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Urban growth is the increase in urban areas characterized by expanding urban land cover (Viana,

Oliveira et al. 2019). Urbanization, which is the movement of people from rural to urban areas, is
intricately linked with urban growth. Urbanization is an influence on economic growth in urban areas
(Ioannides and Rossi-Hansberg 2005). With the promise of jobs and opportunities especially in
developing countries, rural-urban immigration is promoted and this impacts the economy (Thomas
2008). Many studies have been conducted to measure urban growth (Hasse and Lathrop 2001, Hardin,
Jackson et al. 2007, Akintunde, Adzandeh et al. 2016). A widely used method is the measurement of
changes in Land use and Land cover using remotely sensed data and GIS techniques to assess changes in
urban growth (Hasse and Lathrop 2001, Geymen and Baz 2008, Petrișor 2012, Hegazy and Kaloop 2015,
Megahed, Cabral et al. 2015, Viana, Oliveira et al. 2019). Drivers of urban growth like population growth,
economic development have strong effects on land use and land cover(Sankhala and Singh 2014), hence
changes in LULC is a good indicator for urban growth. Demand for housing, power, transportation and
other human needs which are concomitant with urban growth drive the conversion of natural land
surface to build infrastructure to support this demand (Viana, Oliveira et al. 2019). A physical
phenomenon that results from this is an increase in surface temperature of urban areas. Use of low-
albedo and non-reflective materials for construction of roads and buildings, reduction of vegetation and
anthropogenic heat release gives rise to the urban heat island effect (Nuruzzaman 2015). Studies have
shown a correlation between LULC changes and LST {Jianga, 2010 #17;N., 2018 #15;P., 2019 #16;Ullah,
2019 #18}.

Driving factors of urban growth differ by region78 (Guangjin, Xinliang et al. 2016)

Akintunde, J. A., et al. (2016). "Spatio-temporal pattern of urban growth in Jos Metropolis, Nigeria."
Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 4: 44-54.

Rapid rates of urbanization being experienced in Nigeria have created serious environmental
problems noticeable along the Jos metropolis. Evidence shows unguided and uncontrolled
expansion in all directions, resulting in large scale urban growth and change in urban land use.
This study examines the pattern, direction and nature of growth in Jos Metropolis for the time
period: 1984–2014 (30 years). The combined approach using remotely sensed data, with change
detection techniques and selected spatial metrics proved effective in understanding and
representing the spatial-temporal dynamics of urban growth. The results revealed that built up
area in the Metropolis had grown from 15km2 in 1984 to 62km2 in 2014 at an average growth
rate of 6.7%. In total, 47km2 of non-built up has been converted to urban area. The rate of
urban growth in Jos Metropolitan area can be divided into three key epochs: (1) slow and rapid
growth rate (1984–1991), (2) consistent growth rate (1991–2003), (3) very rapid growth rate
(2003–2014). The produced maps display a clear pattern of increased urban expansion. This
extends from urban core to adjoining non-built up areas in all directions, largely towards the
south direction and along major transportation corridors. The results of landscape analysis
revealed that the city experienced fragmented urban growth process, mostly towards the
outlying areas; while the urban core experienced relative compact growth.
Geymen, A. and I. Baz (2008). "Monitoring urban growth and detecting land-cover changes on the
Istanbul metropolitan area." Environmental monitoring and assessment 136: 449-459.

Guangjin, T., et al. (2016). "The Comparison and Modeling of the Driving Factors of Urban Expansion for
Thirty-Five Big Cities in the Three Regions in China." Advances in Meteorology.

Hardin, P. J., et al. (2007). Mapping, Measuring, and Modeling Urban Growth. Geo-Spatial Technologies
in Urban Environments, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Hasse, J. and R. Lathrop (2001). "Measuring urban growth in New Jersey: a Report on recent land
development patterns utilizing the 1986 - 1995 NJ DEP Land Use/Land Cover Dataset."

Hegazy, I. R. and M. R. Kaloop (2015). "Monitoring urban growth and land use change detection with GIS
and remote sensing techniques in Daqahlia governorate Egypt." International Journal of Sustainable
Built Environment 4(1): 117-124.

Urban growth is a worldwide phenomenon but the rate of urbanization is very fast in developing
country like Egypt. It is mainly driven by unorganized expansion, increased immigration, rapidly
increasing population. In this context, land use and land cover change are considered one of the
central components in current strategies for managing natural resources and monitoring
environmental changes. In Egypt, urban growth has brought serious losses of agricultural land
and water bodies. Urban growth is responsible for a variety of urban environmental issues like
decreased air quality, increased runoff and subsequent flooding, increased local temperature,
deterioration of water quality, etc. Egypt possessed a number of fast growing cities. Mansoura
and Talkha cities in Daqahlia governorate are expanding rapidly with varying growth rates and
patterns. In this context, geospatial technologies and remote sensing methodology provide
essential tools which can be applied in the analysis of land use change detection. This paper is
an attempt to assess the land use change detection by using GIS in Mansoura and Talkha from
1985 to 2010. Change detection analysis shows that built-up area has been increased from 28 to
255km2 by more than 30% and agricultural land reduced by 33%. Future prediction is done by
using the Markov chain analysis. Information on urban growth, land use and land cover change
study is very useful to local government and urban planners for the betterment of future plans
of sustainable development of the city.

Ioannides, Y. and E. Rossi-Hansberg (2005). "Urban Growth."

Megahed, Y., et al. (2015). "Land Cover Mapping Analysis and Urban Growth Modelling Using Remote
Sensing Techniques in Greater Cairo Region—Egypt." ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 4:

Nuruzzaman, M. (2015). "Urban Heat Island: Causes, Effects and Mitigation Measures -A Review."
International Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Analysis 3: 67-73.
Journal of Studies and Research in Human Geography

Sankhala, S. and B. K. Singh (2014). "Evaluation of Urban Sprawl and Land use Land cover Change using
Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques: A Case Study of Jaipur City, India." International Journal of
Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering 4(1).

Thomas, S. (2008). "Urbanisation as a driver of change." WIT Transactions on Ecology and the
Environment, 117.

Viana, C., et al. (2019). Land Use/Land Cover Change Detection and Urban Sprawl Analysis: 621-651

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