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English for Nursing

Referral Letter

April 27Th 2020

Dr. Made Januarbawa
Medical Practitioner at the Prospect Medical Center
22 Prospect Road
Prospect 5086

Dear Dr. Made Januarbawa

Re: Cindy Lauper, D.O.B : 09 /01/ 1987

I am writing to refer Mrs Cindy Lauper who was diagnosed with Chlamidya trachomatis. She
requires for further testing and contraceptive advice.

The patient’s medical history is unremarkable, but she has gained 10kg over the last 12 months.
Apart from that, she is a regular smoker (20- cigarettes/day) and drinks moderately on weekend.

Ms.Cindy recently ended a monogamous relationship of 10 months and now she has a new
partner of 2 months. Besides, she has been using oral contraceptive pills since last year and she
does not use condoms. Her last sexual contact 14 days ago.

Risks of smoking, benefits of quitting, partner risk and safer sexual practice were discussed, and
she was referred to Quitline and a women’s health nutritionist. Also, a perlic exam and PCR
were done and a cervical screening information sheet was provided. She was prescribed
Azithromycin 1 gram and advised to avoid sexual contracts for 7 days after the treatment.

It would be greatly appreciated if you could review her and provide contraceptive options and
further tests for sexually transmitted infection and blood borne viruses.

For any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,

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