Skimming Flow

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Flow Characteristics of Skimming Flows in Stepped

I. Ohtsu1; Y. Yasuda2; and M. Takahashi3

Abstract: Skimming flows in stepped channels are systematically investigated under a wide range of channel slopes 共5.7°⭐␪⭐55°兲. The
flow conditions of skimming flows are classified into two flow regimes, and the hydraulic conditions required to form a quasi-uniform
flow are determined. An aerated flow depth of a skimming flow is estimated from the assumption that the residual energy at the end of a
stepped channel coincides with the energy at the toe of the jump formed immediately downstream of the stepped channel. In a quasi-
uniform flow region, the friction factor of skimming flows is represented by the relative step height and the channel slope. The friction
factor for the channel slope of ␪⫽19° appears to have a maximum. The residual energy of skimming flows is formulated for both
nonuniform and quasi-uniform flow regions. Further, a hydraulic-design chart for a stepped channel is presented.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲0733-9429共2004兲130:9共860兲
CE Database subject headings: Hydraulic structures; Channels, waterways; Supercritical flow; Aeration; Energy dissipation; Energy
loss; Flow characteristics.

Introduction the accuracy of the depth measurements was doubtful, because an

Stepped channels are effective for dissipating the energy of su- aerated flow has a lot of water droplets splashing near the surface
percritical flows that occur at steep channels, dams, weirs, and and it is difficult to determine the water-surface level correctly by
drop structures 共Chanson 2001; Yasuda et al. 2001兲. For the hy- visualization.
draulic design of a stepped channel, it is important to predict the Recently, the air concentration of aerated flows has been mea-
depth and velocity of the supercritical flow in the chute. System- sured, a clear-water depth has been determined, and the flow re-
atic investigation of the flow resistance and energy dissipation of sistance and the residual energy of skimming flows have been
stepped flows is required under a wide range of hydraulic condi- estimated by using the clear-water depth 共e.g., Boes and Minor
tions. 2000; Matos 2000; Ohtsu et al. 2000a; Chanson et al. 2002兲.
The flow conditions in a stepped channel change with the step Chanson et al. 共2002兲 gathered recent data of many researchers
height S, the angle of the channel ␪, the discharge of clear water and investigated the friction factor of skimming flows. But further
Q w , the channel width B, the total drop height H dam , and the analysis of the experimental results might be required for the
upstream geometry of the stepped channel 共i.e., the crest shape兲. friction factor.
Generally, the flow conditions have been classified as: 共1兲 skim- This paper presents the results of a systematic investigation of
ming flow with corner eddies formed at each step, 共2兲 nappe flow the skimming flow characteristics under a wide range of experi-
with an air pocket at each step, and 共3兲 transition flow in which a mental conditions. A new approach to determining the flow char-
nappe with an air pocket is not always formed and corner eddies acteristics is proposed, and the friction factor and the energy loss
are partly formed at some steps. The existence of the transition of skimming flows are clarified. Systematic investigation for
flow was first reported by Ohtsu and Yasuda 共1997兲. 5.7°⭐␪⭐55° reveals that skimming flows have different flow
Stepped flows have been characterized as aerated flows, and it characteristics between 5.7°⭐␪⭐19° and 19°⬍␪⭐55°.
is important to estimate the depth of an aerated flow in order to For 19°⬍␪⭐55°, the water-surface profile of a skimming flow
clarify their energy dissipation and flow resistance. As a first step, in a quasi-uniform flow region is independent of the relative step
a point gage was used to measure the depth of aerated flows in height S/d c (d c ⫽critical flow depth 关 d c ⫽ 3冑q 2w /g; g⫽acceleration
skimming flows 共e.g., Sorensen 1985; Christodoulou 1993兲, but of gravity; q w ⫽water discharge per unit width (q w ⫽Q w /B)]兲,
and the water surface is almost parallel to a pseudobottom formed
Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Nihon Univ., College of by the step edges 共this is called ‘‘Type A profile’’兲 关Fig. 1共a兲兴. For
Science and Technology, Kanda Surugadai, 1-8-14 Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 5.7°⭐␪⭐19°, the water surface of skimming flows is not always
101-8308, Japan. parallel to the pseudobottom. A skimming flow of Type A is
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Nihon Univ., formed for a small relative step height S/d c 关Fig. 1共b兲兴. As the
College of Science and Technology, Tokyo 101-8308, Japan. value of S/d c becomes large, the flow depth depends on the lo-
Research Associate, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Nihon Univ., cation at which the measurement is made, and the water surface
College of Science and Technology, Tokyo 101-8308, Japan. of the skimming flow becomes partly parallel to a horizontal step
Note. Discussion open until February 1, 2005. Separate discussions
plane 共this is called ‘‘Type B profile’’兲 关Fig. 1共c兲兴.
must be submitted for individual papers. To extend the closing date by
one month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing Clarification of the friction factor and the residual energy of a
Editor. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and pos- skimming flow requires appropriate estimation of a representative
sible publication on May 7, 2003; approved on February 16, 2004. This depth of the stepped channel. In this paper, a method for estimat-
paper is part of the Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 130, No. 9, ing the representative depth of skimming flows having different
September 1, 2004. ©ASCE, ISSN 0733-9429/2004/9-860– 869/$18.00. types of water-surface profiles is presented. Also, the relation be-


Fig. 2. Definition sketch: 共a兲 stepped channel used for ␪⫽19, 23, 30,
and 55°, and 共b兲 stepped channel used for ␪⫽5.7, 8.5, and 11.3°
Fig. 1. Flow condition of skimming flows: 共a兲 and 共b兲 type A profile
and 共c兲 type B profile
The water discharge was measured by a sharp-edged weir. A
point gage with a reading accuracy of ⫾0.1 mm and a water-level
gage with a servomechanism 共sampling frequency: 40 ms; sam-
tween the actual velocity of an aerated flow and the velocity pling time: 120 s兲 were utilized to measure water depths in
obtained according to the clear water depth of a stepped channel nonaerated flow regions. Further, an electrical void probe having
is outlined. a single tip of 0.1 mm in diameter 共KANOMAX Co. Ltd.兲 was
In order to clarify the flow characteristics in a quasi-uniform- used to measure the air concentration of aerated flows 共sampling
flow region, the hydraulic conditions required to form a quasi- frequency: 2 kHz; sampling time: 60 s兲.
uniform flow are demonstrated, and the friction factor in a quasi-
uniform-flow region is evaluated for 5.7°⭐␪⭐55°. In particular,
the friction factor f depends on the relative step height S/d c and Formation of Skimming Flows
the channel slope ␪.
The residual energy of skimming flows in both nonuniform According to systematic experiments, the flow conditions of
and quasi-uniform flow regions is formulated in accordance with skimming flows change with the channel slope ␪ and the relative
the estimation of the representative depth of stepped channels, step height S/d c . The flow conditions can also be classified into
and the relative energy loss of skimming flows has been calcu- Types A and B on the basis of differences in water-surface profiles
lated. By using these results, a hydraulic-design chart for stepped 共Fig. 1兲.
channels is available. Fig. 3 shows the hydraulic conditions required for the forma-
tion of each flow type in skimming flows. The upper limit of the
relative step height (S/d c ) s for the formation of skimming flows
Experiments depends on the channel slope ␪ as 共Ohtsu et al. 2001兲

The experiments were conducted by using stepped channels of a

uniform channel slope and a uniform step height, as shown in Fig.
冉 冊
dC S
⫽ 共 tan ␪ 兲 1/6 for 5.7°⭐␪⭐55°

2. For the stepped channels with smooth crest, a WES-type crest As shown in Fig. 3, Types A and B are separated by the rela-
was used 关Fig. 2共a兲兴. The flow characteristics of skimming flows tive step height S/d c and the channel slope ␪. Also, the boundary
have been investigated systematically under a wide range of ex- curve has been predicted by the following equation:

冉 冊
perimental conditions 共Table 1兲. For the formation of the skim-
ming flows, the jet deflection, and spray in the vicinity of the first S
⫽13共 tan ␪ 兲 2 ⫺2.73 tan ␪⫹0.373 for 5.7°⭐␪⭐19°
step 共Ohtsu et al. 2001兲 was not observed by using the stepped dC B
channel with the smooth crest. (2)

Table 1. Experimental Conditions

␪ 共deg兲 H dam /d c S/d c R⫻10⫺4 W⫻10⫺2 S (cm) H dam 共cm)
5.7 2.0–38.5 0.07–0.80 2.2– 8.0 3.5–27 0.625–5.0 30–70
8.53 9.8 –22.6 0.09–0.81 2.4 –5.3 4.2–14 0.625–5.0 65
11.3 3.8 –19.0 0.07–0.68 2.2– 8.3 3.7–27 0.625–5.0 30–70
19 6.3– 47.7 0.02–0.91 2.2– 8.6 4.4 –35 0.625–5.0 58 –240
23 21.4 – 43.7 0.10–1.00 2.0– 6.0 4.3–20 0.625–5.0 153
30 6.4 – 60.1 0.05–0.99 2.2– 8.6 4.6 –55 0.625–5.0 59–153
55 6.5– 82.4 0.03–1.21 1.6 –9.3 4.8 –52 0.625–10.0 45–247
Note: B⫽0.40 m, R⫽q w /␯ w , W⫽␳ w d w V w2 /␴ w 共with kinematic viscosity of clear water ␯ w ⫽1.0⫻10⫺6 m2 /s and surface tension of clear water ␴ w
⫽0.0728 N/m).


Fig. 5. Relative drop height to form a quasi-uniform flow; symbols
as in Fig. 6

Fig. 3. Flow regime of types A and B in skimming flow Here, R 2 ⫽coefficient of determination.
As shown in Fig. 5, the value of H e /d c is almost constant for
given values of ␪ if the relative step height S/d c is larger than 0.5.
Hydraulic Conditions Required to Form a
Quasi-Uniform Flow
Estimation of Representative Flow Depth
Generally, the stepped flow has both nonuniform and quasi- for Skimming Flows
uniform flow regions. In a quasi-uniform region, flow conditions
remain constant as are the residual specific energy and the flow As shown in Fig. 1, the water-surface profile is not always paral-
velocity. The hydraulic conditions for the formation of the quasi- lel to the pseudobottom, and it is difficult to determine a repre-
uniform flow are required for the hydraulic design of stepped sentative flow depth and its location uniquely from the measure-
channels. ment of aerated flow depths. Yasuda and Ohtsu 共1999兲 proposed a
As a method for estimating the quasi-uniform region, the jump method for indirectly estimating the representative flow depth on
formation immediately downstream of the stepped channel 共Fig. the basis of the assumption that the residual energy of a skimming
2兲 has been utilized 共Yasuda and Ohtsu 1999; Ohtsu et al. 2000b兲, flow E res coincides with the energy E 1 at the toe of the jump
because it is difficult to judge the change in the depth of aerated formed immediately downstream of the stepped-channel end.
flows. As the end depth of jump is measured precisely, it is easy The representative flow depth can be obtained uniquely by
to determine the limit between nonuniform and quasi-uniform using Eqs. 共4兲 and 共5兲, and by substituting the measured values of
regions from the change in the end depth of jump h 2 having a the end depth of jump h 2 and the bed-pressure head at the toe of
drop height of H dam . In the quasi-uniform region, as shown by the jump h p into Eqs. 共4兲 and 共5兲. Here, the representative flow
Fig. 4, the end depth of jump h 2 /d c becomes constant for given depth estimated indirectly from Eq. 共5兲 is defined as d w
values of S/d c and ␪ 共Ohtsu et al. 2000b兲.
␳ w q w 共 V 2 ⫺V 1 兲 ⫽ 21 ␳ w gh p h 1 ⫺ 21 ␳ w gh 22 (4)
The relative drop height H e /d c required to form the quasi-
uniform flow is predicted by 共lines in Fig. 5兲 For a skimming flow of Type A
He V 21 V w2
⫽ 共 ⫺1.21⫻10⫺5 ␪ 3 ⫹1.60⫻10⫺3 ␪ 2 E 1 ⫽E res :␭h 1 ⫹ ⫽d w cos ␪⫹ (5a)
dC 2g 2g

⫺7.13⫻10⫺2 ␪⫹1.30兲 ⫺1 5.7⫹6.7 exp ⫺6.5 冉 S
dC 冊冎 For a skimming flow of Type B
V 21 V w2
E 1 ⫽E res :␭h 1 ⫹ ⫽d w ⫹ (5b)
for 5.7°⭐␪⭐55° 2g 2g
and In Eqs. 共4兲 and 共5兲, h 1 ⫽supercritical depth at the toe of the jump;
V 1 ⫽q w /h 1 ⫽average velocity at its toe; V 2 ⫽q w /h 2 ⫽average ve-
0.1⭐S/d c ⭐ 共 S/d c 兲 s 共 ␪ in degree, R 2 ⫽0.975兲 (3) locity at the end of the jump; V w ⫽q w /d w ; ␳ w ⫽density of clear
water; and ␭⫽pressure coefficient at the toe of the jump, ex-
pressed by

␳ w gq w h 1 冕 h1

ūp d dz (5c)

Here, p d ⫽dynamical pressure due to streamline curvature at the

toe of the jump; ū⫽mean velocity in the flow direction; and
z⫽vertical coordinate from a horizontal channel bed. Also, ū and
p d are approximated as ū⫽U(z/h 1 ) 1/8 关 ū⫽U at z⫽h 1 ] and p d
⫽␳ w g(h p ⫺h 1 )(1⫺z/h 1 ), respectively 共Yasuda and Ohtsu 1999兲.
By measuring the air-concentration ratio in the aerated-flow
region, a clear-water depth d is obtained from Eq. 共6兲 as
Fig. 4. Change of h 2 /d c with H dam /d c for 0.5⭐S/d c ⭐(S/d c ) s ; sym-
bols as in Fig. 6 d⫽ 冕 0
y 0.9
共 1⫺C 兲 dy⫽ 共 1⫺C mean兲 y 0.9 (6)


Fig. 6. Comparison between d and d w

In Eq. 共6兲, C⫽air concentration; C mean⫽averaged air concentra-

tion for the range of 0⭐y⭐y 0.9 , y⫽normal coordinate from the Fig. 7. Friction factor: 共a兲 5.7°⭐␪⭐19° and 共b兲 19°⭐␪⭐55° 关共〫兲
bottom 共Fig. 1兲; and y 0.9⫽y at C⫽0.9. In addition, the averaged Boes ␪⫽50°, 共⽧兲 Boes ␪⫽30°, 共䉲兲 Yasuda and Chanson ␪⫽16°, 共⫻兲
air concentration was obtained from 15 to 20 measuring points at Chamani and Rajaratnam ␪⫽51°, 共⫹兲 Chamani and Rajaratnam
each section (⌬y⫽y 0.9 /N⫽1.0– 1.5 mm; N⫽number of measur- ␪⫽59°兴; Large symbol: f obtained from d w ; small symbol: f obtained
ing points兲 and the minimum distance from the bottom is 0.5 mm. from d; symbols for authors’ results as in Fig. 6
Comparing the values of d w from Eqs. 共4兲 and 共5兲 with mea-
surements of the clear water depth d, the clear water depth at edge

冉 冊
section d A 关Figs. 1共a and b兲兴 corresponds to d w for Type A. For
␶0 dw 3
Type B, the clear water depth on the horizontal plane of the step f ⫽4 ⫽8 sin ␪ (8)
d B 关Fig. 1共c兲兴 corresponds to the value of d w . As shown in Fig. 6, dc
2␳ wV w
1 2

the difference between d and d w is within ⫾10% error.

Recently, the aerated flow velocity and the air concentration of Here ␶ 0 ⫽␳ w gd w sin ␪ is the shear stress.
skimming flows downstream of the inception point were mea- In a rough open channel, the friction factor generally depends
sured by Boes 共2000a,b兲, Chanson and Toombes 共2002兲, and Ya- on the relative roughness. For a stepped channel, the effect of
suda and Chanson 共2003兲. For stepped channels having slopes of gravity on the flow characteristics of the skimming flow is large,
30 and 50°, Boes mainly measured mean velocities in selected and the friction factor f may depend not only on the relative
outer step edges cross sections by using a fiber–optical probe roughness S cos ␪/dw but also the Froude number Fw
with two tips 共Boes and Hager 1998兲. For a stepped channel hav- (⫽V w / 冑gd w cos ␪) and the channel slope ␪ as
ing a slope of 21.8°, Chanson and Toombes 共2002兲 measured
mean velocities both at the section of a step edge and at the
section between step edges by using a double conductivity probe
f ⫽F 冉 S cos ␪
冑gd w cos ␪
,␪ 冊 (9)

共Chanson 2002兲. For a stepped channel having a slope of 16°, This can be transformed into

冉 冊
Yasuda and Chanson 共2003兲 measured flow velocities including
turbulent intensity both at the section of the step edge and at the
section between step edges by using the double conductivity f ⫽F
S dC
dC dw
cos ␪,

冑gd w cos ␪ d w
冉 冊 3/2
冑cos ␪
,␪ (10)
From the distribution of mean velocity for the aerated flow, the Here, V w ⫽q w /d w , and d c ⫽ 3冑q 2w /g.
velocity V ave may be calculated as From Eqs. 共8兲 and 共10兲, the friction factor of skimming flow is
expressed by

冉 冊
V ave⫽ 兺 共 ū ⌬y 兲
y 0.9 i⫽1 i
f ⫽F ␪,
Here, ⌬y⫽y 0.9 /N 共N⫽number of measuring points兲 and
In Eq. 共11兲, the relative step height S/d c may also be written as
ū i ⫽mean flow velocity at y⫽y i .
gS/V 2c ⫽1/Fs2 in which Fs ⫽V C / 冑gS is the step Froude number
By using the data of Boes 共2000a兲 and Yasuda and Chanson
and V c ⫽q w /d c is the critical flow velocity.
共2003兲, and then comparing the value of V ave with the value of
If the experimental data are arranged in accordance with Eq.
V(⫽q w /d) at the same test section in the quasi-uniform region,
共11兲, the friction factor f can be represented exclusively by the
the relation between V ave and V is outlined as V ave⫽1.05 V for
channel slope ␪ and the relative step height S/d c 共Fig. 7兲. For
␪⫽16° 共Yasuda and Chanson 2003兲, V ave⫽1.05 V for ␪⫽50°, and
S/d c ⬍0.5, f increases with S/d c for given ␪. For S/d c ⭓0.5, f is
V ave⫽1.15 V for ␪⫽30° 共Boes 2000b兲 on average. Although V ave
constant, and an air layer is intermittently observed at some steps.
is somewhat larger than V, V ave is about equal to V within 20%
In this case, the interaction between a corner eddy and the main
difference 关 (V ave⫺V)/V⫻100(%) 兴 .
flow above a pseudobottom might be small.
As shown in Fig. 7, a different trend for the friction factor is
Friction Factor of Skimming Flows obtained between 5.7°⭐␪⭐19° and 19°⬍␪⭐55°. Also, the fric-
tion factor for ␪⫽19° has a maximum for given S/d c .
In a quasi-uniform flow region, the friction factor of a skimming For 11.3°⭐␪⬍30°, the main flow passing over the step always
flow is given by 共Yasuda and Ohtsu 1999兲 impacts near the step edge on a horizontal portion 关Fig. 8共a兲兴, and


Fig. 8. Formations of recirculating fluid and impact in skimming
flows: 共a兲 11.3°⭐␪⬍30°; 共b兲 ␪⬍11.3°; and 共c兲 ␪⭓30°

the energy dissipation due to the impact might be predominant,

compared to that caused by the recirculating fluid. For ␪⬍11.3°,
the recirculating fluid is formed near the step corner and the im-
pact position is also near the step corner 关Fig. 8共b兲兴. In this case,
the energy dissipation due to the skin friction may develop on
each step. For ␪⭓30°, the main flow almost skims above a Fig. 9. Relation between 1/冑 f and log关S cos ␪/dw兴; symbols as in
pseudobottom and does not always impact near the step edge. Fig. 6
Also, the recirculating fluid is formed at each step 关Fig. 8共c兲兴. In
this case, the effect of the impact of the main flow on the energy
dissipation may be small, and the energy dissipation caused by Fig. 9 shows

冉 冊
the recirculating fluid might be larger than that caused by the
impact. 1 S cos ␪
⫽F log ,␪ (13)
The friction factor of skimming flow for H dam /d c ⭓H e /d c and 冑f dw
0.1⭐S/d c ⭐(S/d c ) s can be predicted by
The lines in Fig. 9 are transformed from Eq. 共12兲. The value of

f ⫽ f max⫺A 0.5⫺
dc 冊 2
for 0.1⭐S/d c ⭐0.5;
1/冑 f does not always linearly change with log(S cos ␪/dW). For
S cos ␪/dW⬎1.0, the value of 1/冑 f is constant for given values of
␪, however.
f ⫽ f max for 0.5⭐S/d c ⭐ 共 S/d c 兲 s
Residual Energy of Skimming Flows
A⫽⫺1.7⫻10⫺3 ␪ 2 ⫹6.4⫻10⫺2 ␪⫺1.5⫻10⫺1 For design purposes, it is important to evaluate the residual en-
⫺4 2 ⫺2 ⫺2
ergy head of skimming flows E res at the stepped channel end. Fig.
f max⫽⫺4.2⫻10 ␪ ⫹1.6⫻10 ␪⫹3.2⫻10 10 shows the residual energy head E res /d c as a function of
for 5.7°⭐␪⭐19° 共 ␪ in degrees,R 2 ⫽0.919兲 (12a) H dam /d c , S/d c , and ␪. The data of E res have been obtained indi-
rectly from Eq. 共5兲. If the value of S/d c is larger than 0.25, the

f ⫽ f max⫺A 0.5⫺
dc 冊 2
for 0.1⭐S/d c ⭐0.5;
change of E res /d c with S/d c is small.
For the quasi-uniform-flow region, E res /d c is independent of
H dam /d c

f ⫽ f max for 0.5⭐S/d c ⭐ 共 S/d c 兲 s 冉 冊
E res
dC U

cos ␪⫹
1 dC
2 dw 冉 冊 2

f max⫽2.32⫻10⫺5 ␪ 2 ⫺2.75⫻10⫺3 ␪⫹2.31⫻10⫺1
(12b) ⫽ 冉 f
8 sin ␪ 冊 1/3
cos ␪⫹

2 8 sin ␪ 冊 ⫺2/3

for skimming flow of Type A,

共 ␪ in degree,R 2 ⫽0.835兲
冉 冊 冉 冊 冉 冊 冉 冊
for 19°⭐␪⭐55°
2 1/3 ⫺2/3
E res dw 1 dC f 1 f
As shown in Fig. 8, the data of Chamani and Rajaratnam ⫽ ⫹ ⫽ ⫹
dC dC 2 dw 8 sin ␪ 2 8 sin ␪
共1999兲, Boes 共2000a,b兲, and Yasuda and Chanson 共2003兲 agree U
with the authors’ results, and the deviations of f are within ⫾0.08 (14b)
under given ␪ and S/d c . for skimming flow of Type B.
For a nonstepped channel having a normal concrete surface, By substituting Eq. 共12兲 into Eq. 共14兲, E res /d c is determined
the value of the friction factor in a uniform flow region is ap- by ␪ and S/d c 共lines for H dam /d c ⭓H e /d c in Fig. 10兲.
proximately f ⫽0.014– 0.02 according to textbooks 共e.g., Chow For a nonstepped channel having a normal concrete surface,
1959兲. Compared with a stepped channel for S/d c ⭓0.5, the value the residual energy head in a uniform-flow region is calculated by
of the friction factor is 5.5–13 times that for the nonstepped chan- substituting f ⫽0.014– 0.02 into Eq. 共14a兲. A comparison between
nel. stepped and nonstepped channels is shown by Table 2, and the


Fig. 11. Relative energy loss of skimming flows for 0.5⭐S/d c
⭐(S/d c ) s ; symbols as in Fig. 6

Fig. 11 shows the change of ⌬E/E max with H dam /d c and ␪ for
0.5⭐S/d c ⭐(S/d c ) s .
If the indirectly obtained data of ⌬E data /E max is compared with
the predicted values of ⌬E cal /E max 共lines in Fig. 11兲 for a given ␪,
S/d c , and H dam /d c , the difference between ⌬E data and ⌬E cal is
within ⫾8% error 关 兩 ⌬E cal⫺⌬E data兩 /⌬E cal⫻100⭐8% 兴 .
Fig. 10. Residual energy head of skimming flows 关 (䊊)0.09 In an aerated-flow region of a skimming flow of Type A, the
⭐S/d c ⭐0.19; (䊉)0.20⭐S/d c ⭐0.29; (䊐)0.30⭐S/d c ⭐0.39; residual energy head E res is generally obtained by
(䊏)0.40⭐S/d c ⭐0.53; (䉭)0.54⭐S/d c ⭐1.2]
y 1
兰 0 0.9共 ␳gy cos ␪⫹p 兲 ū dy 兰 0 0.9 ␳ū 3 dy
value of the residual energy head for S/d c ⫽0.1 corresponds to E res⫽ y ⫹ y (17)
兰 0 0.9␳gū dy 兰 0 0.9␳gū dy
25– 45% of that for the nonstepped channel.
For nonuniform-flow regions, E res /d c depends on H dam /d c , where p⫽ 兰 y 0.9␳g cos ␪ dy and ␳⫽␳ w (1⫺C).
S/d c , and ␪, and is empirically formulated by If the residual energy head E res is expressed with d w and

冋冉 冊 册冉 冉 冊冊
E res E res H dam m V w (⫽q w /d w ), correction coefficients C P and C V are added in Eq.
⫽1.5⫹ ⫺1.5 1⫺ 1⫺ 共5兲
dc dc U
V w2
␪ E res⫽C P d w cos ␪⫹C V (18)
m⫽⫺ ⫹4 共 ␪ in degree,R 2 ⫽0.938兲 (15) 2g
for 5.7°⭐␪⭐55°, 0.1⭐S/d c ⭐(S/d c ) s , and 5.0⭐H dam /d c
y y
⭐H e /d c . 兰 0 0.9关共 1⫺C 兲 y⫹ 兰 y 0.9共 1⫺C 兲 dy 兴 ū dy
E res /d c can be predicted by substituting Eqs. 共3兲, 共12兲, and C P⫽ y (19)
d w 兰 0 0.9共 1⫺C 兲 ū dy
共14兲 into Eq. 共15兲. Comparing the predicted values 共lines in Fig.
10兲 with the indirectly obtained data from Eq. 共5兲, the maximum and
deviation of ⌬(E res /d c ) is ⫾1.2. y
On the basis of the results concerning the residual energy head 兰 0 0.9共 1⫺C 兲 ū 3 dy
C V⫽ (20)
at the stepped channel end, the relative energy loss of skimming y
V w2 兰 0 0.9共 1⫺C 兲 ū dy
flows ⌬E/E max can also be predicted by substituting Eq. 共15兲 into
Eq. 共16兲 For a skimming flow of Type B, E res is shown by
E max
E res
H dam⫹1.5d C
E res H dam
dC dC
⫹1.5冉 冊 ⫺1
(16) E res⫽C P d w ⫹C V
V w2

where E max⫽Hdam⫹1.5d c and ⌬E⫽E max⫺Eres . Here, C P and C V are given by Eqs. 共19兲 and 共20兲 as for Type A.

Table 2. Comparison of Stepped Channel 共for S/d c ⫽0.1,0.25,0.5兲 and Nonstepped Channel with Normal Concrete Surface for Residual Energy
␪ 共deg兲 (E res /d c ) nonstep E res /d c (S/d c ⫽0.1) E res /d c (S/d c ⫽0.25) E res /d c (S/d c ⫽0.5)
5.7 6.11–7.64 2.73 2.50 2.42
11.3 9.39–11.8 3.47 2.98 2.81
19 13.0–16.5 4.20 3.62 3.33
30 17.2–21.8 6.21 4.93 4.49
55 23.8 –30.2 10.2 7.10 6.50


Table 3. Values of Correction Coefficients C V and C P Hydraulic Design of Stepped Channels
Investigator CV CP
Fig. 12 shows a flow chart for the hydraulic design of a stepped
Boes 共2000兲 1.16 1.67
channel. This chart can be applied to a wide range of channel
关␪⫽50° and S/d c ⫽0.257,0.987兴
slopes 共5.7°⭐␪⭐55°兲, step heights (0.1⭐S/d c ⭐(S/d c ) s ), relative
Boes 共2000兲 1.10 1.17
drop heights 关 5.0⭐H dam /d c ⬍H e /d c 共nonuniform region兲 and
关␪⫽30° and S/d c ⫽0.382,0.461,0.732兴
H dam /d c ⭓H e /d c 共quasi-uniform region兲兴.
Yasuda and Chanson 共2003兲 1.11 1.09
If the width of the stepped channel B, the total drop height
关␪⫽16° and S/d c ⫽0.588]
H dam , the slope of the channel ␪, and the design discharge Q w are
given, a critical flow depth d c (⫽ 关 (Q w /B) 2 /g 兴 1/3) is calculated,
and the relative drop height H dam /d c is obtained as a nondimen-
These coefficients depend on the magnitude and distribution of sional quantity.
the aerated flow velocity ū and the air concentration C. By using For the hydraulic design of stepped spillways, skimming flow
the experimental data of Boes 共2000b兲 and Yasuda and Chanson is recommended for maximum discharge. If the step height is
共2003兲, the values of C P and C V are obtained as shown in Table 3. determined in order to form either a nappe flow or a transition
By comparing the value of d w obtained from Eq. 共5兲 关 d w(5) 兴 flow in a maximum discharge, the absolute step height is too high,
with that obtained from Eq. 共18兲 关 d w(18) 兴 using the values of C P because the latter is apt to more splashing 共Chanson 2001兲. The
and C V in Table 3 under given values of E res , d c , S, and ␪, the upper limit of the step height required to form skimming flow
difference between d w(18) and d w(5) is ( 兩 d w(18) ⫺d w(5) 兩 /d w(5) ) (S/d c ) s is calculated by Eq. 共1兲 for given d c and ␪. Considering
⫻100⭐10%. For ␪⭓30°, the effect of the pressure term 关the first the change of the residual energy head with the relative step
term of Eqs. 共18兲 and 共21兲兴 on the estimation of d w is negligibly height 共see Fig. 10兲, a step height of S/d c ⭓0.25 is recommended.
small compared to the kinetic energy term 关the second term of In addition, the flow conditions of the skimming flow can be
Eqs. 共18兲 and 共21兲兴. For predicting the representative depth of predicted from Fig. 3. By using Eq. 共3兲, it is possible to judge
skimming flows, the coefficients C P and C V can be assumed to be whether the skimming flow at the end of the stepped channel is a
unity. quasi-uniform flow.

Fig. 12. Flow chart for designing stepped channel


water droplets and splashing and the value of the air concentra-
tion C at y⫽1.4y 0.9 is 0.99 共Boes 2000b; Yasuda and Chanson
2003兲. By using Eqs. 共6兲 and 共22兲, y 0.9 is calculated, and the
height of the sidewall H w (H w ⫽1.4y 0.9) is determined.
For a small discharge in the designed stepped channel, nappe
flow is formed. For a large channel slope 共e.g., ␪⫽55°兲, jet de-
flection and spray in the vicinity of the first step might be formed.
Boes and Minor 共2002兲 proposed the design of the sidewall con-
sidering the formation of the jet deflection.
When the values of C mean , y 0.9 /d c , and f are compared in the
quasi-uniform flow region, the effects of the Reynolds and Weber
Fig. 13. C mean in quasi-uniform flow; symbols as in Fig. 6 numbers on C mean , y 0.9 /d c , and f are irrelevant in the experimen-
tal results of Table 4 and Figs. 7 and 13 under given ␪ and S/d c .
According to Boes 共2000a兲, the air concentration distribution de-
If the approach flow reaches a quasi-uniform region, the rep- pends on R and W, and further investigation on scale effects
resentative flow depth d w and the averaged velocity V w might be required. Also, accurate measurements for prototype
(⫽q w /d w ) can be predicted on the basis of the results of the might be necessary.
friction factor Eq. 共12兲. Also, the residual energy head E res /d c and
the relative energy loss ⌬E/E max are determined from Eqs. 共14兲
and 共16兲, respectively.
If the approach flow is in the nonuniform region, E res /d c is
determined from Eq. 共15兲 for given H dam /d c , S/d c , and ␪, and
the flow depth d w and the velocity V w (⫽q w /d w ) can be predicted The flow characteristics of skimming flows have been investi-
by Eq. 共5兲. Also, ⌬E/E max is calculated by Eq. 共16兲. gated systematically, and the experimental results may be summa-
In the quasi-uniform region, the average air concentration rized as follows:
C mean depends on the channel slope ␪ and the relative step height 1. For 5.7°⭐␪⭐19°, the flow conditions of skimming flows are
S/d c . As shown in Fig. 13, the change of C mean may be approxi- classified into Types A and B, and the boundary between
mated by these types can be predicted by Eq. 共2兲. For 19°⬍␪⭐55°, the

再 冉 冊 冎
water surface is almost parallel to the pseudobottom, and a
S S skimming flow of Type A is formed.
C mean⫽D⫺0.30 exp ⫺5 ⫺4 (22a)
dc dc 2. The relative drop height H e /d c required to form a quasi-
uniform in skimming flow may be predicted with Eq. 共3兲.
D⫽0.300 共 R 2 ⫽0.692兲 3. The representative flow depth of skimming flow d w was es-
for 5.7°⭐␪⭐19° and 0.1⭐S/d c ⭐ 共 S/d c 兲 S (22b) timated from the assumption that its residual energy at the
stepped-channel end coincides with the energy at the toe of
D⫽⫺2.0⫻10⫺4 ␪ 2 ⫹2.14⫻10⫺2 ␪⫺3.57⫻10⫺2 共 R 2 ⫽0.743兲 the jump formed immediately downstream of the stepped
channel. The relation between d w and the clear water depth d
for 19°⭐␪⭐55° and 0.1⭐S/d c ⭐ 共 S/d c 兲 S (22c)
is presented. For a skimming flow of Type A, the indirect
Regarding the sidewall of a stepped channel, the value of value d w corresponds to the measured value of the clear
1.4y 0.9 might be recommended, because the stepped flow is apt to water depth d A at the step edge. For a skimming flow of

Table 4. Changes of C mean , y 0.9 /d c , and f for Various R and W

␪° S/d c R⫻10⫺4 W⫻10⫺2 C mean y 0.9 /d c f Note
30 0.73 3.1 15 0.457 0.602 0.140
30 0.73 8.8 65 0.459 0.603 0.139
30 0.46 9.9 43 0.443 0.550 0.115
30 0.46 28 170 0.434 0.545 0.117
30 0.38 4.7 16 0.361 0.484 0.118
30 0.38 13.2 62 0.394 0.521 0.126
55 0.55 3.1 11 0.465 0.492 0.119
55 0.55 8.6 38 0.422 0.513 0.172
55 0.76 1.8 4.6 0.414 0.526 0.192
55 0.77 5.2 21 0.480 0.523 0.132
55 0.77 5.2 21 0.524 0.571 0.131
55 1.0 3.5 12 0.515 0.598 0.160
55 1.0 3.5 12 0.517 0.583 0.146
55 1.0 9.8 48 0.528 0.587 0.139
55 1.0 9.8 47 0.519 0.587 0.148
Note: R⫽q w /␯ w , W⫽␳ w d w V w2 /␴ w 共with ␯ w ⫽1.0⫻10⫺6 m2 /s and ␴ w ⫽0.0728 N/m).
Data of Boes 共2000b兲.
Present data.


Type B, d w corresponds to the value of the clear water depth R ⫽ Reynolds number (R⫽q w /␯ w );
d B where the water surface is partly parallel to a horizontal R2 ⫽ coefficient of determination;
plane of the step. S ⫽ step height;
4. For skimming flows in a quasi-uniform flow region, the fric- ū ⫽ mean velocity;
tion factor can be predicted by Eq. 共12兲. The friction factor f V ⫽ q w /d;
is represented by the relative step height S/d c and the chan- V ave ⫽ actual velocity of aerated flow (V ave
nel slope ␪. Then, S/d c depends on a step Froude number
⫽(1/y 0.9) 兺 i⫽1
Fs ⫽V C / 冑gS. The friction factor for S/d c ⭓0.5 is constant
Vc ⫽ critical flow velocity (V c ⫽q w /d c );
for given ␪.
5. The residual energy head is determined for both quasi- Vw ⫽ averaged velocity (V w ⫽q w /d w );
uniform and nonuniform flows according to Eqs. 共14兲 and W ⫽ Weber number (W⫽␳ w d w V 2w /␴ w );
共15兲, respectively. The nondimensional residual energy head y ⫽ normal coordinate from bottom;
E res /d c for the nonuniform flow depends on the relative drop y 0.9 ⫽ y at C⫽0.9;
height H dam /d c , the channel slope ␪, and the relative step z ⫽ vertical coordinate from horizontal channel
height S/d c . For quasi-uniform flow, E res /d c depends on bed;
S/d c and ␪. Also, the relative energy loss of skimming flows ⌬E ⫽ head of energy loss between top and end
⌬E/E max can be predicted by using the residual energy head. sections of stepped channel (⌬E⫽E max
6. A hydraulic-design chart for a stepped channel has been pro- ⫺Eres);
posed 共Fig. 12兲, and the representative flow depth d w and the ⌬y ⫽ y 0.9 /N;
averaged velocity V w (⫽q w /d w ) at the end of the stepped ␪ ⫽ angle of channel slope;
channel can be predicted. Also, the height of the sidewall ␭ ⫽ pressure coefficient;
H w /d c is determined by using Eqs. 共6兲 and 共22兲 for given ␪ ␳ ⫽ density of aerated flow 关 ␳⫽␳ w (1⫺C) 兴 ;
and S/d c .
␳w ⫽ density of clear water; and
␶0 ⫽ shear stress.

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B ⫽ channel width;
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