Pre-Call Report 4 Template - MKT3403-S2020

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MKT 3403

Pre-call Report #4 (13%)

DUE: Friday July 24, 2020 by 12:00pm in the Dropbox on D2L.


1. This is the fourth of 5 sales call reports. Sales objections should be welcomed by the
salesperson as they show that a prospect is interested. They also help a salesperson
determine what stage the prospect has reached in the buying cycle. Salespeople must
plan for objections that might arise and develop ways to answer them.
2. This professionally written report should be 2 – 3 pages, (doubled-spaced; Font 11 point
Arial) and be saved as a WORD document using the template below
3. Hand in using Drop Box. Failure to hand in assignment on time will result in a loss of
marks (as per Rubric).
4. Do not cut and paste information without proper citation or you will lose marks.

__Pre-call Report 4 Page 1

Rubric: (Total of 20 marks) Evaluation
mark per day
late (to a
maximum of 5
Objections - You will face one or more of any of the following types of 5 MARKS PER
objections in your final presentation. For each of the following types of OBJECTION
objections, develop a script for each: PRICE
Objection Script Excellent 5
o Price Very Good 4
Satisfactory 3
o Source Requires
o Product Improvement 2
o Money Poor 1
Unacceptable 0

 The script must be in four parts and include each of the following SOURCE
elements with each objection OBJECTION
o Acknowledge, Excellent 5
Very Good 4
o Identify and Clarify, Satisfactory 3
o Meet each objection Requires
o Ending each with a Trial Close. Improvement 2
Poor 1
Unacceptable 0

Excellent 5
Very Good 4
Satisfactory 3
Improvement 2
Poor 1
Unacceptable 0

Excellent 5
Very Good 4
Satisfactory 3
Improvement 2
Poor 1
Unacceptable 0
Total out of 20 20

__Pre-call Report 4 Page 2

TEMPLATE – Pre-Call #4

Student Name: Jaspreet Kaur

Student #: C0774789

Date: July 19, 2020

__Pre-call Report 4 Page 3

Objections Script

Buyer/Reseller Objection 1: Price

Reseller: “Your competitors sell a similar product for less money”.

Acknowledge: This is a good concern I am thankful you to bought it forward.

Identify and Clarify: If I am not wrong, you are concerned about this product’s worthiness

according to its price.

Meet objection: Well, this product’s price covers 80 percent of the variable cost, which is the

biggest part of its total cost, which is also not ignorable. Pure gold acne oil is a combination of

15 various oils and each and every oil is its crucial component. When we neglect every

particular ingredient, it will be considered a compromise in the timely consistency we have. In

comparison, our product is less costly than other beauty products in the market.

End with a Trial Close: Mr. Buyer, I think information is going to help you as this product will

add enormous value to your store that is worth more than its price.

Buyer/Reseller Objection 2: Source

Reseller: “I have seen some bad comments about your company online”.

Acknowledge: This is really a good query. I thank you for putting it up front.

Identify and Clarify: If I am getting your point, you are concerned about the negative reviews

given by some folks online.

Meet objection: I would say company have analyzed these bad comments and as per the

company, the source of these bad comments is not very trustworthy. 90% of these kinds of

__Pre-call Report 4 Page 4

comments are fake given by some competitors who want to

present a bad image of our product in the market. As you can

see in our user reviews, we have strong positive reviews by the users at our site as well.

End with a Trial Close: As per my knowledge, I gave you a reliable answer, so I hope you are

satisfied with this explanation.

Buyer/Reseller Objection 3: Product

Reseller: “It looks like the quality is not good enough”.

Acknowledge: Thank you so much for showing your concern about the quality of our product

because it matters a lot for you to add this product in your store.

Identify and Clarify: As per my understanding, you want to know about the reliability of this

product for your customers.

Meet objection: This is fully organic product. It is a mixture of 15 herbal oils like turmeric oil,

hemp oil, avocado oil, castor oil, neem oil, flax oil, lavender oil, geranium oil, murrh oil,

frankineese oil, and vitamin e. Pure gold acne oil is fully herbal or chemical free. These

ingredients are well tested in the labs before preparing this acne oil from these natural oils. So,

the sources of this ingredient are also very trustworthy. So, there is no chance of allergy,

irritation, or rashes. Therefore, the quality of the product is excellent.

End with a Trial Close: I expect that I was able to satisfy your doubts regarding the quality of

the product.

__Pre-call Report 4 Page 5

Buyer/Reseller Objection 4: Money

Reseller: “I don’t think that we will be able to commit the

money to this product right now”.

Acknowledge: Thank you for sharing that with me.

Identify and Clarify: You mean that you have no money this month.

Meet objection: I understand that you are running out of money. We will do one thing. I am

happy to speak to our directors. I assume that they will give you a appropriate quantity of the

goods at first differ over a two months credit span. Then you should start selling this product and

when you have your new budget next month, the price of this lot will be charged during the

credit span. We will give you 8 percent discount if you pay 70 percent of the whole order’s price

in a month.

End with a Trial Close: I hope this satisfies you and we can go ahead for further procedure of

this purchase.

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