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Statement of the Problem

1. What is the demographic profile of inmates in terms of:

Age; Sex; Religion; Marital Status; Ethnic Affiliation;
Highest Educational Attainment; Length of imprisonment


Frequency Percent
below 25 42 43.8
25-30 26 27.1
above 30 28 29.2
Total 96 100.0


Frequency Percent
Catholic 3 3.1
Islam 93 96.9
Total 96 100.0

Marital status

Frequency Percent
Single 39 40.6
Married 32 33.3
Separated 25 26.0
Total 96 100.0

Ethnic Affiliation

Frequency Percent
Christian 1 1.0
Iliganon 1 1.0
Kagay-anon 1 1.0
Maguindanaon 4 4.2
Meranao 86 89.6
Tausog 3 3.1
Total 96 100.0

Highest Educational Attainment

Frequency Percent
College 23 24.0
Elementary 32 33.3
High School 32 33.3
No Answer 9 9.4
Total 96 100.0
Length of Imprisonment (months)

Frequency Percent
below 5 years 24 25.0
5-10 years 38 39.6
above 10 years 34 35.4
Total 96 100.0

2. What are common coping mechanism or adaptation available/enjoyed by the inmates while in
prison in terms of:
a. Physical/Physiological
b. Social activities
c. Psychological adaptation

Indicators Su Qualitative
N Mean Rank
(Physical/Physiological) m description
3Participating to physical exercises is enjoyable 96 258 2.688 Always 1
1Regular physical exercising makes me feel good 96 255 2.656 Always 2
2Outdoor physical activities makes me feel excited 96 252 2.625 Always 3
4Playing outdoor or indoor games lessen my worries 96 248 2.583 Always 4
5Physical exercise allows me to clear my mind from
96 240 2.500 Always 5
8Physical exercising gives me better sleep at night 96 238 2.479 Always 6
6Whenever I join recreation activities like dancing or
96 237 2.469 Always 7.5
calisthenics, my loneliness is diverted
9Physical exercising makes me feel relaxed most of the
96 237 2.469 Always 7.5
10Physical recreation allows me to think clearer for
96 222 2.313 Seldom 9
possible solutions to my problems
7Dancing with upbeat music as a physical exercise makes
96 132 1.375 Never 10
me loosen myself from the problems I am facing in jail
Over-all Mean 2.416 Always
Scaling: 2.34-3.00–“Always”, 1.67-2.33–“Seldom”, 1.00-1.66–“Never”
Indicators Mea Qualitative
N Sum Rank
(Social Activities) n description
5Regular socializing with other inmates or jail guards help
96 230 2.396 Always 1
me cope with loneliness
4Being able to participate to socialization activities makes
96 227 2.365 Always 2
me feel accepted
9I feel relieved when there are outdoor Activities which I
96 223 2.323 Seldom 3
could participate
10I enjoy indoor activities because it makes me forget my
96 217 2.260 Seldom 4
emotional burdens.
3Socialization activities like “friendship” games, whether
96 210 2.188 Seldom 5.5
indoor or outdoor, make me less worried
8I am able to release emotional tensions whenever I
96 210 2.188 Seldom 5.5
participate to socialization activities of the jail
2Celebrating special occasions inside the jail makes me
96 206 2.146 Seldom 7
6Socialization activities like parties inside the jail allows
96 203 2.115 Seldom 8
me to express my feelings and thoughts
1I always look forward to social gatherings inside the jail
96 200 2.083 Seldom 9
like birthdays, feasts, or treats from one of our cell mates
7Birthday parties or holiday celebrations inside the jail
96 177 1.844 Seldom 10
lessen my longing for my loved ones
Over-all Mean 2.191 Seldom
Scaling: 2.34-3.00–“Always”, 1.67-2.33–“Seldom”, 1.00-1.66–“Never”
Indicators Mea Qualitative
N Sum Rank
(Psychological adaptation) n description
10I am capable of becoming a better person in the jail 96 280 2.917 Always 1
1Whenever I am sad, I just pray to God and my sadness is
96 263 2.740 Always 2
8Praying helps me clear my thoughts 96 246 2.563 Always 3
2My loneliness is lessened when I am able to talk to other
96 234 2.438 Always 4.5
inmates or jail guards
7When I am visited by my loved ones, I feel happy and
96 234 2.438 Always 4.5
6I feel better after having talked to a trusted person in the
96 233 2.427 Always 6
9I get a good night sleep after talking out my foggy
96 232 2.417 Always 7
thoughts to a friend in the jail
5Counseling helps me reduce my worries 96 226 2.354 Always 8
3I reminisce happy memories whenever I miss my loved
96 218 2.271 Seldom 9
4I feel tranquil after reading Qur’an/Bible 96 196 2.042 Seldom 10
Over-all Mean 2.460 Always
Scaling: 2.34-3.00–“Always”, 1.67-2.33–“Seldom”, 1.00-1.66–“Never”
3. What are problems confronting inmates inside the jail in terms of:
a. Health concerns (Physiologic and Physical)
b. Psychosocial concern
c. Economic concern

Indicators Mea Qualitative

N Sum Rank
(Health concerns (Physiologic and Physical)) n description
1Itchiness on their skin and scalp while inside the jail 96 151 1.573 Never 1.5
3Weak or tired most of the day while inside the jail 96 151 1.573 Never 1.5
8They have joint/knee pain while inside the jail 96 141 1.469 Never 3
2Skin rashes or skin growth you want to address while
96 135 1.406 Never 4
inside the jail
10Episodes of diarrhea frequently while inside the jail 96 121 1.260 Never 5
7They have cough for more than two weeks while inside
96 119 1.240 Never 6
the jail
5Been diagnosed of hypertension prior to incarceration 96 118 1.229 Never 7
4Our extremities have gained weight (edema) while inside
96 115 1.198 Never 8
the jail
9Problems with urination while inside the jail 96 110 1.146 Never 9
6Been diagnosed of diabetes mellitus prior to incarceration 96 107 1.115 Never 10
Over-all Mean 1.321 Never
Scaling: 2.34-3.00–“Always”, 1.67-2.33–“Seldom”, 1.00-1.66–“Never”

Indicators Mea Qualitative

N Sum Rank
(Psychosocial concern) n description
6I am positive that people outside jail will accept me after 96 273 2.844 Always 1
5Old prisoners are allowed to console or comfort new
96 272 2.833 Always 2
prisoners incarceration
4Prisoners are allowed to talk to one another for a certain
96 262 2.729 Always 3
period of time
10I feel bad for myself whenever I reminisce my life
96 238 2.479 Always 4
outside the jail
8I regret that I am here inside the jail because my freedom
96 233 2.427 Always 5
is limited
7I can think clearly whenever I am able to communicate
96 229 2.385 Always 6
with my family
1My family is regularly visiting to support my needs 96 206 2.146 Seldom 7.5
3Non government organizations are also giving us support
96 206 2.146 Seldom 7.5
like sending an Ulama or Usatdz to give on Islamic lectures
2There are supports given by the government like sending
96 174 1.813 Seldom 9
of psychologist who are acting as counselors.
9Whenever some people are laughing inside the jail, I
96 133 1.385 Never 10
misinterpret it as mockery
Over-all Mean 2.319 Seldom
Scaling: 2.34-3.00–“Always”, 1.67-2.33–“Seldom”, 1.00-1.66–“Never”
Indicators Mea Qualitative
N Sum Rank
(Economic concern) n description
4Prisoners’ family have sufficient income to survive 111 1.156 Never 1
5There are other support systems to help prisoners’ family 9
111 1.156 Never 2
survive 6
7There are continuous trainings for the prisoners related to 9
107 1.115 Never 3
their livelihood activities 6
1There are livelihood activities in the jail like making of 9
106 1.104 Never 4
bags, streamer printing, etc. 6
2Prisoners have personal income inside the jail (handicrafts, 9
102 1.063 Never 5
artworks) 6
6The income of prisoner’s livelihood activities is given to 9
99 1.031 Never 6
their family 6
9Prisoners’ livelihood activities are supported by the jail 9
98 1.021 Never 7
management 6
3Prisoners are allowed to send money to their family 9
97 1.010 Never 8
members 6
8Prisoners are helped by their family members to market 9
97 1.010 Never 9
the output of their livelihood activities 6
10Prisoners are trained in the jail to market the output of 9
97 1.010 Never 10
their livelihood activities. 6
Over-all Mean 1.068 Never
Scaling: 2.34-3.00–“Always”, 1.67-2.33–“Seldom”, 1.00-1.66–“Never”
4. Is there a significant relationship between the profile of the respondents and the common
coping mechanism or adaptation available/enjoyed by the inmates while in prison in terms of:
a. Physical/Physiological, b. Social activities, and c. Psychological adaptation

Relationship p-value Remarks
Age χ 2=¿11.667 0.003 Significant
χ 2=¿0.447 0.504 Not significant
Religion χ 2=¿3.097 0.078 Not significant
Marital status Physical/ χ 2=¿7.943 0.019 Significant
Highest Physiological
Educational χ 2=¿0.280 0.964 Not significant
Length of
Imprisonment χ 2=¿1.647 0.439 Not significant

There was a significant relationship between the profile (age) of the respondents and the
common coping mechanism or adaptation available/enjoyed by the inmates while in prison in
terms of Physical/Physiological, χ 2=¿11.667, p<0.05

There was no significant relationship between the profile (ethnic affiliation) of the respondents
and the common coping mechanism or adaptation available/enjoyed by the inmates while in
prison in terms of Physical/Physiological, χ 2=¿0.447, p>0.05

There was no significant relationship between the profile (religion) of the respondents and the
common coping mechanism or adaptation available/enjoyed by the inmates while in prison in
terms of Physical/Physiological, χ 2=¿3.097, p>0.05

There was a significant relationship between the profile (marital status) of the respondents and
the common coping mechanism or adaptation available/enjoyed by the inmates while in prison in
terms of Physical/Physiological, χ 2=¿7.943, p<0.05

There was no significant relationship between the profile (highest educational attainment) of the
respondents and the common coping mechanism or adaptation available/enjoyed by the inmates
while in prison in terms of Physical/Physiological, χ 2=¿0.280, p>0.05

There was no significant relationship between the profile (length of imprisonment) of the
respondents and the common coping mechanism or adaptation available/enjoyed by the inmates
while in prison in terms of Physical/Physiological, χ 2=¿1.647, p>0.05
Relationship p-value Remarks
Age χ 2=¿13.013 0.001 Significant
χ 2=¿1.054 0.305 Not significant
Religion χ 2=¿0.921 0.337 Not significant
Marital status χ 2=¿1.732 0.421 Not significant
Highest Social activities
Educational χ 2=¿5.649 0.130 Not significant
Length of
Imprisonment χ 2=¿1.306 0.521 Not significant

Relationship p-value Remarks
Age χ 2=¿6.870 0.032 Significant
Affiliation χ 2=¿1.978 0.160 Not significant
Religion χ 2=¿3.229 0.072 Not significant
Marital status Psychological χ 2=¿6.878 0.032 Significant
Highest adaptation
Educational χ 2=¿9.854 0.020 Significant
Length of
Imprisonment χ 2=¿1.439 0.487 Not significant

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