Nutrition and Diet Therapy: Meats, Whole Milk and Milk Products

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Nutrition and Diet Therapy

Fontanilla, Krizza Mae ● Too much fat in the diet can be

Frias, Andrea R. harmful
BSN 209 ● Bad for the circulatory system
because it raises blood
Topics: cholesterol levels
Low Cholesterol - High Blood Cholesterol, ● Contributes to having heart
Atherosclerosis, Heart Attack or Stroke attack or stroke
Low Carbohydrate - Type 2 Diabetes
Low Salt/ Sodium Restricted - Heart Failure Cholesterol
Low Potassium - Chronic Kidney Disease
Low Purine / Purine Restricted - Gout ● When cholesterol levels rise above
normal limits and stay high, some
cholesterol is left behind the arteries.
LOW CHOLESTEROL DIET ● Then the waxy substance called
cholesterol plaque builds up on the artery
CHOLESTEROL walls, that reduces or blocks the blood
- is an oil-based substance. It does not mix flow.
with the blood, which is water-based. ● Organs supplied by these arteries then
- Cholesterol has four primary functions, become damaged because they cannot
without which we could not survive. get the oxygen and nutrients they need.
These are: ● When a blood flow is blocked, a stroke
● contributing to the structure of occurs.
cell walls ● When a plaque completely blocks a
● making up digestive bile acids in coronary artery, a heart attack takes
the intestine place.
● allowing the body to produce ● Cholesterol made by the liver
vitamin D ● Cholesterol comes from eating animal
● enabling the body to make products such as meats, egg yolks, organ
certain hormones meats, whole milk and milk products.

Cholesterol Recommendations Dietary fats

Having high cholesterol increases your ● Can be saturated or unsaturated.
risk for clogged arteries and heart disease. ● Saturated fats solidify or remain solid at
room temperature.
Following dietary guidelines, doctors used to ● Unsaturated fats do not, and they are
recommend that you consume no more liquid at room temperature.
than 300 milligrams (mg) of dietary ● To reduce blood cholesterol levels, it is
cholesterol per day — 200 mg if you important to limit saturated fats. They are
had a high risk of heart disease. mainly found in meats and dairy products
made with whole milk.
● Major energy source of the body, Low Cholesterol
but is not the body's only source - Cholesterol is a waxy fat-like substance
of energy found in foods of animal origin.

Nutrition and Diet Therapy

Cholesterol in the blood is derived from fish– mackerel, salmon, herring, albacore tuna,
two sources-from the diet and that which lake trout – contain an oil called Omega-3 fatty
is produced by the body. acid. This oil may help to lower blood
cholesterol. Fish oil supplements, however, are
The average diet provides at least 450 mg not recommended
cholesterol per day, the recommended because they add too many calories.
intake is 300 mg or less per day. The 4. Avoid high sodium content in foods. Some
current interest in cholesterol is due to its patients with high cholesterol also have high
role in cardiovascular diseases blood pressure. Reducing sodium can help to
particularly atherosclerosis-a condition keep blood pressure within normal limits. Table
characterized by the hardening of walls salt is about ½ sodium. Sodium is also an
of the arteries. ingredient in many commercially processed
5. Increase complex carbohydrates, (pasta, whole
Foods commonly omitted from the diet: grains, and potatoes) in the diet. Like fats, they
are an excellent source of energy without the
● all types of internal organs harmful effects fats can have on the body. But,
● egg yolk read labels of commercially prepared baked
● seafoods goods, cookies, and crackers.
● pastries and other rich desserts 6. Eat 20 to 30 grams of dietary fiber every day.
● chocolates (bars, candies, beverages) Foods such as legumes, oats, barley, brown rice,
● whole milk and products apples, strawberries, and carrots are good to eat
● processed meats such as longganisa, because they contain soluble fiber.
hotdog, corned beef 7. Choose meat carefully. Grading of meats
● viands cooked with coconut cream or (Prime, Choice, or Good) refers to fat content,
“gata” with Prime grades having the most fat.
● alcoholic beverages 8. Eating out can be a challenge. Avoid fast food
● animal fat or lard restaurants; their foods are usually high in fats
● too much intake of butter and and sodium.


1. Limit sugar and alcohol. They provide few ● Decrease total dietary fat, especially
nutrients but many calories. Therefore, they saturated fat
contribute to high cholesterol by increasing body ● Decrease dietary cholesterol
weight. An overweight body contains excess fat ● Limit sodium intake
that is saturated ● Increase intake of fiber and complex
2. Certain habits, such as cigarette smoking and a carbohydrates
sedentary life, can increase the risk of heart ● Decrease calories if needed to reach a
disease. healthy body weight
3. Fish should be eaten often, 3 or more times per
week. Research indicates that certain deep-sea

Nutrition and Diet Therapy

The Step-1 diet is the first level of treatment for LOW CARBOHYDRATE
high blood cholesterol in most adults and children
over the age of two. The Step-2 diet is more CARBOHYDRATES
restrictive, and is used when a person currently
has or did have any of the following: • This food group has the largest effect on
● A high blood cholesterol, even after blood glucose levels because when they
following Step-1 diet for 6 to 12 weeks are digested carbohydrates are broken
● Evidence of atherosclerosis (fatty down into glucose (sugar).
deposits in the arteries) • Carbohydrates or carbs are one of three
● A heart attack or stroke main food types that the body needs to
work properly. The other two are protein
and fat. Carbs give the body energy. The
body breaks carbs down to use
immediately or later.
• If the body does not need to use the carbs
for energy as soon as a person eats them,
it stores them in the muscles and liver to
use later. However, if the body does not
use these stored carbs, the body converts
them to fat.
• Many people follow low-carb diets on
the basis that if the body does not receive
extra carbohydrates, it will not store
excess fat.
• The idea, then, is that the body will burn
some of the stored fat rather than the
carbs, which will promote fat loss.

Low-carb foods include:

● lean meats, such as sirloin, chicken

breast, or pork
● fish
● eggs
● leafy green vegetables
● cauliflower and broccoli
● nuts and seeds, including nut butter
● oils, such as coconut oil, olive oil, and
rapeseed oil

Nutrition and Diet Therapy

● some fruit, such as apples, blueberries, your fat intake significantly. This is a
and strawberries popular weight loss diet.
• Ketogenic diet involves reducing
● unsweetened dairy products including
carbohydrate intake to less than 50 grams
plain whole milk and plain Greek yogurt per day or 10% of total calories per day
with relatively higher consumption of
fats and proteins. Carbohydrates are
✓ Low-carb diets limit the number of
broken down into glucose, which
carbohydrates a person eats. Instead of typically serves as the body’s main fuel.
carbs, people focus on eating proteins, • Because of the decrease in carbohydrates
healthful fats, and vegetables. eaten, the body is forced to utilize other
compounds as fuel such as ketone bodies.
✓ A low-carb diet may therefore help keep
your blood sugar in check and keep your
insulin level low to potentially aid with
weight loss. Because doctors often
recommend that those with type 2
diabetes lose weight to better their blood
sugar, this approach could possibly
directly and indirectly improve blood
glucose levels.

Type 2 Diabetes is a condition which occurs Traditional Low Carb

when the body is no longer able to deal with the
increasing level of glucose (sugar) in the blood.
• This approach includes 50 to 100 g of

• Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes requires carbs per day; this is where many people
that you follow a healthy lifestyle which start because it’s less restrictive than a
includes following healthy eating keto diet meal plan but can still deliver
guidelines and taking regular activity.
• As most people with Type 2 Diabetes are
overweight it is important that you lose
weight gradually. Losing 1-2 lbs. a week
is a safe amount to lose. Bottom Line:
Carb intake between 20–90 grams per day has
been shown to be effective at improving blood
Different Types of Low-Carb Diets
sugar control. However, it's best to test blood
Ketogenic Diet sugar before and after eating to find your personal
carb limit.
• This is the strictest plan, requiring you to
eat less than 50 g of carbs per day and up

Nutrition and Diet Therapy

Foods to Eat ● Dry red or white wine: 4 oz or 120

You can eat the following low-carb foods until
you're full, and you should make sure to get
Foods to Avoid
enough protein at each meal.

These foods are high in carbohydrates and can

● Meat, poultry and seafood.
significantly raise blood sugar levels in diabetics:
● Eggs.
● Cheese. ● Bread, pasta, cereal, corn and other
● Non-starchy vegetables (most grains.
vegetables except those listed below). ● Starchy vegetables like potatoes, sweet
● Avocados. potatoes, yams and taro.
● Olives. ● Legumes, such as peas, lentils and beans
● Olive oil, coconut oil, cream, sour cream (except green beans and snow peas).
and cream cheese. ● Milk.
● Fruit other than berries.
Foods to Eat in Moderation ● Juice, soda, punch, sweetened tea, etc.
● Beer.
The following foods can be eaten in smaller
● Desserts, baked goods, candy, ice
quantities at meals, depending on your personal
cream, etc.
carb tolerance.

Meal Plan
● Berries: 1 cup or less.
Breakfast: Eggs and Spinach
● Plain, Greek yogurt: 1 cup or less.
● Cottage cheese: 1/2 cup or less. ● 3 eggs cooked in butter (1.5 grams of
● Nuts and peanuts: 1–2 oz or 30–60 carbs).
grams. ● 1 cup sautéed spinach (3 grams of
● Flaxseeds or chia seeds: 2 tablespoons. carbs).
● Dark chocolate (at least 85% cocoa): 30 ● 1 cup blackberries (6 grams of carbs).
grams or less. ● 1 cup coffee with cream and optional
● Winter squash (butternut, acorn, sugar-free sweetener.
pumpkin, spaghetti and hubbard): 1 cup
or less. Total digestible carbs: 10.5 grams
● Liquor: 1.5 oz or 50 grams.

Nutrition and Diet Therapy

Lunch: Cobb Salad Total digestible carbs for the day: 37 grams

● 3 oz (90 g) cooked chicken.

● 1 oz (30 g) Roquefort cheese (1/2 gram
of carbs). • Purines are found in high levels in foods
like shellfish, organ meats, high-fructose
● 1 slice bacon.
corn syrup-sweetened soft drinks, and
● 1/2 medium avocado (2 grams of carbs). alcoholic beverages.
● 1 cup chopped tomatoes (5 grams of • Purines are substances that are present in
carbs). all living things, including our bodies.
They are also found in varying levels in
● 1 cup shredded lettuce (1 gram of
the foods we eat. When your body breaks
carbs). down purines, they form uric acid.
● Olive oil and vinegar. • Low-purine foods that may help reduce
uric acid in the body include fruits,
● 20 grams (2 small squares) 85% dark
vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts,
chocolate (4 grams of carbs). and low-fat dairy.
● 1 glass of iced tea with optional sugar-
free sweetener. Gout is a type of arthritis that develops when high
levels of a chemical called uric acid in the blood
cause uric acid crystals to build up in a joint. This
Total digestible carbs: 12.5 grams can lead to inflammation and pain, often in the
big toe, as well as other joints. Gout attacks, or
flares, are often extremely and suddenly painful
Dinner: Salmon with Veggies
and debilitating.

● 4 oz grilled salmon.
● 1/2 cup sautéed zucchini (3 grams of
● 1 cup sautéed mushrooms (2 grams of
● 1/2 cup sliced strawberries with
whipped cream.
● 1 oz chopped walnuts (6 grams of
● 4 oz (120 g) red wine (3 grams of

Total digestible carbs: 14 grams

Nutrition and Diet Therapy

Low-Purine Diet Sample Menu and Eating • Eating too much salt causes the body to
Plan retain too much water, worsening the
Day 1 fluid build up that happens with heart
Breakfast: Oatmeal + sliced peach + almond failure.
Lunch: Greek yogurt + chopped tomato and
cucumber salad + whole wheat pita bread
Dinner: Spinach and feta cheese omelet + whole
grain toast + mashed avocado

Day 2
Breakfast: Cottage cheese + melon + bran cereal
Lunch: Egg salad sandwich on whole wheat bread
+ lettuce + tomato
Dinner: Whole wheat pasta + cannellini beans +
broccoli + garlic + sprinkle of parmesan cheese

Day 3
Breakfast: Whole grain cereal + low-fat milk +
sliced strawberries
Recommended Sodium Intake
Lunch: Black bean soup garnished with chopped
Getting too much sodium in your diet can
tomato and scallions + tortilla chips
increase your risk for high blood pressure.
Dinner: Veggie burger + whole wheat bun +
Healthy Americans should limit sodium to no
roasted sweet potato wedges
more than 2,300 milligrams per day, and those
with an increased risk for heart disease should
only get 1,500 milligrams of sodium per day in
their diet. Limit processed foods, which are
• Sodium is a mineral found in many
among the main sources of sodium in the diet, and
foods, especially salt. Eating too much use herbs and spices to flavor foods instead of salt
salt causes the body to keep or retain too
when cooking at home.
much water, worsening the fluid buildup
that happens with heart failure. Low Sodium Diet Meal Plan
• People with heart failure may improve Breakfast
their symptoms by reducing the amount Fresh fruit - 1 medium, 1 mg sodium
of sodium in their diet. Low-sodium cereal (hot or cold) - 1 cup, 115 mg
• You should have no more than 2,300 sodium
milligrams of sodium each day if you’ve Milk - 1 cup, 120 mg sodium
got heart failure. Less than 1,500 mg a
day is ideal. Lunch
• Low sodium diet helps minimize the Lean roast turkey on whole wheat bread with
amount of extra fluid around your heart, low-sodium mustard
lungs, and in your legs. Raw carrot sticks

Nutrition and Diet Therapy

Milk when your kidneys are not healthy, you

Vanilla wafers often need to limit certain foods that can
increase the potassium in your blood to a
Dinner dangerous level. You may feel some
Grilled chicken weakness, numbness and tingling if your
Boiled potatoes potassium is at a high level.
Steamed fresh vegetables • If your potassium becomes too high, it
Tossed salad and low-sodium dressing can cause an irregular heartbeat or a heart
Fresh melon attack.
• A normal amount of potassium in a
Snacks typical diet of a healthy American is
Fruit about 3500 to 4500 milligrams per day.
Walnuts or almonds A potassium restricted diet is typically
Raisins about 2000 milligrams per day.
Yogurt • The recommended serving size for these
low-potassium foods is 1/2 cup. You
don't want to overdo it. Too much of a
Cooking Tips low-potassium food makes it a high-
✓ Use fresh ingredients or foods with no potassium food.
added salt.
✓ Avoid convenience foods such as canned
soups, entrées, and vegetables, pasta and
rice mixes, frozen dinners, instant cereal,
and puddings and gravy sauce mixes.
✓ Use fresh, frozen, no-added-salt canned
vegetables, or canned vegetables that
have been rinsed before they are
✓ Avoid mixed seasonings and spice
blends that include salt, such as garlic
✓ Before using a salt substitute, check with
your doctor.

• This essential mineral keeps your Chronic Kidney Disease
muscles healthy and your heartbeat and
• Is a long term condition where the
blood pressure steady. kidneys don’t work as well as they
• Potassium is a mineral found in many of should.
the foods you eat. It plays a role in • It’s a common condition often associated
keeping your heartbeat regular and your with getting older. It can affect anyone,
muscles working right. It is the job of but it’s more common in people who are
healthy kidneys to keep the right amount black or of south Asian origin.
of potassium in your body. However,

Nutrition and Diet Therapy

342 grams of carbohydrate x 4 kcal/gram

= 1368 kcal
110 grams of protein x 4 kcal/gram = 440
25 grams of fat x 9 kcal/gram = 225 kcal
1368 + 440 + 225 = 2033 kcalories
Carbohydrate: 1368 ÷ 2033 = 0.67 x 100 =
Protein: 440 ÷ 2033 = 0.22 x 100 = 22%*
Fat: 225 ÷ 2033 = 0.11 x 100 = 11%*

Energy-yielding nutrients
Nutrient Energy (kcal/g)
Carbohydrate 4
Protein 4
Fat 9
a. Calculate total calories

• A serving of canned peas provides 12

grams of carbohydrate and 5 grams of
protein. How many calories does one
serving provide?

12 grams of carbohydrate x 4 kcal/gram = 48 kcal

5 grams of protein x 4 kcal/gram = 20 kcal 48 kcal
+ 20 kcal = 68 kcal

b. Calculate % of total kcal provided by

carbohydrate, protein and/or fat.

• Mary’s usual diet provides an average

intake of 342 grams of carbohydrate, 110
grams of protein, and 25 grams of fat.
How many kcalories does she consume?
What percentages of her calories are
consumed from each macronutrient?

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