LARAN Learning Continuity Plan

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Jessica E. Laran



Since face-to-face classes are not yet allowed, the DepEd will implement
Blended/Distance learning wherein the combination of the various distance learning
modalities such as printed modules, offline digital modules, online, and TV and
Radio-based instruction will be used by students and teachers. In order to suit
every learner’s need and capacity, DepEd puts focus on self-learning modules as the
primary learning tool that can cater to all students, which can then be blended with
other learning delivery modalities that the student has access to. Using Distance
Learning, the lessons will be delivered to the students in their homes through
printed modules prepared for learners who have limited access or have absolutely
no access to internet and digital services; via online learning resources such as the
DepEd Commons; and Television or radio-based instruction. DepEd remains
committed to its mandate to deliver quality education amidst of this pandemic.
This Learning Continuity Plan serves as a guideline for the school on how to
deliver education in time of the COVID-19 pandemic while ensuring the health, safety,
and welfare of all learners and teachers and to ensure learning continuity.

 Flexibility  Slow internet connection
 Allows for independent learning  Limited Technology
 Less travel  Potential for fraud or plagiarism of
 Access from nearly anywhere that outputs
has internet access  Difficulty of transportation vehicle
and additional transportation
expenses for teachers who will
distribute the modules
 Availability of the funds and units
that will cause the delay of the
 Insufficient funds to support the
 Continuity of learning amidst of  Difficulty engaging students in a
pandemic manner that is conducive to
 Online strategies/platform can learning
allow for more enhanced learning  Number of enrolled students is
environment for students declining
 Difficulty recruiting and keeping
quality teachers.
To ensure the implementation of Distance Learning Program, the following
proposals were created:


Reproduction of Self-
Learning Modules  Newsprin P250,000
 Procurement of July to 2
t (Procurement of
newsprint, ink and week of  Toner/ink newsprint, ink and
stencil August, 2020  modules stencil)
 Printing and (MOOE)
packaging of
Draft a class program for
junior and senior high P 500.00
school addressing the July 2020 Bond paper (MOOE)
preferred distance
learning using printed
Distribution and Retrieval
of Modules 2nd week of Modules and P 20,000
August, 2020 other learning (transportation
materials allowance of
Provision of face masks
and disinfectant to Mask P 4,000.00
teachers and non- All the time procurement & (MOOE)
teaching personnel Alcohol

Upgrade internet
connection so that all Internet
teachers have the access August, 2020 connection P 10,000
of internet ready for the materials (MOOE)
delivery of the different
learning modalities
Conduct Virtual Copy of the
orientation on modular Policy Guidelines P 500.00 printing on
distance learning September, on Modular Modules of
assessment 2020 Distance Assessment
Learning (MOOE)
Conduct Virtual Workshop
in the formulation of P 1,500 (Printing of
assessment tools to Assessment Tool and
diagnose learners and September, Assessment provision of forms to
their achievement in the 2020 Tools the teachers)
different learning areas (MOOE)
suited to the modular
distance learning
Regular monitoring and
evaluation on the Year round Observation P 3,000.00
implementation of the Notes Transportation
delivery of Modular (MOOE)
Distance Learning
As a teacher, Distance Learning Approach is the safest way to continue
education despite the pandemic. It may be harder than face-to-face approach but the
health and safety of the children are given the utmost priority.
Maasin City National High School ensures that the implementation of the
Distance Learning Program will be realize. The following are the Responses to Risks and
Challenges of the school:

 Proper instructions be given to the teachers and close monitoring during the
 Conduct of orientation to parents & Teachers
 Conduct virtual convergence of different stakeholders for fund assistance
 Ensure that all needed materials for the printing are ready when the quality
assured modules are already available
 Identify drop-off and retrieval center in the Sitio/Purok/Barangay
 Teachers will conduct survey on the geographical location of the learners
according to their Sitio/Purok/Barangay
 Partner with the Barangay Officials, Purok Officials, and Parents in the
distribution and retrieval of the materials
 Provision of transportation allowance to teachers distributing and retrieving the
 Request from the LGUs vehicle to be used in the distribution and retrieval of the
 Ensure that parents, barangay officials, purok officials are oriented by the school
on their roles and responsibilities in the partnership
 Prioritization of masks and disinfectants to ensure the health and safety of the
teaching and non-teaching personnel
 Make flyers for reprimands and information of the health protocols.
 Coordinate to the division HRD for the resource package on new normal
 Craft monitoring tool and ask technical assistance from the division

A learning continuity plan seeks to ensure that students’ learning progresses
even amidst disasters such as natural calamities, storms, fires, and pandemics. This
plan overcomes obstacles created by the disasters through innovative means of
teaching and learning, keeping students on track with their courses. With today’s
COVID-19 pandemic, the main obstacle that has to be overcome is the need for social
distancing, making face-to-face interaction impossible. Therefore, Distance Learning is
safest way to continue education despite the pandemic.

#WeHealAsOne #SulongEduKalidad #DepEdPhilippines #DepEdTayo

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