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F3 Chemistry Final Revision

7. (a) The boxes below show some information about two atoms, hydrogen (H) and deuterium (D):

Mass number  1 Mass number  2

Atomic number  1 Atomic number  1

(i) Suggest a term to indicate the relationship between a hydrogen atom and a deuterium atom.
(ii) State the number of neutrons in a deuterium atom.
(iii) Deuterium reacts with oxygen in the same way as hydrogen.
2D2 (g) + O2 (g)  2D2O ()

The product of the reaction is known as 'heavy water'.

(1) Explain why deuterium reacts with oxygen in the same way as hydrogen.

(2) Draw the electronic structure of 'heavy water', showing electrons in the outermost shells

(4) What is the formula mass of 'heavy water'?

(Relative atomic mass: O = 16.0)

(5 marks)

2005 3b
3. (b) Task : To prepare hydrogen gas from an acid.

Proposed method: Add copper to dilute hydrochloric acid.

(i) State ONE reason why the method is inappropriate.

F3 Chemistry Final Revision

(ii) Suggest an appropriate method to accomplish the task.

(2 marks)
2. X, Y and Z are three different metals. The table below lists the results of three experiments carried out using the
metals or their oxides.

Experiment X Y Z
Adding metal to cold water formation of a colourless gas no observable change no observable change

Adding metal to copper(II) formation of a colourless gas formation of a reddish brown no observable change
sulphate solution and a reddish brown solid solid
Heating metal oxide with no observable change formation of a solid with formation of a solid with
carbon powder metallic lustre metallic lustre

(a) What is the colourless gas formed when X is added to cold water? Suggest a test for the gas.
(c) Arrange the three metals in order of increasing reactivity. Explain your answer.

(d) Why is a colourless gas formed when X is added to copper(II) sulphate solution?
(6 marks)

1. Calcium reacts with cold water to give a colourless gas.
(a) Write a chemical equation for the reaction.
(b) In a practical lesson, a student added a few pieces of calcium granules into a beaker of cold water.
(i) Draw a labelled diagram to show how the student could collect the gas produced.

(ii) The student recorded the following observation in his laboratory report:
'Evolution of the colourless gas was at first slow but became faster after some time.'

Suggest an explanation for the student's observation.

F3 Chemistry Final Revision

(c) Potassium also reacts with cold water. State TWO differences in observation when potassium and calcium
are added separately to cold water.

(7 marks)

F3 Chemistry Final Revision

SPCC 2014 F4 Exam

12. 4.65 g of calcium nitrate was dissolved in distilled water to give calcium nitrate solution. Sodium sulphate
solution containing 5.12 g of sodium sulphate was then added. The white precipitate formed was separated
and purified.
(Relative atomic masses : Ca = 40.1, N = 14.0, O = 16.0, Na = 23.0, S = 32.1;
Avogadro constant = 6.02  1023 mol-1)

(a) (i) Calculate the number of moles of calcium ions in 4.65 g of calcium nitrate.

(ii) Calculate the number of moles of nitrate ions in 4.65 g of calcium nitrate.

(iii) Calculate the number of sodium ions in the sodium sulphate solution.

(3 marks)

SPCC 2016 F4 Exam

9. The double salt, sodium aluminium sulphate, Na 2SO4·Al2(SO4)3, is used in food industries for acidity
regulation. In 1.50 mole of sodium aluminium sulphate, calculate
(Avogadro constant = 6.02 × 1023 mol-1)

(a) the number of moles of ions present;

(b) the number of cations;

(c) percentage composition of oxygen by mass.

(3 marks)

F3 Chemistry Final Revision (Answers)

(a) (i) isotope 1
(ii) One / 1 1
(iii) (1) H and D have the same electronic structure (arrangement / configuration) 1
(DO NOT accept H and D have same no. of electrons in their outermost shell)

(4) Formula mass = 2 + 2 + 16

= 20 1

2005 3b
(b) (i) Copper has no reaction with HCl(aq). 1
(ii) Add Zn/Mg/Fe to HCl(aq). 1

(a) Hydrogen 1
It burns with a 'pop' sound 1
(c) Reactivity: Z < Y < X 1
Y is more reactive than Z as Y can displace Cu from CuSO4 (aq) but Z cannot. 1
X is more reactive than Y as X can react with cold water but Y cannot. 1
(OR: oxide of X cannot be reduced by carbon but oxide of Y can.)
(d) X is a reactive metal. It reacts with water in the copper(II) sulphate solution and the colourless gas liberated 1
is hydrogen.

(a) Ca + 2H2O  Ca(OH)2 + H2 1
(b) (i)

(ii) The calcium metal is covered by a layer of calcium oxide. Reaction between Ca and water starts only 1
when the oxide layer dissolves. 1

F3 Chemistry Final Revision (Answers)

(c) Any TWO of the following: 2

Potassium floats / moves about on the surface of water while calcium sinks.
Potassium melts (to form a silvery ball) while calcium does not.
Potassium burns (with a lilac flame) while calcium does not catch fire.
The reaction of potassium with water gives a hissing sound while that of calcium and water does not.
The reaction of calcium with water gives bubbles while that of potassium with water does not.
(Accept other reasonable answers)
SPCC 2014 F4 Exam

12. (a) (i) For 4.65 g of Ca(NO3)2

No. of moles of Ca(NO3)2 = 4.65 g / [40.1 + 2(14.0 + 16.0  3)] g mol-1= 0.02834 mol
No. of moles of Ca2+ ions = 0.0283 mol (cor to 3 sig fig)

(ii) No. of moles of NO3- ions = 0.02834 mol  2 = 0.0567 mol (cor to 3 sig fig) 1

(iii) For 5.12 g of Na2SO4

No. of moles of Na2SO4 = 5.12 g / (23.0  2 + 32.1 + 16.0  4) g mol-1 = 0.03603 mol

No. of moles of Na+ = 2  0.03603 mol= 0.0721 mol (cor to 3 sig fig)
No. of Na+ = 2  0.03603 mol  (6.02  1023 mol-1) = 4.34  1022


SPCC 2016 F4 Exam

9. (a) In 1 mole of Na2SO4·Al2(SO4)3, there are 8 moles of ions. 1
 No. of moles of ions = 1.50 mol × 8 = 12.0 mol
(b) In 1 mole of Na2SO4·Al2(SO4)3, there are 4 moles of cations (2 moles of Na+ and 2 moles of Al3+ 1
 No. of cations in 1.50 mol of Na SO ·Al (SO ) = 1.50 mol × 4 × 6.02 × 10
2 4 2 4 3
mol–1 = 3.61 ×


(c) % by mass of O = 16.0  16 1

 100%  52.8%
(23.0  2  32.1  4  27.0  2  16.0  16)


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