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The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine

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Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and

pregnancy: a systematic review

Ziyi Yang, Min Wang, Ziyu Zhu & Yi Liu

To cite this article: Ziyi Yang, Min Wang, Ziyu Zhu & Yi Liu (2020): Coronavirus disease 2019
(COVID-19) and pregnancy: a systematic review, The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal
Medicine, DOI: 10.1080/14767058.2020.1759541

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Published online: 30 Apr 2020.

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Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and pregnancy: a systematic review

Ziyi Yanga,b , Min Wangc , Ziyu Zhub and Yi Liua
Department of Obstetrics, Chengdu Jinjiang Maternity and Child Health Hospital, Chengdu, China; bThe First Clinical College of
Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing, China; cNorth Sichuan Medical College, Nanchong, China


Objective: To summarize currently available evidence on maternal, fetal, and neonatal outcomes Received 2 April 2020
of pregnant women infected with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Accepted 20 April 2020
Material and methods: PubMed, Google Scholar, CNKI, Wanfang Data, VIP, and CBMdisc were
searched for studies reporting maternal, fetal, and neonatal outcomes of women infected with
Severe acute respiratory
COVID-19 published from 1 January 2020 to 26 March 2020. The protocol was registered with syndrome coronavirus 2;
the Open Science Framework (DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/34ZAV). Coronavirus Disease 2019;
Results: In total, 18 studies comprising 114 pregnant women were included in the review. Pregnancy;
Fever (87.5%) and cough (53.8%) were the most commonly reported symptoms, followed by Systematic review
fatigue (22.5%), diarrhea (8.8%), dyspnea (11.3%), sore throat (7.5%), and myalgia (16.3%). The
majority of patients (91%) had cesarean delivery due to various indications. In terms of fetal and
neonatal outcomes, stillbirth (1.2%), neonatal death (1.2%), preterm birth (21.3%), low birth
weight (<2500 g, 5.3%), fetal distress (10.7%), and neonatal asphyxia (1.2%) were reported.
There are reports of neonatal infection, but no direct evidence of intrauterine vertical transmis-
sion has been found.
Conclusions: The clinical characteristics of pregnant women with COVID-19 are similar to those
of non-pregnant adults. Fetal and neonatal outcomes appear good in most cases, but available
data only include pregnant women infected in their third trimesters. Further studies are needed
to ascertain long-term outcomes and potential intrauterine vertical transmission.

Introduction Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guide-

lines; the protocol was registered with the Open
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an emerging,
Science Framework (DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/34ZAV). We
rapidly evolving situation. It is reported that pregnant
searched PubMed, Google Scholar, CNKI, Wanfang
women were also susceptible to severe acute respira-
Data, VIP, and CBMdisc for potentially eligible studies
tory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection
published from 1 January 2020 to 26 March 2020,
[1], which may increase the risk of adverse pregnancy with no restriction on language. The following search
outcomes. Currently, studies investigating the status of (MeSH) terms were applied in each database accord-
COVID-19 in obstetric population and its perinatal out- ingly: “pregnancy,” “infant, newborn,” “COVID-19,”
comes remain scarce. Moreover, the majority of pub- “severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2,”
lished studies are case reports/series, which are and “coronavirus infections”; details can be found in
written in Chinese, resulting in a gap of evidence. the protocol. Moreover, we hand-searched (manual
Therefore, we performed a systematic review to com- search) the reference lists of all identified studies and
prehensively summarize the perinatal outcomes in key journals in the related field. Observational studies,
pregnant women with COVID-19. case reports/series, letters, and comments reporting
maternal, fetal, and neonatal outcomes in pregnant
women with COVID-19 were screened. The quality
Material and methods
(risk of bias) of included studies was assessed using
We systematically reviewed available evidence in the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale and a modified tool for
accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for quality appraisal of case reports/series; details can be

CONTACT Yi Liu Department of Obstetrics, Chengdu Jinjiang Maternity and Child Health Hospital, 3 Sanguantang Street,
Jinjiang District, Chengdu 610011, China
These authors contributed equally to this article.
Supplemental data for this article is available online at
ß 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

included. The flow diagram of the study selection pro-

cess and the characteristics of included studies can be
accessed in the datasets. All studies were rated as
low-quality. Maternal, fetal, and neonatal outcomes
are briefly summarized in Figure 1.
Details of clinical characteristics of pregnant women
infected with COVID-19 and maternal outcomes can
be found in Supplemental Table 1. Briefly, the most
commonly reported symptoms were fever (87.5%) and
cough (53.8%), less common symptoms included
fatigue (22.5%), diarrhea (8.8%), dyspnea (11.3%), sore
throat (7.5%), and myalgia (16.3%). Fever (70.2%) and
cough (52.6%) were the most common onset symp-
toms. Two patients were asymptomatic at admission
and developed typical symptoms few days later. Most
patients (96.5%) had mild symptoms or were catego-
rized into a mild or regular type of COVID-19 at admis-
sion, according to the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia
Diagnosis and Treatment Protocols published by the
Chinese government. Six patients (5.3%) developed a
severe or critical type, including one case of multiple
organ failure and use of extracorporeal membrane
oxygenation. The majority of patients (91%) had cesar-
ean delivery, mostly due to preeclampsia, fetal dis-
tress, history of previous C-sections, and unknown risk
of intrapartum mother-to-child transmission by vaginal
delivery. Two cases of induced abortion, based on
patients’ decisions, were reported. The only case-
control study suggested no differences in preeclamp-
sia, gestational diabetes mellitus, and premature rup-
ture of membrane between COVID-19 and non-COVID-
19 groups. In general, the clinical characteristics of
pregnant women are similar to those of non-pregnant
adults [2], but more case-control studies are needed
to ascertain the results.
Currently, there is no direct evidence suggesting
that COVID-19 in pregnancy could lead to fetal infec-
Figure 1. A brief summary of maternal, fetal, and neo-
natal outcomes. tion via intrauterine vertical transmission. To date, no
positive RT-PCR results were found in the amniotic
found in the protocol. All methodology procedures fluid, placenta, or cord blood in the studied popula-
were conducted independently by two authors, and tion, even in the only two cases published by Li et al.
any discrepancies were discussed with an expert in [3] and Yu et al. [4], in which COVID-19 was confirmed
the related field. The datasets of this study can be in two neonates at 36 h and three days of age
accessed in Mendeley Data (DOI: 10.17632/ (Supplemental Table 2). The lack of virologic evidence
hvcjfsrjkb.2). for vertical transmission raises the doubt whether
these two neonates were infected after birth.
Furthermore, Dong et al. [5] and Zeng et al. [6]
Results and discussion
detected virus-specific antibodies in neonatal blood
The initial search identified 525 studies; three add- samples collected after birth, but none of the infants
itional articles from manual search were identified. had a positive RT-PCR result. As IgM does not transfer
Finally, 18 studies (17 case reports/series and 1 case- to the fetus via the placenta due to its larger macro-
control study) comprising 114 pregnant women were molecular structure, we are concerned if the placentas

in these cases were damaged. Alternatively, IgM could Moreover, some patients were still pregnant and hos-
have been produced by the infant if the virus crossed pitalized when these case reports were finalized.
the placenta. However, pathological analyses reported
in the case series of Chen et al. [7] suggested no mor-
phological changes related to the infection in placen-
tas, and a recent study [8] suggested that there is a Based on currently available data, the clinical charac-
lack of susceptible cell subsets of SARS-CoV-2 at the teristics of pregnant women with COVID-19 are similar
maternal-fetal interface. to those of non-pregnant adults. There is no evidence
Seventeen studies comprising 84 live births that COVID-19 infected pregnant women are more
reported fetal and neonatal outcomes (Supplemental likely to develop severe pneumonia or death. The
Table 2). Adverse outcomes including stillbirth (1.2%), maternal outcomes observed in late pregnancy and
neonatal death (1.2%), preterm birth (21.3%), low birth the fetal and neonatal outcomes appear good in most
weight (<2500 g, 5.3%), fetal distress (10.7%), and neo- cases. In the absence of more robust data, active and
natal asphyxia (1.2%) were reported. The case-control intensive management might be best practice. Long-
study showed no significant differences in fetal and term outcomes and potential intrauterine vertical
neonatal outcomes (fetal distress [p ¼ .668], preterm transmission need further analysis.
birth [p ¼ .686], and neonatal asphyxia [p ¼ .441])
between groups. To date, available data on fetal and Disclosure statement
neonatal outcomes only include pregnant women
infected in their third trimesters. It remains unknown No potential conflict of interest was reported by
the author(s).
whether infection in the first or second trimester
would increase the risk of adverse fetal and neonatal
outcomes. Therefore, future studies, focusing on the ORCID
long-term outcomes in this population, are Ziyi Yang
still warranted. Min Wang
In this epidemic, it is essential to standardize Ziyu Zhu
screening, admission, and management of all sus- Yi Liu
pected/confirmed pregnant women infected with
COVID-19 and prepare maternity wards in the best References
possible way. Management should be performed in
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