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1. This had already happened before in Trujillo?

Yes, a climate event of similar dimensions were initiated between

November 1997 and June 1998. It was a new 'Meganiño' that, during those
months, would flood the city of Trujillo
2. That streams overflowed in Trujillo?

- Stream of san Idelfonso. Starts in the mountains in the District of El

Porvenir and faces Florencia de Mora district and the center of Trujillo

- Stream lion. It traverses the area El Milagro, in the District of

Huanchaco and passes near the airport of Trujillo.

- Streams of caber. It crosses the District of La Esperanza and Huanchaco

- Stream of San Carlos. It runs through the district from Laredo and
empties into the river Moche

- Stream of Santo Domingo. It starts in the mountains located southwest of

Trujillo and empties into the river Moche

3. The Niño phenomenon affected most of trujillo where?

The District of El Porvenir, Trujillo province, has been the most affected
by the overflow of yesterday of the San Ildefonso Creek due to heavy rains.
In the masonry sector, the streets have been flooded and filled with mud,
and in the village young Río Seco panorama is similar.
4. That psychological consequences leave child coastal population Trujillo?
The Dean of the College of psychologists of La Libertad, Jorge Solari,
indicated that the psychological consequences of El Niño coastal are
violence and stress for the people affected and damaged. And also to
increase the levels of violence

5. What was the magnitude of the child?

The threatening extent of El Niño coastal left eight provinces seriously

affected liberteñas. But the drama is even greater in those places where the
rivers have destroyed bridges and roads, as it is the case of the Viru River,
which destroyed the main bridge which connects Trujillo to the South of
the country

- Luis Valdez Farías, regional Governor of La Libertad and President of

the Center for emergency operations Regional and Cayetana Aljovín,
Minister of development and Social Inclusion
6. How this Trujillo, after this disaster?
The regional Governor reported that there are 100 critical points where
has accumulated sludge, solid waste and debris as a result of the huaicos
only in the province of Trujillo.
7. You are doing cleaning Trujillo, clean other affected provinces?
This campaign will begin in Trujillo, but we will also take you to the other
seven provinces have also been affected by the torrential rains, as Otuzco,
Chepen, Ascope, Pacasmayo, Viru, Gran Chimú and Santiago de Chuco

8. Are the citizens of Trujillo participating in cleaning campaigns?

Minister, highlighted the participation of citizens and said that this
attitude and will of the people can understand that we are all part of the
solution and that only together we will achieve more

9. When did the cleansing campaign? and how will it end?

For his part, the Mayor of Trujillo, argued that this cleansing campaign
began last Sunday, in which more than 1,000 young people swept the
streets of the city. It will be extended until Sunday, April 2, and the
objective is to reach most of the city.

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