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Preschool Sequences of Work * Additional resources

American sign language for landscape words and expressions

Hill Ocean

First make the water sign, then make waves
Make your hand move out and up wards,
outwards from your body.
representing flowing hills.


Use your closed fist to knock on the back of your Place an elbow into your hand, and stick your arm
up straight. Move you're the hand on your straight
other hand. Do this a couple of times. Rocks are
arm from back to front, like a tree.

Mountain Forest
This is a mix of rock and hill, as a mountain is
bigger and is often rocky. First make the rock sign
then make the hill sign.


Lay one arm across your front, make a tree with
the other arm, but place it near the elbow of the
First sign water, three fingers towards your mouth, horizontal arm. Then move the tree arm quickly
then show size with your hands on either side of along from the elbow to the hand. Lots of trees in a
you. forest!


First make the water sign, then show a winding The sign for grass is made by cupping your hands
river with your two hands near your chin and gently wiggling your fingers,
like grass.
Malaysia Preschool Sequences of Work * Additional resources

American Sign Language Alphabet

Finding ASL signs for words is fairly easy by googleing ASL + [word]. It’s a fun way to create meaningful mimes
and children can be led to think about signing as a language used by people who are hard of hearing.

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