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1. Type of report

Formal report

Short report

Proposal report

2. Key term of jobs engineering

3. Type of Journal

4. Match engineer sentence


1. Type of Report

Formal Report :
A formal report's intention is identifying a problem and finding the solution for that particular
problem, much like a dissertation. The writer of a formal business report must have a crystal idea
about the instructions that should be observed while presenting a report. A thorough
understanding of the entire context is essential, to pierce through that particular issue and offer a
solution that could be implemented by the managers of the organization. The memorandum part
of the report is like a briefing of the entire report, to provide the reader with a glimpse of the
report that he is about to unfold.

Short Report
This is a confusing classification. A one-page memorandum is obviously short, and a twenty
page report is clearly long. But where is the dividing line? Bear in mind that as a report
becomes longer (or what you determine as long), it takes on more characteristics of formal

Proposal Report
The proposal is a variation of problem-solving reports. A proposal is a document prepared to
describe how one organization can meet the needs of another. Most governmental agencies
advertise their needs by issuing “requests for proposal” or RFPs. The RFP specifies a need
and potential suppliers prepare proposal reports telling how they can meet that need.
2. “Study, Experience, and Practice”

Engineering combines art with science. “Art” means that the engineer depends on many

things that haven’t been reduced to mathematical equations. Engineers often depend on rules

of thumb or calculated guesses. They work with approximations, with unknowns, and with

their intuition and judgment. Nevertheless, the work must be on target—very often, lives are

at stake in a bridge or aircraft design. That’s why these structures are built with a margin of

safety and are thoroughly tested before use.


This may be the most important, or at least the most distinctive, aspect of engineering. A

doctor will spend whatever it takes to heal a sick person; a lawyer can continue fighting a

cause in court until funds are exhausted. But an engineer, every day of his or her work life, is

constantly battling to produce goods more efficiently, to save energy, to conserve resources

and the environment, and to reduce wear and damage. The difference between a failed

product and a wild success can be as little as fifty cents in production costs. Engineers are

continually confronting economics.

3.Type of Journal

General journal
The general journal is the simplest transaction recording tool. Every transaction published in this
journal without distinguishing the form of the transaction in Public journals is quite appropriate for
use in companies with a small number of events.
Example: Print Journal, Online Journal, Local Journal, National Journal, International Journal, etc.

Special Journal
Trading companies that have numerous and repetitive transaction events, journals that are suitable
for use are specialized journals. This journal book is made in columns and is designed to record
certain transactions that still pay attention to accounts that must be debited and credited. Special
journal books that are often made by trading companies.
Example: Sales Journal, Purchase Journal, etc.
Prediksi Tambahan

Chemical engineering
Chemical engineering uses scientific principles to create new products from raw materials. You could
be involved in the design and manufacturing stage of product development or testing new materials.
As a chemical engineer, you could work in industries such as food production, mineral extraction,
and processing, mining, petrochemicals, and pharmaceuticals.

Civil engineering
Civil engineering deals with the design, testing, construction, and maintenance of the environment.
Civil engineers can work across environmental, geotechnical, control, structural, and transportation
projects. This can involve projects for roads, bridges and canals, renewable energy, drilling and even
responding to natural disasters.

Electrical engineering
Electrical engineers research, design, and test new technology and electrical systems in products and
buildings. Work can cover a range of industries and areas, including building and services, transport,
manufacturing and production, robotics, telecommunications, energy, and digital technology.

Mechanical engineering
This is a hands-on role working across all stages of product development, from research and design
to installation and commissioning. Most industries rely on mechanical systems with opportunities
across a range of areas from aerospace and manufacturing to construction and railway.

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