presented orally or finding solutions
through other media by
asking and answering
questions about key
details and requesting
clarification if something
is not understood.
II.B.1 Interacting with
learners who reflect a
range of perspectives.
II.B.2 Evaluating a variety
of perspectives during
learning activities
III.A.3 Deciding to solve
problems informed by
group interaction.
III.C.2 Involving diverse
perspectives in their own
inquiry processes.
V.C.3 Collaboratively
identifying innovative
solutions to a challenge
or problem
7 a. Use digital tools to
connect with learners
from a variety of
backgrounds and
cultures, engaging with
them in ways that
broaden mutual
understanding and

Students will know /  Learn about the  Review pause and  Replay Chicken  Review webs  Review the
be able to do importance of device. Clicking song to and words website,
balance between  Have students reinforce what vocabulary online, internet,
technology and draw a picture of a happens when you word balance, and
offline. frustrated face or click away on the balance. pause.
 Explore saying person. internet.  Read the
goodbye to  Have students  The importance of book
technology when watch the video of media balance. Goodnight
you don’t want to. the book Chicken  Vocabulary word Ipad
Clicking balance  Have the
https://www.youtub students talk about putting
v=8Mu_f7wZbqk their devices
“to bed”.

Essential Question  Do you sometimes  What is the  What does balance  Why do we put  What does each
* Posted in classroom have a hard time Chicken doing mean? away our word mean:
turning off you tv in the book?  How can I balance devices? balance, pause,
or tablet?  Is the chicken my time online?  What can we do frustrated,
 If you do, why do following the when we are not technology,
think it’s hard to rules? using devices? website, online
turn it off? and internet?
Instructional 1. Review from 1. Show the 1. Have the 2. Review what
Techniques, the previous 6. 1. Show the video 2-3 video from students each word
Strategies, day(Reuse times so the students CommonSe write each means and use
Procedures, and graphic can learn the song. vocabulary each in a
Checks for organizer and about word and sentence.
Understanding add to it) 2. Have the students media discuss the 3. Have students
talk about what balance: meanings. write each word.

2. Introduce the happened in the story. https://ww
word device. w.commons
3. Have students write
3. Talk about what vocabulary words and ucation/vid
it means to be go over the meanings. eos/media-
frustrated or balance-is-
annoyed. important

4. Watch the video 2. Show

Saying students
Goodbye to how to
Technology make a web and explain how it
v=mq2INs6PQqs works.

Sample Questioning  What kinds of  Did Chicken  What did the video
devices do we ask permission teach you about
use at school? to be online? media balance?
 What kinds of  What did  How can you
devices do you Chicken do balance your time
use at home? with his clicks? at home?
 What makes  Did Chicken  How can you
you frustrated? get in trouble? balance your time
 Why do think at school?
you become

Differentiation: Discuss pause and how Discuss why media

Small group, to give the teacher or balance and getting off
tutoring, etc. your parent your devices is important.
*Focus of attention. Discuss why Have the students talk
differentiation: it is important to pause about why they get off
for your teacher and their devices and do
parents. Have the they like to pause their

students act out what devices? Why or why
they would do if they not? Why is it
were Arms and Legs on important to pause for
the following slides: your teachers or
Read aloud slides on parents?
Graphic Organizer (s)

Assessment (s)  Have the  Have the students  Have the  Have students
students pair up work in groups to students take a
and one act as create an illustrated draw a vocabulary test
the teacher and web of ways they picture with our words
one as the can balance their putting their we have learned
student using time online at devices to in the two
the card above. home or school. bed. weeks.

Summarization and Have the students talk Read Nerdy Birdy Have students share Have the students Color the Ralph
Closure about their roles as Tweets. their webs in groups. share their pictures Saves the Internet
teacher and student and with the class. page.
how it felt to be the
teacher or the student.


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