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Item/Function Worksheet Individual Extruded Aluminium Finned Tubes - Centre Support

What is the function supposed to do? Created: 31/03/2016
Define the specification for each function Updated: 31/03/2016

No. Item/Function Measures Notes/Assumptions Actions Failure Mode

Function Description How much? How can it fail?
Verb - Noun When?
1 Restrict longitudinal movement of finned tubes JW/CAC +/-4mm movement of the tube end from nominal The assumption is the centre support to
position, finned tube does not come out of restrict longitudinal movement of the finned
grommet at either end of the finned tube, under tube came from a failure mode identified in
maximum vibration conditions the finned tube DFMEA. There may be other
ways to achieve this requirements.
2 Restrict side-to-side movement of finned tubes JW/CAC All tubes move together, less than Xmm Excessive movement could cause a leak,
displacement of tubes, under maximum vibration dislodged tubes, fatigue or cracking of tubes,
conditions deformed tubes, tubes crashing into each
other, and/or degraded performance.
3 Restrict fore and aft movement of finned tubes JW/CAC All tubes move together, less than Ymm Excessive movement could cause a leak,
displacement of tubes, under maximum vibration dislodged tubes, fatigue or cracking of tubes,
conditions deformed tubes, and/or degraded
Tubes are much stronger in fore and aft
direction than side-to-side direction.
4 Assist to hold tubes in alignment for JW/CAC Tubes aligned so simultaneous assembly can be
simultaneous header plate assembly achieved
5 (production)
Allow individual tube removal and replacement JW/CAC Minimum number of tubes required to be
(service) removed to access target tube
6 Resist thermal degradation JW/CAC No damage to centre support, maximum 200
degrees Celsius
7 Copy across resistance to environmental factors
from grommet DFMEA
8 Minimise air side pressure drop JW/CAC Less than X% of face area 1. Need to define acceptable percentage of
face area the centre supports will take up.
9 Allow easy assembly of centre support to finned Minimum number of parts, less than 4 seconds
tube to assemble centre support to each finned tube,
impossible to install incorrectly, safe to handle
10 Maintain cost effectiveness JW/CAC Each centre support costs less than $0.35
11 Display appropriate visual markings JW/CAC Clearly identify part 1. Need to identify details of markings, logo,
12 Contrast in colour against other radiator JW/CAC Colour(s) distinguishable from other This requirement may be an aesthetic 1. Need to determine colour differentiation
components manufacturer's components appearance requirement and/or an assembly details.

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Process Purpose Worksheet [Vehicle Model]
What is the purpose of each process step Created: DD/MM/YYYY
Define the specification for each process step Updated: DD/MM/YYYY

Process Step Specifications Failure Mode Effects of Failure Mode Severity Potential Cause(s)
Process Purpose How much? Describe the effect of failure for all potential Pick the highest in
How can it fail?
Verb - Noun When? customers, including Government regulations each failure mode
Add some flour to mixer 1kg +/- 50g of plain flour

Add yeast to flour and mix 120g +/- 5g dried yeast, flour and yeast are
mixed evenly, no lumps
Add warm water to flour and yeast and mix 300ml +/- 20ml, 25 degree +/- 2 degree filtered
water, all ingredients are mixed completely
Add remaining flour to dough 3kg +/- 100g of plan flour, all ingredients are
mixed completely
Mix dough Dough is mixed completely, starch in flour is
broken down completely
Turn out dough All dough is turned out onto table, no dough
remains in mixer
Kneed dough Dough achieves elastic consistency, all air
pockets are removed from dough
Prove dough Dough rises to double its size

Flatten dough Excess gas from proving is removed from

dough, dough returns to approximately original
Allow dough to rise size
Dough size increases by 50%

Shape dough into loaves 280g +/- 20g each loaf, all loaves are floured on
top, loaves are placed on tray with a minimum of
50mm between each loaf
Bake bread Bread is completely baked, crusty top (specify
colour range), sides and base of bread are light
brown (specify colour range), no burnt marks

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