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RESEARCH TOPIC: Impact of Celebrity Endorsement on Consumer Buying Behavior.
Case of Solwezi Town



KNU: 20130613



Impact of Celebrity Endorsement on Consumer Buying Behavior


In today’s world, the celebrities are being treated as a role model. People are changing their
living style related with their favorite celebrity. This thing creates a great impact on the buying
behavior of the persons. This attracts the customers and ultimately increases the company
productivity. Celebrities are not always creating any kind of effect on persons mind in terms of
buying. But mostly it gives a great impact on perception of choosing any product. We are always
thinking that if our favorite celebrity is using them. Then we should use that to be like them
(Khatri 2006).

From last 150 years advertising is changing in different phases from the classical to modern.
Now a day it is the best strategy used by marketers to influence customers by showing celebrities
with their products, it includes different appeals lie, exciting, absurdity, sexual etc. Belch, G. and
Belch, M. (2008) acknowledged that the main aim of formulating such strategies is to get high
brand revelation, longing, concentration and curiosity. To do so, marketers attach famous
personalities’ with their products. McCracken (1989) stated that these famous personalities’ had
great influence on the consumer’s buying behavior that’s why it becomes the most attractive tool
of advertising now a day. The major aim to do advertising and adopt this strategy is to influence
customers towards the products (Ohanian 1990).


Ranjbarian, Shekarchizade & Momeni (2010) agreed that advertisement is the action that
persuades individuals of any particular market to buy services and product or service. Through
different ways the advertisement message can be spread like TV ads, radio publicity, print
promotion, online advertising, billboard marketing, in-store advertise, WOM advertising, and
endorsement. Now the question arise that which category of promotion is best? The best nature
of advertisement depends on the type of industry or firm and its necessities and desires.
McCracken (1989) found that celebrities endorses characterized an effectives way of transferring

meaning to brands. The common conviction of the marketers is that there is a significant and
huge impact of those advertisements, which are endorsed by the famous celebrities comparably
with the non-endorsed celebrities. Therefore, this thesis reports the Impact of Celebrity
Endorsement on Consumer Buying Behavior.


The hypothesis in this report will be H0 or H1 where the H0 Hypothesis will show the negative
part of the study and H1 will show the positive part of the study. About the study at hand, H0 and
H1 are as below;


H0: There is no impact of celebrity endorsement on buying behavior.

H1: There is an impact of celebrity endorsement on buying behavior.


To evaluate the impact of celebrity endorsement on buying behavior?

5.1 Other Research Objectives

1. To examine the impact of celebrity endorsement on buying behavior.

2. To analyze the perception of students and professionals about the celebrity endorsement.
3. To find out the relationship between celebrity endorsement and customer buying
4. To analyze influence of brand over celebrity endorsement.
5. To analyze which factor of celebrity attracts more to the public.


What is the impact of celebrity endorsement on consumer buying behavior?

6.1 Other Research Questions

1. Does celebrity endorsement have an impact on consumer buying behavior?
2. What is the perception of students and professionals about the celebrity endorsement?
3. Is there a relationship between celebrity endorsement and customer buying behavior?
4. What is the ratio of influence of brand and celebrity endorsement?
5. Which factor of celebrity attract more to the public?


7.1 Theoretical framework
To start with, theoretical framework describes the overall topic of the study, as its shows that
there are several attributes of celebrity, here we discuss main three attributes which is
attractiveness which includes the beauty, charm, looks, pleasant appearance, magnetism etc., the
other attribute we taken in account is credibility which includes trustworthiness, reliability,
authority, standing and sincerity of the celebrity and the third one is meaning transfer which,
includes that how he/she change the meaning of the brand or product. So when the image of the
product is improved in consumer mind he or she wants to purchase that product which suggests
that there is a relationship amongst three attributes of celebrity, and these have the direct
relationship and impact on overall buying behavior (Ahmed et al. 2014). The below figure
represents the framework for understanding the effect of celebrity endorsement on buying
behavior. The framework has adopted from the integrated model for understanding celebrity
endorsement and consumers’ perception study cross cultural consumer behavior (Biswas &
Hussain 2009).
7.2 Conceptual framework



Purchase Intension Buying Behavior


Meaning Transfer

Figure 1, the conceptual framework of the study

7.1 Other Models Explaining Celebrity Endorsements

Table 1, other models explaining celebrity endorsements

Models explaining Basic theory Source of influence on Consumer

celebrity consumers perception/Buying
Endorsements behavior/
Source Expertise, Identification process Positive insight of ad,
attractiveness trustworthiness of (Kelman, 1961) celebrity and brand
Model celebrity. when knowledge and
dependability high.
Source Credibility Familiarity, Internalization process Optimistic
Model Likeability and (Kelman) Balance theory discernment of ad,
similarity of (Heider 1946) celebrity and brand
celebrity. when personality is
well-known and
Meaning Transfer Process of transfer Transfer process of The just right match
Model (McCracken of meaning from meaning from celebrity to between properties of
1986) celebrity to brand brand to consumer. brand and celebrity
and to consumer. meaning haggard from

his/her take for
granted role the
higher the likelihood
of consumers’
observation and fraud
of product meaning.


8.1 The Process of the study

hypothesis, reveiwing
clarifying the topic
research questions literature
and objectives

and writting the submitting the
analyzind project project

Figure 2, the process of the study

8.2 Population Definition

The study will be carried out on the Northwestern Province of Zambia, specifically in Solwezi.
The study will be done on Corporations which use celebrities in Solwezi provided by central
statistics office. The target group for this study will be the corporation managements which use
celebrities in the promotion of their products.

8.3 Sample Size

5 corporations will be sampled, and five (5) members from each corporation will be provided
with questionnaires (this means 25 questionnaires will be produced). The researcher will use
purposive sampling to select the respondents. The sample size will be purposive because the
researcher thinks the right information will only be obtained from the top management and not
the employees.

8.4 Data Collection Procedure and Instruments

Data will be collected from both primary and secondary sources. The primary data will be
collected through issuing questionnaires. Personal interviews with management will also be
done. The secondary data will be collected by extensive literature search from books, articles and
publications internet, documents, newspapers, journals and magazines.

8.5 Data Analysis

The researcher will use both qualitative and quantitative methods to analyze the data which will
be obtained from the field. Quantitative approach emphasizes on transforming the data collected
to numbers, quantities and statistical models for the purpose of measurement and analysis.
Qualitative approach focuses on gaining a better understanding of the research problem through
detailed information about the subject matter. The result of the study will be analyzed through
quantitative, regression, correlation and Frequency analysis. The quantitatively data will be
processed through Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS).

8.5 Significance of the Study

This study will be of immense benefit to organizations who are in a state of dilemma on whether
or not to subscribe to celebrity endorsement of its product or service.

The study will also be beneficial to captains of industries, managers and directors of
organizations and all relevant stakeholders who are interested in this research.

8.6 Limitations of the Study

This study is on the impact of celebrity endorsement on consumer behavior. The following are
the limitations of the study:

i. Financial constraint – insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of the researcher
in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature of information and in the process of data
collection (questionnaire and interview)
ii. Time constraint – the researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with other
academic work. This consequently will cut down on the time devoted for the research


Time Frame

Table 2, Time Frame


1 Proposal writing September–December 55
2 Production of instruments December 10
3 Data collection January - February 90
4 Data analysis March 15
5 First draft report writing April 15
6 Second draft report writing April 15
7 Final report writing May 30

Table 3, Time Frame

Pens and pencils K10.00

Typing research instruments K100.00
Transport costs K500.00
Typing and binding research report K200.00
Rim of plain papers(2) K120.00
Subtotal K920.00
10% of subtotal = K92.00
Grand total K828.00


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Celebrities Endorsement and Consumer Buying Behavior
The Impact of Celebrity Endorsement on Consumer Buying Behavior

Dear Respondent,
My names are MUSAU MARY MUZALA; I am a student from Kwame Nkrumah University
conducting a research on the Impact of Celebrity Endorsement on Consumer Buying Behavior as
part of my dissertation leading to the award of Bachelor of Business Studies with Education
(BBS, ED). I would therefore, be grateful for your assistance in completing the following
questions to the best of your knowledge. The responses that you will provide in this research will
be treated with confidentiality and are only meant for academic purposes.

Research instrument (Questionnaire) for corporate management

Please TICK your response

□ B) 21-25 □ C) 26-30□
1. What is your age? A) 15-20 D) 30 and above □
2. Gender? Male □ Female □

3. Do you have a celebrity whom you use to promote company’s product? a) YES □ b) MAY
BE □ c) NO □
4. Do customers get attracted to buy a product/brand endorsed by a celebrity? A) Strongly agree

□ strongly disagree □
5. If agreeing to Q4 why? A) Credibility□ B) Trustworthiness of the product □
C) Attractiveness of the celebrity □ D) Sense of similarity to the celebrity □

E) Other factors □

6. Do you experience increase in sales when you use a celebrity to promote your products?

A) Decreased Greatly □B) Decreased slightly □ C) Stay the Same □ D) Increased

Slightly□ E) Increased Greatly □

7. Which factors do you Considered for Promoting Consumers’ for a Purchase?

□ B) Usefulness of product □ C) Price Brand name □

A) Quality

D) Celebrity endorsement □

8. Which proportion of attributes, do marketing managers consider most when employing

celebrities? A) Cost of endorsement □ B) celebrity credibility □ C) celebrity/brand □

D) celebrity attractiveness □
9. Are you a fun of Celebrity? A) Strongly Agree □ B) Disagree □C) No Opinion □
D) Agree □ E) Strongly Agree□
10. Do you think Celebrity Endorsement influences consumer behavior? A) Strongly Agree □
B) Disagree □C) No Opinion □ D) Agree □ E) Strongly Agree□

11. Level the extent of Celebrity Endorsement on Consumer Buying Decision

A) very large extent □ B) large extent □ C) low extent □ D) very low extent □
12. Does celebrity endorsement have a Positive Influence on consumer behavior?

A) Strongly Agree □ B) Disagree □C) No Opinion □ D) Agree □ E) Strongly

Agree □
Thank you…..


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