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Sample Design Proposal for the Chlorine Dosing System

1. Chlorine Dosing Stoichiometry - HYPOCHLORITE DOSING CALCULATION

Maximum allowable Cl concentration for disinfection is 5ppm = 5 mg/l

Design flow rate of treatment plant = ……. m3/h
Chlorine needed at design flow per hour = …… x 5 mg/h = …… g/h

Calcium hypochlorite disinfection action is as follows

Ca(OCl)2 Ca2+ + 2 OCl-
143 g 71g

Therefore, to get …… g of free chlorine we need (143/71) x ….. Ca(OCl) 2 = ………. g of

hypochlorite per hour.
Considering a dosing rate of ……. l/h,
Calcium hypochlorite Solution Tank concentration should be ………… = ……. g/l
In Bleaching Powder available in Sri Lanka, the Average Chlorine or Calcium
hypochlorite % by Mass is 35 %.
Then the Weight of Bleaching Powder dissolved in Solution Tank should be
= …….. g/l / 0.35 = ……. g/l

2. Volume of Day Bleaching Powder Solution Day Tank

Considering a hypochlorite solution dosing rate of …… l/h,
Required volume of Bleaching Powder Solution Day Tank
= …….. Liters
As a stand-by arrangement 2 No.s …….. Liters capacity Tanks are required/

Concentration of Calcium hypochlorite in the bleaching powder solution

= ……. g/l

3. Performance Details of the Proposed Chlorine Dosing Pump

The performance details of the Chlorine Dosing Pump are given below and the
catalogue is attached with relevant areas highlighted.

Make :
Model :
Product Number:
Maximum Dose Rate/Flow :
Maximum Dose Rate/Flow in slow mode – 50% :
Maximum Dose Rate/Flow in slow mode – 25% :
Minimum Dose Rate/Flow:
Turn- down Ratio :
Maximum Viscosity at 100 % :
Maximum Viscosity in slow mode – 50% :
Maximum Viscosity in slow mode – 25% :

Dosing head :
Valve ball :
Gasket :
Diaphragm :
Other :

Power Required and Details :

4. Spare Parts Supplied

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