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Barinderpal Singh


BSBMGT605 Provide Leadership Across organization.

Assessment task 5.1 – Ethics Project.

Boutique Build Australia


TO: Boutique Build Staff

FROM: Operational Manager Boutique Build Australia
DATE: March 2020
SUBJECT: Accruing frequent flyer points usage.

I'm writing to inform you that there will be a on going investigation based on frequent
flyer point usage for personal use that is happening for ongoing trips. Boutique build
is currently growing and we have a matter to talk about the usage of frequent flyer
points that are getting redeemed for personal usage.

In addition to that, I would appreciate your cooperation that takes place in this recent

So as an operational manager, I will be working on checking all trips that were taken
to and from Sydney to Brisbane and from Brisbane to sunshine coast and back
respectively and the points that were redeemed for personal usage from Business

Frequent Flyer Investigation for on-going business trips from Sep 2019 to Sep 2020
for Boutique Build Australia so all staff will receiving this memo so that they are
aware and cooperate from Operational Manager.
With due respect to all staff and members as boutique build Australia is currently
growing so we will doing this on-going investigation based on staff that are travelling
to other cities for business and they are redeeming those points for personal use
which seems unethical. So, this memo is in place to investigate further and as a
manager I have make sure this is according to the rules and regulations.
After this investigation we will find the way what can be done and how we can be in
the rules and regulations.

Furthermore, there are some more areas that we will be included in memo and
investigation and we will be appointing a team to hear everyone’s perspective. So
that we know what is happening and which methods are correct to use frequent flyer
points for personal use. Plus we might be putting some more information so that both
business and personal trips can be differentiated and usage of those points are
correct. So, our team will focus on more code of ethics that are already in place and
will find out more details how these can be currently operating.
So we are here requesting each and every staff to cooperate first of all and to
mention each and every details they have with frequent flyer point. So, my team will
be arranging a form for each staff so that they can fill it with some information about
emails and username so that we can track some details about how these are used.
Plus, if encase there are any questions please feel free to contact details below in
the form that will be given to you or please send me an email for further queries.

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