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4g a Part 9 WATER CONDITIONING CHAPTER 1. WATER CONDITIONING—GENERAL “This chapter will help engineers and owier, recognize the value of conditioned water and 4 ‘fleet on the économics of an air conditioning plant. . Included are discussions of chemical and physical characteristics of water, properties of water $otirces in the United States, and. characteristics of water cércalatrig systems. - : Since there are many companies specializing in the field of water conditioning, it is important'to retain ‘an experienced company ona continuous consulting basis to recommend and to administer ‘conditioning for each system. This practice is fc ‘ommended because the water conditioning progfam can vary, depending on the season of the Year, geographical location of the structure. to. be. ait conditioned, and on the changing chemical char- acteristics of the make-up water source, > “Water used in air conditioning systems may create problems with equipment such as scale formation, orroiion, and organic-growihs. As a universal: ¥ol. emt, water dissolves gases from the air and miieral matter from the soil and rock with which it comes in éontact, Environmental conditions at thé-air ditioning equipment may promote slime and algaé. To provide effective control for all components of. ‘a gystem, an appraisal of the system and water sure is Tecammented, A, water conditioning, rseain should be considered for all systems, thouigh in. t final analysis it may be found unnecessary... “The techniques and equipment required to. solve water problems vary with the character of the ater, the kind and size of system, and the facilities avail- able, An effective water, treatment sytem cdi selected for a particular job,-or the program can be designed to teat only some of the water. problems BENEFITS OF WATER CONDITIONING A water conditioning program i ‘A good water conditioning program produces high equipment eficiencies. i Hard water in a natural state is scale forming and, when heated, tends to deposit a lime scale. This deposit and other impurities accumulate on, tubes, valves, pumps and pipe lines, restricting flow and affecting heat transfer. Figure 1 shows scale deposit in a brass tube, The finned copper tubes shoi:the effec of corrosion. A very thin film of scale ig enough to affect seriously the eficiency of a heat trata surface. Chart 1 illustrates the effect of yarious thicknesses of sale (expressed as fouling factors) on the suction temperature ofa typical fooded cooler. ° Chart 2 illustrates the effect of scale on the’ cB densing temperature of a typical water-cooled, on denser. Since the amount of work accomplish the refrigeration compressor isa function of ie itt {condensing temperature minus suction temp ture)» mintinum fouling factors result cn mini energy requirements. ft” ‘Chart 3 shovis how qhe compressor horsepower’ pak ton varies with the scale-factor, and how onl small amount of scale in the cofdenser can gréaily increase the compressor horsepower. 5 nomic aspects of a systema; satisfactory and more continuous operation’ of the tir conditioning system. Water conditioning’ lowers powet'.and maintenancé costs, and increases the , equipment life. The following discussion presents 4 some of the reasons why these economic factors are Fic. 1 — Tunes Suowine Scate Derostr Ann alfected, Connosion CHART 1—EFFECT OF SCALE ON SUCTION TEMPERATURE : Facgab SUCTION TEMPERATURE YF} leaning may be riecessary more frequent Jow a fouling factor is specified without ¢ water conditioning program. sna ‘The fouling factor specified for selecting 2 Fetig: ration system ‘should be chosen with judgment based on experlence. Table 1] im Chapier 1 ‘suggested fouling factors. ov gqens CHART 2—EFFECT OF SCALE ON CONDENSING ‘TEMPERATURE PART 5. WATER CONDITIONING CHART S—EFFECT OF SCALE ON COMPRESSO ‘HORSEPOWER With Clean Cooler Tubes Lower equipment first cost is realized by a proper ‘water conditioning program which allows the selec tign of a reasonable fouling factor, Equipment fist cost is often affected by the foul- ing factor which is specified by the engineer. Assume 4 drive horsepower is specified along with a particu- Jar fouling factor, The larger the f6uling factor, the ‘more’ heat exchanger suiface is required to accom- plish’ the work load, This increase is illustrated in Table. WATER PROBLEMS Problems prodhited by water fall inio thee eaté- iories which are discussed in detail in Chapters 2,3 ‘and 4 respectively, 1, Seale formation caused by hatd water reduces the héat transfer rate and increasés the water pressure drop thru the'heat Gxchangér. 2 Corrosion can be ‘caused partly by absorption ‘of gues from the air so chat a aggiessive con- “dition is created and water attacks the expoted métal, In industrial areas this ts frequently @ major problem because. of heavy ‘pollution of the air by flue gases,. Corrosion is prevalent in solt water areas. 8. Organic growths of slime‘and algae which form undgr certain, environmental conditions can reduce the heat transfer rate by forming an Insulating coating or can promote corrosion by pitting Gu! Gan! J eGo eGo) eo) Ko) Go) el) ell) a VeQl) gl) i) Vacs) ec) ad cha’ thes ches be hoy hey cha oles che che ch des hes ow les hs thy tle ley las CHAPTER 1. WATER CONDITIONING — GENERAL TABLE 1—HEAT TRANSFER SURFACE REQUIRED TO OFFSET FOULING wy rOUuNO Toveeau mint Taansret , | Twceness oF scaur | INCREASE OF nequiRED mat STANCE cournIeNT “arox. MEAT TANGER AREA? (hy en eg rem On| og eg Fe e ‘cporniote eon so “m0 a soos Bs ‘me * oer oye “ on = ‘net ais: ms 1” a8 ce. ‘te 20 Thane © meen vale for He thormel conduct of the sel of 18 Both) On # Cg F per 8 . he oveall hoot sronfer count wslcad for tht tration (Pye for # wetercacled religerent condener, Hewert, ber WATER SOURCE APPRAISAL ah ‘An appraisal-of the water supply source should: include a chemical analysis and a determination of ‘composition fluctuation over a period of time. :£ ‘A water supply analysis’together with the est mated water temperatures of the system makes possible a determination of the problems that tay be encountered'on a specific installation. CONSTITUENTS AND CHARACTERISTICS OF WATER ‘The constituents of or impurities in water * classified as dissolved solids, liquids or gases, and suspended matier. x ‘An example of a dissolved solid is sodium chloride ‘of calcium carbonate in solution. Dissolved. snate- ‘ialf cannot be removed by.filtration. Oxygen and ‘arbon dioxide are:dissolved in water, but'in water sonditioning for afr conditioning these gases are not formally determined ‘in the water analysis. An:ex: ample of suspended matter: which can be:remoyed by filtration is mud, clay or silt. Table 2 illustrates the wide range of conitituents, in_typical..water sources. However, pH is omitted in Table 2 because itmay have a wide range in a particular water. Several cha‘aétetistcs of water such at pHT Yale, alkalinity, hardness and specific conductance are of particular importancé in water conditioning atid explained in detail. shi Ph Valve : ‘The pH value is one of the most important con ‘ol factors in water treatment. It isan arbitrary symbol adopted to express the degree of acidity oF alkalinity of a water sample, Newtral water has 9H of 7.0. Values below 7.0 and approaching 0 are ‘aus pou to have diferent overall ect tortr cou ‘Sepordng onthe ptors, tbe oft onthe oral het tant by. the sale wl ory - f 5 of Inde vara of tube In Bact exchonae, oi ‘TABLE 2—MINERAL ANALYSES. TYPIFYING COMPOSITION OF WATERS AVAILABLE At USED INDUSTRIALLY IN THE U.S.A.“ ai} ales] raza) ara} 25 a} va] ao] sof 2 ofa. wisn of the all ced to-neareat hele ot (efarnce "Number Indl losoen or oa ot fllows, "1h Cena apply — New York Cy oat {Dh Swen Wares (Colored) back Crack Mudebirg, Herida, {GhNiopera Rivet (Flared) Winger Fai, New York “17571 (Misr River (Untostd) — Arwroge aff {Well Weters— Pebile oppy ~ Devon’ Oe, 2080.8. [@Well Woter— Maywood, lot, 2090 lis. Gh Wall Water — Seid, Ye 390 Aa tba {Wall Weter— Reveal, Naw Hasleo Tien 89 (9) Ocon Water —Avetooe non ‘rons ASHIRAE Golde und Dats Bool 161 Ud ‘acids may have pH values below 45. A pH below ‘10 gives rise to corrosion of equipment with which ‘ater comes in contact. When the PH is high, (above 7.5 0r 80), calcium carbonate sale is deposited more readily. z “The pH is ustally righburéd By-aii elecerbtiéeelé BO-41° pH meter inthe laboratory. tean alsobe determined — by the nse of gr indicators, “conipattig the sol tion with standard shades of colors over the range of; a particular indicator. Tere-are several standard indicator slides to cover the range from 0414.0 pH. ‘The definition of pH is the logarithm of|the reciprocal ofthe hydrogen fon concentration. (motes er liter) a coe ‘where H+ isthe hydrogen fon concentration. 5.9 ry When pure water, H,0, ionizes into H+ and 0.000001, grams of by ¢ liberate “This cain Be written a5 thé Snide’ Sinjpotfane’ ‘chat BeBtitc of 'a water when determining ‘the scalé~forming tendeny. We fs defined in Chapter 8 Generally Sb of a water, and standaid acd tothe Boint of eolorefiange Searsic indicator. mea ~ Alkaliniey aye classified in ew ways Mt 8 spect tla fH vale as followd: + omedin _h Phenolphthalein alkalinity is aneasute'SP ihe aibonate and ‘caustic or hydroxyl ions 1 is determined by titrating downto a pHOL8.3, In natural waters phenolphthalein alkalinity 2 Methyl oraige' (Coal) alkali "of all the” alkaliie “substaricés, including, tie " phenolphthalein alkalinity: It, is..determined’ by titrating down toa pF of 48.-t jndaabt? ‘The diflerence betwen the wo Kids of aIRAlfnity is represented by the presence of the bicarbonate ion. ‘The phenolphehalehi anid meet] orange tid are commotly wied ii wiaier pondioning coitd 2 indicates a pH scale showing -which .constituents can exist at various pH valtics. "eater Methyl orange and_phenolphthalein alkainities may be interpreted as follows a “1, Whén thei. niiitn ‘Bi Chali stains mean ata ie alkalinity i: caused mainly’ by ‘ale, ‘nesiami ‘and sodium bicarbonates. Thi has a pH value les than 8, a PART 5. WATER CONDITIONIN ‘rom Beis Hananet o uta Water Casoaing, 162. a a Sea perme: "ic, 2—rHiScatz Fon Cossrerurns Ex 1 NATURAL AND Taeatep Wareas. 2% When twice the phenolphthalein alkalinity Jess than or equal to.the methyl. orange al Jinity, the alkalinity is assumed to be caused calcium,’ magnesium and sodium’ carbon: and bicarbonates. This water has a pH gre: than 8.5. 3. When twice the phenolphthalein alkali + > excends'the methyl orange alkalinity,:ther ‘» no bicarbonate‘alkaliniy: In this case the a + Finity‘is caused. by “calelum, -magnesium sodium hydroxides and carbonates. Such w hhas a pH value greater than 8:5.".: “The amount of alkalinity‘aid its type in a w: ‘determine to a large-extent the type'of water « ditioning required, Examples of how the above r may be'used follow. ih ‘hia al ae mnaany ee ie oe Dicarbowates, Example 2 — Bicarbonate and Corasinate Alkalinity “Methyl orange (MO) aa Phenotphhateln(P) aati ‘Twice the phenolphihalein alkalinity i Tess tha the te + orange alkalinity. Therelor, the albainty is caused t fathonates and carbonates; > “Two.tmes the phenolphihaleinaftaliiyy @ x5) =10 ‘asbonateallalinity as CXC, Bicarbonate alkalinity equal total staliity mlsus ox rate alkalinity (100~10)==90 pri as CaCO,, TS) Bll) ao) elt wo Yeo) bese) 1a") €o) 1G) @7) 7) & 1) ets CHAPTER 1, WATER CONDITIONING ~ GENERAL sex m9 F846, OTE: C40, em wit nomi CO, 2 ee ay rom ASHRAE Guide and Data Boot, 1961, Used by peralaion Fio, 8— Comparison oF Sotumrriss oF CAaLél SULFATE AND CALCIUM CARBONATE 1: Example 3 ~ Carbonate and Hydroxide Alkalinity >> Methyl orange (MO) akalinty™100 ppm 28 C100, Phenalpibatein (P) alkalinity = 5 ppm a8 C200: Since twice the phenolphthalin alkalinity (258) exseeds fhe methyl orange alkalinity, there is no larbonate al- alaiy presen. All of the akaKnity is preznt 2s easbonsies and hydroxides. ‘Two times phenolphthalein alkalinity mi ustniy (110-100). =10 ppm hydroxide alkalinity a Methy! orange alkalinity minus hydrexie alk 10)= 00 ppm sci allalinty 8 CxCOy. 7 Examples 1 and.2 are commonly encovinteréd in both oncethru and recirculating condensing -water stems. Example 3 is seldom encousitered. ©? >°-!* wy (oO Herdness ae Besta Hardness is represented by the sum of calcium and’ ‘magnesium salts in water although it may.indlude aluminum, iron, manganese, strontium, oF zing} > Carbonate (temporary) hardness is attribuced to, ‘carbonates and bicarbonates of calcium and/or'mag~ nesium expressed in ppm as CaCO,. The remainder, cof the hardness is known as noncarbonaic, (perma- nent) hardness which is due to the sulfates, chlor. es, and or nitrates of calcium and/or m ‘expressed in ppm as CaCO. Noncarbonate hardness is ndt as serious Jn water conditioning because if has a solubility. which is approximately 70 times greatet thai the carbonate hardness, In many cases, water may con- tain as much as 1200 ppm of noncarbonate hardness ahd not deposit a caleium sulfate scale (Fig. 3) ‘Water hardness may be classified as follows: greater chan 200, Hardness is sometimes reduced at the music water distributing plant by the use of a cold ‘limes cold lime soda, or by @ sodium cation ‘exchange (ceolite) water process. The last method is ‘used also in the home for domestic softening. ” In domestic wee hardness 5 recognized yO) difficulty in obtaining lather without an excessive.” ‘consumption of soap. The insoluble sticky curd i” ~ the result of action of the soap with the hardnésé ‘Wich hard water a scale is formed in vessels whit” water is boiled. a “The most accuraté rhethod for determining hardiness of a water is by calculation from complet, chemical analysis of the water. Many determinations Of hardness made at water treatment plants 46 nade with soap solutions, These resulis tend to be. ower and iess accurate than those based on labora tory tests. Alkalinity tests may be used to determine the amount of carbonate and noncarbonate hardne#s for control purposes 2s follows: ee 1. When’ the methyl orange or total alkaliniy exceeds the total hardness all of the hardness + Fitted by Biearbpnates and carbonate. 7 2.:When the methyl orange ot éotal alkalinity, 3. Jess than the total hardness: ie a ‘2, Carbonate hardness equals the alkalinity... “}, Noncarbonate hardness equals ‘the. ‘otal hardness les the methyl orange alkalinity. Examples of interpretation of hardnest 376 BR, here. 2 : Exomple 4 — Carbonote Hardoess costal Meny! eninge (MO) altalinity 100 ppm as x00} =>7TE Pout hardnes = pom as 620, « SR age Meshyt orange atkainity in this ase exceeds the aa Hale eeeratee all of the hardness present as carbonated farina. Se a8 secnple5—Corbonte and Noverborote Hetil Seen me: otoyaamty=10¢ ppm ab 00} a a ei pps, ese at seat hedne exeedh the may rnge alia Toa Nara eae qe te any. 8 see pom mono eee Seton ards equ al hrdnt ea aig or 0 pp s¥ Oy | | 36 PART 5. WATER CONDITIONIN, Specific Conductance 2 7777 TABLE 3—CONVERSION FACTORS FOR WAT ‘The specific conductance of a water, defined i “ANALYSES, Chapter 6, indicates whether galvanic corrosion Tio | mana a bbea problem. See Chapter 3: —— ‘rans po gallon vm wa METHOD OF ANALYSIS AND EXPRESSION aie poeple hed vas ‘OF RESULTS, ‘Grama perlier pen | 1080 ‘Water contains wide variety of dissolved lids’ _ Sma yr fw rm 1 or compounds which’ aré mostly metals joined. radicals. When a sample is analyzed in the labora tory, it isnot feasible to measure the compound, The, metal and acid radicals are, therefore, determined’ separately, Results are expressed in parts per million: (ppm). When a salt, ies sodium chioride, NaCl, de, solved in water, the two ions of which itis composed ‘may be considered as existing separately; Na and Cl can thus be measured independently. It is practical to determine the metal (calcium) separately, jrre: spective ofits combination with the bicarbonate radi ‘al, HCO,, forming calejum bicarbonate, Ca(HGO)», or with the sulfate radical, $O,, forming ciléi sulfate, C280, Similatly the acid radicals are det ‘mined separately; the' bicarbonate, HCO, the sul- fate, SO, and the choride, Cl, are ,measited irrespective of the inetals combined with th the ionic form, each element or radical is se individually. This method is convenient and. interpret and use, Results are expressed im pares per million (ppm), although grains per gallon (gpg) or equivalents per rillion (epm) are sometimes used. References 2.3, and 4 describe the entire procedure for snaking water analyses and several methods of reporting e- sults. When units ate expressed in grains per gton smultipy gpg by 17.1 obtain ppm (Table 3). cfs cdmmon practice to report some of the con- stituents on a ‘common unit or equivalent weight basis. The unit weight of the individual substance is calculated by the unit weight of another SHO RAE water # Goriveriely, carbonates are readily converted to. “the more soluble bicarbonates by the addition ‘carbon dioxide or other acidic materials. (Carbor Gloxide gar in water forms carbons aca) Tet explains the apparent increase in solubility’of ‘al cium carbonate with a lowering of pF (Fig3) ie carbonate goirig into solution as- bicarbonate. fal cium bicarbonate is several times mofe soluble than? ‘calcium carboriate..The addition of acid (explained : in this chapter). also produces. another effect:by_ ‘changing the bicarbonate and extbonate to a rhore? ‘oluble compound, thus allowing a higher concen: wation of chemicals in ‘the water. Thus, a high ‘methyl orange alkalinity anda high calcium edntent aid the deposition of calcium éarbonate. "7 As illastrated in Fig, 3, a low pH incresie‘the” solubility of calcium earbéiate, whereas a high pH ‘aids the deposition of calcium carbonate. ‘A high temperatire decreates the solubilitj ‘iim carbonate and aids the scale deposit ( Val el x a) a} } J _) J Jel) acl 180) SO) ee ee sue Dissolved solids of high concentration increase the scale deposit; however, the effect is mot great. CALCIUM SULFATE SCALE Calcium sulfate has a high solubility (Fig 3), and is seldom a problem in water conditioning unless there isa hgh ulate inthe makeup water. 1 may bbe formed (1) by the action of sulfur dioxide gas from the air dissolving in water to form sulfurous, H,S0,, or sulfuric, H,S0,, acid which in turn com ‘ines ‘with calcium carbonate, or (2) by feeding sulfuric acid for calcium carbonate scale control. Calcium sulfate-is limited to-1200 ppm as CaCO; (1680 ppm as Cx50,). Bleed oftis used to comtrl this ‘concentration. IRON OXIDE DEPOSIT aa Tn che case of well waters posting & high fatal iron content, deposition of iron oxide from the composition of ferrous bicirbonate“takes ae in accordance vith the following reaction: HaiCoy 48; > Hej0, + 800, + 45,0, wisionne Fon" ide Sei tmEE stvOGE | Sludge may bé caused by the produits of ectidtion inthe system, Polyphosphates which are used to pre- ‘vent calcium cathonate scale formation may ‘case 2 precipitation of calcium phosphate Whenever the ‘concentration of orthophosphate is too high. (Refer to the discussion of scale inhibitors in this chapter) A sludge may settle out in, the water boxe 6f tubes. Consequential for Allan so prevent sludge settling in the tubes js three fp PREDICTION’ OF. SCALE-FORMING. bigot TENDENCIES : want ‘Water which forms a mild scale can be corrosive;» whereas water which forms a heavy scale i less likely. tobe corrosive. Corrosive waters uiually d6 not form” sale. If correét balafce is found in water:conidi- _ tioning, the water will be neither corrosive nor scale forming, or only mildly so: Two indexes cin-bé used: to predict ecale-forming tendencies!" 00" fst! LANGELIER SATURATION ‘INDEX Ree Professor W. F. Langelier® advanced the idea, now. widely accepted, of using a calculated saturation, in- dex for calcium carbonate for predicting the scaling or corrosive tendencies of a natural water. Cal carbonate is usually the chief ingredient of seale found on heat tranifer surfaces in. cooling! water systems, The scale that forms under moderate teri: PART 5, WATER CONDITIONINe ‘TABLE 4—PREDICTION OF WATER (CHARACTERISTICS BY THE LANGELIER ‘SATURATION INDEX TANGELIER SATURATION ae TENDENCY OF WATER 420) teal forming, ond or prot! purpoos noncorcse ‘ihily earoive and sete: ‘upon heating: the, scale is also affected by an in crease in alkalinity suficient to cause supersaturatior ‘with Yespect to the, calcium carbonate, pH has ¢ marked effect on the solubility of calcium carbonate ‘The Langelier Saturation Index (I,)is determines by the following: Te Ha BM ~@ whe oH PH, When [, equals zero, saturatioa’ éqitilibriue exists; there is no scale formed or litle corrosion, When J, is negative (pH less than pHi.) corrosion ‘of bare metal occurs’and any small scale is dissolyed. ‘When 1, ‘is positive (pH greater than H,), there exists a‘condition of supersaturation which tends te deposi scale on the hottest part of the system. These characteristics are shown in Table: When the Langelier Indéx is 10.5 of greater, sca: {nig usually occurs “The severity of scale formation inereases in logaritimic proportion to the increase fin Langelier ‘Indek ‘valtes." For examiple, a. water having an I, of 20°theoretically fesults in approxi mately 88 times as much scale as an index of +0.5 in the same systeri. Even though this relation may not bbe strictly true on a quantitative basis, it indicates that scaling can be very heavy whea I 52 ‘Tables prepared by Notdeli® are more convenient for making repetitive calculations of pH, in deter- mining the Langelier Index. The method ysed by Powell is presented in Chart 5 because the relative effect of the variables is feadily apparent by an ex BET trom test ‘ealeolated pH of saturation ofthe caglum carbonate LT CHAPTER 2, SCALE AND DEPOSIT CONTROL 20 bas CHART 5—LANGELIER SATURATION INDEX as constant “c i ExAMPLE Hrewpsi20%F pH-80 feeHiaRONESs "zo Pew WAURALNIEY 00 Pe Hrotat souos-210Pem + | olerenence » ype ae SATURATION INDEX peace 4s adaearen Buisbiva ae oH set a Paes SaaS Hans sobe? fas cacy TRAD ab a0] fe savers OE 4h, Zs 2 S50 zs 2 a 7 Lastest nd least us| IB ch abet 4s di with Bajos ‘er 10 29.30 59 160. 700300 500.1000 50007 HORII Paks PER MILLION esisyaet satay ‘Prom Water Condionlag For Inde, by Sheppard. Powel, Meraw:Hit Book Go nc 1984, Used by pari." ae Vg) ga? ia J) gol) good -) gu! 3 Delle a) a 2) =) ec I 1a) 5 * ae es sl el al el a a als a jG aan len -cates the tendency of a water to be either corzosi 5d amination of the curves. Fhree curves reptesent log factors of calcium, alkalinity, and combined total solids and temperature, These three factors when ‘added together give the pH,. An example is demon- strated on the figure, A second example illustrates the Langelier Saturation Index for a water ‘aoncethra condenser, = =~ Example &~ Langet index cod Sealing ene = “agli Sairaon Baden). ~ Sealing tendeney Sobion? ‘rom Char ‘DH, = pALK pa + "e" sale a Teka + BIG LA TAT 4,=pH— payer tst=— on, ‘This water milly cormenvé and nonscaleforming, Tihie use of the’ Langelier Saturation Index-indi- ‘or scaleorming, and is intended only to sérve as a guide in prescribing water conditioning for a given job. Te is not-a:measure of the ezpacity to scale. A ‘water having a high hardhriess and positive saturation index definitely causes a calcium carbonate’ scale, whereas a low hardness water with the same positive saturation index may not form any appreciable cal cium carbonate scale, RYZNAR STABILITY INDEX . ‘The Ryznat “Stability ‘Index*- is. an. empirical ‘method for predicting scaling tendencies, and i based on a study of operating resilts various saturation indexes. m3: “ * Siabiiy index = 2px, ‘This index (always positive) isioften used with the Langelier Index to assist: in’ predicting more. accu rately the scaling or corrosion tendencies of a water. Table 5 ilustrates how to predict water, character- istics with this index. PREDICTION OF pH, OPEN RECIRCULATING SYSTEMS ‘The Langelier Saturation Index and the Ryznar Stability Index are useful in predicting scaling tendencies for oncethru systems. They also afe use- PART 5, WATER CONDITIONIN ‘TABLE 5—PREDICTION OF WATER CHARACTERISTICS BY THE RYZNAR STABILITY INDEX, TRYENAR STABILITY THDEX | _~TENDENCY OF WATER 40-50 ‘nary ssl so-eo Tight scale 6070 ile sea oe enrni 79-73 ‘vrrin sean 75.90 ay cordon 2. higher vrai tleable ful for open ieceulating systems. However, theré j {2 problem in predicting the pH for yarious cycle ‘of concentration, Whe water recirculates thru a heat exchange and cooling tower or other aerating device, the pr is usually different from the pk of the make; water because the alkalinity of the water, aeratio in the cooling tower, and contamination of the at shosphieré by sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide anc ‘other gaies all influence the pH. Generally, contain nation from the air tends to lower both the pk and the alkalinity. The pH for a’ cooling tower o for an evaporative condenser in, the majority 0 systems falls within the shaded area in Chart 6, Th. solid line is used as an average. Cooling towers oper + ating. inf’a clean atmosphere normally have a ph higherihan the average line... Tn industrial arexs there is sometimes enough sul fur dioxide and carbon dioxide gases in the air te the alkalinity in the makeup water re sulting in a pH down to 4.0 or 5.0 in some cases. Tht is particularly trie when the methyl orange alka linity inthe make-up water is lower than 50 ppm. ‘When this condition exists, there is no scaling; how fever, corrosion is a problem, Refer to Chapler 3, Corrosion Control. ~ Special carves and dita based on experience are available from some water treatment companies for predicting pH values in recireulating water systems. EFFECT. OF SCAiE inihIBITORS ON LANGELIER ‘AND RYZNAR INDEXES “The Langelier atid Rymai Indexes ae for waters ‘without scale inhibitors. A water with seale iahi tors gives the same index as untreated water. Con- sequently, the index for a treated water may show heavy scaling although it may not be seale forming. Rymar reports that with 1.7 ppm af polyphosphate there is lie seale formed with an’ index of 40, whereas this indicates 2 heavy scale deposit in wr treated watz. CHAPTER 2 SCALE AND DEPOSIT CONTROL CHART 6—EXPECTED pH OF COOLING. TOWER ‘WATER fobs abit WH oF cbauna torch waren’ “722 eng, owe saga of wees arng "Sane ate te SM Example 9 ~ Scaling Tendeney of Costing Tower Ste! liens cast ‘Acooling tower system ‘Make-up water methyl orange alkatiniy ‘ppm as CaCO (calcium hardness, ppmat CaCO, ‘Tota stds, ppm ‘Total hardness, ppm as CACO, wo. igzs ‘Water temperture Ds Find: Sealeorming tendency Solution: ‘Asume 1 1, 2 and $ eples of concentration ‘a de tine the Langeler and Ryamar Indexes = Mukiply de’ Goncentraton ‘of chemicals in th ater bythe eye of eoncentraton to obtain the nce ton for the vats eyes ne aa Cres oF Cocemmnon] “1 [1 DP Methyl once alain,» = pm as C360, ov | vs | ioe Citcium harass, aa ppm ar CaCO, as | ze [a0 Foul wl ppm. | wes | 1? | ‘Tout bere, e ‘Ppa a8 C0, 109 | ves | 218 en a Resils PH ing he average line (Charts) ao | ra | ae Bf, GF of aration skcico,, charts) | 7st | 722 | 697 ‘Langler index (@H—piig)| a0 | baa [has [aia Ryenar Index 2pH,—-pl)] 608 | 704 | Bat “Ye attiny may not vary ety a the eyes of conse tuntion bec soe a the sala fs weed Wy ae? fonne wha slfr dose and enon docde gest he ait ae aborbed in the water. However, this accra fmough for an eximat, Note ao that the cxpeced pit {Chart 6) sx rough approximation. “ An examination of the Langelier and Ryznar Indexes isi the , ‘aml nd Tbe ond ee the lying ene” 1. With iyg cyl of conesitaion the Langsier Inde 154018, vexy alight sling, The Rye ladex ie 7.8 ‘ery lui wate or coro. THeeore, 14 ees may be titactory without ‘any condiionng. chemicals However, experence iy inate tat 3 oieson Ja ibitor is desirable; <= - done 2 With 2 cycles of concentration the Langélier ‘Index’ is° +4078 when ie saeorming. The Ryne Inde e624 indicating tds sete or cronon. Two cys may Be susfactry, but tay ret ha sme sale deposit, 3 With 3 ees of concenttion the water defy saaleforming. Scale may redly be convoled by a6. + ng 25 pom ot polyphesphate Since te sea at 4 eer it only 576, polyphosphate treatment ix stn factory. ‘SCALE DEPOSIT PREVENTION aten(and Several methotls may bé used to avoid.or lessen the deposition of seale. Ss ye 1. The increase in total solids caused by.evapora- tion in a recirculating system may be controlled.:: by bleeding off some of the wateraccompanied ! by additional make-up water. ra a0 2. The tendency of calcium carbonate to.piecipi'd tate may be inhibited by the addition of chemi» ‘als, ie. polyphosphates; which tend to hold thé>iy calcium carbonate in solution, «= «13.98 fi8T + 3. The pH of the water my be lowered by additig’ an acid (usually sulfuric) to reduce the’ alkali " fty, but not enough to develop an'acid condi~d tion which may cause corresion, © 9 lyse 4. The water maybe treated before use to rexiové'° the elemtents of calckim, magnesium andsiron® which form relatively insoluble comp BLEED-OFF METHOD + sanitdhina Biced offs upd in ll open recirousing seme > where water is €vaporated. This may be sufficientitints some cases, but additional conditi¢ning is usualiy:re:72 ‘quired for either scale or corrosion control; or both. SCALE INHIBITOR METHOD salen Some materials inhibit crystal growth anid thereby, prevent scale formation. These surface active agents, | increase the solubility of the scale forming salts and, ; permit an oversaturated condition'to exist without. precipitation from solution. Some of these materials. wos) we) teas) eS. i J J el) et So) el) a) ee) ee) 2? Err 44 4 5-16 PART 5. WATER CONDITIONING CHART 7—BLEED-OFF REQUIRED:TO PREVENT SCALE FORMATION "100 Ton Syste, see 219-07 Fon 100 TO STE er axe polyphosphates tannins, Tighins and starches."A combination of several of these surface active agents may be more effective than a single material alone: Polyphosphatey'in concentrations of 25 ppt ate used to prevent;or reduce scile formation: Chart.7 shows the bleed-off required to prevent scale forma- tion, both with and without polyphosphates. “The bleed-off in this Sigure is the sum of bleed-off:aind wwindage loss (Chapter 1); subtract the windage loss toobtain the ainount of bleed off wasted to the drain. ‘This is an approximate curve which can be used for rough estimating for the, average air-conditioning installation where, the condensing temperature, is between 100 F-and 120 F. [tis based on a maximum methyl orange alkalinity of 125 ppm as CaCO; with- ‘out polyphosphate treatment, and on. 400, ppm as ‘CaGO, when 25 ppm of polyphosphates are, used. ‘The actual pH, calcium content, and temperature all have a marked effect on the deposit of calcium carboriate. Specialists have developed’ data” and.~ ‘curves from experience which show-.values both above and below those shown in Ghart-7.,These curves normally include the calcium content and pH in addition to the alkalinity. “e Polyphosphates which are molecularly dehydrated , phosphates revert eventually to the inafletive ortho: phosphates when dissolved in water: this reversion takes place in the recirculating water system, For this reason polyphosphates must be stored in thé ‘dry form. Too great a concentration of the orthophos: phate in che aystem can result in the deposition’ of calcium orthophosphate sludge, particularly when high calsium waters are involved. The orthophos- phate content of the water is limited to two or three times the polyphosphate content by the use of bleed- off. This is particularly important when high poly- phosphate residuals are carried for corrosion ‘con- fol. A method of determining the pH of saturation of calcium phosphate is described in Reference 8. ‘ACID METHOD” : Polyphosphates may be used aloné_or with acid treatment and corrdsioin jnhibitors."A. greater con- ‘centration of total solids ls perinitted when acid is added to. the sysiem.-The calcium bicarbonate is converted to the more stable and soluble calcium sulfate as illustrated in’ the following reaction: CalsIC0,), + H,S0, + C380, +260, + 21,0 wide tT > Sale + lode PO “Thhus, acid ireatment reduces the alkalinity and, by virtue of this reaction, sinimizes the over- saturation of the:calcium carbonate. Also, calcium sulfate is much more soluble than calcium carbon- ate, The use of acid permits a greater concentration fof dissolved solids without precipitating calcium carbonate. For estimating purposes in recirculating systems, one” ppm of sulfuric acid is required: to neutralize one ppm of methyl orange alkalinity 28 ‘CaCOy in the makeup water. Figure 3 lustrates the far greater solubility of calcium sulfate over caleium carbonate, ‘When sulfuric acid is added to a onceshra systern, only. enough acid is added to neutralize the methyl ‘orange alkalinity to Tower it to the permissible con centration, It is necestary to use only about onchalé of the theoretical sulfuric acid fora once-thru system, ‘whereas the full amount is required for an open re- Greulating system, In the once-thra arangement, the deid is introduced upstream of the condenser where oth sulfuric and carbonic acids reduce the alka- ty (carbonic formed by carbon dioxide and water). In the oper’ recirculating system the acid is jntroduced downstream of the condenser. Carbon dioxide gas is removed by Weaeration in the cooling tower. Occasionally, inhibited sulfamic acid, HSOsHNe is used in place of sulfuric acid. Sulfamic acid (@ white crystalline material) is safe to handle when dry, is more convenient for some applications, but is ‘much more costly than sulfuric acid. To prevent formation of ammonium compounds which are very corrosive to copper, the temperature of the acid solu- tion should not exceed 160 F. CHAPTER 2. SCALE AND DEPOSIT CONTROL REMOVAL OF HARDNESS IN MAKE-UP WATER ‘Removal of hardness in makeup water for con- denser water cooling systems is seldom necessary although this is common practice for steam boiler makeup the fon exchanger (éolite) soften- ing proces, the calcium is replaced by sodium which is very soluble, However, zeolite softening does not’ decrease the alkalinity of the makeup water; a large bleed-of rate still may be required to prevent scal- ing. This is one of several types of water softening processes. * WATER CONDITIONING METHOD FOR SCALE CONTROL ‘The most common practice is to control the chem- isuy slightly on the corrosive side to prevent scale formation and thén add ¢orrésion inhibitors. ” ‘The choice of a particular method or methods for water conditioning depends upon the chemical com- position of the water, the cost of various methods, ‘and the ‘economics of the yarious combinations. ‘Sometimes a heavy bleed-off may be the only require- Sar ‘ment for a recirculating systera, but it may be more ‘economical to add water conditioning and save on water cost. Where is required, it may be controlled by a meter which measures the conduc- tivity of the watesnather than by using a constant rate of bleed-off. The conductivity may be a good indicator of the scaling ability of the water if the ‘majority of the impurities are calcium and bicar- ‘bonates, When there is no cbirosion problem, a sim- pple or partial treatment to prevent scalitig may be selected which may require an occasional acid clean- ing of the condenser rather than a complete water conditioning: program. This partial treatment is ‘more applicable to the small system when the cost of feeding equipment and consulting services may bbe large compared to the coit of an occasional clean” fing of the condenser tubes. In many locations there {sa severe corfosion condition and water condition- ing for corrosion prevention is’ necessaéy, even though scaling is not a problem. Chapter 5 gives details for water conditioning ti prevent scale formation for the several types of systems, JS ME EET ET Gee ee ee) ti ec. d. a&. a a. a. a el a a. a a d a 4 4 ‘This chapter includes a discussion of the types and causes of water circuit corrosion and methods used to prevent cofrosion in a system. Corrosion monitor- ing and problems external to ‘the ‘conventional ‘water sytem afe also presented. oii Corrosion cautse*and prevention’ is.a Inge’ field which is brifly:discussed hiere. soe ‘Corrosion in an‘épen water recirculating intwhich water sprays come in contact with air isa greater problem than scale deposit. In some indus- trial areas, it ig not uncommon for pipes or parts of a cooling tower ‘systéi to corrode thru ii two to three years; in severely corrosive atmospheres pipe may peiforate in less thai a year. oon Cétrosion produicis reduce the capacity’‘of’ the lines, increaie’Frictiofal Yesistances, and, inefeate pumping costs! The products of eorrosion volume several times that of the metal th ‘Often’ they may obstruct or stop flow and clo ‘in small lines. TYPES OF CORROSION ok ‘An air conditioning system may have seversl types of corrosion in’the water system, as characterized by oie ot nore of the’ following: 1: Uniforms corrosion oe 2. Pitting corrosion 2 3. Galvanic corrosion 4. Céncentration cell carrosion 5. Erosioncorrosion UNIFORM CORROSION. a "Corrosion due to acids sch as carbonic or ‘fect. a uniforin thetal los. It is the thost common type of cortésion encountered in acid environments, and the easiest to:predict and control. ‘PITTING CORROSION : Pitting corrosion is a nonuniform type, the result of a local cell action whicti is produced when’ parti- cles are deposited on & metal surface either as flakes, solids or bubbles of gas. The pitting is a local ac. celerated attack, causing # pit or cavity arovind ‘which the metal is relatively unaffected: Centralized corrosion, in pits cxeates deeper penetration and ‘ore rapid failure at these points, Oxygen deficiency under a deposit sets up anodic areas to cause pitting. Sometimes oxygen causes pitting corrosion as does galvanic cell action: = GALVANIC._ CORROSION : 7 Galvanic corrosion occurs when disimilar age present in a solution cipable“of carrying: an electric current. It isa form of electrochemical cor -rosion. where a difference ‘in potential asiociéted ‘with the metals themselves causés a’sinall eletivic ‘Girrent io flow from one imetal to the other thy the. Seerolyte. vraih 3 Table 6 is & galvanic series of metals and. alloys 1s bed of Corrosion tests in the laboratory ndet plant operating conditions, and has basic character: istics which make it analogous to the electromotive series in textbooks, However, the metals are not actly in the same order. When. two metals'in ‘the , samie group are joined together, they are relatively Conversely, the. coupling of two metals from ferent groupe causes accelerated cotrosion’in she less noble or the metal higher in the list. The greater the difference in position in the.table, the greater the accelerated corrosion. For example, whett iron and zingare joined together, the zinc is corroded and the iron is not affected,-Corrosion it accelerated on the zinc, but not’on the iron, When copper. aid steel are joined together, corrosion is accelerated on the 5-20 . TABLE 6—GALVANIC SERIES OF METALS AND _- ALLOYS : Coreded end (andl, lacs noble) ogra 103 Steno (xt) 1089 Silla (cen) aod elders “aod Te Nika (oct) 3) Paolo NE GaeTae” steal but not on the coppes, The gifaten the Copper 3res Jn relation to the see, the faster b-the rate of carosion. On systems in ehich afl pip are made of copper except for a few ‘i the steel parts are subject usually i attack and failure in a shor cme! Dit Eiowlerrous metal should be tied nul fuel, Corrosion inhibieérs reduce’ thé confbsion Wate’ Bulg do not eliminate gaivaitic cors ai i CONCENTRATION CELL” CORROSIC Concentration cell eros issimilane action. However, the: difference: in spotential:arises from differences in the:elect may be produced by differenices in ion concentration, oxygen concentration or pH, or may be eased by dire foreign matter ot a'gas bubble adhering to the metal surface. Each pit ina piting corrosion repre. ‘sents a concentration cell:ér anode. The metal sure rounding the pits theeathode. s+" ies PART 5. WATER CONDITIONING Tani 7—MaxiMum wares veLocrTy to MINIMIZE EROSION aa ‘wateR viocrTy EROSION-CORROSION The impingement of rapidly moving water con. taining enuained air bubbles and/or suspended sand, may remove or prevent the forma- ings to permit general corrosion of thé metal. This action commonly occurs near the tube inlet ends, or it may extend along the entire tube Jength: Unfortunately, experimental data is unavail ‘able to determine the maximum allowable water velocity without damage to the protective film. ‘The circulation of solid matter in the system may cause complete deterioration of the tube ot pipe walls, particilarly on the bottom surfaée and at the elbows, Abraiive solid: matter can be removed by filters" Since erosion is a function of operating Water velocity and suspended materials in the water, of judgment: Table 7 lists the approxiinate mani” ‘mum velocity thru copper hibes ofa heat exchanger @ cooler or al condenser) to minimize crosion. The Tillie ate not intended to be top valien, They ard baséd on many years of experience, and permic the attainment of optimum equipment life under ior. smal conditions. Use only 70% of these velocities for Erosjon of a centrifugal pump impeller cduied by ‘cavitation pitting? can occur in a corrosive hot water system when the pump is operated atthe bottom end of the pump curve. Although not a normal selection point, this condition ‘may occur, when. too great 2 safety factor is used for the estimated pipe friction, particularly since the loss in new pipe is les than the loss obtained in design tables. ‘OTHER TYPES OF CORROSION Sometimes corrosion is caused by the dissolution ‘of the more noble metal which is plated out on-the anodic member, thus setting up small galvanic cells and causing pitting corrosion. Such corrosion is Aificute to contro! by use of inhibitors, Water eends es Das. 1 il) ee —) Wl ft ¥ u { a & by b < d 3 ‘HAPTER 8. CORROSION CONTROL CHART B—EFFECT OF OXYGEN CONCENTRATION ON CORROSION AT DIFFERENT, TEMPERATURES =<; em ee nth a Wate a 2 to pick up small amounts of copper while passing thru cuprous parts of the system and to depositthis. copper on steel parts, Only a small amount of copper; fie 0.1 ppm inthe water, is suficient to cause this ‘ype of corrosion, Tt can usually be controlled ‘by imaiitaining the pH above 6.7. An acidic condition or presence of chloride or bromide salts in the Water ir necessary for thisgype of corrosion. Copper i satis: factory ifthe chloride content of the water doe# not exceeil 200 ppm, If 200 ppm is exceeded, the decision fof whether to use copper should be determinéd by txperience and consultation with a corrosiot‘éngi- reer, The concentration of the inhibitor should. be increased when chlorides are present. Certain jahibi- tof" ie, BET (@benzothiazolethiol), may be ued to prevent dissolution of the copper. Other types of corrosiontta2%0618 are dezin cation, corrosion fatigue, and stress corrosion. How ever; since these are uncommon, they are-not dis. cussed here, cha eh che CAUSES OF CORROSION ve Aluhough many factors contribuée to corrosion in Coling systems, the chief factor is dissolved @xygen in the cooling water. The reaction of disiolved oxygen with ferrous metal is accelerated with’ téin- erature as illustrated in Chart 8. The ¢hiet vari- ables controlling the corrosive characteristi"of ‘water are: 1. Dissolved oxygen concentration 2 Temperature 8. Carbon dioxide content 4. pH 5. Dissolved solids TABLE 8—DATA TYPIFYING THE DELETERIOUS GAS CONTENT OF DIFFERENT ATMOSPHERES. hen. Ferm. (eo, 15. | 2.245) 13) 1946 | 10. s0,|{ 027] oot0} aan} cost Fim BRA Gated Dia Boks 6. Suspended solids eG 1. Velocity. sy ‘Neutral water (pH of 7.0) saturated with air’ cor- rodes iron ata rate thre times that of air-free water. Hot water containing oxygen corraes iron three four times faster than cold wate. ” ‘Most natural-waters contain dissolved substinees ¢ such as carbon dioxide, oxygen, chlorides and:sul fates, all of which corrode metal that is in contact swith water, Corrosion affects the heat exchangers; pumps, cooling towers, air washers and piping. In an open recirculating system such 2s a cooling tower eraporative condenser or ie washer, most ofthe cof, rosion is due to the abzorption of acidic impurities othe ie which tte oe pated TH particulady crue in a largectey with a Yow alkalinity: ‘water supply. Here, the combustion of carbon. and:; fulfur in fuels produces large amounts of slur dioxide, $03, and carbon dioxide, CO,, in the, fue; gates from boiler. plants. Table & illustrates the;. ‘amount. of carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide gases, in the atmosphere. : of carbon ‘pH increases the corrosion. Corrosion ‘of iron-de- creases as the pH of water increases, and practically ceases at'a pH of 11, However, a high pH cantiot be tolerated because, of scale formation in heat“ei changers and delignification of cooling tower ‘wood. Dissolved solids, particilarly chlorides’ and sul, fates, intensify the corrosive effect of oxygen bon dioxide. Higher solid’ contents increase ‘the electrical conductivity-of water which accelerates corrosion. Corrosion is essentially an electrochemical process; dissolved solids particularly affect corrosion ‘hen there are dissimilar metals in the water ciciie, ‘Suspended solids may wear away metal-or prevent the maintenance of a protective film by the corrosion. inhibitors, CORROSION CONTROL, 2 Accoating of zine ori steel can be uséd to preverit the corrosion of steel. Various organic and inorganie Coatings can also-be used, but not in a piping system because the costing cafinot be readily maintained. Certain chemicals in suiall concentrations protect ‘metal by forming a ‘thin monomolecular fim“or barrier on its surfaces to-prevent the electrochefnical Drocess. These corrosion! inhibitors greatly rediice the rate of corrosion, 3 " Corrosion may be minimized by several methods: 1. Use of organic oF. inorganic corrosion sin- hibitors, Forination of a thin film of calcium ‘on metal surfaces. 3. Control of pH in the range of 7.0 16 8.5, ‘4. Use of mechanical deaeration of water. carbonate (CHROMATE INHIBITORS ‘The chromates are used extensively to inhibit cdr. rosion and are effective in'the water of air condition: ing systems in concentrations of 200-500 ppini ata PH of 7.0 to 85, For corrosion prevention the dpti mura range in pH is 7.5 to 9.5, but there is a gréater problem of scaling at the higher pF. Consequently, the pit is held to the lower side where corrosion Protection is excellent, Sodium bichromate, NayCr,0;.+ 2H,0, is the most commonly used chro. ‘mate compound because it ‘is. more economical, Sodium chromate, Na,CrO,, is also used. Chroniate concentration is stated in ppm as-chromate ion ak. ‘though some trentments may describe concentration in ppm as sodium chromate. The percent of chro- mate ion in these chemicals is illustrated in the following table: PART.5. WATER CONDITIONI eo a 7 Sito owen by ————— Tolan Biwaate RapeeO HES | Sodium Chrome feos i Sodium bichromate is acidic and, whet dissoly in pure water at common concentrations, has a ‘of less than 5.0, Sodium carbonate (coda ash, NagCL or sodium hydroxide (caustic soda, NaOH) is ad fo raise the pH..To completely neutralize 1 Pounds of sodiuin bichromate requires $6-poun of soda ash or 27 pounds of caustic soda; the resu {ng coinpound is sodiura chromate which has a p of about 8.0 ia the normal concentration, On sm: systems the tiore costly sodium chromate is sor times ised to avoid the addition of the alkali. Sor treatmients may require the mixing of soda ash wi sodium bichromate in various proportions, depen ing.upon the alkalinity of the treated water, Unle Packaged in vapor tight containers, caustic soc absorbs moisture from the air.and tends t0 for Jumps if premixed with the bichromate ‘Chromate Inhibitors n Hot Wetr Systems, A greater conceitration of chromate is require for high temperatures, Hot water heating sylems ate treated with 1000-2000 ppm of chromate. I cooling water for natural ga and diesel engines, 80: 1200 ppin of chromate are used. tow Chromates with Other inhibitors ‘Much lower concentrations of chromates may b used to obtain a satisfactory overall corrosion ratt ‘but this may lead'to pitting. Conveisely, pitting co Fosion does not occur when high concentrations ar wed. A teatment permitting: pitting is unsati factory. To reduce the cost of conditioning chem: ‘als, other systems!73® have been developed, usin, ow concentrations of chromates and high concen trations of phosphates. Concentrations’ having total mixture of 80-60 ppm of chromates and poly Phosphates have been used to effect a substantia eduction in corrosion ind pitting. When high con centrations of polyphosphates are used, there ma be some ealcium phosphate sludge precipitated 2: explained in Chapter 2. Low chromate concentrations with other inhib tors are’ becoming more popular for air condi tioning’ systems." The petrochemical and cternice! industries use these inbibitors for large system: where optimum life of equipment may be onl) seven to ten years due to obsolescence of process Research is improving this blend of inhibitors (ee VSS) RL ee \@ eel ee iu h i ( CHAPTER 8, "CORROSION CON ROL » There are many proprietary formulatiéns of sev ‘eral gefetic compositions* in total treatment ‘con- centrations of 2080 ppm. Usually there is some chromate mixed with one or more other-compounds, ‘of polyphosphates, zing, fluorides or organic syner- giting agents. A controlled range of pH is required for each formulation; these are sometimes narrow and call for a relatively low pH. ‘The following are examples of the particular ranges of these formula- tions: 6.06.5; 6468; 687.5; 07-7.7; 657.5... “The narrow range indicates the applicatiori of an. automatic pH controller which is costly and may be justified only on lafge systems. Pitting corrosion may ‘occur if the pF is not maintained within the recom- rended limits, Accelerated laboratory test* at L40F show that there is pitting with some formulations in the recommended pH range. Diiedvanlages of Chromates ‘The characteristic yellow color of chromates which siains the sides of the tower, building or cars in the adjacent parking lots is objectionable, However, it js advantageous because it permits an approximate control check, on the chromate concentration by 2 color comparison of a water sample with a set of color standards. Another objection may arise from service operation of control valves ot cols in execu- tive offices, hotels or apartments when watet spilled con rugs leaves a yellow stain. im Disposal of thie treated water to sewage systems ‘or streams may be subjected to ordinances or may be objectionable because of its yellow color. POLYPHOSPHATE INHIBITORS : “A low concentiation of polyphosphates (24 pin) is effective in preventing tberculation. These eom- Pounds maintain ¢leanliness of the pipes although they are not very effective ini preventing corrosion, except when ‘used with chromates. Polyphosphates ae used for scale control primari NITRITE INHIBITORS Colorless sodium nitrite has had_widespresd_ use 43 x coftosion inhibitor where chromate staining is objectionable, It is not as effective as the chromates, and itis dificult to maintain effective concesitrations because of Water infection with organic slimes’ or bacteria which feed on the nitrite, Periodic. treat- ‘ment of the water with’ biocides cant control the Problem of these nitrite feeding bacteria. "The con- ‘entration for air conditioning systems is 200-500 Pm of nitrite ion. When the chloride ion is present, Ritrite concentration® should be maintained at hhigher level Also, sulfates affect the performance of nitrites adversely, Some water treatments recom- siend a nitrite concentration approximately twice as ‘great as chromates to provide equivalent protection. Generally, the pH should be maintained above 7.0 to make the treatment effective, INHIBITORS FOR ALUMINUM COOLING TOWERS /.? » “Aluminun cooling: towerst constructed of an alloy such as Aled 38 or Alclad 4 can be protected adequately by the use of 200-500 ppm chromate ac- companied by-a pH of 7.0 to 8.5. Contact between ‘dissimilar metals must be avoided, It is particulatly important that aluminum be’ cleaned -regularly. Painting of the pan or basin interior and other ~ surfaces on which dirt can settle ig necessary to sinimize concentration cell corrosion. Tt is impor- tant to keep the pH above 7.0 because traces of cop per, iton and other metals in ah acidic, water ” eowers or other units connected in parallel to , prevent overflow waste to a drain at one unit Wihile makeup water is required at the other. - 8, Propet physical Ioeation of cooling towers and, ‘evaporative ‘Locations near smioké stacks or other sources of acd gasés may cause, ~ {etlous corrosion problems. The exhaust from tome: photoprinting machines contains axm- |_ mognia which is very corrosive to coppet:1n food storage areas, slime and algae problenis, are more serious. 9, Adequate space for chemical feeding drvioe, Fach as pumps and tanks inchiding’ piping and wiring, Provide piping or atleast tes in: the main lines of the piping, for che insertion ~ of tet coupons (Chapter 3) For large installa- tions a control room with sink is convenient for the making of routine chemical tests 10. Use of packing. glands on pumps for opef systens since ome bleed-of is necessary.“ Sand of ther abrasive materials shérten thé ‘ife of mechanical seals’ Mechanical seals are for closed sjptems to prevent the loss of conditioned water. aren Chemicals added to a recirculated water Bye tem should rot create problems, with valve: packing or pump seals, or packing, A.check, Thould be made with: the pump, and valve, ‘manufacturers to obtain materials suitable for nse with the selecied. chemical treatment, Caiive system shutdown periods lean fouled heat exchangers if, los of capacity ean- not be tolerated.’A fouling factor should be included ‘when selecting ‘equipment for’ all_waté_ stein — fouling factors’can iisually be: expected ‘after ;the equipment goes into operation. The change ma} nt ‘bea slow steady function of time as many believe. TABLE 11—EQUIPMENT FOULING FACTORS TEMP, OF WATE, 35.100, ‘TOHP. OF MEDIUM, 0-240°F SvETEM oR WareR SOURCE - Cloned Reclrenetinig Sytorme mall ystems 5.75 tomy, oe Chaprar 5) | lity 0138 pn mahs-op voit | 001-0005 125200 pom meke-p woters | 001-002" 200.200 ppm moke-up wot’ | 068 » goncaors Uaing Hosa of 18 to 2 fies sie sreporsion ‘coneetatian L66 fo 1.80). a avi! NOTES! 5 1a fornonerobe ond les tal uben, water volo anevelng fae par sco, feo} A Based Cetietexpationiny and sme dle fom, Senders of TEMA \(ubuter Exchanger Matulactorers Asedaton), Pout PART 5. WATER CONDITIONING Table 11 contains a range of suggested fouling fac tors for various types of water systems used wit) heat exchangers. The lower value shown is for sy tems on which cleaning on @ seasonal basis is ne objectionable from 2 cost standpoint or a drop: of capacity will not seriously affect desired end x sults. The higher value shown is suggested for ir dustrial applications, and this value may even b ‘@xceeded on, systems where excessive fouling ma ‘occur or the expense of cleaning is high. For e ample, systems which require a complete shutdow of plant production to accommodate the norm: maintenance may use.the higher values for foulin, factors. - Fouling can be caused by'a scale deposit of cium carbonate, calcium sultate, or by the produc of cofrosion; it can also be caused by an oily film « by 2 deposit of lint, silt, etc. A film of oil or grea offers greater resistance to heat transfer than do calcium carbonate because the former has @ low thermal conductivity. Fouling can be significant even with a thin fi after cleaning a heat exchanger with acid and det gents, a film can quickly form on surfaces. Whene a performance test és run, éven directly after clea ing, the fouling factor cannot be assumed to be ze For field capacity tests, a minimum fouling factor fonehalf of the value used in selecting the equ tis suggested for test performance. In_any -stance_this value should not be below .00025._— WATER CONDITIONING , CHEMICALS. ‘Chemicals introduced into a water system may -quire special feeding devices and care in handling FEEDING EQUIPMENT ‘The type of equipment used for feeding chemic éan vary greatly, depending on the size of insta tion, variation in load, variation in the composit of makeup water, and the amount of manual Justinent by operating personnel. Automatic f¢ ing requires more costly equipment. large Systors, 75 tons and up ‘Chemicals packaged dry are usually dissolved water and introduced as 2 liquid. ‘Positive displacement chemical feed pumps the plunger or diaphragm type producing a unif: flow rate are the most common and depend: ‘means of continuous introduction of chemical tr ment solutions, Other types of pumips have eith variable speed drive, variable’ stroke, or vari speed motor. Soe) eo) ee a le) aS) SO eo) eo) ee) i 4 CHAPTER 5, WATER CONDITIONING SYSTEMS Proportional feed can be achieved by means of a special water meter equipped with a contact head which makes an electric contact upon entry of 2 prescribed quantity of makeup water into the system. A preset timer activates the pump and feeds ‘chemicals for a predetermined period. x ‘A less costly proportional feeder for small installa- tions consists of a measuring column with an elec trical probe placed in a pipe between two electric solenoid valves. It is, controlled by a’timer which permits the zreating solution to flow by gravity into the measuring column and discharge a metered amount of solution to.the system by gravity flow.on 2 preset time cycle, The time cycle as well as the quantities of solution admitted to the measuring column can be adjusted to vary the quantity of conditioning chemical. Pumps and devices for feeding acids se convsion resistant construction such as stainless steel oF plas- tics. Completely automatic control devices fot acid feed consist of a pH recorder controller and @ ari- able speed acid pump, Equipment is available to perform automatically a chemical analysis of any colorimetric determina tion performed in the laboratory. This equipment can also be made to transmit signals for contol, of the chemical feeder. ‘Small Systems, 51075 tons wi Chemical’ feeders used on large aystems may be ‘wed also on small installations, but the cost canhot ‘normally be justified. Various types of feeding devices, particuiatly for the small ystems; are available. One type consists of bags of chemicals suspended on the side of the spray chambers above the water. Water flows over the bags whenever the sprays operate, and gradually dove the chernicls: Another isa metal ean with two épen- ings in the top. ‘The ean is placed in the basin of the cooling tower ‘where movement of the water éaisés flow in one opeiing and out the other. A thiril de- vice consists of a metal container with a collectitig Pan on top which is norinally full of water:when the éprays are operating.‘A replaceable otifice in the pan meters a constant flow of water to the'chemicals located in the bottom of the container. A fourth device uses a vertical plastic cylinder into which is Placed a number of briquettes one on top of another. ‘controlled amount of water fromi the pump dis charge flows in and out, thru the béttom two or three briquettes, As one dissolves, another drops to ‘ake its place. (METHODS OF FEEDING CHEMICAIS © 21 ‘The method of feeding chemicals is difirent for the three classes of water systems. Discussion of Bott thelargeand.small systems follows. Once-Thrd Systems ‘Chemical feed (large and small syitems) for scale and corrosion-control is continuous for once-thru syitems. The feeder operates at a constant rate when: ever the water pump operates. Batch feed is nor- ‘mally used for slime and algae control. ‘Open Recirculating Systems #99 For the small system the chemical feed method for scale and corrosion is the replacement of chiemi- cals of containers periodically, once every tw0'te ‘ight weeks or longer. ‘There is no control check By chemical analysis. =< + a For the large system a daily or regularly scheduled control analysis indicates whether the chemical feéa rate should be increased Gr decreased. Feeding taitks are filled dally or weekly. sree Closed Recirculating Systems in Chemicals are added by.a batch method:for:all sizes of closed systems. Chemicals are.added period. ically, every one to six months or more often, de- pending on the loss of water from the syitem. HANDUNG QF CHEMICALS et Some chemicals ‘cause severe skin irritation while others burn the flesh: Precautions should be taken to prevent skin contact with these chemicals; perdéns handling chromates sometimes:complain of chroiti- itch. The chlorophenol corfipotinds used in water conditioning (even in low coricentration) have’betn * feported t cause dematii. Concentrated sue acid, caustic soda and lime will burn the flesh, Chlorine gas irritates. the: skin and eyes, very dangerous if inhaled; liquid chlorine’ requites {pect handling "28 Water conditioninig ‘chemicals cause inj ‘taken internally in large dog CLEAN. SYSTEM REQUIRED ‘On new systems the piping’ and, units should be chemically leaned to remove cutting olt,pipethréad compound, and other. construction. debris’ before starting the water conditioning. Cleaning prevents mechanical clogging and localized corrosion from. dirt left in the system, Cleaning agents cominoily used include polyphosphates, synthetic, detergesi cr combinations of these. Water is circilated at ap- proximately 100¥ fora day or two, after which the | cary ‘ystem is drained, fustied and refilled. The maxi- Tumi water yeraperature is limited to a température saf> for the refrigerant coxained in the refrigeration 3. It is important o start the corrosion pro- tection immediately after cleaning since metal sur faces are particularly vulnerable. c IE water conditioning is started on an old syitem. not previously treated, the water conditioning §pé alist usually recommends cleaning before treatineit. CORROSION INHIBITORS, INITIAL CONCENTRATION Several days may be tequired to build up a-pro- tective film using-a normal concentration ,of in- hibitors, This may allow corrosida to start on.sted. ‘The rate of film build-up is a function of the con- centration, An initial concentration of two:to:ten times, the normal ‘treatmeit of corrosion inhibitor can be used to form a proteétive film more quic ‘After several hours of operation, the concentration is reduced to normal levels. WATER CONDITIONING BY NONCHEMICAL ‘METHODS pe ~ ‘There are available for’ water treatinent ‘Several types of devices which require no technical control and tse nonchemical means to pievent corrosion atid formation of scale. Some of these devices are made of special procesed metal which acts as a catalyst. (Others tse permanent magnets placed to that. flowi thru the magnetic field. An invesiigation#t of several of these devices which claim to control cotro- sion and scale discloses that these particular devices have no, significant offect upon scale and corrosion problems. ‘ORDINANCES’ AND GOVERNMENT, REGULATIONS oe In some states water used for humidification. is required to meet drinking water standards régatding bacteriological quality. The, United States Depa ment of Agriculture Meat Iispection Div hibits the use of chromates for air washing’ where the’air contacts foodstulfs. Public Health officals are becoming more aware of the need for prote the public water supplies, An ordinance, present in effect in Detroit states that no physical connection can be made between lines carrying city water. ap ‘pimps, pipe and tanks from any other source}. there ‘must be an atmiospheric gap between the city water line and the equipment. This regulation which ap- plies alo in other cites s good engineering practice. PART 5. WATER CONDITIONR WATER CONDITIONING OF LARGE SYSTE 75 TONS AND UP Chapter 1 describes three types of water syst. and three kinds of watet problems. The various tailed ereatmerits are described in Chapters 2 and 4. ‘Water conditioning for these systems is s sarized in Table 12, This section discusses te cous methods of water treatment utilized in prac ‘and summarized as mentioned Amore gen discussion’ of scale and corrosion emphasizes need for a watet conditioning specialist. ‘Water conditioning for the three types of st and three kinds of water problems is discissed ut tie following headings. CONCE-THRU SYSTEM Since no water is recireulaied, the cost of v conditioning chemicals for scale and corrosion trol can be prohibitive. Therefore, the obje should be to obtain satisfactory protection witk levels of treatment, ‘Scale Control “The Langelier Saturation Index is most use! predicting whether water is scaleforming, 1 index is positive and less than 40.5 scale is ably not a problem, If greater then -+¥5 scale m controlled by the addition of 2 to 5 ppm of + phosphates unless the index is greater‘than -+ +20, or a limit determined by the water cond ling specialist. Ifthe index is too great, sulfuri ‘may be added in addition to polyphosphates 1 the Langelier Index is negative (a noms indication), the water is Tikely to be corrosive. soda ash of caustic soda may be added to in the pH. : Corrosion’ may be prevented on heat exch by the intentional build-up of a thin film of c: carbonate. This condition is accomplished ! control with acid or alkali, but is not 2 co rethod for air conditioning systems. Tron (as-ferrour bicarbonate) is found ic ‘well water; it decomposes to form a scale of | oxide, Although polyphosphates are ued to | this type of scale formation, proprietary com are available which are more effective, Corrosion Control “The use of chromates in concentrations of ppm is very effective in, controlling corrosi it is mot economical, in. 2 once-thru systen J) 0) eo) t ea al) a fo) el) ell) all) J oes 5 eo de de ds ee dy he he he eh des sh eh CHAPTER 5. WATER CONDITIONING SYSTEMS ‘TABLE 12—SUMMARY OF WATER CONDITIONING CONTROLS* Once GFN RECREUATING Clone maEIRATING” 2 Tsuen aay ann, sch wt | 1 Bato ss 2. eco ote pet achat 2. hit fA Flrpheptes B pedionmnt 2 kaon fd Oar conto | 4 pastes Seale Cott ‘Aerete oag fc 2 Seles ‘Satan tonerebre Otter onidrcint : Wow tonperote angot fot eter Grom tom ataeeteperoere = Woe perro 5 ent <1 cen io ow co | 1s Geto ies Mh . cso Sruvatons 00.00 pred <> | cian’ east Wah? > ALDINE preva iela of | Coron fest ow Sm, Seer camoion cnt |” “om enone teatons 0-89 pra) eno. se 2. Heat a. peo ropr mae of entre et att of ensracton | A. Prope metal of eosrcton aso cited shoo einen’ pick = = | ste oad Aas, *| hr ices ar Mesos ao © Control ‘Chiotine by hypechlortes or by | Chlorine by hypochorites .or' by No contre rea iigid dane tet eae Tisclve manta wont be kapt out ofthe water tem, and reximem vlaciy mont not be, onceeded in the ht See Teble 7, cient protection at low treatment levels is the chief problem. ‘Low chromates mixed with other corrosion in- hibicors are used, in total treatment levels of. 2080 pm. Control may be required by adding soda ash to Trise, or by adding sulfuric acid to lower, the PH. Frequently, well water contains dissolved gases such a8 carbon dioxide, COs, or hydrogen sulfide, HS, which may be very corrosive. Iron compounds and chlorides are also troublesorie, and require'spe- Gal treatment. ‘Corrosion can be. prevented by the ‘controlled build-up of a thin film of calcium earbonate, as ex- plained under scale control. © Occasionally it may be more econémiical to ure ‘orrasion resistant materials such as eupio-nickel, admiralty brass, stainless éteel, or nickel instead of corrosion inhibitors in atleast the more critical parts ofthe system. ‘Slime end Algae Contr , Biological fouling may occur in oncethru systems, when the source is polluted surface water. Well “water does not normally produce slime formation. Chiovin is commonly wsed to control slime efther by the use of hypochlorites: or chlorination... The feed may be either intermittent of continuous. OPEN RECIRCULATING SYSTEM ne ‘Most of the water conditioning problems, dug #8 the evaporation of large quantities of water sequent concentration of solids. are prevalent with this type of syitent; particalarly in. cooling tower, evaporative condensers and spray ponds. = oc ‘Air washers require litle water conditioning be- cause in suinmer there is some watér condensed from the ait and. added to the System, In’ winter, only, 2 small mount of water i evaporated. Bleed ot }s normally required for all open recirculating yeas. “Water conditioning is wally designed tobe scaleforming, a condition’ which is slightly or: sive, Corrosion inhibitors‘zre added to mi conresion. : ead ‘Scale Control =). a Soe REE ‘Three methods to prevent scale formation are described in Chapter 2. These involve the. useoftsdy. “1, Bleed-off. > So poemaatis 2 Bleedéoff plus ‘scale inhibitors such, asspoly- phosphates. > a 48, Bleed-off plus scale inhibitors plus acid:":i78, Bleed-off — General rules have been developed for the ure of bleed-off to prevent scale formation: Wheit the methyl orange alkalinity of the makeup water docs not exceed 100 ppm as CaCO, and the recit- PART 5, WATER CONDITIONIN alkalinity of 125 ppm, bleed-off alone may be satis factory. This is illustrated in Chart 7 (Chapter 2) Which shows the bleed-off rate for a 100 ton air con- ~~ ditoning compresor system based on the above Iimits of alkalinity. : Accurate determination of the rate of bleed js usually accomplished by the use of the Latigelier and Rymnar Indexes: These indexes take into eon sideration the five variables influencing sale for’ mation of which alkalinity is ne. ce The Langelier Index is determined for “several cycles of concentration (Chapter 2). Although, bléei.”- off alone may control scale formation, vthere.cis usually a need for corrosion inhibitors. Bleedoff Plus Scale Inhibitors — Since, sale int Lhibitors such as polyphosphates allow a much higher concentration of solids without scale formation, the amount of make-up water can be greatly reduced, ‘thus saving water costs, Another important Eactor is the saving of corrosion inhibitors since’ less chem- ical is required to maintain the treatment level: The amount of bleed-off required when polyphosphates are used (Ghart 7) is based on an arbitrary limit of 400 ppm alkalinity. In practice, some systems may hhave a limit exceeding 400 ppm; others may have a lower limit. Scaling depends on all five properties Alkalinity, calcium, pH, temperature and toa slide (Chapter 2). AML of thete factors are’ evalated’ to determine when scaling starts, as tealing cainot be determined by the use of one’or even three of these factors alone. ed fompounds which also prevent sale formaijoh Polyphosphates prevent the formation of tuber- Gules in the piping sytem sind thus help to RS the ‘water system clean, hee Bleed Plus Scale Inhibitors Plus Aeid wiced, off may be reduced by the addition of acd to the ‘yptem where the water is costly and/or high ions centrations of solids. Sulfuric acid, commonly ised because of economics, changes the carbonate’ the more soluble sulfate ion (Chapter 2). Only enough acid is added to reduce the alhatinty Sut - 7 ase woof ae ae] os wl 7a | ome teem mw: | antes |: asta: | so mo | 73 | 3 Pocatello” ~ ‘cw 9246 | 75-168 wssce~|~ 7975 | aigsoy Ranta Sat) Sar [na | 7a we |e : moe : ‘ees me Permian asf mad] tw fate | ar | ae ale w]e te | te Poa] Mae [oe | aa ise we] ee] | Moo | Mi fae za | ha | seltes | asaais, | sare -| aeaae | aa | 24 | Sonat | a te | ae a | My for Wotan: i ewe [aT ase sp lcm | ow Toa | am Faroe s| % So | i | | 8 Somes mec || inves ust | iste] de | |e foarte | Bese Mean | Noam | sim | 72 | atts eto | wo] Mae | ae | | ane Towa der ep wef aif oa toe Poa | ae [os | trea e fom] & ] 8 fae fe fo om erreal a | ie] 2.) 8) 9 | mw [oe om ae We fame fone fai fale PBB [on fa rete wp eee ie a Be ome fs feat] |e |e | mae [ae | Sees wep ome |e pe me] |e owe woop Me | |e ml i | oo rans Sei Oy we fom Fame Paw [oe [awe Pope Lae bey wef HET ae fie fae Pa | ae fae St wwf Tee | PGR ABE Pe tae 7a) ae Wane wef | oe a | ag pe fae "ewtueay tanger 2). wf bias | mu oa fi Bop fee it toisana oo 2 1 ‘seen wo [aba | igi” | ie ‘iar | srane foe Sta wo] ae | dae ‘ar | Sree ea aa Pee | me nae 7 ee wep om ef ow foe Pow Lae fw 3 we) By opel gol] we pe] 8 nou : Blo | ey ye bee Fre ie Bf eat fa Pod PBL a i : eS ee ak Lo Sean of Suply — Brosh, Careak Lake, Pond, Reema, Rsk, Sara, Spapring, Wore Note: Se» exploration of Table 13 on poge 39. ‘tel ikcaty opprxinsted, ox derived i explaneton of Tobe 13. {edict (ct cn concentration n ances of 100 ppm, {Solfote (50 fen ereontration Fn ences of 100 pm. LN ) eG. cor a) el) el) gl} al) 1 J lacie) J) Sle) ee) ae) & CHAPTER 5, WATER CONDITIONING SYSTEMS 548 TABLE 19--WATER ANALYSES FOR SUPPLIES IN UNITED STATES CITIES (Contd) Teas | feet [eancare [excimer itsat Specine stare ano omy | Tre | Madaee |-eucead | Geta, | tecxcos ashe | gy | Conductance - tatty | meson] seston | oe gatos | me cece 77 F “om |. teers) | (erm) | (rem) | oom) Imierombond MARYLAND Tae ‘entore BR 2 cao |. as 40 a wo | a Camvdge w 3 au 2 yor | ast vy 758 ‘Comberton Git, % 3 25 s | 472 is rodent © 5 a 2 Ey) n a 131 Selbory w 2 we oe 7A 04+ TWASSACHUSETTS, Sane eon 8 “ ‘ 0 7 » ae) oat Fall Ber e 5 a ” a nm as: Factor nae ‘ 3 4 3 2 a 0 towel Sy | age] oa 3 wef eae | gs foie Now Bedford r co 10 n tor 3% a | Sessa Spring ke a ‘ 18. e = @ | Worcter * 2 s |? » s “7 m "MICHIGAN 5 ‘ete Creek w 201 me ws a2 ae [ero | Dera u 0 7 Oo 7 132 |: Eeonaba uy | asmtes [> roctea | anton, | setcor | asszie | 72 ie w 6 ° 3 ar] | 102 Grand Rept 4 18 mt @ 107 155 7a | Kelanazoo Seo naann | assann | aonaia | -aesaar [ sezaso | 74 teaing woofs 3 a 33 7 tea Morgecte © “ “a s at a wa Sorinow L a Ee a 3 m oa Seat Sie, Mone b a “ 3 ar a % "MINNESOTA Dats 1 “ a 38 a a 1 Minnaopats 7 2 2 a2 6 ao Schou w a3 = 8 ae | ts 70 St Pe weep “ 3 7 4 as ISSSSIPPL < dion " = a a as 30 am Martin use n u 2 ts | as Widbors_* ci m0 12 us 26 ta | se ‘missouRt r aie ‘Coombe w m0 308 1 ‘sor | 406 a2 | cee Keone Cyt 8 u 0 3 40. ww vA 7. ‘ile m 0 st w 40 26 7s 37 ‘Storer a 1 7 7 100 2 7 on toa a 7 7 ‘2 ‘7 Be 9a Spang ‘Set ve 160 185 7, a 7 Corr 1 : sings 8 ws ‘zo * a ar a2 ste Re 3 2 to a 8 7A Greatfote =| 8 ua ue 102 130, aa a7 Bevel w 404 a7 207 dare | 1120 7, Halon cote | sete | teteo | autos |_ tensor | ozs | 777 | me Kelipen sew | us 148 17 var | 7. “aa ee Gt uw © 7 3 ry a |e 3 " a 2 7s f ‘Winoda, 2s c ra 2 a cCrem crsppiy _bingak, Coan lke Peds eran Beer, Soon, Sania, Wee eter Set snpionation of Tele 12 on peg 2 weit itchy approsiootad, or dovebed In explanation of Toe 12. felerige (Clon cmcetrton i excntof 100 PPM , eatte (S09) ton connntaton In ences of 100 PP. _ S44 PART.5. WATER CONDITIONING ‘TABLE 13—WATER ANALYSES FOR. SUPPLIES.IN UNITED STATES (CITIES (Contd) | a | Makens | ai] far Talc tents | econ” | en | aden, cones mame Lely | sete ofteay | Gi: | tay mf ae Sond | “ovat” | twas” | "te | oom titan wianaca Grad nd w wef me. tae | | as oe Py ware | mci | siete | id | ME No * ae ae” | S| 7472 |e Ao tet M4 wel! ae | me [|S _— " ww | | Me Teva o pa o te me [28 a ae me a a | | i Wines 2 | WES vo wm] |e Wag ean : - - 4 7 29. 6 co ee eee sl oe |e | af we ak] at [a] 8 ser | ih i 5885 | iy 3 a | | oe ‘ a | | 8 Ps sitio | Sts’ it ° ve) Moat | te aes] Pp | ep ae aa a e fog) a | Ble eo [ei] os | el sg fe fos sins a vation | tlle mde | FE | arn fete [So sear | fa | anaes . 122 3 = ay 4 ie wf | oe ae | ara) dln sun a ve am Ro es te ween {|S | te NOAH caRoina | > ; : aioe | eae [ong * Seta = |G fo & eine aL 8 » ol & pg a ‘ri we 3 SSC eo ati haes cans te plo tac Nit pl a ke ° il aly oposite o Sa een of ae : ose fe fate (504) on eomentveton i enon of 100 ppm, In excen of 100 ppm, J ) Jee =) eo ee) JE Je) eo) ] SS" ee GHAPTER 5, WATER CONDITIONING SYSTEMS 545 TABLE 13 WATER. ANALYSES:FOR SUPPLIES IN UNITED STATES CITIES (Conta) J cen] a |S [ada |S ‘yaa ws weet [Meo | Sten” | anny | sta ont enn cre |” | erety | arencon menos | 4 6003 oi | eoctre ‘cea | “trom? [tons | “tom | teed nom) TER BRTA ora | ow fo | mi) om | om wea |B) ee | | |e Sere. | wy ee) Bo) | ae Sita Boje | Le |e | 3 ono Sr "ire we bef ae |e | we Pe oon wp wy ge | | ely ie oo modems (ge [om | ge [ae ectcaot patew |: Beefs Shs} atge [St | tte UW oo mew TS [gee [teh see |r te wwe pe ae fe Stn we eT fe | | ae Scene fe] mB. foam |e) a |e a | mf te SeanoMA ; vanes ce | om fiw. | om | oe fw - Jeserte ee fw | a | ee ‘Saco Cy so] Be) Se) & |e |e fF fr Be [oR Lae] 8 BL t Garson te vf} o» | =o | # |] Eee v2 ej om | 8 Raita py, B | a fom |e one Bf fg | oat pak roe y | a S| Me | Me : rr {3 -| a] me | a TEVARTA U atccnet mm ° ” o | oe ‘ete ete e | oS | oe ee wef jon | ce low ‘ fears 3 By foot Biofo def a | ed a Ol cr Spa ee Pe, isthe win | wis | ate [oat | sete Poet mga | wate) aetna | areas totes Bol can. | ter |, | late u ‘Scranton ra s 20 s 8 ene is a | pees Tar AN ewe ~» |e fiw | a.jon fog roe eit) a | Sat CARON

Hl Anode is a postive electrode toward which nega tively charged nonmetilic ions migrate and atwhich yeduction occurs in an electrolytic cell. In ‘corto: Ton processes, the asiode is usually the electrode having a greater tendency to go into solution”: ‘Biocide is a substance used to Kill living Organ jams such as algae, bacteria and fungi. It may Kil only one of these groups of Srganisms or only some specific bacteria, algae or fungi in these gFOUPS. ‘Biological Deposits are water-formed depots of biological organisms or the products of their life processes. These deposits may be mnicroscopic in na- ture such as slimes, or macroscopic such as barnacles for musils, Sliies ar@ usually composed of deposits of a gelatinous oF filamentous nature. hie ‘Bleed.of is the continuous ejection or draining of 4 portion of the concentrated water from a circulat ing system, which is replaced with water from, he rnontal supply, thus causing 2 lowering of, con- ‘centration, Bleed.of is normally exprested in gallons jer minute (gpm). ore Cathoile™ is a negative electrode toward, which positively charged atetallic fons migrate and, at ‘which reduction occurs in the electrolytic cell 18 Corrosion procesies, the catliode is usually the elec trode tending to resist corrosion. : Chlorinetor is a device used to measure, dissolve, and feed liquid chlorine into a water system. Closed Recirculating System is a system in which seater flows in_a repetitive (or continuows) circuit thru heat exchangers. There is no evaporation and «mo makeusp-except to compensate for leakage. Corrosion is destruction of a metal by chemical ‘or electrochemical reaction with its environinent. In the corrosion process, the reaction prodcts formed ‘may be soluble or insoluble in the contactitig en: ‘vironment. Insoluble corrosion products may. de posit at or near the attacked area, or. be carried ‘long and deposited at a considerable distance away. “Gycles of Concentration is the ratio of dissolved solids in recirculating water to the, distolved wold in makeup water. 7 Delignification is the deterioration of lignin, the binding material which holds the cellulose fibers together in wood. Dissolved Solids are in true solution in water and ‘cannot be'removed by filtration. Their presence Gue to the solvent action, of water in. contact with. the minerals in the earth. ses Blectrolyte is a solution thry which an electrié current flows. cel -Brasion is the wearing away by action of riidly moving water, particilarly: where entrained: ga Dubble: or suspended abrasive solids are present. "Fide Mincial Aéid may be sulteric, nitric 6” BY! Acochloric acid, sometiines occurring in acid mine’ drainage or industrial waste. 8 “Galvanic Corrosion’ generally xesults from dhe presence of-two dissimilar metals in am elecrelyts; {tis characterized by an éleciron movement f the metal of high potential (anode) to the metal pf Tower potential (cathode), redulting in corrosion of ie anodic metal. Galvanic él corrosion may:sto. [result from the presence Of tvo'similar metals in aft Brectroljte of nonuniform comicentration, "0 Galvanic Seriesit is‘a list ‘of metals and arranged according to their relative potentials aa given environment, S "Hardness is primarily the sum of calcu faagnesium, sats in, water, although it may inelide wafer elenicnts, snainly alyensium, iron, mangankse, sane am or tine, Temporary of carbonate hardiies, js that portion of total hardness which ean combirié with the carbonate, COs, ot -biésrbonate, COs, Jone: The balance of the hardness is called noncxt- Donate or permanent hardness. This is principally caused by sulfates, ehlorides and/or nitrates of cal ‘Gum and/or magnesium (Chapter 1) Inhibitor is chemical substance added to 2 Solu tion to reguce scale or corrosion or both. Ton is an electrically charged atom or group of atoms Langelier Saturation Index is used to predict the’ sealing or nonscaling characteristics of a water. A ‘Plus value indicates scale forming tendency; a nega. tive value is nonscaling. The index is the algebra difference between the actual pH from test and the calculated pH of saturation for calcium carbonate, CaCO, (See further explanation in Chapter 2) 12 Make-Up Water is water from’a normal itpply which:compensates for evaporation, windage and Dlesdoff loses, A Once-Thru System is a system thru which water psses only once and is discharged. “There is’ ho evaporation. oe Open Recirculating System is a sjsiem thru which water flows in a repetitive cirewit thru heat ‘ex. changers and reservoirs such 28 cooling towers’ or-air washers, Water ie aerated and evaporated, or water vapor is condensed in the sprays, Some bleed off is directed to the drain tolimaita build-up of solids in the system.» Paris Fer Miltion (ppm) represents the parts of a substance per million parts by weight of the solu. tion, It is normally used to express the results of ater analysis, One ppm is equal to one’ien thow- sandth of one percent (0.00017), Pa DH represents the logarithm of the reciprocal of the hydrogen ion concentration of a solution, It denotes the degree of acidity or alkalinity of a salu: tion. A value of 7.0 is neutral; values below 7.0 ane increasingly acid; values above 7.0. ate increasigly alkaline. Refer to Chapter 1 for further Getter. Rymnar Stability Index isa practical extension of the Langelir Saturation Index based on experience, This index (always postive) is equal to ewo times the caleulated PH of satutation of CaCO, minus the actual pH from test. Index values above 6.5 indicate 3 corrosive tendency while values below 6. indieste a tendency to scale (Chapter 2) Seale i & epost formed from soli feety ‘upon a confining surface. It is usually crystalline dnd dense, frequently laminated and occasionally’ col- ‘umnar in structure, PART 5. WATER CONDITION! Sludge is water formed sedimentary deposi usually does not adhere'suffciently to retain physical shape when mechanical means are use. emove it from the surface on-which itis deposi Sludge ismot always found at the place where j formed. 1t may be hard and adherent and bakes the surface upon which it his heen deposited, Specific Conductance is 2 measure of the abi (of water to conduct an electric current. Tt is rested as. micromhos per cubic centimeter, ‘nicrombo is « millionth of a mho which in tur the reefprocal of an ohm resistance. Siurface ‘Active Agent isa substaince that posse stabilidition characteristics tending to minimize Position of éalciuin carboniae’ scale, A typical ample are the polyphosphates. : Suipended Solids are solids not in true solut ‘ad can be removed froin the water by filtration Synergising Agent (water conditioning) is a s stance which increases the effectiveness of a cor sion or scale inhibitor, Titration is a process of adding a liquid of kno concentration and of measured volume to.a kno Yolume of another liquid until a point is rese) at which a definite effect is observed, usually change in color of an indicator. Total Solids are the sum-

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