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Amadeus Selling Platform

Electronic Miscellaneous
Document - EMD
Electronic Miscellaneous Document


What is an EMD? ................................................................................................................ 3

Characteristics of a Standalone EMD-S ....................................................................... 3
How to Create Chargeable Services in the PNR for a Standalone EMD-S ................... 3
Understanding Reason for Issuance (RFICs) and Reason for Issuance Sub Codes
(RFISCs) ...................................................................................................................... 4
How RFICs/RFISCs are Used in the TSM-P................................................................. 4
What is the EMD Coupon Structure? ............................................................................ 5
The EMD Guide................................................................................................................... 5
Change Fee ........................................................................................................................ 7
Single Passenger PNR ................................................................................................. 7
Multi Passenger PNR ................................................................................................... 9
Group Deposit ................................................................................................................... 11
Residual Value/Refundable Balance ................................................................................. 13
EMD History ...................................................................................................................... 16
EMD Voiding ..................................................................................................................... 17
EMD Refunding ................................................................................................................. 18
EMD Sales Report............................................................................................................. 20
EMD Quick Reference Guide ............................................................................................ 23

Document control

Document Release Information

© 2012 Amadeus Marketing (UK) Ltd

Release number Date updated Updated by Details of update

11.1 22/05/2011 Neil Canning Document Creation
11.2 19/10/2011 Sarah Bowden General update/proofing
12.1 03/01/2012 Sarah Bowden Addition of EMD Guide information
12.2 23/5/2012 Caroline Jones Updated EMD Guide Information

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Electronic Miscellaneous Document

What is an EMD?
An Electronic Miscellaneous Document (EMD) allows you to sell and track the usage of
charges be that for example a penalty change fee, a residual value or excess baggage and
so on where an airline permits.

It is a solution to eventually replace existing Virtual Miscellaneous Charges Orders (VMCO).

With an EMD you can:

• Accept payment for various types of services including air transportation, group
deposits, rebooking fees and other charges.

• Issue an electronic document and print it on blank paper (depending on your profiles

• Automatically integrate miscellaneous charges into invoices, sales reports, back

office accounting systems.

The initial launch of EMDs will permit the issuance of what is known as Standalone EMDs

Characteristics of a Standalone EMD-S

Standalone EMD (EMD-S)

• A standalone EMD is issued for a residual value or the collection of miscellaneous
charges that are not covered by an e-ticket coupon, for example group deposits and
change fees.
• The standalone EMD can consist of a single or multiple value coupons depending on
airline background settings.
• It can be issued in connection with individual e-ticket coupons or an entire e-ticket.
• It can be linked with an e-ticket for reference.
• It can be consumed at issuance or used at different stages.
• It has no interaction with the airline systems (reservation systems and DCSs).

How to Create Chargeable Services in the PNR for a Standalone


To create a chargeable service or fee for which you wish to issue an EMD-S you would need
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to enter a Manual Auxiliary Segment (SVC) into the booking. A manual Transitional Stored
Miscellaneous Document with a Pricing Quotation Record (TSM-P) would then be created
including items such as reasons for issuance and reason for issuance sub codes, amounts
and form of payment details before issuing the EMD-S.

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Understanding Reason for Issuance (RFICs) and Reason for

Issuance Sub Codes (RFISCs)

A Reason for Issuance Code (RFIC) defines which group of services an EMD belongs to.
These are compliant with the IATA standard. Some RFICs have been defined by IATA
(International Air Transport Association), others can be used and defined by the airlines.

An RFIC can have multiple Reasons for Issuance Sub Codes (RFISCs). RFISCs are airline

For example an EMD could be issued for additional baggage for a passenger to take golf
equipment. The Reason for Issuance Code on the EMD would represent ‘baggage’ whereas
the Reason for issuance Sub Code would then indicate further that this was specifically for
‘golfing equipment’.

In this example using the table below the RFIC for Baggage would be C. The RFISC for
Golfing equipment would be 99O (as defined by the airline)

RFIC RFISC Description

C 99Z Excess Weight

C 99L Biking Equipment

C 99O Golfing Equipment

The RFICs and the RFISCs are managed by Amadeus for the airlines in a Service
Preference Table.

The Service Preference Table drives EMD functionality at Reason for Issuance Code Level.
By reading any associated restrictions placed by the airlines against the RFIC it will then
determine the type of transaction which can be performed on an EMD. For example if the
EMD can be refunded or reissued.

How RFICs/RFISCs are Used in the TSM-P

When you create a Transitional Stored Miscellaneous (TSM) document for an EMD, the
system creates this as a type P (Pricing Quotation Record) TSM also called a TSM-P. The
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RFIC and RFISCs and their descriptions are automatically filled in the TSM-P.

All services contained in an EMD belong to the same reason for issuance code.

An EMD may contain only one RFIC but several RFISCs for different services or fees. Each
EMD coupon is based on the RFISC.

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What is the EMD Coupon Structure?

An EMD may contain up to 16 coupons, where up to four coupons can have the same EMD
number. If an EMD contains more than four coupons, a conjunction EMD will be issued (up
to four document numbers).

Each EMD coupon contains the following information:

• RFIC (belongs to the same RFIC as all the coupons of the EMD)

• RFISC (can be different to other EMD coupons)

• Coupon status (O for Open, F for Flown/Used, R for Refunded, V for Voided, and so
on). For more information on EMD coupon status enter HE EMD then GPEDI in
Selling Platform.

When you issue an EMD, the following coupons can be printed on a broadcast printer,
depending on your office settings:

• Audit Coupon (optional)

• Agent Coupon (optional)

• Passenger Receipt (optional)

• Credit Card Charge Form (optional)

The EMD Guide

The EMD guide offers three features:

1. A list of airlines which have opened their EMD to Amadeus Travel Agencies in a
given country.

2. A list of markets where an airline distributes EMDs to Amadeus Travel Agencies.

3. A list of services proposed by an airline and the characteristics for the service.

1. Travel agents can now get a list of airlines that have opened their EMD in a given country.

EGVD/Cxx View the validating display for a specific country (where xx is the
country code)
EGVD – EMD Guide Validating Display
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Example display




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2. Travel agents can display by airline the list of countries where EMD is deployed.

EGCD/Vxx View countries where EMD is deployed for a specific airline (where xx
is the airline code)
EGCD – EMD Guide Country Display
Example display




3. A list of services proposed by an airline.**

EGSD/Vxx View services available for a specific airline (where xx is the airline
EGSD – EMD Guide Service Display



1 OBAG C/0C3 SSR YES Prepaid

EGSD/L1 is a follow up entry to display the characteristics of an EMD service. In this

example the characteristics of service code OBAG

Example displays

OBAG: Prepaid


Booking Method : SSR requires a service to be created using the SR entry which is then
priced. This will create an associated EMD (EMD-A) which no carrier currently uses.

PENF: Change fee




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Booking Method; SVC requires the manual creation of an EMD using the IU entry. This will
create a standalone EMD (EMD-S).

**NB : Please note although a service may appear in a list this does not necessarily
mean the airline offers this service using EMD on Amadeus.** Please only use
services confirmed by airlines as if you use any other services in the list you may
receive ADM’s**

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Electronic Miscellaneous Document

Change Fee
Single Passenger PNR

PNR is changed (S3) – and reissue or revalidation processed

Create SVC –segment for PNR to collect change fee (GBP50)


In this example adding a date in the SVC creation

entry will close the ‘Not Valid After’ validity of the
EMD coupon to 22 July.

Create pricing record, where validating carrier is 6X


Update pricing record

EMD is presented at LHR to Amadeus Airways (D)


Coupon value (CV-) and (F) total document value (including currency)


In conjunction with ticket (IC-TKT) and coupon number (E)

>TMI/IC-TKT1722400203041E2 (TMI/IC-TKT1722400203041E1-2)
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Info/Remarks (H)


Form of payment (FP-)


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Add endorsement (FE-) (where applicable)


Coupon value

Reason for
Code and
Sub Code

Issued in connection with

The value of the document is ‘consumed at issuance’

and therefore cannot be carried forward to pay for
another amendment

Total Document Value

Endorsements and form of payment

Issue EMD

>RF xx

EMD FA – element with “DT6X” and segment association is created.

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Display EMD

EMD document number

EMD Type
S = ‘Standalone’

Coupon status
Settlement Authorisation Code
generated by the airline

Note that when a change fee EMD is created the status of EMD coupon is automatically
changed to Flown (S-F). If you make a mistake you are able to cancel EMD sale using the
TRDC entry (see the section on EMD voiding on page 18).

Multi Passenger PNR

Example PNR - 1 Adult, 1 Child and 1 Infant

PNR is changed (S4) – and reissue or revalidation processed
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In this example there will be a penalty fee of GBP100 for Adult, GBP75 for the Child and
GBP10 for the infant to be collected.

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Create SVC –segments in the PNR for seated (not the infant) passengers first as the
INF will be treated separately.



SVC segments created for seated passengers first

Create pricing record where validating carrier is 6X


At this stage pricing records are only generated for the seated passengers.

Create SVC segment for the infant passenger relating the entry to the associated adult


SVC segment on line 7 can now be used to create a pricing record for the infant

Create the pricing record where validating carrier is 6X for the infant by adding a
passenger type code and line relating the entry to the SVC segment in the PNR


Update the pricing records

Pricing records can be updated individually by adding a TSM relation option ‘/M1’ to your
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entry. Where relevant, multiple pricing records can be updated simultaneously by using a
‘/ALL’ option instead. In the following example both options will be used where appropriate.

EMD is presented at LON to Amadeus Airways (D)


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Form of payment (FP-)


Coupon value (CV-) and (F) total document value (including currency)


In conjunction with ticket (IC-TKT) and coupon number (E)

>TMI/M1/IC-TKT1721746172500E1 (TMI/IC-TKT1722400203041E1-2)

Add endorsement (FE-) (where applicable)


Add received from and issue EMDs

>RF xx

PNR after Multiple EMD Issuances

Group Deposit
Example of a Group PNR:
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Add individual passenger name


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Create SVC segment with service code DEPO for this passenger including place and
date of creation

>IU 6X HK1 DEPO-FREE TEXT/LHR/03MAR (free text optional)

Create pricing record for SVC element, where validating carrier is 6X


Update pricing record

Present at (A) LHR to (D) Amadeus Airways, coupon value (CV-) and deposit amount (F)


Form of payment (F)


Info/Remarks (H)


Add endorsement (FE-) (where applicable)


Issue EMD
>RF xx

PNR after EMD issuance:

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EMD after issuance

As the value of this type of EMD is not

‘consumed at issuance’ the Status code
is displayed as S-O for open

Note: In this example the EMD is

‘non-exchangeable’ and therefore
cannot be used as part of a reissue

Note: Please check with the relevant airline for any follow up actions required following EMD

Residual Value/Refundable Balance

To be used when at time of exchange the new document is cheaper than the original one.
Residual value will be refunded to the customer.

In the case below there will be residual value due to a reissue of a ticket and therefore you
will have to use code RSVR (Residual value).

Change of routing leads to a lower fare level

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Refund in this example will be GBP191.40 (FARE 182 + Taxes 5.40QA and 4.00YQ)

Create SVC element


Create pricing record where validating carrier is 6X


Update pricing record

Add present at (A) LON to (D) Amadeus Airways


Add the refundable fare and taxes as Reissue fare (R) and “old” taxes(O). Total (W) is 0:


Add refundable fare amount (excluding taxes) in coupon value:


Add Form of Payment in Reissue format:

Add Original Issue information:


Add Endorsement information (where applicable)

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TSM-P ready for issuance:

Coupon value

Exchange value including

refundable taxes.

Note! Both e-ticket and residual EMD have to be issued at the same time, using the
combined entry:

Issue EMD

PNR after issuance of both new e-ticket (ET6X) and EMD (DT6X):

Display EMD
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Refundable Value of EMD

including taxes

EMD History

Display EMD

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RFISC = Reason for Issuance Sub Code RFIC = Reason for Issuance Code

ST = EMD Coupon Status

EMD Voiding
The system will perform a void without first displaying the EMD record, however it is
recommended to view the EMD record before performing a void transaction in order to
ensure the correct document number is being processed.

Display an EMD from a PNR by Line Number


Display and EMD by document number


Voiding an EMD from within a PNR

EMD 172-1812500051 on line 8 has to be voided.

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After PNR has been retrieved FA element has changed to reflect sales cancellation DT6X
has changed to DV6X:

Voiding an EMD by Document Number

EMD 172-1812500050 has to be voided.

>TRDC/TK-1812500051 (10 digit EMD number excluding the numerical airline designator

Example of a voided EMD:

Status Code S-V indicates EMD has been voided.

EMD Refunding
EMD refund follows the same logic as ticket refund.
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Refund entry using EMD line number


Refund record is displayed:

Insert Form of Payment (if not automatically populated in the refund record)


If the complete value of EMD is refunded confirm refund


EMD status is now R for Refunded:


Status Code S-R indicates EMD has been refunded

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After PNR has been retrieved FA element has changed from DT to DR to reflect sales

How to refund from a document number

Display EMD


Display Refund Record by EMD Document Number


Insert Form of Payment (if not automatically populated in the refund record)

Process Refund


How to refund from TJQ list by item number

>TRF/I-27 (sequence number of the document on the TJQ list)

EMD Sales Report

The EMD will appear on the Sales Report with the transaction code EMDS.

Details of the document can be displayed using the TJT/I- entry

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EMD Error Messages

UNCONFIRMED SERVICE REQUEST When EMD is created from SSR element,

the status of SSR must be HK before EMD
issuance is possible.
UNABLE TO MATCH RESIDUAL VALUE e.g. when issuing ticket & residual value
that FOs are identical in TST and TSM
(document number & IATA code).
CT RJT: EMD AND ET COUPON You are trying to issue EMD for segment
OPERATING CARRIER DO NOT MATCH that is operated by another carrier. At the
moment it is possible to issue EMD-A only
for AY operated flights.
PREVIOUS TSM EXISTS- SERVICE TSM already exists for the segment.
OVERLAP Depending on the situation delete the
previous TSM or create a new one only for
segments where TSM is missing.
DOCUMENT NOT AVAILABLE FOR At least one coupon of the EMD must have
REFUND REQUEST the status A (airport control) or O (open for
EMD AND ET BOARD AND OFF POINTS The origin and destination of the EMD
DO NOT MATCH coupons and the e-ticket coupons must be
the same.
EMD COUPONS ALREADY The EMD coupons that you specified in
ASSOCIATED your entry are already associated to e-
ticket coupons.
ETKTS TO BE ASSOCIATED MUST BE The e-ticket numbers must belong to the
CONJUNCTIVE same set of conjunctive e-tickets as the e-
tickets that are already associated to the
NOT AUTHORIZED You are not authorized to make this entry
or this coupon status change.
The EMD coupons are already associated
to e-ticket coupons.
The EMD coupons have a non-
exchangeable indicator set.
The EMD must be an associated EMD
NUMBER OF EMD COUPONS NOT The number of EMD coupons must be
MATCHING NUMBER OF ETKT equal to the number of e-ticket coupons.
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EMD Quick Reference Guide

TSM type P updates entries

At document level :
Base fare first issue F or I or U F: normal fare
I : first issue IT fare
U: BT first issue fare
Base fare reissue R or Y or W R: reissue normal fare
Y: reissue IT fare
W: BT reissue fare
Equivalent fare E
Tax amount O or X O = old tax
X = new tax
Exchange value fare N
Total amount W
Fare calculation FC-
Net fare NF-
Refundable value fare RV-
Bankers rate K1
Document remarks H
International indicator Y
Validating carrier V
Tour code FT-
Form of payment FP-
Endorsement FE-
Original document FO-
Commission FM-
Fare discount FD-
Miscellaneous information FZ-

At coupon level
Coupon value CV-
Remarks CR-
Fare owner FW-
Present at A
Present to D
Excess baggage pieces PC-
Excess baggage kilos KG-
Rate per unit (weight/piece) ER-
In connection with IC-
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List of EMD entries

IU SVC creation

TMC/Vxx Manual creation of TSM-P, V= validating carrier

TMI TSM-P update
TQM TSM-P display
TMX Delete TSM-P
TMF Remove change flag
TMH Display history
TTM EMD issuance

EWD EMD display

EWH EMD history display

TRF EMD refund

TRFU EMD refund update
TRFP Refund validation
TRFIG Cancellation of refund process
TRDC Cancellation, voiding

EMR EMD reprint

EMD Preparation

IU AY HK1 PENF Create an SVC for penalty fee.

IU AY HK1 RSVR Create an SVC for residual value.

IU AY HK1 DEPO Create an SVC for group deposit.

Manual creation of TSM type P

TMC/VAY/L8,10,12-14 Create TSM(s) Type P for Services on line 8,

10, 12, 13 and 14.
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TSM-P update entries

TMI/M1/FEUR123.00 Base Fare Indicator applies, to TSM 1

If TMI/F (with no value and options) is
entered, all existing fare elements (Base
Fare, Taxes, Total, Equiv, etc.) of the
TSM Type P are deleted (but the issue
indicator remains).
TMI/M2,3/F Remove Base Fare Indicator, in TSMs 2
and 3.
TMI/M1/FEUR152.12 Base Fare applies, to TSM Type
TMI/M1/FGBP100/EEUR152.12 Equivalent Fare applies, to TSM 1
TMI/M2,3/FGBP100/E To remove Equivalent Fare, in TSMs 2
and 3.
TMI/M1/FEUR200/NEUR152.12 Exchange Value Fare applies, to TSM 1
TMI/M1/FEUR92,59/XEUR7.41YFGO/O5FR Set TSM 1 Base Fare 100, New Tax 10
YF and Old Tax 5 FR without currency
(these values are added, other pre-
existing ones are removed)
Set TSM 1 new taxes: 152.12 EUR for
TMI/M1/FEUR100/XEUR152.12YQAD/XEUR17.2 YQAD tax and 17.20 EUR for UBAS tax
0UBAS (these ones are added, other pre-existing
ones are removed)
TMI/M1/FC-HEL AY LON 100.00 EUR100.00 Fare Calculation inserted in TSM Type P
TMI/M2,3/FC- Remove Fare Calculation, in TSMs Type
P 2 and 3.
TMI/M1/K11.26542 Set TSM Type P 1 Banker's Rate field
TMI/M2,3/K1 Remove all Banker's Rates, in TSMs
Type P 2 and 3.
TMI/L6/CV-570.00 Coupon Value applies to coupon
corresponding to Service from line 6 in
the PNR.
TMI/M1/CV-87.54 Coupon Value applies, to all coupons of
TMI/ALL/CV-32.50 Update Coupon Value at coupon level for
all TSMs Type P in PNR.
TMI/L6/DFINNAIR Present To applies to coupon
corresponding to Service from line 6 in
the PNR.
TMI/M1/ALHR Present At applies, to all coupons of
TMI/L6/PC-10 Excess Baggage applies, in TSM Type P
1, to coupon corresponding to Service
from line 6 in the PNR.
TMI/M1/KG-20 Excess Baggage applies, to all coupons
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of Record1.
TMI/L6/IC-TKT1056589745213E1 Add ICW applies to coupon
corresponding to Service 6 in the PNR.

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Automated Reissue Process for EMD exchange

TMI/EXCH Turn TSM Type P 1 to Reissue

Transitional stored document display

TQM/M8 Display of the TSM number 8.

Delete a transitional stored document

TMX/M8,10,12-14 Delete TSM Type P 8, 10, 12, 13 and 14.

TMX/P1,3-7 Delete TSMs Type P of Passenger1 and
Passengers 3 to 7.
TMX/ALL Delete all TSMs Type P
TMX/M1,2 System deletes TSMs Type Ps 1 and 2.
TMX/P1,3,4 The system deletes all TSMs for
passengers 1 or 3 or 4.

Remove Change Flag (PC) of a TSM Type P

TMF/M1-3,5 Remove Change Flag (PC) for TSMs Type

P 1, 2, 3 and 5.

TSM History

TMH/M1 Display history for TSM 1.

TMH/L12 Display history for service at line 12 in the


TTM The basic entry to issue an EMD, default

v-MCO or EMD according to airline
TTM/VT Force vMCO issuance
TTP/TTM/RT Issue e-ticket & EMD at the same time &
retrieve PNR.
TTM/M1-3 Selects TSMs 1 to 3
TTM/P1,3,4 Selects passengers 1, 3 and 4
TTM/P2/INF Selects the TSM of the infant associated
to passenger 2
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TTM/L1,3-4 Selects line 1, 3 and 4

TTM1/M3 Select Transitional Stored Document 3
and printer 1.
TTM/P3/TKT Preparation for EMD issuance
This option validates the PNR in order to
verify that the EMD issuance can take

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TTM/ Sends the Passenger Receipt of

passenger 1 to the specified Email
addresses at time of EMD issuance.
TTM/EPR-EMLA/P2 Request the Sending of the Passenger
Receipt of passenger 2 to the Email
addresses specified in the APE PNR
elements additionally to the EMD

EMD exchange

TMI/FO105-2403637378E1LON13OCT10/ Example of FO line for an exchange from

91496716/105-2403637378E1 coupon 1 of ETKT 105-240363737
TTM/ED/P1/IVI Reissue of an EMD for Passenger 1 with
the involuntary reroute indicator I.
TMI/FO105-8200000205M1HEL Original issue document is EMD. M1
10OCT10/19495024/105–8200000205 indicates that exchange starts from
coupon 1 and all the rest of the EMD
coupons are exchanged
TMI/FO105-8200000205D1-2HEL Original issue document is EMD. D1-2
10OCT10/19495024/105-8200000205 indicates that only EMD coupons 1 and 2
are exchanged from multicoupon EMD
(e.g. coupons 3 and 4 from original EMD
are not exchanged.

EMD display

EWD/EMD105-1234567890 EMD display of ticket number 125-

EWD/PAX-smith/john/30JUN08 EMD display by passenger name and date
EWD/L7 Display EMD from PNR by line number
EWD/O* Display exchanged EMD
EWDRT Re-display
EWDRL List re-display
EWD/1 Display from a list
• An EMD List must be present in the
user's session.
• The specified item number must exist in
the list.

EMD history display

EWH/EMD105-1234567890 History display

EWH History display after EWD
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EMD refund

TRF/L07 EMD Refund from a retrieved PNR

TRF/I-27 EMD Refund from a Sales Report
TRF105-2456897321/EMD EMD refund from an EMD number
TRFU/U500.00 Update EMD Refund amount used
TRFU/FP1CASH Update EMD Refund Form of payment

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TRFP EMD refund panel: Validation

TRFP Update EMD Refund amount
TRFIG EMD refund process cancellation

EMD Cancellation

TRDC/L07 Cancellation of an EMD referred to in line

7 of the retrieved PNR
TRDC/27 Cancellation of item 27 of the Sales
TRDC/TK-8236300064 Cancellation by document number

EMD reprint or email on request

EMR/P1,3 Selects passengers 1 and 3

EMR/L7 Line selection
EMR/EMD105-1234567890 Reprint of EMD number 105–1234567890
EMR/EPR-EMLA Resend via email using email address in
EMR/EPR-EMLA/NOPRT No print of passenger receipt
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