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Neuropsychologia 64 (2014) 282–288

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Cognitive correlates of narrative impairment in moderate traumatic

brain injury
Andrea Marini a,b,n, Marina Zettin c,d, Valentina Galetto c,d
Dipartimento di Scienze Umane, University of Udine, Via Margreth, 3-33100 Udine, Italy
IRCCS “E. Medea: La Nostra Famiglia”, San Vito al Tagliamento (Pn), Italy
Centro Puzzle, Torino, Italy
Dipartimento di Psicologia, Università di Torino, Italy

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are often associated with communicative deficits. The incoherent and
Received 16 December 2013 impoverished language observed in non-aphasic individuals with severe TBI has been linked to a
Received in revised form problem in the global organization of information at the text level. The present study aimed to analyze
10 August 2014
the features of narrative discourse impairment in a group of adults with moderate TBI (modTBI). 10 non-
Accepted 24 September 2014
Available online 2 October 2014
aphasic speakers with modTBI and 20 neurologically intact participants were recruited for the
experiment. Their cognitive, linguistic and narrative skills were thoroughly assessed. The persons with
Keywords: modTBI exhibited normal phonological, lexical and grammatical skills. However, their narratives were
Moderate traumatic brain injury characterized by lower levels of Lexical Informativeness and more errors of both Local and Global
Narrative analysis
Coherence that, at times, made their narratives vague and ambiguous. Significant correlations were
found between these narrative difficulties and the production of both perseverative and non-
Language perseverative errors on the WCST. These disturbances confirm previous findings which suggest a deficit
at the interface between cognitive and linguistic processing rather than a specific linguistic disturbance
in these patients.
& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction wide range of cognitive skills (e.g., working memory, attention and
executive functions; Sim et al., 2013; Mozeiko et al., 2011) that are
Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are often associated with commu- usually impaired because of the fronto–temporo-parietal lesions and
nicative deficits. Factors such as the seriousness of the trauma and diffuse axonal damage induced by the brain injury (Stierwalt and
lesion site and extension might alter communicative skills in different Murray, 2002; Mendez et al., 2005; Youse and Coelho, 2005; Scheid et
ways (Douglas, 2004; Watt and Douglas, 2006). These individuals al., 2006; Silver et al., 2009; Erez et al., 2009). Notably, recent evidence
often experience aphasic symptoms that include phonological, lexical suggests that some of these neural networks are implicated also in
and/or grammatical disturbances. However, even those without discourse processing (e.g., Coelho et al., 2012; Marini and Urgesi,
aphasic symptomatology might show altered communicative beha- 2012). There are unresolved issues at both the clinical and theoretical
viors. Their speech can be incoherent, impoverished (Hartley and levels. On the clinical level, the role played by the severity of the
Jensen, 1992; Davis and Coelho, 2004), and pragmatically inadequate trauma on linguistic skills. On the theoretical level, the linguistic
(e.g., Togher et al., 1997; Bond and Godfrey, 1997; Angeleri et al., 2008; abilities of persons with TBI have rarely been the object of a
Tu et al., 2011). Such difficulties might be the consequence of a comprehensive micro- and macrolinguistic analysis. On the clinical
problem in the global organization of information at the macro- level, it is not clear yet how the severity of the trauma affects
linguistic level of discourse processing rather than at the lexical and language production skills, as the majority of studies have focused
syntactic (i.e., microlinguistic) level (Brookshire et al., 2000; Coelho, on severe forms of TBI. For example, several studies have shown that
2002; Body and Perkins, 2004; Le et al., 2011; Marini et al., 2011a; persons with severe TBI have major difficulties in narrative produc-
Carlomagno et al., 2011; Galetto et al., 2013). The high-level linguistic tion tasks and that in these individuals, story grammar measures
skills that guide narrative discourse formulation are mediated by a correlate with performance on tests assessing executive functions
(Coelho et al., 1995; Coelho, 2002; Mozeiko et al., 2011; Marini et al.,
2011a; Le et al., 2012). Though interesting, it is unclear whether these
n findings can be extended to narrative discourse performance in
Corresponding author at: Dipartimento di Scienze Umane, Università di Udine,
Via Margreth, 3-33100 Udine, Italy. individuals with moderate and mild TBI. To the best of our knowl-
E-mail address: (A. Marini). edge, only a few studies have explicitly analyzed this important issue.
0028-3932/& 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Marini et al. / Neuropsychologia 64 (2014) 282–288 283

In one such study, Youse and Coelho (2005) reported on the cognitive assessing executive function and attention and that performance
and linguistic profile of 55 participants with moderate and severe TBI on these tasks correlate with the ability to produce coherent and
and in both groups, macrolinguistic difficulties on two narrative informative narrative samples.
production tasks (story retelling and story generation) were observed.
In a previous study by Biddle et al. (1996), a group of moderate to
mild TBI participants produced personal narratives that were less 2. Methods
informative than those produced by a group of healthy individuals.
The group of patients with moderate TBI could not adequately 2.1. Participants
monitor their narratives and failed to include critical information in
their stories. Overall, the few studies that explicitly explored the Thirty Italian-speaking participants formed two age matched groups (Table 1).
macrolinguistic skills of persons with moderate TBI point to difficul- The experimental group consisted of 10 patients suffering from moderate traumatic
ties in the conceptual and linguistic organizations of their narrative brain injury (modTBI). Criteria for the selection of TBI participants included
symptom stability, Glasgow Coma Scale score ranging from 9 to 13, and normal
discourse. However, neither of these investigations included accurate
to near-normal performance on the Aachener Aphasie Test (AAT, Italian version,
micro- and macrolinguistic analyses. Accumulating evidence suggests Luzzatti et al., 1991) (see Tables 1 and 3). Although all participants were living at
that multi-level procedures for linguistic analysis provide a unique home at the time of the study, none were completely independent and all had
way to adequately capture the linguistic profile of persons with caregivers. Three of the participants were employed, four were unemployed, and
communication impairments by identifying deficits that are often three were university students at the time of their participation. After hospital
discharge, participants underwent extensive neuropsychological rehabilitation
not detectable by standardized testing (Galski et al., 1998; Snow et al.,
aimed at recovering those cognitive functions most affected by brain injury (i.e.,
1998, 1999; Sherratt, 2007; Jorgensen and Togher, 2009; Marini et al., attention, memory, executive functions, and communicative skills). The treatment,
2011b). For example, Marini et al. (2011a) analyzed the cognitive and lasting for 6 months, consisted of individual and group sessions. The aim of each
linguistic skills in narratives produced by a group of non-aphasic individual session was treatment of specific cognitive deficits, through a series of
focused exercises. In the group sessions, the focus was mainly on social and
individuals with severe TBI. Though these individuals showed ade-
communicative skills. All participants also received language therapy in their post-
quate lexical and grammatical skills, their narrative descriptions were acute phase.
characterized by several violations of cohesion and coherence due to The control group consisted of 20 neurologically Healthy Controls (see Table 1).
frequent interruptions of ongoing utterances, derailments, and intro- Inclusion criteria for admission in the control group was normal performance on
duction of extraneous utterances. As a result, their narratives were Raven's progressive matrices (Raven, 1938) and on a selection of neuropsycholo-
gical tests assessing the functionality of different areas of cognition linked to
poorly organized, vague and ambiguous. Interestingly, a principal
language processing (see Section 2.2.1 and Table 2). None of them had a known
component analysis revealed that a single factor accounted for the history of psychiatric or neurological illness, learning disabilities, or hearing or
violations of Global Coherence, reduced propositional density, and visual loss.
reduced proportion of words that conveyed information. Similarly, Two independent samples t-tests were conducted to compare the age and the
level of formal education in the two groups. There was no significant difference in
Carlomagno et al. (2011) demonstrated that the production of errors
age (t (28) ¼  .246; p¼ .530) but the two groups differed in the level of formal
in cohesion and coherence in narratives corresponded to reduced education (t (28) ¼ 3.787; p o.001). For this reason, this variable was included as
informativeness and efficiency. More recently, Galetto and colleagues covariate in the analyses (see later).
(2013) analyzed the narrative abilities of a group of 14 mild TBI non- All participants gave their written informed consent to participate in the study
aphasic participants showing that even persons with mild TBI after all procedures had been fully explained. Approval for the study was obtained
from the local ethics committee.
produce more errors of Global Coherence than normal. This finding
lends further support to the hypothesis that macrolinguistic difficul-
ties may arise as a consequence of the broad cerebral lesions that 2.2. Procedures
characterize traumatic injuries, regardless of the severity of the
damage. 2.2.1. Neuropsychological assessment
Consequently, the current study was designed to analyze the The cognitive profile of the participants was obtained by administering tests aimed
narrative and linguistic skills of a group of persons with moder- at assessing those abilities (attentional and learning skills, long-term memory, and
ate TBI with no sign of aphasic symptoms by adopting a multi- executive functions) which may affect narrative performance (see Table 2): This
included tests of phonological and semantic verbal fluency, verbal memory (Rey's 15-
level procedure for discourse analysis. We hypothesized that this word Immediate Recall and Delayed Recall), executive functioning (Wisconsin Card
narrative analysis would reveal the linguistic impairments not Sorting Test, WCST perseverative and non-perseverative errors; Heaton et al., 1993),
captured by traditional aphasia testing. Furthermore, since the and the Trail Making Test (Parts A and B; Reitan, 1992). The linguistic skills of the TBI
multilevel procedure for discourse analysis allows clinicians to group were investigated by administering the AAT (see Table 3).
explore the complex interactions between the different levels of
linguistic processing (e.g., between verb processing, argument Table 2
Means (and standard deviations) of the neuropsychological performance of the
structure generation, sentence production, and inter-utterance
groups of Traumatic Brain Injured and Healthy Control participants.
integration), we expected to find significant correlations between
measures assessing these different levels. Finally, we hypothe- Traumatic Brain Healthy p- Eta-
sized that these patients would experience difficulty with tasks Injured Controls value squared

TMT-A (seconds) 39.2 (14.2) 54.6 (12.6) .099 .098

Table 1 TMT-B (seconds) 123.3 (89.4) 115.4 (32.3) .105 .094
Means (and standard deviations) of demographic and clinical characteristics of the Phonemic fluency 27.1 (11.2) 35.4 (8.3) .199 .060
groups of Traumatic Brain Injured and Healthy Control participants. Semantic fluency 17.2 (5.7) 24.1 (4.8) .047 .138
WCST (pers err)n 6.4 (6.5) .5 (.2) .001 .402
Traumatic Brain Injured Healthy Controls WCST (non-pers err)n 18.1 (10.3) .2 (.4) .001 .608
Rey's 15-word 43.4 (12.9) 45.6 (6.6) .649 .008
Mean (SD) (Range) Mean (SD) (Range) immediate recall
Rey's 15-word delayed 8.6 (4) 10 (1.8) .211 .057
Age 36.6 (10.8) (22–55) 35.7 (9.5) (21–55) recall
Formal education (years)n 11.0 (2.6) (8–13) 14.7 (2.9) (8–18)
Time after injury (months) 22.4 (7.2) (12–32) — TMT-A: Trail Making Test, Part A; TMT-B: Trail Making Test, Part B; WCST (pers err):
GCS (maximum score: 15) 10.8 (.8) (9–13) — Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, perseverative errors; WCST (non-pers err): Wisconsin
Card Sorting Test, non-perseverative errors.
GCS: Glasgow Coma Scale. n
When the group-related performance was significantly different after Bon-
When the group-related difference is significant. ferroni correction (po .006).
284 A. Marini et al. / Neuropsychologia 64 (2014) 282–288

Table 3 A percentage of Complete Sentences was used to derive a measure of grammatical

Performance of the participants with TBI on the AAT. The analysis of the organization. This percentage was calculated by dividing the number of gramma-
spontaneous speech allows to derive a qualitative score ranging from 0 (severe tical sentences by the number of utterances and multiplying this value by 100. A
impairment) to 5 (absence of difficulties). For the other tests of the AAT (i.e., Token sentence was considered grammatically complete if all the arguments required by
Test, Repetition, Written Language, Naming and Comprehension) from the raw the verb were inserted correctly and no omissions or substitutions of free or bound
scores it is possible to derive T-scores. T-scores above 62 suggest minimal or absent morphemes could be detected.
linguistic impairment.

T-Scores Range Macrolinguistic analysis. As for the macrolinguistic organization of dis-
Mean (SD)/maximum (SN_scores) course, the measures included percentages of Local and Global Coherence Errors.
score In this study, Local and Global Coherence are not measured in terms of occurrence
of adequate links among the utterances. Rather, they are measured in terms of
Spontaneous speech—communicative 4.1 (.6)/5 3–5 countable errors. The percentage of Local Coherence Errors allowed us to quantify
behaviour the amount of utterances that contained errors such as topic shifts or unclear
Spontaneous speech—articulation 4.5 (.8)/5 4–5 referents. This corresponds to the notion of intersentential cohesion. A topic shift
Spontaneous speech—automatic speech 4.5 (.7)/5 5–5 occurred when an utterance is abruptly interrupted and the following one intro-
Spontaneous speech—phonology 4.1 (.6)/5 3–5 duces new information instead of completing the thought. For instance, in the
Spontaneous speech—syntax 4.1 (.6)/5 3–5 sequence “he's trying to…/and here he is on the ground” the first utterance remains
Token test 68.2 (3.4)/77 63–73 unfinished while the second one introduces a new piece of information. Missing
Repetition 66.7 (3.1)/77 63–71 referents were instances in which the referent of a pronoun or the implicit subject
Written language 67.9 (3.4)/77 62–73 of a verb were not clear or were incorrect. For example, consider the following
Naming 66.5 (3.3)/77 62–72 sequence of utterances: “Qui stanno litigando furiosamente. Poi dice: (…)” (“Here
Comprehension 68.7 (2.9)/77 63–72 they are quarrelling furiously. Then [implicit pronoun] says: (…)”). In the second
utterance there was a missing referent since it was not clear to whom the verb
“dice” referred. The errors of Local Coherence are presented as percentages with
respect to the total number of utterances produced by each speaker for each story
([Local Coherence Errors divided by utterances]n100). It should be noted, however,
2.2.2. Assessment of narrative abilities that in some cases the production of these errors might not be directly dependent
The narrative assessment was performed on the discourses elicited by a on the number of utterances, as a person might produce more than one error per
picture-story description task. The stimuli consisted of one single picture (the utterance. An inspection of the occurrences of these errors revealed that the maj-
“Picnic” scene from the Western Aphasia Battery; Kertesz, 1982) and two cartoon ority of Local Coherence Errors were missing referents (the production of topic
stories with six pictures each presented on the same page (the stories of the shifts was minimal) and never occurred twice in the same utterance. Errors of
“Flower Pot” by Huber and Gleber (1982) and of the “Quarrel” by Nicholas and Global Coherence included the production of utterances that were tangential, co-
Brookshire (1993)). The Picnic scene is a complex picture that elicits a sample of nceptually incongruent with the story, repetitions or simple fillers. An utterance
descriptive speech. The two vignettes elicit narrative speech samples. Each was considered tangential when it derailed the flow of discourse with respect to
participant described all three stimuli. The order of presentation was counter- the information previously provided in the preceding utterances. An example of
balanced across subjects. Since no normative data are currently available for these this can be seen in the following sequence produced during the description of the
picture descriptions, the narratives produced by the group of participants with TBI Picnic Picture: /It is a picnic/I like picnics/I have made several picnics in my life/.
were compared to those producted by the group of Healthy Controls. In order to Here, the second and third utterances were scored as tangential, as they provided
avoid poor performance due to short-term memory limitations, the pictures information that was irrelevant for the task and was simply triggered by a specific
remained visible until the subject had finished his/her description. Each story- piece of information depicted in the stimulus. An utterance was considered conc-
telling was tape-recorded and subsequently transcribed verbatim by two of the eptually incongruent when it included pieces of information not present in the
authors (AM, VG); the transcriptions included phonological fillers, pauses, false stimulus. For example, in the description of the Quarrel story a patient produced
starts, and extraneous utterances. The scoring procedure was performed indepen- this sequence: “The man and the woman are quarrelling/He goes in the kitchen/.
dently by two raters and then compared. Acceptable interrater reliability was Since the man is not going anywhere but is on a sofa, this utterance is conceptually
defined as k Z .80, and the two raters, after appropriate training, achieved this level incongruent with the story. A propositional repetition is a sequence where the s-
between them prior to the beginning of the study. The remaining differences were peaker repeats concepts that (s)he has already communicated. Therefore, these
resolved through discussion. utterances do not add any new information to the story. An example occurs in the
The stories were subjected to a quantitative, in-depth textual analysis involving following sequence: /The man is walking on the sidewalk/He is on the sidewalk/. In
both micro- and macrolinguistic aspects of narrative production. The analysis this case, the second utterance repeats what has already been stated in the prec-
focused on four main aspects of linguistic processing: productivity, lexical and eding one. Finally, a filler utterance is scored whenever the speaker produces an
syntactic organization, textual organization, and informative content (Marini et al., utterance that does not provide semantic information that furthers the story. An
2011b). Both simple values and ratios were considered to account for the difference example occurs in the following sequence: /The man and the woman are eating /
across narratives. My God, and now? /Ah, yes, I get it/. The last two utterances are considered as filler
utterances as they simply reflect a moment in narration when the speaker is just
thinking about the story and what to say next. These utterances do not provide any Microlinguistic analysis. Productivity was measured in terms of units,
new information. The Percentage of Global Coherence Errors were calculated by
Words, Speech Rate and Mean Length of Utterance (MLU). The unit count inclu-
dividing the number of Global Coherence Errors by the number of utterances and
ded each word, non-word or false start uttered by the speaker. The total number
multiplying this value by 100.
of phonologically well-formed words (which excluded false starts, phonological
paraphasias and neologisms) was then computed. The number of words was used
to obtain a measure of Speech Rate in terms of words per minute. For each story Analysis of informative content. The informative content of each narrative
description, the total number of utterances was assessed following the criteria was also analyzed in order to obtain a numerical evaluation of lexical-semantic
detailed in Marini et al. (2011b); a sequence of words was considered an utterance appropriateness, Thematic Informativeness, and Global Connectedness. Lexical-
when, in the absence of long pauses, it formed a grammatically complete sente- semantic appropriateness was determined by counting the total number of Lexical
nce. A ratio measuring the MLU was calculated by dividing the total number of Information Units (LIUs), which were those content and function words that were
words by the number of utterances. not only phonologically well-formed but also appropriate from a grammatical and
Lexical processing was assessed in terms of phonological, semantic and para- pragmatic point of view (Marini and Urgesi, 2012). Therefore, all those words that
grammatic errors. A percentage of Phonological Errors was obtained by dividing had been classified as Semantic Paraphasias, fillers, paragrammatic errors or were
Phonological Errors (i.e., neologisms, phonological paraphasias and false starts) by inserted in tangential utterances were excluded from the count of Lexical Informa-
units and multiplying this value by 100. The percentage of Semantic Paraphasias tion Units. The percentage of Lexical Informativeness was obtained by dividing the
was calculated by dividing the number of Semantic Paraphasias by the number of number of LIUs by the number of words and multiplying this value by 100.
content words and multiplying this value by 100 (Marini et al., 2011b). A semantic Thematic Informativeness was determined by counting the total number of
paraphasia occurred when a semantically related word is substituted for a target thematic units. A thematic unit was defined as a single element of content present
word (i.e. substituting the word “mother” for “wife”). The percentage of paragram- in the eliciting stimulus (see Appendix 1 for a list of the thematic units in each of
matic errors was calculated by dividing the paragrammatic errors produced by each three stories). The total number of possible thematic units for the three stories had
participant by the number of words and multiplying this value by 100. Paragram- been previously identified by presenting the pictures to 200 students from the
matic errors included substitutions of bound morphemes (for example, questo è una School of Arts of the Second University of Rome “Tor Vergata” (Marini et al., 2005).
coppia “this [masc] is a couple [fem]”—it should be questa) and function words (for Those thematic units that had been identified by at least 80% of the subjects have
example, batte da una porta “he is knocking from a door”—da instead of a). been included in the list. Each element mentioned by the participant received
A. Marini et al. / Neuropsychologia 64 (2014) 282–288 285

1 point. Those thematic units that were not mentioned received a score of 0. The Table 4
percentage of Thematic Informativeness for each story was measured by dividing Results of the microlinguistic analysis for the groups of TBI and Healthy Control
the number of thematic units produced by each participant by the total amount of participants.
thematic units available in each picture and multiplying this value by 100. This
Percentage of Thematic Informativeness can be considered as an index of the Microlinguistic Traumatic Brain Healthy p- Eta-
amount of conceptual/informational content conveyed by the participant for analysis Injured Controls value squared
each story.
A measure of Global Connectedness (see Ash et al. (2006)) was used to measure Words 100.7 (46.5) 98.6 (44.8) .308 .039
the ability of each participant to recognize the main idea of each of the two Speech Rate 102.2 (26.8) 143.6 (25.8) .014 .205
cartoon-stories and to understand that the characters portrayed in the picture MLU 6.4 (1.1) 7.3 (1.3) .676 .007
stimuli were the same across different scenes. For example, in the “Quarrel” story, % Phonological .2 (.4) .3 (.5) .489 .018
the participant should mention that the wife came back home because of a car Errors
accident. In the Flower Pot story, the participant should mention that the man is no % Semantic 2.1 (1.9) .3 (.4) .008 .233
longer angry because the woman who threw the Flowerpot was nice. The narrative Paraphasias
speech samples received 1 point for Global Connectedness if they had understood % Paragrammatic .2 (.4) .1 (.1) .014 .203
the point of the story. They received 0 points if they failed to understand it. We Errors
decided to exclude from this analysis the discourses obtained from the Picnic % Syntactic 62.6 (18.8) 70.1 (11.8) .135 .081
Picture, since this picture elicits samples of descriptive speech and not of narrative Completeness
No group-related difference was observable after Bonferroni correction (p o.007).
MLU: Mean Length of Utterance.

3. Results

3.1. Neuropsychological assessment

Table 5
Results of the analysis of the macrolinguistic and informative aspects of narrative
None of the Healthy Control participants fell below the accepted production for the groups of TBI and Healthy Control participants.
cut-off on any of the neuropsychological measures (see Table 2). In
order to investigate significant group-related differences between the Macrolinguistic and Traumatic Brain Healthy p- Eta-
group of Healthy Control participants and that of persons with Informative analysis Injured Controls value squared

moderate TBI, the scores obtained by each participant on the % Local Coherence Errorsn 14.5 (8.0) 3.2 (3.5) .003 .285
neuropsychological assessment were entered into a one-way % Global Coherence Errorsn 19.5 (11.7) 6.9 (6.8) .012 .211
between-groups analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) with Group (1. % Lexical Informativenessn 69.0 (12.1) 85.5 (7.8) .004 .265
Healthy Controls; 2. participants with Moderate TBI) as the indepen- % Thematic Informativeness 56.2 (18.8) 66.3 (11.6) .745 .004
Global Connectedness .9 (.3) 1.00 (.00) .248 .049
dent variable and the neuropsychological scores as dependent vari-
ables (Trail Making-A, Trail Making-B, Semantic Fluency, Phonological n
Asterisks indicate when the group-related performance was significantly
Fluency, perseverative and non-perseverative errors at the WCST, Rey different after Bonferroni correction (p o .025 for the macrolinguistic analysis;
Immediate and Delayed recall of a word list). The participants' years p o.017 for the analysis of informative content).
of formal education were used as the covariate in this analysis. The
level of statistical significance was defined as po.006 after Bonferroni
correction for multiple comparisons (alpha o.05/8 – alpha o.006).
adjusting for the years of formal education, the two groups produced
After adjusting for the years of formal education, the two groups
descriptions that were comparable with respect to number of Words,
differed only on the production of perseverative [F (1; 27)¼18.151;
Speech Rates and MLU. Furthermore, no significant group-related
po.001; η2p ¼ .402] and non-perseverative errors [F (1; 27)¼ 41.936;
differences were noted in the production of phonological or mor-
po.001; η2p ¼.608] at the WCST.
phological errors. For the TBI group, the production of semantic
On all the subtests of the AAT assessing general linguistic
errors approached significance (% Semantic Paraphasias: [F (1; 27)¼
functions, the group of participants with moderate TBI had a
8.193; po.008; η2p ¼ .233]).
performance well above the cut-off for normality (see Table 3).
This confirmed that they were not aphasic.
3.2.2. Macrolinguistic analysis
3.2. Assessment of narrative abilities The results from the macrolinguistic analysis are reported in
Table 5. The scores obtained from the macrolinguistic analysis
The results from the narrative analysis will be presented in two were entered into a one-way between-groups ANCOVA as depen-
separate sections: microlinguistic analysis (including measures of dent variables (% Local Coherence Errors and % Global Coherence
productivity, and both lexical and grammatical processing) and Errors) with Group (1. Healthy Control participants; 2. ModTBI
macrolinguistic analysis (including the analysis of structural and participants) as fixed factor. The participants' years of formal
functional aspects of discourse production). The narrative scores of education were used as a covariate in this analysis. The level of
each participant with TBI are presented in Appendix 2. statistical significance was defined as p o.025 after Bonferroni
correction for multiple comparisons (alpha o.05/2). After adjust-
ing for the years of formal education, the group of persons with
3.2.1. Microlinguistic analysis
moderate TBI produced more Errors of Local [F (1; 27) ¼ 10.771;
The results from the microlinguistic analysis are reported in
po .003; η2p ¼.285] and Global Coherence [F (1; 27) ¼7.224;
Table 4. The scores obtained from the microlinguistic analysis entered
po .012; η2p ¼.211].
into a one-way between-groups ANCOVA as dependent variables
(Words, Speech Rate, Mean Length of Utterance, % Phonological
Errors, % Semantic Paraphasias, % Paragrammatic Errors and % 3.2.3. Analysis of informative content
Syntactic Completeness) with Group (1. Healthy Control participants; The results from the analysis of the informative content of the
2. ModTBI participants) as the independent variable. The participants' narratives produced by the participants are also reported in
years of formal education were used as a covariate in this analysis. Table 5. The scores obtained with this analysis were entered into
The level of statistical significance was defined as po.007 after a one-way between-groups ANCOVA as dependent variables (%
Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons (alpha o.05/7). After Lexical Informativeness, % Thematic Selection, and Global
286 A. Marini et al. / Neuropsychologia 64 (2014) 282–288

Connectedness) with Group (1. Healthy Controls; 2. Participants Card Sorting Test where they produced a number of perseverative
with Moderate TBI) as fixed factor. The participants' years of and non-perseverative errors. This confirms the presence of
formal education were used as a covariate in this analysis. The persisting impairments of executive functioning. This is not a
level of statistical significance was defined as p o.017 after new finding. Indeed, executive functions are usually impaired in
Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons (alpha o.05/3). persons with TBI of varying levels of seriousness (Body et al., 1999;
After adjusting for the years of formal education, the group of Stierwalt and Murray, 2002; Body and Perkins, 2004; Galetto et al.,
persons with moderate TBI produced fewer appropriate words (% 2013) and might affect cognitive processes such as those required
Lexical Informativeness: [F (1; 27) ¼9.722; p o.004; η2p ¼ .265]) but in the speech elicitation task employed in this experiment (e.g.,
adequate levels of % Thematic Selection and Global Connectedness. Snow et al., 1998; Snow and Douglas, 2000; Youse and Coelho,
2005; Coelho et al., 2013). We will return to this issue later in the
3.3. Correlations between neuropsychological and narrative scores discussion.
In terms of narrative performance, the persons with mild TBI
The relationship among the macrolinguistic scores that were produced discourses with a good amount of words, adequate Speech
found to be impaired in the group of participants with moderate Rate and normal MLU. Their lexical selection skills were mildly
TBI was explored using the Pearson product–moment correlation weakened, which is demonstrated by their production of slightly
coefficient (see Table 6). There were strong negative correlations more Semantic Paraphasias than the control participants (2% of the
between the percentage of Lexical Informativeness and the per- total amount of uttered words). However, they could still appro-
centages of both Local and Global Coherence Errors. Furthermore, priately retrieve the phonological and morphological information
in order to explore the possibility that the reduced levels of stored in their mental lexicon (i.e. they did not produce more
informativeness and discourse organization found in the group phonological or paragrammatic errors than the control participants).
of participants with moderate TBI were correlated with the low Overall, the microlinguistic analysis confirmed the results from the
performance on the WCST, new correlations were performed AAT. They did not have aphasic symptoms that might have affected
between the number of non-perseverative and perseverative their narrative performance. Even the slightly reduced word retrieval
errors on the WCST and the narrative measures found impaired efficiency might have been a side effect of other difficulties; the TBI
in the group of participants with moderate TBI (i.e., % Local might have altered resource allocation and content organization
Coherence Errors, % Global Coherence Errors, and % Lexical abilities (see also Gillis (1996), Murdoch and Theodoros (2001),
Informativeness). The analyses showed that the % of Local Coher- Adamovich (2005) and Coelho et al. (2013)) as well as the ability to
ence Errors was positively correlated with the production of both plan future propositions and inhibit irrelevant ones (Levin et al.,
perseverative and non-perseverative errors. The % of Global 1981; Ylvisaker et al., 2001; Barrow et al., 2003, 2006; King et al.,
Coherence Errors was positively correlated only with the produc- 2006a, 2006b; Hough, 2008). Cartoon-story description tasks such as
tion of non-perseverative errors. Finally, the % of Lexical Informa- those used in the current study might have increased the demands of
tiveness was negatively correlated with the production of both message level processing thus complicating the process of lexical
perseverative and non-perseverative errors. selection in these patients (Linebarger et al., 2004).
The analysis of macrolingusitic and informative aspects of dis-
course production allowed exploration of the potential link between
4. Discussion executive functioning and narrative production skills. The partici-
pants with moderate TBI experienced significant difficulties in
This study focused on the analysis of cognitive, linguistic and keeping their discourse coherent even when they had the ability to
narrative skills in a group of persons with moderate TBI without both mention a sufficient number of story events and to recognize
aphasic symptoms. Their performance was compared to that of a the main idea of the story. They produced several errors of both Local
group of healthy participants. The linguistic and narrative assess- (mostly words with missing referents) and Global Coherence. Since
ments included procedures for the analysis of micro-, macrolin- the errors of Local and Global Coherence were strongly correlated
guistic and informative aspects of discourse production. Overall, with the % of Lexical Informativeness, it is possible that the reduced
the participants with moderate TBI had difficulty with Local informative ability of these patients was linked to difficulty in taking
Coherence, Global Coherence, and Lexical Informativeness but into account the listener's perspective and refraining from introdu-
were not impaired in reporting the content of the stories and cing irrelevant pieces of information in their narratives. In other
picture. Their persisting impairments of executive functions cor- words, this reduced communicative effectiveness may stem from a
related with the percentages of local and Global Coherence errors failure to monitor the process of narrative production. This high-level
and the reduced production of Lexical Informativeness. linguistic ability is mediated by executive functions (Sim et al., 2013;
The participants with moderate TBI were all in the chronic see also Carlomagno et al. (2011) for similar findings on a group of
phase with a minimum of 12 months post-onset and had under- persons with severe TBI). According to Miyake and colleagues (2000)
gone extensive rehabilitation. Nonetheless, they had still difficul- and Mozeiko et al. (2011), at least three specific executive compo-
ties in selecting appropriate strategies to cope with the Wisconsin nents might be involved in the process of message planning,

Table 6
Results from the univariate correlation analysis between linguistic (% Local Coherence Errors, % Global Coherence Errors and % Lexical Informativeness) and
neuropsychological scores in the TBI group.

% Global Coherence Errors % Lexical Informativeness WCST (pers err) WCST (non-pers err)

% Local Coherence Errors .560 (p o.001)  .577 (po .001) .390 (p o .033) .737 (po .001)
% Global Coherence Errors –  .924 (p o.001) .305 (p ¼.102) .584 (po .001)
% Lexical Informativeness – –  .366 (p o .047)  .594 (po .001)
WCST (pers err) – – – .821 (po .001)

Scores are presented as Pearson' r-indexes and (p-values). Significant correlations are highlighted in bold.
A. Marini et al. / Neuropsychologia 64 (2014) 282–288 287

monitoring and execution: shifting (or attention switching), involved clinical and theoretical implications for the understanding of com-
in the generation of complete episodes within a narrative discourse municative disorders observed in individuals with mild TBI. From a
and in the selection of informative words; updating, required to recall clinical point of view, this study confirms the usefulness of a multi-
former episodes or episodic contents for accurate organization of the level procedure for discourse analysis. This methodology allows both
story; and inhibition, important for monitoring the production of clinicians and scholars to have a comprehensive picture of the
extraneous comments and derailments while telling a story. In the linguistic skills of persons with brain injuries. In story description
current study, the production of non-perseverative errors correlated tasks, speakers tend to be more fluid communicators and to make use
positively with the production of errors of both local and global of several linguistic skills. Consequently, procedures of discourse
coherence and negatively with the production of lexical information analysis allow scholars and clinicians to explore the interaction
units. Since performance on the WCST can be considered as a among several processing levels (e.g., between processes of lexical
measure of the ability to shift from one concept to another to selection and access, grammatical unification and inter-utterance
generate complete episodes, the correlations found in the current integration). Furthermore, this analysis incorporates measures not
study suggest that at least some of the errors of Local and Global included in traditional linguistic assessment tasks, such as indexes of
Coherence produced by the group of participants with TBI were informativeness and of the individual's ability to connect the different
linked to difficulty in shifting between the concepts that they had utterances via coherent connections. It is noteworthy that the
correctly identified. However, the production of perseverative errors qualitative assessment of the spontaneous speech produced by the
also correlated negatively with the production of lexical information TBI participants on the AAT did not register any particular difficulty in
units and positively with the production of errors of Local Coherence. these individuals (see Table 3), whereas a comprehensive multi-level
This suggests that other executive functions might be compromised methodology of discourse analysis such as the one employed in this
in these participants. These compromised executive functions may, in study showed the presence of significant difficulties in this group.
turn, affect the participants' ability to inhibit the insertion of This study also raises some interesting theoretical issues about the
comments and words whose referent had not been previously cognitive processes underlying the phases of message planning and
introduced. Overall, these data support the possibility that the monitoring. Namely, it suggests the possibility of significant involve-
reduced narrative skills observed in persons with moderate TBI are ment of executive skills in these preliminary processes of message
an epiphenomenon of a disturbance affecting their executive skills. generation. More specifically, our data suggest that difficulty in
This relation between macrolinguistic difficulties and executive shifting between concepts (Miyake et al., 2000) and in inhibiting
functions parallels what has been found in studies on neurodegen- irrelevant responses (either perseverative or non-perseverative
erative diseases. For example, Ash et al. (2006) found that a subgroup errors) played a major role in the macrolinguistic impairment
of non-aphasic patients with frontotemporal dementia with disor- observed in the participants with TBI. Finally, these results provide
ders of executive functioning exhibited difficulties of narrative a clearer understanding of the nature of the communicative impair-
organization that were related to their executive deficits. However, ment in persons with TBI in general and moderate TBI in particular.
unlike the participants with TBI, these patients could not even Confirming previous reports, the group of non-aphasic participants
generate the main idea of the story. The participants with TBI with TBI had normal lexical and grammatical skills and produced a
showed a preserved ability to extract all necessary information about normal amount of information content in their narratives (Stout et al.,
the events of the story from the picture stimuli but were unable to 2000; Carlomagno et al., 2011). However, this information was not
appropriately organize this information at the macrolinguistic level. correctly organized at the macrolinguistic level as evidenced by the
This organizational difficulty likely triggered the production of errors fact that they produced fewer lexical information units and more local
of Local and Global Coherence that, in turn, reduced the levels of and Global Coherence errors than the group of healthy participants.
Lexical Informativeness. This interpretation is consistent with pre- Unfortunately, this study included only a limited number of persons
vious studies where a connection between executive impairments with moderate TBI. This suggests that these data need to be replicated
and narrative disturbances in TBI speakers has been hypothesized on larger cohorts of individuals with moderate TBI in order to draw
(e.g., Hincliffe et al., 1998; Tucker and Hanlon 1998; Ylvisaker et al., firm conclusions on the cognitive processes underlying the narrative
2001; Coelho, 2002; Galetto et al., 2013). For example, in their “High difficulties observed in these patients. Hence, further research is
Level Language Hypothesis”, Hincliffe and colleagues (1998) sug- required to explore the impact of these factors on the communicative
gested that the communicative deficits observed in persons with TBI impairment in persons with moderate traumatic brain injury.
might be considered as the outcome of more general cognitive
difficulties rather than a direct effect of a primary linguistic deficit.
Namely, impairments of executive functions might account for Role of funding source
macrolinguistic deficits such as the inability to organize, plan and
produce a discourse and to appropriately link the concepts that make Funding for this study was provided by IRCCS “E. Medea”. The
up a coherent story. Coelho (2002) reported significant correlations IRCCS “E. Medea” had no further role in study design; in the
between scores on the WCST and measures assessing the ability to collection, analysis and interpretation of data; in the writing of the
produce a complete discourse; better performance on the WCST was report; and in the decision to submit the paper for publication.
associated with the production of more episodes in story retelling
tasks and therefore to the ability to organize a story. Similarly, Galetto
et al. (2013) showed a statistically significant negative correlation Aknowledgements
between the production of non-perseverative errors on the WCST
and the percentage of lexical information units produced in the We would like to thank Amy Henderson and Stephen Kintz for
narrative sample in a group of persons with mild TBI. Therefore, the the linguistic revision of the article.
accurate multilevel analysis used in the present study allowed us to
have a comprehensive picture of the narrative skills of persons with
moderate TBI and to extend these considerations well beyond the Appendix A and Appendix B. Supporting information
simple analysis of the ability to generate a well-formed set of
episodes. Supplementary data associated with this article can be found in
In conclusion, even if based on a small sample of participants with the online version at
moderate TBI, the results from the current study have important 2014.09.042.
288 A. Marini et al. / Neuropsychologia 64 (2014) 282–288

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