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101. The burnout malady gets worse if a teacher doesn't intervene to change whatever areas he or she can control.

Which one can renew a

teacher's enthusiasm?
a. Stick to job
b. Initiate changes in jobs
c. Judge someone else as wrong
d. Engage in self-pity

102. Which Filipino trait works against the shift in teacher's role from teacher as a fountain of information to teacher as facilitator?
a. Authoritativeness  c. Hiya
b. Authoritarianism d. Pakikisama

103. Which method has been proven to be effective in courses that stress acquisition of knowledge?
a. Socratic method          c. Mastery learning
b. Cooperative learning d. Indirect instruction

104. Direct instruction is for facts, rules, and actions as indirect instruction is for __________, __________, __________.
a. hypotheses, verified data and conclusions
b. concepts, patterns and abstractions
c. concepts, processes and generalizations
d. guesses, data and conclusions

105. For which may you use the direct instruction method?
a. Become aware of the pollutants around us.
b. Appreciate Milton's Paradise Lost.
c. Use a microscope properly
d. Distinguish war from aggression.

106. I want to teach concepts, patterns and abstractions. Which method is most appropriate?
a. Indirect instruction  c. Direct instruction
b. Discovery         d. Problem solving

107. What should a teacher do for students in his class who are not on grade level?
a. Give them materials on their level and let them work at a pace that is reasonable for them, trying to bring them up to a grade level.
b. Give them the same work as the other students, because they will absorb as much as they are capable of
c. Give them the same work as the other students, not much, so that they won't    feel embarrassed.
d. Give them work on the level of the other students and work a little above the classmates level to challenge them.

108. By what name is Indirect instruction the Socratic method also known?
a. Mastery learning          c. Morrison method
b. Indirect Method d. Questioning method

109. Teacher B is a teacher of English as a Second Language. She uses vocabulary cards, fill-in-the-blank sentences, dictation and writing
exercises in teaching a lesson about grocery shopping. Based on this information, which of the following is a valid conclusion?
a. The teacher is reinforcing learning by giving the same information in, a variety of methods.
b. The teacher is applying Bloom's hierarchy of cognitive learning.
c. The teacher wants to do less talk.
d. The teacher is emphasizing listening and speaking skills.

110. Which is a form of direct instruction?

a. Discovery process           c. Programmed instruction
b. Problem solving d. Inductive reasoning

111. Which does NOT belong to the group of alternative learning systems?
a. Multi-grade grouping       c. Graded education
b. Multi-age grouping          d. Non-graded grouping

112. Teacher H gave her first-grade class a page with a story in which pictures take the place of some words. Which method did she use?
a. The whole language approach
b. The Spaulding method
c. The rebus method
d. The language experience approach

113. Teacher B uses the direct instruction strategy. Which sequence of steps will she follow?
I.  Independent practice
II.  Feedback and correctiveness
III.  Guided student practice
IV.  Presenting and structuring
V.  Reviewing the previous day's work

a. V-II-IV-III-I  c. V-lV-III-II-I

114. Why should a teacher NOT use direct instruction all the time?
a. It requires much time.
b. It requires use of many supplementary materials.
c. It is generally effective only in the teaching of concepts and abstractions.
d. It reduces students engagement in learning.

115. Teacher A is a teacher of English as a Second Language. She uses vocabulary cards, fill-in-the-blank sentences, dialogues, dictation and
writing exercises in teaching a lesson about grocery shopping. Based on this information, which of the following is a valid conclusion?
a. The teacher is applying Bloom's hierarchy of cognitive learning.
b. The teacher is teaching in a variety of ways because not all students learn in the same manner.
c. The teacher wants to make her teachirig easier by having less talk.
d. The teacher is emphasizing reading and writing skills.

116. I combined several subject areas in order to focus on a single concept for inter-disciplinary teaching. Which strategy/method did I use?
a. Problem-entered learning
b. Thematic instruction
c. Reading-writing activity
d. Unit method

117. Teacher E discussed how electricity flows through wires and what generates the electric charge. Then she gave the students wires, bulbs,
switches, and dry cells and told the class to create a circuit that will increase the brightness of each bulb. Which one best describes the approach
a. It used a taxonomy of basic thinking skills
b. It was contructivist
c. It helped students understand scientific methodology
d. It used cooperative learning

118. With indirect instruction in mind, which does NOT belong to the group?
a. Problem solving  c. Inductive reasoning
b. Lecture-recitation d. Discovery

119. I drew learners into several content areas and encouraged them to solve a complex question for inter-disciplinary teaching. Which strategy
did I use?
a. Problem-centered learning
b. Unit method
c. Reading-writing activity
d. Thematic instruction

120. In self-directed learning, to what extent should a teacher's "scaffolding" be?

a. To a degree the student needs it.
b. None, to force the student to learn by himself.
c. To the minimum, to speed up development of student's sense of independence.
d. To the maximum, in order to extend to the student all the help he needs.

121. Which is a major advantage of a curriculum-based assessment?

a. It is informal in nature.
b. It connects testing with teaching.
c. It tends to focus on anecdotal information on student progress.
d. It is based on a norm-referenced measurement model.

122. Which are direct measures of competence?

a. Personality tests                    c. Paper-and-pencil tests
b. Performance tests                  d. Standardized test

123. "What is most likely to happen to our economy when export continuously surpasses import" is a thought question on __________.
a. creating                          c. synthesizing
b. relating cause-and-effect d. predicting
124. The test item "Group the following items according to shape" is a thought test item on __________.
a. creating                           c. generalizing
b. classifying                  d. comparing
125. In the context on the theory on multiple intelligences, what is one weakness of the paper-pencil test?
a. It is not easy to administer.
b. It puts the non-linguistically intelligent at a disadvantage
c. It utilizes so much time.
d. It lacks reability.

126. With synthesizing skills in mind, which has the highest diagnostic value?
a. Essay test                c. Completion test
b. Performance test               d. Multiple choice test

127. Which one can best evaluate students' attitudinal development?

a. Essay test                c. Observation
b. Portfolio                       d. Short answer test

128. With specific details in mind, which one has (have) a stronger diagnostic value?
a. Multiple choice test
b. Non-restricted essay test
c. Restricted essay test
d. Restricted and non-restricted essay tests

129. Teacher A discovered that his pupils are very good in dramatizing. Which tool must have helped him discover his pupils' strength?
a. Portfolio assessment
b. Performance test
c. Journal entry

130. Which can effectively measure students' awareness of values?

a. Projective techniques               c. Likert scales
b. Moral dilemma              d. Anecdotal record
e. Paper-and-pencil test

131. Teacher F wanted to teach the pupils the skill to do cross stitching. Her check up quiz was a written test on the steps of cross stitching.
Which characteristic of a good test does it lack?
a. Scorability                        c. Objectivity
b. Reliability                       d. Validity

132. If your Licensure Examination Test (LET) items sample adequately the competencies listed in the syllabi, it can be said that the LET
possesses __________ validity.
a. concurrent                        c. content
b. construct                               d. predictive

133. "In the light of the facts presented, what is most likely to happen when ... ?" is a sample thought question on
a. inferring                                c. synthesizing
b. generalizing                       d. justifying

134. In a criterion-referenced testing, what must you do to ensure that your test is fair?
a. Make all of the questions true or false.
b. Ask each student to contribute one question.
c. Make twenty questions but ask the students to answer only ten of their choice.
d.  Use the objectives for the units as guide in your test construction.

135. Which test has broad sampling of topics as strength?

a. Objective test                     c. Essay test
b. Short answer test                       d. Problem type

136. Which is the first step in planning an achievement test?

a. Define the instructional objective.
b. Decide on the length of the test.
c. Select the type of test items to use.
d. Build a table of specification.

137. The first thing to do in constructing a periodic test is for a teacher to __________
a. decide on the number of items for the test
b. go back to her instructional objectives
c. study the content
d. decide on the type of test to construct

138. In the parlance of test construction what does "TOS" mean?

a. Table of Specifics
b. Table of Specifications
c. Table of Specific Test Items
d. Team of Specifications

139. Shown a picture of children in sweaters inside the classroom, the students were asked this question: "In what kind of climate do these
children live?" This is a thought question on __________
a. inferring                          c. creating
b. applying                         d. predicting

140. Which guideline in test construction is NOT observed in this test item Jose Rizal wrote __________.
a. The central problem should be packed in the stem.
b. There must be only one correct answer.
c. Alternatives must have grammatical parallelism.
d. The alternates must be plausible.

141. Quiz is to formative test while periodic is to __________

a. criterion-reference test                  c. norm-reference test
b. summative test               d. diagnostic test

142. If teacher wants to test students' ability to organize ideas, which type of test should she formulate?
a. Multiple-choice type                c. Essay
b. Short answer                       d. Technical problem

143. Out of 3 distracters in a multiple choice test item, namely B, C, and D, no pupil chose D as answer. This implies that D is __________
a. an ineffective distracter
b. a vague distracter
c. an effective distracter
d. a plausible distracter

144. Study this group of tests which was administered with the following results, then answer the question
Subject Mean SD Ronnels's Score
Math 56          10  43
Physics 41            9 31
English 80         16 109

In which subject(s) did Ronnel perform best in relation to the group's performance?
a. Physics and Math     c. Physics
b. English         d. Math

145. Study this group of tests which was administered with the following results, then answer the question.
Subject    Mean        SO   Ronnel's Score
Math    56  10     43
Physics       41  9     31
English     80  16     109

In which subject(s) did Ronnel perform most poorly in relation to the group's performance?
a. English  c. Math
b. English and Math d. Physics

146. What can be said of Peter who obtained a score of 75 in a Grammar objective test?
a. He answered 75 items in the test correctly.
b. He answered 75% of the test items correctly.
c. His rating is 75.
d. He performed better than 5% of his classmates.

147. In his second item analysis, Teacher H found out that more from the lower group got the test item # 6 correctly. This means that the test item
a. has a negative discriminating power
b. has a lower validity
c. has a positive discriminating power
d. has a high reability

148. NSAT and NEAT results are interpreted against set mastery level. This means that NSAT and NEAT fall under __________.
a. intelligence test                       c. criterion-referenced test
b. aptitude test                             d. norm-referenced test

149. Teacher Y does norm-referenced interpretation of scores. Which of the following does she do?
a. She describes group performance in relation to a level of mastery set.
b. She uses a specified content as its frame of reference.
c. She compares every individual students' scores with others' scores.
d. She describes what should be their performance.

150. Test norms are established in order to have a basis for __________.
a. establishing learning goals
b. interpreting test results
c. computing grades
d. identifying pupils' difficulties

Answer Key:
101. b
102. c
103. c
104. c
105. c
106. c
107. a
108. d
109. a
110. c
111. c
112. b
113. c
114. c
115. b
116. d
117. c
118. d
119. a
120. c
121. d
122. d
123. b
124. b
125. d
126. b
127. b
128. d
129. b
130. d
131. a
132. c
133. a
134. d
135. c
136. d
137. b
138. b
139. a
140. b
141. b
142. c
143. a
144. a
145. a
146. d
147. b
148. c
149. c
150. b

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