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e By Speed Post DELHI POLLUTION CONTROL COMMITTEE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, (GOVT. OF NCI OF DELHI) pe STH FLOOR, ISBT BUILDING, KASHMERE GATE, DELHI-6 visits at : it:/ F.No, DPCCKIOKUO)(IS1)/Leg.17/ 1349 0 — Yat Dated: |e-el-2619 To, : ‘The Pr. Secretary (UD), Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Department of Urban Development, 9 and 10" Level, Delhi Secretariat, LP. Estate, New Delhi-110002. Sub; Implementation of Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016. ‘The Central Government has notified the standards for discharge of environmental pollutants from various ‘categories of industries under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and the rules framed thoro under. Subsequently, the Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change has notified Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016, as ‘amended 2018 (PWM Rules) dated 18.03.2016 (copy enclosed), which inter-aia prescribes specifications with regard ‘to manufacturing of plastic products and stipulates procedures for Plastic Waste Management. AS per Rule (5b) of PWM Rules, Local bodies shall encourage the use of plastic waste (preferably the plastic waste which cannot be further recycled) for road construction as per Indian Road Congress guidelines or ‘energy recovery or waste to oil ete. The standards and pollution control norms specified by the preseribed authority for these technologies shall be complied with, Further, the Rule (6) of PWM Rules provides the Responsibilities of local bodies and the same is reproduces below: 1. Every local body shall be responsible for development and setting up of infrastructure for segregation, collection, storage, transportation, processing and disposal of the plastic waste either on its own or by engaging agencies or producers. 2. The local body shall be responsible for setting up. operationalization and co-ordination of the waste ‘management system and for performing the associated functions namely: ensuring segregation, collection, storage, transportation, processing & disposal of plastic waste; ‘ensuring that no damage is caused to the environment during this process; ‘ensuring channelization of recyclable plastic waste fraction to recyclers, ‘ensuring processing and disposal on non-recyclable fraction of plastic waste in ascordance with the ‘guidelines issued by the Central Pollution Control Board; ‘© creating awareness among all stake holders about their responsibilities: £. engaging eivil societies or eroups working with waste pickers; and 2. ensuring that open burning of plastic waste does not take place. pegs 3, The local body for setting up of system for plastic waste management shall seek assistance of producers and such system shall be set up within one year from the dats of final publication of these rules in the Official Gazactte of India. 44. The local body to frame bye Jaws incorporating the provisions of these rules. Contd... p/2. Regarding the Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016, a meeting of the Monitoring Committee was held on 04.01.2019 in the office of DC (West) war, OA Nes. 56 and 57 wherein the issue regarding implementation of Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016 was discussed. In view of above, it is requested to issue necessary direetions to the Municipal Authorities/ Local Bodies to comply with the provisions of Plastie Waste Management Rules, 2016. Encl: Asabove, (SM. Ali) ‘Member Secretary Copy for information and necessary action to:~ 1. The Commissioner, North Delhi Municipal Corporation, 4* Floor, Civic Centre, Minto Road, New Dethi-02. 2, The Commissioner, East Delhi Municipal Corporation, Plot No. 419, MCD Udyog Sadan, Patparganj, Delhi-92. 3. The Commissioner, South Dethi Municipal Corporation, 9" Floor, Civic Centre, Minto Road, New Delhi-02. 4, ‘The Chairman, New Delhi Municipal Council, Palike Kendra, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-01 §, The Chairman-cum-Maneging Director, Delhi State Industrial & Infrastructure Development Corporation Led, Heed Quarters, N36, Bombay Life Building, Connaught Circus, New Dethi-Dl 6. The Chief Executive Officer, Delhi Cantonment Board, Sadar Bazar, Dethi Cantt-10. 7 PS. to Secy.(Env)-cum-Chairman, DPC for kind information of Sectetary (Env)-cum-Chairman, DPCC. 8. Director (Env.), Department of Environment, Govt, of NCT of Delhi, 6* Level, C-Wing, Delhi Sectt., New Delti-02- 9. Incharges All CMCs & RDPC of DPC. \LAOCSEE (IT Cell)- for updation of DPCC website. 1. Master File (CMC-V). SA aw ‘Member Secretary 9% Xe “or Cort nee 9) meen sae 7 SSeS Ter 27a rereens] Reem Bre tym ate ‘MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT, FOREST AND CLIMATE CHANGE NOTIFICATION [New Deli. be 1st Mares, 2016 GSR. MME) Whereas the Plastic Waste (Memgericat and Handing) Roles. 20L! published identification suber 3.0 245(E), dat ¢*Fenrary. 2011 bythe Government of India inthe tube Minisiy of Environment and Ports, as amended from dae oie, prewind segaltory fame work foe ‘waaagerent of pani wast aerate in the county, ‘And whereas, to implement these ruls more effecively an to give thst on plastic watts ‘sinimieaton, somes segepaion, ro=}cing, evolving waste pickers, roycls and mast: processors ia calection of planic wate Eaeton citer fform households or my other saute Of hs generation © ‘etemedinte material recovery Gelity and adopt pollui"s pay principle fr the sustainability ofthe waste ‘management sytem, the Censal Goveraent reviewed te cxsig ule. ‘And wheres, in exercise of te powers confared by sections 6, ¥ ant 25 ofthe Baviconment (Pronecton) Act, 1986 (29 of 1936), the dat ele. sarey, ds Panic Waste Management. Rulon 2013 exe publied by the Government of India inthe Mins of Envenmert, Fort sod Clinate Change vide manber GSR. 4230, dale the 25% May, 2015 inthe Cazete of lniesinvding objections eel xagtions from ll person likely to be affected there, before the axpry ofa pti of sik) days rom ‘he date on which copies of tie Gazetecontaning ie srt rotifeation were made svalale tothe polis, ‘Aad Whereas copies of he sid Gate were mie arabe 10 the pub on he 25" May, 2015; And Whereas the objections and suggcionsrecrived within the sid perio from the gui in ‘spect ofthe anid datas ve ben ly snsiered by sic Cental Goveveas NOW, Therefore. in nersie of the powers coofeed by sections 3, 6 and 25 ofthe Envcoemert (Froteoe) Act, 1946 (29 of 1985), and in mupererson of the Plate Wiste (Managers nd! Hanlon) ‘ues, 2011, excep as respec things done er omited to be done belo uch supcrreasion, te Cental ‘Government herby maces the following re, namely 1. Short tie and commencement () These rules shall be eae ihe Plastic Wee Management Res, 2016. (1) Save a ocrwise provide I thes rues, they sal come ie Toree 0 he dt of their publication in (he Official Get 2 Appitation-(1) These rules sall apply w every waste generator, local Nowy. Gram Panchayt smanefacier Inporer and podaee (2) The mie salt aot apply to the export eieted wits or units in spiel economic zens, stiied by the Cental Goverament, manifectuing teir produc againt an valet for expert. Devide tht ‘xention sll ot apy to uns engaged in paging of gute, tbsoso id pan aod and lo to surplus reject, et over procs an the ike 3. Defialions- to dese nes, unless the cote emerwise requires ~ (©) “Act means the Enviroment (Prteion) Act. 1586 29 of 1946); ©) “brapd owner” scam enon or company mio seis. any commadiy under a egsered bea “THE GAZETTE OF INDIA exTRAORDINGRY (exer soe 360) a TTF OF OIA SERTRAGRDINGRY _(arr 90 300 abel (© “earey bags" mean bugs made Fon paste mura) compose place material, use forthe, arpone of carying ov dispensing commodities which tave a self carving feare Wt do not ede to conic om a er pa ecto in Win ges we eed we (© “eommodtty” means tangible item that may be bought or old ad incades all marketable pods (© ~cmporabe pli” em poi tnt adage dogs by bilogie proce ing cermporiag to felé CO, et organs compere el ems 9 concn oi st ows conposable mais excising Saves pero ore patos and fous nt ave ‘ibe datmpatate ots tor (0 “eomcat” mean th ont 0 eb dope fm he concern Site Pain Coad ‘Bow er Paton Cour! Commies ptt ener the Water" (Paweaton am Cone af Fallon) Ac. 1974 Sf 1979, me Air Grevenon so Cet Posteo) Ac 181 (i orisah. (2 “Aldatgraton” case psc akowa of ca fu ry el igen: 0) etended prodacer's copomibitty “ meas the renin of a producer fer the ‘svrooneny send amps of be dat alice ot ee (toot mean ey 6 et fod predec,ft Tod, pect or cooked fea in id powerless frm (0) “tay” wees be presses ed for clei Serge meeting rocetng an de of place wate: (0 Saporer” nessa pon who impos ones to mgr and hols an ponte Exporter Code ruber, nes ober peal erempe. © anion ware year” eats neues soir feito uns ae tulltiag ecu y Genel Government Deparnans. State Goverment Depts pil Fate vero sonpticn, howls seca colegee univenides orale pcs of eouton ‘auicten, aden, holes erat else sopping commis (m) manaactre” meas snd inca 3 pron cit rage angen in produto ple ‘mu mfr tobe ted nv meld Sy le pod (=) “wmlayered packaging” rary males we 0b wd for caging and hig a teat one ley of pass she matt ips tn corinaon wih on er more les a fata ach page pne tear posmers tah meal ay or auc cae ithe for ofa or vendo sca. ©) “plane mens revi nich coins as an ese ingeien a hgh pyr eh at felytyine trp hgy” dein puvctyine, Vin Tow. temly poe Febypepvion ins, mms like afore taaiee arene Fetypenlen on, agente Plutonic (0) “Panic hee’ mean iti ett het made of plat: (@) “plate waste-ncan ay plastic Sica oa ticinteaded we sve (0 “yreeibed sutborty ene shone specie nme (0 Spredace” wean pesoas cope! 0 scxtaut o import cay tags o¢sulayered ectapng oc pine tect oi cleats o nica uy pase set ae sors made f pote secs cr moilsyed paces f pastaging or rapig e Scamotine (0 Trereing” macs he proces of eanforing serge lc wast in anew proc or uta rpg vow pda Come nes 3) ewe sare 9 (@)—“regatration”" means epson withthe Sie Polution Cons! Hoaat of Pollaion Coat ‘Commitee concerned, ste case maybe: (0) “etree vendor” shall hae the same meaning at aislgned on case () of subsection (1) of ‘Section 2 of te Suret Yendxs Promstion of Lveltood aad Regulation of Stet Vending) Act 2014 or2014), (©) “Socal body” means utes local body with diffzcat soncaclaeae nxt as municigal cxportion, ysagapalika, sspaream, nagarpncbeyet encial couse! ichaling oot wet ‘commer (NAC) and nt iantod to o° anyother local body coma under he relevant sates ‘ch ar gam panchayat, where the management of platic wae is catated 40 wich agency, (co) “vngin plate” meas plstic material which has aot heen subjested to ae elie sd bat a9 aot ‘een bended wit sempor wate, (©) “mate generator” means sot incdes every person oF groap of persons 9 ntiuon eset ‘and commercial eaablishnents inning fcian Ravlays. Airport Port and Harbnr aad Defenee ‘ublnincat which pener plastic waste; wate cans te colkction storage, ranspottion reduction re-use. recovery. reeyeing, composting o isposal of plastic waxc inten cnvronmestally safe muse: (2s) waste picker?” mean individuals or ageacien, soups of individuals voluntarily engage or swtheried for picking of reyelele paste wast. 4. Conditions. (1) The manufscture, inpocer stocking, distrib, sale and use of cory bap patie sheets or HEs, ex cover made of plastic thet and rallayeredpacaging hal be oubject te ‘following concinons,nmely= 3) cary bags and plastic packaging stall either he ip naunl shade which is withoe any added ‘iements or made sing only se pigments ant colcorante which ae in coformaty with Yodan ‘Standacd 1S 9833:1981 ed 35 “List of pigments and celoerante Fo tues plaice in contact ‘wih foots, pbarmaceatcals and denking Water 25 mended from time tae P) Cary bags made of royce plate products made of recycled plate hall aot te aed foe storing, ceying, dlpensing or packaging ready reat cx crn Fd stu; ©) cany bag made of virgin ocrcyeled plat, shall note ess than fifty microns ia hicks, © plate set or lke, whichis ot am intgeal prt of multilayers packaging and cover made of ‘late sheet wid foc packaging. wraping te commit shal aot be les than Ry micron fm (hickaeas except whee the lcs of mic plats sheet pts he factional of te pedack, ©) the manuifictne shall og Sell oF provide oF amange plate to ke used a8 aw mate 10 a producer, aot hiving valid regisuaion from the concerned tae Pollution Cort Boats ot Pelltion Coneol Commie; sachets using pase materi shall not be sed or storing. packing or sling gut totaec and penmacee 2) recycling of plastic waste salt conform tthe lcian Stn: 1S [45341998 led se Gideines for Reeling of Pasics as amended fom tine fo tne: 2) “The provon of hicks stall nt te apiable ro cary bags mate upof corpse pat. ary bugs made fom mp ane sbal cov t he nan Sancr16 17882008 ile as Specie for Compostela s ene or tne ome The manseres f= miler of conporable plate cary bags sl bean a coucae tne Cena Polos Sone Bort tore madaag lho ead 1) plate mater n any forms secuding Vey Acatite- Malee Acid Vinyl Choi Copolymer, thal not be sein any package for patagng ans, pan nan and tobocs nal foes 5. __ Plastic waste management. (I) The plasic wane mansgemant by the rn local bode in their ‘spective jsscction sal eas ude 20 ‘THe GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY eee See 349) EA TOR OARY _ (Pore tS. 300). e ‘asic wate, wich canbe recycle, shall he chanseizad t registered plac waste recycler and ‘ecyeing of ple shal conform 1 the Incinn Stadt: 1S 14534 1998 tied ae Gali foe Recycling of Fass, es aren ro ime tote. (©) local boc stall cacourage Ue ise of plastic wae (preferably te plac waite which cama be ther reeycld) fox road constuction as per nda Road Confess gubelnes or enersy recovery ‘wan tol te. The dards und postion contol nor Specified byte preeibed aes for thee technclogies shall be compli wih, ‘Thc et platicwace sal be processed and drpesed of ax pr the guidlines insed from ie totime by the Central Potion Cott Board. ° 8) The tnr trom recycling or processing facilites of platic waste shall be dicpoeed of in commpance ‘withthe Solid Waste Management Relet. 2000 ors amended fom ine fo tone & Responsibility of teal boy. (1) Every local bocy shall be esponsine for development and ‘sexing up of intrasuucae foc segepion clin, scrage. transportation. processing snd apo of the plese wate citer on is owa or by engaging agencies or procuces @ __Thoocal body shal be rxponitle for eting up. openuionalisaion and co-ordination ofthe waste ‘nagersent ster and foc perfoming the asocated funciona, namey= (Bang seyeenion collation, args, sation, grossing an olf plac (©) ensuring that no damage is cand to he eavscomest daring this press; (©) camming chmmetization of recyclable panic waste fraction to recyclers: (@) ensuring processing and disposal on coo reycable faction of pase waste is accontance i die guldetines sued by the Central Potosan Control Bose (©) creating evaness among ll sahchoiders aor thei respons, (engaging civil sive er groups working With waste picker: snd (@)—eaeuring tat epen baring of plastic ate dose cc take pace. © |The loral body for seing up of tsiem for platic atte mansgerent shall sek aitines of ‘rosaces and such syiem stall Dest up Within one Yar from the dae af ial publicstoe of ee les {nthe Omcial Gaaete of nda. (0) The local byt fine byetaws incopy the provisions of thew les 7. Responsibliey of Gram Panchayat. (1) Every ram ganchayat either on is own er by easing 38 agency sll st wp, epersonalise and co-oaate for waste managers inthe rial ea Wat et ‘oot an fr pectorming he sociated fonctions, mene. (@) ensue segrguion,colletion, erage, tmasperttion, plstic waste and chatnsiation Df recyclabe plate ante fatoe cc recjclas having valid regietrations esucng tht no mage is cate to the etvionmsen’ during proces, (@) creating awareness emong al vakeholcers abou helt resperstities: nc (@)casuring that open burning of pas wate dace aot tae place 8 Responstility of waste generalor~ (1) The wasie generate shal 2) tke steps to mininize generion f plate waste and segregate panic wae at sours in sconce withthe Solid Warte Managerent Ruler, 000 or at amended fom te tine ©) ox ler the pasic wae and ensure segregned Songe of waste ot soure aad bandover seqegued waste 19 uban local body oF gram pascnayst or agecier appoiiad by therh or (episcred waste picker regisred vecyclerse wae collection agencies: @ ___Allisivtions! governor of plutic wae, sl sepezate and sore the wae generate Ny hem 'n accordance withthe Mncipel Solid Wese (Management and Fatuling) Rubs, 200 acted vide S10. SOLE) dated the 25c Specter, 2060 ander the Act oe acoder from tine to ie and hanovel so ms 3) oT 2 ‘seprepated wares to suthoried waste procensing ce dopo facilis or deposition centers iter ou is ‘om ce throng the stheezed wae collection agency, @)___Allwaste gmerstors shall pay euch ue fr oc charge at muy be specified inthe Lyelaws of he local bodies for plastic waste management sucht wast coleticn or eperaton ofthe faity there, ee: (@__Brexy person responsible for rgmising an even in open space, which involve service of feed ‘soft in plastic or muller packapine shall egrepxe and tanage he waste genereed og ‘evens in scoordance with the Monicipal Sold Waste (Mesagement tet Hatching) Roles, 2000 noted vide .0, 908) dad the 25% Seyerber, 2000 uncer he Actor amendment rom tie time. 9. __Responciblity af producers, Inporters and Brand Owners (1) Tae produces, within 3 pad of six montis from the dat of publication ofthese rules, shall workout movies for waste clloion ‘sytem bead on Extended Prodacers Respoabity sed involving Sate Urten Development Deva ‘iter indvidsally or ellecSvely, trough thet own duasbution channel of treugh the foal bod) ‘concerned. 2) Primary esponsibility for collection of wind mskiyered plastic sachet or pouches ¢ packaging 's of Pratoces. Imports and Brand Onmer vio iatocur the precast in te market They need 22 ‘sbi a system for coleting back the plate wae generated due to their rodoct. Thi pl of ‘caleton be bested 6 the Sate Poin Contol Bosrde tule applying for Cansent to Exes ar (Operas or Rencwal. The Brand Owners whote content has ben renewed before the nctifiation of these ‘al shal sani och plan within ove year fom he de of satiation of tese rls nd implemeet wih ‘wo yeas theater. ©) manaiacre and vse Of wor recyclable malilayed plastic if ay shouldbe phased out ia Two ‘yeu time. (8) The producer, widia a period of these months frm the date of tna publication ofthese rl i ‘the Oficial Gare stall apy tothe Pelion Cons! Hourdet Pou Conral Commitee the ‘cate my bef the States cethe Union Testes admizestion concerned, fot prant of egatration. (3) No preicer all on and after the expiry of m period of Six Month trom the date of final Publication of mse rules inthe Offical Gazete munufactae or ese any plastic ce mulilayered packaging {fo packaging of commodities without rzistation from the cncerped State Foluion Cont Boke of fie ‘Potion Coetol Commies. (6) Erez proder shall aaisaia arson of details of the peson cagags in wpe of plac est as fom snaerinl anaactere cary bags oF plastic sbeet or Ike oF cover Mace of plastic stest OF ‘mulleyeed packaging. 10. Protocol for compostable plate materiale: Detrtnstion of she depres of degradailty and espe of disegracn of pase mer shall be a per the protocols ofthe Indian Sears Lied in ‘Schedule-Tta these rules. 4AM, Masking oc abeng-<1) Bach plas carry bag an muliyere packaging eal ve the following ingoraaton prstd in Enplih sarely.- (2) sao rpisation saber of tie masufacurer an thickoes in case of cay ba: (8) same and segiaraion number ofthe manufsenrr in case of multlayseed packaged (2) same and extfeme number [Rolo] in case of carry bags made fom comporable place (2) Each recycle cary Dag shal bear 2 ate 3 mack “recycles” a sown Relow and al eons (o the Indian Sanda: 15 14334: 1998 ded 35 “Gaielaes for Recycting of Plates". a6 messed from timeto tine: (averse 30) (NOTE: PET Polyethylene trpbitalate, HDPE High denity polyethylene. V.Vinyl (PVC), LDPE: Low density pelyetnylne. PP-Polypropyene, PS-Pelystyene ted Other meses all other rns ee ‘mull-sauenals lke ABS (Anylocinle butadiese syrese), PPO (Polpaenylene onde), PC (Polycarbomse), PRT (Plybetyene terphalt) et ‘ach cay hag mace from compote plastic shal ea a akel “ccrpostahle” ard sat coferm ‘to the nan Stand 1 or 0 170882008 sed as Specifications for "Compoxtanle Fase ‘Prescribed authority (1) The Ste Poltsion Consol Board ant Polluon Conso! Commie in fmectat Uni ery false toc freer a te rvs of ewe us Manne & Seeaion ince hate rose a ete oe ee oa Sl @)__ Tae concerned Secret charge of Uitan Developcit of the Site or «Union Tent skall be the munity for enforcement ofthe provisions ofthese rules relating fo Wasi management by Waste ‘scence, se of plate cary bags, pase shee ce Like, covers mado of plastic sets and sallayered (@)__The concerned Gram Panchayat sll be the authority for enforcement of the provisions of these ‘les reling lo waste managemet by the wax generator eof pci cary bags, phe ster c ike ‘over: made of plac ueetr and mulayered packaging in te mimi ues of te Stite or Unies ‘Teror. (8) The antics refered iain subrales (|) @) sal ke he assistance of be Dsiet Mepoate 33, Regltration of prodocer, recyelers and manufactare, ‘bags or expe plans bags or mullayeced packaging unless the econ has obtained regalo Fern the Sate Polaion Conrot Board or the Polson Corral Commies ofthe Union Temioryconsered. st ‘the case may be, price othe commencement of production: @ _Brery produce sal. for the purpose of registration or for renewal of registion. make an applica to he Stats Pollution Control Board cr te Plicion Contel Commitee ofthe Usion erry ‘concerned. in Form @)__Bvery pets recylng or prczising waste o€ proposing to sere oc preess plac waste sll ‘make aa application tothe Siac Pollution Contsl Bee or the Pellaion Conta! Commits for watt of regisrstioe of enc of rxbsration forthe recycling ents For IL (8) Every manufacturer eogaged in manufacturer of plac tobe used at ca maveral by the podacer ‘Hall make ax application tothe Sate Pollution Conte Board or the Dolton Contl Corasite ofthe ‘Union terry concemed, the gat of eitvtion efor the reewal 9 epetaion, in Form I (S)__Te State Pollution Consol Boat or the Poltion Centl Comettee shall not ius or renew ‘egistration to plasie waste recying or processing units ules be unt posesses 2 valid conseat under the ‘Wee @eventon and Consal af Poludon) Ac. 1974 (Gf 1978) andthe Air Cnevetion and Control of Poitudon) Act. 1981 (14 of [981 along witha cerieae of regltationKsued by the Dis Indus (Cente or any eter Government agency autor inthis repre pr ne wea se sere 2 (©) The Stas Patsion Corto Boat or he Pelion Coto Corte hl ot aw earn ‘yada mls the pee passes, and aon pn eaoned bythe Seorany in ce ck Urban Development ofthe cone Suter Usion Teton for ting of paste wane mnagenent yam © On eceigco te splicaton complet a specs fore rpeto fo reeyeling a oeeing ‘tani wate ter be he Sse Poon Coc Dowd wey, afer uc ngugtar codes ‘ete and on being sted tat x aplcnt poses propre alee, chal apa od ‘sniporat to hae plate wade Sty may pont pstsion fo he apicnt on Rifles oe ‘infos say beled down in toms of ptesion © __Gvery Sate Pulluion Consol Boa ot Potton Conrol Comite shall cea decison oo the rat of region win nnety days of recep fan agplicalon which is complete intl resents. © The wepisiation ranted under tis rue sal iialy be valid for a pecod of ane yest, west revoed, pended or cancelled and sal sssequeitly be grate for tree Vex. (20) State Pothtion Cootot Board or the Pollution Control Commiters shall nt revoke, suspend ‘cancel repisntion witout providing the opporunity of « hearing the pce or poo capt Ia ‘eyeing oe proeatng of pane wate, (11) _ Every appieation for eval of registration sll be made a least one hundred twenty days before ‘he expiry ofthe vb ofthe regiraion ceric. 14. | Respomsbiity of retailers ant street veedors (1) Reales cr see veadors sal! oot sell er rove commodities to consumer in cary bags o plate sheet x mubiayered packaging, which ae not ‘manufactured an labeled or marked. as er prescribed ude hese les. @__Brery walle or set vendors eling or providing commodities in, plac cary bags oF smuldayered packaging or plasi= shee or lke of covers made of patie sheet which are cot manefactured or Ibelled or caked la acontance with th rules shal be ible Yo pay sah fines at specified under di byes of the eal bodies. 15. Rplict pricing of carry bogs (1) The shopiepers and sce: vendors wing w provide plac cary bags for &spensing any commodity shal roger wit local only, The leat Body sal, main a petted of tix months fom the date f Gaal publication of tose cles fon he Offical Gaze of India notation ofthese rule, by notification ora: onder uader thee appropriate dats slau e bya shall male provsios fer ach egisraton on payee of plac wate tanagerect for of mania ropes foxy eght thousand @ rupees four thoasad par mooth, The concrned local body smny reste higher plac waste manageasat fe, depenting upon the tale capsiy. Te coger shop keepers shall dopey ‘a promieent place ht piste cary bagy ace piven on pyre. (2) Only the epstereasnopkeepers or steet vendors shall be eligible to provide plas srry bags for ‘ispensing the commodities D_ The boca body sal ilze de amount pa by the customers fore curry bags exclusively for he ‘sustnailiy of waste managemnensyiem wit weit Jdisctons 16. State Level Monitoring Committee (I) The State goverment rth union Testy sl for the pupate of effective monitoring of mplemertale ofthese rake, comtiate« Sate Level AGYLMOy ‘Conmilte coniing ofthe following persons, surely (@) the Secretary, Department of Urban Development -Chaleman () Director tom State Departnent of Enisonmert = Mensber (©) Meaivr Secretary from State Polition Con! Hoard ‘rPalation Como Commitee Member (© Manisipal Commisicaer = Meniter (©) oncexger tom Local Body ~Mersber (©) cneexper from Noa Goveramestal involved in Waste Mansgeceent Member THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY axes 9) ESET OF A ERTRAORDINARY _ (Parr 3601, |) Comamisioner, Value Acted Tax hie nominee, = Member 0) Sales Tex Comninioner or Otc: = Menver i) repreestaive of Platic Asoraion, Drug Manufacturers Anscitico, (Chemical Manfactaes Assocation Meme ) one expen frm he Fld of day Member and (0 cne-etpert om he eld of seadem ination ~Momber )—-Diteetr, Mancipal acminisration -Convense The State Level Advisory Body shall meet a least nce in Six Month and may invite expe if it considers necessary AT, —_Anmual reportes (1) Every pesos engaged n recycling or procesing of plastic waste shall repre and submit an annual repo i Form-V to the local Becy soncemed nce intimation fo the Soncered State Pelltion Control Bost or Polstion Consol Commitee byte 30” Ape of every yer. 2) Every local body shall prepare and subst an anna report in Form Vt the concerned Secreay- ‘a-charge ofthe Uthan Developeent Departmen ude itraiont the concern State Poluion Conar ‘Board or Plition Control Conmitce by the 30 func, every year G) Esch State Potion Control Board ee Pottion Control Commits sl reper and subd an ‘uaa report Ferm Vite the CPCB oa the inplemestaion of hee res by oe 3 Ty, of ever yak, (© The CPCB shal prepares consolidated eel port on the ute sad management of plasc-waste ‘znd frwand ict the Cental Government slong white esommenditons before he 31™ Augest cf cher yea SCHEDULE: {See rale 107 [18/180 14951: 1959 Secale of he climate ascbe NaceesrRRNY a as RTS squat mada Matod by exasuiy the ony cna a nel Reisen [1B 7180 1052: 199% Deesaion of te shiame sce Hinman of asic GSE Me asses aie Mati by sai viv caren dstie T_ [1S 7 SO SE A Pass. 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Boxer Pllatioe Control Conuitee Vaccines ‘ee ciel evo ea NDE an GE a 1 the wit eaeed Win he DSS Huuaies Come at Be Tae Goveaset or Use Teteny? ye, ean oral capil invented oe poet o “Yer compencenest of pretcion Ear Tinta quran of peice sd by poe ® Titan queef a mate ed Tari Now iran of snuicwtng acs tow ap aa ‘pet in asf procs and mute gemnedacoing for pte powr portion sd ae Tunas of compiuce wah thee nl Tikoes — Sy mice (weak) [PERTAINING TO LIQUD EFFLUENT AND GASEOUS ENOSSIONS TW) Dew ewtaave nv coset wderthe Waser roveion seleonel ef Pain| Act 1974 (3 978)? yes stachacony Dose he wt ve 2 ald cose ee A Re ‘gd Corte Peni) Ae, 9H et 1981)" Inge. ateh copy PART—C PERTAINING TO WASTE Tiwi waren 1 (Gy Toa qua fee pecc {© Me ttconge sities pa {© oven a fc epoca I ‘Asch of Prove bat of posse sopping put Se melee ‘baer to eafscta cry aps ope dere af lite 8 ale 26 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY (waer see 369) SE AEE EDA EXTRACROINARY _(P0 $66 360) im "Rich a pon to prasad ord Oo om ecw emptied = Actin on eliing ck ae Tex aa Se Desintin a Pie: 1 fiaed Owner FART Boa x Nass hainar a Comoe 2 Teens face vou eisrion nace ET 7 Tote at piel vibe Da la Coan RET ovement Ue Teng Wye ua ay a Teak pied on Spe ©) | Yer efemenesen of poetic eS Ls entgaan o pedice dy o a gee er nat eat TART=B PERTAINING TO LIQUD EFFLUENT AND GASSOUS EMISSIONS 5 Dosti a a vl ret ier he Was ren satcomalet acta Ak Wet ITE? iyeumsacoy = Dost teu Be 1 se mre Ai nae ‘Carl tPalan) T t 3 68 yes uchacny TRE rexvARO TO WASTE D Swan wae (@) Tent quae of wate pred (@) ne oa wine ne {ovata ater ego ot wae EE Atacha Poide al pose npg EEE SRT z Aan pn oslening Sack pis wae or ‘Dessessen Dae ie: FORM-Ir eee 132) APPLICATION FORM FOR REGISTRATION OF UNTTS ENGAGED IN PROCESSING OR "RECYCLING OF PLASTIC WASTE 1 [Reseed ea oTinar a ew = sae Rn se Das ofecmmensnart xe to) Con Vay = Waar cvs & Gamat of Pian) AE Yale wo 1 Ale hevetion & Cota sf Pallas) At 1981 Vale ee -¢ Anhecmaton ala op = Flaie ach flow dagen of ie manutcaring nie Sager teach react 7 Probes Till cay ® =| =) == | = 7 Wane ppaernionla posing plstewane TG) a a (Wat Cancion ad mapa Gk ea] 5 Ware Dipole = == | & ow. or Pie dale of We dnp fay, witb ie tues abernd by SPC or PCC ene atch malls repr cf cuascrion ‘vase poeed (nln lensot tf apps T| ee af ple wae. propor = be seq |G) Name (ough ley aucion comet o impet t ee Sic (8) Quay eee year 1 ‘Greipel en lh ees Fis previa ale ofa: Palio Con Meares ‘Wate tie eit hss aingase poll, ca sues oe cqupnect to heck be sores of ‘len ffi Wier pss ha oe ‘Weeds ak i in comptmce wid cision Bid Yate dew the ld rer ‘Wed codions eto ae ely w i of Oe Yate (ute beng han or proceed pong sane imecie eyed mpact on he eon, “Wht: condone (rae Wl Toei of Be Tare seceal beng Ment peed by my ee (Soul 6 yeling ae reat (2 EAC) trie ay pounce omit ay, ote eleat ilo eibing Wwe oF scien mitigate memes a Es ofertas sr fF Name wid Sigma Designation FORN-1m (ee ides 138)) Da: Pace Wane ad ipa Foon 1 (See rues 77 (i) FORMAT OF ANNUAL REPORT BY OPERATOR OF PLASTIC WASTE PROCESSING OR RECYCLING FACILITY TO THE LOCAL BODY Period of Reporting: | Nae dB op i Bans tiie i iy CtacpieeFoxhohi ema 3 0 a a 1 (3) | Quiet pe ware teste Gat br Jar Oa] sowed opin eg wide use @ | Guyane wae peed GT Shani une yee om) re wns pcre re see) TH | ay of neo SS a A paw DT dette Ry waa mre enT eae Co as 348) sane 2» tial apo “Att epee CB) | Aaach sate af complies enronnsalconioes #7 ‘peril ding pat of Cowen! seston Siguaareo Opeior Dang: Plc [See ruler 712)) FORMAT FOR ANNUAL REPORT ON PLASTIC WASTE MANAGEMENT TO BE ‘SUBMITTED BY THE LOCAL BODY Peved of Roperting: | Nasae of he Cy oe Towe sd Sate: TL Fopalton | Ares. Blomaiers (| Nese & Adis of Local bay ‘Teleghove No. FexNe. Beni TS) Tota Naser af Ue wari Gears der jinn (6) Wott Numbers of Housbotds in the ace under aacictcn (7) Nember of houecholds covered by doo c deve lection (| Toad sumber of commercial sxtsbishvents and Iniltsiow ta We area wader juisiction “Comperialceslihients eaters | Runber of canercal esablihaeas aod Fetialonr faved by Geir 1 door caleesion Commer essttishents insta THO) Summary of the mechan porn plate Or Ranagemert of panic wan Oe aR ‘under jristiction along With the deiale of agencies savolnd in door to doce ale ‘Hy | Aah deals of Intanosare put le Tor maaagenen of plane Wa GRECO in be area uncer jection 2) Anach dewils of ifasrucure eae. any bag Si RON (13) | Cusaty of Fiasie Waste geseruted curing the year from area under aaiCiOa wa) CH | Cuaniy of Pras Wass coleced Gang the year Vom are Under jureaicion Gh teas) (15) Quay of ste waste tanned for eyeing ung he year Ua (15) | Gun of patie waste cannczed arse dg te yarns 17) | Quay of seat or rejects Sento ts Gung a yea ns) (1) | Deals fect of facies sed fr procesing ad Spotl Of pase WE 7 Feaity | 2) Nae of operator 3 Adltes wil Telephone Nunecor Maile 1) Copacisy 9) Tecoclogy Used 30 ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY rawr se: 0) ————— = |S: |* = = Fact 0 Name of i) Aes wits Telepbone Nusber ce Maite i) Capsnty 1) Tectnlogy Used Regia Nantes Yall of Reps (up 0) Ty | Gre cers ot Local bots own eunpower depioyed for collecten ‘acting strom eweeping secondary storage enspration. eucessng a disposal of waste Gi] Give dens of Contactor or concessonare's manpower depleyed for colle:tion inching set and eisposal of waste. TE wen bt ate eg Speed Oe Bo by Sg wih provisions of hese ues gccng te nana constrain tary CD] Weemer an Acton Plan tar been prepared for improving sold waste wamaperiem pacts ia he ct I yes (tach copy) Da oferision ‘Sigaatre of CEO or Municipal CoRiaTORE ot kecutive Oticer ox Chief Ofer a fom-Vt TION: nie wi NAGE ‘RULES, 016 FOR THE YEAR ANNUAL REPORT Format [TF Ne 17272001500) BISHWANATH SINEA. 2. Sey Up Be Wag Sree ES ET TT

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