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Suggested answers

Section I Map Reading (15 marks)

1. X: knoll (1)
Y: spur (1)
Z: valley (1)

2. residential land use / recreational land use (1)

3. a. 386 m (1)
b. N59o E (2m: N58-60 o E; 1m: N57 o E / N61 o E)

4. Distance of footpath AB: 5.8 x 100 m (1) (5.6 – 6.1 cm)

= 580 m (1) (560 – 610m)

Section II M.C. Questions (10 marks)

1. C 6. A
2. B 7. C
3. C 8. C
4. C 9. A Section III Blanks (15 marks)
1. A
Tropics 10. B 6. Climbers / Epiphytes 11. B
2. equatorial / tropical humid 7. canopy 12. protein
3. four / five 8. Pacific 13. recreational
4. evergreen / tall / dense 9. C 14. / 15. wind, tidal
5. small 10. Nan Hai / South China Sea

Section IV Questions (40 marks)

1a. - areas of oil palm planting: increase
- areas of forest cover: decrease (2)

b Oil Palm Plantation Shifting Cultivation

- commercial farming / cash crops for - grow for own consumption
- large-scale farming / large farm size - small-scale farming / small farm size
- growing only single or two kinds of - growing a variety of food crops
cash crop(s)
- no fallow land - land left fallow
- fixed location - move from one site to another from
time to time
- operates by foreign companies - practiced by the natives
. (any 2 pairs, 4 marks)
c. i. - deforestation / natural forests replaced by oil palm trees
- disrupts the ecosystem / damages the ecological balance
- lowers biodiversity
- loss of habitat for endangered wildlife
- extinction of species
- rainforest is unable to regenerate / land degradation (any 3)
ii. - forest areas for shifting cultivation decreases drastically
- native people have to shorten the fallowing period
- native people cannot produce enough food / make a living on land
- they are forced to move / loss of homes (any 2)
1d. - Indonesia and Malaysia are less developed/ developing / poor countries
- oil palm planting brings jobs and income to the local people
- exporting oil palm as fuel can help them generate profit

- to repay foreign debts
- high temperature, sufficient rainfall favour the growth of oil palm trees
- it is a cheaper fuel (any 3)
e. It is a sustainable solution because:
- it can increase energy supply, esp. to the more developed countries, promoting economic
development of the more developed countries
- it can lower the demand for the extraction of fossil fuels
It is not a sustainable solution because:
- more rainforest areas are converted to oil palm planting, the rate of deforestation is faster
than the rate of regeneration, land become badland because of serious leaching and soil
- less trees to absorb CO2 as rainforests are cleared for oil palm planting, burning of palm oil
as fuel creates more environmental problems, releasing more CO2 to the atmosphere and
hence accelerating global warming problem
- decreases the land available for farming food crops, there will be less food provided to people

(1-2 marks: Brief argument over why oil palm planting in tropical rainforests is / is not
sustainable, single perspective
3-4 marks: General arguments
5-6 marks: Detailed arguments over why oil palm planting in tropical rainforests is / is not
sustainable, at least 2 aspects: environmental, social and economic)

a. radioactive water
b. - radioactive toxins last for decades and cannot be removed
- upset marine ecosystem
- kill fish and other marine lives
- contaminate seafood
- toxins enter food chain
- affect land-based animals / human health
- toxins accumulate in marine life  unable to produce (any 4)
c. – marine transport
- offshore oil extraction
- reclamation
- domestic / industrial / farming sewage
- dumping by tourists
(2 max if only land-based or marine-based answers)
2d. (i) – diagram should show 1. onshore wind 2. mountain 3.rising air cools and condenses 4.
rainfall 5. Location of A

(ii) - Place B located leeward side of mountain
- no relief rain / no moisture from sea
- rain shadow (any 2)

e. Can be avoided:
- many measures such as:
- fishing ban to allow fish stock recover
- ban trawling to protect marine resources
- artificial reef to increase fishing population
- no-take zones
- eg. HK
Cannot be avoided:
- population increases, demand for seafood increases
- fishermen catch will beyond sustainable level of harvest
- when one fish ground exhausted, fishermen go to another fishing ground
- difficult to impose fishing ban in international waters
- overfishing already serious in all major fishing grounds
- trend cannot be reversed as long as demand keep increasing

S can talk about either or both sides. Other points also accepted. Marks not awarded according to
number of points.

(5m with detailed explanation supported by specific examples; 3-4 m with general explanation;
1-2m with limited elaboration)

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