Module 2 Exam - ALBERTO - GRANADA 2

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Raysean Beatrix D.


Dominic Granada


The RA. No. 8293 is known to be the Intellectual Property Code of the
Philippines. It is an act ordaining the intellectual property code and founding the
intellectual property office, administering for its powers and functions, and for other
purposes. The state considers intellectual and industrial claims only if it lean towards
the betterment of the nation. By betterment, it means that if the intellectual and industry
property would be able to engage with foreign investments, advancement of domestic
and creativity and makes sure that the market is available for the products. The
employment of intellectual property should achieve attainment for when the society
becomes knowledgeable about it.

To further explain, this act primarily aims to protect the intellectual property of an
inventors, scientists, artists and even any other citizens with bright ideas. This law
allows them to legally own their inventions by which it is protected by the law of the
Philippines at all costs. Through proper jurisdiction, an individual can claim their own
rights to his intellectual property if it is being threatened by frauds. This means that the
RA. No. 8293 law enables them to power and have authority on their own the research,
study, discovery or invention— give them the right to own something that is patented
which would undergo certain processes going by the law. Intellectual property rights
may be comprised of the following: copyright and related rights, trademarks and service
marks, geographic indications, industrial designs, patents, layout designs of integrated
circuits such as topographies and the protection of undisclosed information. The
Intellectual Property Office (IPO) should be responsible for updating the registered
patents, industrial designs, technology transfer arrangments and such. Technology
transfer technology is the agreements regarding a specific knowledge about the
invention or study just like the application process or about the manufacturing of the
product. It is basically a product of one’s unique mind and perspective that allows legal
rights to impede manipulation and their ideas.

The intellectual property code of the Philippines ensures that one’s work would
not be taken from them or plagiarized. It demands that no one could not just easily take
the idea of the owner and others would not be allowed to take credibility for someone
else’s work. This calls attention to scientists, artists, inventors to take on their path more
seriously and positively that they should not be blinded by any form of bribe and just
drop possibly the next big thing. This intellectual property provides standards in what
an intellectual property should be. These standards should follow the morality of the
society and be ethically accepted by the general public. For instance, if the invention
creates a good impact within the society and could even make a solution to what the
country is currently struggling with.

Eudaimonia is a very fundamental concept that can be perceived in the

intellectual property code. Simple when the inventor, scientiest or artist successfully
patents their work, they can achieve genuine happiness by doing their societal role very
well. The intellectual property code protects the patenter in this case from inventions or
studies that may seem or end up in a immoral act since the intellectual property code
swears by to granting patents and such only to those concepts, studies or inventions
that would be for the common good of the society.

As mentioned in the Nichomachean ethics, to have a good life you need to live a
virtuous life. Such as the intellectual virtue which can be acquired through the
experience and education of an individual. These can be the wisdom that we can
acquire, therefore the person can be functional and observe behavior that is ethically
accepted. This makes the person flourish therefore getting the feeling of fulfillment in its
duties and this is exactly what this policy doing. Pushing the scientists, inventors artists
to reach the greater good by continuing their job keeping in mind the moral standards.
Science is dangerous if not handled properly certain aspects can be used against the
human itself and may even create things that is inhumane thing to do and this is where
the intellectual property code enters the picture. The philosophical concept of Hegel can
also be related to the law in which he referred to it as the personality theory. He boldly
expressed that the ones that have moral claims to talents, feelings, skills, experiences
are ourselves as we are self-owners in this matter. With the intellectual property code,
one’s concepts, ideas and creations indeed belongs to them as it is an indication of their
personality, feelings, etc.

Stealing someone else’s work is something clearly immoral. It is one of the few
things the intellectual property aims to prevent somehow. The thing is that, an
individual’s work is something they have worked hard on and is something which cannot
be taken away just because. Gladly, the intellectual property code exists to prevent
those from happening. The intellectual property code encourages us to develop more by
doing our fundamental part in the society without having the need to steal other’s work.
By doing so, we can achieve good life and genuine happiness.


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